/// <summary>
        /// Called when a new Model is loaded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The Sender/CubismViewer.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The new Model.</param>
        private void OnNewModel(CubismViewer sender, CubismModel model)
            // Check if old model is currently loaded.
            if (CubismPartsInfo != null)
                // Destroy all old UI elements if they exist.
                foreach (CubismPartInfo part in CubismPartsInfo)

            // Get template for part entries (find over parent because it's not enabled)
            GameObject partEntryTemplate = GameObject.Find("partScroll").transform.Find("PartEntryTemplate").gameObject;

            // Get scroll view content box. Part sliders are instantiated inside of this.
            GameObject partScrollContent = GameObject.Find("partScrollContent");

            CubismPartsInfo = new List <CubismPartInfo>();

            // Populate part UI scroll view.
            foreach (CubismPart p in model.Parts)
                // Instantiate from template.
                GameObject newPart = (GameObject)Instantiate(partEntryTemplate);
                newPart.name = p.Id;

                // Set slider values.
                Slider s = newPart.GetComponentInChildren <Slider>();
                s.maxValue = 1;
                s.minValue = 0;
                s.value    = p.Opacity;

                // Set text fields.
                Text t = newPart.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>()[3];
                newPart.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>()[0].text = p.Id;
                t.text = p.Opacity.ToString();

                Toggle to  = newPart.GetComponentInChildren <Toggle>();
                Image  img = newPart.GetComponent <Image>();

                // Create list of all CubismParts and their respective UI elements/override state.
                CubismPartInfo part = new CubismPartInfo(p, to, t, img, s, false, false, p.Opacity, p.Opacity);

                // Listeners for slider and toggle button.
                to.onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate(bool newValue) { PartActiveStatusChanged(newValue, part); });
                s.onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate(float newValue) { PartOpacityChanged(newValue, part); });

            // HACK Manually set scroll content height to height of children. Correct way to do this?
            int partEntryHeight = (int)((RectTransform)partEntryTemplate.transform).rect.height * model.Parts.Length;

            ((RectTransform)partScrollContent.transform).sizeDelta = new Vector2(0, partEntryHeight);
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when the user or the animation changes the slider value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newValue">New value of the slider.</param>
 /// <param name="part">The associated CubismPartInfo.</param>
 private void PartOpacityChanged(float newValue, CubismPartInfo part)
     // Check if the call came from LateUpdate().
     if (!part.ValueSetByAnimation)
         // If not, the part is now considered in override mode.
         part.Active                 = true;
         part.OverrideVal            = newValue;
         part.Toggle.isOn            = true;
         part.BackgroundTint.enabled = true;
         part.ValueSetByAnimation = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when override button is toggled.
 /// Also called when user presses the reset button or manually moves a slider.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newValue">Checked or unchecked.</param>
 /// <param name="part">The associated CubismPartInfo.</param>
 private void PartActiveStatusChanged(bool newValue, CubismPartInfo part)
     part.Active = newValue;
     part.BackgroundTint.enabled = newValue;
     part.OverrideVal            = part.Part.Opacity;