void TestR3() { WriteLine(); "Demonstrating Requirement #3".title('='); WriteLine(); "Adding Key-Value pair to database".title(); DBElement<int, string> element = new DBElement<int, string>(); element.addElementData("element3", "test element for adding key-value pair to databse with value as string", DateTime.Now, new List<int> { 1, 2 }, "test elemet3's payload"); "element to be added to database".title(); element.showElement(); db.insert(2, element); db.showDB(); WriteLine(); "Adding Key-Value pair to enumerable database".title(); DBElement<string, List<string>> listelement = new DBElement<string, List<string>>(); listelement.addElementData("element4", "test element for adding key-value pair to databse with value as list of string", DateTime.Now, new List<string> { "1", "two" }, new List<string> { "test elemet4's payload" }); "element to be added to database".title(); listelement.showEnumerableElement(); enum_db.insert("enum_two", listelement); enum_db.showEnumerableDB(); WriteLine(); "Deleting Key-Value pair from database".title(); "Element with key=1 will be deleted from database".title(); "Element with key=1:".title(); DBElement<int, string> remove_element = new DBElement<int, string>(); db.getValue(1, out remove_element); remove_element.showElement(); db.remove(1); WriteLine(); "Modified Database: ".title(); db.showDB(); WriteLine(); "Deleting Key-Value pair from enumerable database".title(); "Element with key=enum_one will be deleted from database".title(); "Element with key=enum_one:".title(); DBElement<string, List<string>> remove_enum_element = new DBElement<string, List<string>>(); enum_db.getValue("enum_one", out remove_enum_element); remove_enum_element.showEnumerableElement(); enum_db.remove("enum_one"); WriteLine(); "Modified enumerable Database: ".title(); enum_db.showEnumerableDB(); WriteLine(); }
void TestR4(string edit_action) { DBElement<string, List<string>> element = new DBElement<string, List<string>>(); element.addElementData("element1", "test element for editing key-value pair to databse with value as string", DateTime.Now, new List<string> { "enum_one", "enum_two" }, new List<string> { "test element1's payload" }); enum_db.insert("enum_one", element); "Demonstrating Requirement #4".title(); DBElement<string, List<string>> edit_element = new DBElement<string, List<string>>(); enum_db.getValue("enum_one", out edit_element); "Element to be edited".title(); edit_element.showEnumerableElement(); WriteLine(); "Database before editing".title(); enum_db.showEnumerableDB(); WriteLine(); switch (edit_action) { case "edit metadata": edit_element.edit_metadata(edit_action); goto default; case "add children": edit_element.add_children(edit_action); goto default; case "remove children": edit_element.remove_children(edit_action); goto default; case "edit payload": edit_element.edit_payload(); goto default; default: "element after editing".title(); edit_element.showEnumerableElement(); "Databaser after editing".title(); enum_db.showEnumerableDB(); WriteLine(); break; } }
void TestR5() { "Demonstrating Requirement #5".title('='); "Persisting to XML file".title(); WriteLine(); WriteLine("Saving DB with int as key and string payload to xml file ~/debug/test_DB"); db.create_xml_from_db(false, "db.xml"); WriteLine("Saving DB with String as key and list of strings as payload to XML file ~/debug/test_enumDB"); enum_db.create_xml_from_db(false, "enum_db.xml"); WriteLine("Remove previous elements from db"); if (db != null) { db.removeAll(); } WriteLine("Current DB state"); db.showDB(); WriteLine(); WriteLine("Adding element to database"); DBElement<int, string> element = new DBElement<int, string>(); element.addElementData("element1", "test element for editing key-value pair to databse with value as string", DateTime.Now, new List<int> { 1, 2 }, "test element1's payload"); db.insert(1, element); WriteLine("DB state after adding an element"); db.showDB(); WriteLine(); WriteLine("Writing data from xml file Test_DB.xml to databse"); WriteLine("All elements from xml which have same key as the key of element present in database is discarded."); db.create_db_from_xml("db.xml"); WriteLine(); WriteLine("Removing entries from enum Db if any"); if (enum_db != null) { enum_db.removeAll(); } WriteLine("Cureent enum DB state"); enum_db.showEnumerableDB(); WriteLine(); WriteLine("Adding element to database"); DBElement<string, List<string>> listelement = new DBElement<string, List<string>>(); listelement.addElementData("element4", "test element for adding key-value pair to databse with value as list of string", DateTime.Now, new List<string> { "1", "two" }, new List<string> { "test elemet4's payload" }); enum_db.insert("six",listelement); WriteLine("Enum database after adding an element"); enum_db.showEnumerableDB(); WriteLine("Writing data from xml file Test_enumDB.xml to enum databse"); enum_db.create_enum_db_from_xml("enum_db.xml"); WriteLine(); }
void TestR4() { DBElement<int, string> element = new DBElement<int, string>(); element.addElementData("element1", "test element for editing key-value pair to databse with value as string", DateTime.Now, new List<int> { 1, 2 }, "test element1's payload"); db.insert(1, element); "Demonstrating Requirement #4".title(); DBElement<int, string> edit_element = new DBElement<int, string>(); db.getValue(1, out edit_element); "Element to be edited".title(); edit_element.showElement(); WriteLine(); "Databaser before editing".title(); db.showDB(); WriteLine(); "Editing metadata of element:".title(); "adding relationship in metadata".title(); edit_element.name="name after editing"; edit_element.descr="descr after editing"; edit_element.timeStamp=DateTime.Now; edit_element.children.Add(3); edit_element.showElement(); db.showDB(); WriteLine(); "removing relationship from metadata".title(); edit_element.children.Remove(3); db.showDB(); WriteLine(); "editing value's instance".title(); edit_element.payload = "payload after editing"; db.showDB(); WriteLine(); }