private void CloseButt_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { resizecheck.IsChecked = false; SkinsListbox.SelectedIndex = 0; this.Hide(); CustomMethods.SaveConfig(); }
public ActionResult AddEditCountry(int id = 0, int pid = 0) { CustomMethods.ValidateRoles("Country"); if (!Convert.ToBoolean(Session["IsAdd"]) && !Convert.ToBoolean(Session["IsEdit"])) { return(View("ErrorPage", "Error")); } CountryModel CountryModel = new CountryModel(); int take = 10; int skip = take * pid; CountryModel.PageID = pid; CountryModel.Current = pid + 1; ViewBag.c = CountryModel.PageID; if (id != 0) { var objcountry = new CountryBLL { }.GetCountryById(id); if (objcountry != null) { CountryModel.CountryId = objcountry.CountryId; CountryModel.CountryName = objcountry.CountryName; CountryModel.CountryCode = objcountry.CountryCode; CountryModel.IsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(objcountry.IsActive); } } return(View(CountryModel)); }
private void SkinsListbox_SelectionChanged(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (SkinsListbox.SelectedItem != null) { CustomMethods.SkinList_Information(((System.Windows.Controls.ListBoxItem)(SkinsListbox.SelectedItem)).Content.ToString()); } }
// public ActionResult Index(int pid = 0, int cid = 0) { try { int take; int skip; take = 10; skip = take * pid; ModulesModel ModuleModel = new ModulesModel(); ModuleModel.PageID = pid; ModuleModel.Current = pid + 1; var modulelist = new ModuleBLL { }.GetAllModules(skip, take); if (modulelist != null) { double count = Convert.ToDouble(new ModuleBLL { }.GetPageCount()); var res = count / take; ModuleModel.Pagecount = (int)Math.Ceiling(res); ModuleModel.ModuleList = modulelist; } CustomMethods.ValidateRoles("Module"); return(View(ModuleModel)); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
public ActionResult AddEditState(int id = 0, int pid = 0) { CustomMethods.ValidateRoles("State"); if (!Convert.ToBoolean(Session["IsAdd"]) && !Convert.ToBoolean(Session["IsEdit"])) { return(View("ErrorPage", "Error")); } StateModel StateModel = new StateModel(); int take = 10; int skip = take * pid; StateModel.PageID = pid; StateModel.Current = pid + 1; ViewBag.c = StateModel.PageID; if (id != 0) { var objstate = new StateBLL { }.GetSubStateById(id); if (objstate != null) { StateModel.StateId = objstate.StateId; StateModel.StateName = objstate.StateName; StateModel.CountryId = objstate.CountryId; StateModel.IsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(objstate.IsActive); } } CustomMethods.BindCountryList(StateModel); return(View(StateModel)); }
private void CreateSkin_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string skin = ((System.Windows.Controls.ListBoxItem)(SkinsListbox.SelectedItem)).Content.ToString(); if (skin == "Create New Skin") { CustomMethods.CreateModifySkin(@"\" + SkinName_TextBox.Text, SkinName_TextBox.Text, SkinAuthor_TextBox.Text, SkinVersion_TextBox.Text, CustomMethods.ScreenShotPath, SkinNotes_TextBox.Text); CustomMethods.CurrentSkin = @"\" + SkinName_TextBox.Text; CustomMethods.SaveCurrentState(); //copy img, load img, then save if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CustomMethods.Imagepath)) { string temp = CustomMethods.Imagepath; CustomMethods.Imagepath = ""; CustomMethods.LoadImage(temp); } CustomMethods.SaveConfig(); CustomMethods.GetSkinList(); } else { if ((@"\" + skin) == CustomMethods.CurrentSkin) { CustomMethods.SaveConfig(); } CustomMethods.CreateModifySkin(skin, SkinName_TextBox.Text, SkinAuthor_TextBox.Text, SkinVersion_TextBox.Text, CustomMethods.ScreenShotPath, SkinNotes_TextBox.Text); } }
private static void FirstRun(string appdatapath, string curFileName) { try { //MessageBox.Show("DEBUG: creating folder"); Directory.CreateDirectory(appdatapath); //MessageBox.Show("DEBUG: copying exe file"); System.IO.File.Copy(curFileName, appdatapath + "\\" + "SkinText.exe", true); //MessageBox.Show("DEBUG: creating default skin folder"); Directory.CreateDirectory(appdatapath + @"\Default"); //MessageBox.Show("DEBUG: creating desktop shortcut"); CreateShortcut(appdatapath); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(appdatapath + "\\" + "config.ini")) { CustomMethods.CurrentSkin = @"\Default"; //MessageBox.Show("DEBUG: setting default skin"); CustomMethods.SaveCurrentState(); //skininfo.ini Area //MessageBox.Show("DEBUG: creating default skin config"); CustomMethods.CreateModifySkin("Default", "Default", "FrostHive", "2.0.0", "DefaultIcon", "SkinText Default Skin"); //skininfo.ini Area } } catch (Exception ex) { //MessageBox.Show("Error creating Initial Config", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); #if DEBUG MessageBox.Show("DEBUG: " + ex.ToString()); #endif throw; } }
// // GET: /Admin/Role/ public ActionResult Index(int pid = 0) { try { int take = 10; int skip = take * pid; RoleModal objRoleModal = new RoleModal(); objRoleModal.PageID = pid; objRoleModal.Current = pid + 1; var rolelist = new RolesBLL { }.GetAllRoles(skip, take); if (rolelist != null) { double count = Convert.ToDouble(new RolesBLL { }.GetPageCount()); var res = count / take; objRoleModal.Pagecount = (int)Math.Ceiling(res); objRoleModal.Roleslist = rolelist; } CustomMethods.ValidateRoles("Role"); return(View(objRoleModal)); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
public ActionResult AddEditCity(int id = 0, int pid = 0) { CustomMethods.ValidateRoles("City"); if (!Convert.ToBoolean(Session["IsAdd"]) && !Convert.ToBoolean(Session["IsEdit"])) { return(View("ErrorPage", "Error")); } CityModel CityModel = new CityModel(); int take = 10; int skip = take * pid; CityModel.PageID = pid; CityModel.Current = pid + 1; ViewBag.c = CityModel.PageID; if (id != 0) { var objcity = new CityBLL { }.GetSubCityById(id); if (objcity != null) { CityModel.CityId = objcity.CityId; CityModel.CityName = objcity.CityName; CityModel.StateId = objcity.StateId; CityModel.IsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(objcity.IsActive); } } CustomMethods.BindStateList(CityModel); return(View(CityModel)); }
public ActionResult ViewState(int id = 0, int pid = 0) { CustomMethods.ValidateRoles("State"); if (!Convert.ToBoolean(Session["IsAdd"]) && !Convert.ToBoolean(Session["IsEdit"])) { return(View("ErrorPage", "Error")); } StateModel state = new StateModel(); int take = 10; int skip = take * pid; state.PageID = pid; state.Current = pid + 1; ViewBag.c = state.PageID; if (id != 0) { var objState = new StateBLL { }.GetSubStateById(id); if (objState != null) { state.StateId = objState.StateId; state.StateName = objState.StateName; state.CountryId = objState.CountryId; //== null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(objcourse.CountryId); state.CountryName = objState.CountryName; state.IsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(objState.IsActive); } } return(View(state)); }
void step() { int N = this.size; float visc = this.visc; float diff = this.diff; float dt = this.dt; float[] Vx = this.Vx; float[] Vy = this.Vy; float[] Vx0 = this.Vx0; float[] Vy0 = this.Vy0; float[] s = this.s; float[] density = this.density; CustomMethods.diffuse(1, Vx0, Vx, visc, dt); CustomMethods.diffuse(2, Vy0, Vy, visc, dt); CustomMethods.project(Vx0, Vy0, Vx, Vy); CustomMethods.advect(1, Vx, Vx0, Vx0, Vy0, dt); CustomMethods.advect(2, Vy, Vy0, Vx0, Vy0, dt); CustomMethods.project(Vx, Vy, Vx0, Vy0); CustomMethods.diffuse(0, s, density, diff, dt); CustomMethods.advect(0, density, s, Vx, Vy, dt); }
public ActionResult ViewCity(int id = 0, int pid = 0) { CustomMethods.ValidateRoles("City"); if (!Convert.ToBoolean(Session["Add"]) && !Convert.ToBoolean(Session["Edit"])) { return(View("ErrorPage", "Error")); } CityModel city = new CityModel(); int take = 10; int skip = take * pid; city.PageID = pid; city.Current = pid + 1; ViewBag.c = city.PageID; if (id != 0) { var objcity = new CityBLL { }.GetSubCityById(id); if (objcity != null) { city.CityId = objcity.CityId; city.CityName = objcity.CityName; city.StateName = objcity.StateName; city.IsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(objcity.IsActive); } } return(View(city)); }
//Login function public void Login() { ExcelLib.PopulateInCollection(Base.ExcelDataPath, "Login"); Console.WriteLine("Opening the application"); CommonMethods.driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(KeysResource.Url); CommonMethods.driver.Manage().Window.Maximize(); Thread.Sleep(1000); UserName.SendKeys(ExcelLib.ReadData(1, "Username")); Password.SendKeys(ExcelLib.ReadData(1, "Password")); loginButton.Submit(); Assert.AreEqual("Dashboard", CommonMethods.driver.Title); if (CommonMethods.driver.Title == "Dashboard") { Base.test.Log(Status.Pass, "Logged in to application successfully"); } else { Base.test.Log(Status.Fail, "Failed to login to application.Pls check screenshot " + CommonMethods.SaveScreenshot()); } Console.WriteLine("Logged in to application"); //Clicking on Skip button if (CustomMethods.IsElementPresent(By.LinkText("Skip"))) { CommonMethods.driver.FindElement(By.LinkText("Skip")).Click(); CommonMethods.driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(80); Thread.Sleep(1000); Base.test.Log(Status.Info, "Clicked on Skip button"); } }
public void SearchForProperty(string sheetName, int datarow) { ExcelLib.PopulateInCollection(Base.ExcelDataPath, sheetName); String SearchItem = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "SearchItem"); PropertyDetailsPO.SelectMainMenus(mnuOwner, mnuSubProperties); barSearch.SendKeys(SearchItem + Keys.Enter); //iconSearch.Click(); CommonMethods.wait(5); string ExpectedValue = SearchItem; if (CustomMethods.IsElementPresent(By.XPath("//*[@id='main-content']/div/div[1]/div/div[1]/fieldset/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/a/h3"))) { string ActualValue = CommonMethods.driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='main-content']/div/div[1]/div/div[1]/fieldset/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/a/h3")).Text; if (ExpectedValue == ActualValue) { Base.test.Log(Status.Pass, "Test Passed, Search successfull"); } else { Base.test.Log(Status.Fail, "Test Failed, Search Unsuccessfull.Pls check " + CommonMethods.SaveScreenshot()); } } else { Base.test.Log(Status.Fail, "Can not find the seacrched item, Search Unsuccessfull.Pls check " + CommonMethods.SaveScreenshot()); } }
void FluidCubeAddVelocity(int x, int y, float amountX, float amountY) { int N = this.size; int index = CustomMethods.IX(x, y); this.Vx[index] += amountX; this.Vy[index] += amountY; }
private void Apply_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (textrun.TextDecorations == null) { textrun.TextDecorations = new TextDecorationCollection(); } CustomMethods.TextFormat(textrun.Foreground, textrun.Background, textrun.FontFamily, textrun.FontSize, textrun.TextDecorations, textrun.FontStyle, textrun.FontWeight, txtSampleText.Selection.Start.Paragraph.TextAlignment, txtSampleText.FlowDirection, textrun.BaselineAlignment, textpar.LineHeight); }
protected void Application_Start() { AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); FilterConfig.RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters); RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); BundleConfig.RegisterBundles(BundleTable.Bundles); CustomMethods.RegisterFtpFileUploading(); }
public TestClass() { this.homePage = new HomePage(); this.ElemetsPage = new ElemetsPage(); this.formsPage = new FormsPage(); this.customMethods = new CustomMethods(); this.alertFrameWindowsPage = new AlertFrameWindowsPage(); this.BookStoreApplicationPage = new BookStoreApplicationPage(); }
private void SkinScreenshot_Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string skin = ((System.Windows.Controls.ListBoxItem)(SkinsListbox.SelectedItem)).Content.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(skin) && skin == "Create New Skin") { skin = SkinName_TextBox.Text; } CustomMethods.SelectScreenshot(skin); }
private void ClrPcker_SelectedColorChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <Color?> e) { Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.ColorPicker picker = (Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.ColorPicker)sender; string resource = picker.Name.Substring(picker.Name.IndexOf("_", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1); SolidColorBrush color = new SolidColorBrush(picker.SelectedColor.Value); color.Freeze(); CustomMethods.ChangeBrushResource(color, resource); color = null; }
public void EnterPropertyDetails(string sheetName, int datarow) { ExcelLib.PopulateInCollection(Base.ExcelDataPath, sheetName); //PropertyDetails //int datarow = 1; String PropertyName = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "PropertyName"); String PropertyType = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "PropertyType"); String SearchAddress = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "SearchAddress"); String Number = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "Number"); String Street = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "Street"); String Suburb = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "Suburb"); String City = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "City"); String PostCode = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "PostCode"); String Region = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "Region"); String Description = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "Description"); String TargetRent = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "TargetRent"); String RentType = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "RentType"); String LandArea = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "LandArea"); String FloorArea = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "FloorArea"); String Bedrooms = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "Bedrooms"); String Bathrooms = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "Bathrooms"); String Carparks = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "Carparks"); String YearBuilt = ExcelLib.ReadData(datarow, "YearBuilt"); //navigate to Propery details page SelectMainMenus(mnuOwner, mnuSubProperties); btnAddNewProperty.Click(); //Enter all property details txtPropertyName.SendKeys(PropertyName); if (SearchAddress != null) { ddlSearchAddress.SendKeys(SearchAddress); Thread.Sleep(1000); ddlSearchAddress.SendKeys(Keys.Down + Keys.Enter); } else { var NoCityPostcode = CommonMethods.driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//*[@id='street_number']"));//Number,City,Postcode fields are having the same ID as locators IWebElement txtNumber = NoCityPostcode.ElementAt(0); txtNumber.SendKeys(Number); txtStreet.SendKeys(Street); CustomMethods.FindElementAndPerformAction("Suburb", Suburb); CustomMethods.FindElementAndPerformAction("City", City); CustomMethods.FindElementAndPerformAction("PostCode", PostCode); txtRegion.SendKeys(Region); } txaDescription.SendKeys(Description); CustomMethods.FindElementAndPerformAction("Rent Amount", TargetRent); CustomMethods.FindElementAndPerformAction("Bedrooms", Bedrooms); CustomMethods.FindElementAndPerformAction("Bathrooms", Bathrooms); CustomMethods.FindElementAndPerformAction("car parks", Carparks); CustomMethods.FindElementAndPerformAction("Year Built", YearBuilt); btnNext.Click(); }
private void LoadSkin_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //LoadDefault calls ClearImage that deletes the bgimg so first clear the path CustomMethods.Imagepath = ""; CustomMethods.LoadDefault(); string skin = ((System.Windows.Controls.ListBoxItem)(SkinsListbox.SelectedItem)).Content.ToString(); CustomMethods.CurrentSkin = @"\" + skin; CustomMethods.ReadConfig(); CustomMethods.SaveCurrentState(); }
private void ExportSkin_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string skinName = SkinName_TextBox.Text; //set the name to the user specified name string skinFolder = ((System.Windows.Controls.ListBoxItem)(SkinsListbox.SelectedItem)).Content.ToString(); //TODO: check if skin is null on all function calls if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(skinFolder) && skinFolder != "Create New Skin") { CustomMethods.ExportSkin(skinFolder, skinName); } }
public void CheckContactPageLinks() { PresidencyProperties.driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(PresidencyProperties.baseUrl + PresidencyProperties.contactUrl); if (!CustomMethods.IsElementPresent(By.XPath("//a[contains(@href,'" + PresidencyProperties.emailSupport + "')]"))) { Assert.Fail("support link not present or wrong"); } if (!CustomMethods.IsElementPresent(By.XPath("//a[contains(@href,'" + PresidencyProperties.emailInfo + "')]"))) { Assert.Fail("info link not present or wrong"); } }
private void SkinsListbox_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.SystemKey.Equals(Key.Delete) || e.Key.Equals(Key.Delete)) { string skin = ((System.Windows.Controls.ListBoxItem)(SkinsListbox.SelectedItem)).Content.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(skin) && skin != "Create New Skin") { CustomMethods.DeleteSkin(skin); CustomMethods.GetSkinList(); } } }
public void LinqWhere1() { Expression <Func <JSArray, object> > expr = array => array.RemoveAt(2); var extension = new CustomMethods(); var js = expr.CompileToJavascript( new JavascriptCompilationOptions( JsCompilationFlags.BodyOnly | JsCompilationFlags.ScopeParameter, new LinqMethods(), extension)); Assert.AreEqual("array.splice(arg_0, 1)", js); Assert.AreEqual(2, ((ConstantExpression)extension.Parameters["arg_0"]).Value); }
public ActionResult State(string SearchValue, string sortOrder, int pid = 0, int cid = 0) { int take = 10; int skip = take * pid; StateModel model = new StateModel(); model.PageID = pid; model.Current = pid + 1; IEnumerable <StateModel> Courses = new List <StateModel>(); CustomMethods.ValidateRoles("State"); var Citieslist = new StateBLL { }.GetAllState(skip, take); if (cid != 0) { var sortedlist = new StateBLL { }.GetAllState(skip, take, cid); double count = Convert.ToDouble(sortedlist.Count); var res = count / take; model.Pagecount = (int)Math.Ceiling(res); model.StateList = sortedlist.Select(x => new StateModel { CountryId = x.CountryId, CountryName = x.CountryName, StateId = x.StateId, StateName = x.StateName, IsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(x.IsActive) }).ToList(); } else { if (Citieslist != null) { double count = Convert.ToDouble(new StateBLL { }.GetPageCount()); var res = count / take; model.Pagecount = (int)Math.Ceiling(res); model.StateList = Citieslist.Select(x => new StateModel { CountryId = x.CountryId, CountryName = x.CountryName, StateId = x.StateId, StateName = x.StateName, IsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(x.IsActive) }).ToList(); } } return(View(model)); }
private void AppendAllMethodsToCustomMethodInfo(IEnumerable <MethodInfo> methods) { foreach (var method in methods) { CustomMethodInfo customMethodInfo = new CustomMethodInfo { Method = method, InParameterInfo = method.GetParameters(), OutParameterInfo = method.ReturnParameter }; CustomMethods.Add(customMethodInfo); } }
public async Task <List <NewsViewModel> > GetRelatedNewsAsync(int number, List <string> tagIdList, string newsId) { var newsList = new List <NewsViewModel>(); int randomRow; int recentRandomRow = 0; tagIdList.Insert(0, newsId); string whereExpression = "NewsId!=@0 and ("; for (int i = 0; i < tagIdList.Count() - 1; i++) { whereExpression = whereExpression + @"TagId==@" + (i + 1) + (i + 1 != tagIdList.Count - 1 ? " or " : ")"); } int newsCount = (from n in _context.News.Where(n => n.IsPublish == true && n.PublishDateTime <= DateTime.Now) join t in _context.NewsTags.Where(whereExpression, tagIdList.ToArray()) on n.NewsId equals t.NewsId select n).Count(); for (int i = 0; i < number && i < newsCount; i++) { randomRow = CustomMethods.RandomNumber(1, newsCount + 1); while (recentRandomRow == randomRow) { randomRow = CustomMethods.RandomNumber(1, newsCount + 1); } var news = await(from n in _context.News.Where(n => n.IsPublish == true && n.PublishDateTime <= DateTime.Now).Include(c => c.Comments).Include(l => l.Likes).Include(l => l.Visits) join t in _context.NewsTags.Where(whereExpression, tagIdList.ToArray()) on n.NewsId equals t.NewsId select new NewsViewModel { Title = n.Title, Url = n.Url, NewsId = n.NewsId, ImageName = n.ImageName, PublishDateTime = n.PublishDateTime, NumberOfVisit = n.Visits.Select(v => v.NumberOfVisit).Sum(), NumberOfLike = n.Likes.Where(l => l.IsLiked == true).Count(), NumberOfDisLike = n.Likes.Where(l => l.IsLiked == false).Count(), NumberOfComments = n.Comments.Count(), }).Skip(randomRow - 1).Take(1).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); newsList.Add(news); recentRandomRow = randomRow; } return(newsList); }
public ActionResult City(int pid = 0, int cid = 0) { int take = 10; int skip = take * pid; CityModel model = new CityModel(); model.PageID = pid; model.Current = pid + 1; = pid; IEnumerable <CityModel> Courses = new List <CityModel>(); CustomMethods.ValidateRoles("City"); var Citieslist = new CityBLL { }.GetAllCities(skip, take); if (cid != 0) { var sortedlist = new CityBLL { }.GetAllCities(skip, take, cid); double count = Convert.ToDouble(sortedlist.Count); var res = count / take; model.Pagecount = (int)Math.Ceiling(res); model.CityList = sortedlist.Select(x => new CityModel { CityId = x.CityId, CityName = x.CityName, StateId = x.StateId, IsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(x.IsActive) }).ToList(); } else { if (Citieslist != null) { double count = Convert.ToDouble(new CityBLL { }.GetPageCount()); var res = count / take; model.Pagecount = (int)Math.Ceiling(res); model.CityList = Citieslist.Select(x => new CityModel { CityId = x.CityId, CityName = x.CityName, StateId = x.StateId, IsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(x.IsActive) }).ToList(); } } return(View(model)); }