Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取最近一小时站点信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DataTable getOnetimegas()
            DAL dal = new DAL();
            string gas = "";
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            int n = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)//循环3次,统计3个站点数据
                DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
                n = i + 2;
                if (n == 2) { row["站点"] = "南高"; }
                if (n == 3) { row["站点"] = "西路"; }
                if (n == 4) { row["站点"] = "麻柳沱"; }
                gas = dal.RunSqlGetID("SELECT  sum([NowGas]) as 气量 FROM [CSERVER].[dbo].[tempGAS] where StationNO =" + n.ToString() + " and TradeDate > dateadd(hh,-1,getdate()) ");
                if (gas == null) { gas = "0"; }
                row["销售气量"] = gas;
                row["当班班组"] = dal.RunSqlGetID("SELECT top 1 [BZNO] FROM [CSERVER].[dbo].[DateSum] where StationNO=" + n.ToString() + " ORDER BY SxBTime DESC");
            return dt;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 上一笔定购单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public void CG_last(HttpContext context)
            string retext = "";
            string code = context.Request["code"];
            string SQL = "SELECT top 1 [单号]  FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_采购订单] order by 单号";
            DAL dal = new DAL();
            string min = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);

            if (code == min)
                retext = "{\"err\":{\"ISok\":false,\"msg\":\"已经是第一笔订单!\"},\"data\":[],\"minxi\":{\"total\":0,\"rows\":[] }}";
            SQL = "SELECT top 1 [单号]  FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_采购订单] where 单号<'" + code + "' order by 单号 desc";
            code = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);
            retext = CG_json(code);
Exemple #3
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     DAL dal = new DAL();
     string SQL = "SELECT TOP 1 convert(varchar(20),[时间],120) as 时间 FROM [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_人员_考勤处理时间] ORDER BY 时间 DESC";
     string val = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);
     if (val == null)
         val = "";
     cxdate = val;
Exemple #4
 //通过 日期 找订单数据
 public void CG_date(HttpContext context)
     string retext = "{\"err\":{\"ISok\":true,\"msg\":\"未找到订单数据!\"},\"data\":订单数据对象,\"minxi\":明细对象}";
     string date = context.Request["date"];
     string SQL = "SELECT TOP 1 [单号] FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_采购订单] where 制单日期>='" + date + "' ORDER BY 单号";
     DAL dal = new DAL();
     string code = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);
     if (code == null)
         retext = "{\"err\":{\"ISok\":false,\"msg\":\"未找到订单数据!\"},\"data\":[],\"minxi\":{\"total\":0,\"rows\":[] }}";
     retext = CG_json(code);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 验证用户签名
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">用户名</param>
        /// <param name="pw">签名密码</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool UserQianMing(string user, string pw)
            string sql = "SELECT [权限] FROM [WebApp].[dbo].[DL_用户名] where 用户名=@参数一 and 签名密码=@参数二";
            SqlParameter par1 = new SqlParameter("@参数一", user.Trim());
            SqlParameter par2 = new SqlParameter("@参数二", Sys.getMd5(pw.Trim()));

            SqlParameter[] par = { par1, par2 };
            DAL dal = new DAL();
               string qx = dal.RunSqlGetID(sql, par);
            if (qx == null)
                qx = "";
                return (false);
                return (true);
Exemple #6
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
            context.Response.Charset = "utf-8";

            var file = context.Request.Files["Filedata"];//文件 对象
            string userID = context.Request["userID"];//上传用户
            string user = context.Request["user"];//上传用户
            string imgname = context.Request["imgname"];//图片名
            string imgID = context.Request["imgID"];//相片ID 如果为0 表示 没有上传记录
            string savePaht = context.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "CNGTZ\\userimg\\" + imgname + ".jpg"; //略缩图储存路径
            string sourcePaht = context.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "CNGTZ\\userimg\\source\\" + imgname + ".jpg"; //原图储存路径
            //string xnpath =context.Request.Path;

            DAL dal = new DAL();
            if (file != null)
                ImageClass.MakeThumbnail(sourcePaht, savePaht, 100, 130, "HW");//生成略缩图

                FileItem fi = FileManager.GetItemInfo(savePaht);

                if (fi.Name.Length > 0)//判断略缩图是否创建完成
                    string SQL1 = "", SQL2 = "", SQL3 = "";
                    if (imgID != "0")
                        SQL1 = "UPDATE [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_图片]SET [类型] =@类型,[图片] =@图片,[备注] =@备注,[上传用户] =@上传用户,[所属用户] =@所属用户,[更新时间] = getdate() WHERE ID=" + imgID;
                        SQL1 = @"INSERT INTO [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_图片]([类型],[图片],[备注],[上传用户],[所属用户],[更新时间])VALUES(@类型,@图片,@备注,@上传用户,@所属用户,getdate())";
                        SQL2 = @"SELECT [ID] FROM [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_图片]where 类型='人员' AND [所属用户]='" + imgname + "'";//查询是否已经上传过相片
                        SQL3 = @"UPDATE [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_人员_基本信息] SET [相片ID] ={0}, 更新时间 = getdate() WHERE ID=" + userID;

                        SqlParameter par1 = new SqlParameter("@类型", "人员");
                        SqlParameter par2 = new SqlParameter("@图片", savePaht);
                        SqlParameter par3 = new SqlParameter("@备注", "");
                        SqlParameter par4 = new SqlParameter("@上传用户", user);
                        SqlParameter par5 = new SqlParameter("@所属用户", imgname);

                        dal.ExeSql(SQL1, new SqlParameter[] { par1, par2, par3, par4, par5 });//执行语句

                        if (imgID == "0")
                            string ID = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL2);
                            SQL3 = string.Format(SQL3, ID);
                        Sys.addSteps(user, "上传员工相片:[" + fi.Name + "]", "人员台账");
                    catch (Exception)
                    context.Response.Write("0"); //如果创建文件失败
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 源图片获取
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public void Img_getsource(HttpContext context)
            string ID = context.Request["ID"];//图片ID

            DAL dal = new DAL();
            string fiPaht = dal.RunSqlGetID("SELECT [图片] FROM [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_图片] where ID=" + ID);

            if (fiPaht == null)
            fiPaht = fiPaht.Replace("userimg", "userimg\\source");
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(fiPaht) == false)
            //string filename = "XX.jpg";
            Byte[] imgbyte = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(fiPaht);//这里只要 得到图片的字节流就可以,如:FileStream f=new FileStream(path);这方法也可以实现
            context.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增员工
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public void user_new(HttpContext context)
            string name = context.Request["name"];
            name = name.Trim();
            string py = PY.GetTop(name);
            string SQL = "INSERT INTO [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_人员]([姓名],[拼音],[是否在职],[所属部门],[更新时间]) VALUES(@name,@拼音,1,'03',getdate())";
            DAL dal = new DAL();
            SqlParameter par1 = new SqlParameter("@name", name);
            SqlParameter par2 = new SqlParameter("@拼音", py);
            dal.RunSql(SQL, new SqlParameter[] { par1, par2 });

            if (dal.ExecuteRowCount == 1)
                SQL = "SELECT [ID] FROM [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_人员] where 姓名='" + name + "'";
                string ID = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);

                SQL = "INSERT INTO [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_人员_基本信息] ([ID],[更新时间])VALUES(" + ID + ",getdate())";

                SQL = "INSERT INTO [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_人员_档案1] ([ID],[更新时间])VALUES(" + ID + ",getdate())";

                SQL = "INSERT INTO [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_人员_档案2] ([ID],[更新时间])VALUES(" + ID + ",getdate())";

Exemple #9
        private string Chart_站点年度生产(string year ,string zd)
            string retext = "{ \"ok\":true,\"msg\":\"\",\"sc1\":@替换对象1@,\"sc2\":@替换对象2@,\"sum\":@替换对象3@  }";

            string SQL = @"SELECT sum(生产气量) as 生产气量,
                                            CASE  sum([购进数]+[修正值]) when 0 then 0
                                            else round((sum([购进数])+sum([修正值])-sum([生产气量])-sum([库存数]))/sum([购进数]+[修正值])*100,2) end FROM [CNGQT].[dbo].[CW_月度统计] where 年=@年度@ and 站点=@站点@  GROUP BY 月 order by 月";
            SQL = SQL.Replace("@年度@", year);
            SQL = SQL.Replace("@站点@", zd);

            DAL dal = new DAL();
            DataTable dt = dal.RunSqlDataTable(SQL);
            if (dt == null)
                retext = retext.Replace(":true", ":false");

                return retext;
            double[] sc1 = new double[12];
            double[] sc2 = new double[12];
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                sc1[i] = double.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["生产气量"].ToString());
                sc2[i] = double.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["输差率"].ToString());
            SQL = "SELECT sum(生产气量) as 生产气量 FROM [CNGQT].[dbo].[CW_月度统计] where 年=@年度@ and 站点=@站点@";
            SQL = SQL.Replace("@年度@", year);
            SQL = SQL.Replace("@站点@", zd);
            string yearSum = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);

            string sc1Json = Json.Json_转换到json<double[]>(sc1);
            string sc2Json = Json.Json_转换到json<double[]>(sc2);
            retext = retext.Replace("@替换对象1@", sc1Json);
            retext = retext.Replace("@替换对象2@", sc2Json);
            retext = retext.Replace("@替换对象3@", yearSum);

            return retext;
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据 单号 查找出库数据 返回json对象
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string CK_json(string code)
            string retext = "{\"err\":{\"ISok\":true,\"msg\":\"未找到单据数据!\"},\"data\":订单数据对象,\"minxi\":明细对象}";
            string SQL = "SELECT [ID],[单号],[仓库],[来往单位],[制单日期],[经手人],[总金额],[备注],[领料人],[审核人]FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库单据] where 进出='出库' and 单据类型 ='物资出库' and 单号='" + code.Trim().ToUpper() + "'";
            DAL dal = new DAL();
            DataTable dt = dal.RunSqlDataTable(SQL);
            string temp = "";
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];
                string weixiu = dr["来往单位"].ToString();
                string data = "{{\"单号\":\"{0}\",\"仓库\":\"{1}\",\"出库分类\":\"{2}\",\"制单日期\":\"{3}\",\"经手人\":\"{4}\",\"总金额\":\"{5}\",\"备注\":\"{6}\",\"领料人\":\"{7}\",\"审核人\":\"{8}\",\"维修编号\":\"@维修编号@\" }}";
                temp = string.Format(data, dr["单号"].ToString(), dr["仓库"].ToString(), dr["来往单位"].ToString(), DateTime.Parse(dr["制单日期"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), dr["经手人"].ToString(), dr["总金额"].ToString(), dr["备注"].ToString().Replace("\r\n", "\\r\\n"), dr["领料人"].ToString(), dr["审核人"].ToString());
                retext = retext.Replace("订单数据对象", temp);

                if (weixiu == "维修维护")
                    SQL = "SELECT [维修编号] FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_维修出库] where 出库单号='" + code.Trim().ToUpper() + "'";
                    weixiu = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);
                    retext = retext.Replace("@维修编号@", weixiu);
                    retext = retext.Replace("@维修编号@", "");

                SQL = "SELECT [ID],[物品名称],[物品编号],[分类名称],[规格] ,[单位],[数量],[单价],[小计],[批号],[备注] FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库明细] where 单号='" + code.Trim().ToUpper() + "'";
                dt = dal.RunSqlDataTable(SQL);
                temp = "{\"total\":100,\"rows\":[] }";
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    temp = temp.Replace("[]", Json.TableToJson(dt));
                retext = retext.Replace("明细对象", temp);
                return retext;
                retext = "{\"err\":{\"ISok\":false,\"msg\":\"未找到单据数据!\"},\"data\":[],\"minxi\":{\"total\":0,\"rows\":[] }}";
                return retext;
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 检查数据是否上传
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public void scDate(HttpContext context)
            string t1 = context.Request["time"];
            string zd = context.Request["zd"];
            DAL dal = new DAL();
            string SQL = "SELECT top 1  convert(varchar(10), [日期], 120) as 日期  FROM [CNGQT].[dbo].[SC_班销售统计]where 站点=" + zd + " order by 日期 desc";
            string t2 = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);

            if (DateTime.Parse(t1) > DateTime.Parse(t2))
                SQL = "最后上报数据日期为:【" + t2 + "】,统计数据可能不完整!<br>请确认是否要继续查询?";
                SQL = "yes";
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 取站点区间数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public void getZDreg(HttpContext context)
            string temp = "";
            string text = "{\"err\":{\"ok\":false,\"mes\":\"\"}}";
            string retext = "{\"err\":{\"ok\":true,\"mes\":\"\"},\"CanShu\":返回参数对象,\"title\":\"头对象\",\"top1\":流量计对象,\"TingYe\":停业对象,\"gasFL\":销售分类对象,\"YaShoJi\":压缩机对象,\"YouLei\":油类对象,\"ShuiLei\":水类对象,\"DianLei\":电类对象,\"jizhang\":记账单位对象}";
            DAL dal = new DAL();
            DateTime dtstart = DateTime.Parse(context.Request["datestart"]); //起始日期
            DateTime dtend = DateTime.Parse(context.Request["dateend"]); //结束日期
            int day = (dtend - dtstart).Days + 1;

            int zd = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["zd"].ToString());//站点
            string title = dtstart.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日") + " 至 " + dtend.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日") + " 共:" + day.ToString() + "天";
            if (dtstart > dtend)
                text = "{\"err\":{\"ok\":false,\"mes\":\"起始日期在结束日期之后!\"}}";
            temp = "{\"zd\":" + zd.ToString() + ",\"time1\":\"" + dtstart.ToShortDateString() + "\",\"time2\":\"" + dtend.ToShortDateString() + "\"}";
            retext = retext.Replace("返回参数对象", temp);

            dtstart = dtstart.AddDays(-1);//起始班 的上一天

            int bz_str = 0, bz_end = 0;
            string ID_str = "0", ID_end = "0", SQL = "";
            temp = "";
            CW_每班统计 modstart; //起始数据 起始班 的上一个夜班
            CW_每班统计 modend; //结束数据
            CW_每班统计 modsum; //累计数据
            xzz zdxz;//区间修正值累计

            if (zd == 4)
                bz_str = ZDGAS.getBZno(dtstart);
                bz_end = ZDGAS.getBZno(dtend);
                title = "区间统计:麻柳沱CNG站   " + title;
                bz_str = ZDGAS.getBZno(dtstart, zd, true);
                bz_end = ZDGAS.getBZno(dtend, zd, true);
                if (zd == 2) { title = "区间统计:南高CNG站   " + title; }
                if (zd == 3) { title = "区间统计:江阳西路CNG站   " + title; }
            retext = retext.Replace("头对象", title);

            SQL = "SELECT ID  FROM [CNGQT].[dbo].[CW_每班统计]  where 站点=@站点 AND 日期=@日期 AND 班组=@班组";
            SqlParameter par1 = new SqlParameter("@站点", zd);
            SqlParameter par2 = new SqlParameter("@日期", dtstart);
            SqlParameter par3 = new SqlParameter("@班组", bz_str);
            ID_str = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL, new SqlParameter[] { par1, par2, par3 });

            par1 = new SqlParameter("@站点", zd);
            par2 = new SqlParameter("@日期", dtend);
            par3 = new SqlParameter("@班组", bz_end);
            ID_end = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL, new SqlParameter[] { par1, par2, par3 });
            if (ID_str == null)
                text = "{\"err\":{\"ok\":false,\"mes\":\"没有找到起始日期数据!\"}}";
            if (ID_end == null)
                text = "{\"err\":{\"ok\":false,\"mes\":\"没有找到结束日期数据!\"}}";

            modstart = ZDGAS.GetModel_CW_每班统计(int.Parse(ID_str));
            modend = ZDGAS.GetModel_CW_每班统计(int.Parse(ID_end));
            modsum = getZDregsum(modstart, modend);
            zdxz = getZDregXzz(modstart, modend);

            temp = jsonLiuLianJi(modstart, modend, modsum, zdxz);
            retext = retext.Replace("流量计对象", temp);

            temp = jsonGasFenLei(modsum, day);
            retext = retext.Replace("销售分类对象", temp);

            temp = jsonYouLei(modstart, modend, modsum);
            retext = retext.Replace("油类对象", temp);

            temp = jsonShuiLei(modstart, modend, modsum, day, zdxz);
            retext = retext.Replace("水类对象", temp);

            temp = jsonDianLei(modstart, modend, modsum, zdxz);
            retext = retext.Replace("电类对象", temp);

            temp = jsonYaShoJi(modstart, modend, modsum);
            retext = retext.Replace("压缩机对象", temp);

            temp = jsonJiZhang(modstart, modend);
            retext = retext.Replace("记账单位对象", temp);

            temp = jsonTingYe(modstart, modend);
            retext = retext.Replace("停业对象", temp);

            text = "{\"err\":{\"ok\":true,\"mes\":\"\"}}";
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// 补签考勤操作 取签到时间
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 public void KQ_XG_BuQiang(HttpContext context)
     string index = context.Request["index"];
     string ID = context.Request["ID"];
     string SQL = "SELECT  convert(varchar(20), @替换@,120) as 时间 FROM [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_人员_考勤表] where ID =";
     if (index == "4")
         SQL = SQL.Replace("@替换@", "上班时间") + ID;
     if (index == "5")
         SQL = SQL.Replace("@替换@", "下班时间") + ID;
     DAL dal = new DAL();
     string retext = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);
Exemple #14
 //返回 最后处理考勤的时间
 public void KQ_time(HttpContext context)
     DAL dal = new DAL();
     string SQL = "SELECT TOP 1 convert(varchar(20),[时间],120) as 时间 FROM [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_人员_考勤处理时间] ORDER BY 时间 DESC";
     string val = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);
     if (val==null)
         val = "";
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// 删除版本控制记录
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 public void VerDel(HttpContext context)
     string SQL = "DELETE FROM [WebApp].[dbo].[WEB_版本控制] WHERE  版本号=@版本号";
     string ver = context.Request["ver"];
     string conf = context.Server.MapPath("~/Public/CNGconfig.xml");
     string oldver = Sys.xmlRead(conf, "缓存配置", "全局版本", "1.00");//读取版本号
     string retext = "{{ \"ok\":{0},\"msg\":\"{1}\",\"data\":@替换对象@ }}";
     DAL dal = new DAL();
     SqlParameter par1 = new SqlParameter("版本号", ver);
     dal.RunSql(SQL, new SqlParameter[] { par1 });
     if (dal.ExecuteRowCount == 1)
         if (double.Parse(ver) >= double.Parse(oldver))
             SQL = "SELECT TOP 1 [版本号] FROM [WebApp].[dbo].[WEB_版本控制] ORDER BY 版本号 DESC";
             oldver = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL) ?? "1.00";
             Sys.xmlAdd(conf, "缓存配置", "全局版本", oldver);
         retext = string.Format(retext, "true", "更改数据成功,当前版本号为:" + oldver);
         retext = retext.Replace("@替换对象@", "0");
         retext = string.Format(retext, "false", "错误信息:" + dal.ErrorMsg);
         retext = retext.Replace("@替换对象@", "0");
Exemple #16
 /// <summary>
 /// 设置修正值
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 public void SetXzz(HttpContext context)
     int zd = int.Parse(context.Request["zd"]);
     int bz = int.Parse(context.Request["bz"]);
     DateTime day = DateTime.Parse(context.Request["day"]);
     string name = context.Request["name"];
     double val = double.Parse(context.Request["val"]);
     DAL dal = new DAL();
     string SQL = "SELECT [ID] FROM [CNGQT].[dbo].[CW_每班修正] where 日期=@日期 and 站点=@站点 and 班组=@班组";
     SqlParameter par1 = new SqlParameter("日期", day);
     SqlParameter par2 = new SqlParameter("站点", zd);
     SqlParameter par3 = new SqlParameter("班组", bz);
     SqlParameter par4 = new SqlParameter("val", val);
     string id = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL, new SqlParameter[] { par1, par2, par3 });
     if (id == null)
         SQL = "INSERT INTO [CNGQT].[dbo].[CW_每班修正](日期,站点,班组,@参数@,更新时间)VALUES(@日期,@站点,@班组,@val,getdate())";
         SQL = SQL.Replace("@参数@", name);
         dal.RunSql(SQL, new SqlParameter[] { par1, par2, par3, par4 });
         SQL = "UPDATE [CNGQT].[dbo].[CW_每班修正] SET @参数@ = @val,更新时间=getdate() WHERE ID=@ID";
         SQL = SQL.Replace("@参数@", name);
         dal.RunSql(SQL, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("ID", id) ,par4});
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// 库存明细查询
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public void KC_mingxi(HttpContext context)
            int row = int.Parse(context.Request["rows"].ToString());//每页函数
            int page = int.Parse(context.Request["page"].ToString());//第几页
            string code = context.Request["code"];
            DateTime date1 = DateTime.Parse(context.Request["date1"].ToString());//起始时间
            DateTime date2 = DateTime.Parse(context.Request["date2"].ToString());//结束时间

            string SQL = @"SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10), b.[制单日期], 120) as 日期
                                              FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库明细] a LEFT JOIN [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库单据] b  ON a.单号=b.单号
                                            where  a.[物品编号]=@物品编号 and  b.[制单日期] between @起始时间 and @结束时间 order by b.[制单日期]";
            string SQL_rk = @"SELECT SUM(a.[数量]) AS 入库数 FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库明细] a LEFT JOIN [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库单据] b  ON a.单号=b.单号  where  a.[物品编号]=@物品编号 and b.[单据类型]='采购收货' and  b.[制单日期] between @起始时间 and @结束时间";
            string SQL_ck = @"SELECT SUM(a.[数量]) AS 出库数 FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库明细] a LEFT JOIN [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库单据] b  ON a.单号=b.单号  where  a.[物品编号]=@物品编号 and b.[单据类型]='物资出库' and  b.[制单日期] between @起始时间 and @结束时间";
            double sum_rk = 0, sum_ck = 0;
            string temp = "", rowdx = "[]", footdx = "[]";
            DAL dal = new DAL();
            SqlParameter par1 = new SqlParameter("@物品编号", code);
            SqlParameter par2 = new SqlParameter("@起始时间", date1);
            SqlParameter par3 = new SqlParameter("@结束时间", date2);

            DataTable dt = dal.RunSqlDataTable(SQL, new SqlParameter[] { par1, par2, par3 });
            string rowtext = "{\"total\":" + dt.Rows.Count.ToString() + ",\"rows\":@行数据对象@,\"footer\":@脚对象@}";
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                rowdx = Json.TableToJson(BLL.tools.GetPagedTable(dt, page, row));// 行对象
                temp = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL_rk, new SqlParameter[] { par1, par2, par3 });
                if (temp != null && temp != "")
                    sum_rk = double.Parse(temp);//入库合计数

                temp = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL_ck, new SqlParameter[] { par1, par2, par3 });
                if (temp != null && temp != "")
                    sum_ck = double.Parse(temp);//出库合计数
                footdx = string.Format("[{{ \"单号\":\"入库合计:\", \"单据类型\":{0:f}, \"出仓库\":\"出库合计:\", \"物品编号\":{1:f}, \"物品名称\":\"结存数:\", \"规格\":{2:f}  }}]", sum_rk, sum_ck, sum_rk - sum_ck);


            rowtext = rowtext.Replace("@行数据对象@", rowdx);
            rowtext = rowtext.Replace("@脚对象@", footdx);

Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// 取得当班对象 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">日期</param>
        /// <param name="zd">站点</param>
        /// <param name="bz">班组</param>
        /// <param name="yb">夜班</param>
        /// <param name="scql">生产气量</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string getGasSc(DateTime dt, int zd, int bz, bool yb, double scql)
            DAL dal = new DAL();
            CW_每班统计 dqBz = new CW_每班统计();//当班数据
            CW_每班统计 syBz = new CW_每班统计();//上一班数据
            DateTime sydt; //上一班日期
            string retext = "{\"sc\":输差对象,\"s\":水对象,\"y\":油对象,\"d\":电对象,\"ysj\":压缩机对象}";
            int sybz;//上一班 班组
            gassc sc = new gassc();
            string SQL = "SELECT ID  FROM [CNGQT].[dbo].[CW_每班统计] where [站点]=" + zd.ToString() + " and [日期]='" + dt.ToString() + "' and [班组]='" + bz.ToString() + "'";
            string id = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);
            if (id == null) { return "[]"; }
            dqBz = ZDGAS.GetModel_CW_每班统计(int.Parse(id));
            if (zd == 4)
                sydt = dt.AddDays(-1);
                sybz = bz - 1;
                if (sybz == 0) { sybz = 4; }
                if (yb)//当前班是否是夜班
                    sydt = dt;
                    sydt = dt.AddDays(-1);
                sybz = bz - 1;
                if (sybz == 0) { sybz = 3; }
            SQL = "SELECT ID  FROM [CNGQT].[dbo].[CW_每班统计] where [站点]=" + zd.ToString() + " and [日期]='" + sydt.ToString() + "' and [班组]='" + sybz.ToString() + "'";
            id = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);
            syBz = ZDGAS.GetModel_CW_每班统计(int.Parse(id));//上一班数据

            //取当班 流量计修正值
            SQL = "SELECT [总电峰],[总电平],[总电谷],[商电峰],[商电平],[商电谷],[正无功],[反无功],[普通水],[消防水],[流量计] FROM [CNGQT].[dbo].[CW_每班修正] where 日期='" + dt.ToString() + "' AND 站点=" + zd.ToString() + " AND 班组=" + bz.ToString();
            xzz dbxzz = new xzz();
            string[] val = dal.RunSqlStrings(SQL);
            if (val != null)
                dbxzz.zdf = double.Parse(val[0]);
                dbxzz.zdp = double.Parse(val[1]);
                dbxzz.zdg = double.Parse(val[2]);
                dbxzz.sdf = double.Parse(val[3]);
                dbxzz.sdp = double.Parse(val[4]);
                dbxzz.sdg = double.Parse(val[5]);
                dbxzz.zwg = double.Parse(val[6]);
                dbxzz.fwg = double.Parse(val[7]);
                dbxzz.pts = double.Parse(val[8]);
                dbxzz.xfs = double.Parse(val[9]);
                dbxzz.llj = double.Parse(val[10]);

            sc.进站起 = dqBz.SX_进站起数;
            sc.进站止 = dqBz.SX_进站止数;
            sc.进站气量 = sc.进站止 - sc.进站起;
            sc.再生起 = dqBz.SX_再生起数;
            sc.再生止 = dqBz.SX_再生止数;
            sc.再生气量 = sc.再生止 - sc.再生起;
            sc.生产气量 = scql;
            sc.购进气量 = sc.进站气量 - sc.再生气量 + dbxzz.llj;
            sc.罐储气 = dqBz.SX_罐储气;
            sc.罐差 = dqBz.SX_罐储气 - syBz.SX_罐储气;
            sc.罐储气起 = syBz.SX_罐储气;
            sc.罐储气止 = dqBz.SX_罐储气;
            sc.输差 = sc.购进气量 - sc.生产气量 - sc.罐差;
            sc.修正值 = dbxzz.llj;
            if (sc.生产气量 == 0 || sc.购进气量 == 0)
                sc.输差率 = 0;
                sc.输差率 = sc.输差 / sc.购进气量;

            string temp = "{{ \"total\": 1, \"rows\": [{{ \"进站起\": {0:f},\"进站止\":{1:f},\"再生起\":{2:f},\"再生止\":{3:f},\"购进气量\":{4:f},\"生产气量\":{5:f},\"罐储气\":{6:f},\"罐差\":{7:f},\"输差\":{8:f},\"输差率\":{9:f},\"修正\":{10:f} }}]}}";
            temp = string.Format(temp, sc.进站起, sc.进站止, sc.再生起, sc.再生止, sc.购进气量, sc.生产气量, sc.罐储气, sc.罐差, sc.输差, sc.输差率 * 100, sc.修正值);
            retext = retext.Replace("输差对象", temp);

            temp = jsonYouLei(syBz, dqBz);
            retext = retext.Replace("油对象", temp);

            temp = jsonDianLei(syBz, dqBz, dbxzz);
            retext = retext.Replace("电对象", temp);

            temp = jsonShuiLei(syBz, dqBz, dbxzz);
            retext = retext.Replace("水对象", temp);

            temp = jsonYaShoJi(syBz, dqBz);
            retext = retext.Replace("压缩机对象", temp);
            return retext;
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// 下一笔入库单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public void RK_next(HttpContext context)
            string retext = "";
            string code = context.Request["code"];
            string SQL = "SELECT top 1 [单号]  FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库单据] where 进出='入库' and 单据类型 ='采购收货' order by 单号 desc";
            DAL dal = new DAL();
            string max = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);

            if (code == max)
                retext = "{\"err\":{\"ISok\":false,\"msg\":\"已经是最后一笔单据!\"},\"data\":[],\"minxi\":{\"total\":0,\"rows\":[] }}";
            SQL = "SELECT top 1 [单号]  FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库单据] where 进出='入库' and 单据类型 ='采购收货' and 单号>'" + code + "' order by 单号";
            code = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);
            retext = RK_json(code);
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// 取 入库单据 json
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ISmx">是否明细</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string getDJ_rk(bool ISmx, DateTime date1, DateTime date2, int row, int page)
            string SQL = "", SQLsum = "", footdx = "";
            if (ISmx) //判断是否是明细
                SQL = @"SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10), b.[制单日期], 120) as 日期
                                              ,b.[来往单位] as 供货单位
                                              ,b.[进仓库] as 入库仓库
                                          FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库明细] a LEFT JOIN [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库单据] b  ON a.单号=b.单号
                                        where  b.[制单日期] between @起始时间 and @结束时间 and [进出]='入库' order by  a.[单号]";
                SQLsum = "SELECT sum(a.[小计]) as 总金额  FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库明细] a LEFT JOIN [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库单据] b  ON a.单号=b.单号 where  b.[制单日期] between @起始时间 and @结束时间 and [进出]='入库' ";
                footdx = "[{{ \"单价\":\"合计:\",\"小计\":{0:f} }}]";
                SQL = @"SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10),[制单日期],120) 日期
                                            ,[进仓库] as 入库仓库
                                        FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库单据]
                                    where 单据类型='采购收货' and 制单日期 between @起始时间 and @结束时间
                                    order by 制单日期";
                SQLsum = "SELECT sum([总金额]) as 总金额 FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库单据] where 单据类型='采购收货' and 制单日期 between @起始时间 and @结束时间";
                footdx = "[{{ \"入库仓库\":\"合计:\",\"总金额\":{0:f} }}]";

            double Zsum = 0;
            string rowdx = "[]";
            DAL dal = new DAL();
            SqlParameter par1 = new SqlParameter("@起始时间", date1);
            SqlParameter par2 = new SqlParameter("@结束时间", date2);

            DataTable dt = dal.RunSqlDataTable(SQL, new SqlParameter[] { par1, par2 });

            string rowtext = "{\"total\":" + dt.Rows.Count.ToString() + ",\"rows\":@行数据对象@,\"footer\":@脚对象@}";
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)

                Zsum = double.Parse(dal.RunSqlGetID(SQLsum, new SqlParameter[] { par1, par2 })); //求和
                rowdx = Json.TableToJson(BLL.tools.GetPagedTable(dt, page, row));// 行对象
                //rowtext = rowtext.Replace("@行数据对象@", Json.TableToJson(BLL.tools.GetPagedTable(dt, page, row)));


            footdx = string.Format(footdx, Zsum); //脚对象
            rowtext = rowtext.Replace("@行数据对象@", rowdx);
            rowtext = rowtext.Replace("@脚对象@", footdx);
            return rowtext;
Exemple #21
        private string Chart_三站年度电量(string year)
            string retext = "{ \"ok\":true,\"msg\":\"\",\"ds\":@替换对象1@,\"zd\":@替换对象2@,\"sum\":@替换对象3@  }";

            string SQL = @"SELECT sum(([电量总峰]+[电量总平]+[电量总谷])*[电系数]) as 耗电量
                                          FROM [CNGQT].[dbo].[CW_月度统计]
                                          where 年=@年度@  GROUP BY 月 order by 月";
            SQL = SQL.Replace("@年度@", year);
            DAL dal = new DAL();
            DataTable dt = dal.RunSqlDataTable(SQL);
            if (dt == null)
                retext = retext.Replace(":true", ":false");

                return retext;
            double[] ds = new double[12];//存储 三站点每月合计销售
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                ds[i] = double.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["耗电量"].ToString());

            站点数据类型 zd = new 站点数据类型(0);
            SQL = @"SELECT sum(([电量总峰]+[电量总平]+[电量总谷])*[电系数]) as 耗电量
                                          FROM [CNGQT].[dbo].[CW_月度统计]
                                          where 年=@年度@  and 站点=@站点@ GROUP BY 月 order by 月";

            SQL = SQL.Replace("@年度@", year);
            string zdSQL = SQL.Replace("@站点@", "2");
            dt = dal.RunSqlDataTable(zdSQL);
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                zd.南高[i] = double.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["耗电量"].ToString());
            zdSQL = SQL.Replace("@站点@", "3");
            dt = dal.RunSqlDataTable(zdSQL);
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                zd.西路[i] = double.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["耗电量"].ToString());
            zdSQL = SQL.Replace("@站点@", "4");
            dt = dal.RunSqlDataTable(zdSQL);
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                zd.麻柳沱[i] = double.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["耗电量"].ToString());
            SQL = @"SELECT sum(([电量总峰]+[电量总平]+[电量总谷])*[电系数]) as 耗电量
                                          FROM [CNGQT].[dbo].[CW_月度统计]
                                          where 年=@年度@ ";
            SQL = SQL.Replace("@年度@", year);
            string yearSum = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);

            string dsJson = Json.Json_转换到json<double[]>(ds);
            string zdJson = Json.Json_转换到json<站点数据类型>(zd);
            retext = retext.Replace("@替换对象1@", dsJson);
            retext = retext.Replace("@替换对象2@", zdJson);
            retext = retext.Replace("@替换对象3@", yearSum);
            return retext;
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询 调拨单 明细 或 汇总,返回 json row数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string HZ_mx_db(int row, int page, DateTime date1, DateTime date2, bool ISmx, string ckck, string rkck)
            string SQL = "", SQLsum = "", footdx = "", rowdx = "[]";
            if (ISmx)
                SQL = @"SELECT  CONVERT(varchar(10), b.[制单日期], 120) as 日期
                                          ,b.[出仓库] as 出库仓库
                                          ,b.[进仓库] as 入库仓库
                                      FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库明细] a left join [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库单据] b on a.[单号]=b.[单号]
                                    where b.[单据类型]='物资调拨' and b.[进仓库]=@入库仓库名 and b.[出仓库]=@出库仓库名 and b.[制单日期] between @起始时间 and @结束时间 order by a.[单号] ";
                SQLsum = @"SELECT SUM(a.[小计]) as 合计 FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库明细] a left join [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库单据] b on a.[单号]=b.[单号]
                                    where b.[单据类型]='物资调拨' and b.[进仓库]=@入库仓库名 and b.[出仓库]=@出库仓库名 and b.[制单日期] between @起始时间 and @结束时间 ";
                footdx = "[{{ \"物品名称\":\"合计金额:\",\"规格\":{0:f} }}]";
                SQL = @"SELECT a.[物品名称],a.[规格]
                                              ,sum(a.[数量]) as 累计数量
                                              ,sum(a.[小计]) as 小计
                                         FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库明细] a left join [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库单据] b on a.[单号]=b.[单号]
                                    where b.[单据类型]='物资调拨' and b.[进仓库]=@入库仓库名 and b.[出仓库]=@出库仓库名 and b.[制单日期] between @起始时间 and @结束时间
                                        GROUP BY a.物品名称,a.规格,a.单位 ORDER BY a.物品名称,a.规格";
                SQLsum = @"SELECT SUM(a.[小计]) FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库明细] a left join [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库单据] b on a.[单号]=b.[单号]
                                    where b.[单据类型]='物资调拨' and b.[进仓库]=@入库仓库名 and b.[出仓库]=@出库仓库名 and b.[制单日期] between @起始时间 and @结束时间 ";
                footdx = "[{{ \"累计数量\":\"合计金额:\",\"小计\":{0:f} }}]";


            DAL dal = new DAL();
            SqlParameter par1 = new SqlParameter("@入库仓库名", rkck.Trim());
            SqlParameter par2 = new SqlParameter("@出库仓库名", ckck.Trim());
            SqlParameter par3 = new SqlParameter("@起始时间", date1);
            SqlParameter par4 = new SqlParameter("@结束时间", date2);

            double mxSum = 0;
            DataTable dt = dal.RunSqlDataTable(SQL, new SqlParameter[] { par1, par2, par3, par4 });
            string rowtext = "{\"total\":" + dt.Rows.Count.ToString() + ",\"rows\":@行数据对象@,\"footer\":@脚对象@}";
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                mxSum = double.Parse(dal.RunSqlGetID(SQLsum, new SqlParameter[] { par1, par2, par3, par4 }));
                rowdx = Json.TableToJson(BLL.tools.GetPagedTable(dt, page, row));// 行对象

            footdx = string.Format(footdx, mxSum); //脚对象
            rowtext = rowtext.Replace("@行数据对象@", rowdx);
            rowtext = rowtext.Replace("@脚对象@", footdx);
            return rowtext;
Exemple #23
        private string Chart_站点年度电量(string year, string zd)
            string retext = "{ \"ok\":true,\"msg\":\"\",\"sc1\":@替换对象1@,\"sc2\":@替换对象2@,\"sum\":@替换对象3@  }";

            string SQL = @"SELECT sum(([电量总峰]+[电量总平]+[电量总谷])*[电系数]) as 耗电量
                                              CASE  sum([生产气量]) when 0 then 0
                                              else round(sum(([电量总峰]+[电量总平]+[电量总谷])*[电系数]) /sum([生产气量]),3)  end
                                          FROM [CNGQT].[dbo].[CW_月度统计]
                                          where 年=@年度@ and 站点=@站点@  GROUP BY 月 order by 月";
            SQL = SQL.Replace("@年度@", year);
            SQL = SQL.Replace("@站点@", zd);

            DAL dal = new DAL();
            DataTable dt = dal.RunSqlDataTable(SQL);
            if (dt == null)
                retext = retext.Replace(":true", ":false");

                return retext;
            double[] sc1 = new double[12];//耗电量
            double[] sc2 = new double[12];//单位电耗
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                sc1[i] = double.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["耗电量"].ToString());
                sc2[i] = double.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["单位电耗"].ToString());
            SQL = "SELECT sum(([电量总峰]+[电量总平]+[电量总谷])*[电系数]) as 耗电量 FROM [CNGQT].[dbo].[CW_月度统计] where 年=@年度@ and 站点=@站点@";
            SQL = SQL.Replace("@年度@", year);
            SQL = SQL.Replace("@站点@", zd);
            string yearSum = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);

            string sc1Json = Json.Json_转换到json<double[]>(sc1);
            string sc2Json = Json.Json_转换到json<double[]>(sc2);
            retext = retext.Replace("@替换对象1@", sc1Json);
            retext = retext.Replace("@替换对象2@", sc2Json);
            retext = retext.Replace("@替换对象3@", yearSum);

            return retext;
Exemple #24
 //通过 日期 找入库单数据
 public void CK_date(HttpContext context)
     string retext = "{\"err\":{\"ISok\":true,\"msg\":\"未找到入库单数据!\"},\"data\":订单数据对象,\"minxi\":明细对象}";
     string date = context.Request["date"];
     string cksx = context.Request["cksx"];//仓库缩写
     string SQL = "SELECT TOP 1 [单号] FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库单据] where 进出='出库' and 单据类型 ='物资出库' and 单号 like 'LL" + cksx + "%' and 制单日期>='" + date + "' ORDER BY 单号";
     DAL dal = new DAL();
     string code = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);
     if (code == null)
         retext = "{\"err\":{\"ISok\":false,\"msg\":\"未找到单据数据!\"},\"data\":[],\"minxi\":{\"total\":0,\"rows\":[] }}";
     retext = CK_json(code);
Exemple #25
 /// <summary>
 /// 通过用户ID 查询相片ID
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 public void Img_getID(HttpContext context)
     string ID = context.Request["ID"];//用户ID
     string SQL = "SELECT isnull([相片ID],'0') as 相片ID FROM [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_人员_基本信息] where ID=" + ID;
     DAL dal = new DAL();
     string tpID = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);
     if (tpID == null)
         tpID = "0";
Exemple #26
 /// <summary>
 /// 最后一笔出库单
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 public void CK_max(HttpContext context)
     string retext = "";
     string code = context.Request["code"];
     string cksx = context.Request["cksx"];//仓库缩写
     string SQL = "SELECT top 1 [单号]  FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库单据]  where 进出='出库' and 单据类型 ='物资出库' and 单号 like 'LL" + cksx + "%' order by 单号 desc";
     DAL dal = new DAL();
     string max = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);
     if (code == max)
         retext = "{\"err\":{\"ISok\":false,\"msg\":\"已经是最后一笔单据!\"},\"data\":[],\"minxi\":{\"total\":0,\"rows\":[] }}";
     retext = CK_json(max);
Exemple #27
 /// <summary>
 /// 取站点积分公告
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 public void JF_GG_get(HttpContext context)
     string zd = context.Request["zd"];
     string SQL = "SELECT [积分公告] FROM [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_站点] where ID=" + zd;
     DAL dal = new DAL();
     string txt = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);
     if (txt == null)
         txt = "读取公告失败";
Exemple #28
 /// <summary>
 /// 第一笔定购单
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 public void DB_min(HttpContext context)
     string retext = "";
     string code = context.Request["code"];
     string SQL = "SELECT top 1 [单号]  FROM [CNGCL].[dbo].[CL_仓库单据] where 进出='调拨' and 单据类型 ='物资调拨' order by 单号";
     DAL dal = new DAL();
     string min = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);
     if (code == min)
         retext = "{\"err\":{\"ISok\":false,\"msg\":\"已经是第一笔单据!\"},\"data\":[],\"minxi\":{\"total\":0,\"rows\":[] }}";
     retext = DB_json(min);
Exemple #29
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
            context.Response.Charset = "utf-8";

            HttpPostedFile file = context.Request.Files["Filedata"];//文件 对象
            string name = context.Request["name"];//上传用户
            string title = context.Request["title"];//分类
            string path = context.Request["path"];//文件路径
            if (path == null) { path = ""; }
            string fuPaht = "";
            string Suser = "";
            switch (title)
                case "公司文件": fuPaht = "E:\\CNGfile\\公司文件" + path; break;
                case "车用燃气事业部文档": fuPaht = "E:\\CNGfile\\车用燃气事业部" + path; break;
                case "用户个人文档": fuPaht = "E:\\CNGfile\\个人文档\\" + name + "\\" + path; Suser = name; break;
            DAL dal = new DAL();
            if (file != null)
                if (!Directory.Exists(fuPaht))
                file.SaveAs(fuPaht + "\\" + file.FileName);

                FileItem fi = FileManager.GetItemInfo(fuPaht + "\\" + file.FileName);

                if (fi.Name.Length > 0)//判断创建文件是否完成

                    string SQL = "SELECT [ID] FROM [WebApp].[dbo].[FI_公司文件] where	路径='" + fi.FullName + "'";
                    string ID = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL);
                    if (ID != null)
                        dal.RunSql("DELETE FROM [WebApp].[dbo].[FI_公司文件] WHERE ID=" + ID);

                    SQL = "INSERT INTO [WebApp].[dbo].[FI_公司文件]([名称],[路径],[修改日期],[文件大小],[上传用户],[目录],[所属用户],[分类])VALUES(@名称,@路径,@修改日期,@文件大小,@上传用户,@目录,@所属用户,@分类)";
                    SqlParameter par1 = new SqlParameter("@名称", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200);
                    par1.Value = fi.Name;
                    SqlParameter par2 = new SqlParameter("@路径", SqlDbType.VarChar, 800);
                    par2.Value = fi.FullName;
                    SqlParameter par3 = new SqlParameter("@修改日期", fi.LastWriteDate);
                    SqlParameter par4 = new SqlParameter("@文件大小", fi.Size);
                    SqlParameter par5 = new SqlParameter("@上传用户", name);
                    SqlParameter par6 = new SqlParameter("@目录", path);
                    SqlParameter par7 = new SqlParameter("@所属用户", name);
                    SqlParameter par8 = new SqlParameter("@分类", title);

                    dal.RunSql(SQL, new SqlParameter[] { par1, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, par7, par8 });
                    Sys.addSteps(name, "上传:[" + fi.Name + "]", "文档操作");

Exemple #30
        /// <summary>
        /// 签到时间生成
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">结束日期</param>
        /// <param name="dd">处理天数</param>
        /// <param name="wc">指纹刷机误差小时</param>
        /// <param name="cdwc">迟到误差分钟</param>
        /// <param name="ztwc">早退误差分钟</param> 
        public void KQ_签到处理(DateTime dt, int dd, int wc, int cdwc, int ztwc)
            //dt = DateTime.Parse(dt.ToShortDateString());
            DateTime 起始时间 = dt.AddDays(0 - dd);

            string SQL = "SELECT  [ID],[姓名],[上班时间],[下班时间] FROM [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_人员_考勤表] where 上班签到 IS NULL and 日期 between @起始 and @结束";
            SqlParameter par1 = new SqlParameter("起始", 起始时间);
            SqlParameter par2 = new SqlParameter("结束", dt);
            //Sys.DebugMes(起始时间.ToString() + "   " + dt.ToString());

            DAL dal = new DAL();

            DataTable renName = dal.RunSqlDataTable(SQL, new SqlParameter[] { par1, par2 });//取得人员列表

            foreach (DataRow row in renName.Rows)
                DateTime t = DateTime.Parse(row["上班时间"].ToString());
                SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("起始", t.AddHours(0 - wc));
                SqlParameter p2 = new SqlParameter("结束", t.AddHours(wc));
                SqlParameter p3 = new SqlParameter("姓名", row["姓名"].ToString());
                if (row["姓名"].ToString() == "陈兴华")

                SQL = "SELECT top 1 [刷机时间] FROM [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_人员_考勤_刷机时间] where 姓名=@姓名 AND 刷机时间 BETWEEN @起始 AND @结束 ORDER BY 刷机时间";
                string qdsj = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL, new SqlParameter[] { p1, p2, p3 });//找到最早指纹签到时间
                if (qdsj == null)
                    continue;//如果没有找到签到时间 就到下一条记录
                int cd = 0;//判断是否迟到
                DateTime tt = DateTime.Parse(qdsj);//签到时间
                TimeSpan temp = tt.Subtract(t);
                cd = temp.Minutes;//迟到分钟

                cd = (cd > cdwc) ? 1 : 0;

                SQL = "UPDATE [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_人员_考勤表] SET [上班签到] = @签到时间,[实到] =[实到]+ 1,[迟到]= " + cd.ToString() + " WHERE ID =@ID";
                SqlParameter p4 = new SqlParameter("ID", int.Parse(row["ID"].ToString()));
                SqlParameter p5 = new SqlParameter("签到时间", DateTime.Parse(qdsj));
                dal.RunSql(SQL, new SqlParameter[] { p4, p5 });//更新签到时间列表

            SQL = "SELECT  [ID],[姓名],[上班时间],[下班时间] FROM [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_人员_考勤表] where 下班签退 IS NULL and 日期 between @起始 and @结束";
            par1 = new SqlParameter("起始", 起始时间);
            par2 = new SqlParameter("结束", dt);

            renName = dal.RunSqlDataTable(SQL, new SqlParameter[] { par1, par2 });//取得人员列表

            foreach (DataRow row in renName.Rows)
                DateTime t = DateTime.Parse(row["下班时间"].ToString());
                SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("起始", t.AddHours(0 - wc));
                SqlParameter p2 = new SqlParameter("结束", t.AddHours(wc));
                SqlParameter p3 = new SqlParameter("姓名", row["姓名"].ToString());
                SQL = "SELECT top 1 [刷机时间] FROM [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_人员_考勤_刷机时间] where 姓名=@姓名 AND 刷机时间 BETWEEN @起始 AND @结束 ORDER BY 刷机时间 desc";
                string qdsj = dal.RunSqlGetID(SQL, new SqlParameter[] { p1, p2, p3 });//找到最后下班指纹签到时间
                if (qdsj == null)
                    continue;//如果没有找到签到时间 就到下一条记录
                int zt = 0;//判断是否早退
                DateTime tt = DateTime.Parse(qdsj);
                TimeSpan temp = t.Subtract(tt);
                zt = temp.Minutes;

                zt = (zt > ztwc) ? 1 : 0;
                SQL = "UPDATE [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_人员_考勤表] SET [下班签退] = @签到时间,[实到] =[实到]+ 1,[早退]= " + zt.ToString() + " WHERE ID =@ID";
                SqlParameter p4 = new SqlParameter("ID", int.Parse(row["ID"].ToString()));
                SqlParameter p5 = new SqlParameter("签到时间", DateTime.Parse(qdsj));
                dal.RunSql(SQL, new SqlParameter[] { p4, p5 });//更新签到时间列表
            SQL = "INSERT INTO [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TZ_人员_考勤处理时间]([时间]) VALUES ('" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "')";

            if (this.SJ_指纹处理 != null)
                Even_指纹系统处理 e = new Even_指纹系统处理();
                e.mesg = "处理考勤签到【" + 起始时间.ToShortDateString() + " 至 " + dt.ToShortDateString() + "】到完成!";
                this.SJ_指纹处理(this, e);