Exemple #1
        // rename in place:
        // customreplayformat != null
        // output directory = empty
        // rename in place = true
        // restoreoriginalreplaynames = false

        // rename to output:
        // customreplayformat != null
        // outputdirectory != null/empty
        // renameinplace = false
        // restore = false

        // restore:
        // customreplayformat = null
        // outputdirectory = null
        // renameinplace = false
        // restore = true

        public static RenamingParameters Create(CustomReplayFormat customReplayFormat, string outputDirectory, bool?renameInPlace, bool?restoreOriginalReplayNames, bool?isPreview)
            var renameInPlaceValue = renameInPlace.HasValue && renameInPlace.Value;
            var restoreOriginalReplayNamesValue = restoreOriginalReplayNames.HasValue && restoreOriginalReplayNames.Value;
            var isPreviewValue = isPreview.HasValue && isPreview.Value;

            if (customReplayFormat != null)
                if (renameInPlaceValue)
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outputDirectory))
                        return(new RenamingParameters(customReplayFormat, string.Empty, true, false, isPreviewValue));


                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outputDirectory))

                return(new RenamingParameters(customReplayFormat, outputDirectory, false, false, isPreviewValue));
                if (restoreOriginalReplayNamesValue)
                    return(new RenamingParameters(null, null, false, true, isPreviewValue));

Exemple #2
 private RenamingParameters(CustomReplayFormat customReplayFormat, string outputDirectory, bool renameInPlace, bool restoreOriginalReplayNames, bool isPreview)
     _customReplayFormat         = customReplayFormat;
     _outputDirectory            = outputDirectory;
     _renameInPlace              = renameInPlace;
     _restoreOriginalReplayNames = restoreOriginalReplayNames;
     _isPreview = isPreview;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Renames a replay according to a custom replay format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="replay">The replay to rename.</param>
        /// <param name="format">The custom replay format to use to rename the replay.</param>
        /// <param name="forward">Whether to move the file history pointer forward or not.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws an ArgumentNullException in case replay or format is null.</exception>
        public static void RenameReplay(File <IReplay> replay, CustomReplayFormat format, bool forward = true)
            var newName = GenerateReplayName(replay, format);

            if (forward)
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a new replay name based on a replay and a custom replay format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="replay">The replay to generate a new name for.</param>
        /// <param name="format">The custom replay format to use to generate a new replay name.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GenerateReplayName(File <IReplay> replay, CustomReplayFormat format)
            if (replay == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(replay));
            if (format == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(format));

            var customReplayName = format.GenerateReplayName(replay);

Exemple #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Try writing resource to disk C:\testreplays2 => success
            //if (!Directory.Exists(@"C:\testreplays2"))
            //    Directory.CreateDirectory(@"C:\testreplays2");
            //File.WriteAllBytes(@"C:\testreplays2\_000204_Fighting_Spirit_1_3_.rep", ReplayParser.ReplaySorter.Replays._000204_Fighting_Spirit_1_3_);

            // Try writing all resources to disk C:\testreplays2 => success
            //if (!Directory.Exists(@"C:\testreplays2"))
            //    Directory.CreateDirectory(@"C:\testreplays2");

            //var Resources = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceNames();
            //foreach (var aResource in Resources)
            //    if (aResource.Substring(aResource.Length - 4) == ".rep")
            //    {
            //        string FilePath = @"C:\testreplays2\" + aResource.Substring(36);
            //        using (Stream replayStream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(aResource))
            //        {
            //            using (var FileStream = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
            //            {
            //                replayStream.CopyTo(FileStream);
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }

            // ask directory, if none supplied, check the embedded resources directory

            //if (directory == string.Empty)
            //    directory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\" + "Resources";

            // parse all replays in directory

            // for your UI, you should be able to put these things in a separate class and methods so you can make use of them instead of having to rewrite this...

            IReplaySorterConfiguration replaySorterConfiguration = new ReplaySorterAppConfiguration();

            if (ErrorLogger.GetInstance(replaySorterConfiguration) == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Issue intializing logger. Logging will be disabled.");

            var searchDirectory = (SearchDirectory)User.AskDirectory(typeof(SearchDirectory));
            List <File <IReplay> > ListReplays = new List <File <IReplay> >();
            IEnumerable <string>   files       = Directory.EnumerateFiles(searchDirectory.Directory, "*.rep", searchDirectory.SearchOption);

            while (files.Count() == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("No replays found in {0}", searchDirectory.Directory);
                searchDirectory = (SearchDirectory)User.AskDirectory(typeof(SearchDirectory));
                files           = Directory.EnumerateFiles(searchDirectory.Directory, "*.rep", searchDirectory.SearchOption);
            // getting a lot of errors for replays, figure out why. Add possibility to rename the replays themselves.
            // Also figure out how to make this  1.16, 1.18, 1.19, ... compatible

            // could I put a try/catch inside a nother catch? Or should I just use a stringbuilder and write the entirety of it to a file in the end
            StringBuilder ErrorMessages             = new StringBuilder();
            List <string> ReplaysThrowingExceptions = new List <string>();
            //var BadReplays = searchDirectory.Directory + @"\BadReplays";
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            var ProgressBar     = new ProgressBar(Console.CursorLeft, Console.CursorTop);
            var numberOfFiles   = files.Count();
            int currentPosition = 0;

            foreach (var replay in files)
                ProgressBar.ShowAndUpdate(currentPosition, numberOfFiles);
                    var ParsedReplay = ReplayLoader.LoadReplay(replay);
                    ListReplays.Add(File <IReplay> .Create(ParsedReplay, replay));
                    //WriteUncompressedReplay(@"C:\testreplays\UncompressedReplays", replay);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nError with replay {0}", replay.ToString());
                    ErrorMessages.AppendLine(ex.Message + ":" + replay.ToString());
            //catch(Exception ex)
            //    Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
            //var ErrorMessagesFile = @"C:\testreplays\ErrorMessages.txt";
            var ErrorMessagesFile = searchDirectory.Directory + @"\ErrorMessages.txt";

            Console.WriteLine("It took {0} seconds to parse {1} replays. {2} replays encountered exceptions during parsing. Errors can be investigated in the textfile: {3}", sw.Elapsed, ListReplays.Count(), ReplaysThrowingExceptions.Count(), ErrorMessagesFile);
                //using (var StreamWriter = new StreamWriter(ErrorMessagesFile))

                File.WriteAllText(ErrorMessagesFile, ErrorMessages.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error writing error messages." + ex.Message);

            if (ReplaysThrowingExceptions.Count() > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Move bad replays to a designated folder? Y(es)/N(o).");
                var MoveBadReplays = User.AskYesNo();
                if (MoveBadReplays.Yes != null)
                    if ((bool)MoveBadReplays.Yes)
                        var  BadReplaysOutputDirectory = (OutputDirectory)User.AskDirectory(typeof(OutputDirectory), "Specify a directory to put the bad replays.");
                        bool CreateDirectorySuccess    = false;
                        while (!CreateDirectorySuccess)
                                CreateDirectorySuccess = true;
                            catch (Exception)
                                Console.WriteLine("Could not create directory. Invalid directory name or not enough privileges.");
                                CreateDirectorySuccess = false;

                        foreach (var replay in ReplaysThrowingExceptions)
                            ReplayHandler.RemoveBadReplay(BadReplaysOutputDirectory.Directory + @"\BadReplays", replay);
                        ReplayHandler.LogBadReplays(ReplaysThrowingExceptions, replaySorterConfiguration.LogDirectory, $"{DateTime.Now} - Error while parsing replay: {{0}}");
                    Console.WriteLine("Answer can not be null");
                // remove bad replay from files
                // not necessary anymore since I use ReplayFile now
                // files = files.Where(x => !ReplaysThrowingExceptions.Contains(x));

            // you might want to extract information and put everything into some sort of data structure, so you don't have to go through the list of replays for each
            // sort but instead can lookup in the datastructure/table?

            //Ask criteria to sort on, let's start with something simple...
            //Player name

            // use a library to parse command line arguments => then return some sort of Enum
            // then pass this enum to a Sorter object
            OutputDirectory SortResultOutputDirectory = (OutputDirectory)User.AskDirectory(typeof(OutputDirectory), "Specify a directory for the sort result. If it does not exist, it will be created.");

            while (!Directory.Exists(SortResultOutputDirectory.Directory))
                catch (Exception)
                    Console.WriteLine("Could not create directory. Invalid directory name or not enough privileges.");
                    var TryAgain = User.AskYesNo();
                    if (TryAgain.Yes != null)
                        if ((bool)TryAgain.Yes)
                            SortResultOutputDirectory = (OutputDirectory)User.AskDirectory(typeof(OutputDirectory), "Specify a different directory for the sort result.If it does not exist, it will be created.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Answer can not be null.");

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter criteria to sort replays on.");
            Console.WriteLine("Provide a space separated list of criteria.");
            var           SortCriteria = User.AskCriteria();
            Sorter        sorter       = new Sorter(SortResultOutputDirectory.Directory, ListReplays);
            List <string> replaysThrowingExceptions = new List <string>();

            while (SortCriteria.StopProgram != null)
                if ((bool)!SortCriteria.StopProgram)
                    var CriteriaParameters = User.AskAdditionalQuestionsSortCriteria(SortCriteria.ChosenCriteria);

                    Console.WriteLine("Keep original replay names?");
                    var KeepOriginalReplayNames = User.AskYesNo();
                    if (KeepOriginalReplayNames.Yes != null)
                        if ((bool)!KeepOriginalReplayNames.Yes)
                            CustomReplayFormat aCustomReplayFormat = null;
                            while (aCustomReplayFormat == null)
                                Console.WriteLine("Custom format?");
                                string customformat = Console.ReadLine();
                                    aCustomReplayFormat       = CustomReplayFormat.Create(customformat, ListReplays.Count, true);
                                    sorter.CustomReplayFormat = aCustomReplayFormat;
                                catch (Exception)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid custom format.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Answer can not be null");

                    sorter.CurrentDirectory    = SortResultOutputDirectory.Directory;
                    sorter.SortCriteria        = SortCriteria.ChosenCriteria;
                    sorter.CriteriaStringOrder = SortCriteria.CriteriaStringOrder;
                        // use SortCriteriaParameters
                        sorter.ExecuteSort(CriteriaParameters.SortCriteriaParameters, (bool)KeepOriginalReplayNames.Yes, replaysThrowingExceptions);
                        Console.WriteLine("Sort finished.");
                        ReplayHandler.LogBadReplays(replaysThrowingExceptions, replaySorterConfiguration.LogDirectory, $"{DateTime.Now} - Error while sorting replay: {{0}} using arguments: {sorter.ToString()}");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter criteria to sort replays on.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Provide a space separated list of criteria.");
                        SortCriteria = User.AskCriteria();
            Console.WriteLine("Stop Program can not be null");

            //string consoleInput = Console.ReadLine();
            //Sorter sorter = new Sorter();
            //while (consoleInput.ToUpper() != "STOP")
            //    string[] Criteria = Array.ConvertAll(consoleInput.ToUpper().Split(new char[] { ' ' }), x => x.Trim());
            //    Criteria ChosenCriteria = new Criteria();
            //    foreach (var criteria in Criteria)
            //    {
            //        if (!Enum.TryParse(criteria, out ChosenCriteria))
            //        {
            //            Console.WriteLine("Invalid criteria: {0}", criteria);
            //        }
            //    }

            //    // again have sort of mapping structure to ask additional questions bsed on the criteria
            //    // for now keep it simple, just ask the questions
            //    Console.WriteLine("Keep original replay names?");
            //    var KeepOriginalReplayNames = User.AskYesNo();
            //    if (KeepOriginalReplayNames.Yes != null)
            //    {
            //        if ((bool)!KeepOriginalReplayNames.Yes)
            //        {
            //            CustomReplayFormat aCustomReplayFormat = new CustomReplayFormat();
            //            while (aCustomReplayFormat.CustomFormat == null)
            //            {
            //                Console.WriteLine("Custom format?");
            //                string customformat = Console.ReadLine();
            //                try
            //                {
            //                    aCustomReplayFormat.CustomFormat = customformat;
            //                    sorter.CustomReplayFormat = aCustomReplayFormat;
            //                }
            //                catch (Exception ex)
            //                {
            //                    Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
            //                }
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("Answer can not be null");
            //        return;
            //    }

            //    var CriteriaParameters = User.AskAdditionalQuestionsSortCriteria(ChosenCriteria);

            //    sorter.CurrentDirectory = searchDirectory.Directory;
            //    sorter.Files = files;
            //    sorter.ListReplays = ListReplays;
            //    sorter.SortCriteria = ChosenCriteria;
            //    try
            //    {
            //        sorter.ExecuteSort(CriteriaParameters.MakeFolderForWinner, CriteriaParameters.MakeFolderForLoser, (bool)KeepOriginalReplayNames.Yes, CriteriaParameters.ValidGameTypes, CriteriaParameters.Durations);
            //        Console.WriteLine("Sort finished.");
            //    }
            //    catch (Exception ex)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
            //    }
            //    finally
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("Please enter criteria to sort replays on.");
            //        Console.WriteLine("Provide a space separated list of criteria.");
            //        consoleInput = Console.ReadLine();
            //    }

            // switch not going to work unless you go through each value between 1 to 2^x and not just the values defined in the enum
            //    case 1:
            //        break;
            //    case 2:
            //        break;
            //    default:
            //        break;

            // use hasflag instead

            //if (ChosenCriteria.HasFlag(ReplaySorter.Criteria.PLAYERNAME))
            //    List<string> PlayerNames = new List<string>();
            //    // sort on playername
            //    foreach (var replay in ListReplays)
            //    {
            //        //List<string> Players = new List<string>();
            //        var parseplayers = replay.Players.ToList();
            //        foreach (var aplayer in parseplayers)
            //        {
            //            //Players.Add(aplayer.Name);
            //            if (!PlayerNames.Contains(aplayer.Name))
            //            {
            //                PlayerNames.Add(aplayer.Name);
            //            }
            //        }
            //            //PlayerNames.AddRange(Players);
            //    }

            //    // create sort directory, and directories for each player
            //    string sortDirectory = @directory + @"\" + ChosenCriteria.ToString();
            //    Directory.CreateDirectory(sortDirectory);
            //    foreach(var player in PlayerNames.Distinct())
            //    {
            //        Directory.CreateDirectory(sortDirectory + @"\" + player);
            //    }

            //    // now add all replays associated with player into the folder

            //foreach (var replay in ListReplays)
            //    {
            //        // get players per replay
            //        var ParsePlayers = replay.Players.ToList();
            //        var index = ListReplays.IndexOf(replay);
            //        var FilePath = files.ElementAt(index);
            //        var DirectoryName = Directory.GetParent(FilePath);
            //        var FileName = FilePath.Substring(DirectoryName.ToString().Length);

            //        foreach (var aPlayer in ParsePlayers)
            //        {
            //            // for each player, get proper folder
            //            // find the corresponding replay file
            //            // add this file to that folder
            //            var PlayerName = aPlayer.Name;
            //            var DestinationFilePath = sortDirectory + @"\" + PlayerName + FileName;
            //            File.Copy(FilePath, DestinationFilePath);
            //        }
            //    }
Exemple #6
        public static void MoveReplay(File <IReplay> replay, string sortDirectory, string folderName, bool keepOriginalReplayNames, CustomReplayFormat customReplayFormat, bool isPreview = false)
            if (replay == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(replay));
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sortDirectory))
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(sortDirectory));
            if (!keepOriginalReplayNames && customReplayFormat == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(customReplayFormat)} cannot be null if {nameof(keepOriginalReplayNames)} is false!");

            var       sourceFilePath      = replay.FilePath;
            var       fileName            = FileHandler.GetFileName(replay.FilePath);
            var       destinationFilePath = Path.Combine(sortDirectory, folderName, fileName);
            var       renamedSuccessfully = true;
            Exception renameException     = null;

            if (!keepOriginalReplayNames)
                    destinationFilePath = sortDirectory + @"\" + folderName + @"\" + GenerateReplayName(replay, customReplayFormat) + ".rep";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    renamedSuccessfully = false;
                    renameException     = ex;
                    ErrorLogger.GetInstance()?.LogError($"{DateTime.Now} - Error while renaming replay: {replay.OriginalFilePath}", ex: ex);

            destinationFilePath = FileHandler.AdjustName(destinationFilePath, false);

            if (!isPreview)
                File.Move(sourceFilePath, destinationFilePath);


            if (!renamedSuccessfully)
                throw new RenameException(sourceFilePath, customReplayFormat, $"Something went wrong while renaming.", renameException);
 public RenameException(string originalFilePath, CustomReplayFormat customReplayFormat, string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException)
     OriginalFilePath = originalFilePath;
     CustomReplayFormat = customReplayFormat;