//not currently being used, meant for matching role name to ID
 public void SetCurrentRole(List <Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework.IdentityRole> roles)
     foreach (var role in roles)
        public ProfileViewModel(Account account, IEnumerable <Role> roles)
            this.Id          = account.Id;
            this.Email       = account.Email;
            this.FirstName   = account.FirstName;
            this.LastName    = account.LastName;
            this.PhoneNumber = account.PhoneNumber;
            this.Addresses   = account.Address;
            this.Role        = account.Role;

            foreach (var role in roles)
                if (role.RoleName == this.Role.RoleName)
                    SelectListItem listItem = new SelectListItem()
                        Value = role.Id.ToString(),
                        Text  = role.RoleName
                    SelectListItem listItem = new SelectListItem()
                        Value = role.Id.ToString(),
                        Text  = role.RoleName

        private void BindRoles(Node origin, Node target, ManhattanGeometry geometry)
            // Variable initialization
            _pathTo      = new Dictionary <Node, Node>();
            _origin      = origin;
            _destination = target;

            // Bind RolePlayers to Roles

            // Set the initial node as current.
            Current             = origin;
            CurrentIntersection = origin;
            DistanceGraph       = origin;

            Map = geometry;

            // A set of the unvisited nodes called the unvisited set consisting of all the nodes
            // except the initial node.
            Unvisited = new UnvisitedNodes(geometry.Nodes);

            // Assign to every node a tentative distance value:
            // Set it to zero for our initial node and to infinity for all other nodes.
            TentativeDistance         = geometry.Nodes.ToDictionary(n => n, n => ManhattanGeometry.Infinity);
            TentativeDistance[origin] = 0;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// If current role has been specified check that
        /// user has this role in the specified context.
        /// Authorities for specified role is replaced
        /// with information from UserService for
        /// security reasons.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if user does not have the specified role in this context.</exception>
        private void CheckCurrentRole()
            WebRole verifiedRole;

            if (CurrentRole.IsNotNull())
                // Don't trust client information. Verify role information
                // and get authorities from UserService.
                verifiedRole = null;
                foreach (WebRole role in WebServiceData.UserManager.GetRoles(this))
                    if (role.Id == CurrentRole.Id)
                        verifiedRole = role;
                if (verifiedRole.IsNull())
                    // User does not have specified role.
                    throw new ArgumentException("User " + GetUser().UserName + " is not in role name:" + CurrentRole.Name + " id:" + CurrentRole.Id);
                    _currentRole = verifiedRole;
Exemple #5
        private CurrentUser Map(User user)
            var currentRole = new CurrentRole()
                Id   = user.RoleId,
                Code = user.Role.Code,
                Name = user.Role.Name
            var currentTenant = new CurrentTenant()
                Id   = user.TenantId,
                Code = user.Tenant.Code,
                Name = user.Tenant.Name

            return(new CurrentUser()
                Id = user.Id,
                Email = user.Email,
                Name = user.Name,
                Role = currentRole,
                Tenant = currentTenant
Exemple #6
        public override void Save()
            log.WARN ("Save () called");

            // re-construct the data from the widget
            taskViewWidget.ConvertToTaskCore ();
            this.ContentName = taskViewWidget.TargetCore.Title;

            if (Role == CurrentRole.EditTask) {
                // the task is already hooked up to the provider
                // just force an update of the TFStore for now
                targetTask.Label = taskViewWidget.TargetCore.Title;
                targetTask.TriggerUpdate ();
                TaskForceMain.Instance.StartTFStoreUpdate ();
            } else if (Role == CurrentRole.NewTask) {
                // create a new task
                TaskData data = new TaskData ();

                data.CoreDataObject = taskViewWidget.TargetCore;
                data.Label = taskViewWidget.TargetCore.Title;

                providerNode.AddChild (data);
                TaskForceMain.Instance.StartTFStoreUpdate ();

                Role = CurrentRole.EditTask;

                // the new task now becomes the target
                targetTask = data;

            // Unset the IsDirry
            IsDirty = false;
Exemple #7
        public void NewTaskRole(ProviderData _providerNode)
            providerNode = _providerNode;
            Role = CurrentRole.NewTask;

            this.IsDirty = true;
Exemple #8
        public void EditTaskRole(ProviderData _providerNode, TaskData _target)
            providerNode = _providerNode;
            targetTask = _target;

            taskViewWidget.PopulateFromTaskData (_target);
            Role = CurrentRole.EditTask;

            this.ContentName = _target.Label;
            this.IsDirty = false;
Exemple #9
 public bool IsAdmin()
     return(CurrentRole.In(RoleType.Administrator, RoleType.SuperAdmin));