/// <summary>
        /// Area Autoselection: From the TreeView by Selected Area, Target Area Level
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userPreference"></param>
        /// <param name="dIConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="dIQueries"></param>
        /// <param name="parentNId"></param>
        /// <param name="currentLevel"></param>
        /// <param name="requiredLevel"></param>
        public AutoSelectArea(UserPreference.UserPreference userPreference, DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIConnection dIConnection, DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIQueries dIQueries, int parentNId, int currentLevel, int requiredLevel)
            // -- Connection details preserved
            this.mdIConnection = dIConnection;
            this.mdIQueries = dIQueries;
            this.mUserPreference = userPreference;

            // Autoselect Parameters
            this.mparentNId = parentNId;
            this.mcurrentLevel = currentLevel;
            this.mrequiredLevel = requiredLevel;
            this.mAreaNIDs = string.Empty;
        /// <summary>
        /// Area Autoselection: From the Available list by a list of available Area NIDs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userPreference"></param>
        /// <param name="dIConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="dIQueries"></param>
        /// <param name="sAvlAreaNIDs"></param>
        public AutoSelectArea(UserPreference.UserPreference userPreference, DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIConnection dIConnection, DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIQueries dIQueries, string avlAreaNIDs)
            // -- Connection details preserved
            this.mdIConnection = dIConnection;
            this.mdIQueries = dIQueries;
            this.mUserPreference = userPreference;

            // Autoselect Parameters
            this.mparentNId = -1;
            this.mcurrentLevel = 0;
            this.mrequiredLevel = 0;
            this.mAreaNIDs = avlAreaNIDs;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Set metadata master tables for Indicator / Area / Source
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metadataElementType">Indicator / Area / Source</param>
        /// <param name="userPreference"></param>
        /// <param name="dIConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="dIQueries"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool SetMetedataTables(MetadataElementType metadataElementType, UserPreference.UserPreference userPreference, DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIConnection dIConnection, DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIQueries dIQueries)
            bool RetVal = false;
            string MaskFilePath = string.Empty;
            XmlDocument MaskFileDocument = new XmlDocument();
            XmlNodeList MaskNodeList;

            string MaskPathText = string.Empty;
            string MaskPositionText = string.Empty;
            string[] MaskPositionArray;

            XmlDocument MetadataDocument = new XmlDocument();
            string MetadataXml = string.Empty;
            XmlNodeList MetadataFld_ValNodeList;

            string[] arrSelectedMetadataFields = null;
            string JoinColumnName = string.Empty;
            string MetadataColumnName = string.Empty;

            string _Query = string.Empty;
            DataTable DistinctElementTable;
            string[] DistinctNIds = null;

            DataView dvMetadataInfo = null;

            DataTable ElementMetadataTable = null;

            string CategoryType = string.Empty; // I / A / S
            string MetadataPrefix = string.Empty; //MD_IND_, MD_SRC_

            switch (metadataElementType)
                case MetadataElementType.Indicator:
                    // Set Category Type
                    CategoryType = DIQueries.MetadataElementTypeText[MetadataElementType.Indicator];
                    MetadataPrefix = UserPreference.UserPreference.DataviewPreference.MetadataIndicator;
                    // Get Metadata fields from  userPreference
                    arrSelectedMetadataFields = userPreference.DataView.MetadataIndicatorField.Split(",".ToCharArray(), System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    // Set Mask file path
                    MaskFilePath = Path.Combine(this.msMaskFolder, MASK_FILE_INDICATOR);

                    //Set Join column and Metadata Column name
                    JoinColumnName = Indicator.IndicatorNId;
                    MetadataColumnName = Indicator.IndicatorInfo;

                    // Get distinct indicator nids
                    DistinctElementTable = this._IUSIndicator.DefaultView.ToTable(true, JoinColumnName);
                    DistinctNIds = new string[DistinctElementTable.Rows.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < DistinctElementTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                        DistinctNIds[i] = DistinctElementTable.Rows[i][JoinColumnName].ToString();

                    // Get Metadata Info for all Indicators
                    _Query = this.mdIQueries.Indicators.GetIndicator(FilterFieldType.NId, string.Join(",", DistinctNIds), FieldSelection.Heavy);
                    dvMetadataInfo = this.ExecuteInvariantDataTable(_Query).DefaultView;

                    ElementMetadataTable = this._MetadataIndicator;

                case MetadataElementType.Area:
                    // Set Category Type
                    CategoryType = DIQueries.MetadataElementTypeText[MetadataElementType.Area];
                    MetadataPrefix = UserPreference.UserPreference.DataviewPreference.MetadataArea;
                    // Get Metadata fields from  userPreference
                    arrSelectedMetadataFields = userPreference.DataView.MetadataAreaField.Split(",".ToCharArray(), System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    // Set Mask file path
                    MaskFilePath = Path.Combine(this.msMaskFolder, MASK_FILE_AREA);

                    //Get LayerNids for these areas
                    _Query = this.mdIQueries.Area.GetAreaMapByAreaNIds(this._AreaNIds, false);
                    DataTable dtAreaMap = this.ExecuteInvariantDataTable(_Query);

                    //Get Distinct LayerNIds
                    string[] ColumnArray = new string[1];
                    ColumnArray[0] = Area_Map.LayerNId;
                    DistinctElementTable = dtAreaMap.DefaultView.ToTable(true, ColumnArray);
                    DistinctNIds = new string[DistinctElementTable.Rows.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < DistinctElementTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                        DistinctNIds[i] = DistinctElementTable.Rows[i][ColumnArray[0]].ToString();

                    //Get Metadata for LayerNIds along with associated AreaNIds
                    DataTable dtMetadata = GetInvariantDataTable();
                    if (DistinctNIds.Length > 0)
                        //Join to Associate AreaNId and LayerNId
                        DataSet dsParentChild = GetInvariantDataSet();

                        // Add AreaMap Table
                        dtMetadata = dtAreaMap.Copy();  // Since it might be part if a relationship, therefore adding the COPY
                        dtMetadata.TableName = "Parent";
                        dtMetadata.Columns.Add(Area_Map_Metadata.MetadataText, typeof(string));

                        // Add AreaMapMetadata Table
                        _Query = this.mdIQueries.Area.GetAreaMapMetadata(string.Join(",", DistinctNIds));
                        DataTable dtAreaMapMetadata = this.ExecuteInvariantDataTable(_Query);
                        dtAreaMapMetadata.TableName = "Child";

                        // Set Primaty Key in the AreaMapMetadata
                        DataColumn[] PK = new DataColumn[1];
                        PK[0] = dtAreaMapMetadata.Columns[Area_Map_Metadata.LayerNId];
                        dtAreaMapMetadata.PrimaryKey = PK;


                        // Define relationship
                        dsParentChild.Relations.Add("RelAreaMap", dsParentChild.Tables[1].Columns[Area_Map.LayerNId], dsParentChild.Tables[0].Columns[Area_Map_Metadata.LayerNId], false);
                        dsParentChild.Tables[0].Columns[Area_Map_Metadata.MetadataText].Expression = "Parent(RelAreaMap)." + Area_Map_Metadata.MetadataText;
                    dvMetadataInfo = dtMetadata.DefaultView; //(AreaNId-LayerNId-MetadataText)

                    //Set Join column and Metadata Column name
                    JoinColumnName = Area.AreaNId;
                    MetadataColumnName = Area_Map_Metadata.MetadataText;

                    // Get distinct area nids
                    DistinctNIds = this._AreaNIds.Split(",".ToCharArray(), System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    // Set metadata table
                    ElementMetadataTable = this._MetadataArea;

                case MetadataElementType.Source:
                    // Set Category Type
                    CategoryType = DIQueries.MetadataElementTypeText[MetadataElementType.Source];
                    MetadataPrefix = UserPreference.UserPreference.DataviewPreference.MetadataSource;

                    // Get Metadata fields from  userPreference
                    arrSelectedMetadataFields = userPreference.DataView.MetadataSourceField.Split(",".ToCharArray(), System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    // Set Mask file path
                    MaskFilePath = Path.Combine(this.msMaskFolder, MASK_FILE_SOURCE);

                    //Set Join column and Metadata Column name
                    JoinColumnName = IndicatorClassifications.ICNId;
                    MetadataColumnName = IndicatorClassifications.ICInfo;

                    // Get distinct source nids
                    DistinctNIds = new string[this._Sources.Rows.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < this._Sources.Rows.Count; i++)
                        DistinctNIds[i] = this._Sources.Rows[i][JoinColumnName].ToString();

                    // Get Metadata Info for all sources
                    _Query = this.mdIQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetIC(FilterFieldType.NId, string.Join(",", DistinctNIds), ICType.Source, FieldSelection.Heavy);
                    dvMetadataInfo = this.ExecuteInvariantDataTable(_Query).DefaultView;

                    // Set metadata table
                    ElementMetadataTable = this._MetadataSource;


            // Check for existence of indicator mask file
            if (File.Exists(MaskFilePath))
                // Try loading indicator mask file
                catch (Exception)
                    //TODO do not proceed further

            // Add Join columns to Metadata table
            ElementMetadataTable.Columns.Add(JoinColumnName, typeof(int));

            if (this._CensusInfoFeature)
                _Query = this.mdIQueries.Metadata_Category.GetMetadataCategories(FilterFieldType.Type, CategoryType);
                DataView dvMetadataCategory = this.ExecuteInvariantDataTable(_Query).DefaultView;

                for (int j = 0; j < arrSelectedMetadataFields.Length; j++)
                    // Add Metadata columns to Metadata table

                    ElementMetadataTable.Columns.Add(arrSelectedMetadataFields[j], typeof(string));
                    ElementMetadataTable.Columns[arrSelectedMetadataFields[j]].DefaultValue = string.Empty;

                    // For each distinct Element
                    for (int i = 0; i < DistinctNIds.Length; i++)
                        DataRow drMetadata;
                        if (j == 0)
                            // Create data row for each Element (Indicator / Area / Source) only once
                            drMetadata = ElementMetadataTable.NewRow();
                            drMetadata[JoinColumnName] = DistinctNIds[i];
                            // If data row alreday exists simply update the desired field
                            drMetadata = ElementMetadataTable.Select(JoinColumnName + " = " + DistinctNIds[i])[0];

                        if (dvMetadataInfo != null && dvMetadataInfo.Table.Columns.Contains(JoinColumnName))
                            dvMetadataInfo.RowFilter = JoinColumnName + " = " + DistinctNIds[i];
                            // Check for valid xml content
                            if (dvMetadataInfo.Count > 0)
                                MetadataXml = dvMetadataInfo[0][MetadataColumnName].ToString();
                                if (MetadataXml != null && MetadataXml.Trim().Length > 0)
                                    try   // Try loading metadata xml
                                        //Get all FLD_VAL contents into a Nodelist
                                        XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                                        dvMetadataCategory.RowFilter = Metadata_Category.CategoryNId + " = " + arrSelectedMetadataFields[j].Replace(MetadataPrefix, "");
                                        if (dvMetadataCategory != null && dvMetadataCategory.Count > 0)

                                            XmlNode CategoryXmlNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Category[@name='" + dvMetadataCategory[0][Metadata_Category.CategoryName].ToString() + "']");

                                            string ParaNodeText = string.Empty;
                                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CategoryXmlNode.InnerText))
                                                // Replace Para defining delimiter by new line character
                                                ParaNodeText = CategoryXmlNode.InnerText.Replace(DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.MetadataManagerConstants.ReplaceableSymbol, Environment.NewLine);

                                            // get category value from xml (from <para> tags)
                                            //foreach (XmlNode ParaNode in CategoryXmlNode.ChildNodes)
                                            //    // get para node text
                                            //    // add para node into concatenated category value
                                            //    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ParaNodeText))
                                            //    {
                                            //        ParaNodeText += Microsoft.VisualBasic.ControlChars.NewLine ;
                                            //    }
                                            //     ParaNodeText +=  ParaNode.InnerText.Trim();


                                            // Based on position information (index) get Metadata content
                                            drMetadata[arrSelectedMetadataFields[j]] = ParaNodeText;

                                    catch (Exception)
                                        //If unable to load metadata text then fields shall remain empty

                            dvMetadataInfo.RowFilter = string.Empty;
                        // Add element row only while looping for first field
                        if (j == 0)

                // For each selected field for indicator / area (map) / source metadata
                for (int j = 0; j < arrSelectedMetadataFields.Length; j++)

                    // Add Metadata columns to Metadata table
                    ElementMetadataTable.Columns.Add(arrSelectedMetadataFields[j], typeof(string));
                    ElementMetadataTable.Columns[arrSelectedMetadataFields[j]].DefaultValue = string.Empty;

                    // Get position information from mask file
                    MaskNodeList = MaskFileDocument.SelectNodes("*/*[ID='" + arrSelectedMetadataFields[j] + "']"); //root/Input1/ID

                    if (MaskNodeList.Count > 0)
                        if (MaskNodeList[0].SelectNodes("Position")[0] != null)     //TODO Remove Hardcoding "Position"
                            MaskPositionText = MaskNodeList[0].SelectNodes("Position")[0].InnerText;    //TODO Remove Hardcoding "Position"
                            MaskPositionArray = MaskPositionText.Split("/".ToCharArray(), System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            if (MaskPositionArray.Length == 5) // 1/1/1/n/1   1/2/1/n/1
                                // For each distinct Element
                                for (int i = 0; i < DistinctNIds.Length; i++)
                                    DataRow drMetadata;
                                    if (j == 0)
                                        // Create data row for each Element (Indicator / Area / Source) only once
                                        drMetadata = ElementMetadataTable.NewRow();
                                        drMetadata[JoinColumnName] = DistinctNIds[i];
                                        // If data row alreday exists simply update the desired field
                                        drMetadata = ElementMetadataTable.Select(JoinColumnName + " = " + DistinctNIds[i])[0];

                                    if (dvMetadataInfo != null && dvMetadataInfo.Table.Columns.Contains(JoinColumnName))
                                        dvMetadataInfo.RowFilter = JoinColumnName + " = " + DistinctNIds[i];
                                        // Check for valid xml content
                                        if (dvMetadataInfo.Count > 0)
                                            MetadataXml = dvMetadataInfo[0][MetadataColumnName].ToString();
                                            if (MetadataXml.Trim().Length > 0)
                                                try   // Try loading metadata xml

                                                    //Get all FLD_VAL contents into a Nodelist
                                                    MetadataFld_ValNodeList = MetadataDocument.SelectNodes("Indicator_Info/Row1/FLD_VAL"); //TODO Remove Hardcoding

                                                    // Based on position information (index) get Metadata content
                                                    //drMetadata[arrSelectedMetadataFields[j]] = "abc";
                                                    if (MetadataFld_ValNodeList.Count >= int.Parse(MaskPositionArray[1]))
                                                        drMetadata[arrSelectedMetadataFields[j]] = MetadataFld_ValNodeList[(int.Parse(MaskPositionArray[1]) - 1)].InnerText.Trim();
                                                catch (Exception)
                                                    //If unable to load metadata text then fields shall remain empty

                                    // Add element row only while looping for first field
                                    if (j == 0)

            return RetVal;
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Get concatinated path for desired area starting from root area
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="areaNId">Area NId</param>
 /// <param name="areaLevel">Area Level</param>
 /// <param name="dIServerType">Server Type</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string GetAreaChain(int areaNId, int areaLevel, DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIServerType dIServerType)
     string RetVal = string.Empty;
     string FromClause = string.Empty;
     string WhereClause = string.Empty;
     string SelfJoinTablePrefix = string.Empty;
     int RequiredLevel = 1;
     int LevelDifference = LevelDifference = Math.Abs(RequiredLevel - areaLevel);
     if (LevelDifference > 0)
         for (int i = 0; i <= LevelDifference; i++)
             if (i == 0)
                 SelfJoinTablePrefix = "A" + i + "." + DIColumns.Area.AreaName;
                 FromClause = " FROM " + this.TablesName.Area + " AS A" + i;
                 WhereClause = " WHERE A" + LevelDifference + "." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId + " = " + areaNId.ToString();
                 SelfJoinTablePrefix += Delimiter.TEXT_DELIMITER + "A" + i + "." + DIColumns.Area.AreaName;
                 FromClause += "," + this.TablesName.Area + " AS A" + i;
                 WhereClause += " AND A" + i + "." + DIColumns.Area.AreaParentNId + " = A" + (i - 1) + "." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId;
         RetVal = "SELECT DISTINCT ";
         RetVal += DIQueries.SQL_GetConcatenatedValues(SelfJoinTablePrefix, Delimiter.TEXT_DELIMITER, " - ", dIServerType);
         RetVal += " AS AreaChain ";
         RetVal = RetVal + FromClause + WhereClause;
         RetVal = "SELECT " + DIColumns.Area.AreaName + " FROM " + this.TablesName.Area + " WHERE " + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId + " = " + areaNId;
     return RetVal;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Build data table storing IUSNId and Source fields
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DIConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="DIQueries"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool BuildSource(DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIConnection DIConnection, DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIQueries DIQueries)
            bool RetVal = true;
            // If the Source Master Table has not been built then build it
            if (this._Sources.Rows.Count == 0)
                    string _Query = string.Empty;
                    if (this.mdtIUSSourceNIDs.Rows.Count > 0)
                        string[] SourceDistinctColumns = new string[1];
                        SourceDistinctColumns[0] = DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIColumns.Data.SourceNId;
                        DataTable tmpSourceTable = this.mdtIUSSourceNIDs.DefaultView.ToTable(true, SourceDistinctColumns);
                        string sSources = string.Empty;
                        StringBuilder sbSources = new StringBuilder();
                        for (int i = 0; i < tmpSourceTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                            sbSources.Append("," + tmpSourceTable.Rows[i][Data.SourceNId]);
                        sSources = sbSources.ToString().Substring(1);

                        _Query = DIQueries.Source.GetSource(DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibDAL.Queries.FilterFieldType.NId, sSources, DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibDAL.Queries.FieldSelection.Light, false);
                        this._Sources = this.ExecuteInvariantDataTable(_Query);
                        this._Sources.TableName = "DataView_UserSelection_Sources";

                        // Add Selected column
                        this._Sources.Columns.Add(DataExpressionColumns.Selected, typeof(bool));
                        this.ClearSourceFilter(); // Set selected column value to true
                    RetVal = true;
                catch (Exception)
                    RetVal = false;
                RetVal = true;

            return RetVal;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Get dataview  containing  all columns related to Source, IUS, Indicator, Unit, SubgroupVal and Recommended source information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DIConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="DIQueries"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DataView GetIUSSource(DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIConnection DIConnection, DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIQueries DIQueries)
            // If _IUSSource is precomputed, need not to recompute
            if (this._IUSSource.Rows.Count > 0)

                string IUSSourceFilterString = string.Empty;
                string _Query = string.Empty;

                // Indicator            	            Unit           Subgroup  	    Source                  RecSrc      Selected
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // Annual GDP growth rate	            Percent	        Total	        World Bank_WDI 2006     True        True
                // Average annual rate of inflation	    Percent	        Total	        World Bank_WDI 2006     False       True

                // We Have the following
                // 1. _Indicators Data Table (All fields of Indicator by IUS)
                // 2. _Units Data Table (All fields of Unit by IUS)
                // 3. _Subgroups Data Table (All fields of Subgroups by IUS)
                // 4. mdtIUSSourceNIDs Data Table (IUSNId and Source NId)

                // STEP 1: Start building dtIUSSource on the basis of the dtIUSSourceNIDs data table
                DataTable dtIUSSource = null;
                dtIUSSource = this.mdtIUSSourceNIDs.Copy();
                // Set column name to ICNId instead of SourceNId
                dtIUSSource.Columns[Data.SourceNId].ColumnName = IndicatorClassifications.ICNId;
                // Add RecommendedSource column
                dtIUSSource.Columns.Add(IndicatorClassificationsIUS.RecommendedSource, typeof(bool));
                dtIUSSource.Columns.Add(IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICIUSOrder, typeof(int));
                dtIUSSource.Columns.Add(IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICIUSLabel, typeof(string));

                // Add Selected column
                dtIUSSource.Columns.Add(DataExpressionColumns.Selected, typeof(bool));

                //---------------------------New Code Starts ------------------------------------------------
                // Check for existanace of recommended source
                // Fetch all records from IndicatorClassificationsIUS table where RecommendedSource = true
                StringBuilder sbIUSSourceFilter = new StringBuilder();

                foreach (DataRow dr in dtIUSSource.Rows)
                    sbIUSSourceFilter.Append(",'" + dr[Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId] + "_" + dr[IndicatorClassifications.ICNId] + "'");

                if (sbIUSSourceFilter.Length > 0)

                    _Query = DIQueries.Source.GetSource_Rec(sbIUSSourceFilter.ToString().Substring(1), mdIConnection.ConnectionStringParameters.ServerType);
                    DataView dtRecSource = this.ExecuteInvariantDataTable(_Query).DefaultView;

                    // Set recommended source value
                    if (dtRecSource != null && dtRecSource.Count > 0)

                        // If recommended source exists then set RecommendedSource value based on dtRecSource
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtIUSSource.Rows.Count; i++)
                            dtRecSource.RowFilter = IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICNId + "=" + dtIUSSource.Rows[i][IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICNId] + " AND " + IndicatorClassificationsIUS.IUSNId + "=" + dtIUSSource.Rows[i][IndicatorClassificationsIUS.IUSNId];
                            if (dtRecSource.Count > 0)
                                dtIUSSource.Rows[i][IndicatorClassificationsIUS.RecommendedSource] = dtRecSource[0][IndicatorClassificationsIUS.RecommendedSource];
                                dtIUSSource.Rows[i][IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICIUSOrder] = dtRecSource[0][IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICIUSOrder];
                                dtIUSSource.Rows[i][IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICIUSLabel] = dtRecSource[0][IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICIUSLabel];
                                dtIUSSource.Rows[i][IndicatorClassificationsIUS.RecommendedSource] = false;
                            dtIUSSource.Rows[i][DataExpressionColumns.Selected] = true;

                        // If no recommended source exists then set RecommendedSource value to false for all rows
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtIUSSource.Rows.Count; i++)
                            dtIUSSource.Rows[i][IndicatorClassificationsIUS.RecommendedSource] = false;
                            dtIUSSource.Rows[i][DataExpressionColumns.Selected] = true;
                    // If no recommended source exists then set RecommendedSource value to false for all rows
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtIUSSource.Rows.Count; i++)
                        dtIUSSource.Rows[i][IndicatorClassificationsIUS.RecommendedSource] = false;
                        dtIUSSource.Rows[i][DataExpressionColumns.Selected] = true;

                if (dtIUSSource.Rows.Count > 0)

                        // STEP 2: We need to now build up the following IUS_Source Data Table IUS_Source with following columns
                        // ICNId (SourceNId) : IUSNId : Indicator Name : Indicator Global
                        // Unit Name : Unit Global : Subgroup Name : Subgroup Global
                        // Source Name : Source Global : Recommended Source
                        dtIUSSource.Columns.Add(Indicator.IndicatorName, typeof(string));
                        dtIUSSource.Columns.Add(Indicator.IndicatorGlobal, typeof(bool));
                        dtIUSSource.Columns.Add(Unit.UnitName, typeof(string));
                        dtIUSSource.Columns.Add(Unit.UnitGlobal, typeof(bool));
                        dtIUSSource.Columns.Add(DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal, typeof(string));
                        dtIUSSource.Columns.Add(DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGlobal, typeof(bool));
                        dtIUSSource.Columns.Add(IndicatorClassifications.ICName, typeof(string));
                        dtIUSSource.Columns.Add(IndicatorClassifications.ICGlobal, typeof(bool));

                        // STEP 3: Use ADO.NET Relations to build up the Data Table for dtIUSSource
                        DataSet _Base = GetInvariantDataSet();
                        // Add dtIUSSource Datatable into the base dataset

                        // STEP 3.1 - Add Indicator Name into dtIUSSource table using
                        // 1. dtIUSSource
                        // 2. _Indicators
                        // Add _Indicators Datatable into the base dataset
                        _Base.Relations.Add("RelIUS_For_Indicator", this._IUSIndicator.Columns[Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId], dtIUSSource.Columns[Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId], false);
                        // add expression on Indicator Column
                        dtIUSSource.Columns[Indicator.IndicatorName].Expression = "parent(RelIUS_For_Indicator)." + Indicator.IndicatorName;
                        dtIUSSource.Columns[Indicator.IndicatorGlobal].Expression = "parent(RelIUS_For_Indicator)." + Indicator.IndicatorGlobal;

                        // STEP 3.2 - Add Unit Name into dtIUSSource table using
                        // 1. dtIUSSource
                        // 2. _Units
                        // Add _Units Datatable into the base dataset
                        _Base.Relations.Add("RelIUS_For_Unit", this._IUSUnit.Columns[Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId], dtIUSSource.Columns[Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId], false);
                        // add expression on Unit Column
                        dtIUSSource.Columns[Unit.UnitName].Expression = "parent(RelIUS_For_Unit)." + Unit.UnitName;
                        dtIUSSource.Columns[Unit.UnitGlobal].Expression = "parent(RelIUS_For_Unit)." + Unit.UnitGlobal;

                        // STEP 3.3 - Add Subgroup Name into dtIUSSource table using
                        // 1. dtIUSSource
                        // 2. _Subgroups
                        // Add _Subgroups Datatable into the base dataset
                        _Base.Relations.Add("RelIUS_For_Subgroup", this._IUSSubgroupVal.Columns[Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId], dtIUSSource.Columns[Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId], false);
                        // add expression on Unit Column
                        dtIUSSource.Columns[DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal].Expression = "parent(RelIUS_For_Subgroup)." + DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal;
                        dtIUSSource.Columns[DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGlobal].Expression = "parent(RelIUS_For_Subgroup)." + DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGlobal;

                        // STEP 3.4 - Add Source Name into dtIUSSource table using
                        // 1. dtIUSSource
                        // 2. _Sources
                        // Add _Sources Datatable into the base dataset
                        _Base.Relations.Add("RelIUS_For_Source", this._Sources.Columns[IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICNId], dtIUSSource.Columns[IndicatorClassificationsIUS.ICNId], false);
                        // add expression on Unit Column
                        dtIUSSource.Columns[IndicatorClassifications.ICName].Expression = "parent(RelIUS_For_Source)." + IndicatorClassifications.ICName;
                        dtIUSSource.Columns[IndicatorClassifications.ICGlobal].Expression = "parent(RelIUS_For_Source)." + IndicatorClassifications.ICGlobal;

                        // Set Return DataView
                        this._IUSSource = dtIUSSource;
                    catch (Exception)
                        this._IUSSource = dtIUSSource;
                    // -- Return empty DataView
                    this._IUSSource = dtIUSSource;


            return this._IUSSource.DefaultView;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Build data table storing IUSNId and Unit fields
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DIConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="DIQueries"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool BuildIUSUnit(DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIConnection DIConnection, DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIQueries DIQueries)
            bool RetVal = true;
            // If the Unit Master Table has not been built then build it
            if (this._IUSUnit.Rows.Count == 0)
                string _Query = string.Empty;
                if (this._IUSNIds.Length > 0)
                    _Query = DIQueries.Unit.GetUnits(this._IUSNIds);
                    this._IUSUnit = this.ExecuteInvariantDataTable(_Query);
                    // ExecuteInvariantDataTable sets table name to "". Set Table name which is used while defining relationship
                    this._IUSUnit.TableName = "DataView_UserSelection_IUSUnit";

                RetVal = true;
                RetVal = true;

            return RetVal;
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Build Metadata tables for Indicator, Area and Source
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userPreference"></param>
        /// <param name="dIConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="dIQueries"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void BuildMetadataTables(UserPreference.UserPreference userPreference, DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIConnection dIConnection, DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIQueries dIQueries)
            if (userPreference.DataView.MetadataIndicatorField.Length > 0)
                SetMetedataTables(MetadataElementType.Indicator, userPreference, dIConnection, dIQueries);

            if (userPreference.DataView.MetadataAreaField.Length > 0)
                SetMetedataTables(MetadataElementType.Area, userPreference, dIConnection, dIQueries);

            if (userPreference.DataView.MetadataSourceField.Length > 0)
                SetMetedataTables(MetadataElementType.Source, userPreference, dIConnection, dIQueries);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Build data table storing IUSNId and Indicator fields
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DIConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="DIQueries"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool BuildIUSIndicator(DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIConnection DIConnection, DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIQueries DIQueries)
            bool RetVal = true;
            // If the Indicator Master Table has not been built then build it
            if (this._IUSIndicator.Rows.Count == 0)
                string _Query = string.Empty;
                if (this._IUSNIds.Length > 0)
                    _Query = DIQueries.Indicators.GetIndicators(this._IUSNIds, false);
                    this._IUSIndicator = this.ExecuteInvariantDataTable(_Query);
                    this._IUSIndicator.TableName = "DataView_UserSelection_IUSIndicator";
                RetVal = true;
                RetVal = true;

            return RetVal;
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Build data table storing IUSNId and SubgroupVal fields
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DIConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="DIQueries"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool BuildIUSSubgroup(DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIConnection DIConnection, DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIQueries DIQueries)
            bool RetVal = true;
            // If the Unit Master Table has not been built then build it
            if (this._IUSSubgroupVal.Rows.Count == 0)
                string _Query = string.Empty;
                if (this._IUSNIds.Length > 0)
                    _Query = DIQueries.Subgroup.GetSubgroups(this._IUSNIds);
                    this._IUSSubgroupVal = this.ExecuteInvariantDataTable(_Query);
                    this._IUSSubgroupVal.TableName = "DataView_UserSelection_IUSSubgroupVal";
                RetVal = true;
                RetVal = true;

            return RetVal;
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Set IC Field Information for columns selected by user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userPreference"></param>
        /// <param name="dIConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="dIQueries"></param>
        /// <param name="dtIUSNIDs">Datatable containing distinct IUSNIds for full dataview</param>
        private void BuildIUSICInfoTable(UserPreference.UserPreference userPreference, DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIConnection dIConnection, DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIQueries dIQueries, DataTable dtIUSNIDs)
            string sIUSICInfoTableName = this._IUSICInfo.TableName; //Preserve Table name
            string sIUSICNIdInfoTableName = this._IUSICNIdInfo.TableName; //Preserve Table name

            // Get Table with IUSNId column. Later add additional columns based on IC fields selected
            this._IUSICInfo = dtIUSNIDs.Copy();
            this._IUSICNIdInfo = dtIUSNIDs.Copy();

            this._IUSICInfo.TableName = sIUSICInfoTableName; //Restore Table Name
            this._IUSICNIdInfo.TableName = sIUSICNIdInfoTableName; //Restore Table Name

            string[] arrSelectedICFields = null;

            // This dictionary will store all distinct ICType(KEY) for which fields are selected and Maximum child level (Value) selected
            System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<ICType, int> ICMaxLevelCol = new Dictionary<ICType, int>();

            System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<ICType, string> ICGIdsCol = new Dictionary<ICType, string>();

            string sICType = string.Empty;
            int ICIndex = -1;
            ICType ICType = ICType.Sector;
            string sLevel = string.Empty;
            string sCaption = string.Empty;

            // Add selected IC columns to _IUSICInfo table
            // Set language based caption
            // Preserve information of distinct IC selected and max child level to traverse in ICMaxLevelCol
            if (userPreference.DataView.ICFields.Length > 0)
                arrSelectedICFields = userPreference.DataView.ICFields.Split(",".ToCharArray(), System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                for (int i = 0; i < arrSelectedICFields.Length; i++)
                    sICType = arrSelectedICFields[i].Substring(4, 2);
                    ICIndex = DIQueries.ICTypeText.Values.IndexOf("'" + sICType + "'");
                    if (ICIndex > -1)
                        ICType = DIQueries.ICTypeText.Keys[ICIndex];

                    sLevel = arrSelectedICFields[i].Substring(7);
                    this._IUSICInfo.Columns.Add(arrSelectedICFields[i], typeof(string));
                    this._IUSICNIdInfo.Columns.Add(arrSelectedICFields[i], typeof(int));

                    this._IUSICInfo.Columns[arrSelectedICFields[i]].DefaultValue = string.Empty;
                    this._IUSICNIdInfo.Columns[arrSelectedICFields[i]].DefaultValue = -1;

                    if (ICMaxLevelCol.ContainsKey(ICType))
                        ICMaxLevelCol[ICType] = Math.Max(ICMaxLevelCol[ICType], int.Parse(sLevel));
                        ICMaxLevelCol.Add(ICType, int.Parse(sLevel));

                    if (ICGIdsCol.ContainsKey(ICType) == false)
                        string[] sICGIds = null;
                        switch (ICType)
                            case ICType.Sector:
                                sICGIds = userPreference.DataView.ICSectorGIds.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            case ICType.Goal:
                                sICGIds = userPreference.DataView.ICGoalGIds.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            case ICType.CF:
                                sICGIds = "-1".Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            case ICType.Theme:
                                sICGIds = userPreference.DataView.ICThemeGIds.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            case ICType.Source:
                                sICGIds = userPreference.DataView.ICSourceGIds.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            case ICType.Institution:
                                sICGIds = userPreference.DataView.ICInstitutionalGIds.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            case ICType.Convention:
                                sICGIds = userPreference.DataView.ICConventionGIds.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        for (int j = 0; j < sICGIds.Length; j++)
                            sICGIds[j] = "'" + sICGIds[j] + "'";
                        ICGIdsCol.Add(ICType, string.Join(",", sICGIds));


            string sCommaDelimitedICTypes = string.Empty;
            string _Query = string.Empty;

            // Get distinct comma delimited IC types for query
            foreach (ICType sKey in ICMaxLevelCol.Keys)
                sCommaDelimitedICTypes += "," + DIQueries.ICTypeText[sKey];

            // Fetch records for IC based on IUSNIds and ICTypes
            if (sCommaDelimitedICTypes.Length > 0)
                sCommaDelimitedICTypes = sCommaDelimitedICTypes.Substring(1); //Remove extra ","
                _Query = dIQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetICForIUSNId(FilterFieldType.Type, sCommaDelimitedICTypes, this._IUSNIds, FieldSelection.Light);
                _Query = dIQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetICForIUSNId(FilterFieldType.None, "", this._IUSNIds, FieldSelection.Light);
            DataView dvIC = this.ExecuteInvariantDataTable(_Query).DefaultView;

            int iMaxLevel;
            string sParentNIds = string.Empty;
            string sColumnName = string.Empty;

            //for each classification type (for which fields has been selected)
            foreach (ICType sKey in ICMaxLevelCol.Keys)
                ICType = sKey;
                iMaxLevel = ICMaxLevelCol[sKey];
                sParentNIds = "-1";

                // for each level of current classification type
                for (int i = 1; i <= iMaxLevel; i++)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sParentNIds))

                        // Build the column name based on field naming convention "CLS_SC_1", "CLS_GL_3"
                        sColumnName = "CLS_" + DIQueries.ICTypeText[ICType].Replace("'", "") + "_" + i.ToString();

                        // Check whether this column is part of _IUSICInfo table
                        if (this._IUSICInfo.Columns.Contains(sColumnName))

                            // for each IUS set _ICInfo[sColumnName] if its associated to Current IC record
                            for (int k = 0; k < this._IUSICInfo.Rows.Count; k++)
                                dvIC.RowFilter = IndicatorClassificationsIUS.IUSNId + " = " + this._IUSICInfo.Rows[k][IndicatorClassificationsIUS.IUSNId].ToString() + " AND " + IndicatorClassifications.ICParent_NId + " IN (" + sParentNIds + ") AND " + IndicatorClassifications.ICGId + " IN (" + ICGIdsCol[ICType] + ") AND " + IndicatorClassifications.ICType + " = " + DIQueries.ICTypeText[ICType];

                                if (dvIC.Count > 0)
                                    this._IUSICInfo.Rows[k][sColumnName] = dvIC[0][IndicatorClassifications.ICName];
                                    this._IUSICNIdInfo.Rows[k][sColumnName] = dvIC[0][IndicatorClassifications.ICNId];
                                    this._IUSICInfo.Rows[k][sColumnName] = string.Empty;

                        // Set ParentNIds for next level
                        dvIC.RowFilter = IndicatorClassifications.ICParent_NId + " IN (" + sParentNIds + ") AND " + IndicatorClassifications.ICType + " = " + DIQueries.ICTypeText[ICType];
                        sParentNIds = string.Empty;
                        for (int j = 0; j < dvIC.Count; j++)
                            sParentNIds += "," + dvIC[j][IndicatorClassifications.ICNId];

                        // remove extra ","
                        if (sParentNIds.Length > 0)
                            sParentNIds = sParentNIds.Substring(1);
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for DIDataView builds up the primary information for getting paged data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userPreference"></param>
        /// <param name="dIConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="dIQueries"></param>
        /// <param name="maskFolder">Path of Mask Folder where mask files for Indicator, Area and Source metadata resides. Constants for mask file name are available within this class</param>
        /// <param name="languageFilePath">Path of language file, used to set language based column captions</param>
        public DIDataView(UserPreference.UserPreference userPreference, DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIConnection dIConnection, DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIQueries dIQueries, string maskFolder, string commentsDataNIds)
            string _Query = string.Empty;
            string[] DistinctColumns = new string[1];

            // -- Connection details preserved for getting IUSSource (recommended source) later on demand
            this.mdIConnection = dIConnection;
            this.mdIQueries = dIQueries;
            this.mUserPreference = userPreference;
            this.mUserPreference.UserSelection.UserSelectionChangeEvent += UserSelectionChanged;

            // Mask folder for Metadata
            this.msMaskFolder = maskFolder;

            this._PagingCompleted = false;

            #region STEP 1: Get DataNIDs for the selected Indicator, Time and Area and Build the Master Tables

            // -- STEP 1: Get DataNIDs for the selected Indicator, Time and Area
            // -- STEP 1.1 - Build Query for the Data View - This query will return only the DataNIds on the basis of the selected I, A and T
            // Query for Data NIDs

            //We have to get data for records which are marked as deleted and still to be displayed at Data page
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commentsDataNIds))
                _Query = dIQueries.Data.GetDataNIDByIUSTimePeriodAreaSource(userPreference.UserSelection, dIConnection.ConnectionStringParameters.ServerType, "");
                _Query = dIQueries.Data.GetDataNIDByIUSTimePeriodAreaSource(userPreference.UserSelection, dIConnection.ConnectionStringParameters.ServerType, commentsDataNIds);

            // -- STEP 1.2: Execute the Query
            // -- This Data Table will have all the DataNIDs and wil be used in other operations to fetch data
            DataTable dtData = this.ExecuteInvariantDataTable(_Query);

            // -- STEP 1.3: Inititalize Data Tables

            // -- STEP 1.4: Creating the Data Tables for
            //          DataNID, IUSNId and IUS_SourceNId (These Datatables will be used in the DataView Page to fill the Data, Source, Unit and Subgroup Lists)
            //          Indicator (master table based on IUSNId)
            //          Unit (master table based on IUSNId)
            //          Subgroup (master table based on IUSNId)
            //          Source (master table based on IUS_SourceNId)
            if (dtData != null && dtData.Rows.Count > 0)
                // Distinct DataNId
                DistinctColumns[0] = DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIColumns.Data.DataNId;
                this._AllDataNIDs = dtData.DefaultView.ToTable(false, DistinctColumns);
                this._FilteredDataNIds = this._AllDataNIDs.Copy();

                StringBuilder sbDataNIDs = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < this._AllDataNIDs.Rows.Count; i++)
                    sbDataNIDs.Append("," + this._AllDataNIDs.Rows[i][Data.DataNId]);
                if (sbDataNIDs.Length > 0)
                    msAllDataNIDs = sbDataNIDs.ToString().Substring(1);

                // Distinct IUSNID
                DistinctColumns[0] = DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIColumns.Data.IUSNId;
                DataTable dtIUSNIDs = GetInvariantDataTable();
                dtIUSNIDs = dtData.DefaultView.ToTable(true, DistinctColumns);
                StringBuilder sbIUSNIDs = new StringBuilder();
                this._IUSNIds = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < dtIUSNIDs.Rows.Count; i++)
                    sbIUSNIDs.Append("," + dtIUSNIDs.Rows[i][Data.IUSNId]);
                if (sbIUSNIDs.Length > 0)
                    this._IUSNIds = sbIUSNIDs.ToString().Substring(1);

                // Distinct AreaNIds
                DistinctColumns[0] = Data.AreaNId;
                DataTable dtAreaNIds = GetInvariantDataTable();
                dtAreaNIds = dtData.DefaultView.ToTable(true, DistinctColumns);
                StringBuilder sbAreaNIds = new StringBuilder();
                this._AreaNIds = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < dtAreaNIds.Rows.Count; i++)
                    sbAreaNIds.Append("," + dtAreaNIds.Rows[i][Data.AreaNId]);
                if (sbAreaNIds.Length > 0)
                    this._AreaNIds = sbAreaNIds.ToString().Substring(1);

                // Distinct TimePeriodNIds
                DistinctColumns[0] = Data.TimePeriodNId;
                DataTable dtTimePeriodNIds = GetInvariantDataTable();
                dtTimePeriodNIds = dtData.DefaultView.ToTable(true, DistinctColumns);
                StringBuilder sbTimePeriodNIds = new StringBuilder();
                this._TimePeriodNIds = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < dtTimePeriodNIds.Rows.Count; i++)
                    sbTimePeriodNIds.Append("," + dtTimePeriodNIds.Rows[i][Data.TimePeriodNId]);
                if (sbTimePeriodNIds.Length > 0)
                    this._TimePeriodNIds = sbTimePeriodNIds.ToString().Substring(1);

                // Distinct SourceNIDs
                string[] SourceDistinctColumns = new string[2];
                SourceDistinctColumns[0] = DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIColumns.Data.IUSNId;
                SourceDistinctColumns[1] = DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibDAL.Queries.DIColumns.Data.SourceNId;
                this.mdtIUSSourceNIDs = dtData.DefaultView.ToTable(true, SourceDistinctColumns);

                // Build IUSIndicator table
                this.BuildIUSIndicator(dIConnection, dIQueries);
                // Build IUSUnit table
                this.BuildIUSUnit(dIConnection, dIQueries);
                // Build IUSSubgroup
                this.BuildIUSSubgroup(dIConnection, dIQueries);
                // Build Source
                this.BuildSource(dIConnection, dIQueries);
                //Build IUSSource
                this.GetIUSSource(dIConnection, dIQueries);

                // BuildMetadataTables
                this.BuildMetadataTables(userPreference, dIConnection, dIQueries);
                // BuildIUSICInfoTables
                this.BuildIUSICInfoTable(userPreference, dIConnection, dIQueries, dtIUSNIDs);

                // Set Paging Info

Exemple #13
        public string GetPresentationData(UserSelection.UserSelection UserSelection, DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIServerType DIServerType)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();
            string sDataViewBasicQuery = string.Empty;

            // Get DataView Basic Query
            sDataViewBasicQuery = GetGenericSelectFromWhereClause();

            // Indicator Filters
            if (UserSelection.IndicatorNIds.Length > 0)
                if (UserSelection.ShowIUS == true)
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId + " IN (" + UserSelection.IndicatorNIds + ")");
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IndicatorNId + " IN (" + UserSelection.IndicatorNIds + ") ");
            // Time Period Filters
            if (UserSelection.TimePeriodNIds.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId + " IN (" + UserSelection.TimePeriodNIds + ")");
            // Area Filters
            if (UserSelection.AreaNIds.Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId + " IN (" + UserSelection.AreaNIds + ")");

            // Dataview Filters
            sbQuery.Append(UserSelection.DataViewFilters.SQL_GetDataViewFilters(DIServerType, false));

            RetVal = sDataViewBasicQuery + sbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets records form data table based on User selection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="UserSelection">an instance of User selection object</param>
 /// <param name="DIServerType">Server type required for database specific syntax like concat etc.</param>
 /// <param name="dataNIds">
 /// Comma delimited datanids which may be blank. 
 /// If datanid is provided then filter is applied on the basis datanids instead of indicatornid + timeperiodnids + areanids
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>Sql query text</returns>
 public string GetDataNIDByIUSTimePeriodAreaSource(UserSelection.UserSelection UserSelection, DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIServerType DIServerType, string dataNIds)
     string RetVal = string.Empty;
     RetVal = GetDataIUSSourceNIDByUserSelection(UserSelection, FieldSelection.NId, DIServerType, dataNIds);
     return RetVal;
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets records form data table based on User selection
        /// </summary>
        ///<param name="UserSelection">an instance of User selection object</param>
        /// <param name="fieldSelection">NId, Name, Light, Heavy</param>
        /// <param name="DIServerType">Server type required for database specific syntax like concat etc.</param>
        /// <param name="dataNIds">
        /// Comma delimited datanids which may be blank. 
        /// If datanid is provided then filter is applied on the basis datanids instead of indicatornid + timeperiodnids + areanids
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetDataIUSSourceNIDByUserSelection(UserSelection.UserSelection UserSelection, FieldSelection fieldSelection, DI_LibDAL.Connection.DIServerType DIServerType, string dataNIds)
            // --------- sDataNIDs (Length > 0 then apply Filters) ---------
            // -- sDataNIDs will have comma seperated Data NIDs only when this function is being used to Apply Filters on the already created Data View
            // -- In such a case sDataNIDs will hold all the DataNIDs of the created DataView
            // -- 1. Will be used with Filters only
            // -- 2. If sDataNIDs is not blank then it means that this function is being used to set Filters
            // -- 3. TIME PERIOD Table - Will require a Check for MRD filter also - In this Case Time Period Table will be used
            // -- 4. In this Case no Filters on Area, Time and Indicator
            // -- SPECIAL CASE
            // -- With too many DataNIDs, the Query might fail - Maximum limit set to 60,000 length
            // -- In such a scenario, sDataNIDs filter will not be used and the Filters for Area, Time and Indicator will be used
            // -- Also MRD will be applied if applicable

            string RetVal = string.Empty;

            string indicatorNIds = UserSelection.IndicatorNIds;
            string timePeriodNIds = UserSelection.TimePeriodNIds;
            string areaNIds = UserSelection.AreaNIds;
            string sourceNIds = UserSelection.SourceNIds;
            bool showIUS = UserSelection.ShowIUS;
            bool UseIUSTable = false;
            int iDataNIDLen = dataNIds.Length;
            int iMaxDataNIdLen = 60000;

            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();

            // SELECT Clause

            switch (fieldSelection)
                case FieldSelection.NId:
                    sbQuery.Append("SELECT D." + DIColumns.Data.DataNId + ", D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + ", D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + ", D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + ", D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId);

                    // Use TimePeriod Table (Check comments on top - MRD case)
                    if (iDataNIDLen > 0 && UserSelection.DataViewFilters.MostRecentData)
                        // Check comments on top - MRD case
                        sbQuery.Append(", T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriod);

                case FieldSelection.Name:
                    sbQuery.Append("SELECT I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName + ",U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitName + ",SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal + ",T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriod + ",A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaName + ",D." + DIColumns.Data.DataValue + ",IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICName);
                case FieldSelection.Light:
                    sbQuery.Append("SELECT IUS." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + ",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorNId + ",I." + DIColumns.Indicator.IndicatorName + ",U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitNId + ",U." + DIColumns.Unit.UnitName + ",SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId + ",SGV." + DIColumns.SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal + ",T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId + ",T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriod + ",A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaNId + ",A." + DIColumns.Area.AreaName + ",D." + DIColumns.Data.DataValue + ",IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICNId + ",IC." + DIColumns.IndicatorClassifications.ICName);
                case FieldSelection.Heavy:

            // FROM Clause
            switch (fieldSelection)
                case FieldSelection.NId:
                    sbQuery.Append(" FROM " + this.TablesName.Data + " AS D");

                    // Filters on - Unit and Subgroup
                    if (UserSelection.DataViewFilters.DeletedSubgroupNIds.Length > 0 || UserSelection.DataViewFilters.DeletedUnitNIds.Length > 0)
                        // -- DataView - If Filtered by Unit or Subgroup
                        // -- Use IUS Table in this case
                        UseIUSTable = true;

                    // Use IUS Table
                    if (UseIUSTable)
                        sbQuery.Append(", " + this.TablesName.IndicatorUnitSubgroup + " AS IUS ");
                    // Use Time Period Table
                    if (iDataNIDLen > 0 && UserSelection.DataViewFilters.MostRecentData)
                        // Check comments on top
                        sbQuery.Append(", " + this.TablesName.TimePeriod + " AS T ");


                case FieldSelection.Name:
                case FieldSelection.Light:
                case FieldSelection.Heavy:


            // WHERE Clause
            switch (fieldSelection)
                case FieldSelection.NId:
                    sbQuery.Append(" WHERE 1=1 ");

                    if (UseIUSTable)
                        // Join between IUS and Data Table
                        sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + "=IUS." + DIColumns.Indicator_Unit_Subgroup.IUSNId);

                    // Use Time Period Table - MRD Filter
                    if (iDataNIDLen > 0 && UserSelection.DataViewFilters.MostRecentData)
                        // Check comments on top  - MRD Filter
                        sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + "=T." + DIColumns.Timeperiods.TimePeriodNId);

                case FieldSelection.Name:
                case FieldSelection.Light:
                case FieldSelection.Heavy:

            // Filters on Area, Indicator and Time Period
            if (iDataNIDLen == 0 || iDataNIDLen > iMaxDataNIdLen)
                // Area
                if (areaNIds.Trim().Length > 0)
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.AreaNId + " IN (" + areaNIds + ")");

                // Indicator
                if (indicatorNIds.Trim().Length > 0)
                    if (showIUS == false)
                        sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.IndicatorNId + " IN (" + indicatorNIds + ") ");
                        sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.IUSNId + " IN (" + indicatorNIds + ")");

                // Time Period
                if (timePeriodNIds.Trim().Length > 0)
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.TimePeriodNId + " IN (" + timePeriodNIds + ")");

                // Source
                if (sourceNIds.Trim().Length > 0)
                    sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.SourceNId + " IN (" + sourceNIds + ")");
                // IF the length of sDataNIDs > 0 then apply filter on DataNIDs
                sbQuery.Append(" AND D." + DIColumns.Data.DataNId + " IN (" + dataNIds + ")");

            // ---------------------------------------------
            // --------- Filters - DataView ---------  Exclude Deleted Data Point filters as they will be part of main dataview
            // ---------------------------------------------
            if (UserSelection.DataViewFilters.MostRecentData == true)
                // For MRD case Deleted records should be discarded ie filter clause for deleted record should be considered
                sbQuery.Append(UserSelection.DataViewFilters.SQL_GetDataViewFilters(DIServerType, false));
                // For other case Deleted records should be part of dataview ie filter clause for deleted record should be excluded
                sbQuery.Append(UserSelection.DataViewFilters.SQL_GetDataViewFilters(DIServerType, true));

            RetVal = sbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;