private static void comandoAlmacenSetInventario(string uuid, string msg, DBStorage db, bool searchByMinecraftId) { // articulo@cantidad@oreName;articulo@cantidad@oreName;articulo@cantidad@oreName... string[] data = msg.Split(';'); List <AlmacenInventarioSet> setInventario = new List <AlmacenInventarioSet>(); foreach (string slot in data) { string[] slotInfo = slot.Split('@'); if (slotInfo.Length == 3) { short cantidad = Int16.Parse(slotInfo[1]); if (slotInfo[0].Length == 0 || cantidad < 0) { continue; } try { setInventario.Add(new AlmacenInventarioSet(slotInfo[0], cantidad, slotInfo[2])); } catch (Exception) { } } } if (searchByMinecraftId) { // this is a chest, and not an ME network, so the items are in stacks that repeat, por example, // one slot with 64 cobblestone and another stack with 32, not a single stack with 96 as an ME network would send reducirStacks(setInventario); } db.setInventarioAlmacen(db.getAlmacenId(Guid.Parse(uuid)), setInventario, searchByMinecraftId); }
private static void comandoDroneInventario(string uuid, string msg, DBStorage db) { // articulo:cantidad;articulo:cantidad;articulo:cantidad... string[] data = msg.Split(';'); List <DroneInventarioSet> setInventario = new List <DroneInventarioSet>(); foreach (string slot in data) { string[] slotInfo = slot.Split('@'); if (slotInfo.Length == 3) { short cantidad = Int16.Parse(slotInfo[1]); if (slotInfo[0].Length == 0 || cantidad < 0) { continue; } try { setInventario.Add(new DroneInventarioSet(slotInfo[0], cantidad, slotInfo[2])); } catch (Exception) { } } } db.setDroneInventario(Guid.Parse(uuid), setInventario); }
private static string addOrdenesMinado(DBStorage db, string message) { List <OrdenMinado> ordenes; try { ordenes = (List <OrdenMinado>)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(message, typeof(List <OrdenMinado>)); } catch (Exception) { return("ERR"); } foreach (OrdenMinado orden in ordenes) { if (orden == null) { return("ERR"); } orden.descripcion = string.Empty; orden.unidadRecarga = '%'; orden.energiaRecarga = 10; orden.chestSide = '1'; if (!orden.isValid()) { return("ERR"); } } return(db.addOrdenesDeMinado(ordenes) ? "OK" : "ERR"); }
private static void comandoOrdenMinadoInventario(string uuid, string msg, DBStorage db) { // articulo@cantidad@oreName;articulo@cantidad@oreName;articulo@cantidad@oreName... string[] data = msg.Split(';'); List <OrdenMinadoInventarioSet> setInventario = new List <OrdenMinadoInventarioSet>(); foreach (string slot in data) { string[] slotInfo = slot.Split('@'); if (slotInfo.Length == 3) { try { short cantidad = Int16.Parse(slotInfo[1]); if (cantidad == 0) { continue; } setInventario.Add(new OrdenMinadoInventarioSet(slotInfo[0], cantidad, slotInfo[2])); } catch (Exception) { } } } db.setOrdenMinadoInventario(Guid.Parse(uuid), setInventario); }
// API KEY public static string apiKeyCommand(DBStorage db, string command, string message) { switch (command) { case "get": { return(getApiKeys(db)); } case "add": { return(addApiKeys(db, message)); } case "reset": { return(resetApiKey(db, message)); } case "delete": { return(deleteApiKey(db, message)); } } return("ERR"); }
/* FABRICACIÓN */ private static void comandoGetOrdenesFabricacion(string uuid, DBStorage db, TcpClient server) { Fabricacion fabricacion = db.getFabricacion(Guid.Parse(uuid)); if (fabricacion == null) { return; } OrdenFabricacion ordenFabricacion = db.getNextOrdenFabricacion(fabricacion.idAlmacen,; if (ordenFabricacion == null) { enviarMensaje(server, "MSG$$" + uuid + "&&IDLE"); return; } if (fabricacion.tipo == 'R') { robotGetOrdenesFabricacion(uuid, db, server, fabricacion, ordenFabricacion); } else if (fabricacion.tipo == 'A') { meGetOrdenesFabricacion(db, ordenFabricacion, uuid, server); } }
// ÓRDENES DE MINADO private static void comandoOrdenMinado(TcpClient client, string uuid, DBStorage db) { OrdenMinado orden = db.getRobotOrdenMinado(Guid.Parse(uuid)); if (orden == null) { enviarMensaje(client, "IDLE"); return; } short energiaRecarga; if (orden.unidadRecarga == '=') // la energía en la que el robot parará a recargar está en valor absoluto { energiaRecarga = orden.energiaRecarga; } else if (orden.unidadRecarga == '%') // la energía en la que el robot parará a recargar está en porcentaje. calcular en base a la energía total del robot { energiaRecarga = (short)((db.getRobot(Guid.Parse(uuid)).totalEnergia / ((short)100)) * orden.energiaRecarga); } else { return; } string str = "MSG$$" + uuid + "&&" + orden.size + ";" + orden.posX + ";" + orden.posY + ";" + orden.posZ + ";" + orden.facing + ";" + orden.gpsX + ";" + orden.gpsY + ";" + orden.gpsZ + ";" + energiaRecarga + ";" + orden.modoMinado + ";" + (orden.shutdown ? 1 : 0) + ";" + orden.chestSide; enviarMensaje(client, str); }
// SERVERS public static string serverCommand(DBStorage db, string command, string message) { switch (command) { case "get": { return(getServers(db)); } case "add": { return(addServer(db, message)); } case "update": { return(updateServer(db, message)); } case "delete": { return(deleteServer(db, message)); } case "pwd": { return(changePwdServer(db, message)); } } return("ERR"); }
public ServerController(TcpClient server) { this.server = server; this.robots = new List <DeviceController>(); this.db = new DBStorage(Program.config); this.lastPong = DateTime.Now; }
private static string passwordUsuario(DBStorage db, string message) { UsuarioPwd usuario; try { usuario = (UsuarioPwd)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(message, typeof(UsuarioPwd)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); return("ERR"); } if (usuario == null || !usuario.isValid()) { return("ERR"); } Usuario usr = db.getUsuario(; if (usr == null) { return("ERR"); } bool loggedIn = Usuario.verifyHash(usr.pwd, (usr.salt + usuario.pwdActual), usr.iteraciones); if (!loggedIn) { return("ERR"); } string salt = Usuario.generateSalt(); string hash = Usuario.hash(salt + usuario.pwdNuevo, Program.ajuste.hashIteraciones); return(db.updateUsuario(, hash, salt, Program.ajuste.hashIteraciones) ? "OK" : "ERR"); }
public static string movimientosAlmacenCommands(DBStorage db, string command, string message) { switch (command) { case "get": { return(getMovimientosAlmacen(db, message)); } case "search": { return(searchMovimientosAlmacen(db, message)); } case "add": { return(addMovimientoAlmacen(db, message)); } case "update": { return(updateMovimientoAlmacen(db, message)); } } return("ERR"); }
private void ItemReturnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ServiceItem serviceItem = new ServiceItem(); CloseItem closeItem = new CloseItem(); serviceItem.IdServiceItem = _reestrForm.IDServiceItem; DBStorage db = new DBStorage(); ServiceItem test = db.ServiceItems.Where(p => p.IdServiceItem == _reestrForm.IDServiceItem).First(); serviceItem.IdSpecification = test.IdSpecification; serviceItem.NameServiceItem = test.NameServiceItem; serviceItem.FinishDate = test.FinishDate.Date; serviceItem.StartSate = test.StartSate.Date; serviceItem.Total = test.Total + test.Price; serviceItem.Price = test.Price; serviceItem.Coun = test.Coun + 1; UnitOfWork.RepositoryServiceItem.Update(serviceItem); closeItem.CloseDate = _reestrForm.CloseDate; closeItem.PerformanceSum = _reestrForm.PerformanceSum; closeItem.IdWorker = _reestrForm.IDWorker; closeItem.IdServiceItem = _reestrForm.IDServiceItem; closeItem.IdCloseItem = _reestrForm.IDCloseItem; UnitOfWork.RepositoryCloseItem.Delete(closeItem); _reestrForm.CloseItems = UnitOfWork.RepositoryCloseItem.GetAll(); _reestrForm.AllSum = UnitOfWork.RepositoryCloseItem.SummCloseItem(_reestrForm.StartD, _reestrForm.FinishD); MessageBox.Show("Задача возвращена"); main.ServiceItems = null; main.ServiceItems = UnitOfWork.RepositoryServiceItem.GetAll(); _reestrForm.Close(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("*** ERPCRAFT - Control your Minecraft world from the real world, anywhere, realtime. ***"); Console.WriteLine("[[[ ]]]"); Console.WriteLine(""); config = Configuracion.readConfiguracion(); db = new DBStorage(config); // clean the database on start - allow the program to be called from a cron command to clean the DB if (args.Length > 0 && args[0].Equals("clean")) { ajuste = db.getAjuste(); Console.WriteLine("CLEANING THE DATABASE FOLLOWING THE ACTIVE CONFIG..."); db.limpiar(); Console.WriteLine("OK!"); return; } db.createDB(); initDb(); websocketPubSub = new PubSub(new string[] { "robots", "articulos", "articulosImg", "electrico", "generador", "bateria", "ordenMinado", "almacen", "drones", "usuarios", "config", "apiKeys", "servers", "notificaciones" }); // admin management (web) Thread threadWS = new Thread(new ThreadStart(WaitForWebSocket.Run)); threadWS.Start(); // accept OC communication GameController.Run(); }
private static void comandoBateriaSet(string uuid, string msg, DBStorage db) { try { db.updateBateriaRedElectrica(Guid.Parse(uuid), Int64.Parse(msg)); } catch (Exception) { return; } }
private static string addApiKeys(DBStorage db, string message) { if (message.Length == 0) { return("ERR"); } db.addApiKey(message); return("OK"); }
public DBStructureForm(String connectionString) { _storage = new DBStorage(connectionString); InitializeComponent(); _categoriesList.DisplayMember = "Name"; _scriptsList.DisplayMember = "Name"; }
public static string droneCommands(DBStorage db, string command, string message) { switch (command) { case "get": { return(getDrones(db)); } case "search": { return(searchDrones(db, message)); } case "add": { return(addDrone(db, message)); } case "update": { return(updateDrone(db, message)); } case "delete": { return(deleteDrone(db, message)); } case "getGPS": { return(getDroneGPS(db, message)); } case "getInventario": { return(getDroneInventario(db, message)); } case "getLog": { return(getDroneLogs(db, message)); } case "clearLogs": { return(clearLogs(db, message)); } case "clearLogsBetween": { return(clearLogsBetween(db, message)); } } return("ERR"); }
private static void comandoDroneLog(string uuid, string msg, DBStorage db) { int separatorPos = msg.IndexOf("@@"); if (separatorPos == -1) { return; } db.addDroneLog(Guid.Parse(uuid), new DroneLog(msg.Substring(0, separatorPos), msg.Substring(separatorPos + 2))); }
private static void comandoRobBat(string uuid, string msg, DBStorage db) { int energiaActual; try { energiaActual = Int32.Parse(msg); } catch (Exception) { return; } db.updateRobotBateria(uuid, energiaActual); }
private static void comandoDroneGps(string uuid, string msg, DBStorage db) { string[] data = msg.Split('@'); if (data.Length == 3) { try { db.addDroneGps(Guid.Parse(uuid), Int16.Parse(data[0]), Int16.Parse(data[1]), Int16.Parse(data[2])); } catch (Exception) { return; } } }
private static string deleteServer(DBStorage db, string message) { Guid guid; try { guid = Guid.Parse(message); } catch (Exception) { return("ERR"); } return(db.deleteServer(guid) ? "OK" : "ERR"); }
private static void comandoSetOrdenFabricacion(string uuid, DBStorage db, string msg) { Fabricacion fabricacion = db.getFabricacion(Guid.Parse(uuid)); if (fabricacion == null) { return; } string[] data = msg.Split(';'); if (data.Length != 3) { return; } int id; try { id = Int32.Parse(data[0]); } catch (Exception) { return; } if (id <= 0) { return; } if (data[1].Equals("OK")) { db.setResultadoOrdenFabricaicon(id, fabricacion.idAlmacen,, true); } else if (data[1].Equals("ERR")) { short errorCode; try { errorCode = Int16.Parse(data[2]); } catch (Exception) { return; } if (errorCode <= 0) { return; } db.setResultadoOrdenFabricaicon(id, fabricacion.idAlmacen,, false, errorCode); } else { return; } }
private static void comandoOrdenMinadoUpdate(string uuid, string msg, DBStorage db) { string[] data = msg.Split(';'); if (data.Length != 4) { return; } try { db.updateProgresoOrdenDeMinado(Guid.Parse(uuid), Int16.Parse(data[0]), Int16.Parse(data[1]), Int16.Parse(data[2]), Int16.Parse(data[3])); } catch (Exception) { return; } }
/* RED ELECTRICA */ private static void comandoBateriaInit(string uuid, string msg, DBStorage db) { string[] data = msg.Split('@'); if (data.Length != 2) { return; } try { db.updateBateriaRedElectrica(Guid.Parse(uuid), Int64.Parse(data[0]), Int64.Parse(data[1])); } catch (Exception) { return; } }
private static string deleteSmelting(DBStorage db, string message) { int id; try { id = Int32.Parse(message); } catch (Exception) { return("ERR"); } if (id <= 0) { return("ERR"); } return(db.deleteSmelting(id) ? "OK" : "ERR"); }
private static string editSmelting(DBStorage db, string message) { Smelting smelting; try { smelting = (Smelting)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(message, typeof(Smelting)); } catch (Exception) { return("ERR"); } if (smelting == null || <= 0 || !smelting.isValid()) { return("ERR"); } return(db.updateSmelting(smelting) ? "OK" : "ERR"); }
private static string editCraft(DBStorage db, string message) { Crafteo crafteo; try { crafteo = (Crafteo)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(message, typeof(Crafteo)); } catch (Exception) { return("ERR"); } if (crafteo == null || <= 0 || !crafteo.isValid()) { return("ERR"); } return(db.updateCrafteo(crafteo) ? "OK" : "ERR"); }
// CRAFTS private static string getCrafts(DBStorage db, string message) { CrafteoQuery query; try { query = (CrafteoQuery)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(message, typeof(CrafteoQuery)); } catch (Exception) { return("ERR"); } if (query == null || query.offset < 0 || query.limit <= 0) { return("ERR"); } return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(db.getCrafteos(query.offset, query.limit))); }
private static string deleteArticulo(DBStorage db, string message) { short id; try { id = Int16.Parse(message); } catch (Exception) { return("ERR"); } if (id <= 0) { return("ERR"); } return(db.deleteArticulo(id) ? "OK" : "ERR"); }
private static string editArticulos(DBStorage db, string message) { Articulo articulo; try { articulo = (Articulo)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(message, typeof(Articulo)); } catch (Exception) { return("ERR"); } if (articulo == null || <= 0 || !articulo.isValid()) { return("ERR"); } return(db.updateArticulo(articulo) ? "OK" : "ERR"); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes itself from corresponding datatable /// Override this method in derived class to perform specific deletion logic /// </summary> public virtual void Delete() { Storage.Delete(this); this.Storage = null; this._bindedRow = null; }
private void SetupStorage() { this.Storage = GetStorage(this.GetType()); if (this.Storage == null) { Type thisRealType = this.GetType(); this.Storage = InitStorage(thisRealType); } }