Exemple #1
        public StoreSCP()
            errorCount = 0;
            app        = new DCXAPP();

            // creo l'accettore
            acc = new DCXACC();

            // connetto gli eventi alle callback
            acc.OnConnection   += new IDCXACCEvents_OnConnectionEventHandler(OnConnectionEventHandler);
            acc.OnStoreSetup   += new IDCXACCEvents_OnStoreSetupEventHandler(OnStoreSetupEventHandler);
            acc.OnTimeout      += new IDCXACCEvents_OnTimeoutEventHandler(OnTimeoutEventHandler);
            acc.OnStoreDone    += new IDCXACCEvents_OnStoreDoneEventHandler(OnStoreDoneEventHandler);
            acc.OnCommitResult += new IDCXACCEvents_OnCommitResultEventHandler(OnCommitResultEventHandler);
Exemple #2
        public static void moveAndStore(Association ass, Selector sel)
            // Create an object with the query matching criteria (Identifier)
            DCXOBJ query = fillData(sel);

            // Create an accepter to handle the incomming association
            DCXACC accepter = new DCXACC();

            accepter.StoreDirectory = @"C:/Users/daniele/Desktop/provaDicom";

            // Create a requester and run the query
            DCXREQ requester = new DCXREQ();

                ass.myAET,      // The AE title that issue the C-MOVE
                ass.TargetAET,  // The PACS AE title
                ass.TargetIp,   // The PACS IP address
                ass.TargetPort, // The PACS listener port
                ass.myAET,      // The AE title to send the
                query,          // The matching criteria
                104,            // The port to receive the results
                accepter);      // The accepter to handle the results