public void OpenNote(string a_filePath, string a_fileName, string a_course) { // Check to see if note is already open foreach (TabPage page in mainTabControl.TabPages) { if (page.Text == string.Format("[{0}] {1}", a_course, a_fileName)) { mainTabControl.SelectedTab = page; return; } } CustomRichTextBox newBox = new CustomRichTextBox(); newBox.Font = new Font(newBox.Font.FontFamily, 10.5f, FontStyle.Regular); newBox.LoadFile(a_filePath); newBox.Size = template_rtb.Size; newBox.Location = template_rtb.Location; newBox.HideSelection = false; newBox.ReadOnly = true; // Create new tab, make sure all TabPage values are srt to null CustomTab newTab = new CustomTab("", "", "", null); newTab.Text = string.Format("[{0}] {1}", a_course, a_fileName); newTab.Controls.Add(newBox); mainTabControl.TabPages.Add(newTab); ResizeTabControlAndChildren(); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the label for the specified custom tab. /// </summary> /// <param name="tab"></param> /// <param name="label"></param> public void SetCustomTabLabel(CustomTab tab, string label) { // If it doesn't have access then execute the same function on the UI thread, otherwise just run it. if (!Application.Current.Dispatcher.CheckAccess()) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => SetCustomTabLabel(tab, label))); return; } switch (tab) { case CustomTab.Tab1: App.MainWindow.CustomTab1Label.Content = label; App.Settings.AvalonSettings.CustomTab1Label = label; break; case CustomTab.Tab2: App.MainWindow.CustomTab2Label.Content = label; App.Settings.AvalonSettings.CustomTab2Label = label; break; case CustomTab.Tab3: App.MainWindow.CustomTab3Label.Content = label; App.Settings.AvalonSettings.CustomTab3Label = label; break; } }
private void ResizeTabControlAndChildren() { int folderBoxWidth = foldersGroupBox.Width; // Get new width int newWidth = (Size.Width - mainTabControl.Location.X) - (folderBoxWidth + 40); mainTabControl.Width = newWidth; // Get new height int newHeight = (Size.Height - mainTabControl.Location.Y) - 70; mainTabControl.Height = newHeight; foreach (TabPage tab in mainTabControl.TabPages) { CustomTab cTab = (CustomTab)tab; foreach (Control ctrl in cTab.Controls) { if (ctrl.GetType() == typeof(CustomRichTextBox)) { ctrl.Width = newWidth - 13; ctrl.Height = newHeight - 35; } } } }
public async Task <SaveResponseDto> Add(CustomTab customTab) { return(new SaveResponseDto { SaveSuccessful = await _customTabRepository.AddAsync(customTab) != null, RecordId = customTab.Id }); }
public async Task <SaveResponseDto> UpdateAsync(CustomTab customTab) { var response = await _customTabRepository.UpdateAsync(customTab, customTab.Id); return(new SaveResponseDto { SaveSuccessful = response != null, SavedEntityId = customTab.Id }); }
// Default ctor public MainPageViewModel() { CustomTabsInfo = new CustomTabsConfigModel(); CustomTabsInfo.ConfigModelName = "New Test Model"; CustomTab _customTab = new CustomTab(); _customTab.Header = "Test 1 Tab"; _customTab.TabIsVisible = true; //_customTab.TaskCollection = new TaskCollection(); //UtilitiesTask _task = new UtilitiesTask(); //_task.TaskTitle = "Task 1"; //_task.ButtonLabel = "Task 1 Button"; //_task.ButtonType = "SQL"; //_customTab.TaskCollection.TaskList.Add(_task); //_task = new UtilitiesTask(); //_task.TaskTitle = "Task 2"; //_task.ButtonLabel = "Task 2 Button"; //_task.ButtonType = "Crystal"; //_customTab.TaskCollection.TaskList.Add(_task); CustomTabsInfo.CustomTabCollection.Add(_customTab); _customTab = new CustomTab(); _customTab.Header = "Test 2 Tab"; _customTab.TabIsVisible = true; //_task = new UtilitiesTask(); //_customTab.TaskCollection = new TaskCollection(); //_customTab.TaskCollection.TaskList.Add(_task); CustomTabsInfo.CustomTabCollection.Add(_customTab); _customTab = new CustomTab(); _customTab.Header = "Test 3 Tab"; _customTab.TabIsVisible = true; //_task = new UtilitiesTask(); //_customTab.TaskCollection = new TaskCollection(); //_customTab.TaskCollection.TaskList.Add(_task); CustomTabsInfo.CustomTabCollection.Add(_customTab); this.Model = CustomTabsInfo; BeginEdit(); // DEBUG: Associate with IsDirtyInfo AssociateProperties(m => m.ConfigModelName, vm => vm.IsDirtyInfo); AssociateProperties(m => m.CustomTabCollection, vm => vm.IsDirtyInfo); // Handle PropertyChanged event (debugging) //Model.PropertyChanged += OnModelPropertyChanged; }
private void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ((CustomTab)(mainTabControl.SelectedTab)).Save(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainNoteDirectory)) { MessageBox.Show("You need to set a MainNoteDirectory before saving. (File -> Preferences)", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } CustomTab selectedTab = (CustomTab)mainTabControl.SelectedTab; selectedTab.Save(); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the visibility of the specified custom tab. /// </summary> /// <param name="tab"></param> /// <param name="visible"></param> public void SetCustomTabVisible(CustomTab tab, bool visible) { // If it doesn't have access then execute the same function on the UI thread, otherwise just run it. if (!Application.Current.Dispatcher.CheckAccess()) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => SetCustomTabVisible(tab, visible))); return; } switch (tab) { case CustomTab.Tab1: App.MainWindow.CustomTab1.Visibility = visible.ToVisibleOrCollapse(); break; case CustomTab.Tab2: App.MainWindow.CustomTab2.Visibility = visible.ToVisibleOrCollapse(); break; case CustomTab.Tab3: App.MainWindow.CustomTab3.Visibility = visible.ToVisibleOrCollapse(); break; } }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (AfflictionsTab != null) { AfflictionsTab.Dispose(); AfflictionsTab = null; } if (ApplyButton != null) { ApplyButton.Dispose(); ApplyButton = null; } if (BottomView != null) { BottomView.Dispose(); BottomView = null; } if (CloseButton != null) { CloseButton.Dispose(); CloseButton = null; } if (ConditionDetailWebView != null) { ConditionDetailWebView.Dispose(); ConditionDetailWebView = null; } if (ConditionsTab != null) { ConditionsTab.Dispose(); ConditionsTab = null; } if (CustomTab != null) { CustomTab.Dispose(); CustomTab = null; } if (DurationLabel != null) { DurationLabel.Dispose(); DurationLabel = null; } if (FavoritesTab != null) { FavoritesTab.Dispose(); FavoritesTab = null; } if (FilterText != null) { FilterText.Dispose(); FilterText = null; } if (SelectionTable != null) { SelectionTable.Dispose(); SelectionTable = null; } if (SpellsTab != null) { SpellsTab.Dispose(); SpellsTab = null; } if (TitleView != null) { TitleView.Dispose(); TitleView = null; } if (TopView != null) { TopView.Dispose(); TopView = null; } }
private void OpenTab(string a_path = "NULL") { CustomRichTextBox newBox = new CustomRichTextBox(); newBox.OnLineNumberChanged += Event_OnActiveTextBoxLineChanged; newBox.Font = new Font(newBox.Font.FontFamily, 10.5f, FontStyle.Regular); newBox.Size = template_rtb.Size; newBox.Location = template_rtb.Location; newBox.HideSelection = false; if (a_path == "NULL") { using (NewTabDetailsForm form = new NewTabDetailsForm(mLoadedSemesters.ToArray())) { DialogResult result = form.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { // Create new tab, make sure all TabPage values are set to null CustomTab newTab = new CustomTab(form.Semester, form.Course, form.ClassType, MainNoteDirectory + form.Semester + "\\" + form.Course + "\\Notes\\" + string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}_{3}.rtf", DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, form.ClassType)); newTab.Text = string.Format("[{0}] {1}", form.Course, string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}_{3}.rtf", DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, form.ClassType)); newTab.Controls.Add(newBox); mainTabControl.TabPages.Add(newTab); mainTabControl.SelectedIndex = mainTabControl.TabPages.Count - 1; // If the tab that was just added is the only tab (TabPages.Count == 1) if (mainTabControl.TabPages.Count == 1) { foreach (Control ctrl in mainTabControl.SelectedTab.Controls) { if (ctrl.GetType() == typeof(CustomRichTextBox)) { activeRichTextBox = (CustomRichTextBox)ctrl; CustomConsole.Log("Set the child of CustomTab with id: " + ((CustomTab)mainTabControl.SelectedTab).mTabId + " to the active CustomRichTextBox"); } } } } } } else { string[] splitFileName = a_path.Split('\\'); string temp_semester = splitFileName[splitFileName.Length - 4]; string[] classTypeSplit = splitFileName[splitFileName.Length - 1].Split('_'); string temp_classtype = classTypeSplit[1].Split('.')[0]; string temp_course = splitFileName[splitFileName.Length - 3]; newBox.LoadFile(a_path); // Create new tab, make sure all TabPage values are srt to null CustomTab newTab = new CustomTab(temp_semester, temp_course, temp_classtype, a_path); newTab.Text = string.Format("[{0}] {1}", temp_course, splitFileName[splitFileName.Length - 1]); newTab.Controls.Add(newBox); mainTabControl.TabPages.Add(newTab); CustomConsole.Log("Opened file to edit: " + a_path); // If the tab that was just added is the only tab (TabPages.Count == 1) if (mainTabControl.TabPages.Count == 1) { foreach (Control ctrl in mainTabControl.SelectedTab.Controls) { if (ctrl.GetType() == typeof(CustomRichTextBox)) { activeRichTextBox = (CustomRichTextBox)ctrl; CustomConsole.Log("Set the child of CustomTab with id: " + ((CustomTab)mainTabControl.SelectedTab).mTabId + " to the active CustomRichTextBox"); } } } } }