Exemple #1
        void DoInterpolate()
            if (!mSpline.IsInitialized)
            GameObject go = Fsm.GetOwnerDefaultTarget(GameObject);

            if (go)
                float   tf = (PositionMode == CurvyPositionMode.Relative) ? CurvyUtility.ClampTF(Position.Value, Clamping) : mSpline.DistanceToTF(Position.Value, Clamping);
                Vector3 p  = (UseCache.Value) ? mSpline.InterpolateFast(tf) : mSpline.Interpolate(tf);

                if (Space == Space.Self)
                    go.transform.localPosition = p;

                    if (SetOrientation)
                        go.transform.localRotation = mSpline.GetOrientationFast(tf);
                    go.transform.position      = mSpline.transform.TransformPoint(p);
                    go.transform.localRotation = mSpline.transform.rotation * mSpline.GetOrientationFast(tf);
Exemple #2
    void doUpdate()
        if (!Spline || !Spline.IsInitialized)
        // Runtime processing
        if (Application.isPlaying)
            int dir = Dir;
            // get the TF of the current distance.
            // Note: It's recommended to use the TF based methods in consecutive calls, as the distance based
            // methods need to convert distance to TF internally each time!
            float tf = Spline.DistanceToTF(mDistance);

            // Move using cached values(slightly faster) or interpolate position now (more exact)
            // Note that we pass mTF and mDir by reference. These values will be changed by the Move methods
            mTransform.position = (FastInterpolation) ?
                                  Spline.MoveByFast(ref tf, ref dir, Speed * Time.deltaTime, Clamping) :
                                  Spline.MoveBy(ref tf, ref dir, Speed * Time.deltaTime, Clamping);
            mDistance = Spline.TFToDistance(tf);
            // Rotate the transform to match the spline's orientation
            if (SetOrientation)
                transform.rotation = Spline.GetOrientationFast(tf);
            Dir = dir;
        else  // Editor processing: continuously place the transform to reflect property changes in the editor
Exemple #3
        public CurvyMeshSegmentInfo(SplinePathMeshBuilder mb, float tf, float distance, Vector3 scale)
            Target = mb.Spline;
            TF = tf;
            mDistance = distance;

            Vector3 p = (mb.FastInterpolation) ? Target.InterpolateFast(TF) : Target.Interpolate(TF);

            if (mb.UseWorldPosition)
                Matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(mb.Transform.InverseTransformPoint(p), Target.GetOrientationFast(TF), scale);
                Matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(Target.Transform.InverseTransformPoint(p), Target.GetOrientationFast(TF), scale);
Exemple #4
    public CurvyMeshSegmentInfo(SplinePathMeshBuilder mb, float tf, float distance, Vector3 scale)
        Target    = mb.Spline;
        TF        = tf;
        mDistance = distance;

        Vector3 p = (mb.FastInterpolation) ? Target.InterpolateFast(TF) : Target.Interpolate(TF);

        if (mb.UseWorldPosition)
            Matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(mb.Transform.InverseTransformPoint(p), Target.GetOrientationFast(TF), scale);
            Matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(Target.transform.InverseTransformPoint(p), Target.GetOrientationFast(TF), scale);
Exemple #5
    void Set()
        float tf;

        // First get the TF if needed
        if (UseWorldUnits)
            if (Distance >= Spline.Length)
                Distance -= Spline.Length;
            else if (Distance < 0)
                Distance += Spline.Length;
            tf = Spline.DistanceToTF(Distance);
            if (Distance >= 1)
                Distance -= 1;
            else if (Distance < 0)
                Distance += 1;
            tf = Distance;

        // Set the position
        if (transform.position != Spline.Interpolate(tf))
            transform.position = Spline.Interpolate(tf);
        // Set the rotation
        if (SetOrientation && transform.rotation != Spline.GetOrientationFast(tf))
            transform.rotation = Spline.GetOrientationFast(tf);
Exemple #6
    // Update is called once per frame
    void doUpdate()
        if (!Spline || !Spline.IsInitialized)
        // Runtime processing
        if (Application.isPlaying)
            int dir = Dir;
            // Move at a constant speed?
            if (MoveByWorldUnits)
                // either used cached values(slightly faster) or interpolate position now (more exact)
                // Note that we pass mTF and mDir by reference. These values will be changed by the Move methods
                mTransform.position = (FastInterpolation) ?
                                      Spline.MoveByFast(ref mTF, ref dir, Speed * Time.deltaTime, Clamping) : // linear interpolate cached values
                                      Spline.MoveBy(ref mTF, ref dir, Speed * Time.deltaTime, Clamping);      // interpolate now
            else                                                                                              // Move at constant F
                   // either used cached values(slightly faster) or interpolate position now (more exact)
                   // Note that we pass mTF and mDir by reference. These values will be changed by the Move methods
                mTransform.position = (FastInterpolation) ?
                                      Spline.MoveFast(ref mTF, ref dir, Speed * Time.deltaTime, Clamping) : // linear interpolate cached values
                                      Spline.Move(ref mTF, ref dir, Speed * Time.deltaTime, Clamping);      // interpolate now
            // Rotate the transform to match the spline's orientation
            if (SetOrientation)
                transform.rotation = Spline.GetOrientationFast(mTF);

            Dir = dir;
        else // Editor processing: continuously place the transform to reflect property changes in the editor
Exemple #7
        void DoFindPoint()
            if (!mSpline.IsInitialized || !SourcePoint.UseVariable)

            if (!StoreTF.UseVariable && !StorePosition.UseVariable && !StoreUpVector.UseVariable && !StoreRotation.UseVariable)

            Vector3 pos = (Space == Space.Self) ? SourcePoint.Value : mSpline.transform.InverseTransformPoint(SourcePoint.Value);

            float _tf = mSpline.GetNearestPointTF(pos);

            if (StoreTF.UseVariable)
                StoreTF.Value = _tf;

            if (StorePosition.UseVariable)
                StorePosition.Value = (Space == Space.Self) ? mSpline.Interpolate(_tf) : mSpline.transform.TransformPoint(mSpline.Interpolate(_tf));

            if (StoreTangent.UseVariable)
                StoreTangent.Value = (Space == Space.Self) ? mSpline.GetTangent(_tf) : mSpline.transform.TransformDirection(mSpline.GetTangent(_tf));

            if (StoreUpVector.UseVariable)
                StoreUpVector.Value = (Space == Space.Self) ? mSpline.GetOrientationUpFast(_tf) : mSpline.transform.TransformDirection(mSpline.GetOrientationUpFast(_tf));
            if (StoreRotation.UseVariable)
                if (Space == Space.Self)
                    StoreRotation.Value = (StoreUpVector.IsNone) ? mSpline.GetOrientationFast(_tf) : Quaternion.LookRotation(mSpline.GetTangent(_tf), StoreUpVector.Value);
                    StoreRotation.Value = Quaternion.LookRotation(mSpline.transform.TransformDirection(mSpline.GetTangent(_tf)), mSpline.transform.TransformDirection(mSpline.GetOrientationUpFast(_tf)));
Exemple #8
        void DoInterpolate()
            if (!mSpline.IsInitialized)
            System.Type metaType = System.Type.GetType(MetaDataType.Value);
            bool        calc     = !Input.IsNone;

            if (calc)
                float f = (UseWorldUnits.Value) ? mSpline.DistanceToTF(Input.Value) : Input.Value;

                if (StorePosition.UseVariable)
                    StorePosition.Value = (UseCache.Value) ? mSpline.InterpolateFast(f) : mSpline.Interpolate(f);

                if (StoreTangent.UseVariable)
                    StoreTangent.Value = mSpline.GetTangent(f);

                if (StoreUpVector.UseVariable)
                    StoreUpVector.Value = mSpline.GetOrientationUpFast(f);

                if (StoreRotation.UseVariable)
                    StoreRotation.Value = (StoreUpVector.IsNone) ? mSpline.GetOrientationFast(f) : Quaternion.LookRotation(mSpline.GetTangent(f), StoreUpVector.Value);

                if (StoreScale.UseVariable)
                    StoreScale.Value = mSpline.InterpolateScale(f);

                if (StoreTF.UseVariable)
                    StoreTF.Value = f;

                if (StoreDistance.UseVariable)
                    StoreDistance.Value = (UseWorldUnits.Value) ? Input.Value : mSpline.TFToDistance(f);
                if (metaType != null)
                    if (StoreMetadata.UseVariable)
                        StoreMetadata.Value = mSpline.GetMetadata(metaType, f);
                    if (StoreInterpolatedMetadata.useVariable)
                        StoreInterpolatedMetadata.SetValue(mSpline.InterpolateMetadata(metaType, f));

                CurvySplineSegment seg = null;
                float segF             = 0;
                if (StoreSegment.UseVariable)
                    seg = getSegment(f, out segF);
                    StoreSegment.Value = seg.gameObject;

                if (StoreSegmentF.UseVariable)
                    if (!seg)
                        seg = getSegment(f, out segF);
                    StoreSegmentF.Value = segF;

                if (StoreSegmentDistance.UseVariable)
                    if (!seg)
                        seg = getSegment(f, out segF);
                    StoreSegmentDistance.Value = seg.LocalFToDistance(segF);
            // General
            if (StoreLength.UseVariable)
                StoreLength.Value = mSpline.Length;

            if (StoreCount.UseVariable)
                StoreCount.Value = (mSpline is CurvySplineGroup) ? ((CurvySplineGroup)mSpline).Count : ((CurvySpline)mSpline).Count;
Exemple #9
    void Update()
        Vector3 moveDelta = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 oldPos    = mTransform.position; // store old position
        float   oldTF     = TF;                  // store old tf
        float   minY      = mLastCurveY;         // store old minimum height

        float moveaxis = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        bool  jump     = Input.GetButton("Jump");

        // Handle Left/Right movement
        if (moveaxis != 0)
            // Calculate new spline position, setting movement to x/z and storing minimum height
            int dir    = (moveaxis > 0) ? -1 : 1;
            int newdir = dir;

            Vector3 newPos = Spline.MoveBy(ref TF, ref newdir, Mathf.Abs(moveaxis) * Speed * Time.smoothDeltaTime, CurvyClamping.Loop);

            // y-position needs extra handling, so just store x/z in moveDelta
            moveDelta.x = newPos.x - oldPos.x;
            moveDelta.z = newPos.z - oldPos.z;
            minY        = newPos.y;
        // Jumping (Y++)
        if (jump && mJumpDurationLeft > 0)
            moveDelta         += new Vector3(0, JumpSpeed * Time.smoothDeltaTime, 0);
            mJumpDurationLeft -= Time.deltaTime;
        else  // Gravity (Y--)
            moveDelta += new Vector3(0, -Gravity * Time.smoothDeltaTime, 0);

        // If we would move below the spline, restrict movement to stay above it
        if (oldPos.y + moveDelta.y < minY)
            moveDelta.y       = minY - oldPos.y;
            mJumpDurationLeft = JumpDuration;

        // The actual moving
        if (moveDelta != Vector3.zero)
            // Move and handle collision
            if (mController.Move(moveDelta) != CollisionFlags.None)
                // If we're not on top of a collider => Halt and reset to last "valid" position
                if (mStopMoving)
                    mTransform.position = oldPos;
                    TF   = oldTF;
                    minY = mLastCurveY;
                mStopMoving = false;
            // Align rotation to spline
            mTransform.rotation = Spline.GetOrientationFast(TF);
        mLastCurveY = minY;
        /// <summary>
        /// Rebuilds the path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="force">If true, all existing clones will be destroyed, otherwise they will be reused</param>
        /// <remarks>If you change the Source array by code, call Refresh(true)</remarks>
        public void Refresh(bool force)
            if (Spline == null || !Spline.IsInitialized)

            // we need a spline length
            if (Spline.Length == 0)

            if (Source.Length == 0)

            // get size of clones and calculate number of clones needed
            float totaldepth;

            float[] depths = getSourceDepths(out totaldepth);

            int count = 0;

            if (!Mathf.Approximately(0, totaldepth))
                switch (Mode)
                case SplinePathCloneBuilderMode.CloneGroup:
                    count = Mathf.FloorToInt(Spline.Length / totaldepth) * Source.Length;

                default:     // Individual
                    float d = Spline.Length;
                    int   i = 0;
                    while (d > 0 && count < MAXCLONES)
                        d -= depths[i++] + Gap;
                        if (i == Source.Length)
                            i = 0;
                    if (count != MAXCLONES)

            // Constrain max clones
            if (count >= MAXCLONES)
                Debug.LogError("SplinePathCloneBuilder: MAXCLONES reached, ensure to have proper colliders in place! If you really want to clone more than " + MAXCLONES + " objects, increase MAXCLONES in SplinePathCloneBuilder.cs (Line 15)!");
                // Clear
                if (force)
                    Clear(); // Clear all clones
                    Clear(count); // Smart Clear only unneeded
                int   idx      = 0;
                float distance = 0;
                int   current  = -1;
                int   existing = ObjectCount;

                while (++current < count)
                    float tf = Spline.DistanceToTF(distance + depths[idx] / 2);

                    if (current < existing)
                        Transform T = mTransform.GetChild(current);
                        if (UseWorldPosition)
                            T.position = Spline.Interpolate(tf);

                            T.localPosition = Spline.Interpolate(tf);
                        T.rotation = Spline.GetOrientationFast(tf) * Source[idx].transform.rotation;
                        GameObject clone;
                        if (OnGetClone != null)
                            clone = OnGetClone(this, Source[idx]);
                            clone = CloneObject(Source[idx]);
                        if (clone)
                            Transform T = clone.transform;
                            T.parent   = transform;
                            clone.name = string.Format("{0:0000}", current) + clone.name;

                            if (UseWorldPosition)
                                T.position = Spline.Interpolate(tf);
                                T.localPosition = Spline.Interpolate(tf);
                            T.rotation = Spline.GetOrientationFast(tf) * Source[idx].transform.rotation;
                    distance += depths[idx] + Gap;
                    if (++idx == Source.Length)
                        idx = 0;