private void BindPlay(int LotteryID)
        string    CacheKey    = "Join_Project_List_dtVPlayTypes_" + LotteryID.ToString();
        DataTable dtPlayTypes = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(CacheKey);

        if (dtPlayTypes == null)
            dtPlayTypes = new DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes().Open("ID, Name", "LotteryID =" + LotteryID.ToString() + " AND ID in " + GetLotteryPlayType(LotteryID), "ID");

            if (dtPlayTypes == null)
                PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.NoData, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.GetType().FullName);
            //  Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(CacheKey, dtPlayTypes, 6000);

        PlayType = "";
        if (LotteryID == SLS.Lottery.CQSSC.ID)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        for (int j = 0; j < dtPlayTypes.Rows.Count; j++)
            sb.Append("<li mid=\"" + dtPlayTypes.Rows[j]["ID"].ToString() + "\">" + dtPlayTypes.Rows[j]["Name"].ToString() + "</li>");
        PlayType = sb.ToString().Replace("包点", "和值");
Exemple #2
    protected void g_ItemCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
        if (e.CommandName == "btnOK")
            int ID        = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(e.Item.Cells[5].Text, -1);
            int LotteryID = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(e.Item.Cells[6].Text, -1);

            int SystemEndAheadMinute    = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[2].FindControl("tbSystemEndAheadMinute")).Text, -1);
            int ChaseExecuteDeferMinute = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[3].FindControl("tbChaseExecuteDeferMinute")).Text, -1);

            if (SystemEndAheadMinute < 2)
                Shove._Web.JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "提前截止分钟数最少必须 2 分钟,否则系统执行可能会因时间过短而不能及时处理,导致数据错误!");


            string MaxChaseIsuse = e.Item.Cells[7].Text.Replace("&nbsp;", "").Trim();

            if (MaxChaseIsuse != "")
                if (ChaseExecuteDeferMinute < 1)
                    Shove._Web.JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "追号任务自动执行必须在开始时间后最少 1 分钟!");


            DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes T_PlayTypes = new DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes();

            T_PlayTypes.SystemEndAheadMinute.Value = SystemEndAheadMinute;

            if (T_PlayTypes.Update("[ID] = " + ID.ToString()) < 0)
                PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", "Admin_LotteryTimeSet");


            if (MaxChaseIsuse != "")
                if (MSSQL.ExecuteNonQuery("update T_Lotteries set ChaseExecuteDeferMinute = " + ChaseExecuteDeferMinute.ToString() + " where [ID] = " + LotteryID.ToString()) < 0)
                    PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", "Admin_LotteryTimeSet");



            Shove._Web.JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "保存成功。");

    /// <summary>
    /// 获得玩法
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_playTypeId">玩法ID</param>
    /// <returns>玩法Name</returns>
    protected string GetPlayType(object _playTypeId)
        int playTypeId = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(_playTypeId.ToString(), 0);

        if (playTypeId < 1)
            DataTable dt = new DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes().Open("Name", "id = " + playTypeId, "");
    protected void ddlLotteries_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (ddlLotteries.SelectedValue == "-1")
            ddlPlayTypes.Items.Add(new ListItem("全部玩法", "-1"));


        //玩法信息缓存 6000 秒
        string    CacheKey    = "dtPlayTypes_" + ddlLotteries.SelectedValue;
        DataTable dtPlayTypes = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(CacheKey);

        if (dtPlayTypes == null)
            dtPlayTypes = new DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes().Open("", "LotteryID in (" + (_Site.UseLotteryList == "" ? "-1" : _Site.UseLotteryList) + ") and LotteryID = " + Shove._Convert.StrToInt(ddlLotteries.SelectedValue, -1).ToString(), "[ID]");

            if (dtPlayTypes == null || dtPlayTypes.Rows.Count < 1)
                PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.NoData, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.GetType().FullName + "(-85)");


            Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(CacheKey, dtPlayTypes, 6000);

        if (dtPlayTypes == null)
            PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.GetType().BaseType.FullName + "(-95)");


        ddlPlayTypes.Items.Add(new ListItem("全部玩法", "-1"));

        foreach (DataRow dr in dtPlayTypes.Rows)
            ddlPlayTypes.Items.Add(new ListItem(dr["Name"].ToString(), dr["ID"].ToString()));

        if (ddlPlayTypes.Items.FindByValue(HidPlayTypeID.Value) != null)
            ddlPlayTypes.SelectedValue = HidPlayTypeID.Value;
Exemple #5
    private void BindDataForPlayTypes(int LotteryID)
        //玩法信息缓存 6000 秒
        string    CacheKey    = "dtPlayTypes_" + LotteryID.ToString();
        DataTable dtPlayTypes = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(CacheKey);

        if (dtPlayTypes == null)
            dtPlayTypes = new DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes().Open("", "LotteryID in (" + (_Site.UseLotteryList == "" ? "-1" : _Site.UseLotteryList) + ") and LotteryID = " + LotteryID.ToString(), "[ID]");

            if (dtPlayTypes == null || dtPlayTypes.Rows.Count < 1)
                PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.NoData, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.GetType().FullName);


            Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(CacheKey, dtPlayTypes, 6000);

        ddlPlayTypes.Items.Add(new ListItem("全部玩法", "0"));

        foreach (DataRow dr in dtPlayTypes.Rows)
            ListItem li = new ListItem(dr["Name"].ToString(), dr["ID"].ToString());


        int PlayTypeID = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(Shove._Web.Utility.GetRequest("PlayTypeID"), 0);

        if (ddlPlayTypes.Items.Count > 0)
            if (ddlPlayTypes.Items.FindByValue(PlayTypeID.ToString()) != null)
                ddlPlayTypes.SelectedValue = PlayTypeID.ToString();

            HidPlayType.Value = ddlPlayTypes.SelectedValue;

            BindDataForWinDetail(int.Parse(HidLotteryID.Value), int.Parse(HidIsuseID.Value));
Exemple #6
    /// <summary>
    /// 得到截止时间
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="date"></param>
    /// <param name="id"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string GetStopSelltime(string date)
        double time = 0;

        DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes play = new DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes();
        DataTable table             = play.Open("SystemEndAheadMinute", "id=7201", "");

        if (table == null)

        if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
            time = double.Parse(table.Rows[0]["SystemEndAheadMinute"].ToString());
            date = Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(date, DateTime.Now.ToString()).AddMinutes(-time).ToString("yy-MM-dd HH:mm");

Exemple #7
    private void createHTML(DataTable dt, ref string strHTML, ref int jzCount, ref string strlgList)
        jzCount   = 0;
        strHTML   = "";
        strlgList = "<ul id=\"lgList\">";

        int RqCount   = 0;
        int NoRqCount = 0;

        DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes play = new DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes();

        System.Data.DataTable table = play.Open("SystemEndAheadMinute", "id=7201", "");

        if (table == null)

        double time = 0;

        if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
            time = double.Parse(table.Rows[0]["SystemEndAheadMinute"].ToString());

        if (dt.Rows != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            StringBuilder sb          = new StringBuilder(); //构造HTML
            int           i           = 0;                   //未截止的赛事计数器
            int           m           = 0;                   //赛事计数器
            DateTime      startDate   = DateTime.Now;        //开始时间(分组的开始时间)
            DateTime      endDate     = DateTime.Now;        //结束时间(分组的结束时间)
            DateTime      date        = DateTime.Now;        //赛事开始时间
            DateTime      saleEndDate = DateTime.Now;        //销售截止时间
            string        lineStyle   = "";                  //行样式
            string        Day         = "";
            string        OldDay      = "";

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    date        = Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(dr["StopSellTime"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString());
                    saleEndDate = Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(dr["StopSellTime"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString());
                    Day         = dr["Day"].ToString();

                    if (!OldDay.Equals(Day))
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OldDay))

                        sb.AppendLine("<tr class=\"form_tr5\">")
                        .AppendLine("<td colspan=\"16\" height=\"24\"><a style=\"color: rgb(102, 0, 0); cursor: pointer;\" onclick=\"opendate('" + Day.Insert(6, "-").Insert(4, "-") + "')\"><span class=\"bold\">" + Day.Insert(6, "-").Insert(4, "-") + getWeekDayName(Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(Day.Insert(6, "-").Insert(4, "-"), DateTime.Now.ToString()).DayOfWeek) + "</span><span id=\"img_" + Day.Insert(6, "-").Insert(4, "-") + "\" alt=\"点击隐藏\" class=\"s_hidden\">点击隐藏 </span></td>")
                        .AppendLine("</tr><tbody id=\"d_" + Day.Insert(6, "-").Insert(4, "-") + "\">");

                    OldDay = Day;

                    lineStyle = m % 2 == 0 ? "form_tr4" : "form_tr4_2";

                    sb.Append("<tr class='" + lineStyle + "' zid=\"" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" mid=\"" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" pdate=\"" + OldDay.Insert(6, "-").Insert(4, "-") + "\" pname=\"" + (((int)startDate.DayOfWeek) == 0 ? 7 : ((int)startDate.DayOfWeek)).ToString() + dr["MatchNumber"].ToString().Substring(dr["MatchNumber"].ToString().Length - 3) + "\" lg=\"" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "\" rq=\"" + dr["mainloseball"].ToString() + "\" win=\"" + dr["Win"].ToString() + "\" draw=\"" + dr["Flat"].ToString() + "\" lost=\"" + dr["Lose"].ToString() + "\">")
                    .AppendLine("<td><input name=\"m" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" checked=\"checked\"/>" + dr["MatchNumber"].ToString() + "</td>")
                    .Append("<td class=\"team1\" bgcolor=\"" + dr["GameColor"].ToString() + "\"><font color=\"#ffffff\">" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "</font></a></td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td>" + saleEndDate.AddMinutes(time * -1).ToString("HH:mm") + "</td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td>" + dr["MainTeam"].ToString() + "</td>");

                    if (dr["mainloseball"].ToString().IndexOf("-") >= 0)
                        sb.AppendLine("<td class=\"green\">");
                    else if (Shove._Convert.StrToInt(dr["mainloseball"].ToString(), 0) > 0)
                        sb.AppendLine("<td class=\"red\">");
                    // 判断让球  正负
                    int mainloseball = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(dr["mainloseball"].ToString(), -100);

                    if (mainloseball == -100)
                        sb.AppendLine(dr["mainloseball"].ToString() + "</b></td>");
                        if (mainloseball > 0)
                            sb.AppendLine("+" + dr["mainloseball"].ToString() + "</b></td>");
                            sb.AppendLine(dr["mainloseball"].ToString() + "</b></td>");
                    sb.AppendLine("<td>" + dr["GuestTeam"].ToString() + "</td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td class=\"odds\">" + Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["EuropeSSP"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") + "</td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td class=\"odds\">" + Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["EuropePSP"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") + "</td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td class=\"odds\">" + Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["EuropeFSP"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") + "</td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td>析 亚 欧</td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td class=\"sp_bg\" align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\">&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"3\" /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["Win"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["Win"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td class=\"sp_bg\" align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\">&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["Flat"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["Flat"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td class=\"sp_bg\" align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\">&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"0\" /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["Lose"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["Lose"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td style=\"cursor:pointer\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ck" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" /></td>")

                    if (strlgList.IndexOf(dr["Game"].ToString()) < 0)
                        strlgList += "<li><input id=\"lg" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "\" m=\"" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "\" type=\"checkbox\" checked=\"checked\"><label for=\"lg" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "\">" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "</label></li>";

                    if (Shove._Convert.StrToInt(dr["mainloseball"].ToString(), 0) == 0)
                        NoRqCount += 1;
                        RqCount += 1;

            catch (Exception ex)
                new Log("TWZT").Write(this.GetType() + ex.Message);

                strHTML = "";

            lbShowRq.Text = "让球(" + RqCount.ToString() + "场)";

            lbShowRoRaq.Text = "非让球(" + NoRqCount.ToString() + "场)";

            strlgList += "</ul>";
            strHTML = sb.ToString();
            //noMatch.Value = i.ToString();
Exemple #8
    private void createHTML(DataTable dt, ref string strHTML, ref int jzCount, ref string strlgList)
        jzCount   = 0;
        strHTML   = "";
        strlgList = "<ul id=\"lgList\">";

        DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes play = new DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes();

        System.Data.DataTable table = play.Open("SystemEndAheadMinute", "id=7302", "");

        if (table == null)

        double time = 0;

        if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
            time = double.Parse(table.Rows[0]["SystemEndAheadMinute"].ToString());

        if (dt.Rows != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            StringBuilder sb          = new StringBuilder(); //构造HTML
            int           i           = 0;                   //未截止的赛事计数器
            int           m           = 0;                   //赛事计数器
            DateTime      startDate   = DateTime.Now;        //开始时间(分组的开始时间)
            DateTime      endDate     = DateTime.Now;        //结束时间(分组的结束时间)
            DateTime      date        = DateTime.Now;        //赛事开始时间
            DateTime      saleEndDate = DateTime.Now;        //销售截止时间
            string        lineStyle   = "";                  //行样式

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    date        = Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(dr["StopSellTime"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString());
                    saleEndDate = Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(dr["StopSellTime"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString());

                    if (m == 0)
                        if (string.Compare(date.ToString("HH:mm"), "12:00") >= 0)
                            startDate = Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 12:00:00", DateTime.Now.ToString());
                            endDate   = Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(date.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 12:00:00", DateTime.Now.ToString());
                            startDate = Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(date.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 12:00:00", DateTime.Now.ToString());
                            endDate   = Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 12:00:00", DateTime.Now.ToString());

                        sb.AppendLine("<tr class=\"form_tr5\">")
                        .AppendLine("<td colspan=\"14\" height=\"24\"><a style=\"color: rgb(102, 0, 0); cursor: pointer;\" onclick=\"opendate('" + startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "')\"><span class=\"bold\">" + startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + getWeekDayName(startDate.DayOfWeek) + "</span><span id=\"img_" + startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "\" alt=\"点击隐藏\" class=\"s_hidden\">点击隐藏 </span></td>")
                        .AppendLine("</tr><tbody id=\"d_" + startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "\">");
                    else if (date > endDate)
                        startDate = startDate.AddDays((date - endDate).Days + 1);
                        endDate   = endDate.AddDays((date - endDate).Days + 1);

                        sb.AppendLine("</tbody><tr class=\"form_tr5\">")
                        .AppendLine("<td colspan=\"14\" height=\"24\"><a style=\"color: rgb(102, 0, 0); cursor: pointer;\" onclick=\"opendate('" + startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "')\"><span class=\"bold\">" + startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + getWeekDayName(startDate.DayOfWeek) + "</span><span id=\"img_" + startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "\" alt=\"点击隐藏\" class=\"s_hidden\">点击隐藏 </span></td>")
                        .AppendLine("</tr><tbody id=\"d_" + startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "\">");

                    lineStyle = m % 2 == 0 ? "form_tr4" : "form_tr4_2";

                    sb.Append("<tr class='" + lineStyle + "' zid=\"" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" mid=\"" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" pdate=\"" + saleEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "\"  lg=\"" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "\" win=\"" + dr["letmainwin"].ToString() + "\" lost=\"" + dr["letmainlose"].ToString() + "\">")
                    .AppendLine("<td id=\"pltr_" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\"><input name=\"m" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" checked=\"checked\"/>" + dr["MatchNumber"].ToString() + "</td>")
                    .Append("<td class=\"team1\" bgcolor=\"#FF0000\"><font color=\"#ffffff\">" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "</font></td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td>" + saleEndDate.AddMinutes(time * -1).ToString("HH:mm") + "</td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td>" + dr["GuestTeam"].ToString() + "</td>");

                    if (dr["letscore"].ToString().IndexOf("-") >= 0)
                        sb.AppendLine("<td style=\"color:#090\"><span class=\"sp_down\"><strong>" + dr["letscore"].ToString() + "</strong></span></td>");
                        int mainloseball = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(dr["letscore"].ToString(), -100);

                        if (mainloseball == -100)
                            sb.AppendLine("<td style=\"color:#F00\"><span class=\"sp_up\"><strong>" + dr["letscore"].ToString() + "</strong></span></td>");
                            if (mainloseball > 0)
                                sb.AppendLine("<td style=\"color:#F00\"><span class=\"sp_up\"><strong>" + dr["letscore"].ToString() + "</strong></span></td>");
                                sb.AppendLine("<td style=\"color:#F00\"><span class=\"sp_up\"><strong>" + dr["letscore"].ToString() + "</strong></span></td>");

                    sb.AppendLine("<td>" + dr["MainTeam"].ToString() + "</td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td class=\"sp_bg\" align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\">&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" /><span>" + Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["letmainlose"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") + "</span></td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td class=\"sp_bg\" align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\">&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"2\" /><span>" + Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["letmainwin"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") + "</span></td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td style=\"cursor:pointer\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ck" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" /></td>")

                    if (strlgList.IndexOf(dr["Game"].ToString()) < 0)
                        strlgList += "<li><input id=\"lg" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "\" m=\"" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "\" type=\"checkbox\" checked=\"checked\"><label for=\"lg" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "\">" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "</label></li>";

            catch (Exception ex)
                new Log("TWZT").Write(this.GetType() + ex.Message);

                strHTML = "";

            strlgList += "</ul>";
            strHTML = sb.ToString();
Exemple #9
    public string GetScriptResTable(string val)
            val = val.Trim();

            int Istart, Ilen;

            GetStrScope(val, "[", "]", out Istart, out Ilen);

            string matchlist = val.Substring(Istart + 1, Ilen - 1);

            string type = val.Split(';')[0];

            if (type.Substring(0, 2) != "72" && type.Substring(0, 2) != "73")

            string Matchids     = "";
            string MatchListDan = "";

            if (val.Split(';').Length == 4)
                MatchListDan = matchlist.Split(']')[0];

                foreach (string match in MatchListDan.Split('|'))
                    Matchids += match.Split('(')[0] + ",";

            foreach (string match in matchlist.Split('|'))
                Matchids += match.Split('(')[0] + ",";

            if (Matchids.EndsWith(","))
                Matchids = Matchids.Substring(0, Matchids.Length - 1);

            DataTable table = null;

            if (type.Substring(0, 2) == "72")
                table = new DAL.Tables.T_Match().Open("StopSellingTime", "id in (" + Matchids + ")", " StopSellingTime ");
                table = new DAL.Tables.T_MatchBasket().Open("StopSellingTime", "id in (" + Matchids + ")", " StopSellingTime");

            if (table.Rows.Count < 1)

            DataTable dtPlayType = new DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes().Open("SystemEndAheadMinute", "ID=" + type.Substring(0, 4), "");

            if (dtPlayType == null)

            if (dtPlayType.Rows.Count < 1)

            return(Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(table.Rows[0]["StopSellingTime"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString()).AddMinutes(Shove._Convert.StrToInt(dtPlayType.Rows[0]["SystemEndAheadMinute"].ToString(), 0) * -1).ToString());
        catch {
Exemple #10
    public DataSet BettingWithin(long AgentID, DateTime TimeStamp, string Sign, int LotteryID, string IssueName, int PlayTypeID, string SchemeNumber, string LotteryNumber, double Amount, int Multiple, int Share, string InitiateName, string InitiateAlipayName, string InitiateAlipayID, string InitiateRealityName, string InitiateIDCard, string InitiateTelephone, string InitiateMobile, string InitiateEmail, double InitiateBonusScale, double InitiateBonusLimitLower, double InitiateBonusLimitUpper, string dtJoinDetailXml, string Op_Type)
        new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write(String.Format("Method=BettingWithin\tAgentID={0}\tTimeStamp={1}\tSign={2}\tLotteryID={3}\tIssueName={4}\tPlayTypeID={5}\tSchemeNumber={6}\tAmount={7}\tMultiple={8}\tShare={9}\tOp_Type={10}", AgentID, TimeStamp, Sign, LotteryID, IssueName, PlayTypeID, SchemeNumber, Amount, Multiple, Share, Op_Type));

        DataSet ds             = new DataSet();
        string  UseLotteryList = "";
        double  Balance        = 0;
        short   State          = 0;

        if (Op_Type != "0001")
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-101, "不是有效的内部参数调用", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("不是有效的内部参数调用");


        DataTable dtJoinDetail = Shove._Convert.XMLToDataTable(dtJoinDetailXml);

        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SchemeNumber) || (Amount <= 0) || (Multiple < 1) || (Share < 1) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(InitiateName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(InitiateAlipayName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(InitiateAlipayID) ||
            String.IsNullOrEmpty(InitiateRealityName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(InitiateIDCard) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(InitiateMobile) || (dtJoinDetail == null) || (dtJoinDetail.Rows.Count < 1))
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-22, "参数不符合规定或者未提供", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("参数不符合规定或者未提供");


        if (Valid(ref ds, ref UseLotteryList, ref Balance, ref State, AgentID, TimeStamp, Sign, LotteryID, IssueName, PlayTypeID, SchemeNumber, LotteryNumber, Amount, Multiple, Share, InitiateName, InitiateAlipayName, InitiateAlipayID, InitiateRealityName, InitiateIDCard, InitiateTelephone, InitiateMobile, InitiateEmail, InitiateBonusScale, InitiateBonusLimitLower, InitiateBonusLimitUpper, dtJoinDetailXml) < 0)

        if (State != 1)
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-1, "代理商ID错误", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("代理商ID错误");


        if (Balance <= 0)
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-7, "投注金额超限", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("投注金额超限");


        if (ValidLotteryID(ref ds, UseLotteryList, LotteryID) < 0)

        DataTable dt = new DAL.Tables.T_Isuses().Open("[ID], StartTime, EndTime, State", "LotteryID = " + LotteryID.ToString() + " and [Name] = '" + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(IssueName) + "'", "");

        if ((dt == null) || (dt.Rows.Count < 1))
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-4, "奖期不存在", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("奖期不存在");


        long     IsuseID    = Shove._Convert.StrToLong(dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(), -1);
        DateTime StartTime  = Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["StartTime"].ToString(), "1980-1-1 0:0:0");
        DateTime EndTime    = Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["EndTime"].ToString(), "1980-1-1 0:0:0");
        short    IsuseState = Shove._Convert.StrToShort(dt.Rows[0]["State"].ToString(), -1);

        if (IsuseID < 0)
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-4, "奖期不存在", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("奖期不存在");


        DateTime Now = DateTime.Now;

        if (Now < StartTime)
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-5, "奖期未开启", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("奖期未开启");


        if ((Now >= EndTime) || (IsuseState > 1))
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-6, "奖期已截止投注", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("奖期已截止投注" + "|" + Now.ToString() + "|" + IsuseState);


        DataTable dtPlayTypes = new DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes().Open("Price, MaxMultiple", "LotteryID = " + LotteryID.ToString() + " and [ID] = " + PlayTypeID.ToString(), "");

        if (dtPlayTypes == null)
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-9999, "未知错误", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("未知错误");


        if (dtPlayTypes.Rows.Count < 1)
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-21, "玩法ID不存在", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("玩法ID不存在");


        double Price       = Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dtPlayTypes.Rows[0]["Price"].ToString(), 2);
        int    MaxMultiple = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(dtPlayTypes.Rows[0]["MaxMultiple"].ToString(), 200);

        if ((PlayTypeID == 3903) || (PlayTypeID == 3904))
            Price = 3;

        if ((Multiple < 1) || (Multiple > MaxMultiple))
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-8, "倍数超限", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("倍数超限");


        if (new DAL.Tables.T_ElectronTicketAgentSchemes().GetCount("AgentID = " + AgentID.ToString() + " and SchemeNumber = '" + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(SchemeNumber) + "'") > 0)
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-15, "方案号重复", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("方案号重复");


        if ((InitiateBonusScale < 0) || (InitiateBonusScale > 1) || (InitiateBonusLimitLower < 0))
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-10, "佣金设置不符合要求", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("佣金设置不符合要求");


        int Num = 0;

        LotteryNumber = GetLotteryNumber(LotteryID, PlayTypeID, UnEncryptString(LotteryNumber), ref Num);

        if (Num == 0)
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-17, "投注号码格式错误", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("投注号码格式错误");


        if (Num * Multiple * Price != Amount)
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-9, "投注金额与票面金额不符", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("投注金额与票面金额不符");


        if ((Share > 1) && (dtJoinDetail.Rows.Count < 2))
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-11, "方案份数(金额)与购买明细份数(金额)不符合", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("方案份数(金额)与购买明细份数(金额)不符合");


        int    DetailShareCount  = 0;
        double DetailAmountCount = 0;
        string DetailXML         = "<Details>";
        int    i = 0;

        foreach (DataRow dr in dtJoinDetail.Rows)
            string DetailName        = "";
            string DetailAlipayName  = "";
            string DetailRealityName = "";
            string DetailIDCard      = "";
            string DetailTelephone   = "";
            string DetailMobile      = "";
            string DetailEmail       = "";
            int    DetailShare       = -1;
            double DetailAmount      = -1;

                DetailName        = dr["Name"].ToString();
                DetailAlipayName  = dr["AlipayName"].ToString();
                DetailRealityName = dr["RealityName"].ToString();
                DetailIDCard      = dr["IDCard"].ToString();
                DetailTelephone   = dr["Telephone"].ToString();
                DetailMobile      = dr["Mobile"].ToString();
                DetailEmail       = dr["Email"].ToString();
                DetailShare       = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(dr["Share"].ToString(), -1);
                DetailAmount      = Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["Amount"].ToString(), -1);
                BuildReturnDataSetForError(-23, "购买明细格式错误", ref ds);

                new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("购买明细格式错误");


            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(DetailName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(DetailAlipayName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(DetailRealityName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(DetailIDCard) ||
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(DetailTelephone) || (DetailShare < 1) || (DetailAmount < 0))
                BuildReturnDataSetForError(-23, "购买明细格式错误", ref ds);

                new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("购买明细格式错误");


            DetailShareCount  += DetailShare;
            DetailAmountCount += DetailAmount;

            DetailXML += String.Format("<Detail No=\"{0}\" Name=\"{1}\" AlipayName=\"{2}\" RealityName=\"{3}\" IDCard=\"{4}\" Telephone=\"{5}\" Mobile=\"{6}\" Email=\"{7}\" Share=\"{8}\" Amount=\"{9}\" />", i++, DetailName, DetailAlipayName, DetailRealityName, DetailIDCard, DetailTelephone, DetailMobile, DetailEmail, DetailShare, DetailAmount);

        DetailXML += "</Details>";

        if ((DetailShareCount != Share) || (DetailAmountCount != Amount))
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-11, "方案份数(金额)与购买明细份数(金额)不符合", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("方案份数(金额)与购买明细份数(金额)不符合");


        if (Balance < Amount)
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-7, "投注金额超限", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("投注金额超限");


        long   SchemeID          = 0;
        string ReturnDescription = "";

        if (DAL.Procedures.P_ElectronTicketAgentSchemeAdd(AgentID, SchemeNumber, LotteryID, PlayTypeID, IsuseID, LotteryNumber, Amount, Multiple, Share, InitiateName,
                                                          InitiateAlipayName, InitiateAlipayID, InitiateRealityName, InitiateIDCard, InitiateTelephone, InitiateMobile, InitiateEmail,
                                                          InitiateBonusScale, InitiateBonusLimitLower, InitiateBonusLimitUpper, DetailXML, ref SchemeID, ref ReturnDescription) < 0)
            BuildReturnDataSetForError(-9999, "未知错误", ref ds);

            new Log("Agent\\ElectronTicket").Write("未知错误");


        if (SchemeID < 0)
            BuildReturnDataSetForError((int)SchemeID, ReturnDescription, ref ds);


        BuildReturnDataSet(0, ref ds);
        ds.Tables.Add(new DataTable());

Exemple #11
        private void Betting()  // 解析,投注
            DAL.Tables.T_SmsBettings t_SmsBettings = new DAL.Tables.T_SmsBettings();
            DataTable dt = t_SmsBettings.Open(ConnectionString, "", "HandleResult = 0", "[ID]");

            if (dt == null)
                msg.Send("Read SMS fail.");
                log.Write("Read SMS fail.");


            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                string ID = dr["ID"].ToString();
                string Mobile = dr["From"].ToString().Trim();
                string Content = Shove._Convert.ToDBC(dr["Content"].ToString()).Trim();

                if ((Mobile == "") || (Content == ""))
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "短信格式错误(1000)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                string[] Contents = Content.Split(';');

                if ((Contents == null) || (Contents.Length != 6))
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "短信格式错误(1001)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                // 1;501;1;1;010203040506+01|010203040506+01;#2                          站点ID;玩法ID;总份数;认购份数;号码|号码;#倍数

                long SiteID = Shove._Convert.StrToLong(Contents[0], -1);

                if (SiteID < 0)
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "短信格式错误(1002)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                if (new DAL.Tables.T_Sites().GetCount(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + SiteID.ToString()) < 0)
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "短信格式错误(1003)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                #region 投注

                if (!Contents[5].StartsWith("#"))
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "短信格式错误(1004)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                int PlayTypeID = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(Contents[1], -1);
                int Share = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(Contents[2], -1);
                int BuyShare = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(Contents[3], -1);
                string LotteryNumber = Contents[4].Trim();
                int Multiple = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(Contents[5].Substring(1, Contents[5].Length - 1), -1);

                if ((PlayTypeID < 0) || (BuyShare < 0) || (Share < BuyShare) || (LotteryNumber == "") || (Multiple < 0))
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "短信格式错误(1005)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                // 根据手机获取用户
                DataTable dtUsers = new DAL.Tables.T_Users().Open(ConnectionString, "[ID], Balance", "SiteID = " + SiteID.ToString() + " and Mobile = '" + Mobile + "' and isMobileValided = 1", "");

                if ((dtUsers == null) || (dtUsers.Rows.Count != 1))
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "用户不存在(1006)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                long UserID = Shove._Convert.StrToLong(dtUsers.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(), -1);
                double Balance = Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dtUsers.Rows[0]["Balance"].ToString(), 0);

                if (UserID < 0)
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "用户不存在(1007)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                // 获取彩种、同时也校验了玩法
                DataTable dtLottery = new DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes().Open(ConnectionString, "LotteryID, Price, MaxMultiple", "[ID] = " + PlayTypeID.ToString(), "");

                if ((dtLottery == null) || (dtLottery.Rows.Count < 1))
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "短信格式错误(1008)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                int LotteryID = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(dtLottery.Rows[0]["LotteryID"].ToString(), -1);
                double Price = Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dtLottery.Rows[0]["Price"].ToString(), -1);
                int MaxMultiple = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(dtLottery.Rows[0]["MaxMultiple"].ToString(), -1);

                if ((LotteryID < 0) || (Price < 2) || (Multiple > MaxMultiple))
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "短信格式错误(10090)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                // 校验投注号码,计算注数、金额
                int Num = 0;
                LotteryNumber = GetLotteryNumber(LotteryID, PlayTypeID, LotteryNumber, ref Num);

                if (Num < 1)
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "投注号码错误(1010)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                double Money = Num * Price * Multiple;

                // 获取期号
                DataTable dtIsuse = new DAL.Tables.T_Isuses().Open(ConnectionString, "top 1 [ID]", "LotteryID = " + LotteryID.ToString() + " and GetDate() between StartTime and dbo.F_GetIsuseSystemEndTime([ID], " + PlayTypeID.ToString() + ") and IsOpened = 0", "");

                if ((dtIsuse == null) || (dtIsuse.Rows.Count < 1))
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "奖期未开启(1011)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                long IsuseID = Shove._Convert.StrToLong(dtIsuse.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(), -1);

                if (IsuseID < 0)
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "奖期未开启(1012)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                // 校验余额
                if (Balance < Money)
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "投注卡账户余额不足(1013)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                // 投注
                string ReturnDescription = "";
                long SchemeID = InitiateScheme(SiteID, UserID, IsuseID, PlayTypeID, "本方案由用户手动编写短信代码投注(系统)", "短信ID:" + ID + "\r\n短信内容:" + Content, LotteryNumber, "", Multiple, Money, 0, Share, BuyShare, "", 0, ref ReturnDescription);

                if (SchemeID < 0)
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = ReturnDescription + "(1015)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                t_SmsBettings.SchemeID.Value = SchemeID;
                t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value = 1;
                t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);

Exemple #12
        private void Betting()  // 解析,投注
            DAL.Tables.T_SmsBettings t_SmsBettings = new DAL.Tables.T_SmsBettings();
            DataTable dt = t_SmsBettings.Open(ConnectionString, "", "HandleResult = 0", "[ID]");

            if (dt == null)
                msg.Send("Read SMS fail.");
                log.Write("Read SMS fail.");


            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                string ID      = dr["ID"].ToString();
                string Mobile  = dr["From"].ToString().Trim();
                string Content = Shove._Convert.ToDBC(dr["Content"].ToString()).Trim();

                if ((Mobile == "") || (Content == ""))
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value      = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "短信格式错误(1000)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                string[] Contents = Content.Split(';');

                if ((Contents == null) || (Contents.Length != 6))
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value      = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "短信格式错误(1001)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                // 1;501;1;1;010203040506+01|010203040506+01;#2                          站点ID;玩法ID;总份数;认购份数;号码|号码;#倍数

                long SiteID = Shove._Convert.StrToLong(Contents[0], -1);

                if (SiteID < 0)
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value      = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "短信格式错误(1002)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                if (new DAL.Tables.T_Sites().GetCount(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + SiteID.ToString()) < 0)
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value      = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "短信格式错误(1003)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                #region 投注

                if (!Contents[5].StartsWith("#"))
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value      = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "短信格式错误(1004)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                int    PlayTypeID    = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(Contents[1], -1);
                int    Share         = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(Contents[2], -1);
                int    BuyShare      = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(Contents[3], -1);
                string LotteryNumber = Contents[4].Trim();
                int    Multiple      = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(Contents[5].Substring(1, Contents[5].Length - 1), -1);

                if ((PlayTypeID < 0) || (BuyShare < 0) || (Share < BuyShare) || (LotteryNumber == "") || (Multiple < 0))
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value      = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "短信格式错误(1005)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                // 根据手机获取用户
                DataTable dtUsers = new DAL.Tables.T_Users().Open(ConnectionString, "[ID], Balance", "SiteID = " + SiteID.ToString() + " and Mobile = '" + Mobile + "' and isMobileValided = 1", "");

                if ((dtUsers == null) || (dtUsers.Rows.Count != 1))
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value      = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "用户不存在(1006)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                long   UserID  = Shove._Convert.StrToLong(dtUsers.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(), -1);
                double Balance = Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dtUsers.Rows[0]["Balance"].ToString(), 0);

                if (UserID < 0)
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value      = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "用户不存在(1007)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                // 获取彩种、同时也校验了玩法
                DataTable dtLottery = new DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes().Open(ConnectionString, "LotteryID, Price, MaxMultiple", "[ID] = " + PlayTypeID.ToString(), "");

                if ((dtLottery == null) || (dtLottery.Rows.Count < 1))
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value      = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "短信格式错误(1008)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                int    LotteryID   = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(dtLottery.Rows[0]["LotteryID"].ToString(), -1);
                double Price       = Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dtLottery.Rows[0]["Price"].ToString(), -1);
                int    MaxMultiple = Shove._Convert.StrToInt(dtLottery.Rows[0]["MaxMultiple"].ToString(), -1);

                if ((LotteryID < 0) || (Price < 2) || (Multiple > MaxMultiple))
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value      = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "短信格式错误(10090)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                // 校验投注号码,计算注数、金额
                int Num = 0;
                LotteryNumber = GetLotteryNumber(LotteryID, PlayTypeID, LotteryNumber, ref Num);

                if (Num < 1)
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value      = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "投注号码错误(1010)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                double Money = Num * Price * Multiple;

                // 获取期号
                DataTable dtIsuse = new DAL.Tables.T_Isuses().Open(ConnectionString, "top 1 [ID]", "LotteryID = " + LotteryID.ToString() + " and GetDate() between StartTime and dbo.F_GetIsuseSystemEndTime([ID], " + PlayTypeID.ToString() + ") and IsOpened = 0", "");

                if ((dtIsuse == null) || (dtIsuse.Rows.Count < 1))
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value      = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "奖期未开启(1011)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                long IsuseID = Shove._Convert.StrToLong(dtIsuse.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(), -1);

                if (IsuseID < 0)
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value      = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "奖期未开启(1012)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                // 校验余额
                if (Balance < Money)
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value      = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = "投注卡账户余额不足(1013)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                // 投注
                string ReturnDescription = "";
                long   SchemeID          = InitiateScheme(SiteID, UserID, IsuseID, PlayTypeID, "本方案由用户手动编写短信代码投注(系统)", "短信ID:" + ID + "\r\n短信内容:" + Content, LotteryNumber, "", Multiple, Money, 0, Share, BuyShare, "", 0, ref ReturnDescription);

                if (SchemeID < 0)
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value      = -1;
                    t_SmsBettings.HandleDescription.Value = ReturnDescription + "(1015)";
                    t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);


                t_SmsBettings.SchemeID.Value     = SchemeID;
                t_SmsBettings.HandleResult.Value = 1;
                t_SmsBettings.Update(ConnectionString, "[ID] = " + ID);

Exemple #13
    static DataCache()
        #region 银行

        DataTable dt = new DAL.Tables.T_Banks().Open("ID,Name", "", "");

        if (dt == null)
            new Log("SNS").Write("PublicFunction 读取 T_Banks 出错");

        if (dt != null)
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                Banks[short.Parse(dr["ID"].ToString())] = dr["Name"].ToString();


        #region 城市

        dt = new DAL.Tables.T_Citys().Open("ID,Name", "", "");

        if (dt == null)
            new Log("SNS").Write("PublicFunction 读取 T_Citys 出错");

        if (dt != null)
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                Citys[dr["Name"].ToString()] = int.Parse(dr["ID"].ToString());


        #region 安全问题

        SecurityQuestions[0] = "我婆婆或岳母的名字叫什么?";
        SecurityQuestions[1] = "我爸爸的出生地在哪里?";
        SecurityQuestions[2] = "我妈妈的出生地在哪里?";
        SecurityQuestions[3] = "我的小学校名是什么?";
        SecurityQuestions[4] = "我的中学校名是什么?";
        SecurityQuestions[5] = "我的一个好朋友的手机号码是什么?";
        SecurityQuestions[6] = "我的一个好朋友的爸爸名字是什么?";
        SecurityQuestions[7] = "自定义问题";


        #region 彩种玩法
        Lotteries[3]  = "七星彩";
        Lotteries[5]  = "双色球";
        Lotteries[6]  = "福彩3D";
        Lotteries[27] = "齐鲁风采23选5";
        Lotteries[28] = "重庆时时彩";
        Lotteries[29] = "时时乐";
        Lotteries[39] = "大乐透";
        Lotteries[58] = "东方6+1";
        Lotteries[59] = "15选5";
        Lotteries[13] = "七乐彩";
        Lotteries[9]  = "22选5";
        Lotteries[14] = "29选7";
        Lotteries[63] = "排列3";
        Lotteries[64] = "排列5";
        Lotteries[19] = "篮彩";
        Lotteries[1]  = "胜负彩";
        Lotteries[2]  = "四场进球彩";
        Lotteries[15] = "六场半全场";
        Lotteries[61] = "江西时时彩";
        Lotteries[62] = "十一运夺金";
        Lotteries[65] = "31选7";
        Lotteries[41] = "浙江体彩6+1";
        Lotteries[70] = "11选5";   //江西11选5
        Lotteries[71] = "山东群英会";
        Lotteries[72] = "竞彩足彩";
        Lotteries[73] = "竞彩蓝彩";
        Lotteries[74] = "胜负彩";
        Lotteries[75] = "任九场";
        Lotteries[69] = "河南福彩22选5";
        Lotteries[68] = "快赢481";
        Lotteries[77] = "河南11选5";
        Lotteries[78] = "广东11选5";

        Dictionary <int, string> tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[301] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[302] = "复式";
        PlayTypes[3]       = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes      = new Dictionary <int, string>();
        tempPlayTypes[501] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[502] = "复式";
        tempPlayTypes[503] = "胆拖";

        PlayTypes[5] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[601] = "直选单式";
        tempPlayTypes[602] = "直选复式";
        tempPlayTypes[603] = "组选单式";
        tempPlayTypes[604] = "组6复式";
        tempPlayTypes[605] = "组3复式";
        tempPlayTypes[606] = "直选包点";
        tempPlayTypes[607] = "复选包点";

        PlayTypes[6] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[2801] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[2802] = "复式";
        tempPlayTypes[2803] = "组选";
        tempPlayTypes[2804] = "猜大小";
        tempPlayTypes[2805] = "五星通选单式";
        tempPlayTypes[2806] = "五星通选复式";
        tempPlayTypes[2807] = "二星组选单式";
        tempPlayTypes[2808] = "二星组选复式";
        tempPlayTypes[2809] = "二星组选分位";
        tempPlayTypes[2810] = "二星组选包点";
        tempPlayTypes[2811] = "二星组选包胆";
        tempPlayTypes[2812] = "三星包点";
        tempPlayTypes[2813] = "三星组3单式";
        tempPlayTypes[2814] = "三星组3复式";
        tempPlayTypes[2815] = "三星组6单式";
        tempPlayTypes[2816] = "三星组6复式";
        tempPlayTypes[2817] = "三星直选组合复式";
        tempPlayTypes[2818] = "三星组选包胆";
        tempPlayTypes[2819] = "三星组选包点";

        PlayTypes[61] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[2901] = "直选单式";
        tempPlayTypes[2902] = "直选复式";
        tempPlayTypes[2903] = "组选单式";
        tempPlayTypes[2904] = "组选6";
        tempPlayTypes[2905] = "组选3";
        tempPlayTypes[2906] = "直选";
        tempPlayTypes[2907] = "组选";
        tempPlayTypes[2908] = "前二单式";
        tempPlayTypes[2909] = "前二复式";
        tempPlayTypes[2910] = "后二单式";
        tempPlayTypes[2911] = "后二复式";
        tempPlayTypes[2912] = "前一单式";
        tempPlayTypes[2913] = "前一复式";
        tempPlayTypes[2914] = "后一单式";
        tempPlayTypes[2915] = "后一复式";

        PlayTypes[29] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[3901] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[3902] = "复式";
        tempPlayTypes[3903] = "追加单式";
        tempPlayTypes[3904] = "追加复式";
        tempPlayTypes[3905] = "12选2单式";
        tempPlayTypes[3906] = "12选2复式";

        PlayTypes[39] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[5801] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[5802] = "复式";

        PlayTypes[58] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[1301] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[1302] = "复式";

        PlayTypes[13] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[5901] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[5902] = "复式";

        PlayTypes[59] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[901] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[902] = "复式";

        PlayTypes[9] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[1401] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[1402] = "复式";

        PlayTypes[14] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[6301] = "排列3直选单式";
        tempPlayTypes[6302] = "排列3直选复式";
        tempPlayTypes[6303] = "排列3组选单式";
        tempPlayTypes[6304] = "排列3组选6复式";
        tempPlayTypes[6305] = "排列3组选3复式";
        tempPlayTypes[6306] = "排列3直选和值";
        tempPlayTypes[6307] = "排列3组选和值";

        PlayTypes[63] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[6401] = "排列5单式";
        tempPlayTypes[6402] = "排列5复式";

        PlayTypes[64] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[1901] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[1902] = "复式";

        PlayTypes[19] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[101] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[102] = "复式";
        tempPlayTypes[103] = "任九场单式";
        tempPlayTypes[104] = "任九场复式";

        PlayTypes[1] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[201] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[202] = "复式";

        PlayTypes[2] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[1501] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[1502] = "复式";

        PlayTypes[15] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[6201] = "任选一";
        tempPlayTypes[6202] = "任选二";
        tempPlayTypes[6203] = "任选三";
        tempPlayTypes[6204] = "任选四";
        tempPlayTypes[6205] = "任选五";
        tempPlayTypes[6206] = "任选六";
        tempPlayTypes[6207] = "任选七";
        tempPlayTypes[6208] = "任选八";
        tempPlayTypes[6209] = "前二直选";
        tempPlayTypes[6210] = "前三直选";
        tempPlayTypes[6211] = "前二组选";
        tempPlayTypes[6212] = "前三组选";

        PlayTypes[62] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[6501] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[3502] = "复式";

        PlayTypes[65] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[6501] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[3502] = "复式";

        PlayTypes[65] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[6101] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[6102] = "复式";
        tempPlayTypes[6103] = "组选";
        tempPlayTypes[6104] = "猜大小";
        tempPlayTypes[6105] = "五星通选单式";
        tempPlayTypes[6106] = "五星通选复式";
        tempPlayTypes[6107] = "二星组选单式";
        tempPlayTypes[6108] = "二星组选复式";
        tempPlayTypes[6109] = "二星组选分位";
        tempPlayTypes[6110] = "二星组选包点";
        tempPlayTypes[6111] = "二星组选包胆";
        tempPlayTypes[6112] = "二星直选包点";

        PlayTypes[61] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[7001] = "任选一";
        tempPlayTypes[7002] = "任选二";
        tempPlayTypes[7003] = "任选三";
        tempPlayTypes[7004] = "任选四";
        tempPlayTypes[7005] = "任选五";
        tempPlayTypes[7006] = "任选六";
        tempPlayTypes[7007] = "任选七";
        tempPlayTypes[7008] = "任选八";
        tempPlayTypes[7009] = "前二直选";
        tempPlayTypes[7010] = "前三直选";
        tempPlayTypes[7011] = "前二组选";
        tempPlayTypes[7012] = "前三组选";

        PlayTypes[70] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[4101] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[4102] = "复式";

        PlayTypes[41] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[7201] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[7202] = "复式";
        tempPlayTypes[7203] = "复式";
        tempPlayTypes[7204] = "复式";

        PlayTypes[72] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[7301] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[7302] = "复式";
        tempPlayTypes[7303] = "复式";
        tempPlayTypes[7304] = "复式";

        PlayTypes[73] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[7401] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[7402] = "复式";

        PlayTypes[74] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[7501] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[7502] = "复式";

        PlayTypes[75] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[6901] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[6902] = "复式";
        tempPlayTypes[6903] = "好运2";
        tempPlayTypes[6904] = "好运3";
        tempPlayTypes[6905] = "好运4";

        PlayTypes[69] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[6801] = "任选一";
        tempPlayTypes[6802] = "任选二";
        tempPlayTypes[6803] = "任选三";
        tempPlayTypes[6804] = "直选单式";
        tempPlayTypes[6805] = "直选复式";
        tempPlayTypes[6806] = "组选24单式";
        tempPlayTypes[6807] = "组选24复式";
        tempPlayTypes[6808] = "组选12单式";
        tempPlayTypes[6809] = "组选12复式";
        tempPlayTypes[6810] = "组选6单式";
        tempPlayTypes[6811] = "组选6复式";
        tempPlayTypes[6812] = "组选4单式";
        tempPlayTypes[6813] = "组选4复式";

        PlayTypes[68] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[7701] = "任选一";
        tempPlayTypes[7702] = "任选二";
        tempPlayTypes[7703] = "任选三";
        tempPlayTypes[7704] = "任选四";
        tempPlayTypes[7705] = "任选五";
        tempPlayTypes[7706] = "任选六";
        tempPlayTypes[7707] = "任选七";
        tempPlayTypes[7708] = "任选八";
        tempPlayTypes[7709] = "前二直选";
        tempPlayTypes[7710] = "前三直选";
        tempPlayTypes[7711] = "前二组选";
        tempPlayTypes[7712] = "前三组选";

        PlayTypes[77] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[7801] = "任选一";
        tempPlayTypes[7802] = "任选二";
        tempPlayTypes[7803] = "任选三";
        tempPlayTypes[7804] = "任选四";
        tempPlayTypes[7805] = "任选五";
        tempPlayTypes[7806] = "任选六";
        tempPlayTypes[7807] = "任选七";
        tempPlayTypes[7808] = "任选八";
        tempPlayTypes[7809] = "前二直选";
        tempPlayTypes[7810] = "前三直选";
        tempPlayTypes[7811] = "前二组选";
        tempPlayTypes[7812] = "前三组选";

        PlayTypes[78] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[2701] = "单式";
        tempPlayTypes[2702] = "复式";
        tempPlayTypes[2703] = "好运二单式";
        tempPlayTypes[2704] = "好运二复式";

        PlayTypes[27] = tempPlayTypes;

        tempPlayTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        tempPlayTypes[7101] = "任选一";
        tempPlayTypes[7102] = "任选二";
        tempPlayTypes[7103] = "任选三";
        tempPlayTypes[7104] = "任选四";
        tempPlayTypes[7105] = "任选五";
        tempPlayTypes[7106] = "任选六";
        tempPlayTypes[7107] = "任选七";
        tempPlayTypes[7108] = "任选八";
        tempPlayTypes[7109] = "任选九";
        tempPlayTypes[7110] = "任选十";
        tempPlayTypes[7111] = "围一";
        tempPlayTypes[7112] = "围二";
        tempPlayTypes[7113] = "围三";
        tempPlayTypes[7114] = "围四";
        tempPlayTypes[7115] = "顺一";
        tempPlayTypes[7116] = "顺二";
        tempPlayTypes[7117] = "顺三";

        PlayTypes[71] = tempPlayTypes;

        #region 提前截止时间

        string strLottery = "";

        foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> kvp in Lotteries)
            strLottery += kvp.Key + ",";

        strLottery = strLottery.Remove(strLottery.Length - 1, 1);

        DataTable dtPlayTypes = new DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes().Open("LotteryID,SystemEndAheadMinute", "LotteryID in (" + strLottery + ")", "");

        foreach (DataRow dr in dtPlayTypes.Rows)
            LotteryEndAheadMinute[int.Parse(dr["LotteryID"].ToString())] = int.Parse(dr["SystemEndAheadMinute"].ToString());

Exemple #14
    private void createHTML(DataTable dt, ref string strHTML, ref int jzCount, ref string strlgList)
        jzCount   = 0;
        strHTML   = "";
        strlgList = "<ul id=\"lgList\">";

        DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes play = new DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes();

        System.Data.DataTable table = play.Open("SystemEndAheadMinute", "id=7202", "");

        if (table == null)

        double time = 0;

        if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
            time = double.Parse(table.Rows[0]["SystemEndAheadMinute"].ToString());

        if (dt.Rows != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            StringBuilder sb          = new StringBuilder(); //构造HTML
            int           i           = 0;                   //未截止的赛事计数器
            int           m           = 0;                   //赛事计数器
            DateTime      startDate   = DateTime.Now;        //开始时间(分组的开始时间)
            DateTime      endDate     = DateTime.Now;        //结束时间(分组的结束时间)
            DateTime      date        = DateTime.Now;        //赛事开始时间
            DateTime      saleEndDate = DateTime.Now;        //销售截止时间
            string        lineStyle   = "";                  //行样式
            string        Day         = "";
            string        OldDay      = "";

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    date        = Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(dr["StopSellTime"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString());
                    saleEndDate = Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(dr["StopSellTime"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString());
                    Day         = dr["Day"].ToString();

                    if (!OldDay.Equals(Day))
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OldDay))

                        sb.AppendLine("<tr class=\"form_tr5\">")
                        .AppendLine("<td colspan=\"16\" height=\"24\"><a style=\"color: rgb(102, 0, 0); cursor: pointer;\" onclick=\"opendate('" + Day.Insert(6, "-").Insert(4, "-") + "')\"><span class=\"bold\">" + Day.Insert(6, "-").Insert(4, "-") + getWeekDayName(Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(Day.Insert(6, "-").Insert(4, "-"), DateTime.Now.ToString()).DayOfWeek) + "</span><span id=\"img_" + Day.Insert(6, "-").Insert(4, "-") + "\" alt=\"点击隐藏\" class=\"s_hidden\">点击隐藏 </span></td>")
                        .AppendLine("</tr><tbody id=\"d_" + Day.Insert(6, "-").Insert(4, "-") + "\">");

                    OldDay = Day;

                    lineStyle = m % 2 == 0 ? "form_tr4" : "form_tr4_2";

                    sb.Append("<tr class='" + lineStyle + "' zid=\"" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" mid=\"" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" pdate=\"" + OldDay.Insert(6, "-").Insert(4, "-") + "\" pname=\"" + (((int)startDate.DayOfWeek) == 0 ? 7 : ((int)startDate.DayOfWeek)).ToString() + dr["MatchNumber"].ToString().Substring(dr["MatchNumber"].ToString().Length - 3) + "\" lg=\"" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "\" odds=\"" + dr["Sother"].ToString() + "," + dr["S10"].ToString() + "," + dr["S20"].ToString() + "," + dr["S21"].ToString() + "," + dr["S30"].ToString() + "," + dr["S31"].ToString() + "," + dr["S32"].ToString() + "," + dr["S40"].ToString() + "," + dr["S41"].ToString() + "," + dr["S42"].ToString() + "," + dr["S50"].ToString() + "," + dr["S51"].ToString() + "," + dr["S52"].ToString() + "," + dr["Pother"].ToString() + "," + dr["P00"].ToString() + "," + dr["P11"].ToString() + "," + dr["P22"].ToString() + "," + dr["P33"].ToString() + "," + dr["Fother"].ToString() + "," + dr["F01"].ToString() + "," + dr["F02"].ToString() + "," + dr["F12"].ToString() + "," + dr["F03"].ToString() + "," + dr["F13"].ToString() + "," + dr["F23"].ToString() + "," + dr["F04"].ToString() + "," + dr["F14"].ToString() + "," + dr["F24"].ToString() + "," + dr["F05"].ToString() + "," + dr["F15"].ToString() + "," + dr["F25"].ToString() + "\">")
                    .AppendLine("<td><input name=\"m" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" checked=\"checked\"/>" + dr["MatchNumber"].ToString() + "</td>")
                    .Append("<td class=\"team1\" bgcolor=\"" + dr["GameColor"].ToString() + "\"><font color=\"#FFFFFF\">" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "</font></td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td>" + saleEndDate.AddMinutes(time * -1).ToString("MM-dd HH:mm") + "</td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td>" + dr["MainTeam"].ToString() + "</td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td>" + dr["GuestTeam"].ToString() + "</td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td class=\"odds\">" + Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["EuropeSSP"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") + "</td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td class=\"odds\">" + Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["EuropePSP"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") + "</td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td class=\"odds\">" + Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["EuropeFSP"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") + "</td>")
                    .AppendLine("<td>析 亚 欧</td>");

                    if (m == 0)
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"sp\"><a onclick=\"openclose(" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + ")\"><img src=\"images/btn_sp.gif\" alt=\"隐藏选项\" id=\"img_" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" /></a></td>")
                        .Append("<tr id=\"pltr_" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\">");
                        sb.Append("<td class=\"sp\"><a onclick=\"openclose(" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + ")\"><img src=\"images/btn_spadd.gif\" alt=\"展开选项\" id=\"img_" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" /></a></td>")
                        .Append("<tr id=\"pltr_" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" style=\"display:none;\">");

                    sb.Append("<td colspan=\"11\">")
                    .Append("<div class=\"sp_box\">")
                    .Append("<table class=\"sp_table\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"1\">")
                    .Append("<tr class=\"sp_3\">")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"3A\" /><strong>胜其它</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["Sother"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["Sother"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"10\" /><strong>1:0</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S10"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S10"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"20\" /><strong>2:0</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S20"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S20"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"21\" /><strong>2:1</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S21"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S21"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"30\" /><strong>3:0</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S30"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S30"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"31\" /><strong>3:1</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S31"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S31"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"32\" /><strong>3:2</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S32"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S32"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"40\" /><strong>4:0</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S40"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S40"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"41\" /><strong>4:1</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S41"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S41"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"42\" /><strong>4:2</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S42"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S42"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"50\" /><strong>5:0</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S50"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S50"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"51\" /><strong>5:1</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S51"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S51"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"52\" /><strong>5:2</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S52"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["S52"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ck" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" />包</td></tr><tr class=\"sp_1\">")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1A\" /><strong>平其它</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["Pother"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["Pother"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"00\" /><strong>0:0</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["P00"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["P00"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"11\" /><strong>1:1</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["P11"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["P11"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"22\" /><strong>2:2</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["P22"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["P22"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"33\" /><strong>3:3</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["P33"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["P33"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td colspan=\"8\">&nbsp;</td><td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ck" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" />包</td>")
                    .Append("<tr class=\"sp_0\">")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"0A\" /><strong>负其它</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["Fother"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["Fother"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"01\" /><strong>0:1</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F01"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F01"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"02\" /><strong>0:2</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F02"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F02"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"12\" /><strong>1:2</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F12"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F12"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"03\" /><strong>0:3</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F03"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F03"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"13\" /><strong>1:3</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F13"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F13"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"23\" /><strong>2:3</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F23"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F23"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"04\" /><strong>0:4</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F04"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F04"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"14\" /><strong>1:4</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F14"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F14"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"24\" /><strong>2:4</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F24"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F24"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"05\" /><strong>0:5</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F05"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F05"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"15\" /><strong>1:5</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F15"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F15"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" ><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"25\" /><strong>2:5</strong><br /><span>" + (Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F25"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["F25"].ToString(), 0).ToString("F2") : "") + "</span></td>")
                    .Append("<td align=\"center\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ck" + dr["MatchID"].ToString() + "\" />包</td>")

                    if (strlgList.IndexOf(dr["Game"].ToString()) < 0)
                        strlgList += "<li><input id=\"lg" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "\" m=\"" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "\" type=\"checkbox\" checked=\"checked\"><label for=\"lg" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "\">" + dr["Game"].ToString() + "</label></li>";

            catch (Exception ex)
                new Log("TWZT").Write(this.GetType() + ex.Message);

                strHTML = "";

            strlgList += "</ul>";
            strHTML = sb.ToString();
            //noMatch.Value = i.ToString();
    protected void g_ItemDataBound(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs e)
        if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.EditItem)
            DataRowView drv = (DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem;
            DataRow     dr  = drv.Row;

            e.Item.Cells[0].Text = Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(dr["DateTime"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

            string    CacheKey    = "dtLotteriesUseLotteryList";
            DataTable dtLotteries = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(CacheKey);

            if (dtLotteries == null)
                dtLotteries = new DAL.Tables.T_Lotteries().Open("[ID], [Name], [Code]", "[ID] in(" + (_Site.UseLotteryList == "" ? "-1" : _Site.UseLotteryList) + ")", "[ID]");

                if (dtLotteries == null)
                    PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.GetType().BaseType.FullName + "(-39)");


                Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(CacheKey, dtLotteries, 6000);

            if (dtLotteries == null)
                PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.GetType().BaseType.FullName + "(-49)");


            if (dr["LotteryID"].ToString() == "-1")
                e.Item.Cells[2].Text = "全部彩种";
                e.Item.Cells[2].Text = dtLotteries.Select("ID = " + dr["LotteryID"].ToString())[0]["Name"].ToString();

            //玩法信息缓存 6000 秒
            CacheKey = "dtPlayTypes";
            DataTable dtPlayTypes = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(CacheKey);

            if (dtPlayTypes == null)
                dtPlayTypes = new DAL.Tables.T_PlayTypes().Open("", "LotteryID in (" + (_Site.UseLotteryList == "" ? "-1" : _Site.UseLotteryList) + ")", "[ID]");

                if (dtPlayTypes == null || dtPlayTypes.Rows.Count < 1)
                    PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.NoData, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.GetType().FullName + "(-85)");


                Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(CacheKey, dtPlayTypes, 6000);

            if (dtPlayTypes == null)
                PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.GetType().BaseType.FullName + "(-95)");


            if (dr["PlayTypeID"].ToString() == "-1")
                e.Item.Cells[3].Text = "全部玩法";
                e.Item.Cells[3].Text = dtPlayTypes.Select("ID = " + dr["PlayTypeID"].ToString())[0]["Name"].ToString();

            e.Item.Cells[4].Text = Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["MoneyStart"].ToString(), 0).ToString("N") + "&nbsp;至&nbsp;" + Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["MoneyEnd"].ToString(), 0).ToString("N") + " 元";

            e.Item.Cells[5].Text = dr["Type"].ToString() == "1" ? "用户定制" : "发起人指定";