Exemple #1
        public static int[] GetTrisOnPositiveSide(DMesh3 mesh, Frame3f plane)
            DVector <int> keep_tris = new DVector <int>();

            Vector3d[] tri = new Vector3d[3];
            foreach (int tid in mesh.TriangleIndices())
                mesh.GetTriVertices(tid, ref tri[0], ref tri[1], ref tri[2]);
                bool ok = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                    double d = (tri[j] - plane.Origin).Dot(plane.Z);
                    if (d < 0)
                        ok = false;
                if (ok)

        static double eval_point_wn(DMesh3 mesh, Vector3d q)
            SpinLock locker = new SpinLock();
            double   sum    = 0;

            gParallel.ForEach(mesh.TriangleIndices(), (tid) => {
                Vector3d n, c; double area;
                mesh.GetTriInfo(tid, out n, out area, out c);
                Triangle3d tri = new Triangle3d();
                mesh.GetTriVertices(tid, ref tri.V0, ref tri.V1, ref tri.V2);

                //double pt_wn = pointwn_order1(ref c, ref n, ref area, ref q);
                Vector3d evalPt = c - n * 0.001;
                //double pt_wn = pointwn_order2(ref c, ref evalPt, ref n, ref area, ref q);
                //double pt_wn = triwn_order1(ref tri, ref evalPt, ref n, ref area, ref q);
                double pt_wn = triwn_order2(ref tri, ref evalPt, ref n, ref area, ref q);

                bool entered = false;
                locker.Enter(ref entered);
                sum += pt_wn;

        void generate_support(Vector3f origin, float dx,
                              int ni, int nj, int nk,
                              DenseGrid3f supportGrid)
            supportGrid.resize(ni, nj, nk);
            supportGrid.assign(1); // sentinel

            if (DebugPrint)

            bool CHECKERBOARD = false;

            System.Console.WriteLine("Computing SDF");

            // compute unsigned SDF
            MeshSignedDistanceGrid sdf = new MeshSignedDistanceGrid(Mesh, CellSize)
                ComputeSigns = true, ExactBandWidth = 3,
                /*,ComputeMode = MeshSignedDistanceGrid.ComputeModes.FullGrid*/ };

            sdf.CancelF = Cancelled;
            if (Cancelled())
            var distanceField = new DenseGridTrilinearImplicit(sdf.Grid, sdf.GridOrigin, sdf.CellSize);

            double angle      = MathUtil.Clamp(OverhangAngleDeg, 0.01, 89.99);
            double cos_thresh = Math.Cos(angle * MathUtil.Deg2Rad);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Marking overhangs");

            // Compute narrow-band distances. For each triangle, we find its grid-coord-bbox,
            // and compute exact distances within that box. The intersection_count grid
            // is also filled in this computation
            double   ddx = (double)dx;
            double   ox = (double)origin[0], oy = (double)origin[1], oz = (double)origin[2];
            Vector3d va = Vector3d.Zero, vb = Vector3d.Zero, vc = Vector3d.Zero;

            foreach (int tid in Mesh.TriangleIndices())
                if (tid % 100 == 0 && Cancelled())

                Mesh.GetTriVertices(tid, ref va, ref vb, ref vc);
                Vector3d normal = MathUtil.Normal(ref va, ref vb, ref vc);
                if (normal.Dot(-Vector3d.AxisY) < cos_thresh)

                // real ijk coordinates of va/vb/vc
                double fip = (va[0] - ox) / ddx, fjp = (va[1] - oy) / ddx, fkp = (va[2] - oz) / ddx;
                double fiq = (vb[0] - ox) / ddx, fjq = (vb[1] - oy) / ddx, fkq = (vb[2] - oz) / ddx;
                double fir = (vc[0] - ox) / ddx, fjr = (vc[1] - oy) / ddx, fkr = (vc[2] - oz) / ddx;

                // clamped integer bounding box of triangle plus exact-band
                int exact_band = 0;
                int i0         = MathUtil.Clamp(((int)MathUtil.Min(fip, fiq, fir)) - exact_band, 0, ni - 1);
                int i1         = MathUtil.Clamp(((int)MathUtil.Max(fip, fiq, fir)) + exact_band + 1, 0, ni - 1);
                int j0         = MathUtil.Clamp(((int)MathUtil.Min(fjp, fjq, fjr)) - exact_band, 0, nj - 1);
                int j1         = MathUtil.Clamp(((int)MathUtil.Max(fjp, fjq, fjr)) + exact_band + 1, 0, nj - 1);
                int k0         = MathUtil.Clamp(((int)MathUtil.Min(fkp, fkq, fkr)) - exact_band, 0, nk - 1);
                int k1         = MathUtil.Clamp(((int)MathUtil.Max(fkp, fkq, fkr)) + exact_band + 1, 0, nk - 1);

                // don't put into y=0 plane
                if (j0 == 0)
                    j0 = 1;

                // compute distance for each tri inside this bounding box
                // note: this can be very conservative if the triangle is large and on diagonal to grid axes
                for (int k = k0; k <= k1; ++k)
                    for (int j = j0; j <= j1; ++j)
                        for (int i = i0; i <= i1; ++i)
                            Vector3d gx = new Vector3d((float)i * dx + origin[0], (float)j * dx + origin[1], (float)k * dx + origin[2]);
                            float    d  = (float)MeshSignedDistanceGrid.point_triangle_distance(ref gx, ref va, ref vb, ref vc);

                            // vertical checkerboard pattern (eg 'tips')
                            if (CHECKERBOARD)
                                int zz = (k % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 0;
                                if (i % 2 == zz)

                            if (d < dx / 2)
                                if (j > 1)
                                    supportGrid[i, j, k]     = SUPPORT_TIP_TOP;
                                    supportGrid[i, j - 1, k] = SUPPORT_TIP_BASE;
                                    supportGrid[i, j, k] = SUPPORT_TIP_BASE;
            if (Cancelled())

            //process_version1(supportGrid, distanceField);
            //process_version2(supportGrid, distanceField);

            generate_graph(supportGrid, distanceField);
            //Util.WriteDebugMesh(MakeDebugGraphMesh(), "c:\\scratch\\__LAST_GRAPH_INIT.obj");

            //Util.WriteDebugMesh(MakeDebugGraphMesh(), "c:\\scratch\\__LAST_GRAPH_OPT.obj");
Exemple #4
        public bool Insert()
            Func <int, bool> is_contained_v = (vid) => {
                Vector3d v   = Mesh.GetVertex(vid);
                Vector2f vf2 = ProjectFrame.ToPlaneUV((Vector3f)v, 2);

            MeshVertexSelection vertexROI = new MeshVertexSelection(Mesh);
            Index3i             seedT     = Mesh.GetTriangle(SeedTriangle);

            // if a seed vert of seed triangle is containd in polygon, we will
            // flood-fill out from there, this gives a better ROI.
            // If not, we will try flood-fill from the seed triangles.
            List <int> seed_verts = new List <int>();

            for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                if (is_contained_v(seedT[j]))
            if (seed_verts.Count == 0)

            // flood-fill out from seed vertices until we have found all vertices
            // contained in polygon
            vertexROI.FloodFill(seed_verts.ToArray(), is_contained_v);

            // convert vertex ROI to face ROI
            MeshFaceSelection faceROI = new MeshFaceSelection(Mesh, vertexROI, 1);

            faceROI.FillEars(true);    // this might be a good idea...

            // construct submesh
            RegionOperator regionOp   = new RegionOperator(Mesh, faceROI);
            DSubmesh3      roiSubmesh = regionOp.Region;
            DMesh3         roiMesh    = roiSubmesh.SubMesh;

            // save 3D positions of unmodified mesh
            Vector3d[] initialPositions = new Vector3d[roiMesh.MaxVertexID];

            // map roi mesh to plane
            MeshTransforms.PerVertexTransform(roiMesh, roiMesh.VertexIndices(), (v, vid) => {
                Vector2f uv           = ProjectFrame.ToPlaneUV((Vector3f)v, 2);
                initialPositions[vid] = v;
                return(new Vector3d(uv.x, uv.y, 0));

            // save a copy of 2D mesh and construct bvtree. we will use
            // this later to project back to 3d
            // [TODO] can we use a better spatial DS here, that takes advantage of 2D?
            DMesh3         projectMesh = new DMesh3(roiMesh);
            DMeshAABBTree3 projecter   = new DMeshAABBTree3(projectMesh, true);

            MeshInsertUVPolyCurve insertUV = new MeshInsertUVPolyCurve(roiMesh, Polygon);
            bool bOK = insertUV.Apply();

            if (!bOK)
                throw new Exception("insertUV.Apply() failed");

            if (SimplifyInsertion)

            int[] insertedPolyVerts = insertUV.CurveVertices;

            // grab inserted loop, assuming it worked
            EdgeLoop insertedLoop = null;

            if (insertUV.Loops.Count == 1)
                insertedLoop = insertUV.Loops[0];

            // find interior triangles
            List <int> interiorT = new List <int>();

            foreach (int tid in roiMesh.TriangleIndices())
                Vector3d centroid = roiMesh.GetTriCentroid(tid);
                if (Polygon.Contains(centroid.xy))
            if (RemovePolygonInterior)
                MeshEditor editor = new MeshEditor(roiMesh);
                editor.RemoveTriangles(interiorT, true);
                InteriorTriangles = null;
                InteriorTriangles = interiorT.ToArray();

            // map back to 3d
            Vector3d a = Vector3d.Zero, b = Vector3d.Zero, c = Vector3d.Zero;

            foreach (int vid in roiMesh.VertexIndices())
                // [TODO] somehow re-use exact positions from regionOp maps?

                // construct new 3D pos w/ barycentric interpolation
                Vector3d v   = roiMesh.GetVertex(vid);
                int      tid = projecter.FindNearestTriangle(v);
                Index3i  tri = projectMesh.GetTriangle(tid);
                projectMesh.GetTriVertices(tid, ref a, ref b, ref c);
                Vector3d bary = MathUtil.BarycentricCoords(ref v, ref a, ref b, ref c);
                Vector3d pos  = bary.x * initialPositions[tri.a] + bary.y * initialPositions[tri.b] + bary.z * initialPositions[tri.c];

                roiMesh.SetVertex(vid, pos);

            bOK = BackPropagate(regionOp, insertedPolyVerts, insertedLoop);

        void generate_support(Vector3f origin, float dx,
                              int ni, int nj, int nk,
                              DenseGrid3f supportGrid)
            supportGrid.resize(ni, nj, nk);
            supportGrid.assign(1); // sentinel

            bool CHECKERBOARD = false;

            // compute unsigned SDF
            int exact_band = 1;

            if (SubtractMesh && SubtractMeshOffset > 0)
                int offset_band = (int)(SubtractMeshOffset / CellSize) + 1;
                exact_band = Math.Max(exact_band, offset_band);
            sdf = new MeshSignedDistanceGrid(Mesh, CellSize)
                ComputeSigns = true, ExactBandWidth = exact_band
            sdf.CancelF = this.CancelF;
            if (CancelF())
            var distanceField = new DenseGridTrilinearImplicit(sdf.Grid, sdf.GridOrigin, sdf.CellSize);

            double angle      = MathUtil.Clamp(OverhangAngleDeg, 0.01, 89.99);
            double cos_thresh = Math.Cos(angle * MathUtil.Deg2Rad);

            // Compute narrow-band distances. For each triangle, we find its grid-coord-bbox,
            // and compute exact distances within that box. The intersection_count grid
            // is also filled in this computation
            double   ddx = (double)dx;
            double   ox = (double)origin[0], oy = (double)origin[1], oz = (double)origin[2];
            Vector3d va = Vector3d.Zero, vb = Vector3d.Zero, vc = Vector3d.Zero;

            foreach (int tid in Mesh.TriangleIndices())
                if (tid % 100 == 0 && CancelF())

                Mesh.GetTriVertices(tid, ref va, ref vb, ref vc);
                Vector3d normal = MathUtil.Normal(ref va, ref vb, ref vc);
                if (normal.Dot(-Vector3d.AxisY) < cos_thresh)

                // real ijk coordinates of va/vb/vc
                double fip = (va[0] - ox) / ddx, fjp = (va[1] - oy) / ddx, fkp = (va[2] - oz) / ddx;
                double fiq = (vb[0] - ox) / ddx, fjq = (vb[1] - oy) / ddx, fkq = (vb[2] - oz) / ddx;
                double fir = (vc[0] - ox) / ddx, fjr = (vc[1] - oy) / ddx, fkr = (vc[2] - oz) / ddx;

                // clamped integer bounding box of triangle plus exact-band
                int extra_band = 0;
                int i0         = MathUtil.Clamp(((int)MathUtil.Min(fip, fiq, fir)) - extra_band, 0, ni - 1);
                int i1         = MathUtil.Clamp(((int)MathUtil.Max(fip, fiq, fir)) + extra_band + 1, 0, ni - 1);
                int j0         = MathUtil.Clamp(((int)MathUtil.Min(fjp, fjq, fjr)) - extra_band, 0, nj - 1);
                int j1         = MathUtil.Clamp(((int)MathUtil.Max(fjp, fjq, fjr)) + extra_band + 1, 0, nj - 1);
                int k0         = MathUtil.Clamp(((int)MathUtil.Min(fkp, fkq, fkr)) - extra_band, 0, nk - 1);
                int k1         = MathUtil.Clamp(((int)MathUtil.Max(fkp, fkq, fkr)) + extra_band + 1, 0, nk - 1);

                // don't put into y=0 plane
                //if (j0 == 0)
                //    j0 = 1;

                // compute distance for each tri inside this bounding box
                // note: this can be very conservative if the triangle is large and on diagonal to grid axes
                for (int k = k0; k <= k1; ++k)
                    for (int j = j0; j <= j1; ++j)
                        for (int i = i0; i <= i1; ++i)
                            Vector3d gx = new Vector3d((float)i * dx + origin[0], (float)j * dx + origin[1], (float)k * dx + origin[2]);
                            float    d  = (float)MeshSignedDistanceGrid.point_triangle_distance(ref gx, ref va, ref vb, ref vc);

                            // vertical checkerboard pattern (eg 'tips')
                            if (CHECKERBOARD)
                                int zz = (k % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 0;
                                if (i % 2 == zz)

                            if (d < dx / 2)
                                supportGrid[i, j, k] = SUPPORT_TIP_TOP;
            if (CancelF())

            fill_vertical_spans(supportGrid, distanceField);
            generate_mesh(supportGrid, distanceField);