public virtual async Task <ActionResult <bool> > RemoveLog([FromRoute] long logId) { var user = CurrentUser; if (!table.Access.GetFlag(AccessType.Admin, user)) { return(Forbid()); } var logItem = (DBLogItem)table.LogTable.LoadItemById(logId); if (logItem == null) { return(false); } using (var transaction = new DBTransaction(table.Connection, user)) { try { await logItem.Delete(transaction); transaction.Commit(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { transaction.Rollback(); return(BadRequest(ex)); } } }
public static DataTable GetGestionesEventos(int eventoId) { DBTransaction db = new DBTransaction(); DataTable dt = db.GetDataView(string.Format("vGetDeportes WHERE v.Activo = 1 AND v.DependienteId > 0 AND v.DisciplinaId not in (SELECT e.DisciplinaId FROM [EventoDeportivoDisciplinas] e WHERE e.EventoDeportivoId = {0})", eventoId)); return(dt); }
public static DataTable GetGolpes(int competidorJornadaId, int hoyoParId) { DBTransaction db = new DBTransaction(); return(db.GetDataView(string.Format("[golfJugadas] WHERE [CompetidorJornadaId] = {0} and [HoyoParId] = {1}", competidorJornadaId, hoyoParId))); //dbTools.Sql = string.Format("SELECT [Golpes] FROM [golfJugadas] WHERE [CompetidorJornadaId] = {0} and [HoyoParId] = {1}", competidorJornadaId, hoyoParId); }
private bool ExecuteTransaction(string procedureName, List <SqlParameter> ps) { DBTransaction db = new DBTransaction(); db.ExecStoreProcedure(procedureName, ps); return(db.RowAffected > 0); }
public async Task pickQuoteNoArg() { //pass no user so it can pick from any string response = DBTransaction.pickQuote(Context.Guild.Id, 0); await ReplyAsync(response); }
public static void LoadBooks() { Helper.Logs.Add(new StateInfo("Flow Synchronization", "Start", "", StatusType.Information)); Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); using (var transaction = new DBTransaction(Book.DBTable.Schema.Connection) { ReaderParam = DBLoadParam.Synchronize | DBLoadParam.CheckDeleted }) { Book.DBTable.Load(); //cache groups UserGroup.DBTable.Load(); Location.DBTable.Load(); User.DBTable.Load(); Template.DBTable.Load(); TemplateData.DBTable.Load(); Work.DBTable.Load(); Stage.DBTable.Load(); StageParam.DBTable.Load(); GroupPermission.DBTable.Load(); Scheduler.DBTable.Load(); } watch.Stop(); Helper.Logs.Add(new StateInfo("Flow Synchronization", "Complete", "in " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms", StatusType.Information)); DocumentWork.DBTable.DefaultComparer = new DBComparer <DocumentWork, long?>(DocumentWork.DBTable.PrimaryKey) { Hash = true }; //Logs.Add(new StateInfo("Flow Check", "Config Falil", "AccountInfo", StatusType.Warning)); }
public async Task RemWitty(string name) { string DBresponse = DBTransaction.removeWitty(name, Context.Guild.Id); //only reaches this point if entire list does not match. await ReplyAsync(DBresponse); }
public static DataTable GetGestionesEventos() { DBTransaction db = new DBTransaction(); DataTable dt = db.GetDataView("SELECT DISTINCT Gestion from EventosDeportivo"); return(dt); }
public static DataTable GetDeportesEvento(int eventoId) { DBTransaction db = new DBTransaction(); DataTable dt = db.GetDataView(string.Format("SELECT EventoDeportivoId, DisciplinaId, Nombre, Color, DependienteId from vGetDeportesEvento WHERE EventoDeportivoId = {0}", eventoId)); return(dt); }
public async Task editWelcomeMessage(string choice, [Remainder] string msg) { int affectedRows = 0; if (choice == "welcome") { affectedRows = DBTransaction.setWelcomeMessage(Context.Guild.Id, msg); if (affectedRows == 1) { await ReplyAsync("Changed welcome message!"); } else { await ReplyAsync("No message was changed, try running ~wm setup!"); } return; } else if (choice == "confirmation") { affectedRows = DBTransaction.setConfirmationMessage(Context.Guild.Id, msg); if (affectedRows == 1) { await ReplyAsync("Changed confirmation message!"); } else { await ReplyAsync("No message was changed, try running ~wm setup!"); } return; } await ReplyAsync("Invalid choice! Choose to edit the **welcome** or **confirmation** message!"); return; }
public async Task e621SearchSort(int sort, [Remainder] string srch) { await Context.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync(); if (srch.Contains("loli") || srch.Contains("foalcon") || srch.Contains("cub")) { await ReplyAsync("Those search terms(loli, foalcon, or cub) are not allowed! Try again!"); return; } //if sort integer is too small or big, give help if (sort - 1 > sortingOptions.Length || sort < 0) { await ReplyAsync("Sorting integers are: \n```0:Default, newest to oldest. \n1:Oldest to newest. \n2:Score. \n3:FavCount. \n4:Random.```" + "\nManual sorting can be done by using this chart and inserting it into a search as a tag. " + "\nEx: Overriding default search order with mpixels order.```~e order:mpixels horse```"); return; } //url for use, explicit images and inserts provided tags straight in. string url; //if channel is not on the explicit channels list, if (!DBTransaction.isChannelWhitelisted(Context.Channel.Id) && !Context.IsPrivate) { url = $"{sortingOptions[sort]}+{srch}+rating:s&limit=50"; } else { url = $"{sortingOptions[sort]}+{srch}+-cub+-loli+-foalcon&limit=50"; } string respond = e621.getJSON(url).Result; if (respond == "failure") { await ReplyAsync("An error occurred! " + url); return; } ImageList responseList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ImageRoot>(respond).posts; if (responseList.Count == 0) { await ReplyAsync("No results! The tag may be misspelled, or the results could be filtered out due to channel!"); } else { Global.e621Searches[Context.Channel.Id] = respond; Random rand = new Random(); Global.e621SearchIndex[Context.Channel.Id] = rand.Next(0, responseList.Count); e621.Post chosenImage = responseList[Global.e621SearchIndex[Context.Channel.Id]]; RestUserMessage msg = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(chosenImage.file.url + "\n" + string.Join(",", chosenImage.tags.artist)); await msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("▶")); //set random info for running ~enext through emoji reactions. Global.e621Context[Context.Channel.Id] = Context; Global.e621MessageToTrack[Context.Channel.Id] = msg.Id; } }
public static DataTable getNombrePersona(int PersonaId) { DBTransaction db = new DBTransaction(); var tabla = db.GetDataFuncion(string.Format("select * from conj.fGetNombrePersona({0})", PersonaId)); return(tabla); }
public static List <Grupo> GetGruposEquipos(int deporteId, int ramaId, int eventoId, int faseId) { List <Grupo> lg = new List <Grupo>(); List <SqlParameter> lp = new List <SqlParameter>(); lp.Add(new SqlParameter("DeporteId", deporteId)); lp.Add(new SqlParameter("RamaId", ramaId)); lp.Add(new SqlParameter("EventoId", eventoId)); lp.Add(new SqlParameter("FaseId", faseId)); DataTable dt = ExecuteTransaction("[conj].[pGetGruposEvento]", lp); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Grupo gr = new Grupo(); gr = gr.ConvertToGrupo(dr); DBTransaction db = new DBTransaction(); DataTable dt1 = db.GetDataView(String.Format("[prog].[fGetEquiposGrupo] ({0})", gr.GrupoId)); gr.GrupoEquipos = new List <GrupoEquipo>(); foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt1.Rows) { GrupoEquipo ge = new GrupoEquipo(); ge = GrupoEquipo.ConvertToGrupoEquipo(dr1); gr.GrupoEquipos.Add(ge); } lg.Add(gr); } return(lg); }
public static DataTable GetGruposEvento(int pruebaEventoId) { DBTransaction db = new DBTransaction(); var dt = db.GetDataView($"[prog].[fGetGruposPruebasEvento] ({pruebaEventoId})"); return(dt); }
private async Task Client_ReactionRemoved(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cache, ISocketMessageChannel chan, SocketReaction reaction) { //for role removal after user unclicks a reaction. ulong reactionRole = DBTransaction.reactionRoleExists(reaction.MessageId, reaction.Emote.ToString()); if (reactionRole != 0) { var message = await cache.DownloadAsync(); //get guild to find role! var chnl = message.Channel as SocketGuildChannel; var reactionUser = reaction.User.Value as IGuildUser; Console.WriteLine("Removing role from " + reaction.User.Value.Username + "!"); try { await reactionUser.RemoveRoleAsync(chnl.Guild.GetRole(reactionRole)); } catch { await reactionUser.SendMessageAsync("Sorry, something went wrong, I am either unable to modify roles or the chosen role is above me in settings. Contact an admin or Hoovier#4192 for assistance!"); return; } await reactionUser.SendMessageAsync("Hi " + reactionUser.Username + "! I removed the " + chnl.Guild.GetRole(reactionRole).Name + " role!"); } }
private bool Insert() { DBTransaction db = new DBTransaction(); List <SqlParameter> ps = LoadParameters(); return(ExecuteTransaction("[golf].[pNuevaCategoria]", ps)); }
public static List <Ticket> GetTickets() { int x = -1; List <Ticket> lcp = new List <Ticket>(); DBTransaction db = new DBTransaction(); DataTable dt = db.GetDataView("erp.vTicket"); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Ticket cp = ConvertToTicket(dr); if (cp.estado == "False" && (cp.fecha.CompareTo(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString())) == 1) { lcp.Add(cp); x++; } } if (x == -1) { return(null); } else { return(lcp); } }
public async Task <bool> UpdateTransaction(Guid guid, decimal sum, string currency, DateTime dateTime, string description, Guid userId, Guid walletId) { DBTransaction wallet = new DBTransaction(guid, sum, currency, dateTime, description, userId, walletId); await _storage.AddOrUpdateAsync(wallet); return(true); }
public async Task addWitty(string name, string match, double probability, params String[] responses) { //Makes sure probability, when multiplied by 100, will be valid. //EX. .40 * 100 = 40% chance of happening. if (probability > 1.0 || probability < 0.0) { await ReplyAsync("Pick a probability between 1.0 and 0"); return; } try { string dbResponse = DBTransaction.addWitty(name, match, Context.Guild.Id, probability, responses.ToList()); await ReplyAsync(dbResponse); } catch (SQLiteException ex) { switch (ex.ErrorCode) { case 19: Console.WriteLine("Attempted to add Witty, server already had one witty with that name! Server: " + Context.Guild.Name); await ReplyAsync("You already have a witty with that name!"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("SQL Error: " + ex.Message + "\nErrorNum:" + ex.ErrorCode); await ReplyAsync("Something went wrong, contact Hoovier with error code: " + ex.ErrorCode); break; } } }
public async Task parsequote(SocketGuildUser user, [Remainder] string quotes) { if (!checkUserPermission((SocketGuildUser)Context.User)) { await ReplyAsync("You are not allowed to do that! Have an admin give you permission by using ```~authorize <User>```"); return; } int counter = 0; string response = " Responses Added: \n", currString; string[] chosen = quotes.Split("\n"); //look for a number and a "." I.E ("26." or "5.") Regex rx = new Regex(@"\d+\.", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (string res in chosen) { MatchCollection matches = rx.Matches(res); if (matches.Count > 0) { counter++; //delete the number and . from quote and then stick it into DB currString = res.Replace(matches[0].Groups[0].Value, ""); DBTransaction.addQuote(user.Id, currString, Context.Guild.Id); response = response + currString + "\n"; } } await ReplyAsync(counter + response); }
private bool Insert() { DBTransaction db = new DBTransaction(); List <SqlParameter> ps = LoadParameters(); return(ExecuteTransaction("[indv].[pInsCronogramaCompetidor]", ps)); }
public async Task <ActionResult <T> > UndoLog([FromRoute] long logId) { var user = CurrentUser; var logItem = (DBLogItem)table.LogTable.LoadItemById(logId); if (logItem == null) { return(BadRequest($"Not Found!")); } if (!table.Access.GetFlag(AccessType.Update, user)) { return(Forbid()); } using (var transaction = new DBTransaction(table.Connection, user)) { try { var data = (T)await logItem.Undo(transaction); transaction.Commit(); return(data); } catch (Exception ex) { transaction.Rollback(); return(BadRequest(ex)); } } }
public async void AddNewTransaction() { try { IsWalletPanelEnabled = false; DBTransaction tr = new DBTransaction(Guid.NewGuid(), 0m, "UAH", DateTime.Now, "default", Guid.NewGuid(), _currentWallet.Guid); await _serviceTransaction.AddTransactionAsync(tr); Transactions.Add(new TransactionDetailsViewModel(tr, _serviceTransaction, _serviceWallet, _currentWallet, DeleteCurrentTransaction)); _currentWallet.AddTransaction(_currentUser.Guid, tr); await _serviceWallet.UpdateWallet(_currentWallet.Guid.ToString(), _currentWallet.Name, _currentWallet.Balance, _currentWallet.Currency, _currentWallet.Owner, _currentWallet.Description, _currentWallet.Transactions); RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(Transactions)); RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(CurrentWallet)); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show($"Transaction add was failed: {ex.Message}"); return; } finally { IsWalletPanelEnabled = true; } MessageBox.Show($"Transaction was added successfully!"); }
public static DataTable GetInscripcionEvento(int EventoId) { DBTransaction db = new DBTransaction(); DataTable dt = db.GetDataView(string.Format("[acre].[vAcreditacionDetallePersona] where [EventoId]= {0}", EventoId)); return(dt); }
public async Task buyStonk(string stonk, int amount) { stonk = stonk.ToUpper(); //0 = MaxNumOfShares //1 = stonkPrice //2 = OwnedShares List <int> stonkInfo = DBTransaction.getMaxShares(stonk, Context.Guild.Id); long balance = long.Parse(DBTransaction.getMoneyBalance(Context.User.Id, Context.Guild.Id)); if (stonkInfo.Count == 0) { await ReplyAsync("Sorry, there is no stock with that name on the market right now!"); } else if (stonkInfo[2] + amount > stonkInfo[0]) { await ReplyAsync("Sorry! Not enough stonks to complete your purchase!"); } else if (stonkInfo[1] * amount > balance) { await ReplyAsync("Sorry! You don't have enough Bits for this. The price for " + amount + " shares of this stonk is " + stonkInfo[1] *amount); } else { DateTime localDate = DateTime.Now; string dateString = localDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd.HH:mm:ss"); DBTransaction.addStonkPurchase(stonk, amount, Context.User.Id, Context.Guild.Id, dateString); long totalPrice = stonkInfo[1] * amount; DBTransaction.payMoney(Context.User.Id, -totalPrice, Context.Guild.Id); await ReplyAsync("Stonks purchased! Your new balance is " + (balance - (stonkInfo[1] * amount)) + " Bits!"); } }
private DataTable ExecuteTransaction(string procedureName, List <SqlParameter> ps) { DBTransaction db = new DBTransaction(); DataTable dt = db.GetStoreProcedure(procedureName, ps); return(dt); }
public static DataTable GetDetalleAcreditacionPersona(int PersonaId) { DBTransaction db = new DBTransaction(); DataTable dt = db.GetDataView(string.Format("[acre].[vAcreditacionDetallePersona] where [PersonaId]= {0}", PersonaId)); return(dt); }
public static DataTable GetGolfCompetidorByPersonaId(int personaId) { DBTransaction db = new DBTransaction(); DataTable dt = db.GetDataView(string.Format("[golf].[vPersonas] where [PersonaId] = {0}", personaId)); return(dt); }
/// <summary> /// 命令执行 /// </summary> public override void Execute(DBTransaction tran) { IRepository <T> r = RepositoryFactory <T> .CreateRepository(tran); if (keys != null && keys.Length > 0)//按主键 { Result = r.FindByPK(keys); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(conditionSql)) { Result = r.FindByCustom("*", conditionSql); } else { if (pageSize <= 0 || pageIndex <= 0) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fields)) { Result = r.FindByCustom(fields, conditions); } else { Result = r.FindByCondition(conditions);//List<T> } } else { Result = r.FindPager(pageSize, pageIndex, conditions);//Paper<T> } } }
public async Task redditInfo() { await Context.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync(); if (!Global.redditDictionary.ContainsKey(Context.Channel.Id)) { await ReplyAsync("Try running a reddit search using ~reddit <subreddit> <hot/new/top> first!"); return; } Post chosen = Global.redditDictionary[Context.Channel.Id].getChosenPost(); //if result is nsfw, and channel is not whitelisted, AND its not a DM, tell them and dont post anything. if (chosen.NSFW && !DBTransaction.isChannelWhitelisted(Context.Channel.Id) && !Context.IsPrivate) { await ReplyAsync("This result is NSFW, and this channel is not whitelisted! Try making another search or going to the next result using ~rnext"); return; } //grab random information about post and format it for user. string response = "**" + chosen.Title + "** \nPoster: " + chosen.Author + "\nUpvotes: " + chosen.Score + " Comments: " + chosen.Listing.NumComments + "\n" + chosen.Permalink; await ReplyAsync(response); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new BulkInsert. /// </summary> /// <param name="myGraphDBSession">The DB Reference</param> /// <param name="myGraphFSSession">The FS reference</param> /// <param name="myType">The type of the ne DBObjects</param> public BulkInsert(IGraphDBSession myGraphDBSession, IGraphFSSession myGraphFSSession, String myType) { _GraphDBSession = myGraphDBSession; _GraphFSSession = myGraphFSSession; (_GraphFSSession.SessionToken.SessionInfo as FSSessionInfo).FSSettings.ReflushAllocationMap = false; _DBTransaction = _GraphDBSession.BeginTransaction(myLongRunning: true, myIsolationLevel: IsolationLevel.Serializable); _Type = ((DBContext)_DBTransaction.GetDBContext()).DBTypeManager.GetTypeByName(myType); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new BulkInsert. /// </summary> /// <param name="myGraphDBSession">The DB Reference</param> /// <param name="myGraphFSSession">The FS reference</param> /// <param name="myType">The type of the ne DBObjects</param> public BulkInsert(IGraphDBSession myGraphDBSession, IGraphFSSession myGraphFSSession, GraphDBType myType) { _GraphDBSession = myGraphDBSession; _GraphFSSession = myGraphFSSession; _Type = myType; (_GraphFSSession.SessionToken.SessionInfo as FSSessionInfo).FSSettings.ReflushAllocationMap = false; _DBTransaction = _GraphDBSession.BeginTransaction(myLongRunning: true, myIsolationLevel: IsolationLevel.Serializable); }