Exemple #1
    public void inicialize()
        for (int i = 0; i < sizeMapX; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < sizeMapZ; j++)
                if (map[i, j] != Mathf.Infinity)
                    CustomGrid.coordinate gridOrigin = new CustomGrid.coordinate {
                        x = i, y = j

                    switch (heuristic)
                    case Heuristic.Manhattan: { map[i, j] = 1 * ((Mathf.Abs(gridTarget.x - gridOrigin.x) + Mathf.Abs(gridTarget.y - gridOrigin.y))); break; }

                    case Heuristic.Chebychev: { map[i, j] = 1 * Mathf.Max((Mathf.Abs(gridTarget.x - gridOrigin.x) + Mathf.Abs(gridTarget.y - gridOrigin.y))); break; }

                    case Heuristic.Euclidean: { map[i, j] = 1 * Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(gridTarget.x, gridTarget.y), new Vector2(gridOrigin.x, gridOrigin.y)); break; }
        firstTime = false;
Exemple #2
    public void targetMayChange(GameObject target) // Check if the target has been changed, in that case reset the distances in the map.
        if (gridTarget.x == -1)
            return;                                                                                                    // First time, already inicialize
        CustomGrid.coordinate newgridTarget = grid.map2grid(target.transform.position.x, target.transform.position.z); // possible new position

        if (gridTarget.x != newgridTarget.x || gridTarget.y != newgridTarget.y)
            inicialize();                                                                     // Target change, reset ditance
        // Target is the same as before, do nothing
Exemple #3
 private void OnDrawGizmos()
     if (path.Count > 0) // To show the path
         for (int i = 0; i + 1 < path.Count; i++)
             Gizmos.color = Color.green;
             CustomGrid.coordinate cor = new CustomGrid.coordinate {
                 x = path[i].x, y = path[i].z
             Vector3 from = new Vector3(cor.x, transform.position.y + 0.1f, cor.y);
             CustomGrid.coordinate cor2 = new CustomGrid.coordinate {
                 x = path[i + 1].x, y = path[i + 1].z
             Vector3 to = new Vector3(cor2.x, transform.position.y + 0.1f, cor2.y);
             Gizmos.DrawLine(from, to);
Exemple #4
    public Movement getSteering(GameObject target, GameObject character, float maxVelocity, float maxAceleration, float maxAngularVelocity, float maxAcelerationVelocity, float orientation, Vector3 characterVelocity)
        /* 1. Exit condition -> Be in the same grid as the target */

        Movement doNotMove = new Movement
            Angularsteering = orientation,
            Linealsteering  = Vector3.zero,

        if (target == null || character == null)

        targetMayChange(target);                                                                       // In case the target change we should restart de distances

        gridTarget    = grid.map2grid(target.transform.position.x, target.transform.position.z);       // Target in our grid
        gridCharacter = grid.map2grid(character.transform.position.x, character.transform.position.z); // Character in our grid

        if (gridTarget.x == gridCharacter.x && gridTarget.y == gridCharacter.y)
            return(doNotMove);                                                                    // Target has been achieved
        if (firstTime)
            inicialize();            // Inicialize the map with the heuristics distances
        /* 2. Local Space of Search -> Minimum in our case */

        CustomGrid.coordinate gridActual;

        if (path.Count == 0)
            gridActual = gridCharacter;
            gridActual = new CustomGrid.coordinate {
                x = path[path.Count - 1].x, y = path[path.Count - 1].z
            gridActual = grid.map2grid(gridActual.x, gridActual.y);

        /* 3  Do Action if it is calculated  */

        if (gridActual.x == gridTarget.x && gridActual.y == gridTarget.y) // Target is one of the path calculated, just move throgh the points
            return(base.getSteering(target, character, maxVelocity, maxAceleration, maxAngularVelocity, maxAcelerationVelocity, orientation, characterVelocity));

        // Continue calculating the path.... if it is not yet

        LinkedList <CustomGrid.coordinate> posibleStep = new LinkedList <CustomGrid.coordinate>();

        if (esValida(gridActual.x + 1, gridActual.y))
            posibleStep.AddLast(new CustomGrid.coordinate {
                x = gridActual.x + 1, y = gridActual.y
        if (esValida(gridActual.x, gridActual.y + 1))
            posibleStep.AddLast(new CustomGrid.coordinate {
                x = gridActual.x, y = gridActual.y + 1
        if (esValida(gridActual.x - 1, gridActual.y))
            posibleStep.AddLast(new CustomGrid.coordinate {
                x = gridActual.x - 1, y = gridActual.y
        if (esValida(gridActual.x, gridActual.y - 1))
            posibleStep.AddLast(new CustomGrid.coordinate {
                x = gridActual.x, y = gridActual.y - 1

        if (posibleStep.Count == 0)
            return(doNotMove);                        // No posible path
        CustomGrid.coordinate gridNextStep = posibleStep.First.Value;

        foreach (CustomGrid.coordinate casilla in posibleStep) // min of the 4 directions
            if (map[(int)Mathf.Round(casilla.x), (int)Mathf.Round(casilla.y)] < map[(int)Mathf.Round(gridNextStep.x), (int)Mathf.Round(gridNextStep.y)])
                gridNextStep = casilla;

        if (map[(int)gridNextStep.x, (int)gridNextStep.y] == Mathf.Infinity)

        gridNextStep = grid.grid2map(gridNextStep.x, gridNextStep.y);
        path.Add(new Vector3(gridNextStep.x, character.transform.position.y, gridNextStep.y));

        /* 3  Do Action while calculating the path  */

        Movement action = base.getSteering(target, character, maxVelocity, maxAceleration, maxAngularVelocity, maxAcelerationVelocity, orientation, characterVelocity);

        /* 4  Update cost  */

        map[(int)gridActual.x, (int)gridActual.y] = Mathf.Max(1 + map[(int)gridActual.x, (int)gridActual.y], map[(int)gridActual.x, (int)gridActual.y]);
