public void TestInspectString_CustomDictionary() { string testData = "My name is Robert and my phone number is (425) 634-9233."; var infoTypes = new InfoType[] { }; var customDictionary = new CustomInfoType[] { new CustomInfoType { InfoType = new InfoType { Name = $"CUSTOM_DICTIONARY_{Guid.NewGuid()}" }, Dictionary = new CustomInfoType.Types.Dictionary { WordList = new CustomInfoType.Types.Dictionary.Types.WordList { Words = { new string[] { "Robert" } } } } } }; var response = InspectString.Inspect(Fixture.ProjectId, testData, Likelihood.Possible.ToString(), 5, true, infoTypes, customDictionary); Assert.Contains(response.Result.Findings, f => f.Quote == "Robert"); }
public void TestInspectString_CustomInfoType_NoResults() { string testData = "She sells sea shells by the sea shore."; var infoTypes = new InfoType[] { }; var customInfoType = new CustomInfoType[] { new CustomInfoType { InfoType = new InfoType { Name = $"CUSTOM_REGEX_{Guid.NewGuid()}" }, Regex = new CustomInfoType.Types.Regex { Pattern = "\\(\\d{3}\\) \\d{3}-\\d{4}" }, Dictionary = new CustomInfoType.Types.Dictionary { WordList = new CustomInfoType.Types.Dictionary.Types.WordList { Words = { new string[] { "Robert" } } } } } }; var response = InspectString.Inspect(Fixture.ProjectId, testData, Likelihood.Possible.ToString(), 5, true, infoTypes, customInfoType); Assert.True(!response.Result.Findings.Any()); }
public void TestInspectString_NoResults() { string testData = "She sells sea shells by the sea shore."; var infoTypes = new InfoType[] { new InfoType { Name = "PERSON_NAME" } }; var customInfoTypes = new CustomInfoType[] { }; var response = InspectString.Inspect(Fixture.ProjectId, testData, Likelihood.Possible.ToString(), 5, true, infoTypes, customInfoTypes); Assert.True(!response.Result.Findings.Any()); }
public void TestInspectString_PersonName() { string testData = "The name Robert is very common."; var infoTypes = new InfoType[] { new InfoType { Name = "PERSON_NAME" } }; var customInfoTypes = new CustomInfoType[] { }; var response = InspectString.Inspect(Fixture.ProjectId, testData, Likelihood.Possible.ToString(), 5, true, infoTypes, customInfoTypes); Assert.Contains(response.Result.Findings, f => f.Quote == "Robert"); }
public void TestInspectString_CustomRegex() { string testData = "My name is Robert and my phone number is (425) 634-9233."; var infoTypes = new InfoType[] { }; var customRegex = new CustomInfoType[] { new CustomInfoType { InfoType = new InfoType { Name = $"CUSTOM_REGEX_{Guid.NewGuid()}" }, Regex = new CustomInfoType.Types.Regex { Pattern = "\\(\\d{3}\\) \\d{3}-\\d{4}" } } }; var response = InspectString.Inspect(Fixture.ProjectId, testData, Likelihood.Possible.ToString(), 5, true, infoTypes, customRegex); Assert.Contains(response.Result.Findings, f => f.Quote == "(425) 634-9233"); }
/// <summary> /// Split and parse a string representation of a custom dictionary and custom regexes. /// </summary> /// <param name="customDictionariesStr">Comma (default)-separated list of dictionary words.</param> /// <param name="customRegexesStr">Comma (default)-separated list of regexes.</param> /// <returns>IEnumerable of CustomInfoType items.</returns> public static IEnumerable <CustomInfoType> ParseCustomInfoTypes( string customDictionariesStr, string customRegexesStr, char separator = ',') { IEnumerable <CustomInfoType> dictionary = new CustomInfoType[] { }; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(customDictionariesStr)) { try { dictionary = new[] { new CustomInfoType { InfoType = new InfoType { Name = "CUSTOM_DICTIONARY" }, Dictionary = new CustomInfoType.Types.Dictionary { WordList = new CustomInfoType.Types.Dictionary.Types.WordList { Words = { customDictionariesStr.Split(new char[] { separator }) } } } } }; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to parse dictionary {customDictionariesStr}: {e}"); return(null); } } IEnumerable <CustomInfoType> regexTypes = new CustomInfoType[] { }; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(customRegexesStr)) { string[] regexes = customRegexesStr.Split(new char[] { separator }); regexTypes = Enumerable.Range(0, regexes.Length).Select(idx => { try { return(new CustomInfoType { InfoType = new InfoType { Name = String.Format("CUSTOM_REGEX_{0}", idx) }, Regex = new CustomInfoType.Types.Regex { Pattern = regexes[idx] } }); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to parse regexes {customRegexesStr}: {e}"); return(null); } }).Where(it => it != null); } return(Enumerable.Concat(dictionary, regexTypes)); }
public static InspectContentResponse Inspect(string projectId, string textToInspect) { // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources. var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create(); // Specify the type and content to be inspected. var byteContentItem = new ByteContentItem { Type = ByteContentItem.Types.BytesType.TextUtf8, Data = Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFromUtf8(textToInspect) }; var contentItem = new ContentItem { ByteItem = byteContentItem }; // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for. // See for complete list of info types. var infoTypes = new string[] { "DOMAIN_NAME", "EMAIL_ADDRESS" }.Select(it => new InfoType { Name = it }); // Define a custom info type to exclude email addresses var customInfoType = new CustomInfoType { InfoType = new InfoType { Name = "EMAIL_ADDRESS" }, ExclusionType = ExclusionType.Exclude }; // Exclude EMAIL_ADDRESS matches var exclusionRule = new ExclusionRule { ExcludeInfoTypes = new ExcludeInfoTypes { InfoTypes = { new InfoType { Name = "EMAIL_ADDRESS" } } }, MatchingType = MatchingType.PartialMatch }; // Construct a ruleset that applies the exclusion rule to the DOMAIN_NAME infotype. // If a DOMAIN_NAME match is part of an EMAIL_ADDRESS match, the DOMAIN_NAME match will // be excluded. var ruleSet = new InspectionRuleSet { InfoTypes = { new InfoType { Name = "DOMAIN_NAME" } }, Rules = { new InspectionRule { ExclusionRule = exclusionRule } } }; // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request, including the ruleset. var config = new InspectConfig { InfoTypes = { infoTypes }, CustomInfoTypes = { customInfoType }, IncludeQuote = true, RuleSet = { ruleSet } }; // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client. var request = new InspectContentRequest { Parent = new LocationName(projectId, "global").ToString(), Item = contentItem, InspectConfig = config }; // Use the client to send the API request. var response = dlp.InspectContent(request); return(response); }
public static DeidentifyContentResponse Deidentify(string projectId, string text) { // Instantiate a client. var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create(); var contentItem = new ContentItem { Value = text }; var wordList = new CustomInfoType.Types.Dictionary.Types.WordList { Words = { new string[] { "RM-GREEN", "RM-YELLOW", "RM-ORANGE" } } }; var infoType = new InfoType { Name = "CUSTOM_ROOM_ID" }; var customInfoType = new CustomInfoType { InfoType = infoType, Dictionary = new CustomInfoType.Types.Dictionary { WordList = wordList } }; var inspectConfig = new InspectConfig { CustomInfoTypes = { customInfoType, } }; var primitiveTransformation = new PrimitiveTransformation { ReplaceWithInfoTypeConfig = new ReplaceWithInfoTypeConfig { } }; var transformation = new InfoTypeTransformations.Types.InfoTypeTransformation { InfoTypes = { infoType }, PrimitiveTransformation = primitiveTransformation }; var deidentifyConfig = new DeidentifyConfig { InfoTypeTransformations = new InfoTypeTransformations { Transformations = { transformation } } }; var request = new DeidentifyContentRequest { Parent = new LocationName(projectId, "global").ToString(), InspectConfig = inspectConfig, DeidentifyConfig = deidentifyConfig, Item = contentItem }; // Call the API. var response = dlp.DeidentifyContent(request); // Inspect the results. Console.WriteLine($"Deidentified content: {response.Item.Value}"); return(response); }
public static InspectContentResponse Inspect(string projectId, string textToInspect) { var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create(); var byteItem = new ByteContentItem { Type = ByteContentItem.Types.BytesType.TextUtf8, Data = Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFromUtf8(textToInspect) }; var contentItem = new ContentItem { ByteItem = byteItem }; var customInfoType = new CustomInfoType { InfoType = new InfoType { Name = "VIP_DETECTOR" }, Regex = new CustomInfoType.Types.Regex { Pattern = "Larry Page|Sergey Brin" }, ExclusionType = ExclusionType.Exclude }; var exclusionRule = new ExclusionRule { ExcludeInfoTypes = new ExcludeInfoTypes { InfoTypes = { customInfoType.InfoType } }, MatchingType = MatchingType.FullMatch }; var ruleSet = new InspectionRuleSet { InfoTypes = { new InfoType { Name = "PERSON_NAME" } }, Rules = { new InspectionRule { ExclusionRule = exclusionRule } } }; var config = new InspectConfig { InfoTypes = { new InfoType { Name = "PERSON_NAME" } }, CustomInfoTypes = { customInfoType }, IncludeQuote = true, RuleSet = { ruleSet } }; var request = new InspectContentRequest { Parent = new LocationName(projectId, "global").ToString(), Item = contentItem, InspectConfig = config }; var response = dlp.InspectContent(request); Console.WriteLine($"Findings: {response.Result.Findings.Count}"); foreach (var f in response.Result.Findings) { Console.WriteLine("\tQuote: " + f.Quote); Console.WriteLine("\tInfo type: " + f.InfoType.Name); Console.WriteLine("\tLikelihood: " + f.Likelihood); } return(response); }
public static InspectContentResponse Inspect(string projectId, string textToInspect, string customDetectorPattern, List <String> excludedSubstringList) { var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create(); var byteContentItem = new ByteContentItem { Type = ByteContentItem.Types.BytesType.TextUtf8, Data = Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFromUtf8(textToInspect) }; var contentItem = new ContentItem { ByteItem = byteContentItem }; var infoType = new InfoType { Name = "CUSTOM_NAME_DETECTOR" }; var customInfoType = new CustomInfoType { InfoType = infoType, Regex = new CustomInfoType.Types.Regex { Pattern = customDetectorPattern } }; var exclusionRule = new ExclusionRule { MatchingType = MatchingType.PartialMatch, Dictionary = new CustomInfoType.Types.Dictionary { WordList = new CustomInfoType.Types.Dictionary.Types.WordList { Words = { excludedSubstringList } } } }; var ruleSet = new InspectionRuleSet { InfoTypes = { infoType }, Rules = { new InspectionRule { ExclusionRule = exclusionRule } } }; var config = new InspectConfig { CustomInfoTypes = { customInfoType }, IncludeQuote = true, RuleSet = { ruleSet } }; var request = new InspectContentRequest { ParentAsProjectName = new ProjectName(projectId), Item = contentItem, InspectConfig = config }; var response = dlp.InspectContent(request); Console.WriteLine($"Findings: {response.Result.Findings.Count}"); foreach (var f in response.Result.Findings) { Console.WriteLine("\tQuote: " + f.Quote); Console.WriteLine("\tInfo type: " + f.InfoType.Name); Console.WriteLine("\tLikelihood: " + f.Likelihood); } return(response); }