protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (mDialogMode) { SetDialogMode(); } else { InitBreadcrumbs(); CurrentSiteInfo currentSite = CMSContext.CurrentSite; if (currentSite != null) { chkAssign.Text = string.Format("{0} {1}", GetString("General.AssignWithWebSite"), currentSite.DisplayName); chkAssign.Visible = true; } } CurrentMaster.Title.HelpName = "helpTopic"; CurrentMaster.Title.HelpTopicName = "newedit_container"; CurrentMaster.Title.TitleText = GetString("Container_Edit.NewHeaderCaption"); CurrentMaster.Title.TitleImage = GetImageUrl("Objects/CMS_WebPartContainer/new.png"); rfvDisplayName.ErrorMessage = GetString("general.requiresdisplayname"); rfvCodeName.ErrorMessage = GetString("general.requirescodename"); this.plcCssLink.Visible = String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtContainerCSS.Text); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Main menu string menuId = ContextMenu.MenuID; string parentElemId = ContextMenu.ParentElementClientID; string actionPattern = "return ContextBinAction_" + parentElemId + "('{0}', GetContextMenuParameter('" + menuId + "'));"; string confPattern = "if(confirm('" + ResHelper.GetString("objectversioning.recyclebin.confirmrestore") + "')) {0} return false;"; imgRestoreBindings.ImageUrl = UIHelper.GetImageUrl(Page, "Design/Controls/UniGrid/Actions/undo.png"); pnlRestoreBindings.Attributes.Add("onclick", string.Format(confPattern, string.Format(actionPattern, "restorewithoutbindings"))); // Display restore to current site only if current site available CurrentSiteInfo si = CMSContext.CurrentSite; if (si != null) { imgRestoreCurrent.ImageUrl = UIHelper.GetImageUrl(Page, "CMSModules/CMS_RecycleBin/restorecurrentsite.png"); pnlRestoreCurrent.Attributes.Add("onclick", string.Format(confPattern, string.Format(actionPattern, "restorecurrentsite"))); lblRestoreCurrent.Text = String.Format(ResHelper.GetString("objectversioning.recyclebin.restoretocurrentsite"), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(si.DisplayName)); } else { pnlRestoreCurrent.Visible = false; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtContainerCSS.FullScreenParentElementID = txtContainerText.FullScreenParentElementID = "divContent"; if (mDialogMode) { SetDialogMode(); } else { InitBreadcrumbs(); CurrentSiteInfo currentSite = CMSContext.CurrentSite; if (currentSite != null) { chkAssign.Text = string.Format("{0} {1}", GetString("General.AssignWithWebSite"), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(currentSite.DisplayName)); chkAssign.Visible = true; } } CurrentMaster.Title.HelpName = "helpTopic"; CurrentMaster.Title.HelpTopicName = "newedit_container"; CurrentMaster.Title.TitleText = GetString("Container_Edit.NewHeaderCaption"); CurrentMaster.Title.TitleImage = GetImageUrl("Objects/CMS_WebPartContainer/new.png"); rfvDisplayName.ErrorMessage = GetString("general.requiresdisplayname"); rfvCodeName.ErrorMessage = GetString("general.requirescodename"); plcCssLink.Visible = String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtContainerCSS.Text); if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { txtContainerText.Text = "<div>\n " + WebPartContainerInfoProvider.WP_CHAR + "\n</div>"; } }
/// <summary> /// OnClick handler (Set password). /// </summary> protected void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get current user info object CurrentUserInfo ui = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser; // Get current site info object CurrentSiteInfo si = SiteContext.CurrentSite; if ((ui != null) && (si != null)) { string userName = ui.UserName; string siteName = si.SiteName; // new password correctly filled if (txtConfirmPassword.Text == passStrength.Text) { if (passStrength.IsValid()) { // Old password match if (!UserInfoProvider.IsUserPasswordDifferent(ui, txtOldPassword.Text.Trim())) { UserInfoProvider.SetPassword(userName, passStrength.Text.Trim()); lblInfo.Visible = true; lblInfo.Text = GetString("ChangePassword.ChangesSaved"); SendEmail(); } else { lblError.Visible = true; lblError.Text = GetString("ChangePassword.ErrorOldPassword"); } } else { lblError.Visible = true; lblError.Text = AuthenticationHelper.GetPolicyViolationMessage(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName); } } else { lblError.Visible = true; lblError.Text = GetString("ChangePassword.ErrorNewPassword"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { currentSite = CMSContext.CurrentSite; if (currentSite != null) { chkAssign.Text = string.Format("{0} {1}", GetString("General.AssignWithWebSite"), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(currentSite.DisplayName)); chkAssign.Visible = true; } rfvServerName.ErrorMessage = GetString("SMTPServer_New.NoServerName"); ddlPriorities.Items.Add(new ListItem("SMTPServerPriorityEnum.Low", SMTPServerPriorityEnum.Low.ToString())); ddlPriorities.Items.Add(new ListItem("SMTPServerPriorityEnum.Normal", SMTPServerPriorityEnum.Normal.ToString())); ddlPriorities.Items.Add(new ListItem("SMTPServerPriorityEnum.High", SMTPServerPriorityEnum.High.ToString())); if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { ddlPriorities.SelectedIndex = 1; } }
/// <summary> /// Page load. /// </summary> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get resource strings lblUploader.Text = GetString("filelist.btnupload") + ResHelper.Colon; // Setup site info site = CMSContext.CurrentSite; // Create id for div with selected image preview divId = ClientID + "imgDiv"; placeholderId = plcImageActions.ClientID; // Setup delete image properties btnDeleteImage.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("Design/Controls/UniGrid/Actions/delete.png"); btnDeleteImage.OnClientClick = "return deleteAvatar('" + hiddenDeleteAvatar.ClientID + "', '" + hiddenAvatarGuid.ClientID + "', '" + placeholderId + "' );"; btnDeleteImage.AlternateText = GetString("general.delete"); // Setup show gallery button btnShowGallery.Text = GetString(""); btnShowGallery.Visible = SettingsKeyProvider.GetBoolValue(site.SiteName + ".CMSEnableDefaultAvatars"); // Register dialog script string resolvedAvatarsPage = string.Empty; if (IsLiveSite) { if (CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthenticated()) { resolvedAvatarsPage = CMSContext.ResolveDialogUrl("~/CMSModules/Avatars/CMSPages/AvatarsGallery.aspx"); } else { resolvedAvatarsPage = CMSContext.ResolveDialogUrl("~/CMSModules/Avatars/CMSPages/PublicAvatarsGallery.aspx"); } } else { resolvedAvatarsPage = ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/Avatars/Dialogs/AvatarsGallery.aspx"); } ScriptHelper.RegisterDialogScript(Page); ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "SelectAvatar", ScriptHelper.GetScript("function SelectAvatar(avatarType, clientId) { " + "modalDialog('" + resolvedAvatarsPage + "?avatartype=' + avatarType + '&clientid=' + clientId, 'permissionDialog', 600, 270); return false;}")); ltlScript.Text = ScriptHelper.GetScript("function UpdateForm(){ ; } \n"); // Setup btnShowGallery action btnShowGallery.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SelectAvatar('" + AvatarInfoProvider.GetAvatarTypeString(avatarType) + "', '" + ClientID + "'); return false;"); // Get image size param(s) for preview string sizeParams = string.Empty; // Keep aspect ratio is set - property was set directly or indirectly by max side size property. if (KeepAspectRatio) { sizeParams += "&maxsidesize=" + (MaxPictureWidth > MaxPictureHeight ? MaxPictureWidth : MaxPictureHeight); } else { sizeParams += "&width=" + MaxPictureWidth + "&height=" + MaxPictureHeight; } // Javascript which creates selected image preview and saves image guid to hidden field string getAvatarPath = ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/Avatars/CMSPages/GetAvatar.aspx"); string updateHiddenScript = ScriptHelper.GetScript("function " + ClientID + "updateHidden(guidPrefix, clientId)" + "{" + "if ( clientId == '" + ClientID + "')" + "{" + "avatarGuid = guidPrefix.substring(4);" + "if ( avatarGuid != '')" + "{" + "hidden = document.getElementById('" + hiddenAvatarGuid.ClientID + "');" + "hidden.value = avatarGuid ;" + "div = document.getElementById('" + divId + "');" + "'';" + "div.innerHTML = '<img src=\"" + getAvatarPath + "?avatarguid=" + "'+ avatarGuid + '" + sizeParams + "\" />" + " <img src=\"" + btnDeleteImage.ImageUrl + "\" border=\"0\" onclick=\"deleteImagePreview(\\'" + hiddenAvatarGuid.ClientID + "\\',\\'" + divId + "\\')\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"/>';" + "placeholder = document.getElementById('" + plcImageActions.ClientID + "');" + "if ( placeholder != null)" + "{" + "'none';" + "}" + "}" + "}" + "}"); ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), ClientID + "updateHidden", updateHiddenScript); // Javascript which deletes image preview string deleteImagePreviewScript = ScriptHelper.GetScript("function deleteImagePreview(hiddenId, divId)" + "{" + "if( confirm(" + ScriptHelper.GetString(GetString("myprofile.pictdeleteconfirm")) + "))" + "{" + "hidden = document.getElementById(hiddenId);" + "hidden.value = '' ;" + "div = document.getElementById(divId);" + "'none';" + "div.innerHTML = ''; " + "}" + "}"); ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "deleteImagePreviewScript", deleteImagePreviewScript); // Javascript which pseudo deletes avatar string deleteAvatarScript = ScriptHelper.GetScript("function deleteAvatar(hiddenDeleteId, hiddenGuidId, placeholderId)" + "{" + "if( confirm(" + ScriptHelper.GetString(GetString("myprofile.pictdeleteconfirm")) + "))" + "{" + "hidden = document.getElementById(hiddenDeleteId);" + "hidden.value = 'true' ;" + "placeholder = document.getElementById(placeholderId);" + "'none';" + "hidden = document.getElementById(hiddenGuidId);" + "hidden.value = '' ;" + "}" + "return false; " + "}"); ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "deleteAvatar", deleteAvatarScript); // Try to load avatar if ((GroupInfo == null) && (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())) { if (avatarID != 0) { plcImageActions.Visible = true; picGroup.AvatarID = avatarID; } } }
/// <summary> /// OK click event handler. /// </summary> protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((uploadAvatar.PostedFile == null) && (ai == null)) { ShowError(GetString("avat.fileinputerror")); } else { CurrentSiteInfo site = CMSContext.CurrentSite; int width = 0; int height = 0; int sidesize = 0; // Get resize values if (drpAvatarType.SelectedValue != "all") { // Get right settings key string siteName = ((site != null) ? (site.SiteName + ".") : ""); string prefix = "CMSAvatar"; if (drpAvatarType.SelectedValue == "group") { prefix = "CMSGroupAvatar"; } width = SettingsKeyProvider.GetIntValue(siteName + prefix + "Width"); height = SettingsKeyProvider.GetIntValue(siteName + prefix + "Height"); sidesize = SettingsKeyProvider.GetIntValue(siteName + prefix + "MaxSideSize"); } // Check if avatar name is unique string newAvatarName = txtAvatarName.Text.Trim(); AvatarInfo avatarWithSameName = AvatarInfoProvider.GetAvatarInfoWithoutBinary(newAvatarName); if (avatarWithSameName != null) { if (ai != null) { // Check unique avatar name of existing avatar if (avatarWithSameName.AvatarID != ai.AvatarID) { ShowError(GetString("avat.uniqueavatarname")); return; } } // Check unique avatar name of new avatar else { ShowError(GetString("avat.uniqueavatarname")); return; } } // Process form in these cases: // 1 - creating new avatar and uploaded file is not empty and it is image file // 2 - updating existing avatar and not uploading new image file // 3 - updating existing avatar and uploading image file if (((ai == null) && (uploadAvatar.PostedFile != null) && (uploadAvatar.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0) && (ImageHelper.IsImage(Path.GetExtension(uploadAvatar.PostedFile.FileName)))) || ((ai != null) && ((uploadAvatar.PostedFile == null) || (uploadAvatar.PostedFile.ContentLength == 0))) || ((ai != null) && (uploadAvatar.PostedFile != null) && (uploadAvatar.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0) && (ImageHelper.IsImage(Path.GetExtension(uploadAvatar.PostedFile.FileName))))) { if (ai == null) { switch (drpAvatarType.SelectedValue) { case "user": ai = new AvatarInfo(uploadAvatar.PostedFile, width, height, sidesize); break; case "group": ai = new AvatarInfo(uploadAvatar.PostedFile, width, height, sidesize); break; case "all": ai = new AvatarInfo(uploadAvatar.PostedFile, 0, 0, 0); break; default: ai = new AvatarInfo(uploadAvatar.PostedFile, 0, 0, 0); break; } ai.AvatarIsCustom = false; ai.AvatarGUID = Guid.NewGuid(); } else if ((uploadAvatar.PostedFile != null) && (uploadAvatar.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0) && (ImageHelper.IsMimeImage(uploadAvatar.PostedFile.ContentType))) { AvatarInfoProvider.DeleteAvatarFile(ai.AvatarGUID.ToString(), ai.AvatarFileExtension, false, false); AvatarInfoProvider.UploadAvatar(ai, uploadAvatar.PostedFile, width, height, sidesize); } // Set new avatar name ai.AvatarName = newAvatarName; imgAvatar.Visible = true; imgAvatar.ImageUrl = ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/Avatars/CMSPages/GetAvatar.aspx?maxsidesize=250&avatarguid=" + ai.AvatarGUID); // If there was avatar type change clear possible default avatar settings if (ai.AvatarType != drpAvatarType.SelectedValue) { if (drpAvatarType.SelectedValue == "group") { // Clear default user's avatar ClearDefaultUserAvatars(ai); } else if (drpAvatarType.SelectedValue == "user") { //Clear group avatar ClearDefaultGroupAvatar(ai); } // "all" option is doesn't have to clear anything } // Set new type ai.AvatarType = drpAvatarType.SelectedValue; // If user uncheck if (ai.DefaultUserAvatar && (!chkDefaultUserAvatar.Checked || ai.AvatarIsCustom)) { AvatarInfoProvider.ClearDefaultAvatar(DefaultAvatarTypeEnum.User, true); } // If male uncheck if (ai.DefaultMaleUserAvatar && (!chkDefaultMaleUserAvatar.Checked || ai.AvatarIsCustom)) { AvatarInfoProvider.ClearDefaultAvatar(DefaultAvatarTypeEnum.Male, true); } // If female uncheck if (ai.DefaultFemaleUserAvatar && (!chkDefaultFemaleUserAvatar.Checked || ai.AvatarIsCustom)) { AvatarInfoProvider.ClearDefaultAvatar(DefaultAvatarTypeEnum.Female, true); } // If group uncheck if (ai.DefaultGroupAvatar && (!chkDefaultGroupAvatar.Checked || ai.AvatarIsCustom)) { AvatarInfoProvider.ClearDefaultAvatar(DefaultAvatarTypeEnum.Group, true); } // If avatar is not global, can't be default any default avatar if (ai.AvatarIsCustom) { // Set all default avatar options to false ai.DefaultUserAvatar = ai.DefaultMaleUserAvatar = ai.DefaultFemaleUserAvatar = ai.DefaultGroupAvatar = false; } else { // Set new default avatar settings ai.DefaultUserAvatar = chkDefaultUserAvatar.Checked; ai.DefaultMaleUserAvatar = chkDefaultMaleUserAvatar.Checked; ai.DefaultFemaleUserAvatar = chkDefaultFemaleUserAvatar.Checked; ai.DefaultGroupAvatar = chkDefaultGroupAvatar.Checked; // If this avatar is becoming to be new default avatar. Clear the mark from others avatar ClearDefaultUserAvatars(ai); ClearDefaultGroupAvatar(ai); } AvatarInfoProvider.SetAvatarInfo(ai); avatarId = ai.AvatarID; URLHelper.Redirect("Avatar_Edit.aspx?saved=1&avatarid=" + avatarId); } else { // If given file is not valid if ((uploadAvatar.PostedFile != null) && (uploadAvatar.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0) && !ImageHelper.IsImage(Path.GetExtension(uploadAvatar.PostedFile.FileName))) { ShowError(GetString("avat.filenotvalid")); } else { // If posted file is not given ShowError(GetString("avat.fileinputerror")); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Page load. /// </summary> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get resource strings lblUploader.Text = GetString("filelist.btnupload") + ResHelper.Colon; // Setup site info site = CMSContext.CurrentSite; // Create id for div with selected image preview divId = ClientID + "imgDiv"; placeholderId = plcImageActions.ClientID; // Setup delete image properties btnDeleteImage.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("Design/Controls/UniGrid/Actions/delete.png"); btnDeleteImage.OnClientClick = "return deleteAvatar('" + hiddenDeleteAvatar.ClientID + "', '" + hiddenAvatarGuid.ClientID + "', '" + placeholderId + "' );"; btnDeleteImage.AlternateText = GetString("general.delete"); // Setup show gallery button btnShowGallery.Text = GetString(""); btnShowGallery.Visible = SettingsKeyProvider.GetBoolValue(site.SiteName + ".CMSEnableDefaultAvatars"); // Register dialog script string resolvedAvatarsPage = string.Empty; if (IsLiveSite) { if (CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthenticated()) { resolvedAvatarsPage = CMSContext.ResolveDialogUrl("~/CMSModules/Avatars/CMSPages/AvatarsGallery.aspx"); } else { resolvedAvatarsPage = CMSContext.ResolveDialogUrl("~/CMSModules/Avatars/CMSPages/PublicAvatarsGallery.aspx"); } } else { resolvedAvatarsPage = ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/Avatars/Dialogs/AvatarsGallery.aspx"); } ScriptHelper.RegisterDialogScript(this.Page); ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "SelectAvatar", ScriptHelper.GetScript("function SelectAvatar(avatarType, clientId) { " + "modalDialog('" + resolvedAvatarsPage + "?avatartype=' + avatarType + '&clientid=' + clientId, 'permissionDialog', 600, 270); return false;}")); ltlScript.Text = ScriptHelper.GetScript("function UpdateForm(){ ; } \n"); // Setup btnShowGallery action btnShowGallery.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SelectAvatar('" + AvatarInfoProvider.GetAvatarTypeString(avatarType) + "', '" + ClientID + "'); return false;"); // Get image size param(s) for preview string sizeParams = string.Empty; // Keep aspect ratio is set - property was set directly or indirectly by max side size property. if (KeepAspectRatio) { sizeParams += "&maxsidesize=" + (MaxPictureWidth > MaxPictureHeight ? MaxPictureWidth : MaxPictureHeight); } else { sizeParams += "&width=" + MaxPictureWidth + "&height=" + MaxPictureHeight; } // Javascript which creates selected image preview and saves image guid to hidden field string getAvatarPath = ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/Avatars/CMSPages/GetAvatar.aspx"); string updateHiddenScript = ScriptHelper.GetScript("function " + ClientID + "updateHidden(guidPrefix, clientId)" + "{" + "if ( clientId == '" + ClientID + "')" + "{" + "avatarGuid = guidPrefix.substring(4);" + "if ( avatarGuid != '')" + "{" + "hidden = document.getElementById('" + hiddenAvatarGuid.ClientID + "');" + "hidden.value = avatarGuid ;" + "div = document.getElementById('" + divId + "');" + "'';" + "div.innerHTML = '<img src=\"" + getAvatarPath + "?avatarguid=" + "'+ avatarGuid + '" + sizeParams + "\" />" + " <img src=\"" + btnDeleteImage.ImageUrl + "\" border=\"0\" onclick=\"deleteImagePreview(\\'" + hiddenAvatarGuid.ClientID + "\\',\\'" + divId + "\\')\" style=\"cursor:pointer\"/>';" + "placeholder = document.getElementById('" + plcImageActions.ClientID + "');" + "if ( placeholder != null)" + "{" + "'none';" + "}" + "}" + "}" + "}"); ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), ClientID + "updateHidden", updateHiddenScript); // Javascript which deletes image preview string deleteImagePreviewScript = ScriptHelper.GetScript("function deleteImagePreview(hiddenId, divId)" + "{" + "if( confirm(" + ScriptHelper.GetString(GetString("myprofile.pictdeleteconfirm")) + "))" + "{" + "hidden = document.getElementById(hiddenId);" + "hidden.value = '' ;" + "div = document.getElementById(divId);" + "'none';" + "div.innerHTML = ''; " + "}" + "}"); ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "deleteImagePreviewScript", deleteImagePreviewScript); // Javascript which pseudo deletes avatar string deleteAvatarScript = ScriptHelper.GetScript("function deleteAvatar(hiddenDeleteId, hiddenGuidId, placeholderId)" + "{" + "if( confirm(" + ScriptHelper.GetString(GetString("myprofile.pictdeleteconfirm")) + "))" + "{" + "hidden = document.getElementById(hiddenDeleteId);" + "hidden.value = 'true' ;" + "placeholder = document.getElementById(placeholderId);" + "'none';" + "hidden = document.getElementById(hiddenGuidId);" + "hidden.value = '' ;" + "}" + "return false; " + "}"); ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "deleteAvatar", deleteAvatarScript); // Try to load avatar if ((GroupInfo == null) && (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())) { if (avatarID != 0) { plcImageActions.Visible = true; picGroup.AvatarID = avatarID; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Register the main CMS script ScriptHelper.RegisterCMS(Page); if (StopProcessing) { return; } // Register script for pendingCallbacks repair ScriptHelper.FixPendingCallbacks(Page); // Set current UI culture currentCulture = CultureHelper.PreferredUICulture; if (!RequestHelper.IsCallback()) { ControlsHelper.RegisterPostbackControl(btnOk); // Create action script StringBuilder actionScript = new StringBuilder(); actionScript.Append( @" function PerformAction(selectionFunction, selectionField, dropId, validationLabel, whatId) { var selectionFieldElem = document.getElementById(selectionField); var label = document.getElementById(validationLabel); var items = selectionFieldElem.value; var whatDrp = document.getElementById(whatId); var allDocs = whatDrp.value == '", (int)What.AllObjects, @"'; var action = document.getElementById(dropId).value; if (action == '", (int)Action.SelectAction, @"') { label.innerHTML = '", GetString("massaction.selectsomeaction"), @"'; return false; } if(!eval(selectionFunction) || allDocs) { var confirmed = false; var confMessage = ''; switch(action) { case '", (int)Action.RestoreToCurrentSite, @"': case '", (int)Action.RestoreWithoutSiteBindings, @"': case '", (int)Action.Restore, @"': confMessage = '", GetString("objectversioning.recyclebin.confirmrestores"), @"'; break; case '", (int)Action.Delete, @"': confMessage = allDocs ? '", GetString("objectversioning.recyclebin.confirmemptyrecbin"), @"' : '", GetString("objectversioning.recyclebin.confirmdeleteselected") + @"'; break; } return confirm(confMessage); } else { label.innerHTML = '", GetString("objectversioning.recyclebin.selectobjects"), @"'; return false; } } function ContextBinAction_", ugRecycleBin.ClientID, @"(action, versionId) { document.getElementById('", hdnValue.ClientID, @"').value = action + ';' + versionId;", ControlsHelper.GetPostBackEventReference(btnHidden, null), @"; }"); ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "recycleBinScript", ScriptHelper.GetScript(actionScript.ToString())); // Set page size int itemsPerPage = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(ItemsPerPage, 0); if ((itemsPerPage > 0) && !RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { ugRecycleBin.Pager.DefaultPageSize = itemsPerPage; } // Add action to button btnOk.OnClientClick = "return PerformAction('" + ugRecycleBin.GetCheckSelectionScript() + "','" + ugRecycleBin.GetSelectionFieldClientID() + "','" + drpAction.ClientID + "','" + lblValidation.ClientID + "', '" + drpWhat.ClientID + "');"; // Initialize dropdown lists if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { drpAction.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("general." + Action.Restore), Convert.ToInt32(Action.Restore).ToString())); drpAction.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("objectversioning.recyclebin." + Action.RestoreWithoutSiteBindings), Convert.ToInt32(Action.RestoreWithoutSiteBindings).ToString())); // Display restore to current site only if current site available CurrentSiteInfo si = CMSContext.CurrentSite; if (si != null) { drpAction.Items.Add(new ListItem(String.Format(GetString("objectversioning.recyclebin." + Action.RestoreToCurrentSite), si.DisplayName), Convert.ToInt32(Action.RestoreToCurrentSite).ToString())); } drpAction.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("general." + Action.Delete), Convert.ToInt32(Action.Delete).ToString())); drpWhat.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("contentlisting." + What.SelectedObjects), Convert.ToInt32(What.SelectedObjects).ToString())); drpWhat.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("contentlisting." + What.AllObjects), Convert.ToInt32(What.AllObjects).ToString())); ugRecycleBin.OrderBy = OrderBy; } string where = (IsSingleSite || (SiteName == "##global##")) ? "VersionObjectSiteID IS NULL" : null; if (CurrentSite != null) { where = SqlHelperClass.AddWhereCondition(where, "VersionObjectSiteID = " + CurrentSite.SiteID, "OR"); } ugRecycleBin.WhereCondition = GetWhereCondition(where); ugRecycleBin.HideControlForZeroRows = false; ugRecycleBin.OnExternalDataBound += ugRecycleBin_OnExternalDataBound; ugRecycleBin.OnAction += ugRecycleBin_OnAction; // Register the dialog script ScriptHelper.RegisterDialogScript(Page); // Initialize buttons btnCancel.Attributes.Add("onclick", ctlAsync.GetCancelScript(true) + "return false;"); string error = QueryHelper.GetString("displayerror", String.Empty); if (error != String.Empty) { lblError.Text = GetString("objectversioning.recyclebin.errorsomenotdestroyed"); } // Set visibility of panels pnlLog.Visible = false; } else { ugRecycleBin.StopProcessing = true; } // Initialize filter ReloadFilter((CurrentSite != null) ? CurrentSite.SiteID : -1, IsSingleSite, false); // If filter is set if (filterBin.FilterIsSet) { ugRecycleBin.ZeroRowsText = GetString("unigrid.filteredzerorowstext"); } else { ugRecycleBin.ZeroRowsText = IsSingleSite ? GetString("objectversioning.RecycleBin.NoObjects") : GetString("RecycleBin.Empty"); } // Initialize events ctlAsync.OnFinished += ctlAsync_OnFinished; ctlAsync.OnError += ctlAsync_OnError; ctlAsync.OnRequestLog += ctlAsync_OnRequestLog; ctlAsync.OnCancel += ctlAsync_OnCancel; }