Exemple #1
        public ConvexityDefect()
            using (IplImage imgSrc = new IplImage(@"img\hand_p.jpg", LoadMode.Color))
            using (IplImage imgHSV = new IplImage(imgSrc.Size, BitDepth.U8, 3))
            using (IplImage imgH = new IplImage(imgSrc.Size, BitDepth.U8, 1))
            using (IplImage imgS = new IplImage(imgSrc.Size, BitDepth.U8, 1))
            using (IplImage imgV = new IplImage(imgSrc.Size, BitDepth.U8, 1))
            using (IplImage imgBackProjection = new IplImage(imgSrc.Size, BitDepth.U8, 1))
            using (IplImage imgFlesh = new IplImage(imgSrc.Size, BitDepth.U8, 1))
            using (IplImage imgHull = new IplImage(imgSrc.Size, BitDepth.U8, 1))
            using (IplImage imgDefect = new IplImage(imgSrc.Size, BitDepth.U8, 3))
            using (IplImage imgContour = new IplImage(imgSrc.Size, BitDepth.U8, 3))
            using (CvMemStorage storage = new CvMemStorage())
                // RGB -> HSV
                Cv.CvtColor(imgSrc, imgHSV, ColorConversion.BgrToHsv);
                Cv.CvtPixToPlane(imgHSV, imgH, imgS, imgV, null);
                IplImage[] hsvPlanes = {imgH, imgS, imgV};

                // 肌色領域を求める
                RetrieveFleshRegion(imgSrc, hsvPlanes, imgBackProjection);
                // 最大の面積の領域を残す
                FilterByMaximalBlob(imgBackProjection, imgFlesh);

                // 輪郭を求める
                CvSeq<CvPoint> contours = FindContours(imgFlesh, storage);
                if (contours != null)
                    Cv.DrawContours(imgContour, contours, CvColor.Red, CvColor.Green, 0, 3, LineType.AntiAlias);

                    // 凸包を求める
                    int[] hull;
                    Cv.ConvexHull2(contours, out hull, ConvexHullOrientation.Clockwise);
                    Cv.Copy(imgFlesh, imgHull);
                    DrawConvexHull(contours, hull, imgHull);

                    // 凹状欠損を求める
                    Cv.Copy(imgContour, imgDefect);
                    CvSeq<CvConvexityDefect> defect = Cv.ConvexityDefects(contours, hull);
                    DrawDefects(imgDefect, defect);

                using (new CvWindow("src", imgSrc))
                using (new CvWindow("back projection", imgBackProjection))
                using (new CvWindow("hull", imgHull))
                using (new CvWindow("defect", imgDefect))
        public void update_mhi(IplImage imgMain, ref IplImage imgDst, int diff_threshold)
            double timestamp = (double)DateTime.Now.Second;
            CvSize size = new CxCore.CvSize(imgMain.width, imgMain.height);
            int i, idx1 = last, idx2;
            IplImage silh;
            CvSeq seq;
            CvRect comp_rect;
            double count;
            double angle;
            CvPoint center;
            double magnitude;
            CvScalar color;

            //allocate images at the beginning or reallocate them if the frame size is changed
            if (mhi.ptr == null || mhi.width != size.width || mhi.height != size.height)
                for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
                    buf[i] = cxcore.CvCreateImage(size, (int)cxtypes.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
                    cxcore.CvZero(ref buf[i]);
                cxcore.CvReleaseImage(ref mhi);
                cxcore.CvReleaseImage(ref orient);
                cxcore.CvReleaseImage(ref segmask);
                cxcore.CvReleaseImage(ref mask);

                mhi = cxcore.CvCreateImage(size, (int)cxtypes.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
                cxcore.CvZero(ref mhi);
                orient = cxcore.CvCreateImage(size, (int)cxtypes.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
                segmask = cxcore.CvCreateImage(size, (int)cxtypes.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
                mask = cxcore.CvCreateImage(size, (int)cxtypes.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);

            cv.CvCvtColor(ref imgMain, ref buf[last], cvtypes.CV_BGR2GRAY);

            idx2 = (last + 1) % N;
            last = idx2;

            silh = buf[idx2];
            cxcore.CvAbsDiff(ref buf[idx1], ref buf[idx2], ref silh);

            cv.CvThreshold(ref silh, ref silh, diff_threshold, 1, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY);
            cv.CvUpdateMotionHistory(ref silh, ref mhi, timestamp, MHI_DURATION);

            cxcore.CvConvertScale(ref mhi, ref mask, 255 / MHI_DURATION, (MHI_DURATION - timestamp) * 255 / MHI_DURATION);
            cxcore.CvZero(ref imgDst);
            cxcore.CvMerge(ref mask, ref imgDst);
            cv.CvCalcMotionGradient(ref mhi, ref mask, ref orient, MAX_TIME_DELTA, MIN_TIME_DELTA, 3);
            if (storage.ptr == null)
                storage = cxcore.CvCreateMemStorage();
                cxcore.CvClearMemStorage(ref storage);
            seq = cv.CvSegmentMotion(ref mhi, ref segmask, ref storage, timestamp, MAX_TIME_DELTA);
            for (i = -1; i < seq.total; i++)
                if (i < 0)
                    comp_rect = new CvRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
                    color = cxcore.CV_RGB(255, 255, 255);
                    magnitude = 100;
                    IntPtr ptr = cxcore.CvGetSeqElem(ref seq, i);
                    CvConnectedComp c = (CvConnectedComp)cvconvert.PtrToType(ptr, typeof(CvConnectedComp));
                    comp_rect = c.rect;
                    if (comp_rect.width + comp_rect.height < 100)
                    color = cxcore.CV_RGB(255, 0, 0);
                    magnitude = 30;

                //select component ROI
                cxcore.CvSetImageROI(ref silh, comp_rect);
                cxcore.CvSetImageROI(ref mhi, comp_rect);
                cxcore.CvSetImageROI(ref orient, comp_rect);
                cxcore.CvSetImageROI(ref mask, comp_rect);

                //calculate orientation
                angle = cv.CvCalcGlobalOrientation(ref orient, ref mask, ref mhi, timestamp, MHI_DURATION);
                angle = 360 - angle;

                count = cxcore.CvNorm(ref silh); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< recheck

                cxcore.CvResetImageROI(ref mhi);
                cxcore.CvResetImageROI(ref orient);
                cxcore.CvResetImageROI(ref mask);
                cxcore.CvResetImageROI(ref silh);

                //check for the case of little motion
                if (count < comp_rect.width * comp_rect.height * 0.05)

                //draw a clock with arrow indicating the direction
                center = new CvPoint((comp_rect.x + comp_rect.width / 2), (comp_rect.y + comp_rect.height / 2));

                cxcore.CvCircle(ref imgDst, center, cxcore.CvRound(magnitude * 1.2), color, 3, cxcore.CV_AA, 0);
                cxcore.CvLine(ref imgDst, center,
                    new CvPoint(cxcore.CvRound(center.x + magnitude * Math.Cos(angle * Math.PI / 180)),
                    cxcore.CvRound(center.y - magnitude * Math.Sin(angle * Math.PI / 180))),
                    color, 3, cxcore.CV_AA, 0);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// MSERのすべての輪郭情報を抽出する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image"></param>
        /// <param name="mask"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the contours of Maximally Stable Extremal Regions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image"></param>
        /// <param name="mask"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CvPoint[][] Extract(Mat image, Mat mask)
            if(image == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("image");

            CvMat _image = image.ToCvMat();
            IntPtr pmask = (mask == null) ? IntPtr.Zero : mask.ToCvMat().CvPtr;
            IntPtr pcontours = IntPtr.Zero;

            using(CvMemStorage storage = new CvMemStorage(0))
        	    CvInvoke.cvExtractMSER(_image.CvPtr, pmask, ref pcontours, storage.CvPtr, Struct);
                if (pcontours == IntPtr.Zero)
                    return new CvPoint[0][];
                CvSeq<IntPtr> seq = new CvSeq<IntPtr>(pcontours);
                CvContour[] contours = Array.ConvertAll<IntPtr, CvContour>(seq.ToArray(), delegate(IntPtr p) { return new CvContour(p); });
                CvPoint[][] result = new CvPoint[contours.Length][];
                for (int i = 0; i < contours.Length; i++)
                    result[i] = contours[i].ToArray();
                return result;
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// 輪郭を得る
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="img"></param>
 /// <param name="storage"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private CvSeq<CvPoint> FindContours(IplImage img, CvMemStorage storage)
     // 輪郭抽出
     CvSeq<CvPoint> contours;
     using (IplImage imgClone = img.Clone())
         Cv.FindContours(imgClone, storage, out contours);
         if (contours == null)
             return null;
         contours = Cv.ApproxPoly(contours, CvContour.SizeOf, storage, ApproxPolyMethod.DP, 3, true);
     // 一番長そうな輪郭のみを得る
     CvSeq<CvPoint> max = contours;
     for (CvSeq<CvPoint> c = contours; c != null; c = c.HNext)
         if (max.Total < c.Total)
             max = c;
     return max;
    private ShapeClip DetectClip(CvSeq <CvPoint> contour, IplImage image)
        // Approximate contours to rectange.
        CvMemStorage    cstorage = new CvMemStorage();
        CvSeq <CvPoint> verts    = contour.ApproxPoly(CvContour.SizeOf, cstorage, ApproxPolyMethod.DP, contour.ContourPerimeter() * 0.05);
        CvRect          rect     = Cv.BoundingRect(verts);

        // scale BB
        CvSize originalSize = rect.Size;
        CvSize size         = new CvSize((int)(rect.Width * 1.5), (int)(rect.Height * 1.5));
        CvSize sizeDist     = new CvSize(rect.Width - size.Width, rect.Height - size.Height);

        rect = new CvRect(
            Math.Max(rect.Location.X + sizeDist.Width / 2, 0),
            Math.Max(rect.Location.Y + sizeDist.Height / 2, 0), size.Width, size.Height);

        // If rect, convert to region of interest and approximate top.
        if (verts.Total >= 4 && new CvRect(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height).Contains(rect))
            DetectionState detectionState = verts.Total == 4 ? DetectionState.SemiOriented : DetectionState.Candidate;
            double         angle          = (180.0 / Math.PI) * ComputeOrientationFromVerts(verts.ToArray());

            using (IplImage region = image.Clone(rect))
                using (IplImage finalRegion = image.Clone(rect))
                    using (IplImage colorRegion = new IplImage(region.Size.Width, region.Size.Height, BitDepth.U8, 3))
                        using (IplImage debug = new IplImage(region.Size.Width + 20, region.Size.Height + 20, BitDepth.U8, 3))
                            // Rotate into position based on the line angle estimate
                            Cv.WarpAffine(region, region, Cv.GetRotationMatrix2D(new CvPoint2D32f(rect.Width / 2, rect.Height / 2), angle, 1));
                            Cv.FloodFill(region, new CvPoint(0, 0), 255, 0, 150);

                            // Project image and find clusters
                            double[] horizontalProjection, verticalProjection;
                            int[]    horizontalPrjClusters = ComputeClusters(region, true, out horizontalProjection);
                            int      horizontalClusters = horizontalPrjClusters[0], lastHorizontalCluster = horizontalPrjClusters[1];
                            int[]    verticalPrjClusters = ComputeClusters(region, false, out verticalProjection);
                            int      verticalClusters = verticalPrjClusters[0], lastVerticalCluster = verticalPrjClusters[1];

                            // Correct the orientation based on the clusters found
                            bool foundLDRs = false;
                            if (verticalClusters > horizontalClusters)
                                // 90 deg

                                if (lastHorizontalCluster < region.Width / 2)
                                    // 90deg
                                    angle    += 90;
                                    foundLDRs = true;
                                    // 270 deg
                                    angle    += 270;
                                    foundLDRs = true;
                            else if (verticalClusters < horizontalClusters)
                                // 0 deg
                                if (lastVerticalCluster < region.Height / 2)
                                    // 0deg
                                    foundLDRs = true;
                                    // 180 deg
                                    angle    += 180;
                                    foundLDRs = true;
                                // something went wrong with our initial alignment
                                //    NO proper orientation found - could not identify the LDRs

                            #region DEBUG
                            //Cv.CvtColor(finalRegion, colorRegion, ColorConversion.GrayToRgb);
                            //debug.DrawImage(20, 0, region.Width, region.Height, colorRegion);

                            //for (int i = 0; i < region.Width / 2; i++)
                            //    debug.DrawRect(20 + i, debug.Height - (int)(horizontalProjection[i] * 100), 20 + i, debug.Height, CvColor.Red, 1);
                            //for (int i = 0; i < region.Height / 2; i++)
                            //    debug.DrawRect(0, i, (int)(verticalProjection[i] * 100), i, CvColor.Red, 1);

                            if (foundLDRs)
                                detectionState = DetectionState.FullyOriented;

            // Compute pixel space mapping
            Vec2F scale = new Vec2F(screenResolution.X / image.Width, screenResolution.Y / image.Height);

            return(new ShapeClip(
                       new Vec2F(rect.Location.X + 0.5f * rect.Width, rect.Location.Y + 0.5f * rect.Height).Scale(scale),
                       new Vec2F(originalSize).Scale(scale),
Exemple #6
        public IplImage cariHaar(IplImage image)
            cxcore.CvFlip(ref image, 1);

            imgSkin = new IplImage();
            imgSkin = cxcore.CvCreateImage(cxcore.CvGetSize(ref image), 8, 3);
            imgSkin = skinDet.skin_hsv(image);

            IplImage gray = cxcore.CvCreateImage(new CvSize(imgSkin.width, imgSkin.height), (int)cxtypes.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);

            cv.CvCvtColor(ref imgSkin, ref gray, cvtypes.CV_BGR2GRAY);

            IplImage     small_image = imgSkin;
            CvMemStorage storage = cxcore.CvCreateMemStorage(0);
            CvSeq        handOpen, handClose;
            int          i, scale = 1;
            bool         do_pyramids = true;

            #region percepat proses
            if (do_pyramids)
                small_image = cxcore.CvCreateImage(new CvSize(imgSkin.width / 2, imgSkin.height / 2), (int)cxtypes.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
                cv.CvPyrDown(ref imgSkin, ref small_image, (int)CvFilter.CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5);
                scale = 2;

            #region open hand
            IntPtr ptrO = cxcore.CvLoad("..\\..\\Training\\handOpen.xml");
            cascadeO     = (CvHaarClassifierCascade)cvconvert.PtrToType(ptrO, typeof(CvHaarClassifierCascade));
            cascadeO.ptr = ptrO;
            handOpen     = cv.CvHaarDetectObjects(ref small_image, ref cascadeO, ref storage, 1.2, 2, cv.CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, new CvSize(0, 0));
            if (handOpen.total != 0)
                for (i = 0; i < handOpen.total; i++)
                    ho_rect = (CvRect)cvconvert.PtrToType(cxcore.CvGetSeqElem(ref handOpen, i), typeof(CvRect));
                    cxcore.CvRectangle(ref image, new CvPoint(ho_rect.x * scale - 10, ho_rect.y * scale - 10),
                                       new CvPoint((ho_rect.x + ho_rect.width) * scale + 10, (ho_rect.y + ho_rect.height) * scale + 10),
                                       cxcore.CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 1, 8, 0);
                form.closex = 0;
                form.closey = 0;
                form.openx  = image.width - ((ho_rect.x * scale) + ((ho_rect.width * scale) / 2));
                form.openy  = ho_rect.y * scale + ((ho_rect.height * scale) / 2);

                form.roiX = 640 - (ho_rect.x * scale - 10) - (ho_rect.width * scale + 10);
                form.roiY = ho_rect.y * scale - 10;
                form.roiW = ho_rect.width * scale + 10;
                form.roiH = ho_rect.height * scale + 10;

            #region close hand
            if (handOpen.total == 0)
                IntPtr ptrC = cxcore.CvLoad("..\\..\\Training\\handClose.xml");
                cascadeC     = (CvHaarClassifierCascade)cvconvert.PtrToType(ptrC, typeof(CvHaarClassifierCascade));
                cascadeC.ptr = ptrC;
                handClose    = cv.CvHaarDetectObjects(ref small_image, ref cascadeC, ref storage, 1.2, 2, cv.CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, new CvSize(0, 0));
                if (handClose.total != 0)
                    for (i = 0; i < handClose.total; i++)
                        hc_rect = (CvRect)cvconvert.PtrToType(cxcore.CvGetSeqElem(ref handClose, i), typeof(CvRect));
                        cxcore.CvRectangle(ref image, new CvPoint(hc_rect.x * scale, hc_rect.y * scale),
                                           new CvPoint((hc_rect.x + hc_rect.width) * scale, (hc_rect.y + hc_rect.height) * scale),
                                           cxcore.CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 1, 8, 0);
                    form.closex = image.width - ((hc_rect.x * scale) + ((hc_rect.width * scale) / 2));
                    form.closey = hc_rect.y * scale + ((hc_rect.height * scale) / 2);

            cxcore.CvReleaseMemStorage(ref storage);
            cv.CvReleaseHaarClassifierCascade(ref cascadeO);
            if (handOpen.total == 0)
                cv.CvReleaseHaarClassifierCascade(ref cascadeC);
            cxcore.CvReleaseImage(ref gray);
            cxcore.CvReleaseImage(ref small_image);
            cxcore.CvReleaseImage(ref imgSkin);
            cxcore.CvFlip(ref image, 1);
Exemple #7
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Boolean access = check_lcns();

            if (access)
                pinfo.MdiParent = this;
                DoctorInfoForm di_Form = new DoctorInfoForm();//병원 정보입력폼
                di_Form.Owner = this;
                if (di_Form.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
                    pinfo.MdiParent = this;
                    this.DialogResult = di_Form.DialogResult;

            IplImage src = Cv.LoadImage("test4.jpg");

            IplImage dst  = new IplImage(600, 600, BitDepth.U8, 3);
            IplImage dst2 = new IplImage(600, 600, BitDepth.U8, 1);

            Cv.Resize(src, dst);
            IplImage result  = new IplImage(600, 600, BitDepth.U8, 3);
            IplImage result2 = new IplImage(600, 600, BitDepth.U8, 3);

            Cv.CvtColor(dst, dst2, ColorConversion.BgrToGray);
            Cv.Threshold(dst2, dst2, 20, 255, ThresholdType.Binary);
            Cv.Smooth(dst2, dst2, SmoothType.Gaussian);
            Cv.ShowImage("nonthresh", dst2);

            CvSeq <CvPoint> contours, contours2;
            CvMemStorage    storage = new CvMemStorage();

            Cv.FindContours(dst2, storage, out contours, CvContour.SizeOf, ContourRetrieval.External, ContourChain.ApproxSimple);

            contours  = Cv.ApproxPoly(contours, CvContour.SizeOf, storage, ApproxPolyMethod.DP, 3, true);
            contours2 = contours;

            Cv.DrawContours(result, contours, CvColor.Green, CvColor.Red, 3);
            Cv.ShowImage("img12", result);

            CvSeq <CvPoint> first_contour;
            int             i;
            int             contour_max = 0;

            for (first_contour = contours; contours != null; contours = contours.HNext)
                if (contour_max < contours.Total)
                    contour_max = contours.Total;

            CvPoint[] ptseq = new CvPoint[contour_max];

            for (first_contour = contours2; contours2 != null; contours2 = contours2.HNext)
                if (contours2.Total == contour_max)
                    for (i = 0; i < contours2.Total; i++)
                        CvPoint?pt = Cv.GetSeqElem <CvPoint>(contours2, i);
                        ptseq[i] = new CvPoint {
                            X = pt.Value.X, Y = pt.Value.Y

            CvPoint[] hull;
            Cv.ConvexHull2(ptseq, out hull, ConvexHullOrientation.Counterclockwise);
            CvPoint pt0 = hull[hull.Length - 1];

            foreach (CvPoint pt in hull)
                Cv.Line(dst, pt0, pt, CvColor.Green);
                pt0 = pt;

            Cv.ShowImage("img", dst);

Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Detects features on a grayscale image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="img"></param>
        /// <param name="storage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override List <Face> DetectFeatures(IplImage img, CvMemStorage storage)
            //Determine minimum face size
            var minSize = Math.Max(12, (int)Math.Round((double)MinSizePercent / 100.0 * Math.Min(img.Width, img.Height)));

            //Detect faces (frontal).
            Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            CvAvgComp[] faces = BorrowCascade("FaceCascadeAlt", c => Cv.HaarDetectObjects(img, c, storage, 1.0850, MinConfidenceLevel, HaarDetectionType.DoCannyPruning, new CvSize(minSize, minSize), new CvSize(0, 0)).ToArrayAndDispose());

            //Sort by accuracy
            Array.Sort <CvAvgComp>(faces, CompareByNeighbors);

            //Convert into feature objects list
            List <Face> features = new List <Face>(faces.Length);

            foreach (CvAvgComp face in faces)
                features.Add(new Face(PolygonMath.ScaleRect(face.Rect.ToRectangleF(), ExpandX, ExpandY), face.Neighbors));

            // Doesn't add much, and would have to be deduplicated.
            //CvAvgComp[] profiles = BorrowCascade("FaceProfile", c => Cv.HaarDetectObjects(img, c, storage, 1.2, MinConfidenceLevel + 2, HaarDetectionType.FindBiggestObject | HaarDetectionType.DoRoughSearch | HaarDetectionType.DoCannyPruning, new CvSize(img.Width / 8, img.Height / 8), new CvSize(0, 0)).ToArrayAndDispose());
            //foreach (CvAvgComp face in profiles) features.Add(new Face(PolygonMath.ScaleRect(face.Rect.ToRectangleF(), ExpandX, ExpandY), face.Neighbors));

            // Test for eyes, if faces > 20 pixels
            foreach (var face in features)
                var w = (int)(face.X2 - face.X);
                var h = (int)((face.Y2 - face.Y) * 0.6);
                if (w > 20)
                    img.SetROI((int)face.X, (int)face.Y, w, h);
                    CvAvgComp[] eyes = BorrowCascade("Eye",
                                                     c => Cv.HaarDetectObjects(img, c, storage, 1.0850, 4, HaarDetectionType.FindBiggestObject | HaarDetectionType.DoRoughSearch,
                                                                               new CvSize(4, 4), new CvSize(img.Width / 2, img.Height / 2))
                    if (eyes.Length == 0)
                        // Halve the estimated accuracy if there are no eyes detected
                        face.Accuracy = face.Accuracy / 2;
                        // We never want to boost accuracy, because the walls have eyes

            //Unless we're below MinFaces, filter out the low confidence matches.
            while (features.Count > MinFaces && features[features.Count - 1].Accuracy < ConfidenceLevelThreshold)
                features.RemoveAt(features.Count - 1);

            totalTime += watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            Debug.WriteLine($"Face detection time: {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms  (avg {totalTime / count}ms)");

            //Never return more than [MaxFaces]
            return((features.Count > MaxFaces) ? features.GetRange(0, MaxFaces) : features);