private List <PhotoData> GetUserPhotosFromDb() { var photosDataList = new List <PhotoData>(); var userId = (int)MyUtils.GetUserField("id_user"); DataSet userData = db.GetDataSet(string.Format("select * from users where id_user={0}", userId)); DataSet photosData = db.GetDataSet(string.Format("select * from photos where id_user={0}", userId)); var userPhotoId = userData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id_photo"]; if (photosData.Tables.Count > 0) { DataTable photosTable = photosData.Tables[0]; for (int i = 0; i < photosTable.Rows.Count; i++) { var pd = new PhotoData { GuidPhoto = Guid.Parse(photosTable.Rows[i]["GUID"].ToString()), idPhoto = (int)photosTable.Rows[i]["id_photo"], idUser = (int)photosTable.Rows[i]["id_user"], isApproved = (bool)photosTable.Rows[i]["is_approved"], isPrivate = (bool)photosTable.Rows[i]["is_private"], isMainPhoto = !(userPhotoId is DBNull) && (int)userPhotoId == (int)photosTable.Rows[i]["id_photo"] }; photosDataList.Add(pd); } } return(photosDataList); }
private DataSet GetUsers(string sql, MyUtils.ImageSize sz = MyUtils.ImageSize.SMALL, bool deleterows = true) { DataSet d = db.GetDataSet(sql); MixInFeatured(d, deleterows); d.Tables[0].Columns.Add("mainphoto_"); d.Tables[0].Columns.Add("online"); foreach (DataRow r in d.Tables[0].Rows) { r["mainphoto_"] = MyUtils.GetImageUrl(r, sz); r["online"] = MyUtils.IsOnline((int)r["id_user"]) ? "1" : "0";// ..GetImageUrl(r, MyUtils.ImageSize.MEDIUM); } d.Tables[0].Columns.Remove("mainphoto"); d.Tables[0].Columns["mainphoto_"].ColumnName = "MainPhoto"; d.Tables[0].TableName = "U"; //DataTable t = new DataTable(); //t.TableName = "filter"; //t.Columns.Add("json"); //t.Rows.Add(t.NewRow()); //t.Rows[0]["json"] = f.ToString(); //d.Tables.Add(t); return(d); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string t = TYPE = Request.QueryString["t"]; if (t != "favorites" && t != "viewed" && t != "favorited" && t != "blocked") { return; } sql = "exec SEARCH_USERS 1, 500, 0, " + MyUtils.ID_USER + ", '', 1, '*', 'users.id_user desc', '" + t + "'"; DataSet d = db.GetDataSet(sql); Repeater1.DataSource = d; Repeater1.DataBind(); if (d.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { norecords.Visible = true; if (t == "favorites") { norecords.Text = "You don't have any favorites yet."; } if (t == "viewed") { norecords.Text = "Nobody viewed your profile yet."; } if (t == "favorited") { norecords.Text = "Nobody favorited your profile yet."; } if (t == "blocked") { norecords.Text = "You don't have any blocked users."; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var SendMessageTo = Request.QueryString["SendMessageTo"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SendMessageTo)) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(SendMessageTo); int id_offer = GetIdOffer(id); if (Request.QueryString["confirmed"] == "1" || MyUtils.IsFemale) { Utils.GoToSendMessage(id_offer); return; } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "showconfirm", "<script type='text/javascript'>ConfirmUnlock(" + id + ");</script>", false); } } DataSet d = db.GetDataSet("exec GET_MESSAGE_LIST " + MyUtils.ID_USER); QuickStart.Visible = d.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0; if (QuickStart.Visible) { NormalHeadline.Visible = false; QuickStart.Title = "<h2>You have no messages yet</h2>"; } Repeater1.DataSource = d; Repeater1.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets user personal data from DB using dbo.GET_USER_PROFILE /// </summary> /// <param name="userPhotos">user's personal photos</param> /// <returns>user's personal data</returns> private DataRow GetUserData(out DataTable userPhotos) { sql = string.Format("exec Get_User_Profile {0},{1},1", (int)MyUtils.GetUserField("id_user"), currentUser); DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet(sql); DataRow userRow = null; userPhotos = null; if (ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { userRow = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; var photos = ds.Tables[1].Select("IsMainPhoto <> 1"); userPhotos = photos.Length > 0 ? photos.CopyToDataTable() : null; } return(userRow); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DB_Helper db = new DB_Helper(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); DataSet ds= db.GetDataSet("select dbo.CalculateCredits2Unlock(amount) as credits from offers where (id_user_from=" + id + " and id_user_to=" + MyUtils.ID_USER + ") or (id_user_from=" + MyUtils.ID_USER + " and id_user_to=" + id + ");select username from users where id_user=" + id); cr = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); user = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0]); bool not_enough_credits = cr > MyUtils.Credits; nocredits.Visible = not_enough_credits; confirm.Visible = !nocredits.Visible; }
static DataTable GetMessagesForUser(int id_user, int id_user_with, int start_with_id = 0) { //IsFromMe gives 1 if the message was sent my me. DB_Helper db = new DB_Helper(); string sql = "select " + "(SELECT top 1 [username] FROM [dbo].[Users] where [id_user] = m.id_user_from) FromUser," + "(SELECT top 1 [username] FROM[dbo].[Users] where[id_user] = m.id_user_to) ToUser, " + "case when id_user_from=" + id_user + " then 1 else 0 end as IsFromMe, * from messages m where ((id_user_from=" + id_user + " and id_user_to=" + id_user_with + ") or (id_user_to=" + id_user + " and id_user_from=" + id_user_with + ")) and m.[id_message] >= " + start_with_id + " order by [time] desc"; sql += "; update messages set is_new = 0 where id_user_to =" + id_user + " and id_user_from = " + id_user_with + " and is_new = 1 and [id_message] >= " + start_with_id; return(db.GetDataSet(sql).Tables[0]); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DB_Helper db = new DB_Helper(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet("select dbo.CalculateCredits2Unlock(amount) as credits from offers where (id_user_from=" + id + " and id_user_to=" + MyUtils.ID_USER + ") or (id_user_from=" + MyUtils.ID_USER + " and id_user_to=" + id + ");select username from users where id_user=" + id); cr = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); user = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0]); bool not_enough_credits = cr > MyUtils.Credits; nocredits.Visible = not_enough_credits; confirm.Visible = !nocredits.Visible; }
static DataTable SaveMessage2DBAndSelect(int id_user_from, int id_user_to, string message, string gift_list, int id_offer) { DB_Helper db = new DB_Helper(); string s = ""; if (MyUtils.IsFemale) { s = "select female_sent_msg from offers where id_offer=" + id_offer; int female_sent_msg = db.ExecuteScalarIntCache(s, 0, 5); if (female_sent_msg == 0) { db.Execute("update offers set female_sent_msg=1 where isnull(female_sent_msg,0)=0 and id_offer=" + id_offer + "; "); DB_Helper.InvalidateCache("SQL_" + s); } } return(db.GetDataSet("insert into messages (id_user_from,id_user_to,text,gift_list,id_offer) OUTPUT inserted.* values (" + id_user_from + "," + id_user_to + "," + + "," + + "," + id_offer + ");").Tables[0]); }
private static DataSet GetUsers(int index, string filter, out string sql) { //index = 1; DB_Helper db = new DB_Helper(); int id_user = (int)MyUtils.GetUserField("id_user"); //currently logged in user if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter)) { filter = db.ExecuteScalarString("select isnull(filter,'DEFAULT') from users where id_user="******"mainphoto_"); d.Tables[0].Columns.Add("online"); d.Tables[0].Columns.Add("button_switch"); foreach (DataRow r in d.Tables[0].Rows) { r["button_switch"] = GetButtonSwitch(r); r["mainphoto_"] = MyUtils.GetImageUrl(r, MyUtils.ImageSize.MEDIUM); r["online"] = MyUtils.IsOnline((int)r["id_user"]) ? "1" : "0";// ..GetImageUrl(r, MyUtils.ImageSize.MEDIUM); } d.Tables[0].Columns.Remove("mainphoto"); d.Tables[0].Columns["mainphoto_"].ColumnName = "MainPhoto"; d.Tables[0].TableName = "U"; DataTable t = new DataTable(); t.TableName = "filter"; t.Columns.Add("json"); t.Rows.Add(t.NewRow()); t.Rows[0]["json"] = f.ToString(); d.Tables.Add(t); return(d); }
private string GetUserPhotoUrl() { string photoGuid = null; if (Session["MainPhotoGuid"] == null) { var mainPhotoRow = db.GetRow(string.Format("select * from users where id_user = {0}", MyUtils.ID_USER)); if (mainPhotoRow != null) { var mainPhotoId = mainPhotoRow["id_photo"]; if (!(mainPhotoId is DBNull)) { DataSet photoData = db.GetDataSet(string.Format("select * from photos where id_photo={0}", mainPhotoId.ToString())); if (photoData.Tables.Count > 0 && photoData.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { photoGuid = photoData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["GUID"].ToString(); Session["MainPhotoGuid"] = photoGuid; } } } } else { photoGuid = Session["MainPhotoGuid"].ToString(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(photoGuid)) { return(MyUtils.GetImageUrl(photoGuid, MyUtils.ImageSize.TINY)); } return("/img/NoPhoto" + MyUtils.GetUserField("sex") + "-s.jpg"); }
private static DataSet GetUsers(int index, string filter, out string sql) { //index = 1; DB_Helper db = new DB_Helper(); int id_user = (int) MyUtils.GetUserField("id_user"); //currently logged in user if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter)) filter = db.ExecuteScalarString("select isnull(filter,'DEFAULT') from users where id_user="******"mainphoto_"); d.Tables[0].Columns.Add("online"); d.Tables[0].Columns.Add("button_switch"); foreach (DataRow r in d.Tables[0].Rows) { r["button_switch"] = GetButtonSwitch(r); r["mainphoto_"] = MyUtils.GetImageUrl(r, MyUtils.ImageSize.MEDIUM); r["online"] = MyUtils.IsOnline((int)r["id_user"]) ? "1" : "0";// ..GetImageUrl(r, MyUtils.ImageSize.MEDIUM); } d.Tables[0].Columns.Remove("mainphoto"); d.Tables[0].Columns["mainphoto_"].ColumnName = "MainPhoto"; d.Tables[0].TableName = "U"; DataTable t = new DataTable(); t.TableName = "filter"; t.Columns.Add("json"); t.Rows.Add(t.NewRow()); t.Rows[0]["json"] = f.ToString(); d.Tables.Add(t); return d; }