Exemple #1
 void WriteBezierSegment(CubicBezierSegment bs)
     WriteAttribute(GeometryToken.Points, PointsToString(bs.B(0), bs.B(1), bs.B(2), bs.B(3)));
Exemple #2
        string CubicBezierSegmentToString(CubicBezierSegment cubic, char previousInstruction)
            var str = PointsToString(cubic.B(1), cubic.B(2), cubic.B(3));

            return(previousInstruction == 'C' ? str : "C" + str);
Exemple #3
        internal static void DrawDataBase(Graphics g, Pen myPen, DrawingGraph dg)
            int i = 0;

            foreach (Anchor p in dg.DataBase.Anchors)
                i = DrawAnchor(g, myPen, dg, i, p);

            myPen.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
            foreach (List <IntEdge> edges in dg.DataBase.Multiedges.Values)
                foreach (IntEdge e in edges)
                    foreach (LayerEdge le in e.LayerEdges)
                        g.DrawLine(myPen, PointF(dg.DataBase.Anchors[le.Source].Origin),

            myPen.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            if (dg.DataBase.nodesToShow == null)
                foreach (List <IntEdge> li in dg.DataBase.Multiedges.Values)
                    foreach (IntEdge ie in li)
                        if (ie.Edge.Curve is Curve)
                            foreach (ICurve s in (ie.Edge.Curve as Curve).Segments)
                                CubicBezierSegment bs = s as CubicBezierSegment;
                                if (bs != null)
                                    g.DrawBezier(myPen, (float)bs.B(0).X, (float)bs.B(0).Y,
                                                 (float)bs.B(1).X, (float)bs.B(1).Y,
                                                 (float)bs.B(2).X, (float)bs.B(2).Y,
                                                 (float)bs.B(3).X, (float)bs.B(3).Y);
                                    LineSegment ls = s as LineSegment;
                                    g.DrawLine(myPen, (float)ls.Start.X, (float)ls.Start.Y,
                                               (float)ls.End.X, (float)ls.End.Y);

                            myPen.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Brown;
                            foreach (LineSegment ls in ie.Edge.UnderlyingPolyline.GetSegs())
                                g.DrawLine(myPen, (float)ls.Start.X, (float)ls.Start.Y,
                                           (float)ls.End.X, (float)ls.End.Y);
                            myPen.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
Exemple #4
 string CubicBezierSegmentToString(CubicBezierSegment cubic)
     return("C" + PointsToString(cubic.B(1), cubic.B(2), cubic.B(3)));
Exemple #5
        private static void UpdateConnectors(GeometryGraph graph)
            foreach (Edge edge in graph.Edges)
                BinaryLinkShape linkShape = (BinaryLinkShape)edge.UserData;

                // need to mark the connector as dirty. this is the easiest way to do this
                linkShape.ManuallyRouted = !linkShape.ManuallyRouted;
                linkShape.FixedFrom      = VGFixedCode.NotFixed;
                linkShape.FixedTo        = VGFixedCode.NotFixed;

                // make the labels follow the lines
                foreach (LineLabelShape lineLabelShape in linkShape.RelativeChildShapes.OfType <LineLabelShape>())
                    lineLabelShape.ManuallySized  = false;
                    lineLabelShape.ManuallyPlaced = false;


                // MSAGL deals in line segments; DSL deals in points
                // with the segments, tne end of one == the beginning of the next, so we can use just the beginning point
                // of each segment.
                // But we have to hang on to the end point so that, when we hit the last segment, we can finish off the
                // set of points
                if (edge.Curve is LineSegment lineSegment)
                    // When curve is a single line segment.
                    linkShape.EdgePoints.Add(new EdgePoint(lineSegment.Start.X, lineSegment.Start.Y, VGPointType.Normal));
                    linkShape.EdgePoints.Add(new EdgePoint(lineSegment.End.X, lineSegment.End.Y, VGPointType.Normal));
                else if (edge.Curve is Curve curve)
                    //// When curve is a complex segment.
                    EdgePoint lastPoint = null;

                    foreach (ICurve segment in curve.Segments)
                        switch (segment.GetType().Name)
                        case "LineSegment":
                            LineSegment line = segment as LineSegment;
                            linkShape.EdgePoints.Add(new EdgePoint(line.Start.X, line.Start.Y, VGPointType.Normal));
                            lastPoint = new EdgePoint(line.End.X, line.End.Y, VGPointType.Normal);


                        case "CubicBezierSegment":
                            CubicBezierSegment bezier = segment as CubicBezierSegment;

                            // there are 4 segments. Store all but the last one
                            linkShape.EdgePoints.Add(new EdgePoint(bezier.B(0).X, bezier.B(0).Y, VGPointType.Normal));
                            linkShape.EdgePoints.Add(new EdgePoint(bezier.B(1).X, bezier.B(1).Y, VGPointType.Normal));
                            linkShape.EdgePoints.Add(new EdgePoint(bezier.B(2).X, bezier.B(2).Y, VGPointType.Normal));
                            lastPoint = new EdgePoint(bezier.B(3).X, bezier.B(3).Y, VGPointType.Normal);


                        case "Ellipse":
                            // rather than draw a curved line, we'll bust the curve into 5 parts and draw those as straight lines
                            Ellipse ellipse  = segment as Ellipse;
                            double  interval = (ellipse.ParEnd - ellipse.ParStart) / 5.0;
                            lastPoint = null;

                            for (double i = ellipse.ParStart; i <= ellipse.ParEnd; i += interval)
                                Point p = ellipse.Center
                                          + (Math.Cos(i) * ellipse.AxisA)
                                          + (Math.Sin(i) * ellipse.AxisB);

                                // we'll remember the one we just calculated, but store away the one we calculated last time around
                                // (if there _was_ a last time around). That way, when we're done, we'll have stored all of them except
                                // for the last one
                                if (lastPoint != null)

                                lastPoint = new EdgePoint(p.X, p.Y, VGPointType.Normal);


                    // finally tuck away the last one. Now we don't have duplicate points in our list
                    if (lastPoint != null)

                // since we're not changing the nodes this edge connects, this really doesn't do much.
                // what it DOES do, however, is call ConnectEdgeToNodes, which is an internal method we'd otherwise
                // be unable to access
                linkShape.Connect(linkShape.FromShape, linkShape.ToShape);
                linkShape.ManuallyRouted = false;