public IHttpActionResult DelightPushOrderDetail(DLight objDlight) { DlightPostResponse objResponse = new DlightPostResponse(); try { int value = 0; value = ClsDelight.DelightPushOrderDetail(objDlight); if (value > 0) { objResponse.Success = true; objResponse.Msg = "Submitted Successfully"; } else { objResponse.Success = false; objResponse.Msg = "Failed, Try Again!"; } return(Ok(new { BZApiReponse = objResponse, Status = true })); } catch (Exception ex) { LogDal.ErrorLog(this.GetType().Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex.Message, 0); objResponse.Msg = "Failed."; } return(Ok(new { BZApiReponse = objResponse, Status = false })); }
public bool Initialze(DDX11 D3D, IntPtr windowHandle, DSystemConfiguration configuration) { // Create the user interface object. UserInterface = new DUserInterface(); // Initialize the user interface object. if (!UserInterface.Initialize(D3D, configuration)) { return(false); } // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Initialize a base view matrix with the camera for 2D user interface rendering. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f); Camera.Render(); Camera.RenderBaseViewMatrix(); // Create the position object. Position = new DPosition(); // Set the initial position and rotation of the viewer.28.0f, 5.0f, -10.0f Position.SetPosition(512.0f, 30.0f, 1034.0f); Position.SetRotation(0.0f, 180.0f, 0.0f); // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Light.Direction = new Vector3(-0.5f, -1.0f, -0.5f); // Create and initialize the frustum object. Frustum = new DFrustum(); Frustum.Initialize(DSystemConfiguration.ScreenDepth); // Create the sky dome object. SkyDomeModel = new DSkyDome(); // Initialize the sky dome object. if (!SkyDomeModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "skydome.txt")) { return(false); } // Initialize the terrain object. Terrain = new DTerrain(); // Initialize the ground model object. if (!Terrain.Initialize(D3D.Device, "setupS2TutTerr08.txt")) { return(false); } // Set the UI to display by default. DisplayUI = true; // Set wire frame rendering initially to enabled. WireFrame = false; // Set the rendering of cell lines initially to enabled. CellLines = true; return(true); }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Initialize a base view matrix the camera for 2D user interface rendering. Camera.SetPosition(0, 0, -5); Camera.Render(); // Create the model class. BumpMapModel = new DBumpMapModel(); // Initialize the model object. if (!BumpMapModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "Cube.txt", new[] { "stone02.bmp", "bump02.bmp", "spec02.bmp" })) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the model object", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // Create the bump map shader object. SpecMapShader = new DSpecMapShader(); // Initialize the bump map shader object. if (!SpecMapShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the light shader", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.SetDiffuseColor(1, 1, 1, 1f); Light.SetDirection(0, 0, 1); Light.SetSpecularColor(0, 1, 1, 1); Light.SetSpecularPower(16); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else { Destroy(gameObject); return; } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the shader manager object. ShaderManager = new DShaderManager(); // Initialize the shader manager object. if (!ShaderManager.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } #endregion #region Initialize Camera // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Set the initial position and rotation of the camera. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f); #endregion #region Data variables. // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.SetAmbientColor(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, 1.0f); Light.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Light.Direction = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); Light.SetSpecularColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Light.SetSpecularPower(64.0f); #endregion #region Initialize Models // Create the ground model object. CubeModel1 = new DModel(); // Initialize the cube model object. if (!CubeModel1.Initialize(D3D.Device, "cube.txt", "marble.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the second model object. CubeModel2 = new DModel(); // Initialize the cube model object. if (!CubeModel2.Initialize(D3D.Device, "cube.txt", "metal.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the third bump model object for models with normal maps and related vectors. CubeBumpMapModel3 = new DBumpMapModel(); // Initialize the bump model object. if (!CubeBumpMapModel3.Initialize(D3D.Device, "cube.txt", "stone01.bmp", "normal.bmp")) { return(false); } #endregion return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } #endregion #region Initialize Camera // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Set the position and rotation of the camera; Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 2.0f, -12.0f); // 0.0f, 4.0f, -12.0f #endregion #region Initialize Models // Create the Flat Plane model class. Model = new DModel(); //// Initialize the ground model object. if (!Model.Initialize(D3D.Device, "plane01.txt", new[] { "stone01.bmp" })) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the ground model object", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } #endregion #region Initialize Shaders // Create the light shader object. LightShader = new DLightShader(); // Initialize the light shader object. if (!LightShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the light shader object.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } #endregion #region Initialize Data // Create the first light object. Light1 = new DLight(); // Initialize the first light as a red Light. Light1.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); Light1.SetPosition(-3.0f, 1.0f, 3.0f); // Create the second light object. Light2 = new DLight(); // Initialize the second light as a green Light. Light2.SetDiffuseColor(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); Light2.SetPosition(3.0f, 1.0f, 3.0f); // Create the third light object. Light3 = new DLight(); // Initialize the third light to a blue Light. Light3.SetDiffuseColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Light3.SetPosition(-3.0f, 1.0f, -3.0f); // Create the fourth light object. Light4 = new DLight(); // Initialize the fourth light as a white Light. Light4.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); Light4.SetPosition(3.0f, 1.0f, -3.0f); // Prep rendering variables here once instead of every frame. lightDiffuseColors = new Vector4[LightShader.NumLights]; lightPositions = new Vector4[LightShader.NumLights]; // Create the diffuse color array from the four light colors. lightDiffuseColors[0] = Light1.DiffuseColour; lightDiffuseColors[1] = Light2.DiffuseColour; lightDiffuseColors[2] = Light3.DiffuseColour; lightDiffuseColors[3] = Light4.DiffuseColour; // Create the light position array from the four light positions. lightPositions[0] = Light1.Position; lightPositions[1] = Light2.Position; lightPositions[2] = Light3.Position; lightPositions[3] = Light4.Position; #endregion return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { // Create the input object. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Set the initial position of the camera and build the matrices needed for rendering. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f); Camera.Render(); Camera.RenderBaseViewMatrix(); // This might be mis-implemented. CHECK THIS !!! // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.Direction = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Create the model object. Model = new DModel(); // Initialize the ground model object. if (!Model.Initialize(D3D.Device, "cube.txt", "seafloor.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the full screen ortho window object. FullScreenWindow = new DOrthoWindow(); // Initialize the full screen ortho window object. if (!FullScreenWindow.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration.Width, configuration.Height)) { return(false); } // Create the deferred buffers object. DeferredBuffers = new DDeferredBuffers(); // Initialize the deferred buffers object. if (!DeferredBuffers.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration.Width, configuration.Height)) { return(false); } // Create the deferred shader object. DeferredShader = new DDeferredShader(); // Initialize the deferred shader object. if (!DeferredShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the light shader object. LightShader = new DLightShader(); // Initialize the light shader object. if (!LightShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { // Set the size to sample down to. screenWidth = configuration.Width; screenHeight = configuration.Height; try { // Create the input object. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } #endregion #region Initialize Camera // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Set the initial position of the camera. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f); Camera.Render(); #endregion // Create the model object. Model = new DModel(); // Initialize the model object. if (!Model.Initialize(D3D.Device, "sphere.txt", "blue.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the texture shader object. TextureShader = new DTextureShader(); // Initialize the texture shader object. if (!TextureShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the light shader object. LightShader = new DLightShader(); // Initialize the light shader object. if (!LightShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.Direction = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Create the text object. Text = new DTextClass(); // Initialize the text object. if (!Text.Initialize(D3D.Device, D3D.DeviceContext, windowHandle, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, Camera.ViewMatrix)) { return(false); } // Create the bitmap object as the mouse pointer. BitMap = new DBitmap(); // Initialize the bitmap object. if (!BitMap.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, "mouse.bmp", 32, 32)) { return(false); } // Initialize that the user has not clicked on the screen to try an intersection test yet. beginMouseChexk = false; return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { // Create the input object. The input object will be used to handle reading the keyboard and mouse input from the user. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the position object. Position = new DPosition(); // Set the initial position and rotation of the viewer. Position.SetPosition(15.0f, 13.0f, 20.0f); Position.SetRotation(25.0f, 180.0f, 0.0f); // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.Direction = new Vector3(0.5f, -0.75f, 0.0f); // Create the model object. TerrainModel = new DTerrainHeightMap(); // Initialize the terrain object. if (!TerrainModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "hm01.bmp", 10.0f)) { return(false); } // Create the color shader object. TerrainShader = new DTerrainShader(); //// Initialize the color shader object. if (!TerrainShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the first color texture object. ColourTexture1 = new DTexture(); // Load the first color texture object. if (!ColourTexture1.Initialize(D3D.Device, DSystemConfiguration.DataFilePath + "dirt001.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the second color texture object. ColourTexture2 = new DTexture(); // Load the second color texture object. if (!ColourTexture2.Initialize(D3D.Device, DSystemConfiguration.DataFilePath + "dirt004.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the third color texture object. ColourTexture3 = new DTexture(); // Load the third color texture object. if (!ColourTexture3.Initialize(D3D.Device, DSystemConfiguration.DataFilePath + "dirt002.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the fourth color texture object. ColourTexture4 = new DTexture(); // Load the forth color texture object. if (!ColourTexture4.Initialize(D3D.Device, DSystemConfiguration.DataFilePath + "stone001.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the first alpha texture object. AlphaTexture1 = new DTexture(); // Load the first alpha texture object. if (!AlphaTexture1.Initialize(D3D.Device, DSystemConfiguration.DataFilePath + "alphaRoad001.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the first normal texture object. NormalTexture1 = new DTexture(); // Load the first alpha/Normal texture object. if (!NormalTexture1.Initialize(D3D.Device, DSystemConfiguration.DataFilePath + "normal001.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the second normal texture object. NormalTexture2 = new DTexture(); // Load the second alpha/Normal texture object. if (!NormalTexture2.Initialize(D3D.Device, DSystemConfiguration.DataFilePath + "normal002.bmp")) { return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } #endregion #region Initialize Camera // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Set the initial position and rotation of the camera. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 7.0f, -10.0f); Camera.SetRotation(35.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); #endregion #region Initialize Models // Create the ground model object. GroundModel = new DModel(); // Initialize the ground model object. if (!GroundModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "floor.txt", "stone.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the ground model object. CubeModel = new DModel(); // Initialize the cube model object. if (!CubeModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "cube.txt", "seafloor.bmp")) { return(false); } #endregion #region Data variables. // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.SetAmbientColor(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, 1.0f); Light.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Light.Position = new Vector3(2.0f, 5.0f, -2.0f); #endregion #region Initialize Shaders // Create the projection shader object. ProjectionShader = new DProjectionShader(); // Initialize the projection shader object. if (!ProjectionShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the projection texture object. ProjectionTexture = new DTexture(); // Initialize the projection texture object. if (!ProjectionTexture.Initialize(D3D.Device, DSystemConfiguration.DataFilePath + "grate.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the view point object. ViewPoint = new DViewPoint(); // Initialize the view point object. ViewPoint.SetPosition(2.0f, 5.0f, -2.0f); ViewPoint.SetLookAt(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); ViewPoint.SetProjectionParameters((float)(Math.PI / 2.0f), 1.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f); ViewPoint.GenerateViewMatrix(); ViewPoint.GenerateProjectionMatrix(); #endregion return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } #endregion #region Initialize Camera // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Set the initial position of the camera. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f); Camera.RenderBaseViewMatrix(); #endregion #region Initialize Models // Create the cube model object. CubeModel = new DModel(); // Initialize the cube model object. if (!CubeModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "cube.txt", "wall01.bmp")) { return(false); } // Set the position for the cube model. CubeModel.SetPosition(-2.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f); // Create the sphere model object. SphereModel = new DModel(); // Initialize the sphere model object. if (!SphereModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "sphere.txt", "ice01.bmp")) { return(false); } // Set the position for the sphere model. SphereModel.SetPosition(2.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f); // Create the ground model object. GroundModel = new DModel(); // Initialize the ground model object. if (!GroundModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "plane01.txt", "metal001.bmp")) { return(false); } // Set the position for the ground model. GroundModel.SetPosition(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); #endregion #region Data variables. // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.SetAmbientColor(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, 1.0f); Light.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Light.SetLookAt(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); Light.GenerateProjectionMatrix(); // Create the render to texture object. RenderTexture = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the render to texture object. if (!RenderTexture.Initialize(D3D.Device, 1024, 1024, DSystemConfiguration.ScreenDepth, DSystemConfiguration.ScreenNear)) { return(false); } // Create the depth shader object. DepthShader = new DDepthShader(); // Initialize the depth shader object. if (!DepthShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the black and white render to texture object. BlackWhiteRenderTexture = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the black and white render to texture object. if (!BlackWhiteRenderTexture.Initialize(D3D.Device, 1024, 1024, DSystemConfiguration.ScreenDepth, DSystemConfiguration.ScreenNear)) { return(false); } #endregion #region Initialize Shaders // Create the shadow shader object. ShadowShader = new DShadowShader(); // Initialize the shadow shader object. if (!ShadowShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Set the size to sample down to. int downSampleWidth = 1024 / 2; int downSampleHeight = 1024 / 2; // Create the down sample render to texture object. DownSampleTexure = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the down sample render to texture object. if (!DownSampleTexure.Initialize(D3D.Device, downSampleWidth, downSampleHeight, DSystemConfiguration.ScreenDepth, DSystemConfiguration.ScreenNear)) { return(false); } // Create the small ortho window object. SmallWindow = new DOrthoWindow(); // Initialize the small ortho window object. if (!SmallWindow.Initialize(D3D.Device, downSampleWidth, downSampleHeight)) { return(false); } // Create the texture shader object. TextureShader = new DTextureShader(); // Initialize the texture shader object. if (!TextureShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the horizontal blur render to texture object. HorizontalBlurTexture = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the horizontal blur render to texture object. if (!HorizontalBlurTexture.Initialize(D3D.Device, downSampleWidth, downSampleHeight, DSystemConfiguration.ScreenDepth, 0.1f)) { return(false); } // Create the horizontal blur shader object. HorizontalBlurShader = new DHorizontalBlurShader(); // Initialize the horizontal blur shader object. if (!HorizontalBlurShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the vertical blur render to texture object. VerticalBlurTexture = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the vertical blur render to texture object. if (!VerticalBlurTexture.Initialize(D3D.Device, downSampleWidth, downSampleHeight, DSystemConfiguration.ScreenDepth, 0.1f)) { return(false); } // Create the vertical blur shader object. VerticalBlurShader = new DVerticalBlurShader(); // Initialize the vertical blur shader object. if (!VerticalBlurShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the up sample render to texture object. UpSampleTexure = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the up sample render to texture object. if (!UpSampleTexure.Initialize(D3D.Device, 1024, 1024, DSystemConfiguration.ScreenDepth, 0.1f)) { return(false); } // Create the full screen ortho window object. FullScreenWindow = new DOrthoWindow(); // Initialize the full screen ortho window object. if (!FullScreenWindow.Initialize(D3D.Device, 1024, 1024)) { return(false); } // Create the soft shadow shader object. SoftShadowShader = new DSoftShadowShader(); // Initialize the soft shadow shader object. if (!SoftShadowShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } #endregion return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { // Create the input object. The input object will be used to handle reading the keyboard and mouse input from the user. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Initialize a base view matrix with the camera for 2D user interface rendering. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); Camera.Render(); Matrix baseViewMatrix = Camera.ViewMatrix; // Set the initial position of the camera. (Since the ViewMatrix is already created from a base position.) Camera.SetPosition(40.0f, 2.0f, -7.0f); // Create the model object. TerrainModel = new DTerrain(); // Initialize the terrain object. if (!TerrainModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "heightmap01.bmp", "dirt03.bmp", "colorm01.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the position object. Position = new DPosition(); // Set the initial position of the viewer to the same as the initial camera position. Position.SetPosition(Camera.GetPosition().X, Camera.GetPosition().Y, Camera.GetPosition().Z); // Create the fps object. FPS = new DFPS(); // Initialize the fps object. FPS.Initialize(); // Create the cpu object. CPU = new DCPU(); // Initialize the cpu object. CPU.Initialize(); // Create the text object. Text = new DText(); // Initialize the text object. if (!Text.Initialize(D3D.Device, D3D.DeviceContext, windowHandle, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, baseViewMatrix)) { return(false); } // Set the video card information in the text object. if (!Text.SetVideoCard(D3D.VideoCardDescription, D3D.VideoCardMemory, D3D.DeviceContext)) { return(false); } // Create the color shader object. TerrainShader = new DTerrainShader(); // Initialize the color shader object. if (!TerrainShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.SetAmbientColor(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, 1.0f); Light.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Light.Direction = new Vector3(-0.5f, -1.0f, 0.0f); // Create the texture shader object. TextureShader = new DTextureShader(); // Initialize the texture shader object. if (!TextureShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Get the size of the terrain as the minimap will require this information. int textureWidth = TerrainModel.TextureWidth; int textureHeight = TerrainModel.TextureHeight; // Create the mini map object. MiniMap = new DMiniMapClass(); // Initialize the mini map object. if (!MiniMap.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, baseViewMatrix, (float)(textureWidth - 1), (float)(textureHeight - 1))) { return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle, string appTitle, int testTimeSeconds) { try { // Create the input object. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the timer object. Timer = new DTimer(); // Initialize the timer object. if (!Timer.Initialize()) { return(false); } // Create the position object. Position = new DPosition(); // Set the initial position. Position.SetPosition(0.0f, 7.0f, -11.0f); Position.SetRotation(20.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); #endregion #region Initialize Camera // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.GenerateOrthoMatrix(15.0f, 15.0f, SHADOWMAP_DEPTH, SHADOWMAP_NEAR); #endregion // Create the ground model object. GroundModel = new DModel(); // Initialize the ground model object. if (!GroundModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "plane01.txt", "dirt.bmp", 2.0f)) { return(false); } // Set the position for the ground model. GroundModel.SetPosition(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // Create the tree object. TreeModel = new DTreeModel(); // Initialize the shadow shader object. if (!TreeModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "trunk001.txt", "trunk001.bmp", "leaf001.txt", "leaf001.bmp", 0.1f)) { return(false); } // Set the position for the tree model. TreeModel.SetPosition(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // Create the render to texture object. RenderTexture = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the render to texture object. if (!RenderTexture.Initialize(D3D.Device, SHADOWMAP_WIDTH, SHADOWMAP_HEIGHT, SHADOWMAP_DEPTH, SHADOWMAP_NEAR)) { return(false); } // Create the depth shader object. DepthShader = new DDepthShader(); // Initialize the depth shader object. if (!DepthShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the transparent depth shader object. TransparentDepthShader = new DTransparentDepthShader(); // Initialize the transparent depth shader object. if (!TransparentDepthShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the shadow shader object. ShadowShader = new DShadowShader(); // Initialize the shadow shader object. if (!ShadowShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } DPerfLogger.Initialize("WinForms C# SharpDX: " + configuration.Width + "x" + configuration.Height + " VSync:" + DSystemConfiguration.VerticalSyncEnabled + " FullScreen:" + DSystemConfiguration.FullScreen + " " + appTitle, testTimeSeconds, configuration.Width, configuration.Height); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Initialize a base view matrix the camera for 2D user interface rendering. Camera.SetPosition(0, 0, -1); Camera.Render(); var baseViewMatrix = Camera.ViewMatrix; // Create the model class. Model = new DModel(); // Initialize the model object. if (!Model.Initialize(D3D.Device, "cube.txt", new[] { "seafloor.bmp" })) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the model object", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // Create the light shader object. LightShader = new DLightShader(); // Initialize the light shader object. if (!LightShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the light shader", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.SetDiffuseColor(1, 1, 1, 1f); Light.SetDirection(0, 0, 1); // Create the render to texture object. RenderTexture = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the render to texture object. if (!RenderTexture.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration)) { return(false); } // Create the debug window object. DebugWindow = new DDebugWindow(); // Initialize the debug window object. * configuration.Height / configuration.Width if (!DebugWindow.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, 100, 100)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the debug window object.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // Create the texture shader object. TextureShader = new DTextureShader(); // Initialize the texture shader object. if (!TextureShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the texture shader object.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } Camera.SetPosition(0, 0, -5); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { // Create the input object. The input object will be used to handle reading the keyboard and mouse input from the user. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Initialize a base view matrix with the camera for 2D user interface rendering. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f); Camera.RenderBaseViewMatrix(); Matrix baseViewMatrix = Camera.BaseViewMatrix; // Set the initial position of the camera. Camera.SetPosition(100.0f, 2.0f, 5.0f); // Create the model object. TerrainModel = new DTerrain(); // Initialize the terrain object. if (!TerrainModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "heightmap01.bmp", "dirt02.bmp", "colorm01.bmp", "detail001.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the position object. Position = new DPosition(); // Set the initial position of the viewer to the same as the initial camera position. Position.SetPosition(Camera.GetPosition().X, Camera.GetPosition().Y, Camera.GetPosition().Z); // Create the fps object. FPS = new DFPS(); // Initialize the fps object. FPS.Initialize(); // Create the cpu object. CPU = new DCPU(); // Initialize the cpu object. CPU.Initialize(); // Create the text object. Text = new DText(); // Initialize the text object. if (!Text.Initialize(D3D.Device, D3D.DeviceContext, windowHandle, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, baseViewMatrix)) { return(false); } // Set the video card information in the text object. if (!Text.SetVideoCard(D3D.VideoCardDescription, D3D.VideoCardMemory, D3D.DeviceContext)) { return(false); } // Create the terrain shader object. TerrainShader = new DTerrainShader(); // Initialize the terrain shader object. if (!TerrainShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.SetAmbientColor(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, 1.0f); Light.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Light.Direction = new Vector3(-0.5f, -1.0f, 0.0f); // Create the debug window bitmap object. DebugWindow = new DDebugWindow(); // Initialize the debug window bitmap object. if (!DebugWindow.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, 256, 256)) { return(false); } // Create the texture shader object. TextureShader = new DTextureShader(); // Initialize the texture shader object. if (!TextureShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the render to texture object. RenderTexture = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the render to texture object. if (!RenderTexture.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration)) { return(false); } // Create the depth shader object. DepthShader = new DDepthShader(); // Initialize the depth shader object. if (!DepthShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } #endregion #region Initialize Camera // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Set the initial position of the camera. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f); #endregion #region Initialize Models // Create the cube model object. CubeModel = new DModel(); // Initialize the cube model object. if (!CubeModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "cube.txt", "wall01.bmp")) { return(false); } // Set the position for the cube model. CubeModel.SetPosition(-2.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f); // Create the sphere model object. SphereModel = new DModel(); // Initialize the sphere model object. if (!SphereModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "sphere.txt", "ice01.bmp")) { return(false); } // Set the position for the sphere model. SphereModel.SetPosition(2.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f); // Create the ground model object. GroundModel = new DModel(); // Initialize the ground model object. if (!GroundModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "plane01.txt", "metal001.bmp")) { return(false); } // Set the position for the ground model. GroundModel.SetPosition(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); #endregion #region Data variables. // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.SetAmbientColor(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, 1.0f); Light.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Light.SetLookAt(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); Light.GenerateProjectionMatrix(); // Create the second light object. Light2 = new DLight(); // Initialize the second light object. Light2.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Light2.SetLookAt(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); Light2.GenerateProjectionMatrix(); // Set the position of the first & second lights. Light.Position = new Vector3(5.0f, 3.0f, -2.0f); Light2.Position = new Vector3(-5.0f, 3.0f, -2.0f); // Create the render to texture object. RenderTexture = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the render to texture object. if (!RenderTexture.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration)) { return(false); } // Create the second render to texture object. RenderTexture2 = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the second render to texture object. if (!RenderTexture2.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration)) { return(false); } #endregion #region Initialize Shaders // Create the depth shader object. DepthShader = new DDepthShader(); // Initialize the depth shader object. if (!DepthShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the shadow shader object. ShadowShader = new DShadowShader(); // Initialize the shadow shader object. if (!ShadowShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } #endregion return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { // Create the input object. The input object will be used to handle reading the keyboard and mouse input from the user. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the position object. Position = new DPosition(); // Set the initial position and rotation of the viewer. Position.SetPosition(280.379f, 24.5225f, 367.018f); Position.SetRotation(19.6834f, 222.013f, 0.0f); // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Initialize a base view matrix with the camera for 2D user interface rendering. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f); Camera.RenderBaseViewMatrix(); Matrix baseViewMatrix = Camera.BaseViewMatrix; // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Light.Direction = new Vector3(0.5f, -0.75f, 0.25f); // Create the model object. TerrainModel = new DTerrainHeightMap(); // Initialize the terrain object. if (!TerrainModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "hm.bmp", "cm.bmp", 20.0f, "dirt04.bmp", "normal01.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the color shader object. TerrainShader = new DTerrainShader(); //// Initialize the color shader object. if (!TerrainShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the sky dome object. SkyDome = new DSkyDome(); // Initialize the sky dome object. if (!SkyDome.Initialize(D3D.Device)) { return(false); } // Create the sky dome shader object. SkyDomeShader = new DSkyDomeShader(); // Initialize the sky dome shader object. if (!SkyDomeShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the sky plane object. SkyPlane = new DSkyPlane(); // Initialize the sky plane object. if (!SkyPlane.Initialze(D3D.Device, "cloud001.bmp", "perturb001.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the sky plane shader object. SkyPlaneShader = new DSkyPlaneShader(); // Initialize the sky plane shader object. if (!SkyPlaneShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the fps object. FPS = new DFPS(); // Initialize the fps object. FPS.Initialize(); // Create the cpu object. CPU = new DCPU(); // Initialize the cpu object. CPU.Initialize(); // Create the text object. Text = new DText(); // Initialize the text object. if (!Text.Initialize(D3D.Device, D3D.DeviceContext, windowHandle, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, baseViewMatrix)) { return(false); } // Set the video card information in the text object. if (!Text.SetVideoCard(D3D.VideoCardDescription, D3D.VideoCardMemory, D3D.DeviceContext)) { return(false); } // Create the refraction render to texture object. RefractionTexture = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the refraction render to texture object. if (!RefractionTexture.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration)) { return(false); } // Create the reflection render to texture object. ReflectionTexture = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the reflection render to texture object. if (!ReflectionTexture.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration)) { return(false); } // Create the reflection shader object. ReflectionShader = new DReflectionShader(); // Initialize the reflection shader object. if (!ReflectionShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the water object. WaterModel = new DWater(); // Initialize the water object. if (!WaterModel.Initilize(D3D.Device, "waternormal.bmp", 3.75f, 110.0f)) { return(false); } // Create the water shader object. WaterShader = new DWaterShader(); // Initialize the water shader object. if (!WaterShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } #endregion #region Initialize Camera // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Set the position and rotation of the camera; Camera.SetPosition(-10.0f, 6.0f, -10.0f); Camera.SetRotation(0.0f, 45.0f, 0.0f); #endregion #region Initialize Models // Create the ground model class. GroundModel = new DModel(); // Initialize the ground model object. if (!GroundModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "ground.txt", new[] { "ground01.bmp" })) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the ground model object", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // Create the wall model class. WallModel = new DModel(); // Initialize the wall model object. if (!WallModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "wall.txt", new[] { "wall01.bmp" })) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the wall model object", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // Create the bath model class. BathModel = new DModel(); // Initialize the bath model object. if (!BathModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "bath.txt", new[] { "marble01.bmp" })) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the bath model object", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // Create the water model class. WaterModel = new DModel(); // Initialize the water model object. if (!WaterModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "water.txt", new[] { "water01.bmp" })) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the bath model object", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.SetAmbientColor(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, 1.0f); Light.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Light.SetDirection(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.5f); Light.SetSpecularColor(0, 1, 1, 1); Light.SetSpecularPower(16); #endregion #region Initialize Data // Create the refraction render to texture object. RenderRefractionTexture = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the refraction render to texture object. if (!RenderRefractionTexture.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the refraction render to texture object.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // Create the refraction render to texture object. RenderReflectionTexture = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the refraction render to texture object. if (!RenderReflectionTexture.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the reflection render to texture object.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } #endregion #region Initialize Shaders // Create the light shader object. LightShader = new DLightShader(); // Initialize the light shader object. if (!LightShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the light shader object.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // Create the refraction shader object. RefractionShader = new DRefractionShader(); // Initialize the refraction shader object. if (!RefractionShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the refraction shader object.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // Create the water shader object. WaterShader = new DWaterShader(); // Initialize the water shader object. if (!WaterShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the water shader object.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } #endregion // Set the height of the water. WaterHeight = 2.75f; // Initialize the position of the water. WaterTranslation = 0f; return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { // Create the input object. The input object will be used to handle reading the keyboard and mouse input from the user. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Initialize a base view matrix with the camera for 2D user interface rendering. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f); Camera.RenderBaseViewMatrix(); Matrix baseViewMatrix = Camera.BaseViewMatrix; // Set the initial position of the camera. (Since the ViewMatrix is already created from a base position.) 250.0f Camera.SetPosition(100.0f, 2.0f, 250.0f); Camera.SetRotation(0, 180.0f, 0); // Create the model object. TerrainModel = new DTerrainHeightMap(); // Initialize the terrain object. if (!TerrainModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "heightmap01.bmp", "dirt02.bmp", "bump.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the position object. Position = new DPosition(); // Set the initial position of the viewer to the same as the initial camera position. Position.SetPosition(Camera.GetPosition().X, Camera.GetPosition().Y, Camera.GetPosition().Z); Position.SetRotation(Camera.GetRotation().X, Camera.GetRotation().Y, Camera.GetRotation().Z); // Create the fps object. FPS = new DFPS(); // Initialize the fps object. FPS.Initialize(); // Create the cpu object. CPU = new DCPU(); // Initialize the cpu object. CPU.Initialize(); // Create the text object. Text = new DText(); // Initialize the text object. if (!Text.Initialize(D3D.Device, D3D.DeviceContext, windowHandle, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, baseViewMatrix)) { return(false); } // Set the video card information in the text object. if (!Text.SetVideoCard(D3D.VideoCardDescription, D3D.VideoCardMemory, D3D.DeviceContext)) { return(false); } // Create the color shader object. TerrainBumpMapShader = new DBumpMapShader(); // Initialize the color shader object. if (!TerrainBumpMapShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Light.Direction = new Vector3(0.75f, -0.5f, 0.0f); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Initialize a base view matrix the camera for 2D user interface rendering. Camera.SetPosition(0, 0, -1); Camera.Render(); var baseViewMatrix = Camera.ViewMatrix; // Create the text object. Text = new DTextClass(); if (!Text.Initialize(D3D.Device, D3D.DeviceContext, windowHandle, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, baseViewMatrix)) { return(false); } // Create the model class. Model = new DModel(); // Initialize the model object. if (!Model.Initialize(D3D.Device, "sphere.txt", "seafloor.bmp")) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the model object", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // Create the light shader object. LightShader = new DLightShader(); // Initialize the light shader object. if (!LightShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the light shader", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.SetDirection(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Create the model list object. ModelList = new DModelList(); // Initialize the model list object. if (!ModelList.Initialize(25)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize the model list object", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // Create the frustum object. Frustum = new DFrustum(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }