public List <Command> GetFunCommands() { List <Command> FunCommands = new List <Command>(); Command wat = new Command("wat"); wat.Description = "The best command"; wat.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { await msg.ReplyAsync($"**-wat-**\n"); }; FunCommands.Add(wat); Command roll = new Command("roll"); roll.Aliases.Add("dice"); roll.Description = "Roll a specified number of dices. Defaults to 1d20 if no parameters"; roll.Usage = "roll [count]d[sides]"; roll.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { uint count = 1; uint sides = 20; int add = 0; if (!parameters.Empty()) { string param = parameters.reJoin("").ToLower(); if (!param.Contains("d")) { if (!uint.TryParse(param, out count)) { await msg.ReplyAsync("Input improperly formatted"); return; } } else { if (!(param.Contains("+") || param.Contains("-"))) { var list = param.Split('d'); if (!(uint.TryParse(list[0], out count) && uint.TryParse(list[1], out sides))) { await msg.ReplyAsync("Input improperly formatted"); return; } } else { string c = param.Split('d')[0]; string second = param.Split('d')[1]; string s = ""; string a = ""; if (param.Contains("+")) { s = second.Split('+')[0]; a = second.Split('+')[1]; } else if (param.Contains("-")) { s = second.Split('-')[0]; a = second.Replace(s, ""); } if (!(uint.TryParse(c, out count) && uint.TryParse(s, out sides) && int.TryParse(a, out add))) { await msg.ReplyAsync("Input improperly formatted"); return; } } } } if (count > 100) { await msg.ReplyAsync("I don't think you can hold that many!"); return; } if (sides < 2) { await msg.ReplyAsync("You can't have a 1-sided dice!"); return; } if (sides > 100) { await msg.ReplyAsync("That's an awefully large dice, I can't hold that"); return; } RNGCryptoServiceProvider crypto = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); List <int> results = new List <int>(); while (results.Count < count) { byte[] bytes = new byte[4]; crypto.GetNonZeroBytes(bytes); long rand = Math.Abs(BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0)) % sides; results.Add((int)rand + 1 + add); } string res = $"{msg.Author.Mention}, you rolled "; results.Sort(); res += results.SumAnd(); if (count > 1) { res += $" with a total of {results.Sum()}"; } await msg.ReplyAsync(res); }; FunCommands.Add(roll); Command cat = new Command("cat"); cat.Description = "Link a cat pic"; cat.SendTyping = false; cat.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { try { await msg.ReplyAsync(GenericBot.Animols.GetCat()); } catch (Exception ex) { await msg.ReplyAsync("Uh oh, something borked a bit. Wait a sec and try again."); } GenericBot.Animols.RenewCats(); }; FunCommands.Add(cat); Command dog = new Command("dog"); dog.Description = "Link a dog pic"; dog.SendTyping = false; dog.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { await msg.ReplyAsync(GenericBot.Animols.GetDog()); GenericBot.Animols.RenewDogs(); }; FunCommands.Add(dog); Command addQuote = new Command("addQuote"); addQuote.SendTyping = false; addQuote.Description = "Add a quote to the server's list"; addQuote.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { var dbGuild = new DBGuild(msg.GetGuild().Id); var q = dbGuild.AddQuote(parameters.reJoin()); dbGuild.Save(); await msg.ReplyAsync($"Added {q.ToString()}"); }; FunCommands.Add(addQuote); Command removeQuote = new Command("removeQuote"); removeQuote.Description = "Remove a quote from the server's list"; removeQuote.SendTyping = false; removeQuote.RequiredPermission = Command.PermissionLevels.Moderator; removeQuote.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { if (parameters.Empty()) { await msg.ReplyAsync("You must supply a number"); return; } var dbGuild = new DBGuild(msg.GetGuild().Id); if (int.TryParse(parameters[0], out int quid)) { if (dbGuild.RemoveQuote(quid)) { await msg.ReplyAsync($"Succefully removed quote #{quid}"); } else { await msg.ReplyAsync($"The number was greater than the number of quotes saved"); return; } } else { await msg.ReplyAsync("You must pass in a number"); } dbGuild.Save(); }; FunCommands.Add(removeQuote); Command quote = new Command("quote"); quote.SendTyping = false; quote.Description = "Get a random quote from the server's list"; quote.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { if (!parameters.Empty() && parameters[0] == "all" && quote.GetPermissions(msg.Author, msg.GetGuild().Id) >= Command.PermissionLevels.Admin) { System.IO.File.WriteAllText("quotes.txt", new DBGuild(msg.GetGuild().Id).Quotes.Where(q => q.Active).Select(q => $"{q.Content} (#{q.Id})").Aggregate((i, j) => i + "\n" + j)); await msg.Channel.SendFileAsync("quotes.txt"); System.IO.File.Delete("quotes.txt"); return; } await msg.ReplyAsync(new DBGuild(msg.GetGuild().Id).GetQuote(parameters.reJoin())); }; FunCommands.Add(quote); Command redact = new Command(nameof(redact)); redact.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { msg.DeleteAsync(); char block = '█'; int rcont = 1; StringBuilder resp = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var str in parameters) { int rand = new Random().Next(0, rcont) + 1; if (rand == rcont) { resp.Append(' '); resp.Append(str); resp.Append(' '); rcont = 1; } else { resp.Append(block.Multiply(str.Length)); if (rcont == 16) { rcont = 1; } } rcont++; } await msg.ReplyAsync(resp.ToString().Replace(" ", " ")); }; FunCommands.Add(redact); Command clap = new Command("clap"); clap.Usage = "Put the clap emoji between each word"; clap.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { await msg.ReplyAsync(parameters.reJoin(" :clap: ")); }; FunCommands.Add(clap); return(FunCommands); }
public List <Command> GetFunCommands() { List <Command> FunCommands = new List <Command>(); Command markov = new Command("markov"); markov.Description = "Create a markov chain from the last messages in the channel"; markov.Delete = true; markov.Usage = "markov"; markov.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { var messages = msg.Channel.GetMessagesAsync().Flatten().Reverse().Select(m => m.Content).ToList().Result; messages.ToList().AddRange(messages.TakeLast(50)); messages.ToList().AddRange(messages.TakeLast(25)); messages.ToList().AddRange(messages.TakeLast(10)); int averageLength = messages.Sum(m => m.Split(' ').Length) / 185; averageLength = averageLength > 10 ? averageLength : averageLength * 2; var markovGenerator = new SharperMark.LookbackMarkov(); markovGenerator.Train(messages.ToArray()); await msg.ReplyAsync(markovGenerator.GenerateWords(averageLength)); }; FunCommands.Add(markov); Command wat = new Command("wat"); wat.Description = "The best command"; wat.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { await msg.ReplyAsync($"**-wat-**\n"); }; FunCommands.Add(wat); Command twobee = new Command("2b"); twobee.Description = "toggle the command"; twobee.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { if (msg.Author.Id == 189378507724292096) { await msg.ReplyAsync($"2b sleep"); } else { GenericBot.annoy2B = !GenericBot.annoy2B; await msg.ReplyAsync($"toggled to " + GenericBot.annoy2B); } }; FunCommands.Add(twobee); Command inspirobot = new Command("inspirobot"); inspirobot.Description = "Generate a new image from Inspirobot"; inspirobot.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { await msg.ReplyAsync(new WebClient().DownloadString("")); }; FunCommands.Add(inspirobot); Command ud = new Command("ud"); ud.Aliases = new List <string> { "urbandictionary" }; ud.Description = "Define a word or phrase with UrbanDictionary"; ud.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { string word = parameters.reJoin(); var urbanclient = new UrbanDictionary.UrbanClient(); var urbanResponse = urbanclient.GetClientResponse(word); var em = new EmbedBuilder(); em.WithThumbnailUrl(""); Regex rgx = new Regex(@"\[(\w|\s)*\]"); if (urbanResponse.List.Count == 0) { em.WithTitle(word); em.WithDescription("No matches found"); em.WithColor(new Color(250, 0, 0)); } else { var pos = new Random().Next(urbanResponse.List.Where(w => (w.ThumbsUp - w.ThumbsDown) > 0).ToList().Count); var wordToUse = urbanResponse.List.Where(w => (w.ThumbsUp - w.ThumbsDown) > 0).ToList()[pos]; em.WithTitle(wordToUse.Word); em.WithUrl(wordToUse.Permalink); em.AddField("Definition", wordToUse.Definition.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "")); em.AddField("Example", wordToUse.Example.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "")); //em.AddField("Tags", wordToUse.Tags.Aggregate((i, j) => i + ", " + j)); em.AddField("Author", wordToUse.Author, inline: true); em.AddField("Rating", wordToUse.ThumbsUp - wordToUse.ThumbsDown, inline: true); em.WithFooter(new EmbedFooterBuilder().WithText($" Definition {pos + 1}/{urbanResponse.List.Count} ({urbanResponse.List.Where(w => (w.ThumbsUp - w.ThumbsDown) > 0).ToList().Count})")); em.WithColor(new Color(19, 79, 230)); } await msg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : em.Build()); }; FunCommands.Add(ud); Command roll = new Command("roll"); roll.Aliases.Add("dice"); roll.Description = "Roll a specified number of dices. Defaults to 1d20 if no parameters"; roll.Usage = "roll [count]d[sides]"; roll.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { uint count = 1; uint sides = 20; int add = 0; if (!parameters.Empty()) // If there are any parameters { string param = parameters.reJoin("").ToLower(); if (!param.Contains("d")) // it's just a number { if (!uint.TryParse(param, out count)) { await msg.ReplyAsync("Input improperly formatted"); return; } } else { if (!(param.Contains("+") || param.Contains("-"))) // There's no modifier { var list = param.Split('d'); if (!uint.TryParse(list[1], out sides)) { await msg.ReplyAsync("Input improperly formatted"); return; } uint.TryParse(list[0], out count); count = (count <= 1 ? 1 : count); } else { string c = param.Split('d')[0]; string second = param.Split('d')[1]; string s = ""; string a = ""; if (param.Contains("+")) { s = second.Split('+')[0]; a = second.Split('+')[1]; } else if (param.Contains("-")) { s = second.Split('-')[0]; a = second.Replace(s, ""); } if (!(uint.TryParse(c, out count) && uint.TryParse(s, out sides) && int.TryParse(a, out add))) { await msg.ReplyAsync("Input improperly formatted"); return; } } } } if (count > 100) { await msg.ReplyAsync("I don't think you can hold that many!"); return; } if (sides < 2) { await msg.ReplyAsync("You can't have a 1-sided dice!"); return; } if (sides > 100) { await msg.ReplyAsync("That's an awefully large dice, I can't hold that"); return; } RNGCryptoServiceProvider crypto = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); List <int> results = new List <int>(); while (results.Count < count) { byte[] bytes = new byte[4]; crypto.GetNonZeroBytes(bytes); long rand = Math.Abs(BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0)) % sides; results.Add((int)rand + 1 + add); } string res = $"{msg.Author.Mention}, you rolled "; results.Sort(); res += results.SumAnd(); if (count > 1) { res += $" with a total of {results.Sum()}"; } await msg.ReplyAsync(res); }; FunCommands.Add(roll); Command cat = new Command("cat"); cat.Description = "Link a cat pic"; cat.SendTyping = false; cat.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { try { await msg.ReplyAsync(GenericBot.Animols.GetCat()); } catch { await msg.ReplyAsync("Uh oh, something borked a bit. Wait a sec and try again."); } GenericBot.Animols.RenewCats(); }; FunCommands.Add(cat); Command dog = new Command("dog"); dog.Description = "Link a dog pic"; dog.SendTyping = false; dog.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { await msg.ReplyAsync(GenericBot.Animols.GetDog()); GenericBot.Animols.RenewDogs(); }; FunCommands.Add(dog); Command floof = new Command("floof"); // defines a new command for the bot called floof floof.Description = "link a pic of chefs dog"; //adds a description so the help command works floof.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => //i dont actually know what this does tbh but it seems important (maybe is the section of code that is run when the command is called (probably that tbh)) { string baseURL = ""; string floofstring; using (var wc = new System.Net.WebClient()) floofstring = wc.DownloadString(baseURL + "list.php"); var floofarray = floofstring.Split("<br>").ToList(); floofstring = floofarray.GetRandomItem(); if (floofstring.Contains("https")) { await msg.ReplyAsync(floofstring); } else { await msg.ReplyAsync(baseURL + floofstring); } }; FunCommands.Add(floof); Command keysmash = new Command("keysmash"); keysmash.Description = "Generates a keysmash"; keysmash.SendTyping = false; keysmash.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { List <string> Letters1 = new List <string> { "a", "s", "d", "f", "j", "k", "l", ";" }; string ToSend = "ad"; for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++) { Letters1.Remove(ToSend[ToSend.Length - 1].ToString()); ToSend += Letters1.GetRandomItem(); Letters1.Add(ToSend[ToSend.Length - 2].ToString()); } await msg.ReplyAsync(ToSend); }; FunCommands.Add(keysmash); Command addQuote = new Command("addQuote"); addQuote.SendTyping = false; addQuote.Description = "Add a quote to the server's list"; addQuote.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { var dbGuild = new DBGuild(msg.GetGuild().Id); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters.reJoin())) { await msg.ReplyAsync("You can't add an empty quote"); return; } var q = dbGuild.AddQuote(parameters.reJoin()); dbGuild.Save(); await msg.ReplyAsync($"Added {q.ToString()}"); }; FunCommands.Add(addQuote); Command removeQuote = new Command("removeQuote"); removeQuote.Description = "Remove a quote from the server's list"; removeQuote.SendTyping = false; removeQuote.RequiredPermission = Command.PermissionLevels.Moderator; removeQuote.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { if (parameters.Empty()) { await msg.ReplyAsync("You must supply a number"); return; } var dbGuild = new DBGuild(msg.GetGuild().Id); if (int.TryParse(parameters[0], out int quid)) { if (dbGuild.RemoveQuote(quid)) { await msg.ReplyAsync($"Succefully removed quote #{quid}"); } else { await msg.ReplyAsync($"The number was greater than the number of quotes saved"); return; } } else { await msg.ReplyAsync("You must pass in a number"); } dbGuild.Save(); }; FunCommands.Add(removeQuote); Command quote = new Command("quote"); quote.SendTyping = false; quote.Description = "Get a random quote from the server's list"; quote.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { if (!parameters.Empty() && parameters[0] == "all" && quote.GetPermissions(msg.Author, msg.GetGuild().Id) >= Command.PermissionLevels.Admin) { System.IO.File.WriteAllText("quotes.txt", new DBGuild(msg.GetGuild().Id).Quotes.Where(q => q.Active).Select(q => $"{q.Content} (#{q.Id})").Aggregate((i, j) => i + "\n" + j)); await msg.Channel.SendFileAsync("quotes.txt"); System.IO.File.Delete("quotes.txt"); return; } await msg.ReplyAsync(new DBGuild(msg.GetGuild().Id).GetQuote(parameters.reJoin())); }; FunCommands.Add(quote); Command redact = new Command(nameof(redact)); redact.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { await msg.DeleteAsync(); char block = '█'; int rcont = 1; StringBuilder resp = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var str in parameters) { int rand = new Random().Next(0, rcont) + 1; if (rand == rcont) { resp.Append(' '); resp.Append(str); resp.Append(' '); rcont = 1; } else { resp.Append(new String(block, str.Length)); if (rcont == 16) { rcont = 1; } } rcont++; } await msg.ReplyAsync(resp.ToString().Replace(" ", " ")); }; FunCommands.Add(redact); Command clap = new Command("clap"); clap.Usage = "Put the clap emoji between each word"; clap.ToExecute += async(client, msg, parameters) => { await msg.ReplyAsync(parameters.reJoin(" :clap: ") + " :clap:"); }; FunCommands.Add(clap); return(FunCommands); }