public IEnumerable <string> GetCityProjectNames(string city) { DBLibrary db = new DBLibrary(_connectionString); Thread.Sleep(10); var cityClause = string.IsNullOrEmpty(city) ? "" : string.Format(" and city = '{0}'", city); var query = string.Format("select distinct project_name from rent_data where project_name is not null{0}", cityClause); var ds = db.ExecuteQuery(query); List <string> list = new List <string>(ds.Tables["Table"].Rows.Count); list = ds.Tables["Table"].AsEnumerable().Select(r => r["project_name"].ToString() ).ToList(); var generic = list.Where(i => i.Contains("esidential")).ToList(); foreach (var item in generic) { list.Remove(item); } return(list); }
public IEnumerable <PropertyAverageRentDto> GetCityCurrentAverageRents(string city, string area, string project) { DBLibrary db = new DBLibrary(_connectionString); Thread.Sleep(10); var dateToday = DateTime.Today; var dateStart = dateToday.AddDays(-100); var dateEnd = dateToday.AddDays(100); var dateRange = string.Format("possession_from between '{0}' and '{1}'", dateStart.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), dateEnd.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); var cityClause = string.Format(" and city = '{0}'", city); var areaClause = string.IsNullOrEmpty(area) ? "" : string.Format(" and area_name = '{0}'", area); var projectClause = string.IsNullOrEmpty(project) ? "" : string.Format(" and project_name = '{0}'", project); var query = string.Format("select avg(rent_monthly) rent, unit_type from rent_data where {0} {1}{2}{3} group by unit_type", dateRange, cityClause, areaClause, projectClause); var ds = db.ExecuteQuery(query); List <PropertyAverageRentDto> list = new List <PropertyAverageRentDto>(ds.Tables["Table"].Rows.Count); list = ds.Tables["Table"].AsEnumerable().Select(r => new PropertyAverageRentDto { unit_type = r["unit_type"].ToString(), avg_rent_monthly = Utilities.GetNullableInt(r["rent"].ToString()) } ).ToList(); return(list); }
public IEnumerable <PropertyRentServiceTrimmedDto> TestRents(string numrec) { DBLibrary db = new DBLibrary(_connectionString); var query = string.Format("select top {1} * from rent_data where city = '{0}'", "Pune", numrec); var ds = db.ExecuteQuery(query); //var list = ds.Tables["Table"].ToList<PropertyRentServiceDto>(); List <PropertyRentServiceDto> list = new List <PropertyRentServiceDto>(ds.Tables["Table"].Rows.Count); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables["Table"].Rows) { var dto = ConvertPropertyRentDataRowToServiceDto(dr); list.Add(dto); } var testList = list.Select(i => new PropertyRentServiceTrimmedDto { property_id = i.property_id, bed_rooms = i.bed_rooms, floor_number = null, possession_from = i.possession_from, added_on = i.added_on, last_updated = i.last_updated }); return(testList); }
public IEnumerable <string> GetAllCityNames() { DBLibrary db = new DBLibrary(_connectionString); Thread.Sleep(10); var query = string.Format("select distinct city from rent_data where city is not null"); var ds = db.ExecuteQuery(query); List <string> list = new List <string>(ds.Tables["Table"].Rows.Count); list = ds.Tables["Table"].AsEnumerable().Select(r => r["city"].ToString() ).ToList(); return(list); }
public IEnumerable <string> GetCityAreaNames(string city) { DBLibrary db = new DBLibrary(_connectionString); Thread.Sleep(10); var cityClause = string.IsNullOrEmpty(city) ? "" : string.Format(" and city = '{0}'", city); var query = string.Format("select distinct area_name from rent_data where area_name is not null{0}", cityClause); var ds = db.ExecuteQuery(query); List <string> list = new List <string>(ds.Tables["Table"].Rows.Count); list = ds.Tables["Table"].AsEnumerable().Select(r => r["area_name"].ToString() ).ToList(); return(list); }
public IEnumerable <PropertyRentServiceDto> GetRents(string city, string numrec) { DBLibrary db = new DBLibrary(_connectionString); var query = string.Format("select top {1} * from rent_data where city = '{0}'", city, numrec); var ds = db.ExecuteQuery(query); //var list = ds.Tables["Table"].ToList<PropertyRentServiceDto>(); List <PropertyRentServiceDto> list = new List <PropertyRentServiceDto>(ds.Tables["Table"].Rows.Count); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables["Table"].Rows) { var dto = ConvertPropertyRentDataRowToServiceDto(dr); list.Add(dto); } return(list); //var only5 = list.Take(1); //return only5; }
public Dictionary <string, CityMetadataDto> GetCitiesMetaData(string city) { DBLibrary db = new DBLibrary(_connectionString); Thread.Sleep(10); List <string> cities = new List <string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(city)) { cities.Add(city); } else { cities.AddRange(GetAllCityNames()); } var cityClause = string.Format("('{0}')", string.Join("','", cities)); var query = string.Format("select distinct city, area_name, project_name from rent_data where city in {0}", cityClause); var ds = db.ExecuteQuery(query); var list = ds.Tables["Table"].AsEnumerable().Select(r => new { city = r["city"].ToString(), area = r["area_name"].ToString(), project = r["project_name"].ToString() } ).ToList(); var response = list.GroupBy(i => => g.Key).Select(kv => new CityMetadataDto { city = kv.Key, areanames = kv.Value.ToList().Select(i => i.area).Distinct(), projectnames = kv.Value.ToList().Select(i => i.project).Distinct() }).ToDictionary(i =>; return(response); }
public IEnumerable <PropertyRentServiceDto> GetCityRents(string city, string area, string project, string maxrecords) { DBLibrary db = new DBLibrary(_connectionString); var cityClause = string.Format(" city = '{0}'", city); var areaClause = string.IsNullOrEmpty(area) ? "" : string.Format(" and area_name = '{0}'", area); var projectClause = string.IsNullOrEmpty(project) ? "" : string.Format(" and project_name = '{0}'", project); var query = string.Format("select top {3} * from rent_data where{0}{1}{2}", cityClause, areaClause, projectClause, maxrecords ?? "99999999"); var ds = db.ExecuteQuery(query); //var list = ds.Tables["Table"].ToList<PropertyRentServiceDto>(); List <PropertyRentServiceDto> list = new List <PropertyRentServiceDto>(ds.Tables["Table"].Rows.Count); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables["Table"].Rows) { var dto = ConvertPropertyRentDataRowToServiceDto(dr); list.Add(dto); } return(list); //var only5 = list.Take(1); //return only5; }