private void DDCompanyInfo() { string SetupDate = CompanyInfo_SetupDate.ToShortDateString(); SetupDate = SetupDate.Replace('/', '-'); int SqlExecResult = 0; string SqlExecString = ""; DBFConnection.SetFile(this.DBFPath + "CONFIG.DBF"); DBFConnection.Connect(); DBFResult = DBFConnection.Query("select CO_NAME, PHONE, XKZ_ID, ADDRESS, M_STATION, M_NAME, FIX, CONTENTS from CONFIG.DBF"); DBFData = DBFResult.GetResult(); DBFData.Read(); SqlExecString = "insert into DDCompanyInfo (CompanyName, AmountAccuracy, PhoneNumber, LicenseCode, Address, SubCompanyNumber, SubCompanyName, Postalcode, ShopHours, StartTicketNumber, SetupDate, CountDayMode)" + "VALUES (" + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[0].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + this.numericUpDown1.Value.ToString() + "', " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[1].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[2].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[3].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[4].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[5].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[6].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[7].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + CompanyInfo_StartTicketNumber + "', " + "'" + SetupDate + "', " + "'" + "0" + "')"; SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); DBFData.Close(); DBFConnection.DisConnect(); }
private void ReadDBFUserInfo() { DBFConnection.SetFile(this.DBFPath + "OPERATOR.DBF"); DBFConnection.Connect(); DBFResult = DBFConnection.Query("select OPERATOR, NAME from OPERATOR.DBF"); DBFData = DBFResult.GetResult(); while (DBFData.Read()) { UserInfo theUser = new UserInfo(); theUser.AccountName = CutSpace(DBFData[0].ToString()); theUser.UserName = CutSpace(DBFData[1].ToString()); UserList.Add(theUser); } DBFData.Close(); DBFConnection.DisConnect(); }
private void DDCertTypes() { int SqlExecResult = 0; string SqlExecString = ""; DBFConnection.SetFile(this.DBFPath + "S_TYPE.DBF"); DBFConnection.Connect(); DBFResult = DBFConnection.Query("select S_TYPE from S_TYPE.DBF"); DBFData = DBFResult.GetResult(); while (DBFData.Read()) { SqlExecString = "insert into DDCertTypes (TypeName) VALUES ('" + CutSpace(DBFData[0].ToString()) + "') "; SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); } DBFConnection.DisConnect(); }
private void DDMesureUnit() { int SqlExecResult = 0; string SqlExecString = ""; DBFConnection.SetFile(this.DBFPath + "UNITTYPE.DBF"); DBFConnection.Connect(); DBFResult = DBFConnection.Query("select UNITNAME from UNITTYPE.DBF"); DBFData = DBFResult.GetResult(); while (DBFData.Read()) { SqlExecString = "insert into DDMesureUnit (UnitName) VALUES ('" + CutSpace(DBFData[0].ToString()) + "')"; SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); } DBFData.Close(); DBFConnection.DisConnect(); SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec("Insert into DDMesureUnit (UnitName) VALUES ('其它')"); }
private void DDStatisticClass() { int SqlExecResutl = 0; string SqlExecString = ""; DBFConnection.SetFile(this.DBFPath + "D1_CLASS.DBF"); DBFConnection.Connect(); DBFResult = DBFConnection.Query("select D1_Name from D1_CLASS.DBF"); DBFData = DBFResult.GetResult(); while (DBFData.Read()) { SqlExecString = "Insert into DDStatisticClass (ClassName) VALUES ('" + CutSpace(DBFData[0].ToString()) + "')"; SqlExecResutl = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); } DBFData.Close(); DBFConnection.DisConnect(); SqlExecString = "Insert into DDStatisticClass (ClassName) VALUES ('其它')"; SqlExecResutl = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); }
private void SaveUserInfo() { double TotalAmount = 0; DateTime StartDate = new DateTime(); DateTime EndDate = new DateTime(); #region 保存信息 File.Copy(Application.StartupPath + @"\User.xls", Application.StartupPath + @"\UU.xls"); File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + @"\User.xls"); MSExcel.Application excelApp; //Excel应用程序变量 MSExcel.Workbook excelDoc; //Excel文档变量 excelApp = new MSExcel.ApplicationClass(); //初始化 //由于使用的是COM库,因此有许多变量需要用Nothing代替 Object Nothing = Missing.Value; excelDoc = excelApp.Workbooks._Open(Application.StartupPath + @"\UU.xls", Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); MSExcel.Worksheet ws = (MSExcel.Worksheet)excelDoc.Sheets[1]; MSExcel.Range r; int ExcelLine = 1; r = ws.get_Range(("A" + 1), ("A" + 1)); while (r.Text.ToString() != "") { ExcelLine++; r = ws.get_Range(("A" + ExcelLine), ("A" + ExcelLine)); } SqlResult = SqlConnection.Query("select CustomerName, PhoneNumber, Address, ContactPerson, CertTypeID, CertNumber from DDCustomerInfo"); SqlData = SqlResult.GetResult(); while (SqlData.Read()) { TotalAmount = 0; r = ws.get_Range(("A" + ExcelLine), ("A" + ExcelLine)); r.Value2 = SqlData[0].ToString(); r = ws.get_Range(("B" + ExcelLine), ("B" + ExcelLine)); r.Value2 = SqlData[1].ToString(); r = ws.get_Range(("C" + ExcelLine), ("C" + ExcelLine)); r.Value2 = SqlData[2].ToString(); r = ws.get_Range(("D" + ExcelLine), ("D" + ExcelLine)); r.Value2 = SqlData[3].ToString(); r = ws.get_Range(("E" + ExcelLine), ("E" + ExcelLine)); r.Value2 = GetCertTypeNameByTypeID(Convert.ToInt32(SqlData[4].ToString())); r = ws.get_Range(("F" + ExcelLine), ("F" + ExcelLine)); r.Value2 = SqlData[5].ToString(); DBFConnection.SetFile(this.DBFPath + @"CUST_RCD.DBF"); DBFConnection.Connect(); DBFResult = DBFConnection.Query("select D_JE, DATE, END_DATE from CUST_RCD.DBF where NAME='" + SqlData[0].ToString() + "'"); DBFData = DBFResult.GetResult(); while (DBFData.Read()) { TotalAmount = TotalAmount + Convert.ToDouble(DBFData[0].ToString()); StartDate = DateTime.Parse(DBFData[1].ToString()); EndDate = DateTime.Parse(DBFData[2].ToString()); } DBFData.Close(); DBFConnection.DisConnect(); r = ws.get_Range(("G" + ExcelLine), ("G" + ExcelLine)); r.Value2 = TotalAmount; r = ws.get_Range(("H" + ExcelLine), ("H" + ExcelLine)); r.Value2 = StartDate.ToShortDateString(); r = ws.get_Range(("I" + ExcelLine), ("I" + ExcelLine)); r.Value2 = EndDate.ToShortDateString(); ExcelLine++; } SqlData.Close(); object format = MSExcel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal; excelDoc.SaveAs(Application.StartupPath + @"\User.xls", format, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, MSExcel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlExclusive, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing); excelDoc.Close(Nothing, Nothing, Nothing); excelApp.Quit(); File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + @"\UU.xls"); #endregion }
private void DDCustomerInfo() { int SqlExecResult = 0; string SqlExecString = ""; #region 从CUST_RCD当票信息中插入客户 DBFConnection.SetFile(this.DBFPath + @"CUST_RCD.DBF"); DBFConnection.Connect(); DBFResult = DBFConnection.Query("select NAME, MARK, ADDRESS, S_NO, SFZ_ID, DATE from CUST_RCD.DBF order by DATE"); DBFData = DBFResult.GetResult(); while (DBFData.Read()) { if (isExistCustomerInSQL(CutSpace(DBFData[0].ToString()), CutSpace(DBFData[4].ToString())) == false) { SqlExecString = "insert into DDCustomerInfo (CustomerName, PhoneNumber, Address, CertTypeID, CertNumber, CreatDate) " + "VALUES ( " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[0].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[1].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[2].ToString()) + "', " + GetSqlCertIDbyDBFCertID(CutSpace(DBFData[3].ToString())) + ", " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[4].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + ChangeDateFormat(DateTime.Parse(DBFData[5].ToString()).ToShortDateString()) + "')"; SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); } } DBFData.Close(); DBFConnection.DisConnect(); #endregion #region 从CUST_CNT中插入身份证客户 DBFConnection.SetFile(this.DBFPath + @"CUST_CNT.DBF"); DBFConnection.Connect(); DBFResult = DBFConnection.Query("select distinct NAME, MARK, ADDRESS, SFZ_ID, ST_DATE from CUST_CNT.DBF order by ST_DATE"); DBFData = DBFResult.GetResult(); while (DBFData.Read()) { if (isExistCustomerInSQL(CutSpace(DBFData[0].ToString()), CutSpace(DBFData[3].ToString())) == false) { int CertID = GetCertIDByName("身份证"); SqlExecString = "insert into DDCustomerInfo (CustomerName, PhoneNumber, Address, CertTypeID, CertNumber) " + "VALUES ( " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[0].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[1].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[2].ToString()) + "', " + CertID.ToString() + ", " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[3].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + ChangeDateFormat(DateTime.Parse(DBFData[4].ToString()).ToShortDateString()) + "')"; SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); } } DBFData.Close(); DBFConnection.DisConnect(); #endregion #region 插入公司信息 DBFConnection.SetFile(this.DBFPath + "UNITINFO.DBF"); DBFConnection.Connect(); DBFResult = DBFConnection.Query("select distinct NAME, PHONE, ADDRESS, UNIT_ID, B_NO from UNITINFO.DBF"); DBFData = DBFResult.GetResult(); while (DBFData.Read()) { if (isExistCustomerInSQL(CutSpace(DBFData[0].ToString()), CutSpace(DBFData[3].ToString())) == false) { SqlExecString = "insert into DDCustomerInfo (CustomerName, PhoneNumber, Address, ContactPerson, CertTypeID, CertNumber) " + "VALUES ( " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[0].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[1].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[2].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + GetContactNamebyB_NO(CutSpace(DBFData[4].ToString())) + "', " + "'" + GetCertIDByName("营业执照") + "', " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[3].ToString()) + "')"; SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); } } DBFData.Close(); DBFConnection.DisConnect(); #endregion }
private void PawnOperatTicket() { //ReadTicket int SqlExecResult = 0; string SqlExecString = ""; int NumofTickets = 0; int TicketNow = 0; string DateNone = "1899/12/300:00:00"; #region Tick参数定义区域 int TicketID = 0; int CustomerID = 0; string TicketNumber = ""; string TicketStartDate = ""; string TicketEndDate = ""; int TicketStatusID = 0; double TicketFeeRate = 0; double TicketInterestRate = 0; string TicketRemark = ""; double TicketAmount = 0; int TicketOperationStep = 0; #endregion #region 当品参数区域 MyDBFConnection DBFConnectionP = new MyDBFConnection(); DBFQueryResult DBFResultP = new DBFQueryResult(); OleDbDataReader DBFDataP; PawnInfo thePawnage; List <PawnInfo> PawnList = new List <PawnInfo>(); #endregion #region 操作参数区域 MyDBFConnection DBFConnectionO = new MyDBFConnection(); DBFQueryResult DBFResultO = new DBFQueryResult(); OleDbDataReader DBFDataO; int OperationType = 0; int NextOperationType = 0; double OperationServiceFee = 0; double NextOperationServiceFee = 0; double OperationInterestFee = 0; double NextOperationInterestFee = 0; double OperationReturnFee = 0; double NextOperationReturnFee = 0; double OperationOverdueFee = 0; double NextOperationOverdueFee = 0; double ReckonAmount = 0; double NextReckonAmount = 0; string OperationDate = ""; string NextOperationDate = ""; string OperationStartDate = ""; string NextOperationStartDate = ""; string OperationEndDate = ""; string NextOperationEndDate = ""; string OperatorName = ""; string NextOperatorName = ""; double Fee = 0; double NextFee = 0; int LastOperationID = 0; int NewOperationID = 0; double RestOperationServiceFee = 0; double RestOperationInterestFee = 0; double RestOperationReturnFee = 0; double RestOperationOverdueFee = 0; #endregion #region 读取当票总数 DBFConnection.SetFile(this.DBFPath + "CUST_RCD.DBF"); DBFConnection.Connect(); DBFResult = DBFConnection.Query("select count(Name) from CUST_RCD.DBF"); DBFData = DBFResult.GetResult(); while (DBFData.Read()) { NumofTickets = Convert.ToInt32(DBFData[0].ToString()); } DBFData.Close(); DBFConnection.DisConnect(); this.MainProgressBar.Maximum = NumofTickets; #endregion DBFConnection.SetFile(this.DBFPath + "CUST_RCD.DBF"); DBFConnection.Connect(); DBFResult = DBFConnection.Query("select NAME, SFZ_ID, B_NO, DATE, END_DATE, FREE1, FREE2, ABSTRACT, D_JE from CUST_RCD.DBF"); DBFData = DBFResult.GetResult(); while (DBFData.Read()) { int stop = 0; if (DBFData[2].ToString() == "11025189") { stop++; } #region 存取当票信息 TicketOperationStep = 0; CustomerID = GetSqlCustomerIDbyNameCertNumber(CutSpace(DBFData[0].ToString()), CutSpace(DBFData[1].ToString())); TicketNumber = CutSpace(DBFData[2].ToString()); TicketStartDate = ChangeDateFormat(DateTime.Parse(DBFData[3].ToString()).ToShortDateString()); TicketEndDate = ChangeDateFormat(DateTime.Parse(DBFData[4].ToString()).ToShortDateString()); TicketStatusID = GetSqlTicketStatusIDbyDBFB_NO(CutSpace(DBFData[2].ToString())); TicketFeeRate = Convert.ToDouble(CutSpace(DBFData[5].ToString())); TicketInterestRate = Convert.ToDouble(CutSpace(DBFData[6].ToString())); TicketRemark = CutSpace(DBFData[7].ToString()); TicketAmount = Convert.ToDouble(CutSpace(DBFData[8].ToString())); SqlExecString = "insert into DDPawnTicket (CustomerID, TicketNumber, StartDate, EndDate, StatusID) VALUES(" + "'" + CustomerID.ToString() + "', " + "'" + TicketNumber + "', " + "'" + TicketStartDate + "', " + "'" + TicketEndDate + "', " + "'" + TicketStatusID.ToString() + "')"; SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); SqlResult = SqlConnection.Query("select TicketID from DDPawnTicket where " + "CustomerID='" + CustomerID.ToString() + "' and " + "TicketNumber='" + TicketNumber + "' and " + "StartDate='" + TicketStartDate + "' and " + "EndDate='" + TicketEndDate + "'"); SqlData = SqlResult.GetResult(); SqlData.Read(); TicketID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlData[0].ToString()); SqlData.Close(); #endregion TicketNow++; this.MainProgressBar.Value = TicketNow; #region 存取当品信息表 DBFConnectionP.SetFile(this.DBFPath + "DDRECORD.DBF"); DBFConnectionP.Connect(); DBFResultP = DBFConnectionP.Query("select TYPE_NO, SL, ZL, D_JE, ABSTRACT from DDRECORD.DBF where B_NO='" + TicketNumber + "'"); DBFDataP = DBFResultP.GetResult(); while (DBFDataP.Read()) { thePawnage = new PawnInfo(); thePawnage.ClassID = GetClassIDByDD_TYPE(CutSpace(DBFDataP[0].ToString())); thePawnage.ParentID = GetParentIDByDD_TYPE(CutSpace(DBFDataP[0].ToString())); thePawnage.StatusID = TicketStatusID; thePawnage.CountNumber = Convert.ToInt32(CutSpace(DBFDataP[1].ToString())); thePawnage.Weight = Convert.ToDouble(CutSpace(DBFDataP[2].ToString())); thePawnage.Price = Convert.ToDouble(CutSpace(DBFDataP[3].ToString())); thePawnage.FeeRate = TicketFeeRate; thePawnage.InterestRate = TicketInterestRate; if (thePawnage.Weight != 0) { thePawnage.Description = thePawnage.Weight.ToString() + GetUnitNameByClassID(thePawnage.ClassID); } else { thePawnage.Description = GetUnitNameByClassID(thePawnage.ClassID); } thePawnage.Remark = CutSpace(DBFDataP[4].ToString()); thePawnage.StartDate = TicketStartDate; thePawnage.EndDate = TicketEndDate; SqlExecString = "insert into DDPawnageInfo (ClassID, ParentID, StatusID, CountNumber, Weight, Price, FeeRate, InterestRate, DiscountPercent, Description, Remark, StartDate, EndDate) VALUES (" + "'" + thePawnage.ClassID.ToString() + "', " + "'" + thePawnage.ParentID.ToString() + "', " + "'" + thePawnage.StatusID.ToString() + "', " + "'" + thePawnage.CountNumber.ToString() + "', " + "'" + thePawnage.Weight.ToString() + "', " + "'" + thePawnage.Price.ToString() + "', " + "'" + thePawnage.FeeRate.ToString() + "', " + "'" + thePawnage.InterestRate.ToString() + "', " + "'" + "0" + "', " + "'" + thePawnage.Description + "', " + "'" + thePawnage.Remark + "', " + "'" + thePawnage.StartDate + "', " + "'" + thePawnage.EndDate + "')"; SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); SqlResult = SqlConnection.Query("select PawnageID from DDPawnageInfo where " + "ClassID='" + thePawnage.ClassID.ToString() + "' and " + "ParentID='" + thePawnage.ParentID.ToString() + "' and " + "StatusID='" + thePawnage.StatusID.ToString() + "' and " + "CountNumber='" + thePawnage.CountNumber.ToString() + "' and " + "Weight='" + thePawnage.Weight + "' and " + "Price='" + thePawnage.Price + "' and " + "FeeRate='" + thePawnage.FeeRate + "' and " + "InterestRate='" + thePawnage.InterestRate + "' and " + "Description='" + thePawnage.Description + "' and " + "Remark='" + thePawnage.Remark + "' and " + "StartDate='" + thePawnage.StartDate + "' and " + "EndDate='" + thePawnage.EndDate + "'" ); SqlData = SqlResult.GetResult(); while (SqlData.Read()) { thePawnage.PawnageID = Convert.ToInt32(CutSpace(SqlData[0].ToString())); } SqlData.Close(); thePawnage.PrecentByTicket = (thePawnage.Price) / (TicketAmount); PawnList.Add(thePawnage); } DBFDataP.Close(); DBFConnectionP.DisConnect(); #endregion #region 操作记录表 DBFConnectionO.SetFile(this.DBFPath + "OP_RCD.DBF"); DBFConnectionO.Connect(); DBFResultO = DBFConnectionO.Query("select OP_TYPE, F_JE, LX_JE, F_JE_1, DATE, SQ_DATE, END_DATE, OPERATOR from OP_RCD.DBF where B_NO='" + TicketNumber + "'"); DBFDataO = DBFResultO.GetResult(); #region 读取当前数据 if (DBFDataO.Read()) { OperationType = GetSqlOperationTypebyDBFOP_TYPE(CutSpace(DBFDataO[0].ToString())); if (OperationType == GetSqlOperationTypebyDBFOP_TYPE("6")) { ReckonAmount = Convert.ToDouble(CutSpace(DBFDataO[1].ToString())); OperationServiceFee = 0; } else { OperationServiceFee = Convert.ToDouble(CutSpace(DBFDataO[1].ToString())); } OperationInterestFee = Convert.ToDouble(CutSpace(DBFDataO[2].ToString())); Fee = Convert.ToDouble(CutSpace(DBFDataO[3].ToString())); if (Fee > 0) { OperationOverdueFee = Fee; OperationReturnFee = 0; } else { OperationOverdueFee = 0; OperationReturnFee = 0 - Fee; } if (CutSpace(DBFDataO[4].ToString()) != DateNone) { OperationDate = ChangeDateFormat(DateTime.Parse(DBFDataO[4].ToString()).ToShortDateString()); } else { OperationDate = ""; } if (CutSpace(DBFDataO[5].ToString()) != DateNone) { OperationStartDate = ChangeDateFormat(DateTime.Parse(DBFDataO[5].ToString()).ToShortDateString()); } else { OperationStartDate = ""; } if (CutSpace(DBFDataO[6].ToString()) != DateNone) { OperationEndDate = ChangeDateFormat(DateTime.Parse(DBFDataO[6].ToString()).ToShortDateString()); } else { OperationEndDate = ""; } if (OperationStartDate == "") { OperationStartDate = TicketStartDate; } if (OperationEndDate == "") { OperationEndDate = TicketEndDate; } OperationStartDate = TicketStartDate; OperationEndDate = TicketEndDate; OperatorName = GetOperatorNameByDBFOperator(CutSpace(DBFDataO[7].ToString())); } #endregion while (DBFDataO.Read()) { #region 读取Next数据 NextOperationType = GetSqlOperationTypebyDBFOP_TYPE(CutSpace(DBFDataO[0].ToString())); if (NextOperationType == GetSqlOperationTypebyDBFOP_TYPE("6")) { NextReckonAmount = Convert.ToDouble(CutSpace(DBFDataO[1].ToString())); NextOperationServiceFee = 0; } else { NextOperationServiceFee = Convert.ToDouble(CutSpace(DBFDataO[1].ToString())); } NextOperationInterestFee = Convert.ToDouble(CutSpace(DBFDataO[2].ToString())); NextFee = Convert.ToDouble(CutSpace(DBFDataO[3].ToString())); if (NextFee > 0) { NextOperationOverdueFee = NextFee; NextOperationReturnFee = 0; } else { NextOperationOverdueFee = 0; NextOperationReturnFee = 0 - NextFee; } if (CutSpace(DBFDataO[4].ToString()) != DateNone) { NextOperationDate = ChangeDateFormat(DateTime.Parse(DBFDataO[4].ToString()).ToShortDateString()); } else { NextOperationDate = ""; } if (CutSpace(DBFDataO[5].ToString()) != DateNone) { NextOperationStartDate = ChangeDateFormat(DateTime.Parse(DBFDataO[5].ToString()).ToShortDateString()); } else { NextOperationStartDate = ""; } if (CutSpace(DBFDataO[6].ToString()) != DateNone) { NextOperationEndDate = ChangeDateFormat(DateTime.Parse(DBFDataO[6].ToString()).ToShortDateString()); } else { NextOperationEndDate = ""; } NextOperatorName = GetOperatorNameByDBFOperator(CutSpace(DBFDataO[7].ToString())); #endregion #region 当前数据与Next数据整合 //后一次又日期立即补齐 if (NextOperationStartDate != "") { OperationStartDate = NextOperationStartDate; } else { //如果是续当操作,则开始时间即为结束时间 if (OperationType == GetSqlOperationTypebyDBFOP_TYPE("2")) { OperationStartDate = OperationEndDate; } } if (NextOperationEndDate != "") { OperationEndDate = NextOperationEndDate; } else { if (OperationType == GetSqlOperationTypebyDBFOP_TYPE("2")) { OperationEndDate = TicketEndDate; } } #endregion #region 将每个当品插入当前操作,存入数据库 RestOperationInterestFee = OperationInterestFee; RestOperationOverdueFee = OperationOverdueFee; RestOperationReturnFee = OperationReturnFee; RestOperationServiceFee = OperationServiceFee; for (int i = 0; i < PawnList.Count; i++) { LastOperationID = GetLastOperationIDbyPawnageID(PawnList[i].PawnageID); if (i != PawnList.Count - 1) { SqlExecString = "insert into DDOperation (TicketID, PawnageID, OperationTYPE, OperationNumber, ServiceFee, InterestFee, ReturnFee, OverdueFee, Amount, ReckonAmount, OperationDate, StartDate, EndDate, OperaterName, PreOperationID, NextOperationID, ServiceFeeRate, InterestFeeRate) VALUES (" + "'" + TicketID.ToString() + "', " + "'" + PawnList[i].PawnageID + "', " + "'" + OperationType + "', " + "'" + GetNewOperationNumber() + "', " + "'" + FormatDigital((OperationServiceFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket), Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)) + "', " + "'" + FormatDigital((OperationInterestFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket), Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)) + "', " + "'" + FormatDigital((OperationReturnFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket), Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)) + "', " + "'" + FormatDigital((OperationOverdueFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket), Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)) + "', " + "'" + PawnList[i].Price + "', " + "'" + ReckonAmount.ToString() + "', " + "'" + OperationDate + "', " + "'" + OperationStartDate + "', " + "'" + OperationEndDate + "', " + "'" + OperatorName + "', " + "'" + LastOperationID + "', " + "'" + "0', " + "'" + TicketFeeRate + "', " + "'" + TicketInterestRate + "')"; RestOperationServiceFee = RestOperationServiceFee - FormatDigital((OperationServiceFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket), Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)); RestOperationInterestFee = RestOperationInterestFee - FormatDigital((OperationInterestFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket), Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)); RestOperationReturnFee = RestOperationReturnFee - FormatDigital((OperationReturnFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket), Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)); RestOperationOverdueFee = RestOperationOverdueFee - FormatDigital((OperationOverdueFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket), Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)); } else { SqlExecString = "insert into DDOperation (TicketID, PawnageID, OperationTYPE, OperationNumber, ServiceFee, InterestFee, ReturnFee, OverdueFee, Amount, ReckonAmount, OperationDate, StartDate, EndDate, OperaterName, PreOperationID, NextOperationID, ServiceFeeRate, InterestFeeRate) VALUES (" + "'" + TicketID.ToString() + "', " + "'" + PawnList[i].PawnageID + "', " + "'" + OperationType + "', " + "'" + GetNewOperationNumber() + "', " + "'" + FormatDigital(RestOperationServiceFee, Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)) + "', " + "'" + FormatDigital(RestOperationInterestFee, Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)) + "', " + "'" + FormatDigital(RestOperationReturnFee, Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)) + "', " + "'" + FormatDigital(RestOperationOverdueFee, Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)) + "', " + "'" + PawnList[i].Price + "', " + "'" + ReckonAmount.ToString() + "', " + "'" + OperationDate + "', " + "'" + OperationStartDate + "', " + "'" + OperationEndDate + "', " + "'" + OperatorName + "', " + "'" + LastOperationID + "', " + "'" + "0', " + "'" + TicketFeeRate + "', " + "'" + TicketInterestRate + "')"; } SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); //临时区域注意注意!!!!! /* * SqlResult = SqlConnection.Query("select OperationID from DDOperation where " + "TicketID='" + TicketID.ToString() + "' and " + "PawnageID='" + PawnList[i].PawnageID + "' and " + "OperationTYPE='" + OperationType + "' and " + "OperationNumber='" + GetNewOperationNumber() + "' and " + "ServiceFee='" + (OperationServiceFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket) + "' and " + "InterestFee='" + (OperationInterestFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket) + "' and " + "ReturnFee='" + (OperationReturnFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket) + "' and " + "OverdueFee='" + (OperationOverdueFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket) + "' and " + "Amount='" + PawnList[i].Price + "' and " + "ReckonAmount='" + ReckonAmount.ToString() + "' and " + "OperationDate='" + OperationDate + "' and " + "StartDate='" + OperationStartDate + "' and " + "EndDate='" + OperationEndDate + "' and " + "OperaterName='" + OperatorName + "' and " + "PreOperationID='" + LastOperationID + "' and " + "NextOperationID='" + "0'" + ); + + SqlData = SqlResult.GetResult(); + while (SqlData.Read()) + { + NewOperationID = Convert.ToInt32(CutSpace(SqlData[0].ToString())); + } */ //Replace SqlResult = SqlConnection.Query("select OperationID from DDOperation where TicketID=" + TicketID.ToString()); SqlData = SqlResult.GetResult(); while (SqlData.Read()) { NewOperationID = Convert.ToInt32(CutSpace(SqlData[0].ToString())); } SqlData.Close(); SqlExecString = "update DDOperation set NextOperationID='" + NewOperationID + "' where OperationID='" + LastOperationID + "'"; SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); } TicketOperationStep++; UpdateOperationNumber(); #endregion #region Next变为当前 OperationType = NextOperationType; OperationServiceFee = NextOperationServiceFee; OperationInterestFee = NextOperationInterestFee; OperationReturnFee = NextOperationReturnFee; OperationOverdueFee = NextOperationOverdueFee; ReckonAmount = NextReckonAmount; OperationDate = NextOperationDate; OperationStartDate = NextOperationStartDate; OperationEndDate = NextOperationEndDate; OperatorName = NextOperatorName; Fee = NextFee; #endregion } #region 将最后一次读取记录存入数据库 //如果为续当,则起始时间为上一次结束时间,结束时间为当票结束时间 if (OperationType == GetSqlOperationTypebyDBFOP_TYPE("2")) { OperationStartDate = OperationEndDate; OperationEndDate = TicketEndDate; } RestOperationInterestFee = OperationInterestFee; RestOperationOverdueFee = OperationOverdueFee; RestOperationReturnFee = OperationReturnFee; RestOperationServiceFee = OperationServiceFee; for (int i = 0; i < PawnList.Count; i++) { LastOperationID = GetLastOperationIDbyPawnageID(PawnList[i].PawnageID); if (i != PawnList.Count - 1) { SqlExecString = "insert into DDOperation (TicketID, PawnageID, OperationTYPE, OperationNumber, ServiceFee, InterestFee, ReturnFee, OverdueFee, Amount, ReckonAmount, OperationDate, StartDate, EndDate, OperaterName, PreOperationID, NextOperationID, ServiceFeeRate, InterestFeeRate) VALUES (" + "'" + TicketID.ToString() + "', " + "'" + PawnList[i].PawnageID + "', " + "'" + OperationType + "', " + "'" + GetNewOperationNumber() + "', " + "'" + FormatDigital((OperationServiceFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket), Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)) + "', " + "'" + FormatDigital((OperationInterestFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket), Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)) + "', " + "'" + FormatDigital((OperationReturnFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket), Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)) + "', " + "'" + FormatDigital((OperationOverdueFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket), Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)) + "', " + "'" + PawnList[i].Price + "', " + "'" + ReckonAmount.ToString() + "', " + "'" + OperationDate + "', " + "'" + OperationStartDate + "', " + "'" + OperationEndDate + "', " + "'" + OperatorName + "', " + "'" + LastOperationID + "', " + "'" + "0', " + "'" + TicketFeeRate + "', " + "'" + TicketInterestRate + "')"; RestOperationServiceFee = RestOperationServiceFee - FormatDigital((OperationServiceFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket), Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)); RestOperationInterestFee = RestOperationInterestFee - FormatDigital((OperationInterestFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket), Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)); RestOperationReturnFee = RestOperationReturnFee - FormatDigital((OperationReturnFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket), Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)); RestOperationOverdueFee = RestOperationOverdueFee - FormatDigital((OperationOverdueFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket), Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)); } else { SqlExecString = "insert into DDOperation (TicketID, PawnageID, OperationTYPE, OperationNumber, ServiceFee, InterestFee, ReturnFee, OverdueFee, Amount, ReckonAmount, OperationDate, StartDate, EndDate, OperaterName, PreOperationID, NextOperationID, ServiceFeeRate, InterestFeeRate) VALUES (" + "'" + TicketID.ToString() + "', " + "'" + PawnList[i].PawnageID + "', " + "'" + OperationType + "', " + "'" + GetNewOperationNumber() + "', " + "'" + FormatDigital(RestOperationServiceFee, Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)) + "', " + "'" + FormatDigital(RestOperationInterestFee, Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)) + "', " + "'" + FormatDigital(RestOperationReturnFee, Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)) + "', " + "'" + FormatDigital(RestOperationOverdueFee, Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value)) + "', " + "'" + PawnList[i].Price + "', " + "'" + ReckonAmount.ToString() + "', " + "'" + OperationDate + "', " + "'" + OperationStartDate + "', " + "'" + OperationEndDate + "', " + "'" + OperatorName + "', " + "'" + LastOperationID + "', " + "'" + "0', " + "'" + TicketFeeRate + "', " + "'" + TicketInterestRate + "')"; } SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); //临时区域注意注意!!!!! /* * SqlResult = SqlConnection.Query("select OperationID from DDOperation where " + "TicketID='" + TicketID.ToString() + "' and " + "PawnageID='" + PawnList[i].PawnageID + "' and " + "OperationTYPE='" + OperationType + "' and " + "OperationNumber='" + GetNewOperationNumber() + "' and " + "ServiceFee='" + (OperationServiceFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket) + "' and " + "InterestFee='" + (OperationInterestFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket) + "' and " + "ReturnFee='" + (OperationReturnFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket) + "' and " + "OverdueFee='" + (OperationOverdueFee * PawnList[i].PrecentByTicket) + "' and " + "Amount='" + PawnList[i].Price + "' and " + "ReckonAmount='" + ReckonAmount + "' and " + "OperationDate='" + OperationDate + "' and " + "StartDate='" + OperationStartDate + "' and " + "EndDate='" + OperationEndDate + "' and " + "OperaterName='" + OperatorName + "' and " + "PreOperationID='" + LastOperationID + "' and " + "NextOperationID='" + "0'" + ); + SqlData = SqlResult.GetResult(); + while (SqlData.Read()) + { + NewOperationID = Convert.ToInt32(CutSpace(SqlData[0].ToString())); + } + SqlData.Close(); */ SqlResult = SqlConnection.Query("select OperationID from DDOperation where TicketID=" + TicketID.ToString()); SqlData = SqlResult.GetResult(); while (SqlData.Read()) { NewOperationID = Convert.ToInt32(CutSpace(SqlData[0].ToString())); } SqlData.Close(); SqlExecString = "update DDOperation set NextOperationID='" + NewOperationID + "' where OperationID='" + LastOperationID + "'"; SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); } UpdateOperationNumber(); #endregion #region 清空参数 OperationType = 0; NextOperationType = 0; OperationServiceFee = 0; NextOperationServiceFee = 0; OperationInterestFee = 0; NextOperationInterestFee = 0; OperationReturnFee = 0; NextOperationReturnFee = 0; OperationOverdueFee = 0; NextOperationOverdueFee = 0; ReckonAmount = 0; NextReckonAmount = 0; OperationDate = ""; NextOperationDate = ""; OperationStartDate = ""; NextOperationStartDate = ""; OperationEndDate = ""; NextOperationEndDate = ""; OperatorName = ""; NextOperatorName = ""; Fee = 0; NextFee = 0; LastOperationID = 0; NewOperationID = 0; #endregion PawnList.Clear(); DBFDataO.Close(); DBFConnectionO.DisConnect(); #endregion } DBFData.Close(); DBFConnection.DisConnect(); }
void DDHouseInfo() { int SqlExecResult = 0; string SqlExecString = ""; int theTicketID = 0; int thePawnageID = 0; int i = 0; string DateNone = "1899/12/300:00:00"; string theRegisterDate = ""; string theInsuranceDate = ""; string theNotarizationDate = ""; DBFConnection.SetFile(this.DBFPath + @"\1009.DBF"); DBFConnection.Connect(); DBFResult = DBFConnection.Query("select D1009_03, D1009_02, D1009_04, D1009_05, D1009_06, D1009_07, B_NO, NO from 1009.DBF"); DBFData = DBFResult.GetResult(); while (DBFData.Read()) { theTicketID = GetTicketIDbyTicketNumber(CutSpace(DBFData[6].ToString())); if (theTicketID != 0) { SqlResult = SqlConnection.Query("select distinct PawnageID from DDOperation where TicketID='" + theTicketID + "'"); SqlData = SqlResult.GetResult(); i = 0; while (i < Convert.ToInt32(CutSpace(DBFData[7].ToString()))) { SqlData.Read(); i++; } thePawnageID = Convert.ToInt32(CutSpace(SqlData[0].ToString())); SqlData.Close(); if (CutSpace(DBFData[3].ToString()) != DateNone) { theRegisterDate = ChangeDateFormat(DateTime.Parse(DBFData[3].ToString()).ToShortDateString()); } else { theRegisterDate = ""; } if (CutSpace(DBFData[4].ToString()) != DateNone) { theInsuranceDate = ChangeDateFormat(DateTime.Parse(DBFData[4].ToString()).ToShortDateString()); } else { theInsuranceDate = ""; } if (CutSpace(DBFData[5].ToString()) != DateNone) { theNotarizationDate = ChangeDateFormat(DateTime.Parse(DBFData[5].ToString()).ToShortDateString()); } else { theNotarizationDate = ""; } SqlExecString = "insert into DDHouseInfo (Address, CompactNumber, Area, RegisterDate, InsuranceDate, NotarizationDate, PawnageID) " + "VALUES (" + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[0].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[1].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[2].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + theRegisterDate + "', " + "'" + theInsuranceDate + "', " + "'" + theNotarizationDate + "', " + "'" + thePawnageID.ToString() + "')"; SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); theTicketID = 0; thePawnageID = 0; theRegisterDate = ""; theInsuranceDate = ""; theNotarizationDate = ""; } } DBFData.Close(); DBFConnection.DisConnect(); }
private void DDPawnageClass() { int SqlExecResult = 0; string SqlExecString = ""; double MaxFeeRate = 0; double MinFeeRate = 0; double MonthFeeRate = 0; #region Get System MonthFeeRate & InterestRate double SysMonthFeeRate = 0; double SysInterestRate = 0; DBFConnection.SetFile(this.DBFPath + "CONFIG.DBF"); DBFConnection.Connect(); DBFResult = DBFConnection.Query("select SYS_FW, SYS_LX from CONFIG.DBF"); DBFData = DBFResult.GetResult(); while (DBFData.Read()) { SysMonthFeeRate = Convert.ToDouble(CutSpace(DBFData[0].ToString())); SysInterestRate = Convert.ToDouble(CutSpace(DBFData[1].ToString())); } DBFData.Close(); DBFConnection.DisConnect(); #endregion #region Insert NoUpper int NoUpperID = 0; SqlExecString = "Insert into DDPawnageClass (ClassName, ParentID, UnitID, MonthFeeRate, InterestRate, IsRoot, StatisticClassID) VALUES ('无上级分类', '1', '0','0','0','1','0')"; SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); SqlResult = SqlConnection.Query("select ClassID from DDPawnageClass where ClassName = '无上级分类'"); SqlData = SqlResult.GetResult(); SqlData.Read(); NoUpperID = Convert.ToInt32(CutSpace(SqlData[0].ToString())); SqlData.Close(); SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec("update DDPawnageClass set ParentID = '" + NoUpperID + "' where ClassID='" + NoUpperID.ToString() + "'"); #endregion #region Insert Root DBFConnection.SetFile(this.DBFPath + "DD_CLASS.DBF"); DBFConnection.Connect(); DBFResult = DBFConnection.Query("select CLASS_NAME, UNITTYPE, FW_RATE, LX_RATE, D1_CLASS from DD_CLASS.DBF"); DBFData = DBFResult.GetResult(); while (DBFData.Read()) { MonthFeeRate = GetRate(CutSpace(DBFData[2].ToString()), SysMonthFeeRate.ToString()); MaxFeeRate = MonthFeeRate * 1.1; MinFeeRate = MonthFeeRate * 0.9; SqlExecString = "Insert into DDPawnageClass (ClassName, ParentID, UnitID, MonthFeeRate, MaxFeeRate, MinFeeRate, InterestRate, IsRoot, StatisticClassID) VALUES (" + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[0].ToString()) + "', " + "'0', " + "'" + GetMesureUnitIDbByUNITTYPE(CutSpace(DBFData[1].ToString())) + "', " + "'" + MonthFeeRate.ToString() + "', " + "'" + MaxFeeRate.ToString() + "', " + "'" + MinFeeRate.ToString() + "', " + "'" + GetRate(CutSpace(DBFData[3].ToString()), SysInterestRate.ToString()) + "', " + "'1', " + "'" + GetStatisticClassIDByD1_CLASS(CutSpace(DBFData[4].ToString())) + "')"; SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); } DBFData.Close(); DBFConnection.DisConnect(); #endregion #region InsertRootOther SqlResult = SqlConnection.Query("select ClassID from DDPawnageClass where ClassName='其它'"); SqlData = SqlResult.GetResult(); if (!SqlData.Read()) { SqlData.Close(); SqlExecString = "Insert into DDPawnageClass (ClassName, ParentID, UnitID, MonthFeeRate, InterestRate, IsRoot, StatisticClassID) VALUES (" + "'其它', " + "'0', " + "'" + GetMesureUnitIDbByUNITTYPE("0") + "', " + "'" + SysMonthFeeRate + "', " + "'" + SysInterestRate + "', " + "'1', " + "'" + GetStatisticClassIDByD1_CLASS("0") + "')"; SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); } SqlData.Close(); int OtherID = 0; SqlResult = SqlConnection.Query("select ClassID from DDPawnageClass where ClassName='其它' and ParentID=0"); SqlData = SqlResult.GetResult(); while (SqlData.Read()) { OtherID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlData[0].ToString()); } SqlData.Close(); SqlExecString = "Insert into DDPawnageClass (ClassName, ParentID, UnitID, MonthFeeRate, InterestRate, IsRoot, StatisticClassID) VALUES (" + "'其它', " + "'" + OtherID.ToString() + "', " + "'" + GetMesureUnitIDbByUNITTYPE("0") + "', " + "'" + SysMonthFeeRate + "', " + "'" + SysInterestRate + "', " + "'0', " + "'" + GetStatisticClassIDByD1_CLASS("0") + "')"; SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); #endregion #region Insert Detail int ParentID = 0; DBFConnection.SetFile(this.DBFPath + "DD_TYPE.DBF"); DBFConnection.Connect(); DBFResult = DBFConnection.Query("select DD_TYPE, DD_NAME from DD_TYPE.DBF"); DBFData = DBFResult.GetResult(); while (DBFData.Read()) { ParentID = GetParentIDByDD_TYPE(CutSpace(DBFData[0].ToString())); SqlResultTemp = SqlTemp.Query("select UnitID, MonthFeeRate, InterestRate from DDPawnageClass where ClassID='" + ParentID + "'"); SqlDataTemp = SqlResultTemp.GetResult(); SqlDataTemp.Read(); MaxFeeRate = Convert.ToDouble(SqlDataTemp[1].ToString()) * 1.1; MinFeeRate = Convert.ToDouble(SqlDataTemp[1].ToString()) * 0.9; SqlExecString = "insert into DDPawnageClass (ClassName, ParentID, UnitID, MonthFeeRate, MaxFeeRate, MinFeeRate, InterestRate, IsRoot, StatisticClassID) VALUES (" + "'" + CutSpace(DBFData[1].ToString()) + "', " + "'" + ParentID + "', " + "'" + SqlDataTemp[0].ToString() + "', " + "'" + SqlDataTemp[1].ToString() + "', " + "'" + MaxFeeRate.ToString() + "', " + "'" + MinFeeRate.ToString() + "', " + "'" + SqlDataTemp[2].ToString() + "', " + "'0', " + "'0')"; SqlDataTemp.Close(); SqlExecResult = SqlConnection.Exec(SqlExecString); } DBFData.Close(); DBFConnection.DisConnect(); #endregion #region OtherDetail #endregion }