Exemple #1
        private int getCurrentQuestionIDFromSession()
            //if questionId not in session, set it up with default one
            if (HttpContext.Current.Session[QUESTION_ID] == null)
                //TODO Find out min questionID from question Table and use that as starting question id
                //answer: SELECT MIN(questionId) FROM TestQuestion;
                    using (SqlConnection connection = DBUtility.ConnectToSQLDB())
                        SqlCommand minimumNumberCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT MIN(questionId) FROM Questions", connection);
                        //RUN command and execute straight away , execute scalar gives back the first row and first value in the first column
                        int min = (int)minimumNumberCommand.ExecuteScalar();

                        HttpContext.Current.Session[QUESTION_ID] = min;
                catch (Exception ex)

            //get QuestionID stored in current clients session
Exemple #2
        protected void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <Products> products = GetListOfProductsFromSession();

            using (SqlConnection connection = DBUtility.ConnectToSQLDB())
                foreach (Products product in products)
                    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Products (name, description, price)" +
                                                        " VALUES ('" + product.Name + "','" + product.description + "','" + product.price + "')", connection);

                    int rowsAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

                    if (rowsAffected <= 0)
                        //could not insert
                        //do something about it like show to user that the stuff didnt insert properly
            //empty products out of session
            HttpContext.Current.Session["products"] = null;

            //reload page
        protected void addButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Products product = new Products();
                product.Name        = nameTextbox.Text;
                product.description = descriptionTextBox.Text;
                product.price       = float.Parse(priceTextBox.Text);

                using (SqlConnection connection = DBUtility.ConnectToSQLDB())
                    //create insert using parameters
                    //scope_identity gives the id of what ever you just inserted in the database
                    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Products (name, description, price) VALUES (@name, @description, @price); SELECT CAST(scope_identity() as int);", connection);
                    //add parameter
                    //prevents sql injection
                    command.Parameters.Add("@name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                    command.Parameters["@name"].Value = product.Name;

                    command.Parameters.Add("@description", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200);
                    command.Parameters["@description"].Value = product.description;

                    command.Parameters.Add("@price", SqlDbType.Float);
                    command.Parameters["@price"].Value = product.price;

                    //execute scalar returns first column and row of the comman results
                    int newId = (int)command.ExecuteScalar();

                    IdLabel.Text = "New User Id: " + newId;
            catch (Exception ex)
                IdLabel.Text = ex.Message;
Exemple #4
        protected void skipBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int currentQuestionID = getCurrentQuestionIDFromSession();

            //get extra questions list from session if it exist, if not make a new one
            List <int> extraQuestions = new List <int>();

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_EXTRA_QUESTION] != null)
                extraQuestions = (List <int>)HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_EXTRA_QUESTION];

                using (SqlConnection connection = DBUtility.ConnectToSQLDB())
                    if (extraQuestions.Count <= 0)
                        SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Questions WHERE questionId = " + currentQuestionID, connection);

                        //RUN command and dump results into reader
                        SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                        if (reader.Read())
                            //get index for the nextQuestion column
                            int nextQuestionColumnIndex = reader.GetOrdinal("nextQuestion");
                            //check if value in this row and column is NULL
                            if (reader.IsDBNull(nextQuestionColumnIndex))
                                List <Answers> answers = GetListOfAnswersFromSession();

                                foreach (Answers answer in answers)
                                    //insert User details and get userId
                                    Users users = (Users)HttpContext.Current.Session["currentUserId"];

                                    SqlCommand commandInsertUsers = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Users (firstName, lastName, dob, phoneNumber, date, anonymous, ipAddress) VALUES (@firstName, @lastName, @dob, @phoneNumber, @date, @anonymous, @ipAddress); SELECT CAST(scope_identity() as int);", connection);
                                    //add parameter
                                    //prevents sql injection
                                    commandInsertUsers.Parameters.Add("@firstName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                                    commandInsertUsers.Parameters["@firstName"].Value = users.firstName;

                                    commandInsertUsers.Parameters.Add("@lastName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                                    commandInsertUsers.Parameters["@lastName"].Value = users.lastName;

                                    commandInsertUsers.Parameters.Add("@dob", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                                    commandInsertUsers.Parameters["@dob"].Value = users.dob;

                                    commandInsertUsers.Parameters.Add("@phoneNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                                    commandInsertUsers.Parameters["@phoneNumber"].Value = users.phoneNumber;

                                    commandInsertUsers.Parameters.Add("@anonymous", SqlDbType.Int, 4);
                                    commandInsertUsers.Parameters["@anonymous"].Value = users.anon;

                                    commandInsertUsers.Parameters.Add("@date", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                                    commandInsertUsers.Parameters["@date"].Value = users.date;

                                    commandInsertUsers.Parameters.Add("@ipAddress", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                                    commandInsertUsers.Parameters["@ipAddress"].Value = users.ipAddress;

                                    //get the userId from database
                                    int newUserId = (int)commandInsertUsers.ExecuteScalar();

                                    Console.WriteLine("New Product Id: " + newUserId);

                                    SqlCommand commandInsert = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Answers (optionId, answerText, userId) VALUES (@optionId, @answerText, @userId);", connection);
                                    //add parameter
                                    //prevents sql injection
                                    commandInsert.Parameters.Add("@optionId", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                                    commandInsert.Parameters["@optionId"].Value = answer.optionId;
                                    if (commandInsert.Parameters["@optionId"].Value == null)
                                        commandInsert.Parameters["@optionId"].Value = DBNull.Value;

                                    commandInsert.Parameters.Add("@answerText", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                                    commandInsert.Parameters["@answerText"].Value = answer.answerText;

                                    commandInsert.Parameters.Add("@userId", SqlDbType.Int, 4);
                                    commandInsert.Parameters["@userId"].Value = newUserId;

                                    var rowsAffected = commandInsert.ExecuteNonQuery();

                                    if (rowsAffected <= 0)
                                        //could not insert
                                        //do something about it like show to user that the stuff didnt insert properly
                                        Console.WriteLine("failed to write");

                                //empty products out of session
                                HttpContext.Current.Session["answers"] = null;
                                //clear all session

                                //if null, at end of survey
                                //If not null, get the value of the nextQuestion column so we can load that question up next
                                int nextQuestionId = (int)reader["nextQuestion"];
                                //save this as the current questionId in session.
                                HttpContext.Current.Session["questionID"]    = nextQuestionId;
                                HttpContext.Current.Session["currentUserId"] = currentUserId;
                                //reload this page
                        //if we do have questions on that list
                        //set current question to load to be equal to first question in the extraQuestions List
                        HttpContext.Current.Session[QUESTION_ID] = extraQuestions[0];
                        //add to skip button session
                        HttpContext.Current.Session[EXTRA_QUESTION_AND_SKIP_BUTTON] = extraQuestions[0];
                        //remove this question from the list
                        //save extraQuestionlist into session
                        HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_EXTRA_QUESTION] = extraQuestions;
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["currentUserId"]        = currentUserId;

                        //reload this page
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #5
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            skipBtn.Style["visibility"] = "hidden";
                currentUserId = (int)HttpContext.Current.Session["currentUserId"];
            catch (Exception ex)

            //GetIpAddress(out ipAddress);
            if (AppSession.isLoggedIn())
                titleSurvey.Text = "Welcome " + AppSession.getUsername();

            //get current questionID
            int currentQuestionID = getCurrentQuestionIDFromSession();

            using (SqlConnection connection = DBUtility.ConnectToSQLDB())
                SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Questions WHERE questionId = " + currentQuestionID, connection);

                //RUN command and dump results into reader
                SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                //must do one read to gete onto first row of results in reader (can only show 1 question per page, so 1 read is all we need)
                if (reader.Read())
                    //get question text and put it in our label
                    string questionText = (string)reader["questionText"];
                    questionLabel.Text = questionText;

                    //makes all the value in the reader typeName to lowercase
                    string questionType = ((string)reader["questionType"]).ToLower();

                    if (questionType == "textbox")
                        TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
                        textBox.ID = "questionTextBox";

                    else if (questionType == "checkbox")
                        CheckBoxList checkBoxList = new CheckBoxList();
                        checkBoxList.ID = "questionCheckBox";

                        //get options associated with this current question and dump into checkBoxList
                        SqlCommand optionCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + currentQuestionID, connection);

                        SqlDataReader optionReader = optionCommand.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReader.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReader["optionText"], optionReader["optionId"].ToString());


                        HttpContext.Current.Session["currentUserId"] = currentUserId;

                        if (HttpContext.Current.Session[EXTRA_QUESTION_AND_SKIP_BUTTON] != null)
                            //show when there is extra question
                            skipBtn.Style["visibility"] = "show";
                            HttpContext.Current.Session[EXTRA_QUESTION_AND_SKIP_BUTTON] = null;
                            //make it hidden when there is no extra question
                            skipBtn.Style["visibility"] = "hidden";
                    else if (questionType == "radiobutton")
                        RadioButtonList radioButtonList = new RadioButtonList();
                        radioButtonList.ID = "questionRadioButton";

                        //get options associated with this current question and dump into checkBoxList
                        SqlCommand optionCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + currentQuestionID, connection);

                        SqlDataReader optionReader = optionCommand.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReader.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReader["optionText"], optionReader["optionId"].ToString());


Exemple #6
        protected void nextBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int currentQuestionID = getCurrentQuestionIDFromSession();

            //get extra questions list from session if it exist, if not make a new one
            List <int> extraQuestions = new List <int>();

            if (HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_EXTRA_QUESTION] != null)
                extraQuestions = (List <int>)HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_EXTRA_QUESTION];

                using (SqlConnection connection = DBUtility.ConnectToSQLDB())
                    //check if it was a textbox question
                    TextBox questionTextBox = (TextBox)QuestionPlaceHolder.FindControl("questionTextBox");
                    if (questionTextBox != null)
                        //if it was a textBox, do something with the answers
                        string typedAnswer = questionTextBox.Text;
                        HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_ANSWER_TEXTBOX] = typedAnswer;

                        //TODO FOR STEVEN
                        //get hold of optionId, the answerText and userID and add to session
                            Answers answer = new Answers();
                            answer.optionId   = null;
                            answer.answerText = typedAnswer;
                            ///get list from session
                            List <Answers> answers = GetListOfAnswersFromSession();
                            //save this list into the session (overwrite existing list if any)
                            HttpContext.Current.Session["answers"] = answers;
                        catch (ArgumentException argEx)
                        catch (FormatException formatEx)
                        catch (OverflowException overflowEx)
                    //check if it was a checkbox question
                    CheckBoxList questionCheckBoxList = (CheckBoxList)QuestionPlaceHolder.FindControl("questionCheckBox");
                    if (questionCheckBoxList != null)
                        List <int> listOptionId = new List <int>();
                        foreach (ListItem item in questionCheckBoxList.Items)
                            if (item.Selected)
                                    Answers answer   = new Answers();
                                    int     optionId = int.Parse(item.Value);// may throw exception.


                                    SqlCommand optionsCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT nextQuestionId FROM Options WHERE optionId = " + optionId, connection);
                                    //RUN command and execute straight away , execute scalar gives back the first row and first value in the first column
                                    var dbResult = optionsCommand.ExecuteScalar();

                                    if (dbResult.ToString() != "")

                                    //get hold of optionId, the answerText and userID and add to session
                                        answer.optionId   = optionId;
                                        answer.answerText = item.ToString();
                                        ///get list from session
                                        List <Answers> answers = GetListOfAnswersFromSession();
                                        //save this list into the session (overwrite existing list if any)
                                        HttpContext.Current.Session["answers"] = answers;
                                    catch (ArgumentException argEx)
                                    catch (FormatException formatEx)
                                    catch (OverflowException overflowEx)
                                catch (Exception ex)
                        HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_ANSWER_CHECKBOX] = listOptionId;

                    //check if it was a radiobutton question
                    RadioButtonList questionRadioButtonList = (RadioButtonList)QuestionPlaceHolder.FindControl("questionRadioButton");
                    if (questionRadioButtonList != null)
                        string selectedAnswer = questionRadioButtonList.SelectedItem.Text;
                        HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_ANSWER_TEXTBOX] = selectedAnswer;
                            int optionId = int.Parse(questionRadioButtonList.SelectedValue);// may throw exception.

                            SqlCommand optionsCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT nextQuestionId FROM Options WHERE optionId = " + optionId, connection);
                            //RUN command and execute straight away , execute scalar gives back the first row and first value in the first column

                            var dbResult = optionsCommand.ExecuteScalar();

                            if (dbResult.ToString() != "")
                            //TODO FOR STEVEN
                            //get hold of optionId, the answerText and userID and add to session

                                Answers answer = new Answers();
                                answer.optionId   = optionId;
                                answer.answerText = selectedAnswer;
                                ///get list from session
                                List <Answers> answers = GetListOfAnswersFromSession();
                                //save this list into the session (overwrite existing list if any)
                                HttpContext.Current.Session["answers"] = answers;
                            catch (ArgumentException argEx)
                            catch (FormatException formatEx)
                            catch (OverflowException overflowEx)
                        catch (Exception ex)

                    if (extraQuestions.Count <= 0)
                        SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Questions WHERE questionId = " + currentQuestionID, connection);

                        //RUN command and dump results into reader
                        SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                        if (reader.Read())
                            //get index for the nextQuestion column
                            int nextQuestionColumnIndex = reader.GetOrdinal("nextQuestion");
                            //check if value in this row and column is NULL
                            if (reader.IsDBNull(nextQuestionColumnIndex))
                                //insert User details and get userId
                                Users users = (Users)HttpContext.Current.Session["currentUser"];

                                SqlCommand commandInsertUsers = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Users (firstName, lastName, dob, phoneNumber, date, anonymous, ipAddress) VALUES (@firstName, @lastName, @dob, @phoneNumber, @date, @anonymous, @ipAddress); SELECT CAST(scope_identity() as int);", connection);
                                //add parameter
                                //prevents sql injection
                                commandInsertUsers.Parameters.Add("@firstName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                                commandInsertUsers.Parameters["@firstName"].Value = users.firstName;

                                commandInsertUsers.Parameters.Add("@lastName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                                commandInsertUsers.Parameters["@lastName"].Value = users.lastName;

                                commandInsertUsers.Parameters.Add("@dob", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                                commandInsertUsers.Parameters["@dob"].Value = users.dob;

                                commandInsertUsers.Parameters.Add("@phoneNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                                commandInsertUsers.Parameters["@phoneNumber"].Value = users.phoneNumber;

                                commandInsertUsers.Parameters.Add("@anonymous", SqlDbType.Int, 4);
                                commandInsertUsers.Parameters["@anonymous"].Value = users.anon;

                                commandInsertUsers.Parameters.Add("@date", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                                commandInsertUsers.Parameters["@date"].Value = users.date;

                                commandInsertUsers.Parameters.Add("@ipAddress", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                                commandInsertUsers.Parameters["@ipAddress"].Value = users.ipAddress;

                                //get the userId from database
                                int newUserId = (int)commandInsertUsers.ExecuteScalar();

                                Console.WriteLine("New Product Id: " + newUserId);

                                //Insert Answers
                                List <Answers> answers = GetListOfAnswersFromSession();

                                foreach (Answers answer in answers)
                                    SqlCommand commandInsert = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Answers (optionId, answerText, userId) VALUES (@optionId, @answerText, @userId);", connection);
                                    //add parameter
                                    //prevents sql injection
                                    commandInsert.Parameters.Add("@optionId", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                                    commandInsert.Parameters["@optionId"].Value = answer.optionId;
                                    if (commandInsert.Parameters["@optionId"].Value == null)
                                        commandInsert.Parameters["@optionId"].Value = DBNull.Value;

                                    commandInsert.Parameters.Add("@answerText", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
                                    commandInsert.Parameters["@answerText"].Value = answer.answerText;

                                    commandInsert.Parameters.Add("@userId", SqlDbType.Int, 4);
                                    commandInsert.Parameters["@userId"].Value = newUserId;

                                    var rowsAffected = commandInsert.ExecuteNonQuery();

                                    if (rowsAffected <= 0)
                                        //could not insert
                                        //do something about it like show to user that the stuff didnt insert properly
                                        Console.WriteLine("failed to write");

                                //empty products out of session
                                HttpContext.Current.Session["answers"] = null;
                                //clear all session

                                //if null, at end of survey
                                //If not null, get the value of the nextQuestion column so we can load that question up next
                                int nextQuestionId = (int)reader["nextQuestion"];
                                //save this as the current questionId in session.
                                HttpContext.Current.Session["questionID"]    = nextQuestionId;
                                HttpContext.Current.Session["currentUserId"] = currentUserId;
                                //reload this page
                        //if we do have questions on that list
                        //set current question to load to be equal to first question in the extraQuestions List
                        HttpContext.Current.Session[QUESTION_ID] = extraQuestions[0];
                        //add to skip button session
                        HttpContext.Current.Session[EXTRA_QUESTION_AND_SKIP_BUTTON] = extraQuestions[0];
                        //remove this question from the list
                        //save extraQuestionlist into session
                        HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_EXTRA_QUESTION] = extraQuestions;
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["currentUserId"]        = currentUserId;

                        //reload this page
            catch (Exception ex)
        protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string start = "SELECT * FROM [Users] JOIN Answers ON [Users].userId = Answers.userId WHERE [Users].userId IN((SELECT userId FROM Answers WHERE";
            string end   = "))";

            optIDs = "";
            //For each loops to check whether items has been selected line 185 to 311
            foreach (ListItem checkbox in CheckBoxListGender.Items)
                if (checkbox.Selected)
                    if (optIDs == "")
                        optIDs = " optionId = " + checkbox.Value;
                        optIDs = optIDs + " OR optionId = " + checkbox.Value;
            foreach (ListItem checkbox in CheckBoxListInputState.Items)
                if (checkbox.Selected)
                    if (optIDs == "")
                        optIDs = " optionId = " + checkbox.Value;
                        optIDs = optIDs + " OR optionId = " + checkbox.Value;
            foreach (ListItem checkbox in CheckBoxListBank.Items)
                if (checkbox.Selected)
                    if (optIDs == "")
                        optIDs = " optionId = " + checkbox.Value;
                        optIDs = optIDs + " OR optionId = " + checkbox.Value;
            foreach (ListItem checkbox in CheckBoxListBankServicesCommbank.Items)
                if (checkbox.Selected)
                    if (optIDs == "")
                        optIDs = " optionId = " + checkbox.Value;
                        optIDs = optIDs + " OR optionId = " + checkbox.Value;
            foreach (ListItem checkbox in CheckBoxListBankServicesNAB.Items)
                if (checkbox.Selected)
                    if (optIDs == "")
                        optIDs = " optionId = " + checkbox.Value;
                        optIDs = optIDs + " OR optionId = " + checkbox.Value;
            foreach (ListItem checkbox in CheckBoxListBankServicesANZ.Items)
                if (checkbox.Selected)
                    if (optIDs == "")
                        optIDs = " optionId = " + checkbox.Value;
                        optIDs = optIDs + " OR optionId = " + checkbox.Value;
            foreach (ListItem checkbox in CheckBoxListNewspaper.Items)
                if (checkbox.Selected)
                    if (optIDs == "")
                        optIDs = " optionId = " + checkbox.Value;
                        optIDs = optIDs + " OR optionId = " + checkbox.Value;
            foreach (ListItem checkbox in CheckBoxListSports.Items)
                if (checkbox.Selected)
                    if (optIDs == "")
                        optIDs = " optionId = " + checkbox.Value;
                        optIDs = optIDs + " OR optionId = " + checkbox.Value;
            foreach (ListItem checkbox in CheckBoxListTravel.Items)
                if (checkbox.Selected)
                    if (optIDs == "")
                        optIDs = " optionId = " + checkbox.Value;
                        optIDs = optIDs + " OR optionId = " + checkbox.Value;

            //Where admin selects, it will do these queries
            using (SqlConnection connection = DBUtility.ConnectToSQLDB())
                SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
                command.Connection = connection;
                if (optIDs != "")
                    StringBuilder sbCommand = new
                                              StringBuilder(start + optIDs);

                    if (inputFirstname.Value.Trim() != "")
                        sbCommand.Append(" AND firstName=@firstName");
                        SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@firstName", inputFirstname.Value);

                    if (inputLastname.Value.Trim() != "")
                        sbCommand.Append(" AND lastName=@lastName");
                        SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@lastName", inputLastname.Value);

                    if (inputPostcode.Value.Trim() != "")
                        sbCommand.Append(" AND answerText=@Postcode");
                        SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@Postcode", inputPostcode.Value);

                    if (inputSuburb.Value.Trim() != "")
                        sbCommand.Append(" AND answerText=@Suburb");
                        SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@Suburb", inputSuburb.Value);
                    command.CommandText = sbCommand.ToString();
                    command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                    SqlDataReader rdr = command.ExecuteReader();
                    SearchResultsGridView.DataSource = rdr;
                    StringBuilder sbCommand = new
                                              StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM [Users] JOIN Answers ON [Users].userId = Answers.userId");

                    if (inputFirstname.Value.Trim() != "")
                        sbCommand.Append(" AND firstName=@firstName");
                        SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@firstName", inputFirstname.Value);

                    if (inputLastname.Value.Trim() != "")
                        sbCommand.Append(" AND lastName=@lastName");
                        SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@lastName", inputLastname.Value);

                    if (inputPostcode.Value.Trim() != "")
                        sbCommand.Append(" AND answerText=@Postcode");
                        SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@Postcode", inputPostcode.Value);

                    if (inputSuburb.Value.Trim() != "")
                        sbCommand.Append(" AND answerText=@Suburb");
                        SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@Suburb", inputSuburb.Value);
                    command.CommandText = sbCommand.ToString();
                    command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                    SqlDataReader rdr = command.ExecuteReader();
                    SearchResultsGridView.DataSource = rdr;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!AdminAppSession.isLoggedIn())
            titleAdminPage.Text = "Welcome " + AdminAppSession.getUsername();
                using (SqlConnection connection = DBUtility.ConnectToSQLDB())
                    //numbers of questionId for SQL purposes
                    int questionIdState        = 3;
                    int questionIdBank         = 6;
                    int questionIdBankCommbank = 8;
                    int questionIdBankNAB      = 11;
                    int questionIdBankANZ      = 12;
                    int questionIdNewspaper    = 7;
                    int questionIdGender       = 1;
                    int questionIdSports       = 9;
                    int questionIdTravel       = 10;

                    //checking whether the page has been render before, if no then do so.
                    if (!IsPostBack)
                        SqlCommand    optionCommandState = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdState, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderState  = optionCommandState.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderState.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderState["optionText"], optionReaderState["optionId"].ToString());

                        SqlCommand    optionCommandBank = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdBank, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderBank  = optionCommandBank.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderBank.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderBank["optionText"], optionReaderBank["optionId"].ToString());


                        //-----Bank Services----
                        //Bank Services Commbank
                        SqlCommand    optionCommandBankServicesCommbank = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdBankCommbank, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderBankServicesCommbank  = optionCommandBankServicesCommbank.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderBankServicesCommbank.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderBankServicesCommbank["optionText"], optionReaderBankServicesCommbank["optionId"].ToString());


                        //Bank Services NAB
                        SqlCommand    optionCommandBankServicesNAB = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdBankNAB, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderBankServicesNAB  = optionCommandBankServicesNAB.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderBankServicesNAB.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderBankServicesNAB["optionText"], optionReaderBankServicesNAB["optionId"].ToString());


                        //Bank Services ANZ
                        SqlCommand    optionCommandBankServicesANZ = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdBankANZ, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderBankServicesANZ  = optionCommandBankServicesANZ.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderBankServicesANZ.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderBankServicesANZ["optionText"], optionReaderBankServicesANZ["optionId"].ToString());


                        //-----Newspaper related-----
                        SqlCommand    optionCommandNewspaper = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdNewspaper, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderNewspaper  = optionCommandNewspaper.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderNewspaper.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderNewspaper["optionText"], optionReaderNewspaper["optionId"].ToString());


                        SqlCommand    optionCommandGender = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdGender, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderGender  = optionCommandGender.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderGender.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderGender["optionText"], optionReaderGender["optionId"].ToString());


                        SqlCommand    optionCommandSports = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdSports, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderSports  = optionCommandSports.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderSports.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderSports["optionText"], optionReaderSports["optionId"].ToString());

                        SqlCommand    optionCommandTravel = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Options WHERE questionId = " + questionIdTravel, connection);
                        SqlDataReader optionReaderTravel  = optionCommandTravel.ExecuteReader();

                        //loop through all the question option results and chuck into the checkBox
                        while (optionReaderTravel.Read())
                            //takes the text value from database as first input and id as last input
                            ListItem item = new ListItem((string)optionReaderTravel["optionText"], optionReaderTravel["optionId"].ToString());

            catch (Exception ex)