static void Main(string[] args) { WriteLine("\t\tTESTS FOR CUSTOM STRING LIBRARY", ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red); ResetColor(); CustomString test = new CustomString("Hello world"); CustomString testAsCharArray = new CustomString(new[] { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd' }); int N = 5; WriteLine("\n\tCHECKING CONSTRUCTORS"); WriteLine("\nString inputted as char array: " + testAsCharArray); WriteLine("String inputted as string type text: " + test); WriteLine("\n\tCHECKING OPERATOR OVERLOADINGS AND OVERRIDINGS"); WriteLine("Is these CustomStrings equals? " + test.Equals(testAsCharArray)); WriteLine("Multiplication with *: " + test * N); WriteLine("Sum with +: " + test + "!"); WriteLine("Index [0]: " + test[0]); test[0] = 'Њ'; WriteLine("Changing literal on index [0]: " + test);; WriteLine("\n\tCHECKING METHODS"); WriteLine("\nIs 123 digit? " + CustomString.IsDigit(new CustomString("123"))); WriteLine("Is Word digit? " + CustomString.IsDigit(new CustomString("Word"))); WriteLine("Is 'e' literal in the string? " + test.Find('e')); WriteLine("\n\tOTHER"); WriteLine("\nHow long this string? " + test.length + " symbols"); }