Exemple #1
        static void GetPlayer()
            DRDRepository repo  = new DRDRepository();
            var           items = repo.GetPlayer(1);

Exemple #2
        static void TestDate()
            DRDRepository repo = new DRDRepository();
            DateTime      lastDate;
            var           items = repo.GetLastUpdatedDate(out lastDate);

Exemple #3
        static void TestOutput()
            int myRosterSize;

            DRDRepository repo  = new DRDRepository();
            var           items = repo.ListPlayers(out myRosterSize, 3);

Exemple #4
        static void TestOutput1()
            DRDRepository repo  = new DRDRepository();
            var           items = repo.ListMajors(1);

            foreach (var item in items)
Exemple #5
        public static void RegisterGrids()
             * var fullNameColumn = new GridColumn<Player>()
             * {
             *  ColumnName = "FullName",
             *  HeaderText = "Full Name",
             *  HtmlEncode = false,
             *  ValueExpression = (p, c) => p.FullName.ToString()
             * };
             * MVCGridDefinitionTable.Add("PlayersGrid", new MVCGridBuilder<Player>());
             * GridDefinition<Player> def = MVCGridDefinitionTable.GetDefinition<Player>("PlayersGrid");
             * def.RetrieveData = (options) =>
             * {
             *  DRDRepository repo = new DRDRepository();
             *  List<Player> listModels = repo.ListPlayers().ToList();
             *  var result = new QueryResult<Player>();
             *  var query = listModels.AsQueryable();
             *  result.TotalRecords = query.Count();
             *  result.Items = query.ToList();
             *  return result;
             * };
             * def.AddColumn(fullNameColumn);

            //Func<GridContext, QueryResult<Player>> loadDate = (context) =>
            //    var result = new QueryResult<Player>();
            //    DRDRepository repo = new DRDRepository();
            //    result.Items = repo.ListPlayers(context.GridName);
            //    return result;

            //MVCGridDefinitionTable.Add("PlayersGrid", new MVCGridBuilder<Player>()
            //    .AddColumn(fullNameColumn).WithRet


            MVCGridDefinitionTable.Add("PlayersGrid", new MVCGridBuilder <Player>()
                                       .WithSorting(sorting: true, defaultSortColumn: "PlayerPID", defaultSortDirection: SortDirection.Dsc)
                                       .WithPaging(true, 100, true, 100)
                                       .AddColumns(cols =>
                // Add your columns here
                cols.Add("PlayerPID").WithValueExpression(p => p.PlayerPID.ToString());
                cols.Add().WithValueExpression(p => p.FullName)
                .WithColumnName("Full Name")
                .WithHeaderText("Full Name")
                cols.Add().WithValueExpression(p => p.FirstName)
                .WithHeaderText("First Name")
                //cols.Add().WithValueExpression(p => p.LastName);
                //cols.Add().WithValueExpression(p => p.PositionEID.ToString()).WithColumnName("Position");
                //cols.Add().WithValueExpression(p => p.ABs.ToString()).WithColumnName("ABs");
                //cols.Add().WithValueExpression(p => p.IPs.ToString()).WithColumnName("IPs");

                // use the Value Expression to return the cell text for this column
                //    .WithHeaderText("Edit")
                //    .WithValueExpression((i, c) => c.UrlHelper.Action("detail", "demo", new { id = i.Id }));
                                       .WithRetrieveDataMethod((context) =>
                var options = context.QueryOptions;

                int totalRecords;

                string globalSearch = options.GetAdditionalQueryOptionString("search");

                string globalSearch2 = options.GetFilterString("firstname");

                string sortColumn = options.GetSortColumnData <string>();

                IDRDRepository repo = new DRDRepository();
                //List<Player> listModels = repo.ListPlayers().ToList();
                //var result = new QueryResult<Player>();
                //var query = listModels.AsQueryable();

                //var items = repo.GetData(out totalRecords,
                //                            globalSearch,
                //                            options.GetLimitOffset(),
                //                            options.GetLimitRowcount(),
                //                            options.GetSortColumnData<string>(),
                //                            //"firstname",
                //                            options.SortDirection == SortDirection.Dsc);

                var items = repo.GetData(out totalRecords, globalSearch, null, null, "firstname", options.SortDirection == SortDirection.Dsc);

                return(new QueryResult <Player>()
                    Items = items,
                    TotalRecords = totalRecords