protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!App.loaded && !Server.MapPath(".").ToLower().Contains("loading"))
            try { Response.Redirect("/Loading/", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) { }

        if ((this.Master as MasterPage).ValidForAds())
            mAds = "<ins class=\"adsbygoogle\" style=\"display:inline-block;width:336px; height: 280px; margin: 0 auto;\" data-ad-client=\"ca-pub-5192077039791210\" data-ad-slot=\"1818372262\"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script>";

        Utility.GetTypeList(ref pmMode);
        imgType    = Utility.GetImageType(Request, "png");
        imgType2   = Utility.GetImageType(Request);
        this.Title = "LegacyPlayers | Armory";
        m_CharID = Int32.Parse(Utility.GetQueryString(Request, "charid", "0"));
        //m_GearID = Int32.Parse(Utility.GetQueryString(Request, "gearid", "0"));

        if (!App.m_Chars.ContainsKey(m_CharID))

        m_Me = App.GetChar(m_CharID);
        var preSorted = App.m_AmData[m_Me.Expansion()].Where(x => x.Value.CharID == m_CharID).OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.Uploaded);
        var amData    = preSorted.Select(x => x.Value);

        // Professions
        if (m_Me.Expansion() > 0)
            // Current spec
            string[] current    = m_Me.RefMisc.Talents.Split(';');
            int      specIndex1 = 0;
            if (current.Length >= 4)
                int s1 = 0;
                int s2 = 0;
                int s3 = 0;
                int.TryParse(current[1], out s1);
                int.TryParse(current[2], out s2);
                int.TryParse(current[3], out s3);
                if (s1 > s2 && s1 > s3)
                    specIndex1 = m_Me.RefMisc.Class * 3;
                else if (s2 > s1 && s2 > s3)
                    specIndex1 = m_Me.RefMisc.Class * 3 + 1;
                else if (s3 > s2 && s3 > s1)
                    specIndex1 = m_Me.RefMisc.Class * 3 + 2;

            // Finding a second one that is not the first one
            int      specIndex2 = 0;
            string[] lastOne    = null;
            if (preSorted.Count() > 1)
                var first            = preSorted.First().Key;
                var otherThanCurrent = preSorted.Where(x => x.Key != first);
                if (otherThanCurrent.Any())
                    lastOne = App.m_RefMisc[m_Me.Expansion()][otherThanCurrent.First().Value.Ref_Misc].Talents.Split(';');

                    if (lastOne.Length >= 4)
                        int l1 = 0;
                        int l2 = 0;
                        int l3 = 0;
                        int.TryParse(lastOne[1], out l1);
                        int.TryParse(lastOne[2], out l2);
                        int.TryParse(lastOne[3], out l3);
                        if (l1 > l2 && l1 > l3)
                            specIndex2 = m_Me.RefMisc.Class * 3;
                        else if (l2 > l1 && l2 > l3)
                            specIndex2 = m_Me.RefMisc.Class * 3 + 1;
                        else if (l3 > l2 && l3 > l1)
                            specIndex2 = m_Me.RefMisc.Class * 3 + 2;

            mTalents =
                "<table class=\"table noborder bbdesign bigger\"> <thead> <tr>" +
                "<td colspan=\"2\">Talent specialization</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> " +
                (current.Length < 4 ? "<td><div class=\"sp icon-32 bbdesign\" style=\"background-image: url(\'/Assets/icons/inv_misc_questionmark.jpg\')\"><div>Unknown</div></div></td>" :
                 "<td><a href=\"/Tools/Talents/#" + current[0] + "\"><div class=\"sp icon-32 bbdesign\" style=\"background-image: url(\'/Assets/icons/" + mSpecIcons[specIndex1] + ".jpg\')\"><div>" + mSpecs[specIndex1] + " (" + current[1] + "|" + current[2] + "|" + current[3] + ")</div></div></a></td> ") +
                "<td>" +
                (lastOne == null || lastOne.Length < 4 ?
                 "<div class=\"sp icon-32 bbdesign\" style=\"background-image: url(\'/Assets/icons/inv_misc_questionmark.jpg\')\"><div>Unknown</div></div>"
                 "<a href=\"/Tools/Talents/#" + lastOne[0] + "\"><div class=\"sp icon-32 bbdesign\" style=\"background-image: url(\'/Assets/icons/" + mSpecIcons[specIndex2] + ".jpg\')\"><div>" + mSpecs[specIndex2] + " (" + lastOne[1] + "|" + lastOne[2] + "|" + lastOne[3] + ")</div></div></a>") +
                "</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>";
            int    cur              = 1;
            int    last             = 1;
            string current          = m_Me.RefMisc.Talents;
            var    first            = preSorted.First().Key;
            var    otherThanCurrent = preSorted.Where(x => x.Key != first);
            string lastOne          = "0";
            if (otherThanCurrent.Any())
                lastOne = otherThanCurrent.First().Value.Ref_Misc == 0
                    ? "0"
                    : App.m_RefMisc[m_Me.Expansion()][otherThanCurrent.First().Value.Ref_Misc].Talents;
            int.TryParse(lastOne, out last);
            int.TryParse(current, out cur);
            mTalents =
                "<table class=\"table noborder bbdesign bigger\"> <thead> <tr>" +
                "<td colspan=\"2\">Talent specialization</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> " +
                (current == "0" ? "<td><div class=\"sp icon-32 bbdesign\" style=\"background-image: url(\'/Assets/icons/inv_misc_questionmark.jpg\')\"><div>Unknown</div></div></td>" :
                 "<td><div class=\"sp icon-32 bbdesign\" style=\"background-image: url(\'/Assets/icons/" + mSpecIcons[cur - 1] + ".jpg\')\"><div>" + mSpecs[cur - 1] + "</div></div></td> ") +
                "<td>" +
                (lastOne == "0" ?
                 "<div class=\"sp icon-32 bbdesign\" style=\"background-image: url(\'/Assets/icons/inv_misc_questionmark.jpg\')\"><div>Unknown</div></div>"
                 "<div class=\"sp icon-32 bbdesign\" style=\"background-image: url(\'/Assets/icons/" + mSpecIcons[last - 1] + ".jpg\')\"><div>" + mSpecs[last - 1] + "</div></div>") +
                "</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>";

        // Professions
        mProfs =
            "<table class=\"table noborder bbdesign bigger\"> <thead> <tr> " +
            "<td colspan=\"2\">Professions</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> " +
            "<td><div class=\"sp icon-32 bbdesign\" style=\"background-image: url(\'/Assets/icons/" + mProfIconList[m_Me.Prof1] + ".jpg\')\"><div>" + mProfNameList[m_Me.Prof1] + "</div></div></td> " +
            "<td><div class=\"sp icon-32 bbdesign\" style=\"background-image: url(\'/Assets/icons/" + mProfIconList[m_Me.Prof2] + ".jpg\')\"><div>" + mProfNameList[m_Me.Prof2] + "</div></div></td> " +
            "</tr> </tbody> </table>";

        m_GearID = m_Me.RefGear.GearId;

        // Getting the last 3 itemsets
        int rankingMode = 0;

        if (IsPostBack)
            Int32.TryParse(itemsets.Value, out m_GearID);
            Int32.TryParse(pmMode.Value, out rankingMode);

        var sets = amData.GroupBy(x => x.Ref_Gear).Take(5)

        for (int i = 0; i < sets.Length; ++i)
            itemsets.Items.Add(new ListItem("Itemset " + i, sets[i].Key.ToString()));
        itemsets.SelectedIndex = itemsets.Items.IndexOf(itemsets.Items.FindByValue(m_GearID.ToString()));

        if (m_GearID == 0 || !App.m_RefGear[m_Me.Expansion()].ContainsKey(m_GearID))
            m_Gear = m_Me.RefGear;
            m_Gear = App.m_RefGear[m_Me.Expansion()][m_GearID];

        int[] itemparts = Utility.GetCookie(Request, "viewhead", "0") != "true" ? new[] { 0, 2, 4, 3, 18, 8, 9, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16 } : new[] { 2, 4, 3, 18, 8, 9, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16 };
        foreach (int i in itemparts)
            if (m_Gear.Slots[i].ItemID <= 0)
            // [3, 58860], [16, 48190], [5, 60895], [19, 58700], [9, 61476], [10, 60915], [6, 61471], [7, 60898], [8, 61473], [13, 30606], [14, 51721]
            if (m_ItemDisplayArr == "")
                m_ItemDisplayArr = "[" + (i + 1) + "," + App.m_ItemDisplayID[m_Gear.Slots[i].ItemID] + "]";
                m_ItemDisplayArr += ", [" + (i + 1) + "," + App.m_ItemDisplayID[m_Gear.Slots[i].ItemID] + "]";

        // Guild history
        var guilds = amData.Where(x => x.Ref_Guild > 0).GroupBy(x => x.Ref_Guild).Take(5);

        foreach (IGrouping <int, DB_am_data> t in guilds)
            m_GuildHistory.Append("<tr><td><div class=\"sp icon-32\" style=\"background-image: url('/Assets/raids/fac" + App.m_Guilds[App.m_RefGuild[m_Me.Expansion()][t.Key].GuildID].Faction + "." + imgType + "')\"><div>" + App.m_Guilds[App.m_RefGuild[m_Me.Expansion()][t.Key].GuildID].Name + "</div></div></td>");
            m_GuildHistory.Append("<td>" + App.m_RefGuild[m_Me.Expansion()][t.Key].GrankName + " (" + App.m_RefGuild[m_Me.Expansion()][t.Key].GrankIndex + ")</td></tr>");

        // Attended raids
        SQLWrapper      DB = App.GetDB(m_Me.Expansion() + 1);
        MySqlDataReader dr =
                "SELECT b.instanceid FROM rs_participants a " +
                "LEFT JOIN rs_instance_uploader b ON a.uploaderid = " +
                "WHERE a.charid = " + m_CharID + " GROUP BY b.instanceid ORDER BY b.instanceid DESC LIMIT 5").ExecuteReaderRpll();

        while (dr.Read())
            // Finding the raid
            foreach (var raid in App.mRSInstances[m_Me.Expansion()])
                if (raid.mId != dr.GetInt32(0))
                m_AttendedRaidsTable.Append("<tr><td>" + App.m_Instances[raid.mInstanceId].Name + "</td>" +
                                            "<td><a href=\"/Raids/Viewer/?id=" + raid.mId + "&exp=" +
                                            m_Me.Expansion() + "\">" +
                                            DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(raid.mEnd).UtcDateTime +

        // Item history
        // This might be very slow the more data gets added, gotta watch this!
        Dictionary <int, bool> tempDone          = new Dictionary <int, bool>();
        Dictionary <int, bool> tempDone2         = new Dictionary <int, bool>();
        List <string>          m_HackItemHistory = new List <string>();
        var amDataAsc = amData.Where(x => x.Ref_Gear > 0).OrderBy(x => x.Uploaded).ToArray();

        foreach (DB_am_data t in amDataAsc)
            if (tempDone.ContainsKey(t.Ref_Gear))
            var    date        = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(t.Uploaded).UtcDateTime;
            string someHackStr = "";
            for (int p = 0; p < 19; ++p)
                var item = App.m_RefGear[m_Me.Expansion()][t.Ref_Gear].Slots[p];
                if (item.ItemID <= 0 || tempDone2.ContainsKey(item.ItemID))
                someHackStr += "<div class=\"item-template-32 qe" + item.Item(m_Me.Expansion()).Quality +
                               "\" style=\"background-image: url('/Assets/icons/" + item.Item(m_Me.Expansion()).IconName +
                               "." + imgType2 + "');\"><a href=\"/Armory/Item/?i=" + item.ItemID + "&exp=" + m_Me.Expansion() + "\">" + item.Item(m_Me.Expansion()).Quantity(m_Me.ServerID) + "</a><a href=\"/Raids/Loot/?i=" +
                               item.ItemID + "&exp=" + m_Me.Expansion() + "\"><div onmouseover=\"tt_show(this, 1, " + item.ItemID +
                               ",[]," + m_Me.Expansion() + ")\"></div></a></div>";
                tempDone2[item.ItemID] = true;
            if (someHackStr != "")
                someHackStr = "<tr><td>" + someHackStr + "</td><td>" + date.Month + "/" + date.Day + "/" + date.Year + "</td></tr>";
            tempDone[t.Ref_Gear] = true;
        for (int i = m_HackItemHistory.Count - 1; i >= 0 && i > m_HackItemHistory.Count - 10; --i)

        // Rankings
        var   rankingData  = App.m_Rankings.Where(x => x.Type == rankingMode && x.CharID == m_CharID).OrderByDescending(x => x.InstanceID).ThenBy(x => x.NpcID);
        short someInstance = 0;

        foreach (var row in rankingData)
            if (someInstance != row.InstanceID && someInstance != 0)
            if (someInstance != row.InstanceID)
                m_Rankings.Append("<table class=\"table noborder bbdesign\"><thead><tr><td colspan=\"6\">" + App.m_Instances[row.InstanceID].Name + "<div class=\"arrowdown\" onclick=\"ToggleRecordMenu('inst" + row.InstanceID + "')\">" +
                                  "</div></td></tr><tr><td>All</td><td>Class</td><td>Type</td><td>Best</td><td>Avg</td><td>Encounter</td></tr></thead>" +
                                  "<tbody id=\"inst" + row.InstanceID + "\" " + ((someInstance == 0) ? "style=\"display: table-header-group;\">" : ""));
            someInstance = row.InstanceID;
            if (row.Best.Value > 5000)
                m_Rankings.Append("<tr><td><a href=\"/Raids/Ranking/?npc=" + row.NpcID + "&exp=" + m_Me.Expansion() + "\">" + row.GetRank() + "</a></td><td><a href=\"/Raids/Ranking/?npc=" + row.NpcID + "&class=" + m_Me.RefMisc.Class + "&exp=" + m_Me.Expansion() + "\">" + row.GetClassRank() + "</a></td>" +
                                  "<td>" + ((row.Type == 0) ? "DPS" : row.Type == 1 ? "HPS" : "TPS") + "</td><td><a href=\"/Raids/Viewer/?atmt=" + row.Best.Attempt + "&exp=" + m_Me.Expansion() + "\">" + Math.Round(1000.0 * row.Best.Value / (row.Best.Time * (row.Type == 2 ? 100.0 : 1.0)), 1) + "</a></td>" +
                                  "<td>" + Math.Round(row.GetAverage() / (1000.0 * (row.Type == 2 ? 100.0 : 1.0)), 1) + "</td><td>" + App.m_Npcs[m_Me.Expansion()][row.NpcID].Name + "</td></tr>");

        // PvP Information
        if (m_Me.RefHonor == null)
        // Lifetime rank
        m_LifeTimeRank = m_Me.LifeTimeRank;
        // Today
        if (DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(App.GetArmoryData(m_Me.LatestUpdate).Uploaded).Date == DateTime.Today)
            foreach (var data in amData)
                TimeSpan span = DateTime.Today - DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(data.Uploaded).Date;
                if (span == TimeSpan.FromDays(1) && App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()].ContainsKey(data.Ref_Honor))
                    m_Today.HK    = m_Me.RefHonor.HK - App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()][data.Ref_Honor].HK;
                    m_Today.DK    = m_Me.RefHonor.DK - App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()][data.Ref_Honor].DK;
                    m_Today.Honor = m_Me.RefHonor.Honor - App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()][data.Ref_Honor].Honor;
                if (span > TimeSpan.FromDays(1))
        // Yesterday
        DB_am_data yesterday = null;

        foreach (var data in amData)
            TimeSpan span = DateTime.Today - DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(data.Uploaded).Date;
            if (yesterday == null && span == TimeSpan.FromDays(2))
                yesterday = data;
            if (yesterday != null && span == TimeSpan.FromDays(3) && App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()].ContainsKey(yesterday.Ref_Honor) && App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()].ContainsKey(data.Ref_Honor))
                m_Yesterday.HK    = App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()][yesterday.Ref_Honor].HK - App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()][data.Ref_Honor].HK;
                m_Yesterday.DK    = App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()][yesterday.Ref_Honor].DK - App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()][data.Ref_Honor].DK;
                m_Yesterday.Honor = App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()][yesterday.Ref_Honor].Honor - App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()][data.Ref_Honor].Honor;
            if (yesterday == null && span > TimeSpan.FromDays(2))
        // This week
        long lastReset = Utility.ConvertToTimestamp(DateTime.Today
                                                    .AddDays(-(int)DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek - 7 + App.m_Server[m_Me.ServerID].PvPReset).ToUniversalTime());
        DB_am_data thisWeekMark = null;

        foreach (var data in amData)
            if (data.Uploaded >= lastReset && App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()].ContainsKey(data.Ref_Honor))
                m_ThisWeek.HK    = m_Me.RefHonor.HK - App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()][data.Ref_Honor].HK;
                m_ThisWeek.DK    = m_Me.RefHonor.DK - App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()][data.Ref_Honor].DK;
                m_ThisWeek.Honor = m_Me.RefHonor.Honor - App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()][data.Ref_Honor].Honor;
                thisWeekMark = data;
        // last week
        if (thisWeekMark != null)
            long lastReset2 = Utility.ConvertToTimestamp(DateTime.Today
                                                         .AddDays(-(int)DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek - 7 + App.m_Server[m_Me.ServerID].PvPReset).ToUniversalTime());
            foreach (var data in amData)
                if (m_LastWeek.Honor == 0 && data.Uploaded >= lastReset2 && data.Uploaded < lastReset && App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()].ContainsKey(data.Ref_Honor))
                    m_LastWeek          = App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()][data.Ref_Honor];
                    m_CurrentWeekChange = (int)(m_Me.RefHonor.Rank * 5000.0 + 5000.0 * m_Me.RefHonor.Progress / 1000.0 -
                                                m_LastWeek.Rank * 5000 +
                                                5000.0 * m_LastWeek.Progress / 1000.0);
                if (data.Uploaded < lastReset2 && App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()].ContainsKey(data.Ref_Honor))
                    m_LastWeekChange = (int)(m_LastWeek.Rank * 5000.0 + 5000.0 * m_LastWeek.Progress / 1000.0 -
                                             App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()][data.Ref_Honor].Rank * 5000 +
                                             5000.0 * App.m_RefHonor[m_Me.Expansion()][data.Ref_Honor].Progress / 1000.0);
        if (m_CurrentWeekChange == 0)
            m_CurrentWeekChange = (int)(m_Me.RefHonor.Progress / 1000.0 * 5000.0);
Exemple #2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!App.loaded && !Server.MapPath(".").ToLower().Contains("loading"))
            try { Response.Redirect("/Loading/", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) { }

        this.Title = "LegacyPlayers | Ranking";
        Int32.TryParse(Utility.GetQueryString(Request, "page", "0"), out m_CurPage);
        Utility.GetFactionList(ref pmFaction);
        Utility.GetClassList(ref pmClass);
        Utility.GetExpansionList(ref pmExpansion);

        if (IsPostBack)
            Utility.SetCookie(Response, Request, "Ranking_Selection", Utility.SecureInput(pmSelection.Value));
            Utility.SetCookie(Response, Request, "Ranking_Faction", Utility.SecureInput(pmFaction.Value));
            Utility.SetCookie(Response, Request, "Ranking_Class", Utility.SecureInput(pmClass.Value));
            //Utility.SetCookie(Response, Request, "Ranking_Type", Utility.SecureInput(pmType.Value));
            Utility.SetCookie(Response, Request, "Ranking_Realm", Utility.SecureInput(pmRealm.Value));
            Utility.SetCookie(Response, Request, "Ranking_Expansion", Utility.SecureInput(pmExpansion.Value));
            Utility.SetCookie(Response, Request, "Ranking_Encounter", Utility.SecureInput(pmEncounter.Value));
            m_EncounterVal = Utility.SecureInput(pmEncounter.Value);
            pmSelection.Value = Utility.SecureInput(Utility.GetCookie(Request, "Ranking_Selection", "0"));
            pmFaction.Value   = Utility.SecureInput(Utility.GetCookie(Request, "Ranking_Faction", "0"));
            pmClass.Value     = Utility.SecureInput(Utility.GetCookie(Request, "Ranking_Class", "0"));
            //pmType.Value = Utility.SecureInput(Utility.GetCookie(Request, "Ranking_Type", "0"));
            pmRealm.Value     = Utility.SecureInput(Utility.GetCookie(Request, "Ranking_Realm", "0"));
            pmExpansion.Value = Utility.SecureInput(Utility.GetCookie(Request, "Ranking_Expansion", "0"));
            m_EncounterVal    = Utility.SecureInput(Utility.GetCookie(Request, "Ranking_Encounter", "00000000000000000001111111111"));

        expansion = int.Parse(Utility.GetQueryString(Request, "exp", "") == "" ? pmExpansion.Value : Utility.GetQueryString(Request, "exp", "0"));

        Utility.GetRealmList(ref pmRealm, false, expansion);

        if (Utility.GetQueryString(Request, "exp", "") != "")
            pmExpansion.Value = Utility.GetQueryString(Request, "exp", "0");

        GetEncounterList(ref pmEncounter);

        var getNPCId = Utility.GetQueryString(Request, "npcid", "");

        if (getNPCId != "")
            pmSelection.Value = "1";
            if (!IsPostBack)
                Utility.SetCookie(Response, Request, "Ranking_Selection", "1");
            pmEncounter.Value = GetEncounterValue(Utility.SecureInput(getNPCId));
            if (!IsPostBack)
                Utility.SetCookie(Response, Request, "Ranking_Encounter", Utility.SecureInput(pmEncounter.Value));
        var getClassId = Utility.GetQueryString(Request, "class", "");

        if (getClassId != "")
            pmClass.Value = (Int32.Parse(Utility.SecureInput(getClassId)) + 1).ToString();
            if (!IsPostBack)
                Utility.SetCookie(Response, Request, "Ranking_Class", Utility.SecureInput(pmClass.Value));

        var searchSpace = (pmSelection.Value == "1")
            ? GetSearchSpace(0).OrderByDescending(x => 1000.0 * x.Best.Value / (x.Best.Time / 1000.0)).ToArray()
            : GetSearchSpace(0).OrderByDescending(x => x.GetAverage()).ToArray();
        var imgType = Utility.GetImageType(Request, "png");

        if (searchSpace.Length > 0)
            var bestValue = (pmSelection.Value == "1")
                ? 1000000.0 * searchSpace[0].Best.Value / searchSpace[0].Best.Time
                : searchSpace[0].GetAverage();
            int count = m_CurPage * 30;
            foreach (var entry in searchSpace.Skip(m_CurPage * 30).Take(30))
                DBChars user = App.GetChar(entry.CharID);
                int     value, time, attempt;
                uint    killed;
                if (pmSelection.Value == "0")
                    value   = entry.GetAverage();
                    time    = (int)entry.Average.Average(x => x.Time);
                    killed  = entry.Average[0].Killed;
                    attempt = entry.Average[0].Attempt;
                    value   = (int)(1000.0 * entry.Best.Value / (entry.Best.Time / 1000.0));
                    time    = entry.Best.Time;
                    killed  = entry.Best.Killed;
                    attempt = entry.Best.Attempt;

                m_Table.Append("<tr class=\"tabf" + user.Faction + "\"><td>" + ++count +
                               "</td><td><div class=\"sp\" style=\"background-image:url(/Assets/racegender/" +
                               user.RefMisc.Gender + "-" + user.RefMisc.Race + "." + imgType +
                               ")\"></div><div class=\"sp\" style=\"background-image:url(/Assets/classes/ccc" +
                               user.RefMisc.Class + "." + imgType + ")\"></div>" +
                               "<div class=\"tstatusbar bgcolor-c" + user.RefMisc.Class + "\" style=\"width: " +
                               (92.5 * value / bestValue) + "%;\">" +
                               "<div onmouseover=\"tt_show(this, 5, " + user.CharId +
                               ", [])\"><a href=\"/Armory/?charid=" + user.CharId + "\">" + user.Name + "</a> (" +
                               Math.Round(time / 1000.0, 2) + " seconds) (" + App.m_Server[user.ServerID].Name +
                               ") </div>" +
                               "<div><a href=\"/Raids/Viewer/?atmt=" + attempt + "&exp=" + expansion + "\">" +
                               Math.Round(value / 1000.0, 1) + "/s</a></div></div></td>" +
                               //"<td><a href=\"/Raids/Viewer/?atmt="+attempt+"\">"+DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(killed).UtcDateTime+"</a></td>" +

        // HPS
        searchSpace = (pmSelection.Value == "1")
            ? GetSearchSpace(1).OrderByDescending(x => 1000.0 * x.Best.Value / (x.Best.Time / 1000.0)).ToArray()
            : GetSearchSpace(1).OrderByDescending(x => x.GetAverage()).ToArray();
        if (searchSpace.Length > 0)
            var bestValue = (pmSelection.Value == "1")
                ? 1000000.0 * searchSpace[0].Best.Value / searchSpace[0].Best.Time
                : searchSpace[0].GetAverage();
            var count = m_CurPage * 30;
            foreach (var entry in searchSpace.Skip(m_CurPage * 30).Take(30))
                DBChars user = App.GetChar(entry.CharID);
                int     value, time, attempt;
                uint    killed;
                if (pmSelection.Value == "0")
                    value   = entry.GetAverage();
                    time    = (int)entry.Average.Average(x => x.Time);
                    killed  = entry.Average[0].Killed;
                    attempt = entry.Average[0].Attempt;
                    value   = (int)(1000.0 * entry.Best.Value / (entry.Best.Time / 1000.0));
                    time    = entry.Best.Time;
                    killed  = entry.Best.Killed;
                    attempt = entry.Best.Attempt;

                m_Table2.Append("<tr class=\"tabf" + user.Faction + "\"><td>" + ++count +
                                "</td><td><div class=\"sp\" style=\"background-image:url(/Assets/racegender/" +
                                user.RefMisc.Gender + "-" + user.RefMisc.Race + "." + imgType +
                                ")\"></div><div class=\"sp\" style=\"background-image:url(/Assets/classes/ccc" +
                                user.RefMisc.Class + "." + imgType + ")\"></div>" +
                                "<div class=\"tstatusbar bgcolor-c" + user.RefMisc.Class + "\" style=\"width: " +
                                (92.5 * value / bestValue) + "%;\">" +
                                "<div onmouseover=\"tt_show(this, 5, " + user.CharId +
                                ", [])\"><a href=\"/Armory/?charid=" + user.CharId + "\">" + user.Name + "</a> (" +
                                Math.Round(time / 1000.0, 2) + " seconds) (" + App.m_Server[user.ServerID].Name +
                                ") </div>" +
                                "<div><a href=\"/Raids/Viewer/?atmt=" + attempt + "\">" +
                                Math.Round(value / 1000.0, 1) + "/s</a></div></div></td>" +
                                //"<td><a href=\"/Raids/Viewer/?atmt="+attempt+"\">"+DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(killed).UtcDateTime+"</a></td>" +

        // TPS
        searchSpace = (pmSelection.Value == "1")
            ? GetSearchSpace(2).OrderByDescending(x => 1000.0 * x.Best.Value / (x.Best.Time / 1000.0)).ToArray()
            : GetSearchSpace(2).OrderByDescending(x => x.GetAverage()).ToArray();
        if (searchSpace.Length > 0)
            var bestValue = (pmSelection.Value == "1")
                ? 1000000.0 * searchSpace[0].Best.Value / searchSpace[0].Best.Time
                : searchSpace[0].GetAverage();
            var count = m_CurPage * 30;
            foreach (var entry in searchSpace.Skip(m_CurPage * 30).Take(30))
                DBChars user = App.GetChar(entry.CharID);
                int     value, time, attempt;
                uint    killed;
                if (pmSelection.Value == "0")
                    value   = entry.GetAverage();
                    time    = (int)entry.Average.Average(x => x.Time);
                    killed  = entry.Average[0].Killed;
                    attempt = entry.Average[0].Attempt;
                    value   = (int)(1000.0 * entry.Best.Value / (entry.Best.Time / 1000.0));
                    time    = entry.Best.Time;
                    killed  = entry.Best.Killed;
                    attempt = entry.Best.Attempt;

                m_Table3.Append("<tr class=\"tabf" + user.Faction + "\"><td>" + ++count +
                                "</td><td><div class=\"sp\" style=\"background-image:url(/Assets/racegender/" +
                                user.RefMisc.Gender + "-" + user.RefMisc.Race + "." + imgType +
                                ")\"></div><div class=\"sp\" style=\"background-image:url(/Assets/classes/ccc" +
                                user.RefMisc.Class + "." + imgType + ")\"></div>" +
                                "<div class=\"tstatusbar bgcolor-c" + user.RefMisc.Class + "\" style=\"width: " +
                                (92.5 * value / bestValue) + "%;\">" +
                                "<div onmouseover=\"tt_show(this, 5, " + user.CharId +
                                ", [])\"><a href=\"/Armory/?charid=" + user.CharId + "\">" + user.Name + "</a> (" +
                                Math.Round(time / 1000.0, 2) + " seconds) (" + App.m_Server[user.ServerID].Name +
                                ") </div>" +
                                "<div><a href=\"/Raids/Viewer/?atmt=" + attempt + "\">" +
                                Math.Round(value / 100000.0, 1) + "/s</a></div></div></td>" +
                                //"<td><a href=\"/Raids/Viewer/?atmt="+attempt+"\">"+DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(killed).UtcDateTime+"</a></td>" +
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!App.loaded && !Server.MapPath(".").ToLower().Contains("loading"))
            try { Response.Redirect("/Loading/", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) { }

        this.Title = "LegacyPlayers | Loot: Item";
        var imgType = Utility.GetImageType(Request, "png");

        m_CurPage = Int32.Parse(Utility.GetQueryString(Request, "page", "0"));
        int.TryParse(Utility.GetQueryString(Request, "item", "0"), out m_ItemID);

        int toLeft = 0;

        if (m_CurPage >= 10)
            toLeft = m_CurPage - 10;
        for (int i = toLeft; i < toLeft + 22; ++i) // Sometimes there may not that many pages
            if (i != m_CurPage)
                m_PageBar.Append("<a href=\"?page=" + i + "&item=" + m_ItemID + "\"><div class=\"bbdesign placeholder\" >" + (i + 1) +
                m_PageBar.Append("<a href=\"?page=" + i + "&item=" + m_ItemID + "\"><div class=\"bbdesign placeholder\" style=\"color:#f28f45\">" + (i + 1) +

        if (m_ItemID == 0)

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
            SQLWrapper      db = App.GetDB(i + 1);
            MySqlDataReader dr = db
                "SELECT a.targetid, d.`guildid`, b.`npcid`, ROUND((d.start + b.end)/1000), a.`attemptid`, d.instanceid FROM rs_loot a " +
                "LEFT JOIN rs_attempts b ON a.`attemptid` = b.`id` " +
                "LEFT JOIN rs_instance_uploader c ON a.`uploaderid` = b.`uploaderid` " +
                "LEFT JOIN rs_instances d ON c.`instanceid` = d.`id`" +
                "WHERE a.itemid = " + m_ItemID).ExecuteReaderRpll();
            while (dr.Read())
                m_Loot.Add(new DB_Loot()
                    CharID     = dr.GetInt32(0),
                    GuildID    = dr.GetInt32(1),
                    NpcID      = dr.GetInt32(2),
                    TimeStamp  = (uint)dr.GetInt64(3),
                    AttemptID  = dr.GetInt32(4),
                    InstanceID = dr.GetInt16(5)

        var query = m_Loot.OrderByDescending(x => x.TimeStamp).Skip(m_CurPage * 20).Take(20);

        foreach (var recent in query)
            DBChars cr = App.GetChar(recent.CharID);
            m_RecentTable.Append("<tr class=\"tabf" + App.GetGuild(recent.GuildID).Faction + "\"><td><div class=\"sp bbdesign\" style=\"background-image:url(/Assets/raids/" + recent.InstanceID + "." + imgType + ")\">" +
                                 "<div>" + App.GetNpc(recent.NpcID, recent.InstanceID > 31 ? 1 : 0).Name + "</div></div></td>" +
                                 "<td><a href=\"/Armory/Guild/?guilid=" + recent.GuildID + "\" onmouseover=\"tt_show(this, 4, " + recent.GuildID + ",[])\">" + App.GetGuild(recent.GuildID).Name + "</a></td>" +
                                 "<td><a href=\"/Raids/?atmt=" + recent.AttemptID + "\">" + DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(recent.TimeStamp).UtcDateTime + "</a></td></tr>");

            m_PlayerTable.Append("<tr class=\"tabf" + App.GetGuild(recent.GuildID).Faction + "\"><td><div class=\"sp bbdesign\" style=\"background-image:url(/Assets/racegender/" + cr.RefMisc.Gender + "-" + cr.RefMisc.Race + "." + imgType + ")\"></div><div class=\"sp bbdesign\" style=\"background-image:url(/Assets/classes/ccc" + cr.RefMisc.Class + "." + imgType + ")\">" +
                                 "<div><a href=\"/Armory/?charid=" + recent.CharID + "\" class=\"color-c" + cr.RefMisc.Class + "\" onmouseover=\"tt_show(this, 5, " + recent.CharID + ",[])\">" + cr.Name + "</div></div></td>" +
                                 "<td><a href=\"/Armory/Guild/?guilid=" + cr.RefGuild.GuildID + "\" onmouseover=\"tt_show(this, 4, " + cr.RefGuild.GuildID + ",[])\">" + App.GetGuild(cr.RefGuild.GuildID).Name + "</a></td>" +
                                 "<td>" + App.m_Server[cr.ServerID].Name + "</td>" +
                                 "<td><a href=\"/Raids/?atmt=" + recent.AttemptID + "\">" + DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(recent.TimeStamp).UtcDateTime + "</a></td></tr>");