public void AddContact(Contact entity, Int32 companyId, Int32 customerId)
            var contactManager = new ContactManager(this);
            entity.CompanyId = companyId;

            var ccManager = new CustomerContactManager(this);
            var cc = new CustomerContact();
            cc.CustomerId = customerId;
            cc.ContactId = entity.ContactId;
            cc.CompanyId = companyId;
        /// <summary>
        /// this method add the administrator of new company as contact of host'customer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="customerId"></param>
        /// <param name="userId"></param>
        private void AddContactInHostCustomer(Int32 customerId, Int32 userId)
            var contactManager = new ContactManager(this);
            var customerContactManager = new CustomerContactManager(this);
            var profileManager = new ProfileManager(this);
            Profile profile = profileManager.GetProfileByUser(userId);
            var contact = new Contact
                                  Name = profile.Name,
                                  Phone = profile.Phone,
                                  CellPhone = profile.CellPhone,
                                  Address = profile.Address,
                                  AddressComp = profile.AddressComp,
                                  AddressNumber = profile.AddressNumber,
                                  Email = profile.Email,
                                  PostalCode = profile.PostalCode


            var customerContact = new CustomerContact();
            customerContact.CompanyId = GetHostCompany().CompanyId;
            customerContact.ContactId = contact.ContactId;
            customerContact.CustomerId = customerId;