Exemple #1
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (TextBox1.Text.Length == 0)
            Label1.Text = ("输入子行业名称,不允许为空!");
        //if (TextBox2.Text.Length == 0)
        //    Label1.Text = ("输入子行业描述,不允许为空!");
        //    return;
        string sql   = @"INSERT INTO [dbo].[ZhuanXiang2] ([HangYeID]           ,[Name]           ,[Description]           ,[state])   VALUES
                            ('" + stype + "','" + TextBox1.Text.Trim().ToString() + "','', 1)";
        int    count = DBZhengce.getRowsCount(sql);

        if (count > 0)
            Label1.Text = "保存成功";
            Label1.Text = "保存失败" + sql;
Exemple #2
    protected void myGrid_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
        string name = ((TextBox)(myGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Controls[0])).Text.ToString().Trim();
        string desc = ((TextBox)(myGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[2].Controls[0])).Text.ToString().Trim();
        string id   = myGrid.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString();

        //id = myGrid.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString();
        string sql = "update [ZhuanXiang2] set[Name] = '" + name + "',[Description]='" + desc + "' where [ID]='" + id + "'";

        myGrid.EditIndex = -1;
    protected void myGrid_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
        string name = ((TextBox)(myGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Controls[0])).Text.ToString().Trim();

        //string id = ((TextBox)(myGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Controls[0])).Text.ToString().Trim();

        string id  = myGrid.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString();
        string sql = "update[Setting] set[Name] = '" + name + "' where ID='" + id + "'";

        myGrid.EditIndex = -1;
Exemple #4
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string sql = "";

        if (id == 0)
            //sql = "insert into zqhl_news([title],[content],classid,qz,pic,en,sel,writer,author,typename,cdate)values(";
            //sql += "'" + Common.strFilter(title.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(content1.Text.Replace("&emsp ", " ")) + "'," + classid + "," + Common.strFilter(qz.Text);
            //sql += ",'" + Common.strFilter(pic.Text) + "'," + ((en.Checked) ? "1" : "0") + "," + ((sel.Checked) ? "1" : "0") + ",'" + Common.strFilter(writer.Text) + "','" + Session["adminloginuser"] + "','" + cbtext1 + "','" + cdate.Text + "')";
            sql = @"INSERT INTO [dbo].[caijiset]
                        ([url]           ,[domain]           ,[startstr]           ,[endstr] 
                        ,[titlestart]           ,[titleend]           ,[urlstart]           ,[urlend]
                        ,[configstart]           ,[configend]           ,[textstart]           ,[textend]
                        ,[fwhaostart]           ,[fwhaoend]           ,[cwdatestart]           ,[cwdateend]
                        ,[fwjigoustart]           ,[fwjigouend]           ,[fbriqistart]           ,[fbriqiend]
                        ,[chinaname]           ,[classname]           ,[update]           ,[state], [userid],[cishu],[cityid],[error])
                        ('" + Common.strFilter(url.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(domain.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(startstr.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(endstr.Text) + "','" +
                  Common.strFilter(titlestart.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(titleend.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(urlstart.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(urlend.Text) + "','" +
                  Common.strFilter(configstart.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(configend.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(textstart.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(textend.Text) + "','" +
                  Common.strFilter(fwhaostart.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(fwhaoend.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(cwdatestart.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(cwdateend.Text) + "','" +
                  Common.strFilter(fwjigoustart.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(fwjigouend.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(fbriqistart.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(fbriqiend.Text) + "','" +
                  Common.strFilter(chinaname.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(classname.Text) + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
                  + "',1,'" + Session["userid"] + "','" + Common.strFilter(cishu.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(cityid.Text) + "',1)";
            sql = @"UPDATE [dbo].[caijiset]
                         set [url]='" + Common.strFilter(url.Text) + "'           ,[domain]='" + Common.strFilter(domain.Text) + "'           ,[startstr]='" + Common.strFilter(startstr.Text) + "'           ,[endstr]='" + Common.strFilter(endstr.Text)
                  + "',[titlestart] ='" + Common.strFilter(titlestart.Text) + "'          ,[titleend]='" + Common.strFilter(titleend.Text) + "'           ,[urlstart]='" + Common.strFilter(urlstart.Text) + "'           ,[urlend]='" + Common.strFilter(urlend.Text)
                  + "',[configstart] ='" + Common.strFilter(configstart.Text) + "'          ,[configend]='" + Common.strFilter(configend.Text) + "'           ,[textstart]='" + Common.strFilter(textstart.Text) + "'           ,[textend]='" + Common.strFilter(textend.Text)
                  + "',[fwhaostart]='" + Common.strFilter(fwhaostart.Text) + "'           ,[fwhaoend]='" + Common.strFilter(fwhaoend.Text) + "'           ,[cwdatestart]='" + Common.strFilter(cwdatestart.Text) + "'           ,[cwdateend]='" + Common.strFilter(cwdateend.Text)
                  + "',[fwjigoustart]='" + Common.strFilter(fwjigoustart.Text) + "'           ,[fwjigouend]='" + Common.strFilter(fwjigouend.Text) + "'           ,[fbriqistart]='" + Common.strFilter(fbriqistart.Text) + "'           ,[fbriqiend]='" + Common.strFilter(fbriqiend.Text)
                  + "',[chinaname]='" + Common.strFilter(chinaname.Text) + "'           ,[classname]='" + Common.strFilter(classname.Text) + "'           ,[update]='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
                  + "', [cishu]='" + Common.strFilter(cishu.Text) + "', [cityid]='" + Common.strFilter(cityid.Text) + "', [error]='" + Common.strFilter(error.Text) + "' WHERE id=" + id + "";

        int count = DBZhengce.getRowsCount(sql);

        if (count > 0)
            msg.Text = "配制信息保存成功";
            msg.Text = "保存失败" + sql;
        Response.Write("<script language=javascript >window.opener.location.reload('zhengcelist.aspx?id=0'); </script > ");
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (TextBox1.Text.Length == 0)
            Label1.Text = ("输入类型,不允许为空!");
        string sql   = @"INSERT INTO [dbo].[Setting] ([SettingID]           ,[Name]           ,[state])     VALUES
                            ('" + stype + "','" + TextBox1.Text.Trim().ToString() + "', 1)";
        int    count = DBZhengce.getRowsCount(sql);

        if (count > 0)
            Label1.Text = "保存成功";
            Label1.Text = "保存失败" + sql;
 protected void sc_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
     DBZhengce.getRowsCount("update  zhengce set state=0 where id=" + e.CommandArgument);
Exemple #7
    public int  GetHtmlfeixi(string url, string title)
        int    count = 0;
        string Html  = GetHtml(url.Trim());

            Html = Html.ToString().Replace("\"", "").Replace("'", "");

            string xinxi = Html.Substring(Html.IndexOf(configstart.Text.Trim()));
            xinxi = xinxi.Remove(xinxi.IndexOf(configend.Text.Trim())).Trim();//信息
            //Response.Write( xinxi);

            string Introduce = Html.Substring(Html.IndexOf(textstart.Text.Trim()) + 7);  //全文内容
            Introduce = Introduce.Remove(Introduce.IndexOf(textend.Text.Trim())).Trim(); //内容
            bool bkeyword = false;
            foreach (object k1 in keyword)
                if (Introduce.Contains(k1.ToString()) || title.Contains(k1.ToString()))
                    bkeyword = true;
            if (bkeyword)
                //textBox5.Text = title.ToString()+"---|";
                //string sql = @"INSERT INTO [dbo].[zhengce]
                //               ([mingcheng]           ,[wenhao]           ,[faburiqi]           ,[fawendanwen]
                //               ,[cengji]           ,[buwensheng]           ,[gongcheng]           ,[lingyu]
                //               ,[yiju]           ,[mubiao]           ,[youxiaoqi]           ,[hangye]
                //               ,[chanpin]            ,[zhengceqw]           ,[zcywdizhi]         ,[state]           ,[createdate]
                //                          ,[userid])
                //         VALUES
                //               ('" + Common.strFilter(mingcheng.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(wenhao.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(faburiqi.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(fawendanwen.Text) + "','" +
                //                     Common.strFilter(cengji.SelectedValue) + "','" + Common.strFilter(buwensheng.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(gongcheng.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(lingyu.Text) + "','" +
                //                     Common.strFilter(yiju.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(mubiao.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(youxiaoqi.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(hangye.SelectedValue) + "','" +
                //                     Common.strFilter(chanpin.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(content.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(zcywdizhi.Text) + "',1,'" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
                //                     + "','" + Session["userid"] + "')";
                string wenhao      = chuli(xinxi, "[发文字号]", "</span>", 6);
                string faburiqi    = chuli(xinxi, "[成文日期]", "</span>", 6);
                string fawendanwen = chuli(xinxi, "[发文机构]", "</li>", 6);
                string youxiaoqi   = chuli(xinxi, "[发布日期]", "</span>", 6);
                string sql         = @"INSERT INTO [dbo].[zhengce]
                               ([mingcheng]          ,[wenhao]           ,[faburiqi]           ,[fawendanwen],[youxiaoqi]
                                ,[zhengceqw]           ,[zcywdizhi]         ,[state]           ,[createdate]
                               ('" + Common.strFilter(title) + "','" + Common.strFilter(wenhao) + "','" + Common.strFilter(faburiqi) + "','" + Common.strFilter(fawendanwen) + "','" + Common.strFilter(youxiaoqi)
                                     + "','" + Common.strFilter(Introduce) + "','" + Common.strFilter(url) + "',1,'" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
                                     + "','" + Session["userid"] + "',1)";
                count = DBZhengce.getRowsCount(sql);
        catch { return(0); }
        if (count > 0)
Exemple #8
    //public static string SetChecked(CheckBoxList checkList, string selval, string separator)
    //    selval = separator + selval + separator;        //例如:"0,1,1,2,1"->",0,1,1,2,1,"
    //    for (int i = 0; i < checkList.Items.Count; i++)
    //    {
    //        checkList.Items[i].Selected = false;
    //        string val = separator + checkList.Items[i].Value + separator;
    //        if (selval.IndexOf(val) != -1)
    //        {
    //            checkList.Items[i].Selected = true;
    //            selval = selval.Replace(val, separator);        //然后从原来的值串中删除已经选中了的
    //            if (selval == separator)        //selval的最后一项也被选中的话,此时经过Replace后,只会剩下一个分隔符
    //            {
    //                selval += separator;        //添加一个分隔符
    //            }
    //        }
    //    }
    //    selval = selval.Substring(1, selval.Length - 2);        //除去前后加的分割符号
    //    return selval;

    //private DataTable NewMethod(int itype, CheckBoxList cl)
    //    string sql = "";
    //    sql = "select * from zqhl_class where en>0 and typeid='" + itype + "' and fl<>4 order by typeid asc,fl asc,sx asc";//fl=4为专家类别
    //    DataTable dt = DBC.getDataTable(sql);

    //    cl.DataSource = dt;
    //    cl.DataTextField = "class";//绑定的字段名
    //    cl.DataValueField = "id";//绑定的值
    //    cl.DataBind();

    //    return dt;

    //protected void scfile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //    msg.Text = "";
    //    if (!upfile.HasFile) { msg.Text = "请选择文件后上传"; return; }
    //    if (upfile.FileBytes.Length > 1024 * 1024)
    //    { msg.Text = "文件不能大于1M"; return; }
    //    string ext = upfile.FileName.Substring(upfile.FileName.Length - 3).ToLower();
    //    if (ext != "png" && ext != "jpg" && ext != "gif")
    //    {
    //        msg.Text = "文件格式只能是png或jpg或gif"; return;
    //    }
    //    string file = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyMMddHHmmss.ss");
    //    string filename = Server.MapPath("../upload/") + file + "." + ext;
    //    upfile.SaveAs(filename);
    //    pic.Text = "/upload/" + file + "." + ext;

    protected void bc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //foreach (Control ct in this.form1.Controls)//循环查询表单里面的子控件
        //    if (ct.GetType().ToString().Equals("System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox"))
        //    {
        //        CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)ct;
        //        if (cb.Checked == true)
        //        {
        //            stext+=(cb.Text + "<br/>");//这句换成取值
        //        }
        //    }

        string classid = "0";
        string cbtext1 = "";

        string sql = "";

        try { Convert.ToDateTime(faburiqi.Text); }
            msg.Text = "发布日期,时间格式不正确 !";
        if (mingcheng.Text == "")
            msg.Text = "政策名称,不能为空";
        if (wenhao.Text == "")
            msg.Text = "政策文号,不能为空";
        if (fawendanwen.Text == "")
            msg.Text = "发文单位,不能为空";

        if (buwensheng.Text == "")
            msg.Text = "部委省级,不能为空";
        //if (cbtext1 == "")
        //    msg.Text = "必须选择一个分类";
        //    return;
        //cbtext1 = cbtext1.Substring(0, cbtext1.Length - 1);
        string cbtexthy = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < hangyec.Items.Count; i++)
            if (hangyec.Items[i].Selected == true)
                cbtexthy += hangyec.Items[i].Value + ",";
                //if (classid == "0")
                //    classid = hangye.Items[i].Value;
        string gongcheng = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < gongchengc.Items.Count; i++)
            if (gongchengc.Items[i].Selected == true)
                gongcheng += gongchengc.Items[i].Value + ",";
                //if (classid == "0")
                //    classid = hangye.Items[i].Value;
        string cengji = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < cengjicb.Items.Count; i++)
            if (cengjicb.Items[i].Selected == true)
                cengji = cengjicb.Items[i].Value;
                //if (classid == "0")
                //    classid = hangye.Items[i].Value;
        string hangye = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < hangyecbl.Items.Count; i++)
            if (hangyecbl.Items[i].Selected == true)
                hangye += hangyecbl.Items[i].Value + ",";
                //if (classid == "0")
                //    classid = hangye.Items[i].Value;
        //hangye = tbhangye.Text;
        ////hangye = hangyejs.Value;
        if (hangye == "")
            msg.Text = "必须选择一个或多个行业";
        if (id == 0)
            //sql = "insert into zqhl_news([title],[content],classid,qz,pic,en,sel,writer,author,typename,cdate)values(";
            //sql += "'" + Common.strFilter(title.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(content1.Text.Replace("&emsp ", "&emsp;")) + "'," + classid + "," + Common.strFilter(qz.Text);
            //sql += ",'" + Common.strFilter(pic.Text) + "'," + ((en.Checked) ? "1" : "0") + "," + ((sel.Checked) ? "1" : "0") + ",'" + Common.strFilter(writer.Text) + "','" + Session["adminloginuser"] + "','" + cbtext1 + "','" + cdate.Text + "')";
            sql = @"INSERT INTO [dbo].[zhengce]
                           ([mingcheng]           ,[wenhao]           ,[faburiqi]           ,[fawendanwen]
                           ,[cengji]           ,[buwensheng]           ,[gongcheng]           ,[lingyu]
                           ,[yiju]           ,[mubiao]           ,[youxiaoqi]           ,[hangye]
                                      ,[zhengceqw]           ,[zcywdizhi]         ,[state]           ,[createdate]
                           ('" + Common.strFilter(mingcheng.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(wenhao.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(faburiqi.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(fawendanwen.Text) + "','" +
                  Common.strFilter(cengji) + "','" + Common.strFilter(buwensheng.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(gongcheng) + "','" + Common.strFilter(cbtexthy) + "','" +
                  Common.strFilter(yiju.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(mubiao.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(youxiaoqi.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(hangye) + "','" +
                  Common.strFilter(content1.Text.Replace("&emsp ", "&emsp;")) + "','" + Common.strFilter(zcywdizhi.Text) + "',1,'" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
                  + "','" + Session["userid"] + "',0)";
            //// ,[glchanneng]           ,[gldiqu]           ,[gldixiang]
            //               ,[zcshijian]           ,[zcshuoming]           ,[gmfangshi]           ,[gmshuoming]
            //               ,[psfangshi]           ,[psshuoming]           ,[shenbaotj]           ,[sbjttiaojian]
            //               ,[xzchanneng]           ,[xzdiqu]           ,[xzzhuti]           ,[xzfashism]
            //sql = "update zqhl_news set [title]='" + Common.strFilter(title.Text) + "',[content]='" + Common.strFilter(content1.Text.Replace("&emsp ", "&emsp;")) + "',classid=" + classid + ",qz=" + Common.strFilter(qz.Text);
            //sql += ",pic='" + Common.strFilter(pic.Text) + "',en=" + ((en.Checked) ? "1" : "0") + ",sel=" + ((sel.Checked) ? "1" : "0") + ",writer='" + Common.strFilter(writer.Text) + "',typename='" + cbtext1 + "',cdate='" + cdate.Text + "'  where id=" + id;
            sql = @"update zhengce set [mingcheng]='" + Common.strFilter(mingcheng.Text) + "',[wenhao]='" + Common.strFilter(wenhao.Text) + "' ,[faburiqi]='" + Common.strFilter(faburiqi.Text) + "',[fawendanwen]='" + Common.strFilter(fawendanwen.Text)
                  + "' ,[cengji] ='" + Common.strFilter(cengji) + "'          ,[buwensheng]    ='" + Common.strFilter(buwensheng.Text) + "'        ,[gongcheng]='" + Common.strFilter(gongcheng) + "'            ,[lingyu]='" + Common.strFilter(cbtexthy)
                  + "'  ,[yiju]='" + Common.strFilter(yiju.Text) + "'            ,[mubiao]='" + Common.strFilter(mubiao.Text) + "'            ,[youxiaoqi]='" + Common.strFilter(youxiaoqi.Text) + "'            ,[hangye]='" + Common.strFilter(hangye)
                  + "' ,[zhengceqw] ='" + Common.strFilter(content1.Text.Replace("&emsp ", "&emsp;")) + "'           ,[zcywdizhi] ='" + Common.strFilter(zcywdizhi.Text) + "'                  ,[update]='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' where id=" + id + "";
        int count = DBZhengce.getRowsCount(sql);

        if (count > 0)
            msg.Text = "保存成功";
            msg.Text = "保存失败" + sql;
        Response.Write("<script language=javascript >window.opener.location.reload('zhengce.aspx'); </script > ");
    protected void bc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //foreach (Control ct in this.form1.Controls)//循环查询表单里面的子控件
        //    if (ct.GetType().ToString().Equals("System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox"))
        //    {
        //        CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)ct;
        //        if (cb.Checked == true)
        //        {
        //            stext+=(cb.Text + "<br/>");//这句换成取值
        //        }
        //    }

        string classid = "0";
        string cbtext1 = "";

        string sql = "";

        //try { Convert.ToDateTime(faburiqi.Text); }
        //    msg.Text = "时间格式不正确 !";
        //    return;
        //if (pic.Text == "")
        //    msg.Text = "必须上传图片";
        //    return;
        //if (cbtext1 == "")
        //    msg.Text = "必须选择一个分类";
        //    return;
        //cbtext1 = cbtext1.Substring(0, cbtext1.Length - 1);
        if (id == 0)
            //sql = "insert into zqhl_news([title],[content],classid,qz,pic,en,sel,writer,author,typename,cdate)values(";
            //sql += "'" + Common.strFilter(title.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(content1.Text.Replace("&emsp ", "&emsp;")) + "'," + classid + "," + Common.strFilter(qz.Text);
            //sql += ",'" + Common.strFilter(pic.Text) + "'," + ((en.Checked) ? "1" : "0") + "," + ((sel.Checked) ? "1" : "0") + ",'" + Common.strFilter(writer.Text) + "','" + Session["adminloginuser"] + "','" + cbtext1 + "','" + cdate.Text + "')";

            //// ,[glchanneng]           ,[gldiqu]           ,[gldixiang]
            //               ,[zcshijian]           ,[zcshuoming]           ,[gmfangshi]           ,[gmshuoming]
            //               ,[psfangshi]           ,[psshuoming]           ,[shenbaotj]           ,[sbjttiaojian]
            //               ,[xzchanneng]           ,[xzdiqu]           ,[xzzhuti]           ,[xzfashism]
            string gldixiang = "";
            //string gldixiang = "";

            if (jishu1_1.Checked == true)
                gldixiang += "支持园区/地方(高新区,市等)";
            }                                                                //组织机构/企业
            if (jishu1_2.Checked == true)
                gldixiang += "支持企业(支持央企/国企;不限企业类型)";
            }                                                                     //个人
            //if (jishu1_3.Checked == true) { gldixiang += "项目,"; }//技术转让
            //if (jishu1_4.Checked == true) { gldixiang += "其他:" + txtjishu4_3.Value.ToString(); }//其他

            string zcshijian = "";
            //string gldixiang = "";

            //if (CheckBox1.Checked == true) { zcshijian = "投资前"; }//投资前
            //if (CheckBox2.Checked == true) { zcshijian = "投资后"; }//投资后
            //if (CheckBox3.Checked == true) { zcshijian = "其他:" + Text1.Value.ToString(); }//其他

            string psfangshi = "";
            //string gldixiang = "";

            if (RadioButton1.Checked == true)
                psfangshi = "招投标";
            }                                                       //招投标
            if (RadioButton2.Checked == true)
                psfangshi = "评审";
            }                                                      //评审
            if (RadioButton3.Checked == true)
                psfangshi = "其他:" + Text3.Value.ToString();
            }                                                                                //其他

            int zczijin = 0;
            //string gldixiang = "";

            if (RadioButton4.Checked == true)
                zczijin = 1;
            }                                                 //固定资产投资比例
            if (RadioButton5.Checked == true)
                zczijin = 0;
            }                                                 //一定额度资金
            //if (CheckBox6.Checked == true) { gmfangshi += "退税,"; }//技术转让
            //if (CheckBox7.Checked == true) { gmfangshi += "其他:" + Text2.Value.ToString(); }//其他

            string zcjibie = "";
            //string gldixiang = "";

            if (RadioButton6.Checked == true)
                zcjibie += "国家中央支持,";
            }                                                          //资产/规模要求
            if (RadioButton7.Checked == true)
                zcjibie += "部委支持,";
            }                                                        //企业性质要求
            if (RadioButton8.Checked == true)
                zcjibie += "地方支持,";
            }                                                        //技术要求
            //if (CheckBox11.Checked == true) { shenbaotj += "其他:" + Text4.Value.ToString(); }//其他

            //sql = "update zqhl_news set [title]='" + Common.strFilter(title.Text) + "',[content]='" + Common.strFilter(content1.Text.Replace("&emsp ", "&emsp;")) + "',classid=" + classid + ",qz=" + Common.strFilter(qz.Text);
            //sql += ",pic='" + Common.strFilter(pic.Text) + "',en=" + ((en.Checked) ? "1" : "0") + ",sel=" + ((sel.Checked) ? "1" : "0") + ",writer='" + Common.strFilter(writer.Text) + "',typename='" + cbtext1 + "',cdate='" + cdate.Text + "'  where id=" + id;
            sql = @"update zhengce set  [gldiqu]='" + Common.strFilter(gldiqu.Text) + "' ,[gldixiang]='" + Common.strFilter(gldixiang) + "',[zcshijian]='" + Common.strFilter(zcshijian)
                  + "'       ,[zczijin]='" + zczijin + "' ,[zcjibie]='" + Common.strFilter(zcjibie) + "'    ,[psfangshi]='" + Common.strFilter(psfangshi)
                  + "'            ,[update]='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' where id=" + id + "";
        int count = DBZhengce.getRowsCount(sql);

        if (count > 0)
            msg.Text = "保存成功";
            msg.Text = "保存失败" + sql;
    //public static string SetChecked(CheckBoxList checkList, string selval, string separator)
    //    selval = separator + selval + separator;        //例如:"0,1,1,2,1"->",0,1,1,2,1,"
    //    for (int i = 0; i < checkList.Items.Count; i++)
    //    {
    //        checkList.Items[i].Selected = false;
    //        string val = separator + checkList.Items[i].Value + separator;
    //        if (selval.IndexOf(val) != -1)
    //        {
    //            checkList.Items[i].Selected = true;
    //            selval = selval.Replace(val, separator);        //然后从原来的值串中删除已经选中了的
    //            if (selval == separator)        //selval的最后一项也被选中的话,此时经过Replace后,只会剩下一个分隔符
    //            {
    //                selval += separator;        //添加一个分隔符
    //            }
    //        }
    //    }
    //    selval = selval.Substring(1, selval.Length - 2);        //除去前后加的分割符号
    //    return selval;

    //private DataTable NewMethod(int itype, CheckBoxList cl)
    //    string sql = "";
    //    sql = "select * from zqhl_class where en>0 and typeid='" + itype + "' and fl<>4 order by typeid asc,fl asc,sx asc";//fl=4为专家类别
    //    DataTable dt = DBC.getDataTable(sql);

    //    cl.DataSource = dt;
    //    cl.DataTextField = "class";//绑定的字段名
    //    cl.DataValueField = "id";//绑定的值
    //    cl.DataBind();

    //    return dt;

    //protected void scfile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //    msg.Text = "";
    //    if (!upfile.HasFile) { msg.Text = "请选择文件后上传"; return; }
    //    if (upfile.FileBytes.Length > 1024 * 1024)
    //    { msg.Text = "文件不能大于1M"; return; }
    //    string ext = upfile.FileName.Substring(upfile.FileName.Length - 3).ToLower();
    //    if (ext != "png" && ext != "jpg" && ext != "gif")
    //    {
    //        msg.Text = "文件格式只能是png或jpg或gif"; return;
    //    }
    //    string file = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyMMddHHmmss.ss");
    //    string filename = Server.MapPath("../upload/") + file + "." + ext;
    //    upfile.SaveAs(filename);
    //    pic.Text = "/upload/" + file + "." + ext;

    protected void bc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //foreach (Control ct in this.form1.Controls)//循环查询表单里面的子控件
        //    if (ct.GetType().ToString().Equals("System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox"))
        //    {
        //        CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)ct;
        //        if (cb.Checked == true)
        //        {
        //            stext+=(cb.Text + "<br/>");//这句换成取值
        //        }
        //    }

        string classid = "0";
        string cbtext1 = "";

        string sql = "";

        try { Convert.ToDateTime(faburiqi.Text); }
            msg.Text = "发布日期,时间格式不正确 !";
        if (mingcheng.Text == "")
            msg.Text = "政策名称,不能为空";
        if (wenhao.Text == "")
            msg.Text = "政策文号,不能为空";
        if (fawendanwen.Text == "")
            msg.Text = "发文单位,不能为空";

        //if (buwensheng.Text == "")
        //    msg.Text = "层级,不能为空";
        //    return;
        string cengji = "";

        if (Request.Form["cengji"] != null)
            cengji = (int.Parse(Request.Form["cengji"]) + 11391).ToString();

        if (cengji == "")
            msg.Text = "层级,不能为空";
        string buwei = "";

        if (Request.Form["buwei"] != null)
            buwei = (int.Parse(Request.Form["buwei"]) + 11396).ToString();

        string xmleixing = "";

        if (Request.Form["xiangmu"] != null)
            xmleixing = (int.Parse(Request.Form["xiangmu"]) + 11742).ToString();
        string zxming = "";

        if (xmleixing == "11743")
            zxming = zhangxiang1.SelectedValue;
        else if (xmleixing == "11744")
            zxming = zhangxiang2.SelectedValue;
        else if (xmleixing == "11745")
            zxming = zhangxiang3.SelectedValue;

        string zxnian = "";

        if (Request.Form["zxnian"] != null)
            zxnian = (int.Parse(Request.Form["zxnian"])).ToString();

        //if (cbtext1 == "")
        //    msg.Text = "必须选择一个分类";
        //    return;
        //cbtext1 = cbtext1.Substring(0, cbtext1.Length - 1);
        string cbtexthy = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < hangyec.Items.Count; i++)
            if (hangyec.Items[i].Selected == true)
                cbtexthy += hangyec.Items[i].Value + ",";
                //if (classid == "0")
                //    classid = hangye.Items[i].Value;
        string gongcheng = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < gongchengc.Items.Count; i++)
            if (gongchengc.Items[i].Selected == true)
                gongcheng += gongchengc.Items[i].Value + ",";
                //if (classid == "0")
                //    classid = hangye.Items[i].Value;
        string gldiqusheng = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < gldiqu.Items.Count; i++)
            if (gldiqu.Items[i].Selected == true)
                gldiqusheng += gldiqu.Items[i].Value + ",";
                //if (classid == "0")
                //    classid = hangye.Items[i].Value;
        //for (int i = 0; i < cengjicb.Items.Count; i++)
        //    if (cengjicb.Items[i].Selected == true)
        //    {
        //        //这个打勾的
        //        cengji = cengjicb.Items[i].Value;
        //        //if (classid == "0")
        //        //{
        //        //    classid = hangye.Items[i].Value;
        //        //}
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        //这是没打的
        //    }
        string hangye    = "";
        string hangyesql = "delete from [dbo].[hangye] where zhengceid='" + id + "';";

        for (int i = 0; i < hangyecbl.Items.Count; i++)
            if (hangyecbl.Items[i].Selected == true)
                hangye += hangyecbl.Items[i].Value + ",";
                //if (classid == "0")
                //    classid = hangye.Items[i].Value;
                hangyesql += "INSERT INTO [dbo].[hangye]([zhengceid],[hangye]) VALUES ('" + id + "','" + hangyecbl.Items[i].Value + "');";
        if (hangye == "")
            msg.Text = "必须选择一个或多个行业";
        int zczijin = 0;

        //string gldixiang = "";
        if (RadioButton4.Checked == true)
            zczijin = 1;
        }                                                 //固定资产投资比例
        if (RadioButton5.Checked == true)
            zczijin = 0;
        }                                                 //一定额度资金

        //string zcjibie = "";
        //string gldixiang = "";

        //if (RadioButton6.Checked == true) { zcjibie += "国家中央支持,"; }//资产/规模要求
        //if (RadioButton7.Checked == true) { zcjibie += "部委支持,"; }//企业性质要求
        //if (RadioButton8.Checked == true) { zcjibie += "地方支持,"; }//技术要求

        string gldixiang = "";

        //string gldixiang = "";

        if (jishu1_1.Checked == true)
            gldixiang += "园区";
        }                                                   //组织机构/企业
        if (jishu1_2.Checked == true)
            gldixiang += "企业";
        }                                                   //个人
        if (jishu1_3.Checked == true)
            gldixiang += " 科研单位";
        }                                                      //个人
        //hangye = tbhangye.Text;
        ////hangye = hangyejs.Value;
        string psfangshi = "";

        //string gldixiang = "";

        if (RadioButton1.Checked == true)
            psfangshi = "招投标";
        }                                                       //招投标
        if (RadioButton2.Checked == true)
            psfangshi = "评审";
        }                                                      //评审
        if (RadioButton3.Checked == true)
            psfangshi = "其他:" + Text3.Value.ToString();
        }                                                                                //其他

        int zxleixing = -1;

        if (zhengcel1.Checked)
            zxleixing = 1;
        }                                        //专项
        if (zhengcel2.Checked)
            zxleixing = 0;
        }                                        //非专项

        if (id == 0)
            //sql = "insert into zqhl_news([title],[content],classid,qz,pic,en,sel,writer,author,typename,cdate)values(";
            //sql += "'" + Common.strFilter(title.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(content1.Text.Replace("&emsp ", "&emsp;")) + "'," + classid + "," + Common.strFilter(qz.Text);
            //sql += ",'" + Common.strFilter(pic.Text) + "'," + ((en.Checked) ? "1" : "0") + "," + ((sel.Checked) ? "1" : "0") + ",'" + Common.strFilter(writer.Text) + "','" + Session["adminloginuser"] + "','" + cbtext1 + "','" + cdate.Text + "')";
            sql = @"INSERT INTO [dbo].[zhengce]
                           ([mingcheng]           ,[wenhao]           ,[faburiqi]           ,[fawendanwen]
                           ,[cengji] ,[buwei]           ,[buwensheng]           ,[gongcheng]           ,[lingyu]
                           ,[youxiaoqi]           ,[hangye]
                           ,[zhengceqw]           ,[zcywdizhi]         ,[state]           ,[createdate]
                           ('" + Common.strFilter(mingcheng.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(wenhao.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(faburiqi.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(fawendanwen.Text) + "','" +
                  Common.strFilter(cengji) + "','" + Common.strFilter(buwei) + "','" + Common.strFilter(gldiqusheng) + "','" + Common.strFilter(gongcheng) + "','" + Common.strFilter(cbtexthy) + "','" +
                  Common.strFilter(youxiaoqi.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(hangye) + "','" +
                  Common.strFilter(content1.Text.Replace("&emsp ", "&emsp;")) + "','" + Common.strFilter(zcywdizhi.Text) + "',1,'" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
                  + "','" + Session["userid"] + "',0,'" + Common.strFilter(gldiqusheng) + "','" + zczijin
                  + "','" + cengji + "','" + gldixiang + "','" + psfangshi + "','" + zxleixing + "','"
                  + xmleixing + "','" + zxming + "','" + zxnian + "','" + Common.strFilter(ketifx.Text) + "','" + Common.strFilter(shishizq.Text) + "');";
            //// ,[glchanneng]           ,[gldiqu]           ,[gldixiang]
            //               ,[zcshijian]           ,[zcshuoming]           ,[gmfangshi]           ,[gmshuoming]
            //               ,[psfangshi]           ,[psshuoming]           ,[shenbaotj]           ,[sbjttiaojian]
            //               ,[xzchanneng]           ,[xzdiqu]           ,[xzzhuti]           ,[xzfashism]
            //sql = "update zqhl_news set [title]='" + Common.strFilter(title.Text) + "',[content]='" + Common.strFilter(content1.Text.Replace("&emsp ", "&emsp;")) + "',classid=" + classid + ",qz=" + Common.strFilter(qz.Text);
            //sql += ",pic='" + Common.strFilter(pic.Text) + "',en=" + ((en.Checked) ? "1" : "0") + ",sel=" + ((sel.Checked) ? "1" : "0") + ",writer='" + Common.strFilter(writer.Text) + "',typename='" + cbtext1 + "',cdate='" + cdate.Text + "'  where id=" + id;
            sql = @"update zhengce set [mingcheng]='" + Common.strFilter(mingcheng.Text) + "',[wenhao]='" + Common.strFilter(wenhao.Text) + "' ,[faburiqi]='" + Common.strFilter(faburiqi.Text) + "',[fawendanwen]='" + Common.strFilter(fawendanwen.Text)
                  + "' ,[cengji] ='" + Common.strFilter(cengji) + "' ,[buwei] ='" + Common.strFilter(buwei) + "'          ,[buwensheng]    ='" + Common.strFilter(gldiqusheng) + "'        ,[gongcheng]='" + Common.strFilter(gongcheng) + "'            ,[lingyu]='" + Common.strFilter(cbtexthy)
                  + "' ,[youxiaoqi]='" + Common.strFilter(youxiaoqi.Text) + "', [gldiqu]='" + Common.strFilter(gldiqusheng) + "' ,  [zczijin]='" + zczijin + "' ,         [hangye]='" + Common.strFilter(hangye)
                  + "' ,[zhengceqw] ='" + Common.strFilter(content1.Text.Replace("&emsp ", "&emsp;")) + "'           ,[zcywdizhi] ='" + Common.strFilter(zcywdizhi.Text) + "' ,[zcjibie]='" + Common.strFilter(cengji) + "'   ,[gldixiang]='" + Common.strFilter(gldixiang)
                  + "' ,[psfangshi]='" + Common.strFilter(psfangshi) + "' ,[zxleixing]='" + zxleixing + "' ,[xmleixing]='" + Common.strFilter(xmleixing) + "' ,zxming='" + zxming + "',zxnian='" + zxnian + "',ketifx='" + Common.strFilter(ketifx.Text) + "',shishizq='" + Common.strFilter(shishizq.Text) + "'          ,[update]='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' where id=" + id + ";";
        int count = DBZhengce.getRowsCount(sql + hangyesql);

        if (count > 0)
            msg.Text = "保存成功";
            msg.Text = "保存失败" + sql + hangyesql;
        if (cengji == "11392")//层级
            zhichiview    = "";
            gongchengview = "style=\"display:none;\"";
        else if (cengji == "11393")
            buweiview = "";
            if (buwei == "11397")//工信部
                gongchengview = "";
                zhichiview    = "";
                xiangmuliview = "style=\"display:none;\"";
                xiangmuliview = "style=\"display:none;\"";
            else if (buwei == "11398")//发改委
                zhichiview    = "";
                gongchengview = "style=\"display:none;\"";
                xiangmuliview = "style=\"display:none;\"";
            else if (buwei == "11399")
                zhichiview    = "";
                gongchengview = "style=\"display:none;\"";
                xiangmuliview = "style=\"display:none;\"";
            else if (buwei == "11400")
                zhichiview    = "";
                gongchengview = "style=\"display:none;\"";
                xiangmuliview = "style=\"display:none;\"";
            else if (buwei == "11401")//科技部
                kejiview   = "";
                zhichiview = "";

                gongchengview = "style=\"display:none;\"";
                if (zxleixing == 1)//专项
                    xiangmuliview = "";
                    zhichiview    = "style=\"display:none;\"";
                    if (xmleixing == "11743")//项目类型
                        xiangmu1.Checked          = true;
                        zhangxiang1.SelectedValue = zxming;//专项名称
                        zhangxiangli1view         = "";
                        zhangxiangli2view         = "style=\"display:none;\"";
                        zhangxiangli3view         = "style=\"display:none;\"";
                    else if (xmleixing == "11744")//项目类型
                        xiangmu2.Checked          = true;
                        zhangxiang2.SelectedValue = zxming;//专项名称
                        zhangxiangli1view         = "style=\"display:none;\"";
                        zhangxiangli2view         = "";
                        zhangxiangli3view         = "style=\"display:none;\"";
                    else if (xmleixing == "11745")//项目类型
                        xiangmu3.Checked          = true;
                        zhangxiang3.SelectedValue = zxming;//专项名称
                        zhangxiangli1view         = "style=\"display:none;\"";
                        zhangxiangli2view         = "style=\"display:none;\"";
                        zhangxiangli3view         = "";
                else if (zxleixing == 0)//非专项
                    zhichiview    = "";
                    xiangmuliview = "style=\"display:none;\"";
        else if (cengji == "11394")
            difangview    = "";
            zhichiview    = "";
            gongchengview = "style=\"display:none;\"";
        Response.Write("<script language=javascript >window.opener.location.reload('zhengce.aspx'); </script > ");