Exemple #1
        //20160105修改人:朱星汉 修改内容:添加病历记录删除表的上传
        /// <summary>
        ///  病历记录删除数据
        /// </summary>
        public void SyncLWBLTBDELB(LWBLTBDELB lwbltbdel, string UnitCode)
            string strLocalRecordId  = "";
            string strTargetRecordId = lwbltbdel.ID;
            string strsql            = "select localRecordID from LWBLTBDYB where Targetdwbh= '" + UnitCode + "' and TargetRecordID = " + strTargetRecordId;
            object obj = DB120Help.GetSingle(strsql);

            if (obj != null)
                strLocalRecordId = obj.ToString();
                strsql           = "delete from web_medicalrecords where id=" + strLocalRecordId + " and lsh in (select locallsh from lwbltbdyb)";
                int i = DB120Help.ExecuteSql(strsql);
                if (i > 0)
                    strsql = "delete from web_medicalStatistics where medicalrecordsid=" + strLocalRecordId;
                    i      = DB120Help.ExecuteSql(strsql);
                    if (i > 0)
                    strsql = "delete from lwbltbdyb where localRecordID =" + strLocalRecordId + " and Targetdwbh='" + UnitCode + "'";
                    i      = DB120Help.ExecuteSql(strsql);
                    if (i > 0)
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取历史的车辆信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <VEHICLEHISTROYSTATE> getNewLSVehInfo(string strID, string strLSH, string strCCXH)
            int nCCXH = 0;

                List <VEHICLEHISTROYSTATE> list = new List <VEHICLEHISTROYSTATE>();
                if (strID == "")
                if (strLSH != "")
                    if (strCCXH != "")
                        int.TryParse(strCCXH, out nCCXH);
                        int.TryParse((DB120Help.GetSingle(GetDataSql.GetCCXH(strLSH, strID)) == null ? "0" : DB120Help.GetSingle(GetDataSql.GetCCXH(strLSH, strID)).ToString()), out nCCXH);

                DataTable dt = DB120Help.GetRecord(GetDataSql.GetLSVehDataStr(strID));
                foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
                        VEHICLEHISTROYSTATE aci = new VEHICLEHISTROYSTATE();
                        aci.LSH               = strLSH;
                        aci.CCXH              = nCCXH;
                        aci.VEHICLENAME       = r["VEHICLENAME"].ToString();
                        aci.VEHICLECARD       = r["VEHICLECARD"].ToString();
                        aci.VEHICLEDEPARTMENT = r["VEHICLEDEPARTMENT"].ToString();

                        aci.JD         = double.Parse(r["JD"].ToString());
                        aci.WD         = double.Parse(r["WD"].ToString());
                        aci.REPORTTIME = DateTime.Now;
                        aci.READFLAG   = 1;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw ex;

            catch (System.Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// 出车同步同时检测调度分站记录
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="LocalLSH"></param>
 /// <param name="PCSJ"></param>
 /// <param name="DWBH"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private void CheckDispatchRecord(string LSH, string PCSJ, string dwbh)
         string zxzby = "";
         string dwmc  = "";
         string sql   = "select dwmc from dwxxb where dwbh='" + dwbh + "'";
         object obj   = DB120Help.GetSingle(sql);
         if (obj != null)
             dwmc = obj.ToString();
             sql  = "select ZBY from sljlb where lsh='" + LSH + "'";
             obj  = DB120Help.GetSingle(sql);
             if (obj != null)
                 zxzby = obj.ToString();
             sql = "select lsh from ddfzjlb where lsh='" + LSH + "' and ccdw='" + dwmc + "'";
             obj = DB120Help.GetSingle(sql);
             if (obj == null)
                 sql = "insert into ddfzjlb (lsh,ccdw,fzddsj,zxzby) values ('" + LSH + "','" + dwmc + "',to_date('" + PCSJ + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'" + zxzby + "')";
                 int i = DB120Help.ExecuteSql(sql);
                 if (i > 0)
                     LOG.LogHelper.WriteLog("该分站调度记录插入成功:" + dwmc);
                     LOG.LogHelper.WriteLog("该分站调度记录插入失败:" + dwmc);
             LOG.LogHelper.WriteLog("该单位编号有问题:" + dwbh);
     catch (Exception ex)
         LOG.LogHelper.WriteLog("", ex);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 是否已成功插入出车信息表数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DispatchVehicle"></param>
        /// <param name="UnitCode"></param>
        /// <param name="strLcoalLSH"></param>
        /// <param name="strLocalCLBH"></param>
        /// <param name="strLocalCS"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool hasInsertedDispatchVehicleRecord(DispatchVehicleData DispatchVehicle, string UnitCode, string strLcoalLSH, ref string strLocalCLBH, ref string strLocalCS)
            bool result = false;

                string sql = "select clbh from (select clbh,0 as zt from clxxb where ssdw= (select DWMC from dwxxb where dwbh='" + UnitCode + "') and (clzt = '任务完成' or clzt='待命') union select clbh,1 as zt from clxxb where ssdw=(select DWMC from dwxxb where dwbh='" + UnitCode + "')and clzt<>'待命' and clzt<>'任务完成')a order by a.zt";
                object obj = DB120Help.GetSingle(sql);
                if (obj != null)
                    strLocalCLBH = obj.ToString();
                    sql        = "select nvl(max(cs),'00') from ccxxb where lsh ='" + strLcoalLSH + "'";
                    obj        = DB120Help.GetSingle(sql);
                    strLocalCS = (int.Parse(obj.ToString()) + 1).ToString("00");

                    DispatchVehicle.VehicleCode  = strLocalCLBH;
                    DispatchVehicle.DealRecordID = strLcoalLSH;
                    DispatchVehicle.Times        = strLocalCS;

                    LogHelper.WriteLog("新增CCXXB,LSH:" + strLcoalLSH + ",CLBH:" + strLocalCLBH + ",CS:" + strLocalCS);
                    ParameterSql parSql = SyncDataSql.GetAddCCXXBSql(DispatchVehicle);
                    int          i      = DB120Help.ExecuteSql(parSql.StrSql, parSql.OrclPar);
                    if (i > 0)
                        result = true;
                    LogHelper.WriteLog("本地库没有" + UnitCode + "的车辆");
            catch (Exception ex)
                LOG.LogHelper.WriteLog("", ex);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 是否已成功插入病历记录表数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool hasInsertedMedicalRecords(Web_MedicalRecords MedicalRecords, string strLcoalLSH, string strLocalCS, string strLocalCLBH, ref string strLocalRecordId)
            bool result = false;

                MedicalRecords.CLBH = strLocalCLBH;
                MedicalRecords.LSH  = strLcoalLSH;
                MedicalRecords.CS   = strLocalCS;
                //20151215 修改人:朱星汉 修改内容:TIMPLATEFLAG,MEDICALTYPE字段不能为空,默认值为0
                if (MedicalRecords.TIMPLATEFLAG == null || MedicalRecords.TIMPLATEFLAG == "")
                    MedicalRecords.TIMPLATEFLAG = "0";
                if (MedicalRecords.MEDICALTYPE == null || MedicalRecords.MEDICALTYPE == "")
                    MedicalRecords.MEDICALTYPE = "0";
                ParameterSql parSql = SyncDataSql.GetAddMedicalRecordsSql(MedicalRecords);
                int          i      = DB120Help.ExecuteSql(parSql.StrSql, parSql.OrclPar);
                if (i <= 0)
                    LogHelper.WriteLog("病历记录数据更新本地库失败流水号:" + strLcoalLSH + " 车次:" + strLocalCS + " 车辆编号:" + strLocalCLBH);
                    string Sql = "select max(ID) from web_medicalrecords where lsh='" + strLcoalLSH + "' and cs='" + strLocalCS + "' and clbh ='" + strLocalCLBH + "'";
                    object obj = DB120Help.GetSingle(Sql);
                    strLocalRecordId = obj.ToString();
                    LogHelper.WriteLog("病历记录数据更新本地库成功本地ID:" + strLocalRecordId + " 流水号:" + strLcoalLSH + " 车次:" + strLocalCS + " 车辆编号:" + strLocalCLBH);
                    result = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                LOG.LogHelper.WriteLog("", ex);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 是否为联网调度单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lsh"></param>
        /// <param name="dwbh"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool IsLWDD(string lsh, string dwbh, ref string localLsh)
            localLsh = "";
            bool result = false;

                string sql = "select LocalLSH from LWDDGLB where DDLX= '1' and RemoteLSH= '" + lsh + "' and RemoteDWBH = '" + dwbh + "' or sgsb='1' and RemoteLSH= '" + lsh + "' and RemoteDWBH = '" + dwbh + "'";
                object obj = DB120Help.GetSingle(sql);

                if (obj != null)
                    localLsh = obj.ToString();
                    result   = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                LOG.LogHelper.WriteLog("", ex);
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 同步出车信息数据
        /// </summary>
        public void SyncDispatchVehicleData(DispatchVehicleData DispatchVehicle, string UnitCode)
                string strLcoalLSH   = "";
                string strTargetLSH  = DispatchVehicle.DealRecordID;
                string strTargetCS   = DispatchVehicle.Times;
                string strTargetCLBH = DispatchVehicle.VehicleCode;
                if (IsLWDD(DispatchVehicle.DealRecordID, UnitCode, ref strLcoalLSH))
                    LogHelper.WriteLog("联网单需要更新CCXX,LSH:" + strLcoalLSH);
                    CheckDispatchRecord(strLcoalLSH, DispatchVehicle.DispatchVehicleTime, UnitCode);
                    CheckHJQY(strLcoalLSH, UnitCode);
                    string strLocalCS   = "";
                    string strLocalCLBH = "";
                    if (HasVehicleMatchRecord(DispatchVehicle.DealRecordID, DispatchVehicle.VehicleCode, DispatchVehicle.Times,
                                              UnitCode, ref strLocalCS, ref strLocalCLBH))
                        LogHelper.WriteLog("进入HasVehicleMatchRecord=true,LSH:" + strLcoalLSH);
                        string sql = "select * from ccxxb where  lsh = '" + strLcoalLSH + "' and cs = '" + strLocalCS + "' and clbh = '" + strLocalCLBH + "'";
                        object obj = DB120Help.GetSingle(sql);
                        if (obj != null)
                            DispatchVehicle.VehicleCode  = strLocalCLBH;
                            DispatchVehicle.DealRecordID = strLcoalLSH;
                            DispatchVehicle.Times        = strLocalCS;

                            LogHelper.WriteLog("更新CCXXB,LSH:" + strLcoalLSH + ",CLBH:" + strLocalCLBH + ",CS:" + strLocalCS);
                            ParameterSql parSql = SyncDataSql.GetUpadateCCXXBSql(DispatchVehicle);
                            int          i      = DB120Help.ExecuteSql(parSql.StrSql, parSql.OrclPar);
                            if (i == 0)
                                LogHelper.WriteLog("车辆信息数据更新本地库失败本地流水号:" + strLcoalLSH + " 车次:" + strLocalCS + " 车辆编号:" + strLocalCLBH);
                                sql = "update clxxb set clzt ='" + DispatchVehicle.VehicleZT + "' where clbh= '" + strLocalCLBH + "'";
                                i   = DB120Help.ExecuteSql(sql);
                                if (i != 0)
                                    LogHelper.WriteLog("车辆状态更新成功 车辆编号:" + strLocalCLBH);

                                DispatchVehicleDataResp Data = new DispatchVehicleDataResp();
                                Data.CommandID    = DispatchVehicle.CommandID + "Resp";
                                Data.DealRecordID = strTargetLSH;
                                Data.VehicleCode  = strTargetCLBH;
                                Data.Times        = strTargetCS;
                                Data.Result       = 1;
                    //未在联网信息关联表关联主键 需要插入记录,同时虚拟该车的车辆
                        LogHelper.WriteLog("进入HasVehicleMatchRecord=false,LSH:" + strLcoalLSH);
                        strTargetLSH  = DispatchVehicle.DealRecordID;
                        strTargetCS   = DispatchVehicle.Times;
                        strTargetCLBH = DispatchVehicle.VehicleCode;
                        if (hasInsertedDispatchVehicleRecord(DispatchVehicle, UnitCode, strLcoalLSH, ref strLocalCLBH, ref strLocalCS))
                            string sql = "update clxxb set clzt ='" + DispatchVehicle.VehicleZT + "' where clbh= '" + strLocalCLBH + "'";
                            int    i   = DB120Help.ExecuteSql(sql);
                            if (i != 0)
                                LogHelper.WriteLog("车辆状态更新成功 车辆编号:" + strLocalCLBH);
                            sql = "insert into LWCLTBDYB (locallsh,localCS,localCLBH,TargetLSH,TargetCS,TargetCLBH,TargetDWBH) values ('"
                                  + strLcoalLSH + "','" + strLocalCS + "','" + strLocalCLBH + "','"
                                  + strTargetLSH + "','" + strTargetCS + "','" + strTargetCLBH + "','" + UnitCode + "')";
                            i = DB120Help.ExecuteSql(sql);
                            if (i > 0)
                                LogHelper.WriteLog("车辆信息表主键关联成功本地流水号:" + strLcoalLSH + " 车次:" + strLocalCS + " 车辆编号:" + strLocalCLBH + "  关联的流水号:" + strTargetLSH + " 车次:" + strTargetCS + " 车辆编号:" + strTargetCLBH);
                                LogHelper.WriteLog("车辆信息表主键关联失败本地流水号:" + strLcoalLSH + " 车次:" + strLocalCS + " 车辆编号:" + strLocalCLBH + "  关联的流水号:" + strTargetLSH + " 车次:" + strTargetCS + " 车辆编号:" + strTargetCLBH);

                            DispatchVehicleDataResp Data = new DispatchVehicleDataResp();
                            Data.CommandID    = DispatchVehicle.CommandID + "Resp";
                            Data.DealRecordID = strTargetLSH;
                            Data.VehicleCode  = strTargetCLBH;
                            Data.Times        = strTargetCS;
                            Data.Result       = 1;
                    DispatchVehicleDataResp Data = new DispatchVehicleDataResp();
                    Data.CommandID    = DispatchVehicle.CommandID + "Resp";
                    Data.DealRecordID = strTargetLSH;
                    Data.VehicleCode  = strTargetCLBH;
                    Data.Times        = strTargetCS;
                    Data.Result       = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                DispatchVehicleDataResp Data = new DispatchVehicleDataResp();

                Data.CommandID      = DispatchVehicle.CommandID + "Resp";
                Data.DealRecordID   = DispatchVehicle.DealRecordID;
                Data.VehicleCode    = DispatchVehicle.VehicleCode;
                Data.Times          = DispatchVehicle.Times;
                Data.Result         = 0;
                Data.FailtureReason = ex.Message;
                LogHelper.WriteLog("", ex);
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        ///  同步病历填写项目与值对应关系数据
        /// </summary>
        public void SyncWeb_MedicalStatistics(Web_MedicalStatistics MedicalStatistics, string UnitCode)
                string strLcoalLSH           = "";
                string strLocalCS            = "";
                string strLocalCLBH          = "";
                string strLocalRecordId      = "";
                string strLocalStatisticsId  = "";
                string strTargetLSH          = MedicalStatistics.LSH;
                string strTargetCS           = MedicalStatistics.CS;
                string strTargetCLBH         = MedicalStatistics.CLBH;
                string strTargetStatisticsId = MedicalStatistics.ID;
                string strTargetRecordId     = MedicalStatistics.MEDICALRECORDSID;

                if (IsLWDD(MedicalStatistics.LSH, UnitCode, ref strLcoalLSH))
                    if (!HasVehicleMatchRecord(MedicalStatistics.LSH, MedicalStatistics.CLBH, MedicalStatistics.CS,
                                               UnitCode, ref strLocalCS, ref strLocalCLBH))
                        LogHelper.WriteLog("SyncWeb_MedicalStatistics无出车记录,不插入患者信息。本地流水号:" + strLcoalLSH + " ID:" + strTargetRecordId + "  关联的流水号:" + strTargetLSH + " 车次:" + strTargetCS + " 车辆编号:" + strTargetCLBH);
                        //DispatchVehicleData Dispatchdata = new DispatchVehicleData();

                        //if (hasInsertedDispatchVehicleRecord(Dispatchdata, UnitCode, strLcoalLSH, ref  strLocalCLBH, ref  strLocalCS))
                        //    //主键关联
                        //    string sql = "insert into LWCLTBDYB (locallsh,localCS,localCLBH,TargetLSH,TargetCS,TargetCLBH,TargetDWBH) values ('"
                        //        + strLcoalLSH + "','" + strLocalCS + "','" + strLocalCLBH + "','"
                        //        + strTargetLSH + "','" + strTargetCS + "','" + strTargetCLBH + "','" + UnitCode + "')";
                        //    int i = DB120Help.ExecuteSql(sql);
                        //    if (i > 0)
                        //    {
                        //        LogHelper.WriteLog("车辆信息表主键关联成功本地流水号:" + strLcoalLSH + " 车次:" + strLocalCS + " 车辆编号:" + strLocalCLBH + "  关联的流水号:" + strTargetLSH + " 车次:" + strTargetCS + " 车辆编号:" + strTargetCLBH);
                        //    }
                        //    else
                        //    {
                        //        LogHelper.WriteLog("车辆信息表主键关联失败本地流水号:" + strLcoalLSH + " 车次:" + strLocalCS + " 车辆编号:" + strLocalCLBH + "  关联的流水号:" + strTargetLSH + " 车次:" + strTargetCS + " 车辆编号:" + strTargetCLBH);
                        //    }
                        //    return;
                    if (!hasMedicalMatchRecords(strTargetRecordId, UnitCode, strTargetLSH, ref strLocalRecordId))
                        LogHelper.WriteLog("SyncWeb_MedicalStatistics无出车记录,不插入患者信息。本地流水号:" + strLcoalLSH + " ID:" + strTargetRecordId + "  关联的流水号:" + strTargetLSH + " 车次:" + strTargetCS + " 车辆编号:" + strTargetCLBH);
                        //Web_MedicalRecords MedicalRecords = new Web_MedicalRecords();
                        //if (hasInsertedMedicalRecords(MedicalRecords, strLcoalLSH, strLocalCS, strLocalCLBH, ref strLocalRecordId))
                        //    //将患者信息关联起来
                        //    string Sql = "insert into LWBLTBDYB (locallsh,localRecordId,TargetLSH,TargetRecordId,TargetDWBH) values (" +
                        //        strLcoalLSH + ",'" + strLocalRecordId + "','" + strTargetLSH + "','" + strTargetRecordId + "','" + UnitCode + "')";
                        //    int i = DB120Help.ExecuteSql(Sql);
                        //    if (i > 0)
                        //    {
                        //        LogHelper.WriteLog("患者病历记录主键关联成功");
                        //    }
                        //    else
                        //    {
                        //        LogHelper.WriteLog("患者病历记录主键关联失败");
                        //    }
                        //    return;
                    if (hasMedicalMatchStatistics(strTargetStatisticsId, UnitCode, strTargetLSH, ref strLocalStatisticsId))
                        MedicalStatistics.ID = strLocalStatisticsId;
                        MedicalStatistics.MEDICALRECORDSID = strLocalRecordId;
                        MedicalStatistics.CLBH             = strLocalCLBH;
                        MedicalStatistics.LSH = strLcoalLSH;
                        MedicalStatistics.CS  = strLocalCS;
                        ParameterSql parSql = SyncDataSql.GetUpadateMedicalStatisticsSql(MedicalStatistics);
                        int          i      = DB120Help.ExecuteSql(parSql.StrSql, parSql.OrclPar);
                        if (i == 0)
                            LogHelper.WriteLog("病历记录数据更新本地库失败本地ID:" + MedicalStatistics.ID + " 流水号:" + strLcoalLSH + " 车次:" + strLocalCS + " 车辆编号:" + strLocalCLBH);
                            Web_MedicalStatisticsResp Data = new Web_MedicalStatisticsResp();

                            Data.CommandID = MedicalStatistics.CommandID + "Resp";
                            Data.ID        = strTargetStatisticsId;
                            Data.Result    = 1;
                        MedicalStatistics.CLBH             = strLocalCLBH;
                        MedicalStatistics.LSH              = strLcoalLSH;
                        MedicalStatistics.CS               = strLocalCS;
                        MedicalStatistics.MEDICALRECORDSID = strLocalRecordId;
                        ParameterSql parSql = SyncDataSql.GetAddMedicalStatisticsSql(MedicalStatistics);
                        int          i      = DB120Help.ExecuteSql(parSql.StrSql, parSql.OrclPar);
                        if (i <= 0)
                            LogHelper.WriteLog("病历项目-值对应数据更新本地库失败流水号:" + strLcoalLSH + " 车次:" + strLocalCS + " 车辆编号:" + strLocalCLBH);
                            //string Sql = "select max(ID) from web_medicalstatistics where MEDICALRECORDSID='" + strLocalRecordId + "'";
                            string Sql = "select max(ID) from web_medicalstatistics where MEDICALRECORDSID='" + strLocalRecordId + "' and CONTROLID = '" + MedicalStatistics.CONTROLID + "'";
                            object obj = DB120Help.GetSingle(Sql);
                            strLocalStatisticsId = obj.ToString();
                            LogHelper.WriteLog("病历项目-值对应数据更新本地库成功本地ID:" + strLocalStatisticsId + " 流水号:" + strLcoalLSH + " 车次:" + strLocalCS + " 车辆编号:" + strLocalCLBH);

                            //create table LWBLGXTBDYB
                            //    locallsh	        本地流水号
                            //    localStatisticsID     本地病历关系ID号
                            //    TargetLSH	        对方流水号
                            //    TargetStatisticsID    对方病历关系ID号
                            //    TargetDWBH	        对方单位编号
                            // )

                            Sql = "insert into LWBLGXTBDYB (locallsh,localStatisticsID,TargetLSH,TargetStatisticsID,TargetDWBH) values (" +
                                  strLcoalLSH + ",'" + strLocalStatisticsId + "','" + strTargetLSH + "','" + strTargetStatisticsId + "','" + UnitCode + "')";
                            i = DB120Help.ExecuteSql(Sql);
                            if (i > 0)

                            Web_MedicalStatisticsResp Data = new Web_MedicalStatisticsResp();

                            Data.CommandID = MedicalStatistics.CommandID + "Resp";
                            Data.ID        = strTargetStatisticsId;
                            Data.Result    = 1;
                    Web_MedicalStatisticsResp Data = new Web_MedicalStatisticsResp();

                    Data.CommandID = MedicalStatistics.CommandID + "Resp";
                    Data.ID        = strTargetStatisticsId;
                    Data.Result    = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Web_MedicalStatisticsResp Data = new Web_MedicalStatisticsResp();

                Data.CommandID      = MedicalStatistics.CommandID + "Resp";
                Data.ID             = MedicalStatistics.ID;
                Data.Result         = 0;
                Data.FailtureReason = ex.Message;
                LogHelper.WriteLog("", ex);