public void FindAllResourceTemplatesWithMessageBusOnly(AzureIntegrationServicesModel model, IEnumerable <TargetResourceTemplate> resources, Exception e)
            "Given a model"
            .x(() => model = _model);

            "And the model only has resources for the message bus"
            .x(() =>
                _model.MigrationTarget.MessageBus.Applications.SelectMany(a => a.Channels).ToList().ForEach(a => a.Resources.Clear());
                _model.MigrationTarget.MessageBus.Applications.SelectMany(a => a.Endpoints).ToList().ForEach(a => a.Resources.Clear());
                _model.MigrationTarget.MessageBus.Applications.SelectMany(a => a.Messages).ToList().ForEach(a => a.Resources.Clear());
                _model.MigrationTarget.MessageBus.Applications.SelectMany(a => a.Intermediaries).ToList().ForEach(a => a.Resources.Clear());

            "When finding all resource templates"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => resources = CustomLiquidFunctions.FindAllResourceTemplates(model)));

            "Then the find should succeed"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());

            "And the target resource should be the expected value from the model"
            .x(() =>
        public void ToSafeFilePathWithSuccess(string filePath, string safeFilePath, Exception e)
            "Given a file path"
            .x(() => filePath = "this//is\\\\a\\\\t?e>st/to/s e|e*/if/:th\"e/path/i<s/conver>ted");

            "When making the filepath safe"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => safeFilePath = CustomLiquidFunctions.ToSafeFilePath(filePath)));

            "Then the conversion should succeed"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());

            "And the safe file path should be converted"
            .x(() => safeFilePath.Should().Be("this/is/a/test/to/see/if/the/path/is/converted"));
        public void ToNullSafeFilePathWithSuccess(string filePath, string safeFilePath, Exception e)
            "Given a null file path"
            .x(() => filePath = null);

            "When making the file path safe"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => safeFilePath = CustomLiquidFunctions.ToSafeFilePath(filePath)));

            "Then the conversion should succeed"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());

            "And the safe file path should be null"
            .x(() => safeFilePath.Should().BeNull());
        public void ToNullJsonStringWithSuccess(string value, string jsonString, Exception e)
            "Given a null string"
            .x(() => value = null);

            "When converting the string"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => jsonString = CustomLiquidFunctions.ToJsonString(value)));

            "Then the conversion should succeed"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());

            "And the JSON string should be null"
            .x(() => jsonString.Should().BeNull());
        public void ToEscapedJsonStringWithSuccess(string value, string jsonString, Exception e)
            "Given a string"
            .x(() => value = "\"Quoted String with Backslash \\ Character\"");

            "When converting the string"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => jsonString = CustomLiquidFunctions.ToJsonString(value)));

            "Then the conversion should succeed"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());

            "And the JSON string should have the expected value"
            .x(() => jsonString.Should().Be("\\\"Quoted String with Backslash \\\\ Character\\\""));
        public void FormatRegionWithRegionNullError(string region, string formattedRegion, Exception e)
            "Given a null region"
            .x(() => region.Should().BeNull());

            "When formatting the region"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => formattedRegion = CustomLiquidFunctions.FormatRegion(region)));

            "Then the format should succeed"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());

            "And the formatted region should be null"
            .x(() => formattedRegion.Should().BeNull());
        public void FormatMissingRegionWithSuccess(string region, string formattedRegion, Exception e)
            "Given a region"
            .x(() => region = "Non-Existent Region");

            "When formatting the region"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => formattedRegion = CustomLiquidFunctions.FormatRegion(region)));

            "Then the format should succeed"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());

            "And the formatted region should be null"
            .x(() => formattedRegion.Should().BeNull());
        public void FormatRegionWithSuccess(string region, string formattedRegion, Exception e)
            "Given a region"
            .x(() => region = "UK South");

            "When formatting the region"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => formattedRegion = CustomLiquidFunctions.FormatRegion(region)));

            "Then the format should succeed"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());

            "And the formatted region should have the expected value"
            .x(() => formattedRegion.Should().Be("uksouth"));
        public void FindChannelMissingResourceWithSuccess(AzureIntegrationServicesModel model, string templateKey, TargetResourceTemplate resource, Exception e)
            "Given a model"
            .x(() => model = _model);

            "And a template key for a resource that doesn't exist"
            .x(() => templateKey = "missingChannel");

            "When finding the resource template"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => resource = CustomLiquidFunctions.FindResourceTemplate(model, templateKey)));

            "Then the find should succeed"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());

            "And the target resource should be null"
            .x(() => resource.Should().BeNull());
        public void FindAllResourceTemplatesWithNullModel(AzureIntegrationServicesModel model, IEnumerable <TargetResourceTemplate> resources, Exception e)
            "Given a null model"
            .x(() => model = null);

            "When finding all resource templates"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => resources = CustomLiquidFunctions.FindAllResourceTemplates(model)));

            "Then the find should succeed"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());

            "And the target resource should be the expected value from the model"
            .x(() =>
        public void FindChannelResourceWithTemplateKeyNullError(AzureIntegrationServicesModel model, string templateKey, TargetResourceTemplate resource, Exception e)
            "Given a model"
            .x(() => model = _model);

            "And a null template key"
            .x(() => templateKey.Should().BeNull());

            "When finding the resource template"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => resource = CustomLiquidFunctions.FindResourceTemplate(model, templateKey)));

            "Then the find should succeed"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());

            "And the target resource should be null"
            .x(() => resource.Should().BeNull());
        public void GetEnvironmentVariableWithEnvVarNameNullError(string name, string env, Exception e)
            "Given a null name"
            .x(() => name.Should().BeNull());

            "And a test environment variable"
            .x(() => Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("TESTENV", "This Is A Test"))
            .Teardown(() => Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("TESTENV", null));

            "When getting the environment variable"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => env = CustomLiquidFunctions.GetEnvironmentVariable(name)));

            "Then the get should succeed"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());

            "And the environment variable should be null"
            .x(() => env.Should().BeNull());
        public void GetEnvironmentVariableWithSuccess(string name, string env, Exception e)
            "Given a name"
            .x(() => name = "TESTENV");

            "And a test environment variable"
            .x(() => Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(name, "This Is A Test"))
            .Teardown(() => Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(name, null));

            "When getting the environment variable"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => env = CustomLiquidFunctions.GetEnvironmentVariable(name)));

            "Then the get should succeed"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());

            "And the environment variable should have the expected value"
            .x(() => env.Should().Be("This Is A Test"));
        public void FindChannelResourceWithSuccess(AzureIntegrationServicesModel model, string templateKey, TargetResourceTemplate resource, Exception e)
            "Given a model"
            .x(() => model = _model);

            "And a template key"
            .x(() => templateKey = "topicChannelAzureServiceBusStandard");

            "When finding the resource template"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => resource = CustomLiquidFunctions.FindResourceTemplate(model, templateKey)));

            "Then the find should succeed"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());

            "And the target resource should be the expected value from the model"
            .x(() =>