/// <summary>
        /// Creates a CustomerFeed that will associate the data holder's Feed with
        /// the ad customizer placeholder type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
        /// <param name="dataHolder">The data holder that contains metadata about
        /// the customizer Feed.</param>
        private static void CreateCustomerFeed(AdWordsUser user, CustomizersDataHolder dataHolder)
            // Get the CustomerFeedService.
            CustomerFeedService customerFeedService = (CustomerFeedService)user.GetService(

            CustomerFeed customerFeed = new CustomerFeed();

            customerFeed.feedId           = dataHolder.FeedId;
            customerFeed.placeholderTypes = new int[] { PLACEHOLDER_AD_CUSTOMIZER };

            // Create a matching function that will always evaluate to true.
            Function        customerMatchingFunction = new Function();
            ConstantOperand constOperand             = new ConstantOperand();

            constOperand.type                   = ConstantOperandConstantType.BOOLEAN;
            constOperand.booleanValue           = true;
            customerMatchingFunction.lhsOperand = new FunctionArgumentOperand[] { constOperand };
            customerMatchingFunction.@operator  = FunctionOperator.IDENTITY;
            customerFeed.matchingFunction       = customerMatchingFunction;

            // Create an operation to add the customer feed.
            CustomerFeedOperation customerFeedOperation = new CustomerFeedOperation();

            customerFeedOperation.operand   = customerFeed;
            customerFeedOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;

            CustomerFeed addedCustomerFeed = customerFeedService.mutate(
                new CustomerFeedOperation[] { customerFeedOperation }).value[0];

            Console.WriteLine("Customer feed for feed ID {0} was added.", addedCustomerFeed.feedId);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Feed for ad customizers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
        /// <param name="feedName">Name of the feed to be created.</param>
        /// <returns>A new CustomizersDataHolder, populated with the feed ID and
        /// attribute IDs of the new Feed.</returns>
        private static CustomizersDataHolder CreateCustomizerFeed(AdWordsUser user, string feedName)
            // Get the FeedService.
            FeedService feedService = (FeedService)user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201406.FeedService);

            Feed customizerFeed = new Feed();

            customizerFeed.name = feedName;

            FeedAttribute nameAttribute = new FeedAttribute();

            nameAttribute.name = "Name";
            nameAttribute.type = FeedAttributeType.STRING;

            FeedAttribute priceAttribute = new FeedAttribute();

            priceAttribute.name = "Price";
            priceAttribute.type = FeedAttributeType.STRING;

            FeedAttribute dateAttribute = new FeedAttribute();

            dateAttribute.name = "Date";
            dateAttribute.type = FeedAttributeType.DATE_TIME;

            customizerFeed.attributes = new FeedAttribute[] {
                nameAttribute, priceAttribute, dateAttribute

            FeedOperation feedOperation = new FeedOperation();

            feedOperation.operand   = customizerFeed;
            feedOperation.@operator = (Operator.ADD);

            Feed addedFeed = feedService.mutate(new FeedOperation[] { feedOperation }).value[0];

            CustomizersDataHolder dataHolder = new CustomizersDataHolder();

            dataHolder.FeedId = addedFeed.id;
            dataHolder.NameFeedAttributeId  = addedFeed.attributes[0].id;
            dataHolder.PriceFeedAttributeId = addedFeed.attributes[1].id;
            dataHolder.DateFeedAttributeId  = addedFeed.attributes[2].id;

            Console.WriteLine("Feed with name '{0}' and ID {1} was added with:\n", addedFeed.name,
            Console.WriteLine("  Name attribute ID {0}\n", dataHolder.NameFeedAttributeId);
            Console.WriteLine("  Price attribute ID {0}\n", dataHolder.PriceFeedAttributeId);
            Console.WriteLine("  Date attribute ID {0}\n", dataHolder.DateFeedAttributeId);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new FeedMapping that indicates how the data holder's feed
        /// should be interpreted in the context of ad customizers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
        /// <param name="dataHolder">The data holder that contains metadata about
        /// the customizer Feed.</param>
        private static void CreateFeedMapping(AdWordsUser user, CustomizersDataHolder dataHolder)
            // Get the FeedMappingService.
            FeedMappingService feedMappingService = (FeedMappingService)user.GetService(

            FeedMapping feedMapping = new FeedMapping();

            feedMapping.feedId          = dataHolder.FeedId;
            feedMapping.placeholderType = PLACEHOLDER_AD_CUSTOMIZER;

            List <AttributeFieldMapping> attributeFieldMappings = new List <AttributeFieldMapping>();
            AttributeFieldMapping        attributeFieldMapping;

            attributeFieldMapping = new AttributeFieldMapping();
            attributeFieldMapping.feedAttributeId = dataHolder.NameFeedAttributeId;
            attributeFieldMapping.fieldId         = PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_STRING;

            attributeFieldMapping = new AttributeFieldMapping();
            attributeFieldMapping.feedAttributeId = dataHolder.PriceFeedAttributeId;
            attributeFieldMapping.fieldId         = PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_PRICE;

            attributeFieldMapping = new AttributeFieldMapping();
            attributeFieldMapping.feedAttributeId = dataHolder.DateFeedAttributeId;
            attributeFieldMapping.fieldId         = PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_DATE;

            feedMapping.attributeFieldMappings = attributeFieldMappings.ToArray();

            FeedMappingOperation feedMappingOperation = new FeedMappingOperation();

            feedMappingOperation.operand   = feedMapping;
            feedMappingOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;

            FeedMapping addedFeedMapping =
                feedMappingService.mutate(new FeedMappingOperation[] { feedMappingOperation }).value[0];

            Console.WriteLine("Feed mapping with ID {0} and placeholder type {1} was added for " +
                              "feed with ID {2}.",
                              addedFeedMapping.feedMappingId, addedFeedMapping.placeholderType,
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the code example.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
        /// <param name="adGroupId1">Id of the first adgroup to which ads with ad
        /// customizers are added.</param>
        /// <param name="adGroupId2">Id of the second adgroup to which ads with ad
        /// customizers are added.</param>
        /// <param name="feedName">Name of the feed to be created.</param>
        public void Run(AdWordsUser user, long adGroupId1, long adGroupId2, string feedName)
            // Create a customizer feed. One feed per account can be used for all ads.
            CustomizersDataHolder dataHolder = CreateCustomizerFeed(user, feedName);

            // Create a feed mapping to map the fields with customizer IDs.
            CreateFeedMapping(user, dataHolder);

            // Add feed items containing the values we'd like to place in ads.
            CreateCustomizerFeedItems(user, new long[] { adGroupId1, adGroupId2 }, dataHolder);

            // Create a customer (account-level) feed with a matching function that
            // determines when to use this feed. For this case we use the "IDENTITY"
            // matching function that is always true just to associate this feed with
            // the customer. The targeting is done within the feed items using the
            // campaignTargeting, adGroupTargeting, or keywordTargeting attributes.
            CreateCustomerFeed(user, dataHolder);

            // All set! We can now create ads with customizations.
            CreateAdsWithCustomizations(user, new long[] { adGroupId1, adGroupId2 }, feedName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates FeedItems with the values to use in ad customizations for each
        /// ad group in <code>adGroupIds</code>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
        /// <param name="adGroupIds">IDs of adgroups to which ad customizations are
        /// made.</param>
        /// <param name="dataHolder">The data holder that contains metadata about
        /// the customizer Feed.</param>
        private static void CreateCustomizerFeedItems(AdWordsUser user, long[] adGroupIds,
                                                      CustomizersDataHolder dataHolder)
            // Get the FeedItemService.
            FeedItemService feedItemService = (FeedItemService)user.GetService(

            List <FeedItemOperation> feedItemOperations = new List <FeedItemOperation>();

            feedItemOperations.Add(CreateFeedItemAddOperation("Mars", "$1234.56", "20140601 000000",
                                                              adGroupIds[0], dataHolder));
            feedItemOperations.Add(CreateFeedItemAddOperation("Venus", "$1450.00", "20140615 120000",
                                                              adGroupIds[1], dataHolder));

            FeedItemReturnValue feedItemReturnValue = feedItemService.mutate(

            foreach (FeedItem addedFeedItem in feedItemReturnValue.value)
                Console.WriteLine("Added feed item with ID {0}", addedFeedItem.feedItemId);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a FeedItemOperation that will create a FeedItem with the
        /// specified values and ad group target when sent to
        /// FeedItemService.mutate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The value for the name attribute of the FeedItem.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="price">The value for the price attribute of the FeedItem.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="date">The value for the date attribute of the FeedItem.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="adGroupId">The ID of the ad group to target with the
        /// FeedItem.</param>
        /// <param name="dataHolder">The data holder that contains metadata about
        /// the customizer Feed.</param>
        /// <returns>A new FeedItemOperation for adding a FeedItem.</returns>
        private static FeedItemOperation CreateFeedItemAddOperation(string name, string price,
                                                                    String date, long adGroupId, CustomizersDataHolder dataHolder)
            FeedItem feedItem = new FeedItem();

            feedItem.feedId = dataHolder.FeedId;
            List <FeedItemAttributeValue> attributeValues = new List <FeedItemAttributeValue>();

            FeedItemAttributeValue nameAttributeValue = new FeedItemAttributeValue();

            nameAttributeValue.feedAttributeId = dataHolder.NameFeedAttributeId;
            nameAttributeValue.stringValue     = name;

            FeedItemAttributeValue priceAttributeValue = new FeedItemAttributeValue();

            priceAttributeValue.feedAttributeId = dataHolder.PriceFeedAttributeId;
            priceAttributeValue.stringValue     = price;

            FeedItemAttributeValue dateAttributeValue = new FeedItemAttributeValue();

            dateAttributeValue.feedAttributeId = dataHolder.DateFeedAttributeId;
            dateAttributeValue.stringValue     = date;

            feedItem.attributeValues = attributeValues.ToArray();

            feedItem.adGroupTargeting = new FeedItemAdGroupTargeting();
            feedItem.adGroupTargeting.TargetingAdGroupId = adGroupId;

            FeedItemOperation feedItemOperation = new FeedItemOperation();

            feedItemOperation.operand   = feedItem;
            feedItemOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a CustomerFeed that will associate the data holder's Feed with
    /// the ad customizer placeholder type.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
    /// <param name="dataHolder">The data holder that contains metadata about
    /// the customizer Feed.</param>
    private static void CreateCustomerFeed(AdWordsUser user, CustomizersDataHolder dataHolder) {
      // Get the CustomerFeedService.
      CustomerFeedService customerFeedService = (CustomerFeedService) user.GetService(

      CustomerFeed customerFeed = new CustomerFeed();
      customerFeed.feedId = dataHolder.FeedId;
      customerFeed.placeholderTypes = new int[] { PLACEHOLDER_AD_CUSTOMIZER };

      // Create a matching function that will always evaluate to true.
      Function customerMatchingFunction = new Function();
      ConstantOperand constOperand = new ConstantOperand();
      constOperand.type = ConstantOperandConstantType.BOOLEAN;
      constOperand.booleanValue = true;
      customerMatchingFunction.lhsOperand = new FunctionArgumentOperand[] { constOperand };
      customerMatchingFunction.@operator = FunctionOperator.IDENTITY;
      customerFeed.matchingFunction = customerMatchingFunction;

      // Create an operation to add the customer feed.
      CustomerFeedOperation customerFeedOperation = new CustomerFeedOperation();
      customerFeedOperation.operand = customerFeed;
      customerFeedOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;

      CustomerFeed addedCustomerFeed = customerFeedService.mutate(
          new CustomerFeedOperation[] { customerFeedOperation }).value[0];

      Console.WriteLine("Customer feed for feed ID {0} was added.", addedCustomerFeed.feedId);
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a FeedItemOperation that will create a FeedItem with the
    /// specified values and ad group target when sent to
    /// FeedItemService.mutate.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name">The value for the name attribute of the FeedItem.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="price">The value for the price attribute of the FeedItem.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="date">The value for the date attribute of the FeedItem.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="adGroupId">The ID of the ad group to target with the
    /// FeedItem.</param>
    /// <param name="dataHolder">The data holder that contains metadata about
    /// the customizer Feed.</param>
    /// <returns>A new FeedItemOperation for adding a FeedItem.</returns>
    private static FeedItemOperation CreateFeedItemAddOperation(string name, string price,
        String date, long adGroupId, CustomizersDataHolder dataHolder) {
      FeedItem feedItem = new FeedItem();
      feedItem.feedId = dataHolder.FeedId;
      List<FeedItemAttributeValue> attributeValues = new List<FeedItemAttributeValue>();

      FeedItemAttributeValue nameAttributeValue = new FeedItemAttributeValue();
      nameAttributeValue.feedAttributeId = dataHolder.NameFeedAttributeId;
      nameAttributeValue.stringValue = name;

      FeedItemAttributeValue priceAttributeValue = new FeedItemAttributeValue();
      priceAttributeValue.feedAttributeId = dataHolder.PriceFeedAttributeId;
      priceAttributeValue.stringValue = price;

      FeedItemAttributeValue dateAttributeValue = new FeedItemAttributeValue();
      dateAttributeValue.feedAttributeId = dataHolder.DateFeedAttributeId;
      dateAttributeValue.stringValue = date;

      feedItem.attributeValues = attributeValues.ToArray();

      feedItem.adGroupTargeting = new FeedItemAdGroupTargeting();
      feedItem.adGroupTargeting.TargetingAdGroupId = adGroupId;

      FeedItemOperation feedItemOperation = new FeedItemOperation();
      feedItemOperation.operand = feedItem;
      feedItemOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;

      return feedItemOperation;
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates FeedItems with the values to use in ad customizations for each
    /// ad group in <code>adGroupIds</code>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
    /// <param name="adGroupIds">IDs of adgroups to which ad customizations are
    /// made.</param>
    /// <param name="dataHolder">The data holder that contains metadata about
    /// the customizer Feed.</param>
    private static void CreateCustomizerFeedItems(AdWordsUser user, long[] adGroupIds,
        CustomizersDataHolder dataHolder) {
      // Get the FeedItemService.
      FeedItemService feedItemService = (FeedItemService) user.GetService(

      List<FeedItemOperation> feedItemOperations = new List<FeedItemOperation>();
      feedItemOperations.Add(CreateFeedItemAddOperation("Mars", "$1234.56", "20140601 000000",
          adGroupIds[0], dataHolder));
      feedItemOperations.Add(CreateFeedItemAddOperation("Venus", "$1450.00", "20140615 120000",
          adGroupIds[1], dataHolder));

      FeedItemReturnValue feedItemReturnValue = feedItemService.mutate(

      foreach (FeedItem addedFeedItem in feedItemReturnValue.value) {
        Console.WriteLine("Added feed item with ID {0}", addedFeedItem.feedItemId);
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a new FeedMapping that indicates how the data holder's feed
    /// should be interpreted in the context of ad customizers.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
    /// <param name="dataHolder">The data holder that contains metadata about
    /// the customizer Feed.</param>
    private static void CreateFeedMapping(AdWordsUser user, CustomizersDataHolder dataHolder) {
      // Get the FeedMappingService.
      FeedMappingService feedMappingService = (FeedMappingService) user.GetService(

      FeedMapping feedMapping = new FeedMapping();
      feedMapping.feedId = dataHolder.FeedId;
      feedMapping.placeholderType = PLACEHOLDER_AD_CUSTOMIZER;

      List<AttributeFieldMapping> attributeFieldMappings = new List<AttributeFieldMapping>();
      AttributeFieldMapping attributeFieldMapping;

      attributeFieldMapping = new AttributeFieldMapping();
      attributeFieldMapping.feedAttributeId = dataHolder.NameFeedAttributeId;
      attributeFieldMapping.fieldId = PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_STRING;

      attributeFieldMapping = new AttributeFieldMapping();
      attributeFieldMapping.feedAttributeId = dataHolder.PriceFeedAttributeId;
      attributeFieldMapping.fieldId = PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_PRICE;

      attributeFieldMapping = new AttributeFieldMapping();
      attributeFieldMapping.feedAttributeId = dataHolder.DateFeedAttributeId;
      attributeFieldMapping.fieldId = PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_DATE;

      feedMapping.attributeFieldMappings = attributeFieldMappings.ToArray();

      FeedMappingOperation feedMappingOperation = new FeedMappingOperation();
      feedMappingOperation.operand = feedMapping;
      feedMappingOperation.@operator = Operator.ADD;

      FeedMapping addedFeedMapping =
          feedMappingService.mutate(new FeedMappingOperation[] { feedMappingOperation }).value[0];

      Console.WriteLine("Feed mapping with ID {0} and placeholder type {1} was added for " +
          "feed with ID {2}.",
          addedFeedMapping.feedMappingId, addedFeedMapping.placeholderType,
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a new Feed for ad customizers.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param>
    /// <param name="feedName">Name of the feed to be created.</param>
    /// <returns>A new CustomizersDataHolder, populated with the feed ID and
    /// attribute IDs of the new Feed.</returns>
    private static CustomizersDataHolder CreateCustomizerFeed(AdWordsUser user, string feedName) {
      // Get the FeedService.
      FeedService feedService = (FeedService) user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201409.FeedService);

      Feed customizerFeed = new Feed();
      customizerFeed.name = feedName;

      FeedAttribute nameAttribute = new FeedAttribute();
      nameAttribute.name = "Name";
      nameAttribute.type = FeedAttributeType.STRING;

      FeedAttribute priceAttribute = new FeedAttribute();
      priceAttribute.name = "Price";
      priceAttribute.type = FeedAttributeType.STRING;

      FeedAttribute dateAttribute = new FeedAttribute();
      dateAttribute.name = "Date";
      dateAttribute.type = FeedAttributeType.DATE_TIME;

      customizerFeed.attributes = new FeedAttribute[] {
          nameAttribute, priceAttribute, dateAttribute

      FeedOperation feedOperation = new FeedOperation();
      feedOperation.operand = customizerFeed;
      feedOperation.@operator = (Operator.ADD);

      Feed addedFeed = feedService.mutate(new FeedOperation[] { feedOperation }).value[0];

      CustomizersDataHolder dataHolder = new CustomizersDataHolder();
      dataHolder.FeedId = addedFeed.id;
      dataHolder.NameFeedAttributeId = addedFeed.attributes[0].id;
      dataHolder.PriceFeedAttributeId = addedFeed.attributes[1].id;
      dataHolder.DateFeedAttributeId = addedFeed.attributes[2].id;

      Console.WriteLine("Feed with name '{0}' and ID {1} was added with:\n", addedFeed.name,
      Console.WriteLine("  Name attribute ID {0}\n", dataHolder.NameFeedAttributeId);
      Console.WriteLine("  Price attribute ID {0}\n", dataHolder.PriceFeedAttributeId);
      Console.WriteLine("  Date attribute ID {0}\n", dataHolder.DateFeedAttributeId);

      return dataHolder;