Exemple #1
        public void HandleFiring(Player player, Vector2 mouseVector)
            MyPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <MyPlayer>();

            // minimum charge level is required to fire in the first place, but once you fire, you can keep firing.
            if (ShouldFireBeam(modPlayer))
                // kill the charge sound if we're firing
                ChargeSoundSlotId = SoundUtil.KillTrackedSound(ChargeSoundSlotId);

                if (!WasSustainingFire && MyProjectile == null)
                    if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient || Main.myPlayer == player.whoAmI)
                        // fire the laser!
                        MyProjectile = Projectile.NewProjectileDirect(projectile.position + BeamCreationOffset, projectile.velocity, mod.ProjectileType(BeamProjectileName), GetBeamDamage(), projectile.knockBack, projectile.owner);

                        // set firing time minimum for beams that auto-detach and are stationary, this prevents their self kill routine
                        MyProjectile.ai[1] = MinimumFireFrames;

                // increment the fire time, this handles "IsSustainingFire" as well as stating the beam is no longer firable (it is already being fired)

                // if the player has charge left, drain the ball
                if (ChargeLevel >= FireDecayRate())
                    ChargeLevel = Math.Max(0f, ChargeLevel - FireDecayRate());
                else if (!modPlayer.IsKiDepleted())
                    if (DBZMOD.IsTickRateElapsed(FIRE_KI_DRAIN_WINDOW))
                        modPlayer.AddKi(-FireKiDrainRate(), true, false);
                    // beam is no longer sustainable
                // player has stopped firing or something else has stopped them

            WasSustainingFire = IsSustainingFire;
Exemple #2
 public static bool IsTimeElapsed(int frames)
Exemple #3
        public override void AI()
            Player   player    = Main.player[projectile.owner];
            MyPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <MyPlayer>();

            if (!_isInitialized)
                modPlayer.isMassiveBlastCharging = true;
                //modPlayer.isMassiveBlastInUse = true;
                HeldTime       = 1;
                _isInitialized = true;

            if (player.channel && modPlayer.isMassiveBlastCharging)
                projectile.scale    = BASE_SCALE + SCALE_INCREASE * (HeldTime / 3f);
                projectile.position = player.Center + new Vector2(0, -40 - (projectile.scale * 17));

                // reduced from 25.
                for (int d = 0; d < 15; d++)
                    // loop hitch for variance.
                    if (Main.rand.NextFloat() < 0.3f)

                    float   angle    = Main.rand.NextFloat(360);
                    float   angleRad = MathHelper.ToRadians(angle);
                    Vector2 position = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(angleRad), (float)Math.Sin(angleRad));

                    Dust tDust = Dust.NewDustDirect(projectile.position + (position * (20 + 12.5f * projectile.scale)), projectile.width, projectile.height, 230, 0f, 0f, 213, default(Color), 2.0f);
                    tDust.velocity  = Vector2.Normalize((projectile.position + (projectile.Size / 2)) - tDust.position) * 2;
                    tDust.noGravity = true;

                //Rock effect
                if (DBZMOD.IsTickRateElapsed(10) && _rocksFloating < MAX_ROCKS)
                    // only some of the time, keeps it a little more varied.
                    if (Main.rand.NextFloat() < 0.6f)
                        BaseFloatingDestructionProj.SpawnNewFloatingRock(player, projectile);

                if (projectile.timeLeft < 399)
                    projectile.timeLeft = 400;

                MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player).AddKi(-5, true, false);

                // depleted check, release the ball
                if (MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player).IsKiDepleted())
                    player.channel = false;
                if (_soundtimer == 0)
                    _soundInfo = SoundHelper.PlayCustomSound("Sounds/SpiritBombCharge", player, 0.5f);
                if (_soundtimer > 120)
                    _soundtimer = 0;
            else if (modPlayer.isMassiveBlastCharging)
                modPlayer.isMassiveBlastCharging = false;
                float projectileWidthFactor = projectile.width * projectile.scale / TRAVEL_SPEED_COEFFICIENT;
                projectile.timeLeft    = (int)Math.Ceiling(projectileWidthFactor) + 180;
                projectile.velocity    = Vector2.Normalize(Main.MouseWorld - player.Center) * TRAVEL_SPEED_COEFFICIENT;
                projectile.tileCollide = false;
                projectile.damage     *= (int)projectile.scale / 2;
                _soundInfo             = SoundHelper.KillTrackedSound(_soundInfo);
                SoundHelper.PlayCustomSound("Sounds/SpiritBombFire", player);
            projectile.netUpdate  = true;
            projectile.netUpdate2 = true;
Exemple #4
        public void HandleChargingKi(Player player)
            bool IsCharging = false;

            FinalChargeLimit = ChargeLimit + MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player).ChargeLimitAdd;

            // stop channeling if the player is out of ki
            if (MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player).IsKiDepleted())
                player.channel = false;

            // keep alive routine.
            if (projectile.timeLeft < 4)
                projectile.timeLeft = 10;

            MyPlayer modPlayer = MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player);

            // The energy in the projectile decays if the player stops channeling.
            if (!player.channel && !modPlayer.IsMouseRightHeld && !IsSustainingFire)
                // kill the tracked charge sound if the player let go, immediately
                ChargeSoundSlotId = SoundUtil.KillTrackedSound(ChargeSoundSlotId);

                if (ChargeLevel > 0f)
                    ChargeLevel = Math.Max(0, ChargeLevel - DecayRate());

                    // don't draw the ball when firing.
                    if (!IsSustainingFire)
                        ProjectileUtil.DoChargeDust(GetChargeBallPosition(), DustType, DecayDustFrequency, true, ChargeSize.ToVector2());
                    // the charge level zeroed out, kill the projectile.

            // charge the ball if the proper keys are held.
            // increment the charge timer if channeling and apply slowdown effect
            if (player.channel && projectile.active && modPlayer.IsMouseRightHeld && !IsSustainingFire)
                // the player can hold the charge all they like once it's fully charged up. Currently this doesn't incur a movespeed debuff either.
                if (ChargeLevel < FinalChargeLimit && !modPlayer.IsKiDepleted())
                    IsCharging = true;

                    // drain ki from the player when charging
                    if (DBZMOD.IsTickRateElapsed(CHARGE_KI_DRAIN_WINDOW))
                        MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player).AddKi(-ChargeKiDrainRate(), true, false);

                    // increase the charge
                    ChargeLevel = Math.Min(FinalChargeLimit, ChargeRate() + ChargeLevel);

                    // slow down the player while charging.

                    // shoot some dust into the ball to show it's charging, and to look cool.
                    if (!IsSustainingFire)
                        ProjectileUtil.DoChargeDust(GetChargeBallPosition(), DustType, ChargeDustFrequency, false, ChargeSize.ToVector2());

            // play the sound if the player just started charging and the audio is "off cooldown"
            if (!WasCharging && IsCharging && ChargeSoundCooldown == 0f)
                if (!Main.dedServ)
                    ChargeSoundSlotId = SoundUtil.PlayCustomSound(ChargeSoundKey, projectile.Center);
                ChargeSoundCooldown = ChargeSoundDelay;
                ChargeSoundCooldown = Math.Max(0f, ChargeSoundCooldown - 1);

            // set the wasCharging flag for proper tracking
            WasCharging = IsCharging;
        public override void AI()
            Player player = Main.player[projectile.owner];

            if (!isInitialized)
                HeldTime      = 1;
                isInitialized = true;

            if (player.channel && HeldTime > 0)
                projectile.scale    = BASE_SCALE + SCALE_INCREASE * HeldTime;
                projectile.position = player.Center + new Vector2(0, -40 - (projectile.scale * 17));

                // reduced from 25.
                for (int d = 0; d < 15; d++)
                    // loop hitch for variance.
                    if (Main.rand.NextFloat() < 0.3f)

                    float   angle    = Main.rand.NextFloat(360);
                    float   angleRad = MathHelper.ToRadians(angle);
                    Vector2 position = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(angleRad), (float)Math.Sin(angleRad));

                    Dust tDust = Dust.NewDustDirect(projectile.position + (position * (20 + 12.5f * projectile.scale)), projectile.width, projectile.height, 230, 0f, 0f, 213, default(Color), 2.0f);
                    tDust.velocity  = Vector2.Normalize((projectile.position + (projectile.Size / 2)) - tDust.position) * 2;
                    tDust.noGravity = true;

                //Rock effect
                if (DBZMOD.IsTickRateElapsed(10) && rocksFloating < MAX_ROCKS)
                    // only some of the time, keeps it a little more varied.
                    if (Main.rand.NextFloat() < 0.6f)
                        BaseFloatingDestructionProj.SpawnNewFloatingRock(player, projectile);

                projectile.netUpdate = true;

                if (projectile.timeLeft < 399)
                    projectile.timeLeft = 400;

                MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player).AddKi(-5, true, false);

                projectile.netUpdate2 = true;

                // depleted check, release the ball
                if (MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player).IsKiDepleted())
                    player.channel = false;
                int soundtimer = 0;
                if (soundtimer > 120)
                    SoundUtil.PlayCustomSound("Sounds/SpiritBombCharge", player, 0.5f);
                    soundtimer = 0;
            else if (HeldTime > 0)
                HeldTime               = 0;
                projectile.timeLeft    = (int)Math.Ceiling(projectile.scale * 15) + 600;
                projectile.velocity    = Vector2.Normalize(Main.MouseWorld - player.Center) * 2.8f;
                projectile.tileCollide = false;
                projectile.damage     *= (int)projectile.scale / 2;
                SoundUtil.PlayCustomSound("Sounds/SpiritBombFire", player);
        public void HandleChargingKi(Player player)
            bool isCharging = false;

            finalChargeLimit = chargeLimit + MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player).chargeLimitAdd;

            // stop channeling if the player is out of ki
            if (MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player).IsKiDepleted())
                player.channel = false;

            // keep alive routine.
            if (projectile.timeLeft < 4)
                projectile.timeLeft = 10;

            MyPlayer modPlayer = MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player);

            // charge the ball if the proper keys are held.
            // increment the charge timer if channeling and apply slowdown effect
            if (modPlayer.isMouseLeftHeld && !IsFired)
                // shoot some dust into the ball to show it's charging, and to look cool.
                // Also generates light.
                if (!IsFired)
                    ProjectileHelper.DoChargeDust(GetChargeBallPosition(), dustType, chargeDustFrequency, false, chargeSize.ToVector2());

                // the player can hold the charge all they like once it's fully charged up. Currently this doesn't incur a movespeed debuff either.
                if (ChargeLevel < finalChargeLimit && modPlayer.HasKi(ChargeKiDrainRate()))
                    isCharging = true;

                    // drain ki from the player when charging
                    if (DBZMOD.IsTickRateElapsed(CHARGE_KI_DRAIN_WINDOW))
                        MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player).AddKi(-ChargeKiDrainRate(), true, false);

                    // increase the charge
                    ChargeLevel = Math.Min(finalChargeLimit, ChargeRate() + ChargeLevel);

                    // slow down the player while charging.
                    if (ChargeLevel == 0f)

            // play the sound if the player just started charging and the audio is "off cooldown"
            if (!_wasCharging && isCharging && ChargeSoundCooldown == 0f)
                if (!Main.dedServ)
                    chargeSoundSlotId = SoundHelper.PlayCustomSound(chargeSoundKey, projectile.Center, chargeSoundVolume);
                ChargeSoundCooldown = chargeSoundDelay;
                ChargeSoundCooldown = Math.Max(0f, ChargeSoundCooldown - 1);

            // set the wasCharging flag for proper tracking
            _wasCharging = isCharging;