public CaptchaResult GetCaptchaImage()
            //int width = 100;
            //int height = 36;
            int           width       = 140;
            int           height      = 36;
            var           captchaCode = CustomCaptcha.GenerateCaptchaCode();
            CaptchaResult result      = CustomCaptcha.GenerateCaptchaImage(width, height, captchaCode);

            //HttpContext.Session.SetString("CaptchaCode", result.CaptchaCode);
            //Stream s = new MemoryStream(result.CaptchaByteData);
            //return new FileStreamResult(s, "image/png");
Exemple #2
        private static void ExampleCustomCaptcha()
            DebugHelper.VerboseMode = true;
            var randInt = new Random().Next(0, 10000);

            var api = new CustomCaptcha
                ClientKey = "1234567890123456789012",
                // random here to let the same task to be assigned to the same workers
                ImageUrl   = "" + randInt,
                Assignment = "Enter the licence plate number",
                Forms      = new JArray
                    new JObject
                        { "label", "Number" },
                        { "labelHint", false },
                        { "contentType", false },
                        { "name", "license_plate" },
                        { "inputType", "text" },
                            "inputOptions", new JObject
                                { "width", "100" },
                                { "placeHolder", "Enter letters and numbers without spaces" }
                    new JObject
                        { "label", "Car color" },
                        { "labelHint", "Select the car color" },
                        { "contentType", false },
                        { "name", "color" },
                        { "inputType", "select" },
                            "inputOptions", new JArray
                                new JObject
                                    { "value", "white" },
                                    { "caption", "White color" }
                                new JObject
                                    { "value", "black" },
                                    { "caption", "Black color" }
                                new JObject
                                    { "value", "gray" },
                                    { "caption", "Gray color" }

            if (!api.CreateTask())
                DebugHelper.Out("API v2 send failed. " + api.ErrorMessage, DebugHelper.Type.Error);
            else if (!api.WaitForResult())
                DebugHelper.Out("Could not solve the captcha.", DebugHelper.Type.Error);
                foreach (var answer in api.GetTaskSolution().Answers)
                        "The answer for the question '" + answer.Key + "' : " + answer.Value,