public static string MakePartNumberInventoryHistoryTable(string input)
            CustomCode x = new CustomCode();

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //check for any url encoded parameters
            string foundIDData = "";

            if (Request.QueryString.HasKeys())
                    CustomCode x        = new CustomCode();
                    string     targetID = Request.QueryString["ID"];
                    //The following is a bogus division that will go at the end of the displayed page so that the client can't obtain the ID
                    string htmlForID = "<div " +
                                       DynControls.encodeProperty("id", "x_" + targetID) +
                                       DynControls.encodeProperty("class", "getID") + " ></div>";
                    //Get the PN associated with the targetID
                    clsDB               myDB = new clsDB();
                    SqlCommand          cmd  = new SqlCommand();
                    List <SqlParameter> ps   = new List <SqlParameter>();
                    ps.Add(new SqlParameter("@pnID", Int64.Parse(targetID)));
                    string pageHeader = "";
                    using (myDB.OpenConnection())
                        using (SqlDataReader dR = (SqlDataReader)myDB.ExecuteSP(DBK.SP.spOTSGETPNINFO, ps, clsDB.SPExMode.READER, ref cmd))
                            if (dR != null && dR.HasRows)
                                pageHeader = myDB.Fld2Str(dR[DBK.strPARTNUMBER]);

                    if (Request.QueryString["INV"] != null)
                        pageHeader  = DynControls.html_header_string(pageHeader + " Inventory", 1);
                        foundIDData = pageHeader + x.InvForPN(targetID) + htmlForID;
                    else if (Request.QueryString["INVH"] != null)
                        pageHeader  = DynControls.html_header_string(pageHeader + " Inventory History", 1);
                        foundIDData = pageHeader + x.MakePartNumberInventoryHistoryTable(Int64.Parse(targetID)) + htmlForID;
                        foundIDData = x.getHTMLForPartNumberID(targetID);
                    otsdivs.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(foundIDData));
                    foreach (Control c in divMenuButtons.Controls)
                } catch (Exception ex)
                    string x = ex.Message + ex.StackTrace;
            //Create three panels and add them to the existing div
            Panel divOTSNew = new Panel();

            divOTSNew.ID = "divOTSNew";
            divOTSNew.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "none");

            //There are two panels in divOTSNew: divOTSNewIn and divOTSNewOut

            Panel divOTSNewIn = new Panel();

            divOTSNewIn.ID = "divOTSNewIn";
            //Get the input controls from the database for divOTSNewIn...
            DynControls.GenerateControlsFromDatabase(DBK.AppKeys.GET_NEWOTSPN, divOTSNewIn);
            //Add a Submit button
            divOTSNewIn.Controls.Add(DynControls.html_button("btnOTSNewIn", "SUBMIT", "inputButton",
                                                             true, AAAK.DISPLAYTYPES.BLOCK, "Create an OTS Part Number", "frmNewOTS"));
            //...and add a div for the ajax output
            Panel divOTSNewOut = new Panel();

            divOTSNewOut.ID = "divOTSNewOut";
            divOTSNewOut.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<p>Enter the information on the left, then press Submit to get your new OTS Part Number.</p>"));
            //Add these two sub panels
            //***** End divOTSNew

            //***** Start divOTSFind
            Panel divOTSFind = new Panel();

            divOTSFind.ID = "divOTSFind";
            divOTSFind.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "none");
            //divOTSFind.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.OverflowX, "auto");
            //Now: The html in this div is simple, but as the user make selections, the AJAX calls increase the
            //complexity of the children's html.
            //This div has 3 divs.
            ///divOTSFind Child Div 1:
            Panel divSearch = new Panel();

            divSearch.ID = "divSearch";

            DynControls.GenerateControlsFromDatabase(DBK.AppKeys.SEARCH_OTS, divSearch, null, "", -1, true);
            //Create the search button
            string btnSearchHtmlString = DynControls.html_button_string("btnLook", "SEARCH", "searchButton",
                                                                        true, AAAK.DISPLAYTYPES.BLOCK, form: "frmSearchOTS");

            divSearch.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(btnSearchHtmlString));

            ///divOTSFind Child Div 2:
            ///The message div
            Panel divSearchMsg = new Panel();

            divSearchMsg.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "block");
            divSearchMsg.ID = "divMessage";
            divSearchMsg.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<p " + DynControls.encodeProperty("id", "searchmsg") + ">" +
                                                         "Enter search criteria above to find Part Number Information.</p>"));
            ///divOTSFind Child Div 3:
            Panel divLook = new Panel();

            divLook.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "block");
            divLook.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.OverflowX, "auto");
            divLook.ID = "divLook";
            /// divLook's html will be determine when user presses SEARCH

            ///Add the three divs to divOTSFind
            divOTSFind.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div></div>"));

            Panel divOTSAdmin = new Panel();

            divOTSAdmin.ID = "divOTSAdmin";
            divOTSAdmin.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<p>Admin</p>"));
            divOTSAdmin.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "none");