public string Login(string loginName, string password)
            using (var db = new DBConnection())
                var accountRow = db.EvaluateRow("select * from account where name = '{0}' or email = '{0}'", DBConnection.AddSlashes(loginName));

                if (accountRow == null)
                    return "Unknown login name or email address.";

                if ((int)accountRow["disabled_by"] != 0)
                    return "That account has been permanently disabled.";

                if (password != (string)accountRow["password"] && LT.HtmlUtils.CalculateHash(password) != (string)accountRow["password"])
                    return "Bad Password";

                return null;
        public ActionResult Index()
            var model = new HomeIndexModel();

            using (var db = new DBConnection())
                model.NewGames = GameServer.GetNewGames();

                if (LoggedIn)
                    // refresh account record
                    Account = Account.Load(db.EvaluateRow("select * from account where id = {0}", Account.Id));

                    model.PlayerGames = GameServer.GetPlayerGames(Account.Id);
                    model.InvitedGames = GameServer.GetPlayerGames(Account.Id, false, true);

            return View(model);
        public ActionResult Invite(int id, string inviteEmail)

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(inviteEmail))
                var invites = inviteEmail.Split(',', '\n');
                foreach (var invite in invites)
                    var trimmedInvite = invite.Trim();
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(trimmedInvite))
                        using (var db = new DBConnection())
                            var account = FindAccount(trimmedInvite);
                            bool accountCreated = false;
                            if (account == null)
                                int accountId;
                                AddErrorMessage(CreateAccount(trimmedInvite, game.Id, out accountId));
                                accountCreated = true;
                                account = Account.Load(db.EvaluateRow("select * from account where id = {0}", accountId));

                            if (account != null)
                                // Check for existing invite
                                if ((from i in game.Invites where i.AccountId == account.Id select i).Count() > 0)
                                    AddErrorMessage(account.Name + " has already been invited to this game.");

                                if ((from p in game.Players where p.AccountId == account.Id select p).Count() > 0)
                                    AddErrorMessage(account.Name + " is already playing this game.");

                                game.Invites.Add(new Invite() { AccountId = account.Id, Name = account.Name });
                                //game.SendForumMessage(String.Format("{0} invited {1} to this game.", Account.Name, account.Name));
                                GameServer.PlayerInvited(game, account);

                                if (!accountCreated)
                                    GameServer.SendMessage(db, account.Id, Account.Id, Account.Name, String.Format(
            @"You've been challenged to a game of {3} by {0}.

            Visit http://{1}/Game-{2}/ to view the details and join the game.
            ", Account.Name, Request.Url.Host, game.Id, HtmlUtils.SiteName));



            return View("Lobby", game);
Exemple #4
        public static string SendMessage(DBConnection db, int destinationId, int sourceId, string sourceName, string text)
            //if (sourceId > 1 && !CanSend(db, sourceId))
            //    return "Unable to send message due to spam guard.  Everyone is only allowed to message ten different places within a single hour.";

                "insert into message (to_id, from_id, time, text) values ({0}, {1}, {2}, '{3}')",

            if (destinationId > 0)
                var account = GameServer.GetOnlineAccount(destinationId);
                if (account != null)
                    GameHub.SendMessage(account.SessionKey, sourceId, sourceName, text);
                    // send email?
                    var destAccount = db.EvaluateRow("select name, email, forward_emails from account where id = " + destinationId);
                    if ((string)destAccount["forward_emails"] == "All")
                        GameServer.SendEmail((string)destAccount["email"], (string)destAccount["name"], "Message from " + sourceName, sourceName + " wrote:\n" + text);

            return "Message Sent";
Exemple #5
 public static void EmailAllPlayers(Game game, string subject, string message, bool isGameStart = false)
     using (var db = new DBConnection())
         foreach (var player in game.Players)
             if (GetOnlineAccount(player.AccountId) == null)
                 var accountRow = db.EvaluateRow("select name, email, forward_emails from account where id = {0}", player.AccountId);
                 if (accountRow != null)
                     string forwardEmails = (string)accountRow["forward_emails"];
                     if (isGameStart && forwardEmails == "GameStarts")
                         SendEmail((string)accountRow["email"], (string)accountRow["name"], subject, message);
                         if (forwardEmails == "All" || forwardEmails == "AllGame")
                             SendEmail((string)accountRow["email"], (string)accountRow["name"], subject, message);
        string ResetPassword(string email)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email))
                return "Invalid login name or email address.";

            using (var db = new DBConnection())
                var accountRow = db.EvaluateRow("select * from account where name = '{0}' or email = '{0}'", DBConnection.AddSlashes(email));

                if (accountRow == null)
                    return "Account not found.";

                var newPassword = HtmlUtils.GeneratePassword(8);
                db.Execute("update account set password = '******' where id = {1}", DBConnection.AddSlashes(LT.HtmlUtils.CalculateHash(newPassword)), (int)accountRow["id"]);

                GameServer.SendEmail((string)accountRow["email"], GameServer.FromAddress, LT.HtmlUtils.SiteName + " Password Reset", "Login Name: " + (string)accountRow["name"] + "\nPassword: "******"\n\nIf you have a hard time remembering it, try tattooing it to your leg for easy access. \n\nThis request was sent from " + Request.UserHostAddress);

                return "A new password was sent to your email.";
        public ActionResult Register(RegisterModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                int accountId;
                var errorMessage = CreateAccount(model.UserName, model.Password, model.ConfirmPassword, model.Email, out accountId);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", errorMessage);
                    using (var db = new DBConnection())
                        var row = db.EvaluateRow("select * from account where id = {0}", accountId);
                    FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.Email, true);
                    return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");

            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
            return View(model);
Exemple #8
 protected void Session_Start()
     if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
         using (var db = new DBConnection())
             var accountRow = db.EvaluateRow("select * from account where name = '{0}' or email = '{0}'", DBConnection.AddSlashes(User.Identity.Name));
             if (accountRow != null)
        public ActionResult PlayerInfo(int id)
            if (id <= 0)
                return HttpNotFound();

            var model = new PlayerInfoModel();

            using (var db = new DBConnection())
                model.Account = Account.Load(db.EvaluateRow("select * from account where id = {0}", id));

                if (model.Account == null)
                    return HttpNotFound();

                if (LoggedIn && Account.Id == id) // use freshest account record
                    Account = model.Account;

                if (IsSet("ShowLoginHistory"))
                    model.IpAddresses = db.EvaluateTable("select * from account_login where account_id = " + id + " order by datetime desc limit 100");

                if (IsSet("KillAccount") && Account.IsAdmin)
                    db.Execute("update account set disabled_by = " + Account.Id + " where id=" + id);
                    ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Account Disabled";

                if (id > 1)
                    model.Games = GameServer.GetPlayerGames(id, IsSet("AllGames"));
                    model.Games = new List<Game>();

            return View("PlayerInfo", model);
        public ActionResult OptOut(int account)
            if (!IsSet("Account") || !IsSet("Key"))
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Missing account or opt out key.";
                return View();

            using (var db = new DBConnection())
                var accountRow = db.EvaluateRow("select * from Account where Id = {0}", account);
                if (accountRow == null)
                    ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Invalid account.";
                    return View();
                    if ((int)accountRow["OptOutKey"] != GetInt("Key"))
                        ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Incorrect opt out key.";
                        return View();

                db.Execute("update Account set OptOut = 1 where Id = {0}", account);
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "You will no longer recieve emails about new features.";

            return View();
        protected Account FindAccount(string emailOrAccountName)
            using (var db = new DBConnection())
                var row = db.EvaluateRow("select * from account where name = '{0}' or email = '{0}'", DBConnection.AddSlashes(emailOrAccountName));

                if (row == null)
                    return null;

                return Account.Load(row);