//Upload_Click event handler for upload files. private void Upload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (da.checkMonth(WON_TEXTBOX.Text)) { if (NameOfOTHER.Text.Length > 0) { da.setOtherName(NameOfOTHER.Text); } da.setDestinationPath(WON_TEXTBOX.Text, ECN_TEXTBOX.Text, typeOfDoc, MonthOfSPR.SelectedIndex); validateFields(); if (da.checkDestinationDirectory()) { if (ECN_TEXTBOX.Text.Length == 0) { DIAL_ANS answer = da.dialogBox("No ECN", "You didn't enter ECN, Do you want to continue?", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (answer == DIAL_ANS.YES) { da.setECNFilled(true); } else { da.setECNFilled(false); } } else { da.setECNFilled(true); } if (da.isReadyToUpload()) { if (da.uploadFile()) { attachmentPath.Text = da.getDestinationPath(); MessageBox.Show("Your file is successfully uploaded"); UPLOAD_BUTTON.IsEnabled = false; } else { MessageBox.Show("Upload has been cancelled"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please complete all required fields"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please check Work Order Number or Destination Folder."); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please check Work Order Number."); } }
//uploadFile method is to validate if there is any duplications, and upload the workorder file. public bool uploadFile() { if (checkDestinationDirectory()) { if (File.Exists(getDestinationPath())) { DIAL_ANS answer = dialogBox("Over-Writing", "File already exists, do you want to overwrite?", MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel); if (answer == DIAL_ANS.YES) { File.Copy(getSourcePath(), getDestinationPath(), true); return(true); } else if (answer == DIAL_ANS.NO) { int nextNumber = 1; string newDestinationPath = getDestinationPath(); newDestinationPath = newDestinationPath.Substring(0, newDestinationPath.LastIndexOf(".")); while (File.Exists(newDestinationPath + ".pdf")) { if (newDestinationPath.EndsWith(")")) { newDestinationPath = newDestinationPath.Substring(0, newDestinationPath.LastIndexOf("(")); } newDestinationPath = newDestinationPath + "(" + nextNumber++ + ")"; } File.Copy(getSourcePath(), newDestinationPath + ".pdf", false); setDestinationPath(newDestinationPath); return(true); } } else { File.Copy(getSourcePath(), getDestinationPath(), false); return(true); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Destination Folder does not exist."); } return(false); }