Exemple #1
 public void CreateData(DFBlock.RmbBlock3dObjectRecord data, bool isExterior)
     type            = DataType.Object3D;
     this.isExterior = isExterior;
     id         = data.ModelId;
     objectType = data.ObjectType;
Exemple #2
        private void AddFurnitureAction(DFBlock.RmbBlock3dObjectRecord obj, GameObject go, PlayerGPS.DiscoveredBuilding buildingData)
            // Create unique LoadID for save system, using 9 lsb and the sign bit from each coord pos int
            ulong loadID = ((ulong)buildingData.buildingKey) << 30 |
                           (uint)(obj.XPos << 1 & posMask) << 20 |
                           (uint)(obj.YPos << 1 & posMask) << 10 |
                           (uint)(obj.ZPos << 1 & posMask);

            DFLocation.BuildingTypes buildingType = buildingData.buildingType;

            // Handle shelves:
            if (shopShelvesObjectGroupIndices.Contains(obj.ModelIdNum - containerObjectGroupOffset))
                if (RMBLayout.IsShop(buildingType))
                    // Shop shelves, so add a DaggerfallLoot component
                    DaggerfallLoot loot = go.AddComponent <DaggerfallLoot>();
                    if (loot)
                        // Set as shelves, assign load id and create serialization object
                        loot.ContainerType  = LootContainerTypes.ShopShelves;
                        loot.ContainerImage = InventoryContainerImages.Shelves;
                        loot.LoadID         = loadID;
                        if (SaveLoadManager.Instance != null)
                            go.AddComponent <SerializableLootContainer>();
                else if (buildingType == DFLocation.BuildingTypes.Library ||
                         buildingType == DFLocation.BuildingTypes.GuildHall ||
                         buildingType == DFLocation.BuildingTypes.Temple)
                    // Bookshelves, add DaggerfallBookshelf component
                    go.AddComponent <DaggerfallBookshelf>();
                else if (DaggerfallBankManager.IsHouseOwned(buildingData.buildingKey))
                {   // Player owned house, everything is a house container
                    MakeHouseContainer(obj, go, loadID);
            // Handle generic furniture as (private) house containers:
            // (e.g. shelves, boxes, wardrobes, drawers etc)
            else if (obj.ModelIdNum / 100 == houseContainerObjectGroup ||
                     houseContainerObjectGroupIndices.Contains(obj.ModelIdNum - containerObjectGroupOffset))
                MakeHouseContainer(obj, go, loadID);
Exemple #3
        private static void MakeHouseContainer(DFBlock.RmbBlock3dObjectRecord obj, GameObject go, ulong loadID)
            DaggerfallLoot loot = go.AddComponent <DaggerfallLoot>();

            if (loot)
                // Set as house container (private furniture) and assign load id
                loot.ContainerType  = LootContainerTypes.HouseContainers;
                loot.ContainerImage = InventoryContainerImages.Shelves;
                loot.LoadID         = loadID;
                loot.TextureRecord  = (int)obj.ModelIdNum % 100;
                if (SaveLoadManager.Instance != null)
                    go.AddComponent <SerializableLootContainer>();
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the model scale vector, converting zeros to 1s if needed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj">RmbBlock3dObjectRecord structure</param>
 /// <returns>Vector3 with the scaling factors</returns>
 public static Vector3 GetModelScaleVector(DFBlock.RmbBlock3dObjectRecord obj)
     return(new Vector3(obj.XScale == 0 ? 1 : obj.XScale, obj.YScale == 0 ? 1 : obj.YScale, obj.ZScale == 0 ? 1 : obj.YScale));
        public static GameObject Add3dObject(DFBlock.RmbBlock3dObjectRecord rmbBlock)
            DaggerfallUnity dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;

            // Get model data
            ModelData modelData;

            dfUnity.MeshReader.GetModelData(rmbBlock.ModelIdNum, out modelData);

            // Get model position by type (3 seems to indicate props/clutter)
            // Also stop these from being combined as some may carry a loot container
            Vector3 modelPosition;

            if (rmbBlock.ObjectType == (int)InteractiveObject)
                // Props axis needs to be transformed to lowest Y point
                Vector3 bottom = modelData.Vertices[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < modelData.Vertices.Length; i++)
                    if (modelData.Vertices[i].y < bottom.y)
                        bottom = modelData.Vertices[i];
                modelPosition  = new Vector3(rmbBlock.XPos, rmbBlock.YPos, rmbBlock.ZPos) * MeshReader.GlobalScale;
                modelPosition += new Vector3(0, -bottom.y, 0);
                modelPosition = new Vector3(rmbBlock.XPos, -rmbBlock.YPos, rmbBlock.ZPos) * MeshReader.GlobalScale;

            // Fix 3D models with 0,0,0 scale
            if (rmbBlock.XScale == 0)
                rmbBlock.XScale = 1;
            if (rmbBlock.YScale == 0)
                rmbBlock.YScale = 1;
            if (rmbBlock.ZScale == 0)
                rmbBlock.ZScale = 1;

            // Get model transform
            Vector3   modelRotation = new Vector3(-rmbBlock.XRotation / BlocksFile.RotationDivisor, -rmbBlock.YRotation / BlocksFile.RotationDivisor, -rmbBlock.ZRotation / BlocksFile.RotationDivisor);
            Vector3   modelScale    = new Vector3(rmbBlock.XScale, rmbBlock.YScale, rmbBlock.ZScale);
            Matrix4x4 modelMatrix   = Matrix4x4.TRS(modelPosition, Quaternion.Euler(modelRotation), modelScale);

            // Inject custom GameObject if available
            GameObject modelGO = MeshReplacement.ImportCustomGameobject(rmbBlock.ModelIdNum, null, modelMatrix);

            if (modelGO == null)
                if (modelData.DFMesh.TotalVertices != 0)
                    modelGO = DaggerfallWorkshop.Utility.GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallMeshGameObject(rmbBlock.ModelIdNum, null);
                    modelGO.transform.position   = modelMatrix.GetColumn(3);
                    modelGO.transform.rotation   = modelMatrix.rotation;
                    modelGO.transform.localScale = modelMatrix.lossyScale;
                    Debug.LogError("Custom model not found for modelId " + rmbBlock.ModelIdNum);