Exemple #1
        public void ReadDataTest()
            DFS0 _dfs0 = new DFS0(@"..\..\..\TestData\novomr4_indv_dfs0_ud1.dfs0");

            Assert.AreEqual(33316.7, _dfs0.GetData(0, 1), 1e-1);
Exemple #2
        public void PercentileTest()
            DFSBase target = DfsFileFactory.OpenFile(@"..\..\..\TestData\novomr4_indv_dfs0_ud1.dfs0");

            double[] Percentiles = new double[] { 0.1, 0.5, 0.9 };
            DFSBase  outf        = DfsFileFactory.CreateFile(@"..\..\..\TestData\novomr4_indv_dfs0_ud1_percentiles.dfs0", Percentiles.Count());

            int Item = 1; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

            int k = 0;

            //Create the items
            foreach (double j in Percentiles)
                outf.Items[k].EumItem = target.Items[Item - 1].EumItem;
                outf.Items[k].EumUnit = target.Items[Item - 1].EumUnit;
                outf.Items[k].Name    = j.ToString() + " Percentile";

            int[] TSteps = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };

            target.Percentile(Item, TSteps, outf, Percentiles);

            DFS0 df = new DFS0(@"..\..\..\TestData\novomr4_indv_dfs0_ud1_percentiles.dfs0");

            Assert.AreEqual(25952, df.GetData(0, 1), 0.5);
            Assert.AreEqual(27294, df.GetData(0, 2), 0.5);
            Assert.AreEqual(33422, df.GetData(0, 3), 0.5);

Exemple #3
        public void DeleteValueTest()
            DFS0 _dfs0 = new DFS0(@"..\..\..\TestData\Q_obs_sj_all.dfs0");

            Assert.AreEqual(_dfs0.DeleteValue, _dfs0.GetData(3, 15));

    public void DeleteValueTest()
      DFS0 _dfs0 = new DFS0(TestPath + @"Q_obs_sj_all.dfs0");

      Assert.AreEqual(_dfs0.DeleteValue, _dfs0.GetData(3, 15));


Exemple #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Extract the filenames from the arguments
            string dfs0FileName  = args.First(var => Path.GetExtension(var).ToLower() == ".dfs0");
            string AsciiFileName = args.First(var => Path.GetExtension(var).ToLower() != ".dfs0");

            //Create a DFS0-object
            using (DFS0 _dfs0 = new DFS0(dfs0FileName)) //"Using" will make sure the object is correctly disposed
                //Creates a streamreader object
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(AsciiFileName))
                    //Not used but need to advance to next line
                    string headline = sr.ReadLine();

                    //Loop until end of stream
                    while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                        //Reads next line
                        string line = sr.ReadLine();

                        //Splits on tabs into an array of strings
                        string[] lineArray = line.Split('\t');

                        //Gets the ItemName from the first column
                        string ItemName = lineArray[0];

                        //Gets the Item number as the second column
                        int ItemNumber = int.Parse(lineArray[1]);

                        //Gets the Multiplication factor as the third column
                        double MultiplyFactor = double.Parse(lineArray[2]);

                        //Try to find the item based on the item name
                        Item I = _dfs0.Items.FirstOrDefault(var => var.Name == ItemName);

                        //I will be zero if it was not found
                        if (I != null)
                            ItemNumber = I.ItemNumber; //Now sets the item number to the correct number
                        //Loop all the timesteps in the dfs0
                        for (int i = 0; i < _dfs0.NumberOfTimeSteps; i++)
                            //Get the original value
                            double val = _dfs0.GetData(i, ItemNumber);
                            //Calculate new value
                            double newval = val * MultiplyFactor;
                            //Set the new value
                            _dfs0.SetData(i, ItemNumber, newval);
        public void TestMethod1()
            DFS0 df      = new DFS0(@"C:\Users\Jacob\Downloads\gridKlima20148.dfs0");
            var  monthly = TSTools.ChangeZoomLevel(df.GetTimeSpanSeries(1), TimeStepUnit.Month, true);

            using (System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:\Users\Jacob\Downloads\Monthly_20148.csv"))
                foreach (var v in monthly.Items)
                    sw.WriteLine(v.Time.Year + "," + v.Time.Month + "," + v.Value);
Exemple #7
        public void ReadItems()
            DFS0 _data = new DFS0(@"..\..\..\TestData\Detailed timeseries output (2).dfs0");

            Assert.AreEqual(3, _data.GetTimeStep(new DateTime(2000, 1, 4, 11, 0, 0)));
            Assert.AreEqual(3, _data.GetTimeStep(new DateTime(2000, 1, 4, 12, 0, 0)));

            Assert.AreEqual(4, _data.GetTimeStep(new DateTime(2000, 1, 4, 13, 0, 0)));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, _data.GetTimeStep(new DateTime(1200, 1, 4, 13, 0, 0)));
            Assert.AreEqual(31, _data.GetTimeStep(new DateTime(2200, 1, 4, 13, 0, 0)));

Exemple #8
        public void ReadBigFileTest()
            DFS0 _dfs0 = new DFS0(@"..\..\..\TestData\303Waterlevel_2006-2009.dfs0");

            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            double d;

            for (int i = 0; i < _dfs0.NumberOfTimeSteps; i++)
                d = _dfs0.GetData(i, 1);

            var t = sw.Elapsed;
Exemple #9
        private void InitializeDetailedM11()
            mike11Observations = new List <DetailedMike11>();

            DFS0 simdata = new DFS0(mshe.Files.DetailedTimeSeriesM11);
            Dictionary <string, DFS0> ObsCache = new Dictionary <string, DFS0>();

            foreach (var obs in mshe.Input.MIKESHE_FLOWMODEL.StoringOfResults.DetailedM11TimeseriesOutput.Item_1s)
                var m = new DetailedMike11()
                    Chainage = obs.Chainage, Name = obs.Name

                m.Branch = mshe.River.network.GetBranch(obs.BranchName, obs.Chainage);

                if (m.Branch != null)
                    m.Location = m.Branch.GetPointAtChainage(obs.Chainage);
                    var item = simdata.Items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name == m.Name);

                    if (item != null)
                        m.Simulation = simdata.GetTimeSpanSeries(item.ItemNumber);

                    if (obs.InclObserved == 1)
                        DFS0 obsdata;
                        if (!ObsCache.TryGetValue(obs.TIME_SERIES_FILE.FILE_NAME, out obsdata))
                            obsdata = new DFS0(obs.TIME_SERIES_FILE.FILE_NAME);
                            ObsCache.Add(obs.TIME_SERIES_FILE.FILE_NAME, obsdata);
                        m.Observation = obsdata.GetTimeSpanSeries(obs.TIME_SERIES_FILE.ITEM_NUMBERS);
            foreach (var obsdata in ObsCache.Values)
        private void Dfs0()
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(textBoxFile10.Text);

            if (!fi.Exists)
                richTextBoxStatus.Text = "File [" + fi.FullName + "] does not exist.\r\n";

            using (DFS0 dfs0 = new DFS0(fi))
                dfs0.CSSPDHIChanged += CSSPDHIChanged;
                dfs0.CSSPDHIChanged -= CSSPDHIChanged;
Exemple #11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Gets the text file name from the first argument
            string TxtFileName = args[0];
            //Gets the dfs0 file name from the second argument
            string dfs0FileName = args[1];

            //Creates a new dfs0-file with one item
            DFS0 dfsfile = new DFS0(dfs0FileName, 1);

            //Sets the eumitem and unit.
            dfsfile.Items[0].EumItem   = eumItem.eumIConcentration;
            dfsfile.Items[0].EumUnit   = eumUnit.eumUmilliGramPerL;
            dfsfile.Items[0].Name      = "Concentration";
            dfsfile.Items[0].ValueType = DHI.Generic.MikeZero.DFS.DataValueType.Instantaneous;

            //Opens the text file
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(TxtFileName))
                //Count the timesteps. From zero.
                int TimeStepCounter = 0;

                //Loop until at the end of file
                while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                    //Read the line
                    string line = sr.ReadLine();
                    //Split on ";"
                    string[] splitLine = line.Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    //Convert first text to date
                    DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(splitLine[0]);
                    //Convert second text to number
                    double value = double.Parse(splitLine[1]);

                    //Now set time of time step
                    dfsfile.TimeSteps[TimeStepCounter] = date;
                    //Now set value
                    dfsfile.SetData(TimeStepCounter, 1, value);

                    //Increment time step counter
Exemple #12
        public void WriteTest2()
            File.Copy(@"..\..\..\TestData\Detailed timeseries output.dfs0", @"..\..\..\TestData\Detailed timeseries output_copy.dfs0", true);
            DFS0 _dfs0 = new DFS0(@"..\..\..\TestData\Detailed timeseries output_copy.dfs0");

            _dfs0.SetData(new DateTime(1990, 1, 1), 1, 2560);
            Assert.AreEqual(2560, _dfs0.GetData(0, 1), 1e-1);

            _dfs0.SetData(10, 1, 2560.1);
            _dfs0.SetData(10, 2, 2560.1);

            _dfs0 = new DFS0(@"..\..\..\TestData\Detailed timeseries output_copy.dfs0");
            Assert.AreEqual(2560, _dfs0.GetData(0, 1), 1e-1);
            Assert.AreEqual(2560.1, _dfs0.GetData(10, 1), 1e-1);
            Assert.AreEqual(2560.2, _dfs0.GetData(10, 2), 1e-1);
Exemple #13
        public void WriteTest()
            File.Copy(@"..\..\..\TestData\novomr4_indv_dfs0_ud1.dfs0", @"..\..\..\TestData\novomr4_indv_dfs0_ud1_copy.dfs0", true);
            DFS0 _dfs0 = new DFS0(@"..\..\..\TestData\novomr4_indv_dfs0_ud1_copy.dfs0");

            Assert.AreEqual(33316.7, _dfs0.GetData(0, 1), 1e-1);

            List <DateTime> Times = new List <DateTime>();

            foreach (var t in _dfs0.TimeSteps)

            _dfs0.SetData(_dfs0.NumberOfTimeSteps - 1, 1, 1);

            _dfs0.SetData(0, 1, 2560);
            Assert.AreEqual(2560, _dfs0.GetData(0, 1), 1e-1);

            _dfs0.SetData(10, 1, 2560.1);
            _dfs0.SetData(10, 2, 2560.1);

            _dfs0 = new DFS0(@"..\..\..\TestData\novomr4_indv_dfs0_ud1_copy.dfs0");
            Assert.AreEqual(2560, _dfs0.GetData(0, 1), 1e-1);
            Assert.AreEqual(2560.1, _dfs0.GetData(10, 1), 1e-1);
            Assert.AreEqual(2560.2, _dfs0.GetData(10, 2), 1e-1);

            for (int i = 0; i < _dfs0.NumberOfTimeSteps; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(Times[i], _dfs0.TimeSteps[i]);


            _dfs0 = new DFS0(@"..\..\..\TestData\novomr4_indv_dfs0_ud1_copy.dfs0");

            Assert.AreEqual(2560.1, _dfs0.GetData(10, 1), 1e-1);
            Assert.AreEqual(2560.2, _dfs0.GetData(10, 2), 1e-1);
    public void WriteTest2()
      File.Copy(TestPath + @"Detailed timeseries output.dfs0", TestPath + @"Detailed timeseries output_copy.dfs0", true);
      DFS0 _dfs0 = new DFS0(TestPath + @"Detailed timeseries output_copy.dfs0");

      _dfs0.SetData(new DateTime(1990,1,1), 1, 2560);
      Assert.AreEqual(2560, _dfs0.GetData(0, 1), 1e-1);

      _dfs0.SetData(10, 1, 2560.1);
      _dfs0.SetData(10, 2, 2560.1);

      _dfs0 = new DFS0(TestPath + @"Detailed timeseries output_copy.dfs0");
      Assert.AreEqual(2560, _dfs0.GetData(0, 1), 1e-1);
      Assert.AreEqual(2560.1, _dfs0.GetData(10, 1), 1e-1);
      Assert.AreEqual(2560.2, _dfs0.GetData(10, 2), 1e-1);

    public void WriteTest()
      File.Copy(TestPath + @"novomr4_indv_dfs0_ud1.dfs0", TestPath + @"novomr4_indv_dfs0_ud1_copy.dfs0", true);
      DFS0 _dfs0 = new DFS0(TestPath + @"novomr4_indv_dfs0_ud1_copy.dfs0");

      Assert.AreEqual(33316.7, _dfs0.GetData(0, 1), 1e-1);

      List<DateTime> Times = new List<DateTime>();

      foreach (var t in _dfs0.TimeSteps)

      _dfs0.SetData(_dfs0.NumberOfTimeSteps-1,1, 1);
      _dfs0.SetData(0, 1, 2560);
      Assert.AreEqual(2560, _dfs0.GetData(0, 1), 1e-1);

      _dfs0.SetData(10, 1, 2560.1);
      _dfs0.SetData(10, 2, 2560.1);

      _dfs0 = new DFS0(TestPath + @"novomr4_indv_dfs0_ud1_copy.dfs0");
      Assert.AreEqual(2560, _dfs0.GetData(0, 1), 1e-1);
      Assert.AreEqual(2560.1, _dfs0.GetData(10, 1), 1e-1);
      Assert.AreEqual(2560.2, _dfs0.GetData(10, 2), 1e-1);

      for (int i = 0; i < _dfs0.NumberOfTimeSteps; i++)
        Assert.AreEqual(Times[i], _dfs0.TimeSteps[i]);


      _dfs0 = new DFS0(TestPath + @"novomr4_indv_dfs0_ud1_copy.dfs0");

      Assert.AreEqual(2560.1, _dfs0.GetData(10, 1), 1e-1);
      Assert.AreEqual(2560.2, _dfs0.GetData(10, 2), 1e-1);

        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the dfs0-files to used for detailed time series
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="OutputPath"></param>
        /// <param name="Intakes"></param>
        /// <param name="Start"></param>
        /// <param name="End"></param>
        public static void WriteDetailedTimeSeriesDfs0(string OutputPath, IEnumerable <IIntake> Intakes, params Func <TimestampValue, bool>[] filters)
            foreach (IIntake Intake in Intakes)
                var SelectedObs = Intake.HeadObservations.Items.AsEnumerable <TimestampValue>();
                //Select the observations
                foreach (var v in filters)
                    SelectedObs = SelectedObs.Where(v);

                if (SelectedObs.Count() > 0)
                    using (DFS0 dfs = new DFS0(Path.Combine(OutputPath, Intake.ToString() + ".dfs0"), 1))
                        dfs.FirstItem.ValueType = DataValueType.Instantaneous;
                        dfs.FirstItem.EumItem   = eumItem.eumIElevation;
                        dfs.FirstItem.EumUnit   = eumUnit.eumUmeter;
                        dfs.FirstItem.Name      = Intake.ToString();

                        DateTime _previousTimeStep = DateTime.MinValue;

                        //Select the observations
                        int i = 0;

                        foreach (var Obs in SelectedObs)
                            //Only add the first measurement of the day
                            if (Obs.Time != _previousTimeStep)
                                dfs.SetData(Obs.Time, 1, Obs.Value);
Exemple #17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string TextFileName = "";
            string dfs0FileName = "";

            if (args.Length == 0)
                OpenFileDialog OFD = new OpenFileDialog();
                OFD.Title = "Select a text file with discharge data";
                if (DialogResult.OK == OFD.ShowDialog())
                    TextFileName = OFD.FileName;

                SaveFileDialog SFD = new SaveFileDialog();
                SFD.Title           = "Select a .dfs0 file or give a new name";
                SFD.Filter          = "Known file types (*.dfs0)|*.dfs0";
                SFD.OverwritePrompt = false;
                if (DialogResult.OK == SFD.ShowDialog())
                    dfs0FileName = SFD.FileName;
                TextFileName = args[0];
                dfs0FileName = args[1];

            if (args.Length > 2 || !File.Exists(TextFileName))
                if (DialogResult.Cancel ==
                    MessageBox.Show("This program needs two file names as input. If the file names contain spaces the filename should be embraced by \"\". \n Are these file names correct:? \n" + TextFileName + "\n" + dfs0FileName, "Two many arguments!", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel))

            List <QStation> _stations = new List <QStation>();

            //Loop to read the Q-stations.
            using (StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(TextFileName, Encoding.Default))
                string line;
                while (!SR.EndOfStream)
                    line = SR.ReadLine();
                    if (line.Equals("*"))
                        QStation qs = new QStation();

            DFS0 _data;

            //Append to existing file
            if (File.Exists(dfs0FileName))
                _data = new DFS0(dfs0FileName);
                //Create new .dfs0-file and list of q-stations
                using (StreamWriter SW = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(dfs0FileName), "DetailedTimeSeriesImport.txt"), false, Encoding.Default))
                    int k = 1;
                    _data = new DFS0(dfs0FileName, _stations.Count);

                    for (int i = 0; i < _stations.Count; i++)
                        //Build the TSITEMS

                        _data.Items[i].ValueType = DHI.Generic.MikeZero.DFS.DataValueType.Instantaneous;
                        _data.Items[i].EumItem   = DHI.Generic.MikeZero.eumItem.eumIDischarge;

                        //Provide an ITEM name following the convention by Anker
                        if (_stations[i].DmuMaalerNr != "")
                            _data.Items[i].Name = _stations[i].DmuMaalerNr;
                            _data.Items[i].Name = _stations[i].DmuStationsNr.ToString();

                        SW.WriteLine(_data.Items[i].Name + "\t" + _stations[i].UTMX + "\t" + _stations[i].UTMY + "\t" + k);

            DateTime LastTimeStep;

            if (_data.TimeSteps.Count == 0) //We have a new file
                LastTimeStep = DateTime.MinValue;
            else // 12 hours have been added in dfs0!
                LastTimeStep = _data.TimeSteps.Last().Subtract(new TimeSpan(12, 0, 0));
            int TSCount = _data.NumberOfTimeSteps;

            DateTime CurrentLastTimeStep = LastTimeStep;

            //Loop the stations from the text-file
            foreach (var qs in _stations.Where(var => var.Discharge.Items.Count > 0))
                //See if the station has newer data
                if (qs.Discharge.EndTime > LastTimeStep)
                    Item I = _data.Items.FirstOrDefault(var => var.Name == qs.DmuMaalerNr);
                    if (I == null)
                        I = _data.Items.FirstOrDefault(var => var.Name == qs.DmuStationsNr.ToString());
                    if (I == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("DMU MÅLER Nr: " + qs.DmuMaalerNr + " eller DMU sted nr: " + qs.DmuStationsNr + " blev ikke fundet i dfs0.filen");
                        foreach (var TSE in qs.Discharge.ItemsInPeriod(LastTimeStep, qs.Discharge.EndTime))
                            _data.SetData(TSE.Time.AddHours(12), I.ItemNumber, TSE.Value);
Exemple #18
        public static void InsertPointValues(XElement OperationData)
            string filename = OperationData.Element("DFSFileName").Value;

            int  Item        = OperationData.Element("Item") == null ? 1 : int.Parse(OperationData.Element("Item").Value);
            bool ClearValues = OperationData.Element("ClearValues") == null ? true: bool.Parse(OperationData.Element("ClearValues").Value);

            List <Tuple <double, double, int, int, double> > points = new List <Tuple <double, double, int, int, double> >();

            foreach (var p in OperationData.Element("Points").Elements())
                Tuple <double, double, int, int, double> point = new Tuple <double, double, int, int, double>(
                    p.Element("X") == null ? -1 : double.Parse(p.Element("X").Value),
                    p.Element("Y") == null ? -1 : double.Parse(p.Element("Y").Value),
                    p.Element("Z") == null ? 0 : int.Parse(p.Element("Z").Value),
                    p.Element("TimeStep") == null ? 0 : int.Parse(p.Element("TimeStep").Value),

            if (Path.GetExtension(filename).EndsWith("0"))
                using (DFS0 dfs = new DFS0(filename))
                    if (ClearValues)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dfs.NumberOfTimeSteps; i++)
                            dfs.SetData(i, Item, 0);
                    foreach (var p in points)
                        dfs.SetData(p.Item4, Item, p.Item5);
            else if (Path.GetExtension(filename).EndsWith("2"))
                using (DFS2 dfs = new DFS2(filename))
                    if (ClearValues)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dfs.NumberOfTimeSteps; i++)
                            dfs.SetData(i, Item, new DenseMatrix(dfs.NumberOfRows, dfs.NumberOfColumns));
                    foreach (var p in points)
                        var data   = dfs.GetData(p.Item4, Item);
                        int column = dfs.GetColumnIndex(p.Item1);
                        int row    = dfs.GetRowIndex(p.Item2);

                        if (column >= 0 & row >= 0)
                            data[row, column] = p.Item5;

                        dfs.SetData(p.Item4, Item, data);
            else if (Path.GetExtension(filename).EndsWith("3"))
                using (DFS3 dfs = new DFS3(filename))
                    if (ClearValues)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dfs.NumberOfTimeSteps; i++)
                            dfs.SetData(i, Item, new Matrix3d(dfs.NumberOfRows, dfs.NumberOfColumns, dfs.NumberOfLayers));
                    foreach (var p in points)
                        var data   = dfs.GetData(p.Item4, Item);
                        int column = dfs.GetColumnIndex(p.Item1);
                        int row    = dfs.GetRowIndex(p.Item2);

                        if (column >= 0 & row >= 0)
                            data[row, column, p.Item3] = p.Item5;

                        dfs.SetData(p.Item4, Item, data);
 public void ReadDataTest()
   DFS0 _dfs0 = new DFS0(TestPath + @"novomr4_indv_dfs0_ud1.dfs0");
   Assert.AreEqual(33316.7, _dfs0.GetData(0, 1), 1e-1);
 public void ConstructTest()
   DFS0 _data = new DFS0(@"D:/Work/HydroNumerics/MikeSheTools/TestData/Detailed timeseries output.dfs0");
    public void ReadItems()
      DFS0 _data = new DFS0(TestPath + @"Detailed timeseries output (2).dfs0");

      Assert.AreEqual(3, _data.GetTimeStep(new DateTime(2000, 1, 4, 11, 0, 0)));
      Assert.AreEqual(3, _data.GetTimeStep(new DateTime(2000, 1, 4, 12, 0, 0)));

      Assert.AreEqual(4, _data.GetTimeStep(new DateTime(2000, 1, 4, 13, 0, 0)));
      Assert.AreEqual(0, _data.GetTimeStep(new DateTime(1200, 1, 4, 13, 0, 0)));
      Assert.AreEqual(31, _data.GetTimeStep(new DateTime(2200, 1, 4, 13, 0, 0)));



    public void ReadBigFileTest()
      DFS0 _dfs0 = new DFS0(TestPath + @"303Waterlevel_2006-2009.dfs0");

      System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
      double d;
      for (int i = 0; i < _dfs0.NumberOfTimeSteps; i++)
        d = _dfs0.GetData(i, 1);

      var t = sw.Elapsed;

Exemple #23
        public void SaveToMike11(string m11name)
            NWK11File nwk = new NWK11File();

            double x0 = double.MaxValue;
            double x1 = double.MinValue;
            double y0 = double.MaxValue;
            double y1 = double.MinValue;

            int pointcount = 1;

            //This is necessary because it fails if DHI.CrossSection.Dll tries to load UFS.dll
            DFS0 d = new DFS0(@"v");


            CrossSectionCollection csc = new CrossSectionCollection();

            csc.Connection.FilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(m11name, ".xns11");
            csc.Connection.Bridge   = csc.Connection.AvailableBridges[0];

            foreach (var b in Branches)
                var newbranch = nwk.MIKE_11_Network_editor.BRANCHES.AddBranch();
                newbranch.definitions.Par1 = b.Name;

                double lastchainage = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < b.Links.Count; i++)
                    var bp = nwk.MIKE_11_Network_editor.POINTS.AddPoint();
                    bp.Par1 = pointcount;
                    bp.Par2 = b.Links[i].UpstreamNode.Location.X;
                    bp.Par3 = b.Links[i].UpstreamNode.Location.Y;

                    x0 = Math.Min(b.Links[i].UpstreamNode.Location.X, x0);
                    x1 = Math.Max(b.Links[i].UpstreamNode.Location.X, x1);
                    y0 = Math.Min(b.Links[i].UpstreamNode.Location.Y, y0);
                    y1 = Math.Max(b.Links[i].UpstreamNode.Location.Y, y1);

                    if (i == 0)
                        bp.Par4 = 1;
                        bp.Par4       = 0;
                        lastchainage += b.Links[i - 1].Length;
                    bp.Par5 = lastchainage;


                    CrossSection cs = new CrossSection(new DHI.Generic.RouteLocation(b.Name, "Topo-id", lastchainage, b.Links[i].pfslink.Par5));
                    if (b.Links[i].Xsec != null && b.Links[i].Xsec.TypeNo == 4)
                        double bottom      = double.MaxValue;
                        int    bottomindex = 0;
                        int    index       = 0;
                        foreach (var dat in b.Links[i].Xsec.Datas)
                            var z = dat.GetValue(1);
                            if (z < bottom)
                                bottom      = z;
                                bottomindex = index;
                            cs.Points.AddPoint(new CrossSectionPoint(dat.GetValue(0), z));

                        if (bottom == 0)
                            cs.Datum = b.Links[i].UpstreamNode.pfsnode.InvertLevel;

                        cs.Points.SetMarkerAt(1, 0);
                        cs.Points.SetMarkerAt(3, b.Links[i].Xsec.Datas.Count - 1);
                        cs.Points.SetMarkerAt(2, bottomindex);
                    else if (b.Links[i].pfslink.Par4 == 1) //Assume circular
                        cs.Geometry = DHI.Mike1D.CrossSections.Geometry.ClosedCircular;
                        cs.Datum = b.Links[i].UpstreamNode.pfsnode.InvertLevel;

                    if (i == b.Links.Count - 1)
                        lastchainage += b.Links[i].Length;

                        var connectionlink = b.Links[i].DownstreamNode.Links.FirstOrDefault(l => l.UpstreamNode == b.Links[i].DownstreamNode);
                        if (connectionlink != null) //Create a connection
                            var branch = Branches.Single(br => br.Links.Contains(connectionlink));
                            newbranch.connections.Par3 = branch.Name;
                            newbranch.connections.Par4 = branch.GetChainage(connectionlink);
                        var bpn = nwk.MIKE_11_Network_editor.POINTS.AddPoint();
                        bpn.Par1 = pointcount;
                        bpn.Par2 = b.Links[i].DownstreamNode.Location.X;
                        bpn.Par3 = b.Links[i].DownstreamNode.Location.Y;
                        bpn.Par4 = 0;
                        bpn.Par5 = lastchainage;
                newbranch.definitions.Par3 = 0;
                newbranch.definitions.Par4 = (int)lastchainage;
                newbranch.definitions.Par6 = 1000;
                newbranch.definitions.Par7 = 3;

            nwk.MIKE_11_Network_editor.DATA_AREA.x0 = (int)(x0 - 0.1 * (x1 - x0));
            nwk.MIKE_11_Network_editor.DATA_AREA.x1 = (int)(x1 + 0.1 * (x1 - x0));
            nwk.MIKE_11_Network_editor.DATA_AREA.y0 = (int)(y0 - 0.1 * (y1 - y0));
            nwk.MIKE_11_Network_editor.DATA_AREA.y1 = (int)(y1 + 0.1 * (y1 - y0));

            nwk.FileName = m11name;
        private void MakePlots()
            if (!PlotsMade) //Only do this once
                Model mShe = new Model(SheFileName);
                DFS3  dfs  = new DFS3(Dfs3FileName);
                Item  dfsI = dfs.Items[ItemNumber - 1];

                List <TimestampSeries> well_Concentration = new List <TimestampSeries>();

                int[] TimeSteps   = ParseString(TimeStepsAsString, 0, dfs.NumberOfTimeSteps - 1);
                int[] WellNumbers = ParseString(WellsAsString, 0, mShe.ExtractionWells.Count - 1);

                List <MikeSheWell> wells = new List <MikeSheWell>();
                foreach (int j in WellNumbers)

                foreach (int i in TimeSteps)
                    int k = 0;
                    foreach (var w in wells)
                        if (i == TimeSteps[0])
                            well_Concentration.Add(new TimestampSeries(w.ID, new Unit(dfsI.EumQuantity.UnitAbbreviation, 1, 0)));
                        well_Concentration[k].Items.Add(new TimestampValue(dfs.TimeSteps[i], (dfs.GetData(i, ItemNumber)[w.Row, w.Column, w.Layer])));

                //Sets the upper title
                Header.Content = dfsI.Name;

                //Sets the title of the y-axis
                var ytitle = new VerticalAxisTitle();
                ytitle.Content = dfsI.EumQuantity.ItemDescription + " [" + dfsI.EumQuantity.UnitAbbreviation + "]";

                int l = 0;
                //Loop the wells for plotting
                foreach (var w in wells)
                    if (g != null)

                    var axis = new Microsoft.Research.DynamicDataDisplay.Charts.HorizontalDateTimeAxis();
                    TheChart.MainHorizontalAxis = axis;
                    TheChart.MainVerticalAxis   = new Microsoft.Research.DynamicDataDisplay.Charts.VerticalAxis();
                    //set the data source
                    EnumerableDataSource <TimestampValue> ds = new EnumerableDataSource <TimestampValue>(well_Concentration[l].Items);
                    ds.SetXMapping(var => axis.ConvertToDouble(var.Time));
                    ds.SetYMapping(var => var.Value);
                    //create the graph
                    g = TheChart.AddLineGraph(ds, new Pen(Brushes.Black, 3), new PenDescription(w.ID));
                    //create a filename
                    outfile = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Dfs3FileName), "Well_No" + "_" + WellNumbers[l].ToString() + "_" + dfsI.EumQuantity.ItemDescription);
                    //now save to file

                    MainWindow.SaveScreen(this, outfile + ".jpg", (int)ActualWidth, (int)ActualHeight);

                    //Now create the dfs0-file
                    using (DFS0 dfs0 = new DFS0(outfile + ".dfs0", 1))
                        dfs0.FirstItem.Name      = dfsI.Name;
                        dfs0.FirstItem.EumItem   = dfsI.EumItem;
                        dfs0.FirstItem.EumUnit   = dfsI.EumUnit;
                        dfs0.FirstItem.ValueType = dfsI.ValueType;

                        int t = 0;
                        foreach (var v in well_Concentration[l].Items)
                            dfs0.SetData(t, 1, v.Value);

                    //Now create the text-file
                    using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(outfile + ".txt", false))
                        foreach (var v in well_Concentration[l].Items)
                            sw.WriteLine(v.Time + "; " + v.Value);
                PlotsMade = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a dfs0 with extraction data for each active intake in every plant using the Permits.
        /// Also writes the textfile that can be imported by the well editor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="OutputPath"></param>
        /// <param name="Plants"></param>
        /// <param name="Start"></param>
        /// <param name="End"></param>
        public static void WriteExtractionDFS0Permits(string OutputPath, IEnumerable <PlantViewModel> Plants, int DistributionYear, int StartYear, int Endyear)
            //Create the text file to the well editor.
            StreamWriter Sw  = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputPath, "WellEditorImportPermits.txt"), false, Encoding.Default);
            StreamWriter Sw2 = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputPath, "WellsWithMissingInfo.txt"), false, Encoding.Default);
            StreamWriter Sw3 = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputPath, "PlantWithoutWells.txt"), false, Encoding.Default);

            var TheIntakes = Plants.Sum(var => var.ActivePumpingIntakes.Count());

            //Create the DFS0 Object
            string dfs0FileName = Path.Combine(OutputPath, "ExtractionPermits.dfs0");
            DFS0   _tso         = new DFS0(dfs0FileName, TheIntakes);

            int Pcount = 0;

            //Set time
            _tso.InsertTimeStep(new DateTime(StartYear, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));
            _tso.InsertTimeStep(new DateTime(Endyear, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0));

            double fractions;
            int    itemCount = 0;

            //loop the plants
            foreach (PlantViewModel P in Plants)

                //Used for extraction but has missing data
                foreach (var NotUsedWell in P.PumpingIntakes.Where(var => var.Intake.well.UsedForExtraction & (var.Intake.well.HasMissingData() | var.Intake.HasMissingdData())))
                    StringBuilder Line = new StringBuilder();
                    Line.Append(NotUsedWell.Intake.well.ID + "\t");
                    Line.Append(NotUsedWell.Intake.well.X + "\t");
                    Line.Append(NotUsedWell.Intake.well.Y + "\t");
                    Line.Append(NotUsedWell.Intake.well.Terrain + "\t");

                //Only go in here if the plant has active intakes
                if (P.ActivePumpingIntakes.Count() > 0)
                    //Calculate the fractions based on how many intakes are active for a particular year.
                    fractions = 1.0 / P.ActivePumpingIntakes.Count(var => (var.StartNullable ?? DateTime.MinValue).Year <= DistributionYear & (var.EndNullable ?? DateTime.MaxValue).Year >= DistributionYear);

                    //Now loop the intakes
                    foreach (var PI in P.ActivePumpingIntakes.Where(var => (var.StartNullable ?? DateTime.MinValue).Year <= DistributionYear & (var.EndNullable ?? DateTime.MaxValue).Year >= DistributionYear))
                        IIntake I = PI.Intake;
                        //Build novanaid
                        string NovanaID = P.ID.ToString() + "_" + I.well.ID.Replace(" ", "") + "_" + I.IDNumber;

                        _tso.Items[itemCount].ValueType = DataValueType.MeanStepBackward;
                        _tso.Items[itemCount].EumItem   = eumItem.eumIPumpingRate;
                        _tso.Items[itemCount].EumUnit   = eumUnit.eumUm3PerYear;
                        _tso.Items[itemCount].Name      = NovanaID;

                        //If data and the intake is active
                        _tso.SetData(0, itemCount + 1, (P.Permit * fractions));
                        _tso.SetData(1, itemCount + 1, (P.Permit * fractions));

                        //Now add line to text file.
                        StringBuilder Line = new StringBuilder();
                        Line.Append(NovanaID + "\t");
                        Line.Append(I.well.X + "\t");
                        Line.Append(I.well.Y + "\t");
                        Line.Append(I.well.Terrain + "\t");
                        Line.Append(P.ID + "\t");
                        Line.Append(I.Screens.Max(var => var.TopAsKote) + "\t");
                        Line.Append(I.Screens.Min(var => var.BottomAsKote) + "\t");
                        Line.Append(1 + "\t");
                        Line.Append(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dfs0FileName) + "\t");
                        Line.Append(itemCount + 1);

                else //Plants with no wells
                    Sw3.WriteLine(P.DisplayName + "\t" + P.ID);
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a dfs0 with extraction data for each active intake in every plant.
        /// Also writes the textfile that can be imported by the well editor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="OutputPath"></param>
        /// <param name="Plants"></param>
        /// <param name="Start"></param>
        /// <param name="End"></param>
        public static void WriteExtractionDFS0(string OutputPath, IEnumerable <PlantViewModel> Plants, DateTime Start, DateTime End)
            //Create the text file to the well editor.
            StreamWriter Sw  = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputPath, "WellEditorImport.txt"), false, Encoding.Default);
            StreamWriter Sw2 = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputPath, "WellsWithMissingInfo.txt"), false, Encoding.Default);
            StreamWriter Sw3 = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputPath, "PlantWithoutWells.txt"), false, Encoding.Default);

            var TheIntakes = Plants.Sum(var => var.ActivePumpingIntakes.Count());

            //Create the DFS0 Object
            string dfs0FileName = Path.Combine(OutputPath, "Extraction.dfs0");
            DFS0   _tso         = new DFS0(dfs0FileName, TheIntakes);

            DFS0 _tsoStat = new DFS0(Path.Combine(OutputPath, "ExtractionStat.dfs0"), 4);
            Dictionary <int, double> Sum             = new Dictionary <int, double>();
            Dictionary <int, double> SumSurfaceWater = new Dictionary <int, double>();
            Dictionary <int, double> SumNotUsed      = new Dictionary <int, double>();

            int Pcount = 0;

            int NumberOfYears = End.Year - Start.Year + 1;

            //Dummy year because of mean step accumulated
            _tso.InsertTimeStep(new DateTime(Start.Year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));

            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfYears; i++)
                _tso.InsertTimeStep(new DateTime(Start.Year + i, 12, 31, 12, 0, 0));
                _tsoStat.InsertTimeStep(new DateTime(Start.Year + i, 12, 31, 12, 0, 0));
                Sum.Add(i, 0);
                SumSurfaceWater.Add(i, 0);
                SumNotUsed.Add(i, 0);

            double[] fractions = new double[NumberOfYears];
            int      itemCount = 0;

            //loop the plants
            foreach (PlantViewModel P in Plants)
                double val;
                //Add to summed extraction, surface water and not assigned
                for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfYears; i++)
                    if (P.plant.SurfaceWaterExtrations.TryGetValue(Start.AddYears(i), out val))
                        SumSurfaceWater[i] += val;
                    //Create statistics for plants without active intakes
                    if (P.ActivePumpingIntakes.Count() == 0)
                        if (P.plant.Extractions.TryGetValue(Start.AddYears(i), out val))
                            SumNotUsed[i] += val;

                    if (P.plant.Extractions.TryGetValue(Start.AddYears(i), out val))
                        Sum[i] += val;

                //Used for extraction but has missing data
                foreach (var NotUsedWell in P.PumpingIntakes.Where(var => var.Intake.well.UsedForExtraction & (var.Intake.well.HasMissingData() | var.Intake.HasMissingdData())))
                    StringBuilder Line = new StringBuilder();
                    Line.Append(NotUsedWell.Intake.well.X + "\t");
                    Line.Append(NotUsedWell.Intake.well.Y + "\t");
                    Line.Append(NotUsedWell.Intake.well.Terrain + "\t");
                    Line.Append(P.ID + "\t");

                //Only go in here if the plant has active intakes
                if (P.ActivePumpingIntakes.Count() > 0)
                    //Calculate the fractions based on how many intakes are active for a particular year.
                    for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfYears; i++)
                        fractions[i] = 1.0 / P.ActivePumpingIntakes.Count(var => (var.StartNullable ?? DateTime.MinValue).Year <= Start.Year + i & (var.EndNullable ?? DateTime.MaxValue).Year >= Start.Year + i);

                    //Now loop the intakes
                    foreach (var PI in P.ActivePumpingIntakes)
                        IIntake I = PI.Intake;
                        //Build novanaid
                        string NovanaID = P.ID.ToString() + "_" + I.well.ID.Replace(" ", "") + "_" + I.IDNumber;

                        _tso.Items[itemCount].ValueType = DataValueType.MeanStepBackward;
                        _tso.Items[itemCount].EumItem   = eumItem.eumIPumpingRate;
                        _tso.Items[itemCount].EumUnit   = eumUnit.eumUm3PerYear;
                        _tso.Items[itemCount].Name      = NovanaID;

                        //Loop the years
                        for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfYears; i++)
                            //Extractions are not necessarily sorted and the time series may have missing data
                            var k = P.plant.Extractions.Items.FirstOrDefault(var => var.StartTime.Year == Start.Year + i);

                            //If data and the intake is active
                            if (k != null & (PI.StartNullable ?? DateTime.MinValue).Year <= Start.Year + i & (PI.EndNullable ?? DateTime.MaxValue).Year >= Start.Year + i)
                                _tso.SetData(i + 1, itemCount + 1, (k.Value * fractions[i]));
                                _tso.SetData(i + 1, itemCount + 1, 0); //Prints 0 if no data available
                            //First year should be printed twice
                            if (i == 0)
                                _tso.SetData(i, itemCount + 1, _tso.GetData(i + 1, itemCount + 1));

                        //Now add line to text file.
                        StringBuilder Line = new StringBuilder();
                        Line.Append(NovanaID + "\t");
                        Line.Append(I.well.X + "\t");
                        Line.Append(I.well.Y + "\t");
                        Line.Append(I.well.Terrain + "\t");
                        Line.Append(P.ID + "\t");
                        Line.Append(I.Screens.Max(var => var.TopAsKote) + "\t");
                        Line.Append(I.Screens.Min(var => var.BottomAsKote) + "\t");
                        Line.Append(1 + "\t");
                        Line.Append(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dfs0FileName) + "\t");
                        Line.Append(itemCount + 1);

                else //Plants with no wells
                    Sw3.WriteLine(P.DisplayName + "\t" + P.ID);

            foreach (var Item in _tsoStat.Items)
                Item.EumItem   = eumItem.eumIPumpingRate;
                Item.EumUnit   = eumUnit.eumUm3PerSec;
                Item.ValueType = DataValueType.MeanStepBackward;

            _tsoStat.Items[0].Name = "Sum";
            _tsoStat.Items[1].Name = "Mean";
            _tsoStat.Items[2].Name = "SumNotUsed";
            _tsoStat.Items[3].Name = "SumSurfaceWater";

            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfYears; i++)
                _tsoStat.SetData(i, 1, Sum[i]);
                _tsoStat.SetData(i, 2, Sum[i] / ((double)Pcount));
                _tsoStat.SetData(i, 3, SumNotUsed[i]);
                _tsoStat.SetData(i, 4, SumSurfaceWater[i]);
