Exemple #1
 public virtual long GetCapacity()
     if (configuredCapacity < 0)
         long remaining = usage.GetCapacity() - reserved;
         return(remaining > 0 ? remaining : 0);
Exemple #2
        public virtual void TestVolumeSize()
            Configuration  conf    = new HdfsConfiguration();
            MiniDFSCluster cluster = null;
            // Set aside fifth of the total capacity as reserved
            long reserved = 10000;

            conf.SetLong(DFSConfigKeys.DfsDatanodeDuReservedKey, reserved);
                cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).Build();
                FSNamesystem    namesystem = cluster.GetNamesystem();
                DatanodeManager dm         = cluster.GetNamesystem().GetBlockManager().GetDatanodeManager
                // Ensure the data reported for each data node is right
                IList <DatanodeDescriptor> live = new AList <DatanodeDescriptor>();
                IList <DatanodeDescriptor> dead = new AList <DatanodeDescriptor>();
                dm.FetchDatanodes(live, dead, false);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(live.Count == 1);
                long  used;
                long  remaining;
                long  configCapacity;
                long  nonDFSUsed;
                long  bpUsed;
                float percentUsed;
                float percentRemaining;
                float percentBpUsed;
                foreach (DatanodeDescriptor datanode in live)
                    used             = datanode.GetDfsUsed();
                    remaining        = datanode.GetRemaining();
                    nonDFSUsed       = datanode.GetNonDfsUsed();
                    configCapacity   = datanode.GetCapacity();
                    percentUsed      = datanode.GetDfsUsedPercent();
                    percentRemaining = datanode.GetRemainingPercent();
                    bpUsed           = datanode.GetBlockPoolUsed();
                    percentBpUsed    = datanode.GetBlockPoolUsedPercent();
                    Log.Info("Datanode configCapacity " + configCapacity + " used " + used + " non DFS used "
                             + nonDFSUsed + " remaining " + remaining + " perentUsed " + percentUsed + " percentRemaining "
                             + percentRemaining);
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(configCapacity == (used + remaining + nonDFSUsed));
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(percentUsed == DFSUtil.GetPercentUsed(used, configCapacity
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(percentRemaining == DFSUtil.GetPercentRemaining(remaining
                                                                                                  , configCapacity));
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(percentBpUsed == DFSUtil.GetPercentUsed(bpUsed, configCapacity
                DF df = new DF(new FilePath(cluster.GetDataDirectory()), conf);
                // Currently two data directories are created by the data node
                // in the MiniDFSCluster. This results in each data directory having
                // capacity equals to the disk capacity of the data directory.
                // Hence the capacity reported by the data node is twice the disk space
                // the disk capacity
                // So multiply the disk capacity and reserved space by two
                // for accommodating it
                int  numOfDataDirs = 2;
                long diskCapacity  = numOfDataDirs * df.GetCapacity();
                reserved        *= numOfDataDirs;
                configCapacity   = namesystem.GetCapacityTotal();
                used             = namesystem.GetCapacityUsed();
                nonDFSUsed       = namesystem.GetNonDfsUsedSpace();
                remaining        = namesystem.GetCapacityRemaining();
                percentUsed      = namesystem.GetPercentUsed();
                percentRemaining = namesystem.GetPercentRemaining();
                bpUsed           = namesystem.GetBlockPoolUsedSpace();
                percentBpUsed    = namesystem.GetPercentBlockPoolUsed();
                Log.Info("Data node directory " + cluster.GetDataDirectory());
                Log.Info("Name node diskCapacity " + diskCapacity + " configCapacity " + configCapacity
                         + " reserved " + reserved + " used " + used + " remaining " + remaining + " nonDFSUsed "
                         + nonDFSUsed + " remaining " + remaining + " percentUsed " + percentUsed + " percentRemaining "
                         + percentRemaining + " bpUsed " + bpUsed + " percentBpUsed " + percentBpUsed);
                // Ensure new total capacity reported excludes the reserved space
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(configCapacity == diskCapacity - reserved);
                // Ensure new total capacity reported excludes the reserved space
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(configCapacity == (used + remaining + nonDFSUsed));
                // Ensure percent used is calculated based on used and present capacity
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(percentUsed == DFSUtil.GetPercentUsed(used, configCapacity
                // Ensure percent used is calculated based on used and present capacity
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(percentBpUsed == DFSUtil.GetPercentUsed(bpUsed, configCapacity
                // Ensure percent used is calculated based on used and present capacity
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(percentRemaining == ((float)remaining * 100.0f) / (
                if (cluster != null)