private void oGrid_DeleteCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { int ID = Utils.GetInt(e.Item.Cells[0].Text); DBase.Execute(Config.DbDeleteActionDispatcher, "@ID", ID); DoBindData(); }
public void btnDeleteBan_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string sIDs = GetCheckedValues(Config.MainCheckboxName); DBase.Execute(Config.DbDeleteBan, "@IDs", sIDs); Data_Bind(); }
private void dgPeriod_DeleteCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { lbStatus.Text = ""; int mID = Utils.GetInt(e.Item.Cells[0].Text); DBase.Execute(Config.DbDeletePlayPeriod, new object[] { "@ID", mID }); DoDataBind(); }
public void btnAddBan_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (Common.Utils.GetInt(txtUID.Text) == 0 && txtIP.Text == String.Empty && txtHost.Text == String.Empty) { return; } DBase.Execute(Config.DbSaveBan, "@UserID", Common.Utils.GetInt(txtUID.Text), "@IP", txtIP.Text, "@Host", txtHost.Text); Data_Bind(); }
public void btnAddTableName_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (txtName.Text == String.Empty) { return; } DBase.Execute(Config.DbSaveExoticName, "@Name", txtName.Text); Data_Bind(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ApiControl oTournament = Config.GetApIEngine(); int engineID; try { //1. Create new xml if (comboEngine.Items.Count <= 0) { return; } engineID = Convert.ToInt32(comboEngine.Items[comboEngine.SelectedIndex].Value); string xmlString = oTournament.GetDefaultProperty(engineID, (enType == TrnType.Tornament ? ApiMsg.enProcessFormTarget.Tournament : ApiMsg.enProcessFormTarget.SitAndGo)); xmlString = oCom.getFormXml(xmlString, Page); xmlString = oCom.setAttributeValue(xmlString, "properties/property", "Tournament Type", (string)Session["Tournament Type Maintenance"]); xmlString = oCom.setAttributeValue(xmlString, "properties/property", "Category", Utils.GetInt(enType).ToString()); if (xmlString == null) { Log.Write(this, "Some error occured. Object does not return error description"); ShowError("Error occured while creating xml."); return; } //2. Call InitGameProcess method of Com //int sEngineID = Utils.GetInt(comboEngine.Items[comboEngine.SelectedIndex].Value); int sADispID = Utils.GetInt(comboActDisp.Items[comboActDisp.SelectedIndex].Value); int tournamentID = 0; oTournament.InitGameProcess(engineID, (int)(enType == TrnType.Tornament ? ApiMsg.enProcessFormTarget.Tournament : ApiMsg.enProcessFormTarget.SitAndGo), ref tournamentID, xmlString, sADispID); if (tournamentID <= 0) { Log.Write(this, "Some error occured. Object does not return error description"); ShowError("Object error. Tournament wasn't created."); Log.Write(this, "Object error. Tournament wasn't created."); return; } //3. Save xml in DB nTournamentID = tournamentID; DBase.Execute(Config.DbUpdateTournamentSettings, "@ID", nTournamentID, "@SettingsXml", xmlString); //delete game process in com error case //4. Success message // StoreBackID(nTournamentID); hdnTournamentID.Value = nTournamentID.ToString(); lblInfo.Text = "Tournament was created"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; GetData(); } finally{ oTournament = null; } }
protected void btnSetNotBot_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string sIDs = GetCheckedValues(Config.MainCheckboxName); if (sIDs == String.Empty) { return; } DBase.Execute("admSetBot", new object[] { "@IDs", sIDs, "@StatusID", 0 }); BindGrid(); }
/// <summary> /// Process saved file /// </summary> public string ProcessFile(string filePath, string fileName, int fileSize, string OrigFile) { int rez = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt("admSaveAvatar", "@File", OrigFile, "@Path", Config.GetConfigValue("AvatarUploadURL") + hdnLoginName.Value, "@Size", fileSize, "@UserID", nUserID); if (rez <= 0) { try { File.Delete(filePath); } catch (Exception oEx) { Log.Write(this, "Fail to delete file. Error description: " + oEx.Message); } return("Error uploading file " + OrigFile); } //rename uploaded file to permanent name try { string cDir = Config.GetConfigValue("AvatarUploadPath"); string chPath = cDir + "\\" + hdnLoginName.Value; string filePathNew = chPath + "\\" + OrigFile; if (!Directory.Exists(chPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(chPath); } if (File.Exists(filePathNew)) { File.Delete(filePathNew); } File.Move(filePath, filePathNew); } catch (Exception oEx) { try { DBase.Execute("admDeleteAvatar", "@ID", rez); File.Delete(filePath); } catch {} Log.Write(this, "Fail to move file. Error description: " + oEx.Message); return("Error occured during moving file " + fileName + ". "); } return(""); }
private void dgPeriod_ItemCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Report") { try { lbStatus.Text = ""; DateTime dtb = DateTime.Parse(e.Item.Cells[1].Text); DateTime dte = DateTime.Parse(e.Item.Cells[2].Text); CreateReport(dtb, dte, Reports.cpReportType.PlayPeriod, chAsResendTB.Checked); } catch { lbStatus.Text = "Error Parameters"; lbStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; } } else if (e.CommandName == "Reset") { try { lbStatus.Text = ""; int PerID = Utils.GetInt(e.Item.Cells[0].Text); if (PerID <= 0) { return; } if (DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(Config.DbClosePeriod, new object[] { "@PeriodID", PerID }) != 0) { lbStatus.Text = "Error Execute"; lbStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else { DBase.Execute("accUpdatePlayMoneyBalances"); lbStatus.Text = "Period Closed"; lbStatus.ForeColor = Color.Green; DoDataBind(); } } catch { lbStatus.Text = "Error Execute"; lbStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //1. Send answer to customer lblInfo.Text = ""; string msgBody = String.Format("{0}\r\n{1}\r\n\r\n{2}", txtHeader.Text, txtAnswer.Text, RemoveTags(lblFooter.Text)); int rez = CommonUse.CSentMail.Send(DBase, txtEmail.Text, GetAffiliateEmail(), "Re: " + lblSubject.Text, msgBody, MailFormat.Text); if (rez == 1) { ShowError("Send Mail error occured"); } else if (rez == 2) { ShowError("Message was send , but Database error occured"); } if (rez <= 1) { return; } //2. Update DB int nRes = DBase.Execute(Config.DbSaveSupportDetails, new object[] { "@id", nSupportID, "@Answer", msgBody }); if (nRes <= 0) { lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; lblInfo.Text += " Database error occured"; return; } //3. Sucess message lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; lblInfo.Text += " Message was saved and send"; StoreBackID(nRes); hdnID.Value = nRes.ToString(); txtAnswer.ReadOnly = true; btnSave.Visible = false; btnReturn_Click(null, null); //Response.Redirect(GetGoBackUrl()); }
protected bool SaveMoney(int pAccountID, decimal pAmount, string pReason) { if (pAmount == 0) { lblInfo.Text = "Amount is not correct"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; return(false); } int nRes = DBase.Execute(Config.DbSaveTransaction, "@Amount", pAmount, "@AccountID", pAccountID, "@Comment", pReason); if (nRes == 0) { lblInfo.Text = "Database error occured"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; return(false); } return(true); }
private void dgPeriod_UpdateCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { lbStatus.Text = ""; int mID = Utils.GetInt(e.Item.Cells[0].Text); DateTime dtFrom; DateTime dtTo; hdnDisbledItem.Value = "-1"; try { dtFrom = DateTime.Parse(((TextBox)(e.Item.Cells[1].Controls[0])).Text); } catch { lbStatus.Text = "Error Date From Value"; lbStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; return; } try { dtTo = DateTime.Parse(((TextBox)(e.Item.Cells[2].Controls[0])).Text); } catch { lbStatus.Text = "Error Date To Value"; lbStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; return; } if (dtFrom >= dtTo) { lbStatus.Text = "Error Date Interval"; lbStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; return; } DBase.Execute(Config.DbSavePlayPeriod, new object[] { "@ID", mID, "@DateFrom", dtFrom, "@DateTo", dtTo }); dgPeriod.EditItemIndex = -1; DoDataBind(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string tranName = "SaveAffiliate"; DBase.BeginTransaction(tranName); bool rez = false; lblInfo.Text = ""; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; try { if (chDeny.Checked) { DBase.Execute(Config.DbDeleteAffiliate, new object[] { "@IDs", nAffiliateID.ToString() }); btnReturn_Click(null, null); return; } //1. Save/Update affiliate in DB int nRes = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(Config.DbSaveAffiliateDetails, "@ID", nAffiliateID, "@Name", txtName.Text, "@EmailFrom", txtEmail.Text, "@StatusID", int.Parse(ddStatus.SelectedValue), "@SkinsID", int.Parse(ddSkins.SelectedValue), "@Password", txtPassword.Text, "@BeneficiaryName", txtBeneficiaryName.Text, "@MailingAddress", txtAddress.Text, "@City", txtCity.Text, "@StateID", int.Parse(ddState.SelectedValue), "@Zip", txtZip.Text, "@CountryID", int.Parse(ddCountry.SelectedValue), "@FirstName", txtFirstName.Text, "@LastName", txtLastName.Text, "@Title", txtTitle.Text, "@Phone", txtPhone.Text, "@Fax", txtFax.Text); if (nRes <= 0) { switch (nRes) { case -1: lblInfo.Text = "Such Affiliate name already exists"; break; default: lblInfo.Text = "Database error occured"; break; } DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); return; } // Everything is Ok DBase.CommitTransaction(tranName); nAffiliateID = nRes; hdnAffiliateID.Value = nRes.ToString(); StoreBackID(nRes); lblInfo.Text = "Affiliate has been saved"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; if (hdnState.Value != ddStatus.SelectedValue && ddStatus.SelectedValue == "4") { string val = Config.GetDbConfigValue(DBase, 18); //Template name for affiliates if (val == String.Empty) { rez = true; return; } DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetEmailTemplateDetailsByName, "@Name", val); if (tb == null) { rez = true; return; } if (tb.Rows.Count <= 0) { rez = true; return; } val = Config.GetDbConfigValue(DBase, 1); // Admin Email if (val == String.Empty) { rez = true; return; } CommonUse.CSentMail.Send(DBase, txtEmail.Text, val, tb.Rows[0]["subject"].ToString(), //Send message as autoresponder tb.Rows[0]["body"].ToString().Replace("<BR>", "\n").Replace("<br>", "\n").Replace(" ", " "), 3, MailFormat.Text); } } catch (Exception ex) { Common.Log.Write(this, ex); DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); lblInfo.Text = "Error occured"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; } finally { if (rez) { lblInfo.Text += " Error send Email"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; } if (lblInfo.ForeColor != Color.Red) { btnReturn_Click(null, null); } } }
protected void AddItemSql(string NewIP) { DBase.Execute(Config.DbSaveAllowedIP, new object[] { "@ip", NewIP }); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int fileID = -1; int originalFileID = -1; string sKey = ""; string sError = ""; string sErrorVersion = ""; int iContentType = -1; int iVersion = -1; bool bRes = false; string tranName = ""; DataRow oRow = null; int executableCount = 0; if (AffID <= 0) { return; } oPostedFile = new PostedFile(AffID); //Batch upload of version and Content type changes //a. Content type and version changes tranName = "UpdateGameEngineFile"; DBase.BeginTransaction(tranName); DataTable oDT = DBase.GetDataTableBatch(String.Format(Config.ClientFilesBatchSQL, AffID)); DataColumn[] PrimaryKeyArrayVersion = new DataColumn[1]; PrimaryKeyArrayVersion[0] = oDT.Columns["ID"]; oDT.PrimaryKey = PrimaryKeyArrayVersion; for (int i = 0; i < Request.Form.AllKeys.Length; i++) { string sFormKey = Request.Form.AllKeys[i]; string [] tags = sFormKey.TrimStart('_').Split('_'); if (tags.Length < 2) { continue; } //a. content Type if (tags[0] == chkComboName.TrimEnd('_')) { fileID = Convert.ToInt32(sFormKey.Substring(chkComboName.Length)); iContentType = Convert.ToInt32(Request[sFormKey]); if ((fileID > 0) && (iContentType == ContentTypeExecutable)) { executableCount++; } oRow = oDT.Rows.Find(fileID); if ((oRow != null) && (oRow["contentTypeID"] != DBNull.Value) && (Convert.ToInt32(oRow["contentTypeID"]) != iContentType)) { if (executableCount > 1) { sErrorVersion += "You can not have more than one executable file. Content type of file " + oRow["name"] + " remains the same.<br>"; } else { oRow["contentTypeID"] = iContentType; } } } else if (tags[0] == edtName.TrimEnd('_')) //b. File Version { fileID = Convert.ToInt32(tags[1]); oRow = oDT.Rows.Find(fileID); if (oRow != null) { if (tags[2] == "version") { iVersion = Utils.GetInt(Request[sFormKey]); if (oRow[tags[2]] != DBNull.Value) { if (Convert.ToInt32(oRow[tags[2]]) > iVersion) { sErrorVersion += "Version you specified for file: " + oRow["name"] + " is not correct or lower than existing one. File version was not changed.<br>"; } else if (Convert.ToInt32(oRow[tags[2]]) < iVersion) { oRow[tags[2]] = iVersion; } } else { oRow[tags[2]] = iVersion; } } else { oRow[tags[2]] = Utils.GetInt(Request[sFormKey]); } } } } bRes = DBase.Update(oDT); if (bRes) { DBase.CommitTransaction(tranName); } else { DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); lblInfo.Text = "DataBase error occured during updating table"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; return; } sError += sErrorVersion; //file upload for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count; i++) { sKey = Request.Files.AllKeys[i]; fileID = -1; if ((sKey != null) && (sKey != "")) { fileID = Convert.ToInt32(sKey); } originalFileID = fileID; iContentType = -1; if (Request[chkComboName + sKey] != null) { iContentType = Convert.ToInt32(Request[chkComboName + sKey]); } HttpPostedFile postFile = Request.Files[i]; if ((postFile.FileName != "") && (postFile.FileName != null)) { string sErrorUpload = oPostedFile.SaveFile(Page, postFile, iContentType, ref fileID); if ((originalFileID <= 0) && (fileID > 0)) //for new record { //insert record in GameEngineFile table DBase.Execute(Config.DbSaveGameEngineFile, "@gameEngineID", nGameEngineID, "@fileID", fileID); } if (sErrorUpload != "") { sError += sErrorUpload + "<br>"; } } } //File Upload result if (sError == "") { lblInfo.Text = "File upload was successful"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; } else { lblInfo.Text = "There were errors during file upload. Some files could not be uploaded. See details below:<br>" + sError; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; } BindDataGrid(); }
protected void btnAddRow_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { DBase.Execute(Config.DbSavePlayPeriod, new object[] { "@ID", -1, "@DateFrom", DateTime.Now, "@DateTo", DateTime.Now }); DoDataBind(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string tranName = "SaveAffiliate"; DBase.BeginTransaction(tranName); bool rez = false; lblInfo.Text = ""; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; try { if (chDeny.Checked) { DBase.Execute(Config.DbDeleteSkin, new object[] { "@IDs", nAffiliateID.ToString() }); btnReturn_Click(null, null); return; } //1. Save/Update affiliate in DB int nRes = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(Config.DbSaveSkinsDetails, "@ID", nAffiliateID, "@Name", txtName.Text, "@EmailFrom", txtEmail.Text, "@StatusID", int.Parse(ddStatus.SelectedValue), "@SkinsDomain", txtDomain.Text, "@EmailSupport", txtSuppEmail.Text); if (nRes <= 0) { switch (nRes) { case -1: lblInfo.Text = "Such Skins name already exists"; break; default: lblInfo.Text = "Database error occured"; break; } DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); return; } /* * //2. Create installation files * Admin.CommonUse.Affiliate oAffiliate = new Admin.CommonUse.Affiliate(Page); * bool bRes = oAffiliate.CreateAffiliate(nRes); * if (!bRes) * { * lblInfo.Text = "Affiliate install shield error occured"; * DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); * return; * } */ // Everything is Ok DBase.CommitTransaction(tranName); nAffiliateID = nRes; hdnAffiliateID.Value = nRes.ToString(); StoreBackID(nRes); lblInfo.Text = "Skin has been saved"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; if (hdnState.Value != ddStatus.SelectedValue && ddStatus.SelectedValue == "4") { string val = Config.GetDbConfigValue(DBase, 18); //Template name for affiliates if (val == String.Empty) { rez = true; return; } DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetEmailTemplateDetailsByName, "@Name", val); if (tb == null) { rez = true; return; } if (tb.Rows.Count <= 0) { rez = true; return; } val = Config.GetDbConfigValue(DBase, 1); // Admin Email if (val == String.Empty) { rez = true; return; } CommonUse.CSentMail.Send(DBase, txtEmail.Text, val, tb.Rows[0]["subject"].ToString(), //Send message as autoresponder tb.Rows[0]["body"].ToString().Replace("<BR>", "\n").Replace("<br>", "\n").Replace(" ", " "), 3, MailFormat.Text); } } catch (Exception ex) { Common.Log.Write(this, ex); DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); lblInfo.Text = "Error occured"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; } finally { if (rez) { lblInfo.Text += " Error send Email"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; } if (lblInfo.ForeColor != Color.Red) { btnReturn_Click(null, null); } } }