Exemple #1
    bool CreateTable()
        // database created successfuly then create table
        if (db.Exists)
            // Create table :: schema
            // you can create table when you want
            DBSchema schema = new DBSchema("Users");
            schema.AddField("Id", SQLiteDB.DB_DataType.DB_INT, 0, false, true, true);
            schema.AddField("Name", SQLiteDB.DB_DataType.DB_VARCHAR, 100, false, false, false);

    void RunMigrations()
        // TODO if add/drop migrations or incremental

        LogHelper.Log(LoggingLevel.TRACE, _config, "Creating and Migrating");

        foreach (var connectionField in this.GetType().GetFields())
            if (connectionField.FieldType.Name.Equals("SQLiteTable`1"))
                // rename variable for explicitness, now that it represents something else
                FieldInfo tableField = connectionField;

                // get the generic type argument that the SQLiteTable is using, as that's the type of the table
                Type tableFieldGenericType = tableField.FieldType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                LogHelper.Log(LoggingLevel.TRACE, _config, String.Concat("Considering object of type: " + tableFieldGenericType.Name));

                // get the name of the field to be the name of the table, unless it has a custom table name attribute, then use that
                string tableName          = tableField.Name;
                var    tableNameAttribute = tableFieldGenericType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TableNameAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() as TableNameAttribute;
                if (tableNameAttribute != null)
                    // cleanse by replacing all spaces with underscores
                    // TODO rip out all symbols and other invalid characters
                    tableName = tableNameAttribute.TableName.Replace(" ", "_");
                LogHelper.Log(LoggingLevel.TRACE, _config, String.Concat("Mapping object to database table named: " + tableName));

                // Create the schema for the new table to be created
                DBSchema schema = new DBSchema(tableName);

                // Only supporting a single primary key at the moment
                bool schemaHasPrimary = false;

                foreach (var tableProperty in tableFieldGenericType.GetProperties())
                    if (tableProperty.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ColumnIgnoreAttribute), false).Length == 0)
                        string columnName         = tableProperty.Name;
                        var    fieldNameAttribute = tableProperty.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FieldNameAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() as FieldNameAttribute;
                        if (fieldNameAttribute != null)
                            // cleanse by replacing all spaces with underscores
                            // TODO rip out all symbols and other invalid characters
                            columnName = fieldNameAttribute.FieldName.Replace(" ", "_");

                        SQLiteDB.DB_DataType dataType = 0;
                        int size = 0;
                        // If it's an int type...
                        if (tableProperty.PropertyType.Equals(typeof(Int16)) ||
                            tableProperty.PropertyType.Equals(typeof(Int32)) ||
                            dataType = SQLiteDB.DB_DataType.DB_INT;
                            // if not an int, then store as text unless a size was specified, then store as varchar
                            var sizeAttribute = tableProperty.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SizeAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() as SizeAttribute;
                            if (sizeAttribute != null)
                                dataType = SQLiteDB.DB_DataType.DB_VARCHAR;
                                size     = sizeAttribute.FieldSize;
                                dataType = SQLiteDB.DB_DataType.DB_TEXT;

                        bool isPrimary = false;
                        if (tableProperty.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PrimaryKeyAttribute), false).Length != 0)
                            if (schemaHasPrimary)
                                // TODO custom exception
                                throw new Exception("Multiple primary keys are not supported at this time");

                            isPrimary        = true;
                            schemaHasPrimary = true;

                        bool isNotNull = false;
                        if (tableProperty.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NotNullAttribute), false).Length != 0)
                            isNotNull = true;

                        bool isUnique = false;
                        if (tableProperty.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UniqueAttribute), false).Length != 0 || isPrimary)
                            isUnique = true;

                        schema.AddField(columnName, dataType, size, isNotNull, isPrimary, isUnique);

                if (_database.IsTableExists(schema.TableName))
                    LogHelper.Log(LoggingLevel.TRACE, _config, "The " + schema.TableName + " table already exists.");
                    // TODO.. migration update?
                    LogHelper.Log(LoggingLevel.TRACE, _config, "Creating the " + schema.TableName + " table.");

                // Set the value of the table back in this calss
                Type typeArgument     = tableFieldGenericType;
                Type genericClass     = typeof(SQLiteTable <>);
                Type constructedClass = genericClass.MakeGenericType(typeArgument);

                tableField.SetValue(this, Activator.CreateInstance(constructedClass, _database, tableName, _config));

        // Depending on type of migration, seed?