static void Main(string[] args) { HotelHttpServer ctrip = new CtripHotelHttpServer(); string info = ""; var tt = ctrip.RunRequest("5244926", new DateTime(2018, 07, 29), out info); //string html = ctrip.GetRequest("", ""); //string html7 = ctrip.QueryPriceHtml("441351", DateTime.Now.AddDays(0), DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), out info); //var rrrrr = ctrip.AnalysePriceHtml(html7, "", out info); var server = new HiltonHttpServer(); var room = server.RunRequest("TAOGBHI", DateTime.Now.AddDays(4), out info); }
static void Main(string[] args) { CtripHotelHttpServer ctrip = new CtripHotelHttpServer(); string info = ""; string html7 = ctrip.QueryPriceHtml("939388", DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), DateTime.Now.AddDays(2), out info); var rrrrr = ctrip.AnalysePriceHtml(html7, "", out info); HotelDetailViewServer h = new HotelDetailViewServer(); HotelPriceServer priceserver = new HotelPriceServer(); RoomsServer roomsserver = new RoomsServer(); Logger.WriteLog("请输入要查询的ID范围,日期范围,用半角逗号分隔:(如:992,2000,2017-10-09,2017-11-09)\r\n"); string v = Console.ReadLine(); //string v = "1,2000,2017-10-19,2017-10-30"; Logger.WriteLog(v, false); string city = "北京"; string area = "北京西城区酒店"; int count = h.GetRecordCount("[PlatID]=1 AND [City]='" + city + "'"); string sql = ""; DateTime d1 = Convert.ToDateTime(v.Split(',')[2]); DateTime d2 = Convert.ToDateTime(v.Split(',')[3]); Logger.WriteLog("正在加载所选酒店...."); List <HotelDetailViewModel> list = h.GetModelList($"[PlatID]=1 AND [City]='北京' and id>=" + v.Split(',')[0] + " AND ID<=" + v.Split(',')[1]);//AND [AREA]='北京西城区酒店' //List<HotelDetailViewModel> list = h.GetModelList(sql);//AND [AREA]='北京西城区酒店' Logger.WriteLog($"所选酒店{list.Count}条加载完毕"); DataTable dtprice = DbHelperSQLEx.GetDataTable("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM HotelPrice"); DataTable dtclone = dtprice.Clone(); DataTable dtroom = DbHelperSQLEx.GetDataTable("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Rooms"); DataTable dtroomclone = dtroom.Clone(); DateTime dtbegin = d1;// Convert.ToDateTime(v.Split(',')[2]); //int days = (Convert.ToDateTime(v.Split(',')[3]) - dtbegin).Days; int days = (d2 - d1).Days; Random ran = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); HotelDetailViewModel m = null; string parse_hotelid = ""; DateTime parse_date; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { m = list[i]; for (int j = 0; j < days; j++) { DateTime indate = dtbegin.AddDays(j); DateTime outdate = dtbegin.AddDays(j + 1); /* *如果这个酒店天前更新过价格,则跳过 */ int cou = priceserver.GetRecordCount($"HotelPlatID='{m.HotelPlatID}' AND PlatID={m.PlatID} AND InDate='{indate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}' AND (UpdateDate>='{DateTime.Now.AddDays(-3).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}' or createdate>='{DateTime.Now.AddDays(-3).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}' )");//SELECT COUNT(1) FROM [HotelPrice] HP WHERE HP.HotelPlatID='' AND HP.PlatID=1 AND HP.InDate='' AND UpdateDate>='' if (cou != 0) { Console.WriteLine(m.HotelName + "," + indate.ToShortDateString() + ",3天内已更新过"); continue; } //Thread.Sleep(ran.Next(1000, 4000)); #region 模拟请求 string url = "" + m.HotelPlatID + "&hotel=" + m.HotelPlatID + "&EDM=F&roomId=&IncludeRoom=&city=1&supplier=&showspothotel=T&IsDecoupleSpotHotelAndGroup=F&contrast=0&brand=614" + "&startDate=" + indate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "&depDate=" + outdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "&IsFlash=F&RequestTravelMoney=F&hsids=&IsJustConfirm=&contyped=0&priceInfo=-1" + "&equip=&filter=bed|0,bf|0,network|0,policy|0,hourroom|0,&productcode=&couponList=&abForHuaZhu=&defaultLoad=F" + "&eleven=510e429809230c4b002cb9b567b407adb56118e161f3dbe20d2855dc652ff6a6&callback=CASJacaauulJVNspCzn&_=1506613336689"; string referer = "" + m.HotelPlatID + ".html"; string log = m.HotelName + "," + referer + "," + indate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //Console.WriteLine(log); Thread.Sleep(ran.Next(2000, 5000)); string html = ctrip.GetRequest(url, referer); CtripHotelPriceJSON json = null; try { json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CtripHotelPriceJSON>(html); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WriteLog(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m)); Thread.Sleep(ran.Next(5000, 10000)); Logger.WriteLog(referer); continue; } #endregion string d = json.html.Replace("\\/", "/").Replace("\\u000a", "").Replace("\\u0009", ""); HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(d); List <RoomsModel> rooms = new List <RoomsModel>(); var room_types = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//td[contains(@class,'room_type')]"); RoomsModel r = null; Maticsoft.Model.HotelPriceModel p = null; if (room_types == null) { Logger.WriteLog(log + " 没有查询到房间"); continue; } else { Logger.WriteLog(log + ""); } foreach (var item in room_types) { List <Maticsoft.Model.HotelPriceModel> prices = new List <Maticsoft.Model.HotelPriceModel>(); #region 所有房型 r = new RoomsModel(); r.PlatID = 1; r.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; r.HotelID = m.HotelID; r.HotelPlatID = m.HotelPlatID; r.BaseRoomID = item.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("td").Id; r.RoomName = item.InnerText.Trim().Split('\n')[0]; r.RoomID = ""; var c = DbHelperSQL.GetSingle("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM [Rooms] WHERE [HotelPlatID]='" + m.HotelPlatID + "' AND PlatID=" + m.PlatID + " AND BaseRoomID='" + r.BaseRoomID + "'"); if (Convert.ToInt32(c.ToString()) == 0) { roomsserver.Add(r); } rooms.Add(r); var roomprices = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//tr[@brid=" + r.BaseRoomID + "]"); //roomprices.RemoveAt(0); int coun = 0; foreach (var node in roomprices) {//子房型 #region 子房型以及价格 p = new Maticsoft.Model.HotelPriceModel(); p.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; p.HotelID = m.HotelID; p.HotelPlatID = r.HotelPlatID; p.PlatID = m.PlatID; p.BaseRoomID = r.BaseRoomID; p.InDate = indate; p.OutDate = outdate; p.RoomID = ""; var nodeprice = node.SelectSingleNode("td/div/a"); if (nodeprice == null) { continue; } string price = ""; try { price = nodeprice.Attributes["data-order"].Value; } catch (Exception ex) { continue; } string[] pp = price.Split(','); decimal ppp = Convert.ToDecimal(nodeprice.Attributes["data-price"].Value); p.RoomID = pp[0]; p.Price = ppp - Convert.ToDecimal(pp[6]); var t = node.SelectSingleNode("td/span[@class='room_type_name']"); if (t != null) { p.SaleTitle = t.InnerText; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.SaleTitle)) { p.SaleTitle = t.SelectSingleNode("span[@class=\"supplier_logo\"]").Attributes["style"].Value;//.Replace("", "").Replace("",""); } if (node.SelectSingleNode("td/span[2]") != null) { p.SaleTitle = p.SaleTitle + node.SelectSingleNode("td/span[2]").InnerText; } p.Tag = nodeprice.InnerText;// nodeprice.ParentNode.ParentNode.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class=\"btns_base22_skin02\"]").InnerText; p.IsCancel = pp[11]; p.BedType = pp[9]; p.BreakfirstType = Convert.ToInt32(pp[10]); p.RoomCount = node.SelectSingleNode("td/div/div").InnerText; var modellist = priceserver.GetModelList($@"SaleTitle='{p.SaleTitle}' and BedType='{p.BedType}' and BreakfirstType='{p.BreakfirstType}' and InDate='{p.InDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}' and OutDate='{p.OutDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}' and PlatID={p.PlatID} and RoomID='{p.RoomID}' and HotelPlatID='{p.HotelPlatID}' and BaseRoomID='{p.BaseRoomID}'"); if (!p.SaleTitle.Contains("尊享惊喜优惠")) { coun++; } if (coun <= 4) { if (!p.SaleTitle.Contains("代理") && !p.Tag.Contains("担保") && !p.Tag.Contains("到店付")) { p.IsAgentPrivate = true; } } prices.Add(p); if (modellist.Count > 0) {//更新价格 priceserver.UpdatePrice(p.Price, modellist[0].ID); } else { //添加 if (p.IsAgentPrivate) //只保存携程自营的价格 { try { priceserver.Add(p); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteException(e); Logger.WriteLog(e.Message); } } } #endregion Logger.WriteLog("携程自营价格" + prices.FindAll(x => x.IsAgentPrivate).Count() + "条," + m.HotelPlatName + "," + r.RoomName + ",[" + indate.ToShortDateString() + "," + m.HotelPlatID + "," + m.ID + "]"); } #endregion } } Console.WriteLine("========================================="); Console.WriteLine("查询完毕"); Console.WriteLine("========================================="); } Console.WriteLine("所有酒店查询完毕"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void FindPrice() {//string sql, DateTime d1, DateTime d2 CtripHotelHttpServer ctrip = new CtripHotelHttpServer(); HotelDetailViewServer h = new HotelDetailViewServer(); HotelPriceServer priceserver = new HotelPriceServer(); RoomsServer roomsserver = new RoomsServer(); //Logger.WriteLog("请输入要查询的ID范围,日期范围,用半角逗号分隔:"); Logger.WriteLog("正在加载所选酒店...."); //sql = "hotelplatid='2570579'"; List <HotelDetailViewModel> list = h.GetModelList(sql);//AND [AREA]='北京西城区酒店' Logger.WriteLog($"所选酒店{list.Count}条加载完毕"); DataTable dtprice = DbHelperSQLEx.GetDataTable("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM HotelPrice"); DataTable dtclone = dtprice.Clone(); DataTable dtroom = DbHelperSQLEx.GetDataTable("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Rooms"); DataTable dtroomclone = dtroom.Clone(); DateTime dtbegin = d1; int days = (d2 - d1).Days; Random ran = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); HotelDetailViewModel m = null; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (!CtsFlag) { goto BREAK; } m = list[i]; for (int j = 0; j < days; j++) { if (!CtsFlag) { goto BREAK; } DateTime indate = dtbegin.AddDays(j); DateTime outdate = dtbegin.AddDays(j + 1); var exists = priceserver.GetModelList($"HotelPlatID='{m.HotelPlatID}' AND PlatID={m.PlatID} AND InDate='{indate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}'"); if (exists.Count != 0) { exists.ForEach(x => x.Price = 0); priceserver.Update(exists.ToArray()); } int cou = priceserver.GetRecordCount($"HotelPlatID='{m.HotelPlatID}' AND PlatID={m.PlatID} AND InDate='{indate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}' AND (UpdateDate>='{DateTime.Now.AddDays(-3).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}' or createdate>='{DateTime.Now.AddDays(-3).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}' )");//SELECT COUNT(1) FROM [HotelPrice] HP WHERE HP.HotelPlatID='' AND HP.PlatID=1 AND HP.InDate='' AND UpdateDate>='' if (cou != 0) { //Logger.WriteLog(m.HotelName + "," + indate.ToShortDateString() + ",3天内已更新过"); //continue; } #region 模拟请求 string url = "" + m.HotelPlatID + "&hotel=" + m.HotelPlatID + "&EDM=F&roomId=&IncludeRoom=&city=1&supplier=&showspothotel=T&IsDecoupleSpotHotelAndGroup=F&contrast=0&brand=614" + "&startDate=" + indate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "&depDate=" + outdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //+ "&IsFlash=F&RequestTravelMoney=F&hsids=&IsJustConfirm=&contyped=0&priceInfo=-1" //+ "&equip=&filter=bed|0,bf|0,network|0,policy|0,hourroom|0,&productcode=&couponList=&abForHuaZhu=&defaultLoad=F" //+ "&eleven=510e429809230c4b002cb9b567b407adb56118e161f3dbe20d2855dc652ff6a6&callback=CASJacaauulJVNspCzn&_=1506613336689"; string referer = "" + m.HotelPlatID + ".html"; string log = m.HotelName + "," + referer + "," + indate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //Console.WriteLine(log); Thread.Sleep(ran.Next(2000, 5000)); string html = ctrip.GetRequest(url, referer); CtripHotelPriceJSON json = null; try { json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CtripHotelPriceJSON>(html); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WriteLog(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m)); Thread.Sleep(ran.Next(5000, 10000)); Logger.WriteLog(referer); continue; } #endregion string d = json.html.Replace("\\/", "/").Replace("\\u000a", "").Replace("\\u0009", ""); HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(d); List <RoomsModel> rooms = new List <RoomsModel>(); var room_types = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//td[contains(@class,'room_type')]"); RoomsModel r = null; HotelPriceModel p = null; if (room_types == null) { Logger.WriteLog(log + " 没有查询到房间"); continue; } else { Logger.WriteLog(log + ""); } foreach (var item in room_types) { List <HotelPriceModel> prices = new List <HotelPriceModel>(); #region 所有房型 r = new RoomsModel(); r.PlatID = 1; r.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; r.HotelID = m.HotelID; r.HotelPlatID = m.HotelPlatID; r.BaseRoomID = item.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("td").Id; r.RoomName = item.InnerText.Trim().Split('\n')[0]; r.RoomID = ""; var c = DbHelperSQL.GetSingle("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM [Rooms] WHERE [HotelPlatID]='" + m.HotelPlatID + "' AND PlatID=" + m.PlatID + " AND BaseRoomID='" + r.BaseRoomID + "'"); if (Convert.ToInt32(c.ToString()) == 0) { roomsserver.Add(r); } rooms.Add(r); var roomprices = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//tr[@brid=" + r.BaseRoomID + "]"); //roomprices.RemoveAt(0); int coun = 0; foreach (var node in roomprices) {//子房型 #region 子房型以及价格 p = new Maticsoft.Model.HotelPriceModel(); p.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; p.HotelID = m.HotelID; p.HotelPlatID = r.HotelPlatID; p.PlatID = m.PlatID; p.BaseRoomID = r.BaseRoomID; p.InDate = indate; p.OutDate = outdate; p.RoomID = ""; var nodeprice = node.SelectSingleNode("td/div/a"); if (nodeprice == null) { continue; } string price = ""; try { price = nodeprice.Attributes["data-order"].Value; //订完46554879,0,0.0,1539,FG,0.0,0.0,0,F,大床,1,免费取消,F,T,F,F, //有房46554945,0,0.0,2298,FG,0.0,0.0,0,T,大床,2,免费取消,F,T,F,F, //有房21706174,0,0.0,1562,PP,0,0.0,0,F,大床,1,不可取消,F,T,F,F, //有房 0,0,0.0,1242,PP,0,0.0,0,F,大床,1,,F,T,F,F, } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WriteException(ex); continue; } string[] pp = price.Split(','); decimal ppp = Convert.ToDecimal(nodeprice.Attributes["data-price"].Value); p.RoomID = pp[0]; p.Price = ppp - Convert.ToDecimal(pp[6]); if (pp[8] == "T") { //有房 } else { //p.Price = 0; //没房 } var t = node.SelectSingleNode("td/span[@class='room_type_name']"); if (t != null) { p.SaleTitle = t.InnerText; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.SaleTitle)) { p.SaleTitle = t.SelectSingleNode("span[@class=\"supplier_logo\"]").Attributes["style"].Value;//.Replace("", "").Replace("",""); } if (node.SelectSingleNode("td/span[2]") != null) { p.SaleTitle = p.SaleTitle + node.SelectSingleNode("td/span[2]").InnerText; } p.Tag = nodeprice.InnerText; // nodeprice.ParentNode.ParentNode.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class=\"btns_base22_skin02\"]").InnerText; if (p.SaleTitle.Contains("background-image")) { //background-image:url(闪住 foreach (var image in ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Keys) { if (p.SaleTitle.Contains(image.ToString())) { Regex reg = new Regex(@"background-image:url\(.*\)"); p.SaleTitle = reg.Replace(p.SaleTitle, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[image.ToString()]); } } } p.IsCancel = pp[11]; p.BedType = pp[9]; p.BreakfirstType = Convert.ToInt32(pp[10]); p.RoomCount = node.SelectSingleNode("td/div/div").InnerText; var modellist = priceserver.GetModelList($@"SaleTitle='{p.SaleTitle}' and BedType='{p.BedType}' and BreakfirstType='{p.BreakfirstType}' and InDate='{p.InDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}' and OutDate='{p.OutDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}' and PlatID={p.PlatID} and RoomID='{p.RoomID}' and HotelPlatID='{p.HotelPlatID}' and BaseRoomID='{p.BaseRoomID}'"); if (!p.SaleTitle.Contains("尊享惊喜优惠") || !p.SaleTitle.Contains("亿程旅行社")) { coun++; } if (coun <= 4) { if (!p.SaleTitle.Contains("代理") && !p.Tag.Contains("担保") && !p.Tag.Contains("到店付")) { p.IsAgentPrivate = true; } } prices.Add(p); if (modellist.Count > 0) {//更新价格 priceserver.UpdatePrice(p.Price, modellist[0].ID); //int id = modellist[0].ID; p.ID = modellist[0].ID; modellist[0] = p; priceserver.Update(modellist[0]); } else { //添加 if (p.IsAgentPrivate) //只保存携程自营的价格 { try { priceserver.Add(p); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteException(e); Logger.WriteLog(e.Message); } } } #endregion Logger.WriteLog("携程自营价格" + prices.FindAll(x => x.IsAgentPrivate).Count() + "条," + m.HotelPlatName + "," + r.RoomName + ",[" + indate.ToShortDateString() + "," + m.HotelPlatID + "," + m.ID + "]"); } #endregion } } Console.WriteLine("========================================="); Console.WriteLine("查询完毕"); Console.WriteLine("========================================="); } BREAK: Console.WriteLine("所有酒店查询完毕"); }
public CtripHotelLogic() { server = new CtripHotelHttpServer(); }