static void Main(string[] args) { string bacstore = @"D:\AuthEP\svn\software\IDP\IDPWebsite\Bac\"; string ppid = "IHfP1FWxNwwvRTIBQ58xVVUnRAKZlWNPrJcHxzTF0k8="; string host = "localhost"; int port = 9303; if (args.Length > 0) { host = args[0]; } if (args.Length > 1) { port = int.Parse(args[1]); } StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(bacstore + ppid + ".bac"); string docNumber = reader.ReadLine(); string dateOfBirth = reader.ReadLine(); string dateOfExpiry = reader.ReadLine(); reader.Close(); NetworkClient client = new NetworkClient(host, port); client.SendBac(docNumber, dateOfBirth, dateOfExpiry); List <IDGFile> dgFiles = new List <IDGFile>(); DG1File dg1 = new DG1File(client.GetDG(IDGFile.EF_DG1_TAG)); DG15File dg15 = new DG15File(client.GetDG(IDGFile.EF_DG15_TAG)); dgFiles.Add(dg1); dgFiles.Add(dg15); SODFile sod = new SODFile(client.GetDG(IDGFile.EF_SOD_TAG)); Console.WriteLine("Hello " + dg1.MRZ.getPrimaryIdentifier()); bool hashCheck = Verification.CheckHash(dgFiles, sod); Console.WriteLine("Hash check result - " + hashCheck); if (sod.CheckDocSignature()) { Console.WriteLine("SOd signature Check - PASSED!"); Console.WriteLine("Issuing state - {0}", dg1.MRZ.getIssuingState().getName()); } else { Console.WriteLine("SOd signature Check - FAILED!"); } Random random = new Random(); byte[] message = new byte[8]; random.NextBytes(message); byte[] signature = client.SendChallenge(message); bool aaCheck = Verification.CheckAA(dg15.PublicKey, message, signature); Console.WriteLine("AA Check - " + aaCheck); client.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// The WS-Trust Issue binding. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">A RequestSecurityToken (or RequestSecurityTokenResponse) message, with WS-Addressing Action </param> /// <returns>A RequestSecurityTokenResponse message.</returns> public Message Issue(Message request) { try { OperationContext context = OperationContext.Current; MessageProperties messageProperties = context.IncomingMessageProperties; RemoteEndpointMessageProperty endpointProperty = messageProperties[RemoteEndpointMessageProperty.Name] as RemoteEndpointMessageProperty; Console.WriteLine("Request from {0}:{1}", endpointProperty.Address, endpointProperty.Port); if (request == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("request"); } //Console.WriteLine("REQUEST: " + request.ToString()); // Parse the incoming request, an RST RST rst = new RST(request.GetReaderAtBodyContents()); //Console.WriteLine("new request (" + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + ") " + rst.KeyType); Console.WriteLine(); // Try to find the PPID in the claimsets string ppid = ""; AuthorizationContext ctx = OperationContext.Current.ServiceSecurityContext.AuthorizationContext; foreach (ClaimSet claimSet in ctx.ClaimSets) { foreach (Claim c in claimSet) { if (c.ClaimType == "") { ppid = c.Resource.ToString(); } Console.WriteLine("incoming claim: " + c.ClaimType + " resource: " + c.Resource.ToString()); } } string ppidBase64 = BytesToHex(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ppid)); Console.WriteLine("ppid: " + ppid + " hex: " + ppidBase64); string bacPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["bacstore"] + ppidBase64 + ".bac"; Console.WriteLine("BacPath: " + bacPath); StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(bacPath); string docNumber = reader.ReadLine(); string dateOfBirth = reader.ReadLine(); string dateOfExpiry = reader.ReadLine(); reader.Close(); Console.WriteLine("BAC: " + docNumber + "<<<" + dateOfBirth + "<<<" + dateOfExpiry); //NetworkClient client = new NetworkClient(endpointProperty.Address, 9303); NetworkClient client = new NetworkClient(NetworkListener.IncomingClients[endpointProperty.Address]); Console.WriteLine("NetworkClient found: " + client.ToString()); client.SendBac(docNumber, dateOfBirth, dateOfExpiry); Console.WriteLine("BAC Send"); DG1File dg1 = new DG1File(client.GetDG(IDGFile.EF_DG1_TAG)); Console.WriteLine("DG1 Received"); DG15File dg15 = new DG15File(client.GetDG(IDGFile.EF_DG15_TAG)); Console.WriteLine("DG15 Received"); SODFile sod = new SODFile(client.GetDG(IDGFile.EF_SOD_TAG)); Console.WriteLine("SOD Received"); bool sodCheck = sod.CheckDocSignature(); Console.WriteLine("SOD DOC SIGNATURE CHECK: " + sodCheck); bool hashCheck = Verification.CheckHash(dg1, sod); Console.WriteLine("HASH CHECK DG1: " + hashCheck); Random random = new Random(); byte[] message = new byte[8]; random.NextBytes(message); byte[] signature = client.SendChallenge(message); bool aaCheck = Verification.CheckAA(dg15.PublicKey, message, signature); Console.WriteLine("AA CHECK: " + aaCheck); client.Dispose(); RSTR rstr = null; // Process the request and generate an RSTR if (hashCheck && sodCheck && aaCheck) { rstr = new RSTR(rst, ppid, dg1.MRZ); } else { return(null); } // Generate a response message Message response = Message.CreateMessage(MessageVersion.Default, Constants.WSTrust.Actions.IssueResponse, rstr); // Set the RelatesTo if (request.Headers.MessageId != null) { response.Headers.RelatesTo = request.Headers.MessageId; } else { // not supported in this sample throw new NotSupportedException("Caller must provide a Message Id"); } // Send back to the caller return(response); } catch (Exception e) { throw WSTrustFaultException.FromException(e); } }