Exemple #1
    public void RegisterEventCallback(float time, CurveControlledBobCallback function, CurveControlledBobCallbackType type)
        CurveControlledBobEvent curveControlledBobEvent = new CurveControlledBobEvent();

        curveControlledBobEvent.time     = time;
        curveControlledBobEvent.function = function;
        curveControlledBobEvent.type     = type;
        events.Sort((CurveControlledBobEvent t1, CurveControlledBobEvent t2) => t1.time.CompareTo(t2.time));
    /// <summary>
    /// Takes the speed the controller is going and will return a 3d vector which describes an offset which add on to local space position of camera
    /// Method will look through events in the list of events and if there is an event between current playHead and previous Playhead then need
    /// to make sure the event method is called.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="speed"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public Vector3 GetVectorOffset(float speed)
        xPlayHead += (speed * Time.deltaTime) / baseInterval;                                    //speed that playHead moves dependent on speed of char controller
        yPlayHead += ((speed * Time.deltaTime) / baseInterval) * verticaltoHorizontalSpeedRatio; //how Y playhead moves compared to x playhead

        //Makes sure that if reach end of curve, loops back around to start
        if (xPlayHead > curveEndTime)
            xPlayHead -= curveEndTime;

        if (yPlayHead > curveEndTime)
            yPlayHead -= curveEndTime;

        // Loops through events in list and fetch the event currently processing and if not null, see if its vertical or horizontal event and we process them differently.
        for (int i = 0; i < events.Count; i++)
            CurveControlledBobEvent ev = events[i];
            if (ev != null)
                if (ev.Type == CurveControlledBobCallbackType.Vertical)
                    //we know event is between the playhead positions or when prev position is larger than current playhead position (looped round)
                    if ((prevYPlayHead < ev.Time && yPlayHead >= ev.Time) ||
                        (prevYPlayHead > yPlayHead && (ev.Time > prevYPlayHead || ev.Time <= yPlayHead)))
                    if ((prevXPlayHead < ev.Time && xPlayHead >= ev.Time) ||
                        (prevXPlayHead > xPlayHead && (ev.Time > prevXPlayHead || ev.Time <= xPlayHead)))

        //the float of the curve at specified point in time
        float xPos = bobcurve.Evaluate(xPlayHead) * horizontalMultiplier;
        float yPos = bobcurve.Evaluate(yPlayHead) * verticalMultiplier;

        prevXPlayHead = xPlayHead; //updates the prev position of the playHeads to the new positions
        prevYPlayHead = yPlayHead; //

        //add this vector3 into the FPS Controller c;ass to the local space position of the camera to create space bobbing
        return(new Vector3(xPos, yPos, 0f));
Exemple #3
    public void RegisterEventCallback(float time, CurveControlledBobCallback function, CurveControlledBobCallbackType type)
        CurveControlledBobEvent ccbeEvent = new CurveControlledBobEvent();

        ccbeEvent.Time     = time;
        ccbeEvent.Function = function;
        ccbeEvent.Type     = type;
            delegate(CurveControlledBobEvent t1, CurveControlledBobEvent t2) {
Exemple #4
    public Vector3 GetVectorOffset(float speed)
        _xPlayHead += (speed * Time.deltaTime) / _baseInterval;
        _yPlayHead += ((speed * Time.deltaTime) / _baseInterval) * _verticaltoHorizontalSpeedRatio;

        if (_xPlayHead > _curveEndTime)
            _xPlayHead -= _curveEndTime;

        if (_yPlayHead > _curveEndTime)
            _yPlayHead -= _curveEndTime;

        // Process Events
        for (int i = 0; i < _events.Count; i++)
            CurveControlledBobEvent ev = _events[i];
            if (ev != null)
                if (ev.Type == CurveControlledBobCallbackType.Vertical)
                    if ((_prevYPlayHead < ev.Time && _yPlayHead >= ev.Time) ||
                        (_prevYPlayHead > _yPlayHead && (ev.Time > _prevYPlayHead || ev.Time <= _yPlayHead)))
                    if ((_prevXPlayHead < ev.Time && _xPlayHead >= ev.Time) ||
                        (_prevXPlayHead > _xPlayHead && (ev.Time > _prevXPlayHead || ev.Time <= _xPlayHead)))

        float xPos = _bobcurve.Evaluate(_xPlayHead) * _horizontalMultiplier;
        float yPos = _bobcurve.Evaluate(_yPlayHead) * _verticalMultiplier;

        _prevXPlayHead = _xPlayHead;
        _prevYPlayHead = _yPlayHead;

        //Aggiungere zPos per ottenere la camminata Chicken Style
        return(new Vector3(xPos, yPos, 0f));
    /// <summary>
    /// Method takes the events and sorts them into ascending order. Method is used to play an event (the footstep sound at 1.5 secs into curve)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="time"></param>
    /// <param name="function"></param>
    /// <param name="type"></param>
    //time falls between keyframes on curve, reference to function to be called
    public void RegisterEventCallback(float time, CurveControlledBobCallback function, CurveControlledBobCallbackType type)
        CurveControlledBobEvent ccbeEvent = new CurveControlledBobEvent();

        ccbeEvent.Time     = time;
        ccbeEvent.Function = function;
        ccbeEvent.Type     = type;
        events.Add(ccbeEvent); //add them to events list
        events.Sort(           //store times in ascending order
            delegate(CurveControlledBobEvent t1, CurveControlledBobEvent t2)
Exemple #6
    public Vector3 GetVectorOffset(float speed)
        _xPlayHead += (speed * Time.deltaTime) / _baseInterval;
        _yPlayHead += ((speed * Time.deltaTime) / _baseInterval) * _verticalToHorizontalSpeedRatio;

        //wrap it back aound to the start of the curve
        if (_xPlayHead > _curveEndTime)
            _xPlayHead -= _curveEndTime;

        if (_yPlayHead > _curveEndTime)
            _yPlayHead -= _curveEndTime;

        //Process Events
        for (int i = 0; i < _events.Count; i++)
            CurveControlledBobEvent ev = _events[i];
            if (ev != null)
                if (ev.Type == CurveControlledBobCallbackType.VERTICAL)
                    if ((_prevYPlayHead < ev.Time && _yPlayHead >= ev.Time) || (_prevYPlayHead > _yPlayHead && (ev.Time > _prevYPlayHead || ev.Time <= _yPlayHead)))
                    if ((_prevXPlayHead < ev.Time && _xPlayHead >= ev.Time) || (_prevXPlayHead > _xPlayHead && (ev.Time > _prevXPlayHead || ev.Time <= _xPlayHead)))

        float xPos = _bobCurve.Evaluate(_xPlayHead) * _horizontalMultiplier;
        float yPos = _bobCurve.Evaluate(_yPlayHead) * _verticalMultiplier;

        _prevXPlayHead = _xPlayHead;
        _prevYPlayHead = _yPlayHead;

        return(new Vector3(xPos, yPos, 0f));
Exemple #7
    public Vector3 GetVectorOffset(float speed)
        xPlayHead += (speed * Time.deltaTime) / baseInterval;
        yPlayHead += ((speed * Time.deltaTime) / baseInterval) * verticalToHorizontalSpeedRatio;

        if (xPlayHead > curveEndTime)
            xPlayHead -= curveEndTime;

        if (yPlayHead > curveEndTime)
            yPlayHead -= curveEndTime;

        for (int i = 0; i < events.Count; i++)
            CurveControlledBobEvent ev = events[i];
            if (ev != null)
                if (ev.type == CurveControlledBobCallbackType.Vertical)
                    if ((prevYPlayHead < ev.time && yPlayHead >= ev.time) || (prevYPlayHead > yPlayHead && (ev.time > prevYPlayHead || ev.time <= yPlayHead)))
                else if ((prevXPlayHead < ev.time && xPlayHead >= ev.time) || (prevXPlayHead > xPlayHead && (ev.time > prevXPlayHead || ev.time <= xPlayHead)))

        float xPos = bobCurve.Evaluate(xPlayHead) * horizontalMultiplier;
        float yPos = bobCurve.Evaluate(yPlayHead) * verticalMultiplier;

        prevXPlayHead = xPlayHead;
        prevYPlayHead = yPlayHead;

        return(new Vector3(xPos, yPos, 0f));