Exemple #1
    public IEnumerator WriteScoreToServer(int score, string facebookid)
        // Writing score to the server and waiting for the callback with the data.
        // Callback is then checked to see whetver the server returned error or not.

        Cus.LogAMessage("[ServerScoreboard]: Trying to write the score to the Server DB... \n");

        WWW www = new WWW(url);

        yield return(www);

        if (www.isDone == true)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error) || www.text.Contains("[ERROR]") == true)
                if (www.error != null && www.error != String.Empty && www.error != "")
                    Cus.LogAMessage("[ServerScoreboard]: Error while trying to open/load the website DB, because: " + www.error.ToString());
                    Cus.LogAMessage("[ServerScoreboard]: Error while trying to open/load the website DB, because: " + www.text);
                Cus.LogAMessage("[ServerScoreboard]: Successfully uploaded the score to the server DB...\n");
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("highest_player_score", StatsM.StatsScoreFromWord);
                int b = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("highest_player_score")
                ;               Cus.LogAMessage("[ServerScoreboard]: Highest player score set to:" + b);
Exemple #2
    // Function which updates statistics after each question.
    public void UpdateStatistics(int value, string target)
        Cus.LogAMessage("[Statistics]: Updating local player data...\n");

        StatsScoreFromWord = value;

        if (target == "update_score")
            StatsScore += value;
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TotalScore", StatsScore);
Exemple #3
    // Randomize data and sort that data into lists by their difficulty levels.
    private void RandomizeData()
        // Seed for generating random values.
        System.Random rnd = new System.Random();

        string[] def_array = null;
        int      random_sk = 0;
        string   laikinas;

        for (int b = 0; b < TextAssetCount; b++)
            // Choose the word list.
            if (b == 0)
                def_array = WordsEasy;
            else if (b == 1)
                def_array = WordsMedium;
            else if (b == 2)
                def_array = WordsHard;
            else if (b == 3)
                def_array = WordsVeryHard;

            for (int i = 0; i < def_array.Length; i++)
                // Randomize values in the word list.
                random_sk = rnd.Next(0, def_array.Length - 1);

                def_array[i]         = def_array[i].TrimEnd(new char[] { '\r', '\n' });
                def_array[random_sk] = def_array[random_sk].TrimEnd(new char[] { '\r', '\n' });

                laikinas             = def_array[random_sk];
                def_array[random_sk] = def_array[i];
                def_array[i]         = laikinas;

        Cus.LogAMessage("EASY: " + WordsEasy.Length);
        Cus.LogAMessage("MED: " + WordsMedium.Length);
        Cus.LogAMessage("HARD: " + WordsHard.Length);
        Cus.LogAMessage("VERYHARD: " + WordsVeryHard.Length);

        DataActionsAreFinished = true;
Exemple #4
 // Function for confirming selected game mode.
 public void GameModeWasSelected()
     if (CurrentGameMode == "SinglePlayer")
     else if (CurrentGameMode == "TwoPlayers")
         CustomWordInput.text = "Įveskite žodį";
     Cus.LogAMessage("[Game]: Game mode was selected: " + CurrentGameMode + "\n");
     MostRecentGameMode = CurrentGameMode;
Exemple #5
    // Awake function for Facebook SDK initialization.
    void Awake()
        ShareStatusTimerIsActive = false;
        ShareStatusWindowTimer   = ShareStatusWindowTimerDefault;

        if (!FB.IsInitialized)
            // Initialize the Facebook SDK.
            Cus.LogAMessage("[Facebook SDK]: Initializing FACEBOOK SDK...\n");
            FB.Init(InitCallback, OnHideUnity);
            // Already initialized, signal an app activation App Event.
    // Initialize bool that responsible for all the other values to be initialized before the word is displayed.
    void Start()
        ValuesAreInitialized = false;

        Cus.LogAMessage("[Game]: Starting LocalGameManager script...\n");
Exemple #7
    // Initialize ad variables.
    void Start()
        Cus.LogAMessage("[ADmob]: Starting Ads Script...\n");

        InterstitialOriginatedFrom = "";

        InterstitialAdIsDisplaying = -1;
        InterstitialAdIsLoaded     = -1;
        InterstitialAdWasClosed    = -1;
        InterstitialAdTryingToLoad = -1;

        RewardVideoEndTimer = RewardVideoEndTimerDefault;

        RewardVideoSuccess = -1;

        RewardVideoTimerEnabled = false;

        // Initialize the Google Mobile Ads SDK.