protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { CurrentWeb.CreatePublishingImageRendition(Name, Width, Height); }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { List list = null; if (List != null) { list = List.GetList(CurrentWeb); } if (list != null) { var item = Identity.GetListItem(list); if (item != null) { item.EnsureProperties(i => i.HasUniqueRoleAssignments); if (item.HasUniqueRoleAssignments && InheritPermissions.IsPresent) { item.ResetRoleInheritance(); } else if (!item.HasUniqueRoleAssignments) { item.BreakRoleInheritance(!ClearExisting.IsPresent, true); } else if (ClearExisting.IsPresent) { item.ResetRoleInheritance(); item.BreakRoleInheritance(!ClearExisting.IsPresent, true); } if (SystemUpdate.IsPresent) { item.SystemUpdate(); } else { item.Update(); } ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); if (ParameterSetName == "Inherit") { // no processing of user/group needed return; } Principal principal = null; if (ParameterSetName == "Group") { if (Group.Id != -1) { principal = CurrentWeb.SiteGroups.GetById(Group.Id); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Group.Name)) { principal = CurrentWeb.SiteGroups.GetByName(Group.Name); } else if (Group.Group != null) { principal = Group.Group; } } else { principal = CurrentWeb.EnsureUser(User); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } if (principal != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AddRole)) { var roleDefinition = CurrentWeb.RoleDefinitions.GetByName(AddRole); var roleDefinitionBindings = new RoleDefinitionBindingCollection(ClientContext) { roleDefinition }; var roleAssignments = item.RoleAssignments; roleAssignments.Add(principal, roleDefinitionBindings); ClientContext.Load(roleAssignments); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RemoveRole)) { var roleAssignment = item.RoleAssignments.GetByPrincipal(principal); var roleDefinitionBindings = roleAssignment.RoleDefinitionBindings; ClientContext.Load(roleDefinitionBindings); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); foreach (var roleDefinition in roleDefinitionBindings.Where(roleDefinition => roleDefinition.Name == RemoveRole)) { roleDefinitionBindings.Remove(roleDefinition); roleAssignment.Update(); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); break; } } } else { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("Principal not found"), "1", ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, null)); } } } }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(Batch))) { var list = List.GetList(Batch); list.EnsureProperties(l => l.Id, l => l.Fields.LoadProperties(f => f.Id, f => f.Title, f => f.InternalName, f => f.TypeAsString)); var values = ListItemHelper.GetFieldValues(list, null, Values, ClientContext); if (ContentType != null) { var contentType = ContentType.GetContentType(Batch, list); values.Add("ContentTypeId", contentType.StringId); } list.Items.AddBatch(Batch.Batch, values, Folder); } else { List list = List.GetList(CurrentWeb); ListItemCreationInformation liCI = new ListItemCreationInformation(); if (Folder != null) { // Create the folder if it doesn't exist var rootFolder = list.EnsureProperty(l => l.RootFolder); var targetFolder = CurrentWeb.EnsureFolder(rootFolder, Folder); liCI.FolderUrl = targetFolder.ServerRelativeUrl; } var item = list.AddItem(liCI); bool systemUpdate = false; if (ContentType != null) { var ct = ContentType.GetContentType(list); if (ct != null) { item["ContentTypeId"] = ct.EnsureProperty(w => w.StringId); item.Update(); systemUpdate = true; ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } } if (Values?.Count > 0) { ListItemHelper.SetFieldValues(item, Values, this); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Label)) { IList <Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CompliancePolicy.ComplianceTag> tags = Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CompliancePolicy.SPPolicyStoreProxy.GetAvailableTagsForSite(ClientContext, ClientContext.Url); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); var tag = tags.Where(t => t.TagName == Label).FirstOrDefault(); if (tag != null) { item.SetComplianceTag(tag.TagName, tag.BlockDelete, tag.BlockEdit, tag.IsEventTag, tag.SuperLock); } else { WriteWarning("Can not find compliance tag with value: " + Label); } } if (systemUpdate) { item.SystemUpdate(); } else { item.Update(); } ClientContext.Load(item); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); WriteObject(item); } }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { var group = Identity.GetGroup(CurrentWeb); ClientContext.Load(group, g => g.AllowMembersEditMembership, g => g.AllowRequestToJoinLeave, g => g.AutoAcceptRequestToJoinLeave, g => g.OnlyAllowMembersViewMembership, g => g.RequestToJoinLeaveEmailSetting); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); if (SetAssociatedGroup != AssociatedGroupType.None) { switch (SetAssociatedGroup) { case AssociatedGroupType.Visitors: { CurrentWeb.AssociateDefaultGroups(null, null, group); break; } case AssociatedGroupType.Members: { CurrentWeb.AssociateDefaultGroups(null, group, null); break; } case AssociatedGroupType.Owners: { CurrentWeb.AssociateDefaultGroups(group, null, null); break; } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AddRole)) { var roleDefinition = CurrentWeb.RoleDefinitions.GetByName(AddRole); var roleDefinitionBindings = new RoleDefinitionBindingCollection(ClientContext); roleDefinitionBindings.Add(roleDefinition); var roleAssignments = CurrentWeb.RoleAssignments; roleAssignments.Add(group, roleDefinitionBindings); ClientContext.Load(roleAssignments); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RemoveRole)) { var roleAssignment = CurrentWeb.RoleAssignments.GetByPrincipal(group); var roleDefinitionBindings = roleAssignment.RoleDefinitionBindings; ClientContext.Load(roleDefinitionBindings); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); foreach (var roleDefinition in roleDefinitionBindings.Where(roleDefinition => roleDefinition.Name == RemoveRole)) { roleDefinitionBindings.Remove(roleDefinition); roleAssignment.Update(); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); break; } } var dirty = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Title)) { group.Title = Title; dirty = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Description)) { var groupItem = CurrentWeb.SiteUserInfoList.GetItemById(group.Id); CurrentWeb.Context.Load(groupItem, g => g["Notes"]); CurrentWeb.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); var groupDescription = groupItem["Notes"]?.ToString(); if (groupDescription != Description) { groupItem["Notes"] = Description; groupItem.Update(); dirty = true; } var plainTextDescription = PnP.Framework.Utilities.PnPHttpUtility.ConvertSimpleHtmlToText(Description, int.MaxValue); if (group.Description != plainTextDescription) { //If the description is more than 512 characters long a server exception will be thrown. group.Description = plainTextDescription; dirty = true; } } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(AllowRequestToJoinLeave)) && AllowRequestToJoinLeave != group.AllowRequestToJoinLeave) { group.AllowRequestToJoinLeave = AllowRequestToJoinLeave; dirty = true; } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(AutoAcceptRequestToJoinLeave)) && AutoAcceptRequestToJoinLeave != group.AutoAcceptRequestToJoinLeave) { group.AutoAcceptRequestToJoinLeave = AutoAcceptRequestToJoinLeave; dirty = true; } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(AllowMembersEditMembership)) && AllowMembersEditMembership != group.AllowMembersEditMembership) { group.AllowMembersEditMembership = AllowMembersEditMembership; dirty = true; } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(OnlyAllowMembersViewMembership)) && OnlyAllowMembersViewMembership != group.OnlyAllowMembersViewMembership) { group.OnlyAllowMembersViewMembership = OnlyAllowMembersViewMembership; dirty = true; } if (RequestToJoinEmail != group.RequestToJoinLeaveEmailSetting) { group.RequestToJoinLeaveEmailSetting = RequestToJoinEmail; dirty = true; } if (dirty) { group.Update(); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Owner)) { Principal groupOwner; try { groupOwner = CurrentWeb.EnsureUser(Owner); group.Owner = groupOwner; group.Update(); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } catch { groupOwner = CurrentWeb.SiteGroups.GetByName(Owner); group.Owner = groupOwner; group.Update(); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } } }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { var dirty = false; foreach (var key in MyInvocation.BoundParameters.Keys) { switch (key) { case nameof(SiteLogoUrl): CurrentWeb.SiteLogoUrl = SiteLogoUrl; dirty = true; break; case nameof(AlternateCssUrl): CurrentWeb.AlternateCssUrl = AlternateCssUrl; dirty = true; break; case nameof(Title): CurrentWeb.Title = Title; dirty = true; break; case nameof(Description): CurrentWeb.Description = Description; dirty = true; break; case nameof(MasterUrl): CurrentWeb.MasterUrl = MasterUrl; dirty = true; break; case nameof(CustomMasterUrl): CurrentWeb.CustomMasterUrl = CustomMasterUrl; dirty = true; break; case nameof(QuickLaunchEnabled): CurrentWeb.QuickLaunchEnabled = QuickLaunchEnabled.ToBool(); dirty = true; break; case nameof(MembersCanShare): CurrentWeb.MembersCanShare = MembersCanShare.ToBool(); dirty = true; break; case nameof(NoCrawl): CurrentWeb.NoCrawl = NoCrawl.ToBool(); dirty = true; break; case nameof(HeaderLayout): CurrentWeb.HeaderLayout = HeaderLayout; dirty = true; break; case nameof(HeaderEmphasis): CurrentWeb.HeaderEmphasis = HeaderEmphasis; dirty = true; break; case nameof(NavAudienceTargetingEnabled): CurrentWeb.NavAudienceTargetingEnabled = NavAudienceTargetingEnabled.ToBool(); dirty = true; break; case nameof(MegaMenuEnabled): CurrentWeb.MegaMenuEnabled = MegaMenuEnabled.ToBool(); dirty = true; break; case nameof(DisablePowerAutomate): CurrentWeb.DisableFlows = DisablePowerAutomate.ToBool(); dirty = true; break; case nameof(CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled): CurrentWeb.CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled = CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled.ToBool(); dirty = true; break; } } if (dirty) { CurrentWeb.Update(); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { CurrentWeb.ActivateFeature(new Guid("E87CA965-5E07-4A23-B007-DDD4B5AFB9C7")); }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { if (ParameterSetName == ParameterSet_ASFILE) { if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(Path)) { Path = System.IO.Path.Combine(SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation.Path, Path); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewFileName)) { FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Path); } else { FileName = NewFileName; } } var folder = EnsureFolder(); var fileUrl = UrlUtility.Combine(folder.ServerRelativeUrl, FileName); string targetContentTypeId = null; // Check to see if the Content Type exists. If it doesn't we are going to throw an exception and block this transaction right here. if (ContentType != null) { CurrentWeb.EnsureProperty(w => w.ServerRelativeUrl); var list = CurrentWeb.GetListByUrl(folder.ServerRelativeUrl.Substring(CurrentWeb.ServerRelativeUrl.TrimEnd('/').Length + 1)); if (list is null) { throw new PSArgumentException("The folder specified does not have a corresponding list", nameof(Folder)); } targetContentTypeId = ContentType?.GetIdOrThrow(nameof(ContentType), list); } // Check if the file exists if (Checkout) { try { var existingFile = CurrentWeb.GetFileByServerRelativePath(ResourcePath.FromDecodedUrl(fileUrl)); existingFile.EnsureProperty(f => f.Exists); if (existingFile.Exists) { CurrentWeb.CheckOutFile(fileUrl); } } catch { // Swallow exception, file does not exist } } Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File file; if (ParameterSetName == ParameterSet_ASFILE) { file = folder.UploadFile(FileName, Path, true); } else { file = folder.UploadFile(FileName, Stream, true); } bool updateRequired = false; var item = file.ListItemAllFields; if (Values != null) { ListItemHelper.SetFieldValues(item, Values, this); updateRequired = true; } if (ContentType != null) { item["ContentTypeId"] = targetContentTypeId; updateRequired = true; } if (updateRequired) { item.SystemUpdate(); } if (Checkout) { CurrentWeb.CheckInFile(fileUrl, CheckinType.MajorCheckIn, CheckInComment); } if (Publish) { CurrentWeb.PublishFile(fileUrl, PublishComment); } if (Approve) { CurrentWeb.ApproveFile(fileUrl, ApproveComment); } ClientContext.Load(file); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); WriteObject(file); }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { string configOutput = string.Empty; switch (Scope) { case SearchConfigurationScope.Web: { configOutput = CurrentWeb.GetSearchConfiguration(); break; } case SearchConfigurationScope.Site: { configOutput = ClientContext.Site.GetSearchConfiguration(); break; } case SearchConfigurationScope.Subscription: { if (!ClientContext.Url.ToLower().Contains("-admin")) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.CurrentSiteIsNoTenantAdminSite); } SearchObjectOwner owningScope = new SearchObjectOwner(ClientContext, SearchObjectLevel.SPSiteSubscription); var config = new SearchConfigurationPortability(ClientContext); ClientResult <string> configuration = config.ExportSearchConfiguration(owningScope); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); configOutput = configuration.Value; } break; } if (Path != null) { if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(Path)) { Path = System.IO.Path.Combine(SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation.Path, Path); } System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Path, configOutput); } else { if (OutputFormat == OutputFormat.CompleteXml) { WriteObject(configOutput); } else if (OutputFormat == OutputFormat.ManagedPropertyMappings) { StringReader sr = new StringReader(configOutput); var doc = XDocument.Load(sr); var mps = GetCustomManagedProperties(doc); foreach (var mp in mps) { mp.Aliases = new List <string>(); mp.Mappings = new List <string>(); var mappings = GetCpMappingsFromPid(doc, mp.Pid); mp.Mappings = mappings; var aliases = GetAliasesFromPid(doc, mp.Pid); mp.Aliases = aliases; } WriteObject(mps); } } }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { if (ParameterSetName == ParameterSet_ALLBYLOCATION) { if (Tree.IsPresent) { NavigationNodeCollection navigationNodes = null; if (Location == NavigationType.SearchNav) { navigationNodes = CurrentWeb.Navigation.GetNodeById(1040).Children; } else if (Location == NavigationType.Footer) { navigationNodes = CurrentWeb.LoadFooterNavigation(); } else { navigationNodes = Location == NavigationType.QuickLaunch ? CurrentWeb.Navigation.QuickLaunch : CurrentWeb.Navigation.TopNavigationBar; } if (navigationNodes != null) { var nodesCollection = ClientContext.LoadQuery(navigationNodes); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); WriteObject(GetTree(nodesCollection, 0)); } } else { NavigationNodeCollection nodes = null; switch (Location) { case NavigationType.QuickLaunch: { nodes = CurrentWeb.Navigation.QuickLaunch; break; } case NavigationType.TopNavigationBar: { nodes = CurrentWeb.Navigation.TopNavigationBar; break; } case NavigationType.SearchNav: { nodes = CurrentWeb.Navigation.GetNodeById(1040).Children; break; } case NavigationType.Footer: { nodes = CurrentWeb.LoadFooterNavigation(); break; } } if (nodes != null) { ClientContext.Load(nodes); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); WriteObject(nodes, true); } } } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(Id))) { var node = CurrentWeb.Navigation.GetNodeById(Id); ClientContext.Load(node); ClientContext.Load(node, n => n.Children.IncludeWithDefaultProperties()); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); if (Tree.IsPresent) { WriteObject(GetTree(new List <NavigationNode>() { node }, 0)); } else { WriteObject(node); } } }
private string GetServerRelativeUrl(string url) { var serverRelativeUrl = CurrentWeb.EnsureProperty(w => w.ServerRelativeUrl); return(UrlUtility.Combine(serverRelativeUrl, url)); }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { TaxonomyItem taxItem; Field field; if (ParameterSetName == "Path") { taxItem = ClientContext.Site.GetTaxonomyItemByPath(TermSetPath, TermPathDelimiter); } else { var taxSession = ClientContext.Site.GetTaxonomySession(); var termStore = taxSession.GetDefaultKeywordsTermStore(); try { taxItem = termStore.GetTermSet(TaxonomyItemId); } catch { try { taxItem = termStore.GetTerm(TaxonomyItemId); } catch { throw new Exception($"Taxonomy Item with Id {TaxonomyItemId} not found"); } } taxItem.EnsureProperty(t => t.Id); } if (Id == Guid.Empty) { Id = Guid.NewGuid(); } var fieldCI = new TaxonomyFieldCreationInformation() { Id = Id, InternalName = InternalName, DisplayName = DisplayName, Group = Group, TaxonomyItem = taxItem, MultiValue = MultiValue, Required = Required, AddToDefaultView = AddToDefaultView }; if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(FieldOptions))) { fieldCI.FieldOptions = FieldOptions; } if (List != null) { var list = List.GetList(CurrentWeb); field = list.CreateTaxonomyField(fieldCI); } else { field = CurrentWeb.CreateTaxonomyField(fieldCI); } WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <TaxonomyField>(field)); }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { string hostUrl; if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(WebUrl)) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(WebUrl)) { hostUrl = WebUrl; } else { CurrentWeb.EnsureProperty(w => w.Url); hostUrl = CurrentWeb.Url; } WriteVerbose($"Site scripts will be applied to site {hostUrl}"); IEnumerable <InvokeSiteScriptActionResponse> result = null; switch (ParameterSetName) { case ParameterSet_SCRIPTCONTENTS: if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(WhatIf))) { WriteVerbose($"Provided Site Script through {nameof(Script)} will not be executed due to {nameof(WhatIf)} option being provided"); } else { WriteVerbose($"Executing provided script"); result = PnP.PowerShell.Commands.Utilities.SiteTemplates.InvokeSiteScript(HttpClient, AccessToken, Script, hostUrl).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Items; } break; case ParameterSet_SITESCRIPTREFERENCE: // Try to create an admin context from the current context var tenant = new Tenant(ClientContext); var scripts = Identity.GetTenantSiteScript(tenant); if (scripts == null || scripts.Length == 0) { throw new PSArgumentException($"No site scripts found matching the identity provided through {nameof(Identity)}", nameof(Identity)); } // Execute each of the Site Scripts that have been found foreach (var script in scripts) { script.EnsureProperties(s => s.Content, s => s.Title, s => s.Id, s => s.Version, s => s.Description, s => s.IsSiteScriptPackage); if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(WhatIf))) { WriteVerbose($"Site script '{script.Title}' ({script.Id}) will not be executed due to {nameof(WhatIf)} option being provided"); } else { WriteVerbose($"Executing site script '{script.Title}' ({script.Id})"); result = PnP.PowerShell.Commands.Utilities.SiteTemplates.InvokeSiteScript(HttpClient, AccessToken, script, hostUrl).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Items; } } break; } // Only if there are results, show them if (result != null) { WriteVerbose($"Site script result: {result.Count(r => r.ErrorCode == 0)} actions successful, {result.Count(r => r.ErrorCode != 0)} failed"); WriteObject(result, true); } }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { CurrentWeb.ReIndexWeb(); }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { var serverRelativeUrl = string.Empty; var webUrl = CurrentWeb.EnsureProperty(w => w.ServerRelativeUrl); if (!Url.ToLower().StartsWith(webUrl.ToLower())) { serverRelativeUrl = UrlUtility.Combine(webUrl, Url); } else { serverRelativeUrl = Url; } File file; file = CurrentWeb.GetFileByServerRelativePath(ResourcePath.FromDecodedUrl(serverRelativeUrl)); ClientContext.Load(file, f => f.Exists, f => f.Versions.IncludeWithDefaultProperties(i => i.CreatedBy)); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); if (file.Exists) { var versions = file.Versions; switch (ParameterSetName) { case ParameterSetName_ALL: { if (Force || ShouldContinue("Remove all versions?", Resources.Confirm)) { versions.DeleteAll(); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } break; } case ParameterSetName_BYID: { if (Force || ShouldContinue("Remove a version?", Resources.Confirm)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Identity.Label)) { if (Recycle.IsPresent) { versions.RecycleByLabel(Identity.Label); } else { versions.DeleteByLabel(Identity.Label); } ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } else if (Identity.Id != -1) { if (Recycle.IsPresent) { versions.RecycleByID(Identity.Id); } else { versions.DeleteByID(Identity.Id); } ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } } break; } } } else { throw new PSArgumentException("File not found", nameof(Url)); } }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { var requiresWebUpdate = false; if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(SiteLogoUrl))) { WriteVerbose($"Setting site logo image to '{SiteLogoUrl}'"); var stringContent = new StringContent("{\"relativeLogoUrl\":\"" + SiteLogoUrl + "\",\"type\":0,\"aspect\":1}"); stringContent.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json"); CurrentWeb.EnsureProperties(p => p.Url); var result = GraphHelper.PostAsync(HttpClient, $"{CurrentWeb.Url.TrimEnd('/')}/_api/siteiconmanager/setsitelogo", AccessToken, stringContent).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); WriteVerbose($"Response from setsitelogo request: {result.StatusCode}"); } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(LogoAlignment))) { WriteVerbose($"Setting site logo alignment to '{LogoAlignment}'"); CurrentWeb.LogoAlignment = LogoAlignment; requiresWebUpdate = true; } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(HeaderLayout))) { WriteVerbose($"Setting header layout to '{HeaderLayout}'"); CurrentWeb.HeaderLayout = HeaderLayout; requiresWebUpdate = true; } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(HeaderEmphasis))) { WriteVerbose($"Setting header emphasis to '{HeaderEmphasis}'"); CurrentWeb.HeaderEmphasis = HeaderEmphasis; requiresWebUpdate = true; } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(HideTitleInHeader))) { WriteVerbose($"Setting hide title in header to '{HideTitleInHeader}'"); CurrentWeb.HideTitleInHeader = HideTitleInHeader; requiresWebUpdate = true; } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(HeaderBackgroundImageUrl)) || ParameterSpecified(nameof(HeaderBackgroundImageFocalX)) || ParameterSpecified(nameof(HeaderBackgroundImageFocalY))) { var setSiteBackgroundImageInstructions = new List <string>(); if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(HeaderBackgroundImageUrl))) { WriteVerbose($"Setting header background image to '{HeaderBackgroundImageUrl}'"); setSiteBackgroundImageInstructions.Add("\"relativeLogoUrl\":\"" + UrlUtilities.UrlEncode(HeaderBackgroundImageUrl) + "\""); } else { WriteVerbose($"Setting header background image isFocalPatch to 'true'"); setSiteBackgroundImageInstructions.Add("\"isFocalPatch\":true"); } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(HeaderBackgroundImageFocalX))) { WriteVerbose($"Setting header background image focal point X to '{HeaderBackgroundImageFocalX.ToString().Replace(',', '.')}'"); setSiteBackgroundImageInstructions.Add("\"focalx\":" + HeaderBackgroundImageFocalX.ToString().Replace(',', '.')); } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(HeaderBackgroundImageFocalY))) { WriteVerbose($"Setting header background image focal point Y to '{HeaderBackgroundImageFocalY.ToString().Replace(',', '.')}'"); setSiteBackgroundImageInstructions.Add("\"focaly\":" + HeaderBackgroundImageFocalY.ToString().Replace(',', '.')); } if (setSiteBackgroundImageInstructions.Count > 0) { var stringContent = new StringContent("{" + string.Join(",", setSiteBackgroundImageInstructions) + ",\"type\":2,\"aspect\":0}"); stringContent.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json"); CurrentWeb.EnsureProperties(p => p.Url); var result = GraphHelper.PostAsync(HttpClient, $"{CurrentWeb.Url.TrimEnd('/')}/_api/siteiconmanager/setsitelogo", AccessToken, stringContent).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); WriteVerbose($"Response from setsitelogo request: {result.StatusCode}"); } } if (requiresWebUpdate) { WriteVerbose("Updating web"); CurrentWeb.Update(); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { CurrentWeb.ResetFileToPreviousVersion(ServerRelativeUrl, CheckinType, CheckInComment); }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { List list = null; if (List != null) { list = List.GetList(CurrentWeb); } if (list != null) { // Try to get an instance to the folder var folder = Identity.GetFolder(CurrentWeb); // Ensure the folder has been found if (folder == null) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("Folder not found"), "1", ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, null)); } // Ensure we have access to the ListItemAllFields property of the folder folder.EnsureProperty(f => f.ListItemAllFields); // Validate that the ListItemAllFields contains the Id which represents the ListItem ID equivallent for this folder if (folder.ListItemAllFields.Id <= 0) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("ListItemId on folder not found"), "1", ErrorCategory.InvalidData, null)); } // Get the list item which is the equivallent of the folder var item = list.GetItemById(folder.ListItemAllFields.Id); // Perform the permission operations on the listitem belonging to the folder item.EnsureProperties(i => i.HasUniqueRoleAssignments); if (item.HasUniqueRoleAssignments && InheritPermissions.IsPresent) { item.ResetRoleInheritance(); } else if (!item.HasUniqueRoleAssignments) { item.BreakRoleInheritance(!ClearExisting.IsPresent, true); } else if (ClearExisting.IsPresent) { item.ResetRoleInheritance(); item.BreakRoleInheritance(!ClearExisting.IsPresent, true); } if (SystemUpdate.IsPresent) { item.SystemUpdate(); } else { item.Update(); } ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); if (ParameterSetName == "Inherit") { // no processing of user/group needed return; } Principal principal = null; if (ParameterSetName == "Group") { if (Group.Id != -1) { principal = CurrentWeb.SiteGroups.GetById(Group.Id); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Group.Name)) { principal = CurrentWeb.SiteGroups.GetByName(Group.Name); } else if (Group.Group != null) { principal = Group.Group; } } else { principal = CurrentWeb.EnsureUser(User); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } if (principal != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AddRole)) { var roleDefinition = CurrentWeb.RoleDefinitions.GetByName(AddRole); var roleDefinitionBindings = new RoleDefinitionBindingCollection(ClientContext) { roleDefinition }; var roleAssignments = item.RoleAssignments; roleAssignments.Add(principal, roleDefinitionBindings); ClientContext.Load(roleAssignments); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RemoveRole)) { var roleAssignment = item.RoleAssignments.GetByPrincipal(principal); var roleDefinitionBindings = roleAssignment.RoleDefinitionBindings; ClientContext.Load(roleDefinitionBindings); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); foreach (var roleDefinition in roleDefinitionBindings.Where(roleDefinition => roleDefinition.Name == RemoveRole)) { roleDefinitionBindings.Remove(roleDefinition); roleAssignment.Update(); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); break; } } } else { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("Principal not found"), "1", ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, null)); } } }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { CurrentWeb.EnsureProperty(w => w.Url); ProvisioningTemplate provisioningTemplate; FileConnectorBase fileConnector; if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(Path))) { bool templateFromFileSystem = !Path.ToLower().StartsWith("http"); string templateFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Path); if (templateFromFileSystem) { if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(Path)) { Path = System.IO.Path.Combine(SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation.Path, Path); } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Path)) { throw new FileNotFoundException($"File not found"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ResourceFolder)) { if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(ResourceFolder)) { ResourceFolder = System.IO.Path.Combine(SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation.Path, ResourceFolder); } } var fileInfo = new FileInfo(Path); fileConnector = new FileSystemConnector(fileInfo.DirectoryName, ""); } else { Uri fileUri = new Uri(Path); var webUrl = Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Web.WebUrlFromFolderUrlDirect(ClientContext, fileUri); var templateContext = ClientContext.Clone(webUrl.ToString()); var library = Path.ToLower().Replace(templateContext.Url.ToLower(), "").TrimStart('/'); var idx = library.IndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal); library = library.Substring(0, idx); // This syntax creates a SharePoint connector regardless we have the -InputInstance argument or not fileConnector = new SharePointConnector(templateContext, templateContext.Url, library); } // If we don't have the -InputInstance parameter, we load the template from the source connector Stream stream = fileConnector.GetFileStream(templateFileName); var isOpenOfficeFile = FileUtilities.IsOpenOfficeFile(stream); XMLTemplateProvider provider; if (isOpenOfficeFile) { var openXmlConnector = new OpenXMLConnector(templateFileName, fileConnector); provider = new XMLOpenXMLTemplateProvider(openXmlConnector); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(openXmlConnector.Info?.Properties?.TemplateFileName)) { templateFileName = openXmlConnector.Info.Properties.TemplateFileName; } else { templateFileName = templateFileName.Substring(0, templateFileName.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal)) + ".xml"; } } else { if (templateFromFileSystem) { provider = new XMLFileSystemTemplateProvider(fileConnector.Parameters[FileConnectorBase.CONNECTIONSTRING] + "", ""); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Only .pnp package files are supported from a SharePoint library"); } } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(TemplateId))) { provisioningTemplate = provider.GetTemplate(templateFileName, TemplateId, null, TemplateProviderExtensions); } else { provisioningTemplate = provider.GetTemplate(templateFileName, TemplateProviderExtensions); } if (provisioningTemplate == null) { // If we don't have the template, raise an error and exit WriteError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("The -Path parameter targets an invalid repository or template object."), "WRONG_PATH", ErrorCategory.SyntaxError, null)); return; } if (isOpenOfficeFile) { provisioningTemplate.Connector = provider.Connector; } else { if (ResourceFolder != null) { var fileSystemConnector = new FileSystemConnector(ResourceFolder, ""); provisioningTemplate.Connector = fileSystemConnector; } else { provisioningTemplate.Connector = provider.Connector; } } } else { provisioningTemplate = InputInstance; if (ResourceFolder != null) { var fileSystemConnector = new FileSystemConnector(ResourceFolder, ""); provisioningTemplate.Connector = fileSystemConnector; } else { if (Path != null) { if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(Path)) { Path = System.IO.Path.Combine(SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation.Path, Path); } } else { Path = SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation.Path; } var fileInfo = new FileInfo(Path); fileConnector = new FileSystemConnector(System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(fileInfo.FullName) ? fileInfo.FullName : fileInfo.DirectoryName, ""); provisioningTemplate.Connector = fileConnector; } } if (Parameters != null) { foreach (var parameter in Parameters.Keys) { if (provisioningTemplate.Parameters.ContainsKey(parameter.ToString())) { provisioningTemplate.Parameters[parameter.ToString()] = Parameters[parameter].ToString(); } else { provisioningTemplate.Parameters.Add(parameter.ToString(), Parameters[parameter].ToString()); } } } var applyingInformation = new ProvisioningTemplateApplyingInformation(); if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(Handlers))) { applyingInformation.HandlersToProcess = Handlers; } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(ExcludeHandlers))) { foreach (var handler in (Handlers[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Handlers))) { if (!ExcludeHandlers.Has(handler) && handler != Handlers.All) { Handlers = Handlers | handler; } } applyingInformation.HandlersToProcess = Handlers; } if (ExtensibilityHandlers != null) { applyingInformation.ExtensibilityHandlers = ExtensibilityHandlers.ToList(); } applyingInformation.ProgressDelegate = (message, step, total) => { if (message != null) { var percentage = Convert.ToInt32((100 / Convert.ToDouble(total)) * Convert.ToDouble(step)); progressRecord.Activity = $"Applying template to {CurrentWeb.Url}"; progressRecord.StatusDescription = message; progressRecord.PercentComplete = percentage; progressRecord.RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Processing; WriteProgress(progressRecord); } }; var warningsShown = new List <string>(); applyingInformation.MessagesDelegate = (message, type) => { switch (type) { case ProvisioningMessageType.Warning: { if (!warningsShown.Contains(message)) { WriteWarning(message); warningsShown.Add(message); } break; } case ProvisioningMessageType.Progress: { if (message != null) { var activity = message; if (message.IndexOf("|") > -1) { var messageSplitted = message.Split('|'); if (messageSplitted.Length == 4) { var current = double.Parse(messageSplitted[2]); var total = double.Parse(messageSplitted[3]); subProgressRecord.RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Processing; subProgressRecord.Activity = string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageSplitted[0]) ? "-" : messageSplitted[0]; subProgressRecord.StatusDescription = string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageSplitted[1]) ? "-" : messageSplitted[1]; subProgressRecord.PercentComplete = Convert.ToInt32((100 / total) * current); WriteProgress(subProgressRecord); } else { subProgressRecord.Activity = "Processing"; subProgressRecord.RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Processing; subProgressRecord.StatusDescription = activity; subProgressRecord.PercentComplete = 0; WriteProgress(subProgressRecord); } } else { subProgressRecord.Activity = "Processing"; subProgressRecord.RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Processing; subProgressRecord.StatusDescription = activity; subProgressRecord.PercentComplete = 0; WriteProgress(subProgressRecord); } } break; } case ProvisioningMessageType.Completed: { WriteProgress(new ProgressRecord(1, message, " ") { RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Completed }); break; } } }; applyingInformation.OverwriteSystemPropertyBagValues = OverwriteSystemPropertyBagValues; applyingInformation.IgnoreDuplicateDataRowErrors = IgnoreDuplicateDataRowErrors; applyingInformation.ClearNavigation = ClearNavigation; applyingInformation.ProvisionContentTypesToSubWebs = ProvisionContentTypesToSubWebs; applyingInformation.ProvisionFieldsToSubWebs = ProvisionFieldsToSubWebs; using (var provisioningContext = new PnPProvisioningContext(async(resource, scope) => { return(await TokenRetrieval.GetAccessTokenAsync(resource, scope)); // if (resource.ToLower().StartsWith("https://")) // { // var uri = new Uri(resource); // resource = uri.Authority; // } // if (resource.ToLower().Contains(".sharepoint.")) // { // // SharePoint // var authManager = PnPConnection.CurrentConnection.Context.GetContextSettings().AuthenticationManager; // if (authManager != null) // { // var token = await authManager.GetAccessTokenAsync($"https://{resource}"); // if (token != null) // { // return token; // } // } // } // // Get Azure AD Token // if (PnPConnection.CurrentConnection != null) // { // var graphAccessToken = await PnPConnection.CurrentConnection.TryGetAccessTokenAsync(Enums.TokenAudience.MicrosoftGraph); // if (graphAccessToken != null) // { // // Authenticated using -Graph or using another way to retrieve the accesstoken with Connect-PnPOnline // return graphAccessToken; // } // } // if (PnPConnection.CurrentConnection.PSCredential != null) // { // // Using normal credentials // return await TokenHandler.AcquireTokenAsync(resource, null); // } // else // { // // No token... // if (resource.ToLower().Contains(".sharepoint.")) // { // return null; // } // else // { // throw new PSInvalidOperationException($"Your template contains artifacts that require an access token for {resource}. Either connect with a clientid which the appropriate permissions, or use credentials with Connect-PnPOnline after providing consent to the PnP Management Shell application first by executing: Register-PnPManagementShellAccess. See"); // } // } })) { CurrentWeb.ApplyProvisioningTemplate(provisioningTemplate, applyingInformation); } WriteProgress(new ProgressRecord(0, $"Applying template to {CurrentWeb.Url}", " ") { RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Completed }); }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { // Retrieve the list List list = null; if (List != null) { list = List.GetList(CurrentWeb); } // Ensure the list exists if (list == null) { throw new PSArgumentException("The provided List through the List parameter could not be found", nameof(List)); } // Retrieve the list item var item = Identity.GetListItem(list); // Ensure the list item exists if (item == null) { throw new PSArgumentException("The provided list item through the Identity parameter could not be found", nameof(Identity)); } item.EnsureProperties(i => i.HasUniqueRoleAssignments); if (ParameterSetName == ParameterSet_INHERIT) { if (item.HasUniqueRoleAssignments && InheritPermissions.IsPresent) { item.ResetRoleInheritance(); if (SystemUpdate) { item.SystemUpdate(); } else { item.Update(); } ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } } else { if (!item.HasUniqueRoleAssignments) { item.BreakRoleInheritance(!ClearExisting.IsPresent, true); } else if (ClearExisting.IsPresent) { item.ResetRoleInheritance(); item.BreakRoleInheritance(!ClearExisting.IsPresent, true); } if (SystemUpdate.IsPresent) { item.SystemUpdate(); } else { item.Update(); } ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); Principal principal = null; if (ParameterSetName == ParameterSet_GROUP) { if (Group.Id != -1) { principal = CurrentWeb.SiteGroups.GetById(Group.Id); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Group.Name)) { principal = CurrentWeb.SiteGroups.GetByName(Group.Name); } else if (Group.Group != null) { principal = Group.Group; } } else { principal = CurrentWeb.EnsureUser(User); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } if (principal == null) { throw new PSArgumentException("The provided principal through the Principal parameter could not be found", nameof(Principal)); } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(AddRole))) { var roleDefinition = AddRole.GetRoleDefinition(ClientContext.Site); var roleDefinitionBindings = new RoleDefinitionBindingCollection(ClientContext) { roleDefinition }; var roleAssignments = item.RoleAssignments; roleAssignments.Add(principal, roleDefinitionBindings); ClientContext.Load(roleAssignments); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(RemoveRole))) { var roleDefinition = RemoveRole.GetRoleDefinition(ClientContext.Site); var roleAssignment = item.RoleAssignments.GetByPrincipal(principal); var roleDefinitionBindings = roleAssignment.RoleDefinitionBindings; ClientContext.Load(roleDefinitionBindings); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); foreach (var roleDefinitionBinding in roleDefinitionBindings.Where(rd => rd.Name == roleDefinition.Name)) { roleDefinitionBindings.Remove(roleDefinitionBinding); roleAssignment.Update(); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); break; } } } }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { CurrentWeb.ApplySitePolicy(Name); }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { WriteObject(CurrentWeb.GetWikiPageContent(ServerRelativePageUrl)); }
private void ExtractTemplate(XMLPnPSchemaVersion schema, string path, string packageName, ExtractConfiguration configuration) { CurrentWeb.EnsureProperty(w => w.Url); ProvisioningTemplateCreationInformation creationInformation = null; if (configuration != null) { creationInformation = configuration.ToCreationInformation(CurrentWeb); } else { creationInformation = new ProvisioningTemplateCreationInformation(CurrentWeb); } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(Handlers))) { creationInformation.HandlersToProcess = Handlers; } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(ExcludeHandlers))) { foreach (var handler in (Handlers[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Handlers))) { if (!ExcludeHandlers.Has(handler) && handler != Handlers.All) { Handlers = Handlers | handler; } } creationInformation.HandlersToProcess = Handlers; } var extension = ""; if (packageName != null) { if (packageName.IndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal) > -1) { extension = packageName.Substring(packageName.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal)).ToLower(); } else { packageName += ".pnp"; extension = ".pnp"; } } var fileSystemConnector = new FileSystemConnector(path, ""); if (extension == ".pnp") { creationInformation.FileConnector = new OpenXMLConnector(packageName, fileSystemConnector); } else if (extension == ".md") { creationInformation.FileConnector = fileSystemConnector; } else { creationInformation.FileConnector = fileSystemConnector; } #pragma warning disable 618 if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(PersistBrandingFiles))) { creationInformation.PersistBrandingFiles = PersistBrandingFiles; } #pragma warning restore 618 creationInformation.PersistPublishingFiles = PersistPublishingFiles; creationInformation.IncludeNativePublishingFiles = IncludeNativePublishingFiles; if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(IncludeSiteGroups))) { creationInformation.IncludeSiteGroups = IncludeSiteGroups; } creationInformation.IncludeTermGroupsSecurity = IncludeTermGroupsSecurity; creationInformation.IncludeSearchConfiguration = IncludeSearchConfiguration; if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(IncludeHiddenLists))) { creationInformation.IncludeHiddenLists = IncludeHiddenLists; } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(IncludeAllPages))) { creationInformation.IncludeAllClientSidePages = IncludeAllPages; } creationInformation.SkipVersionCheck = SkipVersionCheck; if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(ContentTypeGroups)) && ContentTypeGroups != null) { creationInformation.ContentTypeGroupsToInclude = ContentTypeGroups.ToList(); } creationInformation.PersistMultiLanguageResources = PersistMultiLanguageResources; if (extension == ".pnp") { // if file is of pnp format, persist all files creationInformation.PersistBrandingFiles = true; creationInformation.PersistPublishingFiles = true; creationInformation.PersistMultiLanguageResources = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ResourceFilePrefix)) { creationInformation.ResourceFilePrefix = ResourceFilePrefix; } else { if (Out != null) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(Out); var prefix = fileInfo.Name; // strip extension, if there is any var indexOfLastDot = prefix.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (indexOfLastDot > -1) { prefix = prefix.Substring(0, indexOfLastDot); } creationInformation.ResourceFilePrefix = prefix; } } if (ExtensibilityHandlers != null) { creationInformation.ExtensibilityHandlers = ExtensibilityHandlers.ToList(); } #pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete if (NoBaseTemplate) { creationInformation.BaseTemplate = null; } else { creationInformation.BaseTemplate = CurrentWeb.GetBaseTemplate(); } #pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete creationInformation.ProgressDelegate = (message, step, total) => { var percentage = Convert.ToInt32((100 / Convert.ToDouble(total)) * Convert.ToDouble(step)); WriteProgress(new ProgressRecord(0, $"Extracting Template from {CurrentWeb.Url}", message) { PercentComplete = percentage }); WriteProgress(new ProgressRecord(1, " ", " ") { RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Completed }); }; creationInformation.MessagesDelegate = (message, type) => { switch (type) { case ProvisioningMessageType.Warning: { WriteWarning(message); break; } case ProvisioningMessageType.Progress: { var activity = message; if (message.IndexOf("|") > -1) { var messageSplitted = message.Split('|'); if (messageSplitted.Length == 4) { var current = double.Parse(messageSplitted[2]); var total = double.Parse(messageSplitted[3]); subProgressRecord.RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Processing; subProgressRecord.Activity = messageSplitted[0]; subProgressRecord.StatusDescription = messageSplitted[1]; subProgressRecord.PercentComplete = Convert.ToInt32((100 / total) * current); WriteProgress(subProgressRecord); } else { subProgressRecord.Activity = "Processing"; subProgressRecord.RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Processing; subProgressRecord.StatusDescription = activity; subProgressRecord.PercentComplete = 0; WriteProgress(subProgressRecord); } } else { subProgressRecord.Activity = "Processing"; subProgressRecord.RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Processing; subProgressRecord.StatusDescription = activity; subProgressRecord.PercentComplete = 0; WriteProgress(subProgressRecord); } break; } case ProvisioningMessageType.Completed: { WriteProgress(new ProgressRecord(1, message, " ") { RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Completed }); break; } } }; if (IncludeAllTermGroups) { creationInformation.IncludeAllTermGroups = true; } else { if (IncludeSiteCollectionTermGroup) { creationInformation.IncludeSiteCollectionTermGroup = true; } } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(ExcludeContentTypesFromSyndication))) { creationInformation.IncludeContentTypesFromSyndication = !ExcludeContentTypesFromSyndication.ToBool(); } if (ListsToExtract != null && ListsToExtract.Count > 0) { creationInformation.ListsToExtract.AddRange(ListsToExtract); } ProvisioningTemplate template = null; using (var provisioningContext = new PnPProvisioningContext(async(resource, scope) => { return(await TokenRetrieval.GetAccessTokenAsync(resource, scope)); }, azureEnvironment: PnPConnection.Current.AzureEnvironment)) { template = CurrentWeb.GetProvisioningTemplate(creationInformation); } // Set metadata for template, if any SetTemplateMetadata(template, TemplateDisplayName, TemplateImagePreviewUrl, TemplateProperties); if (!OutputInstance) { var formatter = ProvisioningHelper.GetFormatter(schema); if (extension == ".pnp") { XMLTemplateProvider provider = new XMLOpenXMLTemplateProvider( creationInformation.FileConnector as OpenXMLConnector); var templateFileName = packageName.Substring(0, packageName.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal)) + ".xml"; provider.SaveAs(template, templateFileName, formatter, TemplateProviderExtensions); } else if (extension == ".md") { WriteWarning("The generation of a markdown report is work in progress, it will improve/grow with later releases."); ITemplateFormatter mdFormatter = new MarkdownPnPFormatter(); using (var outputStream = mdFormatter.ToFormattedTemplate(template)) { using (var fileStream = File.Create(Path.Combine(path, packageName))) { outputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); outputStream.CopyTo(fileStream); fileStream.Close(); } } } else { if (Out != null) { XMLTemplateProvider provider = new XMLFileSystemTemplateProvider(path, ""); provider.SaveAs(template, Path.Combine(path, packageName), formatter, TemplateProviderExtensions); } else { var outputStream = formatter.ToFormattedTemplate(template); var reader = new StreamReader(outputStream); WriteObject(reader.ReadToEnd()); } } } else { WriteObject(template); } }
private IEnumerable <object> GetContents(string FolderSiteRelativeUrl) { Folder targetFolder = null; if (ParameterSetName == ParameterSet_FOLDERSBYPIPE && Identity != null) { targetFolder = Identity.GetFolder(CurrentWeb); } else { string serverRelativeUrl = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FolderSiteRelativeUrl)) { var webUrl = CurrentWeb.EnsureProperty(w => w.ServerRelativeUrl); serverRelativeUrl = UrlUtility.Combine(webUrl, FolderSiteRelativeUrl); } targetFolder = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FolderSiteRelativeUrl)) ? CurrentWeb.RootFolder : CurrentWeb.GetFolderByServerRelativePath(ResourcePath.FromDecodedUrl(serverRelativeUrl)); } IEnumerable <File> files = null; IEnumerable <Folder> folders = null; if (ItemType == "File" || ItemType == "All") { files = ClientContext.LoadQuery(targetFolder.Files).OrderBy(f => f.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ItemName)) { files = files.Where(f => f.Name.Equals(ItemName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } } if (ItemType == "Folder" || ItemType == "All" || Recursive) { folders = ClientContext.LoadQuery(targetFolder.Folders).OrderBy(f => f.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ItemName)) { folders = folders.Where(f => f.Name.Equals(ItemName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } } ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); IEnumerable <object> folderContent = null; switch (ItemType) { case "All": folderContent = folders.Concat <object>(files); break; case "Folder": folderContent = folders; break; default: folderContent = files; break; } if (Recursive && folders.Count() > 0) { foreach (var folder in folders) { var relativeUrl = folder.ServerRelativeUrl.Replace(CurrentWeb.ServerRelativeUrl, ""); var subFolderContents = GetContents(relativeUrl); folderContent = folderContent.Concat <object>(subFolderContents); } } return(folderContent); }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { var serverRelativeUrl = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path)) { Path = SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation.Path; } else { if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(Path)) { Path = System.IO.Path.Combine(SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation.Path, Path); } } var webUrl = CurrentWeb.EnsureProperty(w => w.ServerRelativeUrl); if (!Url.ToLower().StartsWith(webUrl.ToLower())) { serverRelativeUrl = UrlUtility.Combine(webUrl, Url); } else { serverRelativeUrl = Url; } File file; switch (ParameterSetName) { case URLTOPATH: SaveFileToLocal(CurrentWeb, serverRelativeUrl, Path, Filename, (fileToSave) => { if (!Force) { WriteWarning($"File '{fileToSave}' exists already. use the -Force parameter to overwrite the file."); } return(Force); }).Wait(); break; case URLASFILEOBJECT: file = CurrentWeb.GetFileByServerRelativePath(ResourcePath.FromDecodedUrl(serverRelativeUrl)); try { ClientContext.Load(file, f => f.Author, f => f.Length, f => f.ModifiedBy, f => f.Name, f => f.TimeCreated, f => f.TimeLastModified, f => f.Title); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } catch (ServerException) { // Assume the cause of the exception is that a principal cannot be found and try again without: // Fallback in case the creator or person having last modified the file no longer exists in the environment such that the file can still be downloaded ClientContext.Load(file, f => f.Length, f => f.Name, f => f.TimeCreated, f => f.TimeLastModified, f => f.Title); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } WriteObject(file); break; case URLASLISTITEM: file = CurrentWeb.GetFileByServerRelativePath(ResourcePath.FromDecodedUrl(serverRelativeUrl)); ClientContext.Load(file, f => f.Exists, f => f.ListItemAllFields); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); if (file.Exists) { WriteObject(file.ListItemAllFields); } else { if (ThrowExceptionIfFileNotFound) { throw new PSArgumentException($"No file found with the provided Url {serverRelativeUrl}", "Url"); } } break; case URLASSTRING: WriteObject(CurrentWeb.GetFileAsString(serverRelativeUrl)); break; } }
private void ExtractTemplate(XMLPnPSchemaVersion schema, string path, string packageName) { CurrentWeb.EnsureProperty(w => w.Url); var creationInformation = new ProvisioningTemplateCreationInformation(CurrentWeb) { HandlersToProcess = Handlers.Lists }; var extension = ""; if (packageName != null) { if (packageName.IndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal) > -1) { extension = packageName.Substring(packageName.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal)).ToLower(); } else { packageName += ".pnp"; extension = ".pnp"; } } var fileSystemConnector = new FileSystemConnector(path, ""); if (extension == ".pnp") { creationInformation.FileConnector = new OpenXMLConnector(packageName, fileSystemConnector); } else { creationInformation.FileConnector = fileSystemConnector; } creationInformation.ProgressDelegate = (message, step, total) => { var percentage = Convert.ToInt32((100 / Convert.ToDouble(total)) * Convert.ToDouble(step)); WriteProgress(new ProgressRecord(0, $"Extracting Template from {CurrentWeb.Url}", message) { PercentComplete = percentage }); }; creationInformation.MessagesDelegate = (message, type) => { switch (type) { case ProvisioningMessageType.Warning: { WriteWarning(message); break; } case ProvisioningMessageType.Progress: { var activity = message; if (message.IndexOf("|") > -1) { var messageSplitted = message.Split('|'); if (messageSplitted.Length == 4) { var current = double.Parse(messageSplitted[2]); var total = double.Parse(messageSplitted[3]); subProgressRecord.RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Processing; subProgressRecord.Activity = messageSplitted[0]; subProgressRecord.StatusDescription = messageSplitted[1]; subProgressRecord.PercentComplete = Convert.ToInt32((100 / total) * current); WriteProgress(subProgressRecord); } else { subProgressRecord.Activity = "Processing"; subProgressRecord.RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Processing; subProgressRecord.StatusDescription = activity; subProgressRecord.PercentComplete = 0; WriteProgress(subProgressRecord); } } else { subProgressRecord.Activity = "Processing"; subProgressRecord.RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Processing; subProgressRecord.StatusDescription = activity; subProgressRecord.PercentComplete = 0; WriteProgress(subProgressRecord); } break; } case ProvisioningMessageType.Completed: { WriteProgress(new ProgressRecord(1, message, " ") { RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Completed }); break; } } }; if (List != null && List.Count > 0) { creationInformation.ListsToExtract.AddRange(List); } var template = CurrentWeb.GetProvisioningTemplate(creationInformation); if (!OutputInstance) { var formatter = ProvisioningHelper.GetFormatter(schema); if (extension == ".pnp") { XMLTemplateProvider provider = new XMLOpenXMLTemplateProvider( creationInformation.FileConnector as OpenXMLConnector); var templateFileName = packageName.Substring(0, packageName.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal)) + ".xml"; provider.SaveAs(template, templateFileName, formatter, null); } else { if (Out != null) { XMLTemplateProvider provider = new XMLFileSystemTemplateProvider(path, ""); provider.SaveAs(template, Path.Combine(path, packageName), formatter, null); } else { var outputStream = formatter.ToFormattedTemplate(template); var reader = new StreamReader(outputStream); WriteObject(reader.ReadToEnd()); } } } else { WriteObject(template); } }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { DefaultRetrievalExpressions = new Expression <Func <User, object> >[] { u => u.Id, u => u.Title, u => u.LoginName, u => u.Email, u => u.IsShareByEmailGuestUser, u => u.IsSiteAdmin, u => u.UserId, u => u.IsHiddenInUI, u => u.PrincipalType, u => u.Alerts.Include( a => a.Title, a => a.Status), u => u.Groups.Include( g => g.Id, g => g.Title, g => g.LoginName) }; if (Identity == null) { CurrentWeb.Context.Load(CurrentWeb.SiteUsers, u => u.Include(RetrievalExpressions)); List <DetailedUser> users = new List <DetailedUser>(); if (WithRightsAssigned || WithRightsAssignedDetailed ) { // Get all the role assignments and role definition bindings to be able to see which users have been given rights directly on the site level CurrentWeb.Context.Load(CurrentWeb.RoleAssignments, ac => ac.Include(a => a.RoleDefinitionBindings, a => a.Member)); var usersWithDirectPermissions = CurrentWeb.SiteUsers.Where(u => CurrentWeb.RoleAssignments.Any(ra => ra.Member.LoginName == u.LoginName)); // Get all the users contained in SharePoint Groups CurrentWeb.Context.Load(CurrentWeb.SiteGroups, sg => sg.Include(u => u.Users.Include(RetrievalExpressions), u => u.LoginName)); CurrentWeb.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); // Get all SharePoint groups that have been assigned access var usersWithGroupPermissions = new List <User>(); foreach (var group in CurrentWeb.SiteGroups.Where(g => CurrentWeb.RoleAssignments.Any(ra => ra.Member.LoginName == g.LoginName))) { usersWithGroupPermissions.AddRange(group.Users); } // Merge the users with rights directly on the site level and those assigned rights through SharePoint Groups var allUsersWithPermissions = new List <User>(usersWithDirectPermissions.Count() + usersWithGroupPermissions.Count()); allUsersWithPermissions.AddRange(usersWithDirectPermissions); allUsersWithPermissions.AddRange(usersWithGroupPermissions); // Add the found users and add them to the custom object if (WithRightsAssignedDetailed) { CurrentWeb.Context.Load(CurrentWeb, s => s.ServerRelativeUrl); CurrentWeb.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); WriteWarning("Using the -WithRightsAssignedDetailed parameter will cause the script to take longer than normal because of the all enumerations that take place"); users.AddRange(GetPermissions(CurrentWeb.RoleAssignments, CurrentWeb.ServerRelativeUrl)); foreach (var user in allUsersWithPermissions) { users.Add(new DetailedUser() { Groups = user.Groups, User = user, Url = CurrentWeb.ServerRelativeUrl }); } } else { // Filter out the users that have been given rights at both places so they will only be returned once WriteObject(allUsersWithPermissions.GroupBy(u => u.Id).Select(u => u.First()), true); } } else { CurrentWeb.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); WriteObject(CurrentWeb.SiteUsers, true); } if (WithRightsAssignedDetailed) { CurrentWeb.Context.Load(CurrentWeb.Lists, l => l.Include(li => li.ItemCount, li => li.IsSystemList, li => li.IsCatalog, li => li.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl, li => li.RoleAssignments, li => li.Title, li => li.HasUniqueRoleAssignments)); CurrentWeb.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); var progress = new ProgressRecord(0, $"Getting lists for {CurrentWeb.ServerRelativeUrl}", "Enumerating through lists"); var progressCounter = 0; foreach (var list in CurrentWeb.Lists) { WriteProgress(progress, $"Getting list {list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl}", progressCounter++, CurrentWeb.Lists.Count); // ignoring the system lists if (list.IsSystemList || list.IsCatalog) { continue; } // if a list or a library has unique permissions then proceed if (list.HasUniqueRoleAssignments) { WriteVerbose(string.Format("List found with HasUniqueRoleAssignments {0}", list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl)); string url = list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl; CurrentWeb.Context.Load(list.RoleAssignments, r => r.Include( ra => ra.RoleDefinitionBindings, ra => ra.Member.LoginName, ra => ra.Member.Title, ra => ra.Member.PrincipalType)); CurrentWeb.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); users.AddRange(GetPermissions(list.RoleAssignments, url)); // if the list with unique permissions also has items, check every item which is uniquely permissioned if (list.ItemCount > 0) { WriteVerbose(string.Format("Enumerating through all listitems of {0}", list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl)); CamlQuery query = CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery(); var queryElement = XElement.Parse(query.ViewXml); var rowLimit = queryElement.Descendants("RowLimit").FirstOrDefault(); if (rowLimit != null) { rowLimit.RemoveAll(); } else { rowLimit = new XElement("RowLimit"); queryElement.Add(rowLimit); } rowLimit.SetAttributeValue("Paged", "TRUE"); rowLimit.SetValue(1000); query.ViewXml = queryElement.ToString(); List <ListItemCollection> items = new List <ListItemCollection>(); do { var listItems = list.GetItems(query); CurrentWeb.Context.Load(listItems); CurrentWeb.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); query.ListItemCollectionPosition = listItems.ListItemCollectionPosition; items.Add(listItems); } while (query.ListItemCollectionPosition != null); // Progress bar for item enumerations var itemProgress = new ProgressRecord(0, $"Getting items for {list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl}", "Enumerating through items"); var itemProgressCounter = 0; foreach (var item in items) { WriteProgress(itemProgress, $"Retrieving items", itemProgressCounter++, items.Count); WriteVerbose(string.Format("Enumerating though listitemcollections")); foreach (var listItem in item) { WriteVerbose(string.Format("Enumerating though listitems")); listItem.EnsureProperty(i => i.HasUniqueRoleAssignments); if (listItem.HasUniqueRoleAssignments) { string listItemUrl = listItem["FileRef"].ToString(); WriteVerbose(string.Format("List item {0} HasUniqueRoleAssignments", listItemUrl)); CurrentWeb.Context.Load(listItem.RoleAssignments, r => r.Include( ra => ra.RoleDefinitionBindings, ra => ra.Member.LoginName, ra => ra.Member.Title, ra => ra.Member.PrincipalType)); CurrentWeb.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); users.AddRange(GetPermissions(listItem.RoleAssignments, listItemUrl)); } } } itemProgress.RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Completed; WriteProgress(itemProgress); } } progress.RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Completed; WriteProgress(progress); } // Fetch all the unique users from everything that has been collected var uniqueUsers = (from u in users select u.User.LoginName).Distinct(); // Looping through each user, getting all the details like specific permissions and groups an user belongs to foreach (var uniqueUser in uniqueUsers) { // Getting all the assigned permissions per user var userPermissions = (from u in users where u.User.LoginName == uniqueUser && u.Permissions != null select u).ToList(); // Making the permissions readable by getting the name of the permission and the URL of the artifact Dictionary <string, string> Permissions = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var userPermission in userPermissions) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var permissionMask in userPermission.Permissions) { stringBuilder.Append(permissionMask); } Permissions.Add(userPermission.Url, stringBuilder.ToString()); } // Getting all the groups where the user is added to var groupsMemberships = (from u in users where u.User.LoginName == uniqueUser && u.Groups != null select u.Groups).ToList(); // Getting the titles of the all the groups List <string> Groups = new List <string>(); foreach (var groupMembership in groupsMemberships) { foreach (var group in groupMembership) { Groups.Add(group.Title); } } // Getting the User object of the user so we can get to the title, loginname, etc var userInformation = (from u in users where u.User.LoginName == uniqueUser select u.User).FirstOrDefault(); WriteObject(new { userInformation.Title, userInformation.LoginName, userInformation.Email, Groups, Permissions }, true); } } } else { User user = null; if (Identity.Id > 0) { user = CurrentWeb.GetUserById(Identity.Id); } else if (Identity.User != null && Identity.User.Id > 0) { user = CurrentWeb.GetUserById(Identity.User.Id); } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Identity.Login)) { user = CurrentWeb.SiteUsers.GetByLoginName(Identity.Login); } if (user != null) { CurrentWeb.Context.Load(user, RetrievalExpressions); CurrentWeb.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } WriteObject(user); } }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(SetSharedField)) && ParameterSpecified(nameof(RemoveSharedField))) { WriteWarning("Cannot set and remove a shared field at the same time"); return; } if (ParameterSpecified(nameof(SetWelcomePageField)) && ParameterSpecified(nameof(RemoveWelcomePageField))) { WriteWarning("Cannot set and remove a welcome page field at the same time"); return; } var docSetTemplate = DocumentSet.GetDocumentSetTemplate(CurrentWeb); ClientContext.Load(docSetTemplate, dt => dt.AllowedContentTypes, dt => dt.SharedFields, dt => dt.WelcomePageFields); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); var field = Field.Field; if (field == null) { if (Field.Id != Guid.Empty) { field = CurrentWeb.Fields.GetById(Field.Id); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Field.Name)) { field = CurrentWeb.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle(Field.Name); } ClientContext.Load(field); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } if (field != null) { // Check if field is part of the content types in the document set Field existingField = null; foreach (var allowedCtId in docSetTemplate.AllowedContentTypes) { var allowedCt = CurrentWeb.GetContentTypeById(allowedCtId.StringValue, true); var fields = allowedCt.Fields; ClientContext.Load(fields, fs => fs.Include(f => f.Id)); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); existingField = fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == field.Id); if (existingField != null) { break; } } if (existingField == null) { var docSetCt = DocumentSet.ContentType; var fields = docSetCt.Fields; ClientContext.Load(fields, fs => fs.Include(f => f.Id)); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); existingField = fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == field.Id); } if (existingField != null) { if (SetSharedField) { docSetTemplate.SharedFields.Add(field); } if (SetWelcomePageField) { docSetTemplate.WelcomePageFields.Add(field); } if (RemoveSharedField) { docSetTemplate.SharedFields.Remove(field); } if (RemoveWelcomePageField) { docSetTemplate.WelcomePageFields.Remove(field.Id); } docSetTemplate.Update(true); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } else { WriteWarning("Field not present in document set allowed content types"); } } }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { Field f; if (List != null) { List list = List.GetList(CurrentWeb); f = list.CreateField(FieldXml); } else { f = CurrentWeb.CreateField(FieldXml); } ClientContext.Load(f); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); switch (f.FieldTypeKind) { case FieldType.DateTime: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldDateTime>(f)); break; } case FieldType.Choice: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldChoice>(f)); break; } case FieldType.Calculated: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldCalculated>(f)); break; } case FieldType.Computed: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldComputed>(f)); break; } case FieldType.Geolocation: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldGeolocation>(f)); break; } case FieldType.User: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldUser>(f)); break; } case FieldType.Currency: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldCurrency>(f)); break; } case FieldType.Guid: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldGuid>(f)); break; } case FieldType.URL: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldUrl>(f)); break; } case FieldType.Lookup: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldLookup>(f)); break; } case FieldType.MultiChoice: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldMultiChoice>(f)); break; } case FieldType.Number: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldNumber>(f)); break; } default: { WriteObject(f); break; } } }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { if (Id == Guid.Empty) { Id = Guid.NewGuid(); } if (List != null) { var list = List.GetList(CurrentWeb); if (list == null) { throw new PSArgumentException($"No list found with id, title or url '{List}'", "List"); } Field f; if (ParameterSetName != ParameterSet_ADDFIELDREFERENCETOLIST) { var fieldCI = new FieldCreationInformation(Type) { Id = Id, InternalName = InternalName, DisplayName = DisplayName, Group = Group, AddToDefaultView = AddToDefaultView }; if (AddToAllContentTypes) { fieldCI.FieldOptions |= AddFieldOptions.AddToAllContentTypes; } if (ClientSideComponentId != null) { fieldCI.ClientSideComponentId = ClientSideComponentId; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientSideComponentProperties)) { fieldCI.ClientSideComponentProperties = ClientSideComponentProperties; } if (Type == FieldType.Choice || Type == FieldType.MultiChoice) { f = list.CreateField <FieldChoice>(fieldCI); ((FieldChoice)f).Choices = choiceFieldParameters.Choices; f.Update(); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } else if (Type == FieldType.Calculated) { // Either set the ResultType as input parameter or set it to the default Text if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(calculatedFieldParameters.ResultType)) { fieldCI.AdditionalAttributes = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >() { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("ResultType", calculatedFieldParameters.ResultType) }; } else { fieldCI.AdditionalAttributes = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >() { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("ResultType", "Text") }; } fieldCI.AdditionalChildNodes = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >() { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Formula", calculatedFieldParameters.Formula) }; f = list.CreateField <FieldCalculated>(fieldCI); } else { f = list.CreateField(fieldCI); } if (Required) { f.Required = true; f.Update(); ClientContext.Load(f); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } WriteObject(f); } else { Field field = Field.Field; if (field == null) { if (Field.Id != Guid.Empty) { field = CurrentWeb.Fields.GetById(Field.Id); ClientContext.Load(field); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Field.Name)) { try { field = CurrentWeb.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle(Field.Name); ClientContext.Load(field); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } catch { // Field might be sitecolumn, swallow exception } if (field != null) { var rootWeb = ClientContext.Site.RootWeb; field = rootWeb.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle(Field.Name); ClientContext.Load(field); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } } } if (field != null) { list.Fields.Add(field); list.Update(); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } } } else { Field f; var fieldCI = new FieldCreationInformation(Type) { Id = Id, InternalName = InternalName, DisplayName = DisplayName, Group = Group, AddToDefaultView = AddToDefaultView }; if (ClientSideComponentId != null) { fieldCI.ClientSideComponentId = ClientSideComponentId; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientSideComponentProperties)) { fieldCI.ClientSideComponentProperties = ClientSideComponentProperties; } if (Type == FieldType.Choice || Type == FieldType.MultiChoice) { f = CurrentWeb.CreateField <FieldChoice>(fieldCI); ((FieldChoice)f).Choices = choiceFieldParameters.Choices; f.Update(); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } else if (Type == FieldType.Calculated) { f = CurrentWeb.CreateField <FieldCalculated>(fieldCI); ((FieldCalculated)f).Formula = calculatedFieldParameters.Formula; f.Update(); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } else { f = CurrentWeb.CreateField(fieldCI); } if (Required) { f.Required = true; f.Update(); ClientContext.Load(f); ClientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } switch (f.FieldTypeKind) { case FieldType.DateTime: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldDateTime>(f)); break; } case FieldType.Choice: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldChoice>(f)); break; } case FieldType.Calculated: { var calculatedField = ClientContext.CastTo <FieldCalculated>(f); calculatedField.EnsureProperty(fc => fc.Formula); WriteObject(calculatedField); break; } case FieldType.Computed: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldComputed>(f)); break; } case FieldType.Geolocation: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldGeolocation>(f)); break; } case FieldType.User: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldUser>(f)); break; } case FieldType.Currency: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldCurrency>(f)); break; } case FieldType.Guid: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldGuid>(f)); break; } case FieldType.URL: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldUrl>(f)); break; } case FieldType.Lookup: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldLookup>(f)); break; } case FieldType.MultiChoice: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldMultiChoice>(f)); break; } case FieldType.Number: { WriteObject(ClientContext.CastTo <FieldNumber>(f)); break; } default: { WriteObject(f); break; } } } }
protected override void ExecuteCmdlet() { var emails = CurrentWeb.GetRequestAccessEmails(); WriteObject(emails, true); }