Exemple #1
        public void DrawObjects()
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Int32, List <PhysicalObject> > CurrList in cObjGroups)
                foreach (PhysicalObject CurrObj in CurrList.Value)

Exemple #2
        public void UpdateGraphicsDevice(GraphicsDevice GraphDev)
            cGraphDev = GraphDev;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Int32, List <PhysicalObject> > CurrList in cObjGroups)
                foreach (PhysicalObject CurrObj in CurrList.Value)

Exemple #3
        public void UpdateObjects(GameTime CurrTime)
            List <Int32>          aIdxToRemove = new List <int>();
            List <PhysicalObject> CurrList;
            List <Int32>          aIdxList;
            PhysicalObject        CurrObj;
            Int32 nCtr;

            //Get the keys in a separatex collection so updates to key list won't cause problems
            aIdxList = new List <int>(cObjGroups.Keys);

            //Loop through all of hte lists calling for updates
            foreach (Int32 CurrKey in aIdxList)
                CurrList = cObjGroups[CurrKey];

                //Loop through all objects in this list
                for (nCtr = 0; nCtr < CurrList.Count; nCtr++)
                    CurrObj = CurrList[nCtr];
                    if (CurrObj.Update(CurrTime) == false)
                        aIdxToRemove.Add(nCtr);                         //Save this index to be purged later

                //Any Updates that return false must be removed,go backwards to avoid removed keys
                //messing up the indexing
                for (nCtr = aIdxToRemove.Count - 1; nCtr >= 0; nCtr--)

        public override bool Update(GameTime CurrTime)
            Vector2 vNewPos;
            int     nCtr, nBestTargetID = -1;
            float   nBestTargetDist = 0, nCurrDist;
            List <PhysicalObject> aTargetList = cObjMgr[cnTargetGroupID];
            bool bRetVal = true;


            if (ctCreated == -1)               //Just created, mark the time
                ctCreated = CurrTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;

            switch (ceProjType)
            case eProjectileType_t.Tracking:
                //Find a target to track
                for (nCtr = 0; nCtr < aTargetList.Count; nCtr++)
                    nCurrDist = MGMath.SquaredDistanceBetweenPoints(CenterPoint, aTargetList[nCtr].CenterPoint);

                    if (nBestTargetID == -1)                       //No target picked
                        nBestTargetID   = nCtr;
                        nBestTargetDist = nCurrDist;
                    else if (nCurrDist < nBestTargetDist)
                        nBestTargetID   = nCtr;
                        nBestTargetDist = nCurrDist;

                if (nBestTargetID != -1)                   //Found a valid target, steer toward it
                    nCurrDist = AITools.SteerTowardTarget(CenterPoint, aTargetList[nBestTargetID].CenterPoint, ObjectRotation, cnMaxTurn);

                    //Set the new movement direction, but don't change the speed
                    SetMovement(nCurrDist, cnMaxSpeed);

                if (CurrTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds - ctCreated > ctTimeToLive)
                    //Lived its full life, time to pop
                    bRetVal = false;


            case eProjectileType_t.Straight:
                //No logic, just flies straight
                if (cGraphDev.Viewport.Width < CenterPoint.X + Width)                   //remove it when off screen
                    bRetVal = false;

                if (cGraphDev.Viewport.Height < CenterPoint.Y + Height)                  //remove it when off screen
                    bRetVal = false;

                if (CenterPoint.X < -1 * Width)
                    bRetVal = false;

                if (CenterPoint.Y < -1 * Height)
                    bRetVal = false;


            //Look for collisions with all possible targets
            foreach (PhysicalObject CurrObj in aTargetList)
                if (CurrObj.TestCollision(this) == true)
                    //Hit a target! (tell it that it was hit)
                    CurrObj.ReportCollision(CurrTime, this);
                    bRetVal = false;

            //Apply the current speed
            vNewPos     = CenterPoint;
            vNewPos.X  += Speed.X;
            vNewPos.Y  += Speed.Y;
            CenterPoint = vNewPos;

            if ((ParticleHandler != null) && (bRetVal == false))
                //Missile is expiring, throw some particles
                for (nCtr = 0; nCtr < 10; nCtr++)
                    ParticleHandler.AddParticle(new DustParticle(CenterPoint, Rand, cGraphDev, cImgAtlas, "spaceEffects_008.png"));

            //Return True to keep this alive, false to have it removed