public ActionResult Simulator(CustomerBankList user) { BankEntities usersEntities = new BankEntities(); int? userId = usersEntities.VALIDATE_USER(user.Name.card_no.ToString(), user.Name.card_pin.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); string card_number = user.Name.card_no; int branch = (int)user.Bnk.b_branch_id; string message = string.Empty; switch (userId.Value) { case -1: { message = "Card Number or PIN is incorrect"; user.BankList = db.Banks.ToList(); break; } case 0: FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.Name.card_no, user.RememberMe); return(RedirectToAction("Welcome", "Simulator", new { card_no = user.Name.card_no, branch1 = user.Bnk.b_branch_id })); } ViewBag.Message = message; return(View(user)); }
public ActionResult ChangePin(int cust_id, string oldpin, string newpin, string confirmPin, int branch) { string message; CustomerBankList user = new CustomerBankList(); user.Name = (from c in db.Customers where c.cust_id == cust_id select c).FirstOrDefault(); user.Bnk = (from c in db.Banks where c.b_branch_id == branch select c).FirstOrDefault(); user.atm = (from c in db.ATMs where c.b_branch_id == branch select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (user.Name.card_pin != oldpin) { ViewBag.Message = "Old PIN is incorrect"; return(View(user)); } else if (newpin != confirmPin) { ViewBag.Message = "Old PIN and new PIN do not match!"; return(View(user)); } else { message = "You have successfully changed your PIN code!"; user.Name.card_pin = newpin; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Welcome", "Simulator", new { card_no = user.Name.card_no, branch1 = user.Bnk.b_branch_id, message = message })); } }
public ActionResult Simulator() { CustomerBankList model = new CustomerBankList(); model.BankList = db.Banks.ToList(); ViewBag.Branches = new SelectList(db.Banks, "b_branch_id", "b_branch_name"); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Withdraw(int cust_id, int branch) { CustomerBankList cust = new CustomerBankList(); cust.Name = (from c in db.Customers where c.cust_id == cust_id select c).FirstOrDefault(); cust.Bnk = (from c in db.Banks where c.b_branch_id == branch select c).FirstOrDefault(); cust.ListATM = (from c in db.ATMs where c.b_branch_id == branch select c).ToList(); return(View(cust)); }
public ActionResult ChangePin(int cust_id, int branch) { CustomerBankList user = new CustomerBankList(); user.Name = (from c in db.Customers where c.cust_id == cust_id select c).FirstOrDefault(); user.Bnk = (from c in db.Banks where c.b_branch_id == branch select c).FirstOrDefault(); user.atm = (from c in db.ATMs where c.b_branch_id == branch select c).FirstOrDefault(); return(View(user)); }
public ActionResult Welcome(string card_no, int branch1, string message = "NA") { var customers = (from c in db.Customers where c.card_no == card_no select c).FirstOrDefault(); CustomerBankList cust = new CustomerBankList(); cust.Name = customers; cust.Bnk = (from c in db.Banks where c.b_branch_id == branch1 select c).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.Message = message; return(View(cust)); }
public ActionResult Withdraw(int cust_id, int branch, decimal balance, int atm) { string message; CustomerBankList cust = new CustomerBankList(); cust.Name = (from c in db.Customers where c.cust_id == cust_id select c).FirstOrDefault(); cust.Bnk = (from c in db.Banks where c.b_branch_id == branch select c).FirstOrDefault(); cust.atm = (from c in db.ATMs where c.b_branch_id == branch && c.a_branch_id == atm select c).FirstOrDefault(); cust.ListATM = (from c in db.ATMs where c.b_branch_id == branch select c).ToList(); if (balance % 5 != 0) { ViewBag.Message = "Amount has to be a multiple of 5"; return(View(cust)); } else if (cust.atm.available_cash >= balance && cust.Name.Bal >= balance) { message = "You have withdrawn " + balance + " lei from this account!"; cust.Name.Bal = cust.Name.Bal - balance; cust.atm.available_cash = cust.atm.available_cash - balance; Transaction tran = new Transaction(); tran.a_c_no = cust.Name.a_c_no; = 0; tran.debit = balance; tran.Date = DateTime.Now; = cust.Name.Bal; tran.message = "Withdrawal of " + tran.debit + " lei at branch " + cust.Bnk.b_branch_name + " and on ATM " + cust.atm.a_branch_name; tran.Transaction_ID = db.Transactions.Max(u => u.Transaction_ID) + 1; db.Transactions.Add(tran); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Welcome", "Simulator", new { card_no = cust.Name.card_no, branch1 = cust.Bnk.b_branch_id, message = message })); } else if (cust.Name.Bal < balance) { ViewBag.Message = "Current balance is too low to withdraw that amount!"; return(View(cust)); } else { ViewBag.Message = "ATM is out of cash, please come back later!"; return(View(cust)); } }
public ActionResult Deposit(int cust_id, int branch, decimal balance, int atm) { string message; CustomerBankList cust = new CustomerBankList(); cust.Name = (from c in db.Customers where c.cust_id == cust_id select c).FirstOrDefault(); cust.Bnk = (from c in db.Banks where c.b_branch_id == branch select c).FirstOrDefault(); cust.atm = (from c in db.ATMs where c.b_branch_id == branch && c.a_branch_id == atm select c).FirstOrDefault(); cust.ListATM = (from c in db.ATMs where c.b_branch_id == branch select c).ToList(); if (balance % 5 != 0) { ViewBag.Message = "Amount has to be a multiple of 5"; return(View(cust)); } else { cust.Name.Bal = cust.Name.Bal + balance; cust.atm.available_cash = cust.atm.available_cash + balance; Transaction tran = new Transaction(); tran.a_c_no = cust.Name.a_c_no; = balance; tran.debit = 0; tran.Date = DateTime.Now; = cust.Name.Bal; tran.message = "Deposit of " + + " lei at branch " + cust.Bnk.b_branch_name + " and on ATM " + cust.atm.a_branch_name; tran.Transaction_ID = db.Transactions.Max(u => u.Transaction_ID) + 1; db.Transactions.Add(tran); } db.SaveChanges(); message = "You have successfuly deposited " + balance + " lei to this account!"; return(RedirectToAction("Welcome", "Simulator", new { card_no = cust.Name.card_no, branch1 = cust.Bnk.b_branch_id, message = message })); }
public ActionResult Transfer(int cust_id, int branch, string IBAN, decimal amount) { string message = string.Empty; CustomerBankList currentcustomer = new CustomerBankList(); currentcustomer.Name = (from c in db.Customers where c.cust_id == cust_id select c).FirstOrDefault(); currentcustomer.Bnk = (from c in db.Banks where c.b_branch_id == branch select c).FirstOrDefault(); currentcustomer.atm = (from c in db.ATMs where c.b_branch_id == branch select c).FirstOrDefault(); var targetcustomer = (from d in db.Customers where d.a_c_no == IBAN select d).SingleOrDefault(); if (currentcustomer.Name.Bal < amount) { ViewBag.Message = "Current balance is too low to withdraw that amount!"; return(View(currentcustomer)); } else if (targetcustomer == null) { ViewBag.Message = "IBAN is incorrect or no longer exists!"; return(View(currentcustomer)); } else if (currentcustomer.Name.cust_id == targetcustomer.cust_id) { ViewBag.Message = "You cannot transfer to your active account!"; return(View(currentcustomer)); } else if (currentcustomer.Name.Bal >= amount && targetcustomer != null) { currentcustomer.Name.Bal = currentcustomer.Name.Bal - amount; db.SaveChanges(); Transaction trancurrent = new Transaction(); trancurrent.a_c_no = currentcustomer.Name.a_c_no; = 0; trancurrent.debit = amount; trancurrent.Date = DateTime.Now; = currentcustomer.Name.Bal; trancurrent.message = "Transferred " + trancurrent.debit + " lei at branch " + currentcustomer.Bnk.b_branch_name + " to " + targetcustomer.a_c_no; trancurrent.Transaction_ID = db.Transactions.Max(u => u.Transaction_ID) + 1; db.Transactions.Add(trancurrent); db.SaveChanges(); targetcustomer.Bal = targetcustomer.Bal + amount; Transaction trantarget = new Transaction(); trantarget.a_c_no = targetcustomer.a_c_no; = amount; trantarget.debit = 0; trantarget.Date = DateTime.Now; = targetcustomer.Bal; trantarget.message = "Received " + + " lei from " + currentcustomer.Name.a_c_no; trantarget.Transaction_ID = db.Transactions.Max(u => u.Transaction_ID) + 1; db.Transactions.Add(trantarget); db.SaveChanges(); message = "You have successfully transferred " + amount + " lei to " + targetcustomer.a_c_no; } else { message = "An error has occured in the system!"; } return(RedirectToAction("Welcome", "Simulator", new { card_no = currentcustomer.Name.card_no, branch1 = currentcustomer.Name.b_branch_id, message = message })); }